; Updated in
2025 :
January :
24th (Friday) : Oh My Lord ;
; Updated on
24 :
1 :
2025 : approx. 112+ Oh My Lord reasons :
this DOMAIN, imaginary
hyper space system, a part of triangulation system in the Internet,
multifunctional system, using
Idea Processor (
Intelligence (AAI, AI,
AIA))) to protect
civilizations; Also see:
way among
domain names
e.g. (Ace Jaw . Web Site,
America Myanmar .net,
www .idea processor .net, global .tsuki .info,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN,
this DOMAIN, www.tsuki.info,
... ;
power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;
proxy; PROXY; e.g. PROXY, i.e. since 01/24/2025, 108x108 dimensional, with 500
For Server Security;
Also see: Interface (PROXY);
2025 design model
e.g. using (
Browser (s)
worldwide (our
earth), special compiled on Christmas Day (12/25/2024),
Anti Virus
. Systems . Security)
--WEBBOT-SELF--, functional browse-able, working with multi-OS (Operating
System), working with smart phones,
. .
software defined camera's parameters diff to hardware
defined camera's parameters would be excellent well trained kids!!
Remember: don't be crazy, kuru kuru
HOW ... ;
I wrote:
My humanoids are very very smart ones already e.g. generate computer
codes for me very easily; concerning 1000th Day
(in November 2024) of
I've created
World War 3 Ready Mode,
because if (China
+ Russia) militaries are annexing means I'll demolish both (China
+ Russia) militaries within a few weeks;
at this present, I've not (deployed, used) LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR codes to fool the
opponents' language yet, I've not (deployed, used) map, mapped, mapping, maps,
And Then, I've not (deployed, used) focal point, focal points, focus, focused,
focusing, And Then, I've not (deployed, used) launch, launched, launching
my unbeatable && unbreakable imaginary hyper spacecrafts e.g. 2
tanks + 2 humanoids (2+2)
design model yet; I like to be peaceful, e.g. you make some money, I make
some money, and mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... but I don't
like wars, but I don't like annexing, but I don't like destructive
ways, ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: can't be, can't be, your humanoids generate computer codes for you sir;
I wrote: don't be crazy without realizing & understanding
kuru kuru WHILE (e.g. how many "ro"
on a ZCS) ... ;
2nd, GUI e.g. Cursors, GIF Anime, Icon (lock,
unlock), ... ;
3rd, OLE (link, linked, linking, links) hyper-graphics, hyper-text, ... ;
4th, Parameters ... ;
5th, (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) ... ;
again, and again, I'll write to remind you: don't be crazy, concerning computer
codes, for example, if you don't realize & understand computers codes e.g.
ÿ K G H ÿ x x y
ÿ„ˆˆÿŽÿÀ¿¾ÿÃÆÅÿÂÂÃÿÈÆÇÿœ›ÿ„……ÿ€‚ÿ V T T ÿ* ÿ ÿ' œ ÿ Î þ ÿ Ë ü ÿ Í þ ÿ Ä ò ÿ
$’Áÿ  ó ÿ Í ÿ ÿ "ݯÿ,ˆÿ#ݱÿ é¹ÿ ä³ÿ å´ ÿ å±ÿ#ôÂÿ6Ьÿ5€n ÿ +"ÿ
ÿ?78ÿ_]^ÿ„†ˆÿÀ¼½ÿÇÇÆÿ•˜—ÿ l f f ÿ LED ÿ$ ÿ (0ÿ+rŒÿ)ºáÿ ×ÿ ÿ Ç ý ÿ
Ê ý ÿ È þ ÿ Ì ÿ ÿ Æ ð ÿ"—Á ÿ  ò ÿ.¦„ÿ "ݯ ÿ ë ¸ÿ ä³ÿ å¶ÿ å¶ÿ !äµÿ ã²ÿ
ê·ÿ)ôÄÿ7ä¼ÿ8²•ÿ(ucÿ5YOÿCDFÿ„ˆ†ÿ›——ÿSTZÿ9Zfÿ$kÿ*Ÿ ¿ÿ*Ì ö ÿ Ø ÿ ÿ
Í þ ÿ Æ ü ÿ Ê ü ÿ É ÿ ÿ
Ê þ ÿ É ü ÿ Î ÿ ÿ Â ñ ÿ'’ ¸ÿ
then, just beat it "only a few lines," and think that mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... (Hint: this DOMAIN 's Root Icon); but, my humanoids truly realize & understand very simple computer codes written above; another example would be: if I type e.g. D: \Desktop \type 149.149 >beep .txt Enter, And Then, if (line-by-line (Ln 47396), column (Col 1172), Macintosh (CR), UTF-8 with BOM) i.e. you'll be getting audio patterns;
think that
for safe & secure browsing
Directories, Files, ... ;
DOMAIN has defined
counter for gun
. .
1000th Day (11/18/2024)
Ukraine-Russia War
. .
, also see:
Calendar.Earth.Space.War .HTML
since 2024, this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System for Toyota, e.g. this DOMAIN . Gene Therapy . System . Toyota, also see: 6tComputer; t G T S U; this DOMAIN; i.e. system definition, defining HOW Gene Therapy System should be for each Auto OEM;
(Opaque %, Transparent %) ... by (Invisibilities, Invisibility) designed modeled ZCS light-sheets (our earth) ... so called ; Remark: world's 1st design model, since July 4th, 2024, Independence Day, USA (United States of America); this DOMAIN 's contents are beyond Yellowish Variations (YV), and reaching into ZCS light-sheets based server, for Anti-Earthquake design model in Japan & Taiwan, since July 4th, 2024, Independence Day, USA (United States of America); Also see: Server;
(2+2) design model for imaginary hyperspace Referenced Books, also see: Inductance;
21st century & beyond; since December, 2023, 2 New Systems have been compiled, designed, modeled, programmed, and they're Anti-Earthquake (humanoid Argha 's AntiEarthquake .sys, and System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake .sys) systems; Also see: System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s .HTML;
Remark: reduced design model; (500 ms speed, and 567 ms speed); source codes are not available;
2024 & beyond; world's the most advance Artificial Intelligence system,
designed, engineered, modeled, i.e.
23 second NFC IoT system Idea Processor, for (Action; Artificial
Intelligence; Idea Processor; IoT; kadosei Mobility; Network Topology; Services;
Computer Science's ♯
space) ... ;
2023 September; within this DOMAIN 's contents, Action e.g. if you double click on this ("。" character), search may be popping-up ... ; Also see: Command; Oh My Lord; Remark: if double click on (non-hypertext (area, GUI, hotspot)), using Microsoft Edge, search may be popping-up ... ;
world's 1st early detecting algorithm
for Anti-Earthquake ... e.g. (
, (
, also see: Algorithm;
Physics Law 567;
kuru kuru
WHILE developing "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle," 2 x html files have been
created, and they're:
INDEX .X HTML As one of this DOMAIN 's root files, and its attrib has been set as +o +p;
INDEX .X HTML As one of the .. / .. / Time . Space / unmanned . aerial . vehicle / 's files, and its attrib has been set as +a;
Remark: very exceptional designed &
modeled e.g.
5 Parameters
... ; Also see:
because, can be using for many purposes e.g. commercial, Manmade Global Weather (e.g. Anti-Earthquake), military, R&D of Drone, SPACE, ... ;
2022; World's 1st
Idea Processor
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
HTML) program (webpage (avoiding
Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan)), designed,
modeled, and programmed by
Rakhine American, and intellectual property of the United States
of America; Also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA .
unwanted Nitrogen; Also see:
Antiviral Schematic;
Anti Virus;
& Geometry; PhysicsLaw789;
2021; inside of the
this DOMAIN 's systems e.g.
Artificial Intelligence (Teleportation) ... ;
Gene Therapy System (Teleportation) ... ;
Processor (Teleportation) ... ;
Manmade Global Weather (Teleportation) ... ;
mapping our
universes (Teleportation) ... ; knowledge must be (variable
DEE patterns), (yellowish variation), ... ,
beyond Satellite ... ;
Structural Battery (Teleportation) . mobility
(Structural Battery (gravity spots) to elevate drones) ... ;
Remark: 12mm for Artificial Intelligence ... , 27mm for Gene Therapy System ... , 9mm for Idea Processor ... , 33mm for Manmade Global Weather ... , 6mm for mapping our universes ... , 21mm for Structural Battery ... , regarding ("multi timelines") ... ;
24_104_120_208_240_Transformer; Also see:
Schematic Symbols;
2021 November;
this DOMAIN 's
Idea Processor
has been setup as
http://box5187.temp.domains/~ideapro2/ ;
this DOMAIN _ M G W (this DOMAIN _
Global Weather),
Sharing Network Path: \\THISDOMAIN\ManmadeGlobalWeather, and its
(a-z) Manmade Global Weather .HTML files are designed & modeled without HTML
tags e.g. (<html>
</html>) ... ; world's 1st computer program without HTML tags,
work... with Browsers
... ;
i.e. to avoid natural
disasters ... ;
using approx. 8 colors ... ;
using Type PNG (Portable Network Graphics) File ...
Remark: in our earth,
there is no Novel Prize award for ("Aqua LED" , "Black LED" , "Gray LED" , "Green LED" , "Red LED" ,
"Silver LED" , "Teal LED" , "White LED" , "Yellow LED") yet ...
regarding "Blue LED" Novel Prize award
in 2000s; My First Computer Program without (<html> </html>) tags
(i.e. (a-z)
Manmade Global Weather .HTML files), designed & modeled by
Rakhine (one of the ethnic tribes
of Union of Myanmar) American, in Modesto, California, USA (United States of
America) ... since
Remark: for each webpage (i.e. (a-z) Manmade Global Weather .HTML), special designed & modeled with 2 (1080px) tables, ((do IT yourself), (easy to edit)), to protect your HOMELAND, ... ; at the ("Type here to search") Search Box, type "Indexing Options" then click on it, then click on Advanced, then File Types, then realize & understand THAT "Filter" ... ; other wording would be: (a-z) Manmade Global Weather .HTML files are filtering its (<html> </html>), wondering e.g. at the ("Type here to search") Search Box, type "cmd" then click on "Command Prompt" then at the Command Line Interpreter, type "searchindexer /html" then Enter, then type several times "Enter" key, and realize & understand THAT "1 line" of X can be like spacing ... ;
Remark: width of the resolution (%), and height of the resolution (%) is very important factor, e.g. HOW many lines are together as "spacing" calculated by 1 second of time period (the height), and HOW long the defined line as "spacing" calculated by 1 second of time period (the width); keywords: "chains" , "live streaming" , ... ; wondering e.g. 1 high resolution (image, photo, picture) with HOW many lines inside and zoom (%) ?
08/28/2021; this DOMAIN 's
Origin of Human Beings (Gene Def (Male +
Female) in the midst), also see:
DNA _Origami;
Remark: ACT2 and
level imaginary hyperspace environments, for each human beings livable moon
... ;
Shakya King informed me THAT I (Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) have many DNA matched ones ... ;
2564; 03/06/2021; this DOMAIN 's Photo Album (s) :
e.g. Created Date: March 06, 2021; ..\..\ Buddha\ Presentation \ ; Graphics Image Slideshow;
e.g. Created Date: March 05, 2021; (File Name:
Slideshow Horizontal (File Format: .mp4; File Size: 146 MB; Approx.
Running Time Period: 16 Minute; Audio Bit Rate: 117kbps; Channel: 2 Stereo;
Custom: HD 1080p; Frame Height: 1080; Frame Rate: Constant 18.10fps (TV NTSC);
Frame Rate: 18.10 Frames / Second; Frame Width: 1920; Open with: Movies & TV;
Total Photo: 64 Item; Type of File: MP4 File));
e.g. Created Date: March 05, 2021; (File Name:
Slideshow Vertical
(File Format: .mp4; File Size: 616 MB; Channel: 2 Stereo; Custom: HD 1080p;
Frame Height: 1080; Frame Rate: Constant 29.97fps (TV NTSC); Frame Rate: 29.97
Frames / Second; Frame Width: 1920; Open with: Movies & TV; Total Photo: 64
Item; Type of File: MP4 File));
2564; 03/03/2021; two (2) is very very unique in many ways, e.g.
Gene Therapy System, also see:
FILE) ... ; with
metta (loving kindness) 86 lines of ...
Manmade Global Weather, also see:
Naturally Weather Log (TXT
FILE) ... ; with
metta (loving kindness) 86 lines of ...
Remark: do IT yourselves; attrib -a -r Naturally Weather Log .txt, prior to
editing it;
Remark: do IT yourselves; attrib -a -r WHOM .txt, prior to editing it;
Remark: after editing
the files (e.g. Naturally Weather Log,
WHOM), Save As
(e.g. 04041965Naturally Weather Log,
04041965WHOM) text files, if you like to keep this DOMAIN 's
Content files "As Is" ... ; after editing the files, please save the edited
files in the same
Folder) ... ;
Remember: Remote
Nama For Humanoid (108 = 86 +
22), doko
WHERE equation-sign's right side is (Ref.,
And Then, 22 lines
of code
(c on currency) must
obey SQRT2's (1&&1) design model; Also see: Buddha's Abhidhamma (a.k.a.
Abhidharma) based
Idea Processor
WHICH is beyond (
Gravity Dimension Computer,
jinko chino
... ;
regarding Gene Therapy System, suggested to be connecting with a TV WHERE this DOMAIN recommends THAT the TV should be (located, placed) in front of the patient; this DOMAIN 's one of the Web Pages, i.e. this DOMAIN 's position Info with Timestamp, special designed & modeled for recording your patient's position information with timestamp; e.g. do good weather conditions, e.g. do "good gene pattern" to its (developer, group, Pt (Patient), reader, user, ... ), e.g., reduce volcanic eruption in the defined region, e.g. preventing earthquake, e.g. protecting tsunami, e.g. reducing storm's strength;
2564; 07/10/2020;
plasma cluster Sensor
can be using for
human beings' (nose related diseases) to be cured; Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Idea Processor level
aroma, odor, scent, and smell (1&1),
nioi Smelling (1&1);
i.e. Physics Law 178, plasma cluster Sensor, ... ;
2564; 07/07/2020;
ware ware We'll be immunological
immune d ones against ((known, unknown), (pathogen, virus))
... ; using
mm scaled GPS,
cm scaled GPS, ... ; Also see:
PHYSICS; Physics Law 169,
immunological, ... ;
21st century & beyond: to be TRUE BOSS of our earth (the most powerful peoples of our earth):
Anti COVID-19 to (attack, cure, demolish, immune)
we've to be informed (advancing info) via invisible insectoid (s) to animaloid (s) to humanoids ... ,
we've to be immuned ones to survive against biological virus,
we've to be living in "laser" shield environment (otherwise coconut head (unhealthy ones) can happen by gangster's swapping devices techniques),
we've to be ready to cure bio-hazard (epidemic, pandemic) WHICH means able to demolish marked unwanted pathological patterns (pathogens) ... ,
we've to be ready to defend (defender software) satellite bands based computer virus (epidemic, pandemic) ... ,
we've to be ready to participate in natural disaster relief (locally, regionally) ... ,
we've to be ready to shoot-down any illegal missile (s) a.k.a. Space War, using Walls Method ... ,
we've to be with immunological antibodies ones against biological virus,
we've to be whole-life R&D (Research & Development), without relating to career (income) e.g. farmer is the true military army commander, fisherman is the true military navy commander, teacher is the true military air-force commander, ... ;
PMD, Protein Mutant Database;
PMD, Protein Mutant Database;
Protein Mutant Database;
jinko chino
Intelligence, IFF
SQL Command, e.g.
: select PMD . bio marker,
PMD . cell marker,
PMD . NGS marker,
PMD . tumor marker,
PMD . UDNGS marker,
therapeutic Immune Cells, using (((({11,11,11}
a.k.a. Black) with (Maroon a.k.a. Dark Red)) for
hydrogen), ((({E3,E3,E3}
a.k.a. Silver) with ({11,11,11} a.k.a. Black)) for nitrogen), (((Green, including
Aqua) with White) for
oxygen)) to (Def, define, defined, defining)
antibodies (defined unwanted
virus), without pathogens,
AND defined unwanted virus =
Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19;
Remark: in common with pathogens to make medicine but antibody seems virus alike
and dangerous, therefore, this DOMAIN is cleverly NOT using common (method,
procedure, technique) of pathogens based antibodies to make medicine i.e.
without pathogens; Also see:
p G T S U;
IFF (without medicine, without vaccine), do NOT attach (biogenetic engineered, biological, biomedical, pathological) virus to human beings' protein (P) ; Remark: we're NOT in a war, no need to create (biogenetic, biological, biomedical, pathological) weapon;
January 23, 2020; Time . Space \ index .h t m 's page properties (formatting)
background picture, integrated to 99x99 dimensional by
9801_Default, from
103x103 dimensional is reserved for you;
2563; 2020-01-11; after defining Recovery, the directory (folder) and its contents i.e. Desktop\*.* /s, (better, correct, peaceful & tranquil) user account control, so you'll need to provide administrator permission, regarding local (10) Folder Access ... ;
C W D, Current Working Directory, e.g. this DOMAIN 's current
working directory is
C:\Windows\System256, since 2563 : year 2019
21st century & beyond;
humanoid | Jiwaka | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Back | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Back | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Bottom | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Bottom | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Front | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Front | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Left | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Left | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Right | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Right | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Top | ; | ||||||
![]() |
DEE | Top | ; | ||||||
well trained kids! replied : in 2020, WHY did you create "humanoid Jiwaka" sir ? I wrote : also see:
j Pali;
we human beings' brain cannot remember (week,
big data e.g. (DNA,
RNA, C micro RNA,
NGS, Ultra Deep NGS),
we've to be (assisted, helped, solution-provided)
kuru kuru WHILE (Ref, reference), therefore,
(mark, target, cure)
e.g. |
2018/2562; this DOMAIN
contents, a part of
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization:
21st century & beyond; e.g.
Wrapped) symbols are very very important, because, in
21st century and beyond, we human
beings are dealing with invisibilities
(e.g. unwanted harmful heterodyning
directional, e.g. unwanted harmful laser beams), therefore, this
wrapped symbol is very very important;
because of (BLI automatic adjustment, Gene Therapy System, Wrapped) , we human beings can be with any complexion, any eye color, any height, any weight; in addition, parents can be younger than children;
NFC4, also see:
Location Awareness
5nComputer; Network Topology;
21st century &
ア メ リ カ 緬
甸 .網 Gene Therapy System;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸
.網 Gene Therapy System;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸
.網 Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸
.網 Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
(Gene Therapy
System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol) ... ;
very very easy and very very simple; define yourself e.g. WHOM file (i.e. ..\..\Domain\Gene Therapy System \ WHOM .txt) to be edited and defined yourself IFF you like to do gene therapy, otherwise, keep the WHOM file as it is;
2020/2564 model; (
pisayo), also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; PHYSICS;
p Pali;
Remark: pisayo a.k.a. to be thankful;
2563; 2020; design model;
2563; 2020; design model;
Blue Screen,
Green Screen,
Red Screen,
Yellow Screen)
Idea Processor)
contents are
to demolish
unwanted (Virus Name:
Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19) via
OEM connections,
Coronavirus' matched mutated patterns,
And Then,
catching) good gene
pattern kotai Antibody
(m e n e k i s o s h i k i k a g a k u
I m m u n o h i s t o chemical to be immune
d ones,
(Virus Name:
Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19) is no longer
, also see:
Physics Law 145,
Incubation Period;
Physics Law 144,
Anti-Virus Interior;
Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;
Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;
Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;
Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;
Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments, ... ;
this DOMAIN recommends NIPPON OEM; Also see: PHYSICS; Remark: for curing viral related ones, for curing virus related diseases, ... ;
biological 。ꌁCoronavirusꌁ。demolished
by this DOMAIN
artificial intelligence system, using
Anti-Virus Interior; since
this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System has (chopped, demolished) NOT
ONLY computing virus, BUT ALSO biological virus and physical virus,
HOW e.g.
using uncommon definition e.g. 1080 NM;
using uncommon heterodyning Method (to be Anti-Virus Interior);
using uncommon NFC (Near Field Communication) SQRT2 (±98) : local (10), remote
(100), global (1000), ... ;
2563; 11/28/2019; SAMSUNG (www. samsung .com / support) 501C13 (AC adapter, Computer), with Google OS, with Camera, Chargeable USB (2.0, 3.0) Port, HDMI, LCD, Microphone, micro SD Memory, Power button, Touchpad, ... ; Remark: this DOMAIN 's contents are working very well (fully functional) with SAMSUNG 501C13 ... ; this DOMAIN 's contents are working very well (fully functional) with Google OS (e.g. AI OS, New OS, Operating System, Web OS, ... ) ... ; Remark: thanks! to SAMSUNG and GOOGLE;
on 10/20/2019 /2563,
..\..\ Domain \ 1st \ Graphics Object \ USA Flag .GIF ((2.98
KB), (100 x 88px), (timestamp
2021-01-28 12:34)),
corrected to be with 50 stars (i.e. Five-point star) inside the "blue color"
area of the flag; regarding the Bit depth 8 FILE, (
USA Flag .GIF) 's one of the properties, edited (e.g. Owner:
G8142\12096819218 is removed)
... ;
Remark: believe it or not, it took approx. 20+ years to figure-out HOW to put
all 50 stars into the "blue color" area of the flag;
Chinese Traditional Lucky Bamboo;
well trained kids! reply: WHY Chinese traditional lucky bamboo is different to regular bamboo sir ?
, me
write: Chinese traditional lucky bamboo and regular bamboo are the same,
but the diff is Chinese traditional lucky bamboo's growth rate is defined by
water, on the other hand, regular bamboo is defined by soil; WHEN (item, object,
thing) defined by water, realize & understand THAT no water built-up inside, on
the other hand, WHEN (item, object, thing) defined by soil, realize & understand
THAT water built-up inside; Also see:
Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Reminder: sumo ring's judge handles handheld fan WHICH can define (item, object,
thing) 's BLI problem on human beings livable moons ... ; all human beings
livable moons in our universes are owned by Shakya King;
, me
hint for very basic yellowish variation (i.e. the most advanced DEE) :
if you like to R&D yourself, burn a lighting candle in different sizes,
and measure the distance of yellow, And Then, you'll realize & understand no
matter HOW you create your lighting candles' sizes, you'll get a limit (i.e.
growth rate for yellow) regarding Our Earth As Default (i.e. NO YELLOWISH
well trained kids! reply: "a-r i-g a-to"; "k h a-p o n-m a-k up" ; "sa-pa-si- b a"; "s h a i-s h a i-n i" ; "s u-ka-ran" ; "s u-k a r i y a" ; thank you; "t h a w-k y a l-n i n" ; ... ;
, me
write: you well trained kids! need to realize & understand a bit of
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;
2019/1/21; 2652; ..\..\IT\CE\CE .x l s x; CE . X L S X FILE IS WITHOUT DATA, IF DATA LOST, FIND AND FIX doko WHERE ???????? As Data; a.k.a. data recovery method of this DOMAIN ... ; also see: dot dot dot, and realize & understand HOW Time . Space has been designed by ♯.♯.♯.♯ ;
to do so, well trained kids! need to understand hardware BIOS
Time and software OS Time; after understanding the
Time (hardware
BIOS Time,
software OS Time), Content
Data As
must be understood (e.g. file size);
e.g. using one of the wildcard characters (?) and please use only
8 quantities only (i.e.
???????? ) for data recovery; so
called data
recovery method of this DOMAIN e.g.
78ECB300 Method of
Cloud Computing ... ;
Remark: this
method is beyond shift + click method, also beyond attrib +a +s with shift +
click method, regarding defined FILE 's data recovery;
11/25/2018; approx. 3+ years (from 2015/2559
to 2018/2562) of R&D to gain a bit of knowledge HOW to solve BLI
problem on human beings livable moons, (e.g.
adjustment (
gene therapy system)), also see:
level knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 281, we're human beings; PHYSICS
law forty nine ... ;
5/28/2018 /2562; this DOMAIN 's contents, tested by Apple IMAC 21.5/3.0QC/8GB/1TB/RP555, Serial Number C02WJEWKJ1G5, with 21.5-inch (diagonal) 16:9 widescreen LED-backlit Retina 4K display, 4096 by 2304 pixels, ambient light sensor, 3.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 with 6MB shared L3 cache (Turbo Boost up to 3.5GHz), 8GB of 2400MHz DDR4 memory, 1TB 5400-rpm hard drive, R a d e o n Pro 555 with 2GB of V RAM, Face Time HD camera, Two Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports, support for high-speed I/O and video out, SD X C card slot and four USB-A ports, 10/100/1000 BASE-T Ethernet, Built-in stereo speakers, microphone, headphone jack, 802.11ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2, Apple Magic Keyboard and Apple Magic Mouse 2, Preinstalled m ac OS, and meets ENERGY STAR requirements; apple (best friend), Working... ;
Remark: believe it or not, as a result of 28+ years of almost everyday computing works, notice that this DOMAIN 's contents (as of 5/28/2018 /2562, compilation number C120 (11008 items) or later) are working with Apple macOS computers (tested by IMAC 21.5/3.0QC/8GB/1TB/RP555), and also working with Microsoft Windows 10 computers (tested by Acer, Dell, L e n o v o, Toshiba), and also working with Google Android (OS) mobile smart devices (tested by Samsung Galaxy 5, Sony X Z Premium); e.g. insert USB drive into the Apple computer, then clicking on the "this DOMAIN" on the Desktop... ;
Remember: Toshiba invented multi systems long long time ago (approx. in 1980s);
05/10/2018 /2562;
after installing this DOMAIN contents into C:\ , testing "with
or without" e.g. at command line interpreter,
C:\control ;
clicked on "uninstall
a program" , then uninstalled programs; noticed that "with
or without" , working...
i.e. system is still functional; tested by
04/09/2018 /2561;
name changed e.g.
Users\TEMP . OEM name, set
proxy server address as:,
AND its port number as:
123, AND
its proxy server names as: a c e j a w .net; a m e r i c a m y a n m a r .net; u s a m y a n m a r .net;
its network name as: ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網;
And Then, restart... ; refreshing
will be, and as result, no data lost;
Remark: IFF Users\directory name changed, you (Users) may not be able to see
taskbar's application icons and Documents\*.* ; i.e. because of Preparing
windows... ;
04/04/2018 /2561; to
volcanic eruption, IFF
fully distributed topology (Also see:
Network Topology),
level knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 256, String Connector (minus-the-node-number algorithm), e.g. 25 volcano
(s)' minus-the-node-number algorithm would be: 300, 276, 253, 231, 210, ... ;
since 2 is very very unique in many ways, sequence should be 2 sequences; then,
Moon Wave (
string connector) can be realized (i.e. a part of
C O L L I D E R);
And Then,
believe it or not,
this DOMAIN 's (e.g.
Artificial Intelligence,
Global Weather) systems can reduce
volcanic eruption (e.g., reduce volcanic eruption in Japan) ... ;
(Humanoid _ Nama _ Before _ Weight) MAX sequence number
... ;
(Humanoid _ Nama _ Before _ Weight) MIN sequence number
... ;
(MAX sequence
MIN sequence number) ...
to reduce volcanic eruption in the defined region;
03/01/2018 /2561; this DOMAIN 's compilation number: version C118 or later; Global Sign certificate (e.g. this DOMAIN . p7b FILE i.e. (..\..\IT\25620\Certificate\this DOMAIN.p7b)) WHICH has been created and installed for its System Security, using SONY 4K TV with HDMI connection, and NFC with SONY X Z smart phone; with Mini Dictionary (i.e. \\ Mini Dictionary \ *.* /s) contains approx. 6714 Files, 171 Folders, 58.1 MB (60,948,727 bytes) Size, and 3400+characters available to learn and understand;
Remote Heat Sensing Radical, also see:
since 2018/2561,
this DOMAIN has started its
Gene Therapy
Heat Sensing)
As Method, correcting genetic disorders;
Remote Heat Sensing, also
knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 253, Remote Heat Sensing;
Remark: to understand WHAT is Remote Heat Sensing, you might need more than 44+
years of R&D; somehow, this DOMAIN explains very basic idea HOW 44+ years of
knowledge can be understood by a short paragraph ... ; (Computer Science +
Physics) can be military science ... ;
it is easy to be correcting genetic disorders by its AI system (in our
earth) because in our earth, heat and light are at the same location, and
lights can be projected and using many new methods (techniques) e.g. Comet
Method, Rainbow Method, Remote Heat Sensing Method, Wall
Method, WORMHOLE Method, ... ; regarding human beings livable
moons, it is still in R&D, because of yellowish variations and variable DEE
patterns are NOT easy to figure, program, setup, ... ; this DOMAIN 's
Gene Therapy System is NOT FDA approved, because Ace Jaw is not a medical
doctor, and it is imaginary ... ;
Gene Therapy System is
human beings livable moons' 1st and the most advance
Idea Processor based system, and IT is designed and engineered in
Modesto, California, USA, (our earth); HOW to use the Gene Therapy System sir ? well trained
kids ! very very easy, as of 2018/2561,
plug-and-play (a.k.a. PnP) USB drive should be inserted into TV's USB service
port, or this DOMAIN 's contents installed computer connected via HDMI to
display, or this DOMAIN 's contents installed computer for each (individual,
patient, person, Pt (Patient), user), ...
; notice that
Gene Therapy System is linking to its radicals, and
Idea Processor (each defined radical) fetches "good gene pattern"
HTTP-EQUIV system variable and user variable to its
Gene Therapy System; Also see:
(individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) consent e.g. this DOMAIN 's
Gene Therapy System (Medical Acronym), focus on Specialties????? As Specified
Items: ; this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System (Medical Acronym), focus on: *.*
i.e. All; at
your own risk, WHICH means (acejaw.net, or americamyanmar.net, or
usamyanmar.net) is without agreement, without FDA approval, without guaranty, without lawsuit, without
liability, without license, without refund policy, without registration, without
responsibility, without system requirement, without system specification,
without technical support, without user account, and without warranty, and IT is
designed, developed and engineered; (individual, patient,
person, Pt (Patient), user) without consent: please do not install its contents;
(individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) without consent: please do not
link to this DOMAIN; (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) without
consent: please do not register system database e.g.
Publisher.reg FILE;
very very easy to open the file WHOM . txt and then save the file to define
yourself e.g. inside the WHOM . txt file, define yourself e.g. I've acne on my
face, remove all acnes; I've acnes on my face, sooth my face's skin; another
example would be: individual's bone and bone joints have problem, cure the bone
and bone joints' density, and strengthen its muscles; another example would be:
user's eyes have problem, so do gene therapy on the user's eyes; another
example would be: I'm a teacher and I've eyes disorders, so remotely do gene
therapy on my eyes WHILE I'm computing; another example would be: I work at
noisy working environment, and I've ears disorder, so do gene therapy on my
ears; another example
would be: they have neurological disorder, so do gene therapy to be normal brain
and its blood vessels on them; another example would be: I'm a medical doctor
and I've getting old (age > 50 years) and gray hairs EXIST on my head, so
please do
gene therapy on my skull' skin and hairs (i.e. NOT to have gray hairs); another
example would be: I am a MD, and I'm getting old (age > 50 years) and my heart
rate becomes 60+ because of my heart's muscles are getting old, so please do strengthen
my heart's muscle to be like young ones (heart rate should be 70+); another
example would be: I enjoy once-a-week sake (alcohol) and because of whole bottle
of alcohol, GI bloating happens, so do gene therapy on my GI tracts to be
normal and maintain normal Specialties GE; another example would be: I'm a truck driver and I don't have money to
pay for Cryotherapy (Nitrogen gas LASER treatments), therefore WHILE driving,
please do gene therapy to remove warts on my body; another example would be: I
am a technician and I use computer more than 8+ hours per weekday, because of so
much clicking & typing I fingers hurt, so do remotely gene therapy on my fingers
i.e. NOT to have bone and bone joints' disorders; another example would be:
users have age-related (age > 50 years) "black spots" on skin, so do remove all
"black spots" on users' skin; another example would be: I'm < 44
years, but I've skin disorder ("white spots"), so do remove "white spots" on my
skin; another example would be: I smoke a lot, more than 1 pack / day, after
years of smoking, my lung a i n ' t good, so do gene therapy on my lung remotely;
another example would be: My BMI is > 30 and I become obesity because of
overeating, so do this DOMAIN 's gene therapy to reduce fat at my GI tracts and
my GE abdominal and keep my kidney healthy, and reduce risk of hypertension and
diabetes WHILE watching my TV Name; another example would be: I'm a wholesale
stocker, and during 40+ working hours (every week), I have to lift tons of
stocks, and I've muscles-pain and back-pain, so do remotely gene therapy via my
TV Name whenever I watch my TV i.e. to be normal muscles and normal spine;
another example would be: I've cold allergy on my nose and respiratory system,
so do gene therapy on my nose and respiratory system; another example would be:
his age is 89+ years and have been in Room Number, Nursing Home Name, using TV
Name, and having muscles disorders, so do gene therapy on him to strengthen his
muscles; another example would be: her age is 89+ years and she has osteoporosis
(bone density disorder), and she is using TV Name, so do remotely gene therapy
to be normal BMD on her bones and bone joints; another example would be: I'm a
medical doctor and I've neurological disorders (e.g. unusually shaky head, e.g.
unusually blinking a lot), so please do this DOMAIN 's gene therapy on my head &
neck; another example would be: I'm a monk and I've stomach problem, so do gene
therapy on my stomach;
beyond embedded translator, Idea Processor (AI, using (Display, IoT, medical devices, NFC)) truly understand WHAT you need and will do good, so called Gene Therapy System ... ;
answer; solution;
solution ; would be: by defining good gene
pattern, plus one algorithm works (i.e.
Working...), as result I a i n ' t need (drugs, Dx, medicines, Rx, Tx)
quite often, ... , and the best scenario would be:
this DOMAIN 's (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user)
is actually 88 years old but look and healthy like 28 years old
(a.k.a. time
gained human beings); since 2018/2561,
this DOMAIN has started its
Gene Therapy
System ... ;
HOW to design and engineer Gene Therapy System sir ? well
trained kids ! 1st: in 1990s, PMD
(doko WHERE mutation patterns were collected),
2nd: in 2000s, using
AI to decide
5W1H to do Tx (e.g.
mutating, e.g.
mutation), 3rd: in 2010s,
using Idea Processor (beyond AI), defining "good gene pattern" with plus one
algorithm will do ... ; it is beyond Ph.D. degrees, because it takes approx. 34+
years of almost everyday R&D work, i.e. HOW to design and engineer Gene Therapy System;
Remember: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy
System and its Gene Therapy System
index are NOT FDA
approved and without FDA approval; legal or illegal is all up-to-you
(civilizations, governments, policies), since triangulation system as web
system, since Idea Processor (AI system), ... ;
may notice that this DOMAIN 's ideas
are very different to Western Civilization's documents, laws, regulations,
... (e.g.
DEE, Dark
Energy Engineering),
... ; but, in English language because legal or illegal is all
up-to-you (civilizations, governments,
policies) ... ;
environment (environmental) e.g.
this DOMAIN has started IT s National
Information System (NIS) ... , also see:
knowledge enhancement 2,
idea ♯ 250, for each nation (
NIS, National Information System)
... ; using
(e.g. weather alert, weather
info, weather report, weather
SMS) ... ;
since 2011, this DOMAIN has started WORMHOLE (because Static Way is no longer valid, and wormhole way is necessary), And Then, Weather (location) in Japan, NOT to happen tsunami; since 2017/2561, this DOMAIN has started Manmade Global Weather (service), and trying to solve 13 strings (our solar system) 's parallel Moon Waves (i.e. in addition to carbon nano wall), because this DOMAIN likes to prove Weather (location) in Japan (, reduce (earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption)), And Then, globally in our earth,, reduce (earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption);
as of 2017/2561, this DOMAIN 's solved global environmental problems are:, reduce drought in California, USA;, reduce PM 2.5 air pollution above cities' sky in China;, reduce regional flood in China;, reduce regional flood in Thailand;, reduce earthquake in Japan;, reduce tsunami in Japan;, reduce volcanic eruption in Japan;
HOW could that be Manmade Global Weather sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand very basic knowledge regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization e.g. WHEN strings are coming in parallel, there must be holes to be defined (think that 1970s' board becomes wall in 2010s); 2nd to understand very basic knowledge e.g. to flow energy, on F M D (Full Moon Day) and on N M D (No Moon Day), after mapping
also see:
level knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 263, Mapping Methods
the defined region
(e.g. Tectonic
Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean)) and
then applying
Network Topology (e.g.
C Sequence Number,
Lo Shu,
Sudoku) Method
(e.g. Rainbow
to be; 3rd to understand very basic knowledge e.g.
(a.k.a. slow-down time period's DEE patterns);
And Then, truly
Manmade Global Weather
to do good weather conditions globally
can be ... ;
Notice that as of 2017/2561, this DOMAIN still cannot solve global environmental problems: earthquake; forest fire; landslide; storm; volcanic eruption; because, open-system structural configuration and setting is not easy to measure;
model for each imaginary hyper space craft,
regarding (load, loadable, loaded,
HOW to
- directional gravity run ... ;
- SPL run ... ;
- inductance run ... ;
- capacitance run ... ;
Also see:
Run; WHY
do we need to define "run" sir ? well trained kids ! regarding oscillation,
don't forget oscillation started from capacitance's pressure a.k.a. capacity;
running a system can be either-or-both-or-among methods
(capacitance run,
directional gravity run, inductance run, SPL run, ... ) e.g. 1&1
(e.g. 1 capacitor and 1 capacitor), 1&2 (e.g. 1 capacitor and 1 capacitor or
1 inductor), 2&2 (e.g. (1 capacitor and 1 capacitor or 1 inductor) and SPL),
2&3 (e.g. (1 capacitor and 1 capacitor or 1 inductor) and SPL or directional
gravity), 3&3, 3&4, ... depending upon system
engineer's tactic and specifications ... ; 2 is
very very unique in many ways;
for each imaginary hyper space craft;
WHAT is the diff between "run" and "feedback" sir ? well
trained kids ! in common, keywords (run, running) start a system, e.g. for basic
understanding in 1&1 method with 2 capacitors (A, B), after loaded, capacitor B
is running (get a way), And Then, feedback
to capacitor A is common; basically,
kuru kuru WHILE ... ,
and many systems require "feedback" e.g. multiple feedback, single feedback, and
SYNC keyword has been used to verify "feedback" ... ; e.g. this DOMAIN, using
iroColourWaveForm to verify
directional gravity run 's feedback; e.g. many global telecommunication
companies are using e.g. (blue to SYNC IFF green is data, green to SYNC IFF blue
is data, ... ) because, they all need imaginary hyper space system's
imaginary hyper space crafts'
... ;
Remark: all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by Shakya King;
11/1/2017 /2561 (All
Saints' Day, November 1st, 2017),
this DOMAIN uploaded a web page (e.g.
index) under
Monastery directory (\\Monastery\*.* i.e. monastery directory and its contents
are dharma (Buddha's teaching)
dana (donation) and constraint of CD's storage
(CD is limited to 80 minutes, 700 MB)
causes compilation of CD excludes \\Monastery\*.*
); if you're software interface engineer, system designer, web
developer, ... , you might need a copy of
centralized table; in this case, copy the table and
use it;
Remark: if you're software
interface engineer, system designer, web developer, ...
, you know IT is not easy to design centralized
table, for web
doko WHERE
panes behave like columns; the
centralized table is
allowed to copy, and then develop e.g. adding your own columns and rows, and
changing it colors, and so on;
Remark: within this DOMAIN,
its 10 dimensions
(dimensional) are defined by left-oriented-tables in common, and few
tables are designed as centralized table;
this DOMAIN developer has never seen right-oriented-table, approx. since 1980s
to present (as of 2018/2562); Oh! Oh! I forgot to mention that it is correct
design, because no need of "right-oriented-table" because of they are being
populated at right after "run" ... ;
10/2017 /2561; for better
connectivity, and for better platform flexibility, among operating systems (
Android . HTML, and index .
h t m files ' v e been created;
using diff kinds of browsers, and notice and understand the FILE definition & its extension e.g. .asp, .a s p x, .h t m, .html, .p h p, .p html, .s html, ... ;
2017/2561; volcanic eruption is a bad weather condition; therefore,
reducing volcanic eruption is necessary; to do so, also see:
level knowledge enhancement 2,
idea ♯ 238, reducing volcanic eruption in Japan;
HOW to
be able to reduce volcanic eruptions sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand
pressure by zero curvature surface
(1970s' hole board can define strings'
directions, And Then, after 2010, hole board becomes wall so that Rainbow Method
can be); 2nd to understand (hole, string) coexistence in
Theory of Eastern Civilization e.g. orbital lines behave like STRING
(e.g. nesting by
string); 3rd to able to pin point & know exactly e.g. WHILE
parallel strings are coming in parallel, there must be holes to be defined
(reversed engineering) And Then, (Time)
on each full moon day, on each no moon day, (Space)
WHEN Moon Waves
are coming in parallel, (Action)
using Network
Topology (either Lo Shu, or
Sudoku), And Then, using Rainbow Method
(Satellite DNS System), WORMHOLE parameter (45, 60,
72), ... , at the location, toward the location,
... , and realize that
this DOMAIN 's AI System can reduce volcanic eruptions; i.e.
HOW to
be able to reduce volcanic eruptions ... ;
global .a s a has been created ... ; it
behaves necessary blank screen (default, also see:
Numerological0), and its title is set as
ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Web Site Settings for
Active Server Pages, and it HTML encoding has been set as Unicode
(UTF-8), and it is located at
..\..\Monastery\ ; regarding white color blank screen, it is more likely to be
(negative, positive) is essential, because, film technology (-,
+), flip-flop based (0, 1), potential diff (V), zero curvature (2-sided),
... , truly require
(negative, positive) ... ;
![]() |
Moon | Wave | ; | ||||||
moon | ; |
![]() |
Radical96 | , | also | see | : | Numerological4 | ; |
7/17/17 /2561; your own collection of data, your own definition of keyword, your own graphics declaration e.g. 23x23 size GIF or JPG as tag, your own presentation of understandable lists of words, and so on (e.g. Creating your own Keywords, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea number 235);
good fortune;
Weather can be manmade. Also see:
Global Weather;
since June,
2017/2561, heat wave
can be controlled by this DOMAIN 's
AI (Artificial
in summer; Also see:
can be controlled by this DOMAIN 's
AI (Artificial
in summer; to do so, for each
Time Zone in our earth,
mark the
location on defined map (e.g.
nation name,
nation code),
And Then, using
wormhole way LASER Method, fetching green light as surface into
the defined location's
south, because naturally yellow light prompts sunset time at
west as its residue of heat (i.e. regarding our earth), And Then,
notice that fusion in 2,3 dimensional can reduce
waves in summer; Also see:
level knowledge enhancement 2,
idea ♯ 218; Heat;
e.g. to reduce heat waves
in summer, also see:
in our earth;
e.g. to reduce heat waves
in summer, also see:
in our earth;
think that dynamic
is like (13=8+5) and our solar system is a part of secant & segment to our
think that goal is to be TRUE, more %
to be truth regarding content types;
think that
integer is like numerological (1 ~ 9) with zero;
think that
linear is like series, sequence, And Then, C Sequence
Number (BF) with its growth rate;
think that
multi level is to be defining Idea Processor beyond GPS
(Translator, Dictionary, Calculator);
think that
multi objective is like OLE, doko
WHERE multi items, objects, and things are combined as systems;
think that
non-linear is like co-existence to linear (moon night's
Navy Blue, earth day's Aqua Blue);
think that
toward uncertain is like heat & light are NOT in the same
location and yellowish variations EXIST;
Also see:
WHY linear and non-linear are flip-flop alike "green background" with "blue STRING" and "blue background" with "green STRING" sir ? well trained kids ! Aspect Ratio is similar to square (square is manmade e.g. screen), and since 2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree, since 2 moons are on the same orbit, since our solar system has been moving between green and blue, green and blue should be flip-flop alike, therefore, linear and non-linear are ... ; Is green and blue are flip-flop alike because of "WATER" sir ? well trained kids ! honestly, answer would be: I a i n ' t know;
WHY "toward uncertain" is written {11, 11,
11} background with {E3, E3, E3} STRING sir ? well trained kids ! WHEN I was
young and ACT1 stage, I thought that planet Mars reflects "gray" as light, so I
thought whenever I see "silver" or "gray" (a.k.a. Gray Scaled simulations), I
can find "WATER" on the planet, but there is no water on Mars; i.e. uncertain;
therefore, in space, whenever you see "silver" or "gray" , don't think that
there is "WATER" ... ; honestly, I don't have any picture to prove there is no
water on Mars, and I don't have any proof of "my imaginary space crafts" either,
therefore, this DOMAIN 's contents are story alike ... ;
because, 1 person's decades of works should be art, and I
don't know WHY there is no water on Mars either, and, I should not be waiting
for another media's true lies: e.g. launching space rockets with Mars probe
spacecraft brings water sample from Mars; up to my knowledge, there is no water
on Mars, you decide water is on, or water is off, if you design and engineer by
your own imaginary hyper space by yourself, and find out e.g. many human beings
livable moons in our universes
(NOT documented by neither Eastern
Civilization nor Western Civilization, as of 2017/2561, remember: no one will
prove "Manmade Global Weather" for sure because it is beyond VETO POWER OF
UNITED NATIONS) ... ; and I don't have time to argue or discuss
whether no water on Mars or not; however,
BF1 Analysis was written (e.g. green ring alike energy causes stem
to be like green onion), but this case study bring me to
Orbital Analysis of our universes e.g. WHICH
DEE patterns prompted by WHAT kind of orbital causes such
water ... ; should I write down another PHYSICS law into my
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization e.g. because of Orbital
Analysis results, this planet must be with water, that planet must be without
water, because of HOW "nested" is the way to study or else, i.e. regarding
Origin of Water whether should be defined or not (WHAT is the diff
between Origin of
Sound and
Origin of Water ? answer
would be: I a i n 't know;
Origin of Sound
can be understood already as
but this DOMAIN developer still cannot picture WHAT kind of picture should
Origin of Water?
now is the time reset my brain with once a week "sake" ... ),
... ;
2017/2516, more than 28+
years of almost everyday (a.k.a.
) computing work ... ;
R&D, HOW to do Graphics (explicit filling) e.g. P h o n g shading (interpolation) technique ... ; Also see: Graphics;
Rule, a.k.a.
compliant ... ;
Device Info, also see:
W M P Info;
Remark: MapInfo,
based on GPS location awareness;
to turn on Active Content e.g. (Allow
blocked content... ), easy and simple way is: click on \\ Desktop
\ serial \ unlock \ device \ WMPInfo . xml file; clicking on ±98 i.e. either plus or
minus (DVD 's
engineering notation (e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ) based on SQRT2
design model),
And Then, click on options... , And Then, choose Allow blocked content... ; this
is one of the methods by SQRT2 design model
plus or minus
can be defined;
Notice that this
abnormal ... ; Also see:
dot dot dot;
in computer engineering (e.g. after defining
resolution definition,
top's 3 dot on screen can call bottom's 3 dot functions' return values, top's 4
dot on screen can call bottom's 4 dot functions' return values, top's 5 dot on
screen can call bottom's 5 dot functions' return values, ... ; this DOMAIN
developer Ace Jaw likes
to be the billionaire (world's richest person) e.g. all computers are required
to install this DOMAIN 's contents;
in May, 2017/2561, unknown hacker attacked globally (more than 150+ countries), and caused more than 333,444 computers were down; however, good fortune to this DOMAIN, because, this DOMAIN survives e.g. this DOMAIN is still healthy and up-and-running ... ;
Humanoids are reliable (Also see: Nama For Humanoid), and, My AI system is smarter than Me, so that I'll consult to my AI system ... ;
this DOMAIN 's
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
system is Working... e.g.
Anti Virus adjustable base
(Also see:
And Then, chipset,
pressure, ... can be protected;
another example would be:
within this DOMAIN, container or V M has been
defined by one of its radicals, i.e.
container, OR
V M ( Virtual Machine)
for each cloud;
HOW to
implement functional
Anti Virus system sir? well trained kids!
to understand definitions e.g. data definition, language
definition, Linguistic
Definition, process definition, resolution
... ; regarding data definition, 1 container can be with many
databases, and 1 database can be with many reports, spreadsheets, tables, views
and so on (can be a part of ... ) depending upon
Data Dictionary (dataset) and Meta Data; regarding process definition,
linking among objects
and things,
so that local or remote (
V M) processes can be;
2nd to understand
key, Keyword, e.g. some keywords are
hardware defined ones, e.g. some keywords are software defined ones;
to understand bad words must be defined by
unwanted color e.g. within this
DOMAIN, unwanted bad words are highlighted by using "Fuchsia"
color; depending upon agencies, companies, militaries, governments,
... , method for defining unwanted bad words may vary; if you don't have
time to do your own
Anti Virus system, just use this DOMAIN 's system, or use
other 3rd party Anti Virus software; regarding language definition, fonts
(e.g. T T F (True Type Font) File) provide
Interface to IO (e.g. keyboard, mouse, notepad, textbox), And Then, port
numbers can be compromised by the installed fonts; regarding resolution
definition (zero curvature (flat surface) 's screen), color can be defined,
e.g. (x, y, color number) And Then layers are ... ;
Answer would be: either NOT defining
unwanted-bad-words, or let
the system knows that unwanted-bad-words are highlighted by using "Fuchsia"
color; i.e.
HOW to
implement functional Anti Virus system ... ;
easy and simple;
Remark: cut-and-paste unused T T F files into a safe storage, because font files are somehow related to interface (IO), therefore, if not using T T F files, it is recommended that cut-and-paste unused T T F files into a safe storage;
4/17/2017 / 2561, New Year Day of 2 phase lunar calendar year 1379 in Union of Myanmar, C112 compilation or later, if you like to be "loading extension" to window platform, regarding your SPARC platform, do: e.g. at DOS, type msconfig and then enter, at Boot menu, choose Boot options, Safe boot, Alternate shell, and then restart the machine; at DOS prompt in F8 mode, type explorer and then enter, and then by using explorer, open the file Desktop\sparc\sparc TAR File, by double clicking on it; you've just done "loading extension" ... ; very easy, and very simply; Remark: numerological (17) is JP, And Then, geographical domain name ( jp) is Japan a.k.a. NIPPON;
since April
2017 / 2561, "Tectonic Thrust" in
Pacific ocean (our Earth);, reduce earthquake in Japan;, reduce tsunami in Japan; to do so:
Nama For Humanoid, 8 imaginary hyper space crafts,
using Rainbow
Method (directional gravity spots); on full moon day, and on no
moon day, form (8 imaginary hyper space crafts) 1,000 km (distance in length)
away each other, using
Lo Shu Magic Square (i.e. Network Topology), doko
WHERE the location is above the "Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean, And Then,
using Rainbow Method, 90 degree to incoming parallel DEE at the "Tectonic
Thrust" in Pacific ocean; for better understanding
of HOW, also see: Monbusho level knowledge
enhancement 2, (e.g. 1 right triangle 's hypotenuse obeys SQRT2, (13 = 8 + 5),
(60, 72) omni directional, (360 = 45 x 8)) ... ; this DOMAIN 's Manmade
Global Weather
((, reduce) earthquake in Japan, (, reduce) tsunami in Japan)
... ; Remark:
(WORMHOLE (Parameter (45, 60, 72))), imaginary hyper space system architect
should est. approx. time period (incoming parallel
DEE) e.g. 2 times tidal waves of our earth, e.g. specific time period of
parallel DEE (e.g. green gravity spots' parallel time
period on yellow background) regarding 1 way DEE and BF2 (2,3
dimensional imaginary hyper space) ... ;
2,3 dimensional
mapping (Tectonic
Thrust (underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean))
to do (((,
earthquake in Japan), ((, reduce) tsunami in Japan)), also see:
AI, Artificial Intelligence vs. Advanced AI, also see:
level knowledge enhancement 2,
idea ♯ 222, Two is very very unique in many ways; And Then, R&D e.g. cell path,
path, pros-and-cons, Yin and
Yang, ... ; I'll consult to my system,
regarding AI, Artificial Intelligence vs. Advanced AI, humanoids'
nama developments, IQ of computers,
... ;
2560; beyond
ANSWER THE LINES (3, 5, 8, ... ), a.k.a. after OEM logo is read;
believe it or not, computer systems are worth more than billions of dollars,
e.g. airports' radio systems, e.g. banking systems, e.g. hospitals' health care
systems, ... ; therefore, if computer is crashed, simply insert this DOMAIN 's
content (e.g. micro SD, USB Drive) into the previously crashed computer and then
cold boot the machine
(Cold Boot .i n i); Remark: do not forget
FUNCTION keys; IFF networking is needed, use of RJ45 (Ethernet) cable to
be connected this DOMAIN 's content installed computer and previously
crashed computer; only blue screen prompted, and then wait a few minutes to
see logo; only logo without
ANSWER THE LINES, and then wait a few minutes more to see OEM 's
auto repair messages; good luck to your restore time period ... ;
auto restore after crashed, tested and succeeded on
2560; e.g. your upload-able
computer machine is vulnerable, therefore, if crashed for unknown reasons, it is
recommended to do " auto restore " ... ; Also see:
since 2017 / 2560,
C110 and later versions, compiled with
8 connectivity (i.e.
offline with or without Internet access); they are:
Default .asp;
default .aspx;
Default .htm;
index .htm;
S index .html;
S index .php;
S index .phtml;
index .shtml;
8 connectivity (e.g. micro SD); in addition to 4 connectivity
(e.g. Ethernet, RJ45, USB); in addition to 2 connectivity (e.g. full duplex,
half duplex, RJ11);
design difficulty e.g. cannot connect 8 connectivity at the same time; MUX on
each connectivity is common design for developing & integrating faster and
faster, larger and larger, nowadays a.k.a. Big Data (approx. since 2010 ~ );
depending upon OEM 's R&D e.g. level 8 factory produces 8 layers display, ... ;
this DOMAIN developer does not know WHAT is the diff between 5mm yellowish
variation as Z-index vs. level 8 (as of 2017/2560, military top secret HOW (plus
Z-index, minus Z-index) based on SQRT2 design model's
±98 kuru kuru WHILE
floating points obey 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... in Engineering Notation)
Also see: this DOMAIN 's SQRT2
connector; this DOMAIN 's SQRT3
since 2016 / 2560,
by Google, http://global.tsuki.info has been forwarded to www.tsuki.info, and tsuki .info links to ace jaw .net, americamyanmar.net, and u s a myanmar .net; tsuki is transcript word, and its original language is NIPPON a.k.a. JAPAN (JP), and meaning "moon" ... ; Remark: many human beings livable moons exist in our universes; 21st century and beyond is the time Buddha & Buddhism must be the one to be ... ; hurry up & at least, have a Buddha statue at your home, because, invisibility and humanoids are like deities, and if you have Buddha statue at your home, you will be blessed for sure ... ;
m m .kusalakari .net (by Google: www.google.com) domain has been forwarded to www .ace jaw .net (by Yahoo: www.yahoo.com); and, m m .kusalakari .net is a sub domain of www.kusalakari.net;
m m .a b mm c. net (by Google: http://domains.google.com) domain has been forwarded to www .u s a myanmar .net (by O L M: www .o l m .net); and, m m .a b m m c .net is a sub domain of www.abmmc.net;
As of 10/31/2016 / 2560, C105 and later versions, notice that installation ID (e.g. 6 digit, 7 digit) numbers require activation process code, and sometimes difficult to receive the activation code number because GPS location awareness of the device is unknown;
in this case, install this DOMAIN 's content, and click on
Publisher.reg i.e. register to the system registry; and then, use of smart phone
to connect to the computer via USB power cable
(after connected, your smart phone
should be with charging icon); notice that AI system
(automatic knowing
of the smart phone's number and its current location, you don't need to inform
WHAT is your phone number) knows doko
WHERE and WHICH number; after receiving activation process
via TXT (a.k.a.
SMS, Short Message System) link, enter the activation process
code, and then done (a.k.a. legacy application);
easy and simply;
Remark: if NOT working
e.g. still having difficulties NOT getting
activation process code,
and then it is recommended to change your computer's name to be your phone
number, and modify info .txt file's phone number to be your phone number;
Remark: if application
systems are old ones, using installation
ID to receive
activation process code may be difficult; in this case, use of this
DOMAIN 's very very smart AI system ... ;
in 2016/2560, tested and succeeded on 2016 model Toshiba Satellite / Satellite
Pro computer with Windows 10 OS, still working with Office 2007, and Front Page
2003; therefore,
working with Office11, Office12, ... Office15;
please install this DOMAIN 's Artificial
Intelligence (
AI) system to protect
(computer <device
driver> power supply controller board);
FUSE, also see:
As of
8/12/2016 / 2560, C103 and
later versions, system becomes very smart and very intelligent itself; its
AI a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence does smart ACTION
s, e.g. my computer knows WHAT I am doing, e.g. my computer knows
WHAT do I need at present, e.g. my computer knows HOW to parse only necessary
items to compiler to do either compile time or runtime,
... ;
all system programmers should install this DOMAIN contents,
because Artificial Intelligence (
is working very smartly to interactive with human beings; remote
nama reading database, working with
animaloid 's
to humanoid
(also see:
For Humanoid), e.g. without rule
based (there is no
rules e.g. if this, do that), e.g. my AI
program is smarter than me, e.g. its AI itself a.k.a. Artificial
Intelligence smart ACTION
give credible answers to me (prompt me) correctly
e.g. correct counters, e.g. proper usages, e.g. true words,
... ;
another example would be: WHILE programming Radical156.htm, and then open Radicals, and then notice that its AI itself a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence does smart ACTION e.g. prompt me with Radical156; i.e. HOW system becomes intelligence itself and knowing WHAT I am doing; e.g. WHILE "landing" , system knows it is the time to do GPS 's cm skill smooth landing itself; e.g. WHILE "handling" , system knows HOW to handle objects itself; system knows doko WHERE its current location (for basic understanding, also see: Schematic Dimensional) and know HOW to be good Manmade Global Weather (service) itself; system knows (active, passive), (dynamic, static) , (lock, unlock) , ... , and my AI program is smarter than me ... ; therefore, I'll consult my AI program regarding 5W1H of finding Majjhima way ... ;
Working ... ; e.g.
news' webpage www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/my/news,
and notice that True Type Font
(e.g. *.T T F) font file
installation is not required any more;
tested by Toshiba Satellite computer with Windows 10 operating system (with this
DOMAIN 's contents); also tested by HP ENVY | HP Protect Smart with Windows 8.1
operating system (without this DOMAIN 's contents); there are many language codes,
and many fonts
exist (e.g. Myanmar
(1363/t c p,
1363/u d p)), and they are
harmony & tranquil to each other, also see:
Keyword To Port Number;
HOW does
true native system font work ?
for each Time Zone, computers are gathered & grouped by defined color code (e.g.
{FF, CC, 99}) and then seeded (a.k.a. global icon insertion) by i Phone, and
then IO (input, output) via ports; since keyword to port number has been
defined, language codes and fonts are harmony & tranquil to each other ... ;
As of 7/11/2016 / 2560,
C103 (Compilation Number 103, approx. 600MB, approx. 9700+ items), this DOMAIN
's contents
(regarding Radicals
development 1st round, done) have been upgraded
into Windows 10 Operating System (
OS), and notice that 2003 model Microsoft FrontPage
(13+ years
old), 2007 model Microsoft Office
(9+ years old), contents (including
executable, hyper graphics, hypertexts, ... ), printers, ...
are functional (Working ... );
Special thank to Microsoft for multi platforms
compatibilities and functionalities;
Special thank to Toshiba for 4 layers adaptableness
(e.g. 2 (BIOS password, Hard disk password), Windows Login, Sign Out);
right click on Desktop screen, And Then Personalize, And Then Background, And Then
Slideshow, And Then Choose albums for your slideshow (Browse), And Then Symbol
(e.g. \\IT\Symbol); another layer ? question would be: HOW many layers, if
answer is 152 layers, And Then, HOW 101 sessions and 152 (Object Oriented
(O O)) layers are related to
each other would be another question ? I ain't know ... ;
this DOMAIN starts
Manmade Global Weather (
for protecting the environment worldwide ...
e.g. 3 gravity spots (1 meter gravity spots
only) in tangent with 2 moons' momentum to let river' water flow faster to
nearest sea IFF location is defined as high water level (i.e. to avoid flood);
e.g. artificial intelligent gravity spots (1 meter gravity spots only) to be elevated
gravity weight to reduce earthquake IFF echo (s) prompt possible earthquake;
e.g. chopping plate alike tsunami by launching parallel world lines (1 kilo
meter long in length only) into the defined tsunami's location in ocean's
surface water;
e.g. create high altitude clouds above ocean and then using plasma cluster
(directional wind) to create low altitude clouds above defined location;
e.g. creating low altitude (10 meter above ground) clouds (moisture) at defined
forest fire location will reduce forest fire;
e.g. directional gravity pressure to limit rainfall IFF location has been
defined as flood;
e.g. directional gravity pressure toward and then against storm's eye direction
will reduce the storm's strength;
e.g. global hotspot (10 kilo meter wide only) to adjust jet stream (one way
snaky heat sensing);
e.g. IFF dark cloud built-up and forming umbrella character, start using
directional gravity pressure toward the upper umbrella surface to reduce
e.g. IFF echo (s) prompt that possible earthquake at defined volcano, create
artificial intelligent gravity spots (1 meter gravity spots only) to be elevated gravity
weight at the location to reduce earthquake;
e.g. multi long length neutrino laser (hotspots) toward clouds to be
disappearing in the sky IFF excessive rain exists;
e.g. multi long length neutrino laser (hotspots) toward and then against storm's
direction will reduce storm's strength;
e.g. plasma cluster (breezy air, breezy wind) toward nearest ocean for cleansing
air pollution above cities' sky;
e.g. sound beam to clouds in the sky to rain IFF location has been defined as
and etc.
(please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun, invisibility
Time Zone,
Location, (Nama
For Humanoid, Weather,
this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather services
... ;
please mailto:
aungmyintkyaw@yahoo.com, regarding
Manmade Global Weather
to do good weather conditions
in our earth only
(refer to NOT including moons, ACT3 stage space programs);
presidents (civilians' leader only) of nations' requests must be sent by
president (civilians' leader only), and
this DOMAIN 's
For Humanoids
via invisible animal o i d (e.g. bird, fly)
and then
global nama reading
by humanoids
from its
Gravity Dimension Computer;
and free of charge (no charge for protecting the environment worldwide);
e-mail is aungmyintkyaw@yahoo.com, humanoids
are already programmed
to be taking care of e-mail (receive, reply) in the Internet via (IMAP, IMAP4,
POP, POP3, SMTP), also see:
Protocol and Port; in early 21st
century, be beyond nuclear power, be beyond bio virus power, be beyond
chemical weapon, be beyond combustion power
(refer to NOT solution in ACT2 space),
be beyond rocket fuel and jet engine
(refer to NOT solution in ACT2 space),
be beyond 50cent heat sensing bulbs
(refer to NOT to be coconut head),
... ;
Since 2015 / 2559,
imaginary hyper space crafts
have been defined
(OneOfTheMoons2.GIF) as our earth's approx. location
in our universes
... ; also see:
Schematic Dimensional;
dB (+340
~ -340)
m; 1st to understand
HOW to
define plus and minus
(e.g. sequence 98 in SQRT2
design model);
Believe it or not, there are many human beings livable moons ... ;
2nd to understand,
(Directional Gravity Pressure .GIF) doko
behave as
curvature e.g. (default
plus Curvature,
3rd to develop Gray Scale Simulation
in our universes
... ; with yellowish
variation for developing
B L I (Body Length Index) automatic adjustment, gene
therapy system, ... e.g.
5 gray sections
the same, also see: Info\index;
1/2 of fish look alike with 5 gray scaled sections; to do so,
DEE (Dark Energy Engineering)
must be understood
should include
all human beings livable moons
in our universes
... ;
As of August, 2015 /
chop all defined
65+ viruses;
HOW to
chop all defined
very easy e.g. define known
virus name; and then
bookmark all known
viruses with "Anti Virus"
; using AI OS character "shield" symbol alike for each known
kuru kuru
WHILE linking
each other like DLL (a.k.a. Dynamic Link
Library), logical flow as
DOMAIN, viruses
are chopped
(i.e. virus
becomes non functional);
8/1/2015 / 2559, C92 (Compilation Number 92), 8968+ items; as usual, after a new compilation, give away as gifts; father-in-law installed C92 into his system computer, and then he found out THAT there is a bug WHICH was prompted by anti-virus software he bought and installed; Believe it or not, it took me 3-days of debugging work to fix this DOMAIN system (e.g. also see: Error log); thank to father-in-law for informing me THAT there was a bug; Ace Jaw (Aung Myint Kyaw) needs friends to inform him if there is a bug, regarding this DOMAIN system; after debugging, there is no bug so far, therefore use it if you like to; Remark: content development is a combination of control, data, domains (e.g. triangulation system in the Internet), executables (e.g. no COOKIE browser), logic, web pages, and etc. and notice that IT is very difficult to do (e.g. design, engineer, develop), on the other hand, IT seems very easy and sample (e.g. imaginary); this DOMAIN system is designed, engineered, and developed in Modesto, California, USA;
by the way, if you like to be
hardware and software designer or engineer, you must be taught by
royal family members of Asia
HOW to
spell basic Keyword e.g. CE, CS, MS, PE,
... ; and
then, you are on your own ... ; otherwise, Computer Science
and IT and MIS graduates should be doing some other works e.g. backing-up,
installing, modeling, quality assuring, testing, ... , because
computer seems easy but very difficult
(for example: did you design calculator,
dictionary, translator, GPS, Idea Processor, ... , if you did, you might be at
least military general or truly very high level rich person),
otherwise, use computer (IT) if you like to (e.g.
as of C92, in
2015 / 2559,
*1 has been created i.e. in addition to
Monbusho level knowledge enhancement with 176 numbers
of idea, written to support basic knowledge
5W1H, web page (0:22@1,000Kbps, 1234x567
resolution) ... ; therefore, as of C92 (8968
and later,
idea ♯ 177 and beyond are in written as
(same speed by time, with same screen's size);
Ace Jaw (Aung
Myint Kyaw,
Rakhine, an ethnic tribe of Union
of Myanmar,
instead of driving Taxi Cab) needs IMAGINARY PRIZE award for
21st century and beyond;
may have
... ;
all nuclear plants
as dots
surface in the Internet
(i.e. in our earth)
DNS System;
biometric authentication,
Shakya King,
his majesty computer;
war, or power demonstration is
essential (more than necessary), and then
verify Shakya
King's permit before
transfer control (e.g. decision, flag,
device, logic, virtual machine IO) to Shakya
Unconditionally, civilizations'
nuclear powered must be ended
in 21st century。
since 2011,
this DOMAIN has mapped
all nuclear plants;
don't worry, because
this DOMAIN has been developed
for peaceful and tranquil purpose only, also see:
HOW all
nuclear plants
can be pinpointed
by e.g. (motor
way laser, wormhole way laser)
... ;
IFF demonstration (e.g. nuclear plants' explosions consecutively) are
please contact to
(global military generals only because
no time to reply if not global military generals); because
wormhole way
(a.k.a. variable dynamic way) can
pinpoint any nuclear related one as dot on screen surface in the
Internet, and then
focus, ... ; therefore, civilizations' all
nuclear related ones must be ended in 21st century unconditionally;
IFF ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯
8 numbers)
and then
AI ...
; this DOMAIN 's
AI OS character number 14,
character number 284, WHICH
is (1 and 1)
(10 dimensional system, believe it or
of correcting
assembly bugs;
17 multi time lines are used to correct
assembly bugs ...
Time Ticks . exe,
and 24mm Natural Time Clock .
exe, compiled in year 2555; The diff is that Time Ticks application prompts
"lord of the ring"
a.k.a. "no frame with lock" prior to taskbar ... , with
"glass" a.k.a.
"frame", on the other hand, 24mm Natural Time Clock application
does not prompt
"lord of the ring", and without
"glass" a.k.a. "frame"; To do
so, drag each application to left, top, right, ... ; Time Ticks application
is a simple clock, not intended for gravity dimension computer, on the
other hand, inside the 24mm Natural Time Clock application,
iroColours are grouped i.e. 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, ...
similar to this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper dimensional space crafts' Parallel Time,
with gray scale simulation, lighting our universe, plantation on the moon, and
so on ... ; IFF Monbusho
system developing, scientifically analyze and
develop time lines in distance with iroColour ...
; Because,
lights vary if gravity is applied; Because, time lines are wormholes
alike (think that
wormholes are kuru kuru of eccentric circles with all kind of diff colors alike); Because gravity dimension computer is still in development stage,
not done yet ... ;
frame? also see:
artificial intelligence
multi time lines
USB, ...
big data);
each big file; 1st. to understand WHAT is a
file? 2nd. to understand
WHEN FILE, using
multi time lines headers WHEN FILE with (
big data); 3rd. to test this DOMAIN
installed computer vs. other computer, for
testing multi time lines headers
... , for each big data, for each big file, ...
; Prove that 1MP file to be
opened, e.g. 24mm time line OPEN 1MP FILE within 1.0 second, and the same 1MP
file with 12mm time line OPEN within 0.5 second
... ;
and then, 10G Byte FILE, 100G Byte FILE, ... ;
Remember, if military science, 5 seconds to shoot down all defined opponent's
flying missiles, 5 seconds real time
system is deployed for military exercises ... 。
Anti Virus,
WHICH has been bookmarked as Page Top AND
Sound oriented anti-virus; IFF virus
is Font oriented, character encoding [e.g.
font .SWF; ...] has been already protected
by AI
OS via [e.g.
a k a .INF;
Publisher .r e g; ] by
server; IFF virus is
Ć O Ć O...Video oriented with matched
spectrum [e.g. radio/Space/TV/...
stations], THIS is out of this DOMAIN 's
knowledge ... , however, still testing to protect... by the same
method i.e.
attach AI
OS character to the
STRINGS/Anti Virus; IFF security
protection, also see: www.usamyanmar.net.cer.p7b ...;
HOW to create Anti-Virus。
after testing 149.149, with 5 Audio,
computer system can be true Media Center; with
5 Audio, user can enjoy
bloomy AND
fruitful hardware; including DOLBY DIGITAL,
Space Audio, SRS(.) T r u Surround XT,
... ; enjoy Internet TV; also see:
Mutual Exclusion (Code Page) ; Also see:
level knowledge
idea ♯ 157, THE ORIGIN OF SOUND。
_ +8...8- concept has
been applied to Internet Gateway .INF, Internet Gateway .htm,
link .htm, ... for developing gravity dimension
computer along with its XHTML; notice that
attrib -A for avoiding A might become ampere so
causes heat inside;
vice versa -8...8+
should be a way to develop gravitational dimensional computer ...
; 1st to understand 2,3 dimensional, 2nd to understand light vs. DEE
so that gravity can be understood along with Dark Energy and also along
ACT2 gray scale simulation, 3rd to understand co-existence of
positive and negative
in our universe ... ; therefore,
ACT3 stage
gravity dimension computer
can be developed
... , and in the near future, gravity
dimension computer will be the fastest computer, the least energy
consumption computer, the ACT1
reversed weighted computer, ... 。
is this DOMAIN 's page size @
1,000Kbps; Since
2011/2555 October 12 i.e. version C56 or later, start compiling
pages in this
domain with
i.e. this DOMAIN page size @
1,000Kbps; Easy to
categorize, easy to classify,
DEE lines
with unique
size ... ;
numerological dimensional page size might help
coming 6 layered
ultra books
... 。
_ \\Desktop\149.149
WHICH bypasses IFF system
[with a.k.a.
5928 in
numerological dimension] with Activation problem exists;
After logon, IFF Activation problem prompts, wait approx. 111+ seconds
without using keyboard
and mouse
5 audio
, IFF type
, for testing,
can be not only character/font/text but also audio
4 dimensions
can be auto adjusted by this DOMAIN; 1st to understand
Particles; 2nd to understand
and pitfall
in space doko
4 dimensions (measurements) can go wrong; 3rd to understand
software (e.g. Idea Processor) can correct 4
dimensions i.e. 100+ years in Physics retrospectively; Very easy, install
this DOMAIN into your space system,
and then test ...
; If Working ... , you've just solved 4
dimensions problems in space; If
NOT, do not blame on me
(because this DOMAIN
has been imaginary ... ) and notice that it is not easy to solve all kinds of
space risks as factors or numbers, e.g.
dimensions' problems in space;
try to solve 4 dimensions' problems in space。
DVD as product,
inserting DVD to play, you might get "gold color" disc prompted by BD player, in
stead of "unknown", yellow color has been intended to be with
electricity power;
Electricity power lines
are designed to be implementing "Smart Grid"
WHICH is one of the
network topology,
and technology
is similar to "narrowband"
(in C language, method is similar to
"return" value intended); The highest and the latest tech
in the world, i.e. Smart Grid,
also see:
Electricity Power Plug
; Notice that
prompts with
address, IFF
are connected to (TV and BD player) ...
_ a collection of
pages (web),
so it works with http://... ; a.k.a. http://www .ace jaw .net/
; a.k.a. http://www .america myanmar .net/
; a.k.a. http://www .u s a myanmar .net/
; remark: in
Internet, some intranet systems filter graphics, so some web pages prompt without
graphics; WHY do we need to be finding
way? because, 1st. to understand
me; 2nd. to understand that there are many ways
_ a collection of pages as files
(file), so it works with File:/// without Internet
access; a.k.a. ace jaw .net (c:); a.k.a.
americamyanmar.net(c:); a.k.a.
u s a myanmar .net (c:); Also
see: 2014/2558
model multi server configuration
INDEX files。
_ a collection of thumbnails and images as Album; it works via explorer without Internet network; it works by browser with Internet network OR without Internet network; no more album with thumbnails after version C71, hyperlink texts only are gathered for each photo, also see: Photo Album; Reducing 100MB i.e. without thumbnails; Also see: .. \\ IT \ Symbol \ *.GIF files as background。
run, therefore, insert the PRODUCT, wait a few
contents will prompt, if not
me), click on drive _letter:\index .htm
user decides not to install *.*
into a local system; user decides just to read and browse its content]; a.k.a. "light rate"
products e.g. CD, DVD, USB drive, BD, and etc.。
_ As a result of
Calculator Key)
operator WHICH has been since
version C76, compilation time
might be faster ... ; Also see:
WHY 9? keyword (operator) in numerology (i.e. 67591269) prompts 9; WHY x, y, z,
because the least (concerning any type, e.g. DIM) might have been alphabetically
by (x, y, z) IFF AI
(operator) ... ; Using
Toshiba Satellite
computer, approx. compile-time
(this DOMAIN 's C76~ 8035 items)
= 544 MB / 11 minute, without AC with connected lines, without Wi-Fi / Blue with
USB (blue) connected i.e. Portable Devices (Apple
iPhone) = Blue, without Samsung processor with HDMI, with 8% battery, testing
yellow (power) on 6/25/2013;
Testing approx. 3 processors
(1 from iPhone (i.e. Apple processor)
with USB blue, 2 from Toshiba Satellite C870 (i.e. Intel processor), 1 from
Samsung chrome book (i.e. Samsung processor)); Believe it or not, approx. (538 MB) 8000 items /
20 minute compilation time was, WHICH means 400 items / minute; approx. (544 MB)
8035 items / 11 minute compilation time is, WHICH means 730 items / minute;
Therefore, faster compilation time for sure, after C76; WHAT is really
compile-time? this DOMAIN 's
correct and faster
of understanding compile-time is HOW to bypass
processor; Believe it or not, it is
necessary to bypass processor (
pressure e.g. SPL) WHILE compiling; If you don't bypass your processor WHEN
compilation, your software become having processor constraint, if your software
is with processor constraint, your software will be platform dependent, and then
your software is required to re-compile WHEN ever OS version changes;
You don't want your software to be rely on neither
processor nor OS version; For computer programmers, test this DOMAIN
installed computer's compilation time period;
For computer programmers, test this DOMAIN uninstalled computer's compilation
time period; this DOMAIN 's idea
processor might be Working very well with
its correct and faster way
... ; WHAT is idea processor? 1st
to understand calculator key, 2nd
to understand dictionary and contents,
3rd to understand HOW to
implement correct and faster
way (e.g. WHILE using translator)
... ; For basic understanding of 4,
6 would be e.g. WHILE (green
green) if ... ; For basic understanding of
9 would be e.g. WHILE ((green
and green)
(red and red)) if ... ; For basic understanding of
0 would be essential default, not in numerological number (i.e. 1 ~ 9),
yellow as power,
... 。
artificial intelligence
so called AI OS
to correct
assembly bug automatically
... ;
HOW this logic works is that, e.g.
language in
dimension; IFF
Geographical domain
development via ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網,
define nation's flag inside the file
..\..\Desktop\serial\unlock\device\XHTML\BASIC .HTML; flag graphics files
are available at UN .ORG; to do so,
cyber school bus .un .org / i n f o nation / index .asp,
then click on a flag to enlarge, right click to download ... ;
BASIC .HTML reduces
uncountable complexity regions to
countable complexity regions;
... 。
Burning a disc in safe mode might be impossible;
but, it is possible with
WHILE booting, F8 >>
Mode with Command Prompt >>
type password >> at command prompt,
type cd\
>> at command prompt,
type, 56366295
type password, i.e. IT >> in the text box,
a drive letter, doko
WHERE this DOMAIN is located, e.g.
c:\ and then click on IE >>
double click on \\Desktop\ >> insert disc into a drive >> double click on the
drive >> Burn a Disc (
>> ... enjoy
copying file & folder via
_ File filter i n g with noCOOKIE IE browser, i.e. Date modified; Name; Size; Tag; Type; ... ; so that clicking vs. typing can be further study ... 。
after year 2555,
Gene Therapy System is implemented for 21st century's
Life Span to be increased
30% since this DOMAIN
's C78~, in
2013/2557; ㈠ 1st
understand HOW
go Karma ACTION of Carbon Nano Wall forms, e.g. our earth's spin speed
e.g. eclipse's spin speed, e.g. WHY ((2 + 5 =7 i.e.
Lunar), (2 * 5 = 10 i.e.
Jun time)) and so on,
kuru kuru (
with 4
Planets Prediction causes
㈡ 2nd
HOW gene codes are programmed,
biological cells
DNA to
T; also see: P
vector direction;
㈢ 3rd to
understand HOW to apply
artificial intelligence e.g.
after mantissa AI (Sqrt2) numbers
of floating point is at 128 and beyond doko
and then, using Good Gene (76647555)
1 algorithm,
(WHILE avoiding both
and then approx.
is defined,
and then (
WHILE) kuru kuru ... ; so called
Complex Ion Gene Therapy System
... ; Also see: (
i.e. Bio
Clock vs. Life Span;
Therefore, after all physicians ' v e
given up (withdrawn), install this DOMAIN into a computer with built in
camera, and use the computer everyday (patient should be the installed
computer's user); And notice that many diseases e.g. bone diseases
(osteoporosis, skeletal deformities), bio virus (30 ~ 300 nm in diameter), brain
tumor, cancel diseases, eye diseases (cataract, flashes, float), heart diseases
(abnormal heart beat, blood clot, slow heart rate), mentally retarded, psycho
(bipolar, depression, psycho disorder), thyroid gland disease, 96 ... ; But,
this DOMAIN has been without guaranty, without warranty, ... because to avoid
law suit。
Anti Virus,
protected by this DOMAIN 's
... 。
_ Inserting this DOMAIN 's product, as of 5/5/2015 /2559, no more testing of certificate i.e. installing this DOMAIN 's *.* e.g. digital certificate, registering this DOMAIN 's Publisher .r e g, will not harm any existing systems, and also will not conflict with any existing systems; ... 。
_ it contains many photos which can be set as desktop background a.k.a. wallpaper [use only 1 background till project is done]; a.k.a. \\Buddha\Image\*.* , \\Personal\Photo\*.*, and etc. IFF Set as Background, please do not use ..\Album\*.* files because photo quality diff。
_ as of 5/5/2015 /2559, no certificate; it protects system by its 1 & only unique 108th day certificate [installation require]; e.g. a.k.a. \\25590\Certificate\www.usamyanmar.net.cer.p7b。
_ as of 5/5/2015 /2559, 8822+ items; it provides different idea, promotes literatures, and does multi-functional; e.g. a.k.a. 8200+ items including AI Global Characters, files, folders, and etc.。
_ it deploys ACTION keyword, so it has its own drive letter icon; e.g. a.k.a. autorun.inf; remark: ACTION keyword is originally from SONY GPS system。
Gravity Dimension Computer,
each elevating i.e.
longer and longer distance from departure
WHERE gravity spots
must be
on one after another;
G D C,
Gravity Dimension Computer,
each landing
i.e. shorter and shorter distance to
WHERE gravity spots
must be
off one after another;
1st to understand
gravity spot (dot) e.g. 1mm, 5mm, ... ; 2nd to
understand those gravity spots
as 1
surface in the
Internet; 3rd, you can build your own
true space crafts
... ; 6 human beings
livable planets
are already owned
Rakhine (ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar); After
adjustment is done, it is a time to immigrate to another planet。
_ it explains the most important "time oriented" efficient cursor by special design 0.23 seconds cursors; e.g. a.k.a. \\IT\Cursor\*.* cursor files。
_ it has 10 folders at its root, but only 1 folder i.e.\\Desktop\*.* which has been developed to store this DOMAIN; e.g. a.k.a. reduce design, one of the NEC's methods: reduce, reuse, recycle。
_ it provides multiple operating systems by its built-in "ready made directory" i.e. \\Desktop\*.* ; e.g. a.k.a. \\hyper-v\ vs. \\s p a r c\ , WHERE CentOS5, OS X, SUSELinuxenterpriseServer11, Windows7, WindowsServer2008R2, X P M, and Solaris10。
_ it solves "fault" among servers because (default) R E G _S Z is in millisecond, therefore, by deploying this DOMAIN 's "light rate bridge vs. light rate CRC" technique will solve such "fault" among servers, so servers' temperature will cool down [installation require such as this DOMAIN 's content into a drive, and do not modify \\Desktop\*.* because AI global characters have been developed inside, because \\Desktop\ stores this DOMAIN, because \\Desktop\ is a result of testing 2.01 system, because \\Desktop\ switches A based (PC) link to "light rate" based ㈰link, because \\Desktop\ has its own internal encryption, because its U R L Info About (also see: Testing) is defined by AI global characters so systems become artificially intelligently perform, process, ... ]; e.g. a.k.a. 2009 C28 or later version of this DOMAIN content ... \\IT\Note\Testing .h t m, testing via l e n o v o with WindowsHomeServer2008 vs. Toshiba with Windows Vista, and successfully solves heat caused by server's fault which is millisecond。
_ it solves TTL problems, because uploading files into Internet might be difficult, even though user name, password, server's IP address, port, ... are correct, sometimes server rejects logon due to TTL with so many hops between local machine and server might prompt computer scientists/developers/network engineers/... "cannot logon", so insert this DOMAIN 's product and then let browser run for a while [wait approx. 1 minute]; e.g. a.k.a. 24mm natural time becomes smaller and smaller, also see: time slices become smaller and smaller, Y o c t o time prompts Y o t t o number。
_ as of 5/5/2015 /2559, no more testing of certificate available; it solves upload difficulities from local to global, uploading hundreds of files and folders, thousands of files and folders into Internet might be very difficult, because TTL problems exist, because overwriting to existing files and folders from local to global sometimes prompt 0KB files WHICH means files have been uploaded but without its content, e.g. inside local, system prompts file X Y Z is 7KB, after uploading, remote system prompts that file X Y Z is 0KB, [hint: after installing this DOMAIN 's one & only 108th day configured digital certificate, system should prompt Content i.e. Windows c e r t m g r should prompt "Content"], because server's global needs to confirm system authentication [digital certificate, publisher .r e g, ... are recommended], to avoid hacker, to avoid p h i s h i n g, to avoid system clone, to WHOM files and folders are needed to be properly uploaded; Remark: because 88...88 time SYNC ACTION is beyond a Myanmar's knowledge, detail specification is not available HOW light rate products are ... trillions dollars in trading, a Myanmar may be bluffing ... ; [ hint: sometimes +, sometimes -, sometimes *, sometimes /, ... ]。
_ it automatically load & switch domain name, concept similar to DNS vs. Proxy, prior to logon, because the whole domain to be load & switch into Internet might be difficult [wait approx. 10 minutes]; a.k.a. domain load & switch, via SHARP system。
_ as of 5/5/2015 / 2559, no more testing of certificate; it is developed by net _save .dna via its unique certificate, so system becomes anti-phishing design [installation require]; a.k.a. anti-p h i s h i n g。
_ it has its own Internet browser, i.e. noCOOKIE, which prompts user who do not like to keep cookies while browsing Internet; a.k.a. IE, Internet Browser。
_ it has its own DNS, developed within "Ready Made Directory", with bounce Distance=3 within 24mm natural time, also with 0.23 second cursor, also by AI OS with FS+.sys, FS-.sys, ... ; IFF server has DNS memory leak problems, simply insert this DOMAIN 's product, and then browse for a while, notice that DNS memory leak problems will be automatically and intelligently fixed, so called AI OS ... ; e.g. a.k.a. SATELLITE DNS; Remark: satellite . u s a myanmar . net DNS address。
_ it helps software
recovery by its AI OS, including
application, OS, systems, ... IFF window: e.g. 1. insert
this DOMAIN 's product and restart the system, F8 WHEN boot options prompt; 2. safe mode with command >> e.g.
this DOMAIN (e:\)>index>>
minimize the window >> e.g. this DOMAIN(e:\)>explorer
; 3. task bar should prompt, so do recovery, for example:
right click on Start >> Explore >> ... ;
_ it is a multi-platform system, it is also a multiple operating systems application, it is also a multi-functional system, it is also a AI system by its global characters i.e. OS .txt; e.g. a.k.a. ACT2 ACT3 info, must learn oriental language。
_ it is developed with rich contents including religious data, informational idea, educational approach, documentation technique, and etc. e.g. a.k.a. English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, Pali, and 9+ global languages via Google's translation。
_ its Cold Boot .i n i vs. \\Desktop\ will solve system installation problem such as "cannot find storage", "cannot find file systems", at very beginning without any operating systems inside of hardware; e.g. a.k.a. hardware without operating system, while installation, operating system prompts error。
_ its D HTML menu source codes are available: also see: \\IT\Directory Listing\Directories .htm and \\IT\ Directory Listing \u s a myanmar .net .mnu; so many other source codes are also available within the domain, so can be copied & developed, implemented, researched, tested, ... ; Remark: no more u s a myanmar .net .mnu file since C83。
_ its CD-R products only [ version C30+ ] might have "light rate" problem due to CD-R's longer wait time period, IFF "light rate" problem occurs, texts go behind graphics WHILE browser working... ; There are some ways to solve such display layers vs. browser time problem, to do so, e.g. 1. click on this DOMAIN 's \\Desktop\ directory and let system 2.01 with its AI Global Characters a.k.a. OS.txt auto adjust browser's wait time problem; 2. use old style browser e.g. noCOOKIE browser, because old browser does not display by layers, and old browser does not require very fast "light rate" time either, ... ; 3. since CD-R with longer wait time [because newer browsers become "light rate" with layers ... ] prompts "texts go behind graphics" problem WHILE browsing with new browser versions, use of USB Flash Drive might be able to solve such problem ... ; 4. illegal CD-R copies exist; To avoid such "texts go behind graphics" problem, WHEN illegal copy, please use only 1 session a.k.a. 1 Explore only, please use Ctrl + A to select all, and then Ctrl+C to copy, and then Ctrl + V to paste while burning CD-R ...; Please do not use drag and drop feature by mouse [because this DOMAIN has been developed by 0.23 second mouse] among 2+ sessions [because more sessions mean bigger time slices become], because "light rate" is very sensitive ... ; 5. IFF system engineering to solve the problem beyond font, replace mouse with faster response time period i.e. 0.23 second, because after 1 beep, old model IDE bus refreshed keyboard 3 lights 1st, and then mouse, and then ... , on the other hand, nowadays P C I x with USB refreshes all-in-one harmony approach; 6. In 2010, WHILE developing Processor, a small table is created with 3 rows and 10 columns, by AI characters, the table prompts Bitmap ... very beginning of GUI, also read: "Giving Beautiful Distribution", 23 paintings inside the book, Processor to GUI step by step technique is developed from 1 of the 23 paintings ... 。
_ its users' system should become round trip time 1 milli-second, in global regions; Before installation of this DOMAIN, check your ISP system's IP Address by ping command ... ; Now is the time to test Global vs. Local, to do so, insert the product, browse a few seconds ... , right click on Start >> Explore >> this DOMAIN (drive _letter:) >> click on Time.Space >> click on Action >> click on Action .htm >> click on A f r i N I C, A P N I C, A R I N, L A C N I C, RIPE, ... and note your IP Address ..., and then run Command Prompt by Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> click on Command Prompt, ping the N . N . N . N and then enjoy browsing globally ... notice that you have been already configured as easy as 1ms round trip time [2,3 hyper-dimensional];... 。
C y t a n i u m (i.e.
server prompts www .ace jaw .net 's with bold
style characters (Mini Dictionary's characters ... ) ... ; 2 identical DEE lines are more
difficult for all human beings to see ... ; Like
ro/2 method, if compare
noCOOKIE to current latest browser ... , noCOOKIE prompts no bold, but
C y t a n i u m prompts bold style characters alike ... because of
layer ... ; Tested by
Toshiba Satellite computer with
Windows7 with AMD
in 2011/2555
Making a bold style to each character is out of a Myanmar's knowledge ... ;
smaller the pixel's size, the most difficult to engineer the display, smaller
the pixel's size, the most difficult to engineer the sliced time for each line
... ; Also see:
Mutual Exclusion of
Code Page (
Code Page) can be further studied; to do so, 1st to understand
bloomy AND
fruitful hardware, because WHERE
system controls each
application as a task; IFF local system's explorer, AND
current user's console, AND
session are necessary to protect within
regions, and then using step by step ... ; Mutual Exclusion is NOT
Anti Virus, because the diff between
Anti Virus and mutual exclusion is that
AntiVirus accept and then mutate viruses'
Code Page, on the other hand, mutual exclusion
does not accept and
mutate viruses' Code Page, and each
Code Page
as a critical
region in Mutual Exclusion blocks all other application tasks。
Network, after inserting
this DOMAIN 's CD-R into a BD Player with
Network built-in, notice that the Internet network's speed
remains the same (e.g
15 Mbps), but system becomes HD resolution automatically, or
might be very faster than before, WHICH
working very very well among networks,
in common, High Speed prompts High
Quality, universally the statement "High Speed prompts High Quality"
is not 100% true,
level with
artificial intelligence
network) is the
z-distribution (
should be to prompt High Quality
... ; BD
Player's built-in functions (e.g.
) can be further studied; By using
intelligence char (e.g.
♯) location's USB
address is defined by
Address (e.g.
... ;
this DOMAIN has been trying to be
HD (High Definition) ର (Q)
(Network) universally ... ; this DOMAIN is using 10 dimensions only, because
thousands of years, when transmitting
metta, 10
directional has been ... ;IFF
kuru kuru of 5, also see:
command ...
PnP (Plug and Play)
e.g. printer driver; either (usamyanmar.net,
web site should be
and then test several devices
e.g. printer, ... ; Also see:
dotdotdot (e.g.
Installing device...) ;
IFF cell path, typing dot dot dot into a cell will be zoom out automatically
(i.e. one of the AI features), because in early 21st century, devices are likely
to be camera based; IFF
Security, 1D design should be from MSB
to LSB, because
should be defined
by 5W1H (e.g. how many
(i.e. quantity)
floating points as number) also see:
Printing artificial intelligently, each AI character behaves login alike ...
; AI
... ;
For each artificial intelligence
character, native networks to each AI character, therefore, notice the bold
style ... ; By simply looking at the printed papers, you can tell exactly WHERE
the printer's location was ... ;
Inside the Mini Dictionary, automatically and artificial intelligently, each AI
character becomes bold style ... , depending on WHERE the printing system
location is ... ; Also see:
Printing Guide To Mini Dictionary; e.g. printing
this DOMAIN 's //Myanmar/MiniDictionary/Nippon/2555NipponCharacterWritingStrokesCount.htm
in America might print bold style to "America"
artificial intelligently and automatically ... ;
this DOMAIN 's imaginary
hyper space crafts' interior system testing, for each
universal region, still do not know HOW printers print
... ? Since
2014/2557 i.e. C81
(Compilation Number 81)
and later versions,
... ;
_ Publisher .r e g, a
system registry file for Microsoft Windows platform, located at the root of this
DOMAIN; Prior to version C83 (i.e.
2014/2558), it had been registered under Microsoft Office; After
8/23/2014, this DOMAIN
's design
has been changed; e.g. redesign with several indexing files
configuration, e.g. Publisher is redesigned to be above Microsoft Office
e.g. directly register at H KEY _LOCAL _MACHINE\SOFTWARE;
to understand this statement, click on Publisher . r e g file and install its
values, and then run re g edit .exe
(e.g. C:\re g edit) ;
Because, global companies (e.g. Google, Oracle, ... ) deploy non-Microsoft
Office; Therefore, since C83 (i.e.
are registered
above Microsoft Office (i.e. directly register at
_ Research and Development (R&D) results,
As a result of R&D | Good | Bad |
![]() | PROXY; | |
2025 design model
![]() |
enctype --WEBBOT-SELF-- for (Anti Virus, Systems, Security) of Directories, Files, ... ; | source codes are not available; |
ZCS light-sheets based server, | ||
Also see: Server, for Anti-Earthquake designed modeled; | ||
since February, 2024, | for normal Yellowish Variation, Japanese . Syllabary . HTML has been created; in addition, surface inductance has been defined by Inductance, and (2+2) imaginary hyperspace design model as proposal to the Shakya King; | |
21st century & beyond Anti-Earthquake systems e.g. | (humanoid Argha 's AntiEarthquake .sys, and System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake .sys) systems; Also see: System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s .HTML; | nothing bad, inside of the newly compiled systems, but source codes are not available; |
2024 & beyond; |
23 second NFC IoT system Idea Processor;
world's the most advance Artificial Intelligence system ... ; |
Calendar . Earth . Space . War; |
2566; 02/15/2023; | world's 1st early detecting algorithm for Anti-Earthquake; Also see: Physics Law 567, ... ; | Parallel moon waves (Navy-Blue) from Jupiter is still unproven yet; |
2566; 2023; | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), for avoiding bad weather conditions worldwide ... ; | using UAV (Invisibility Engineering) as military vehicle; |
2565; 2022; |
World's 1st
if next earthquake happens naturally; |
(2565 . 2022); (2565 . 2021); (2564 . 2020); (2564 . 2019); Compilation number 165 or later ... ; |
![]() |
5+ million peoples dead, because of the most powerful (biological, biomedical) weapon COVID-19 pandemic in our earth; COVID-19 is one of the worst cases in world's history; |
![]() |
![]() |
2019/2563; Compilation number 127 or later ... ; |
![]() |
military grade (invisible to radar); |
2019/2562; Compilation number 123 or later ... ; |
Abhidhamma (Abhidharma) based Idea Processor; as of 08/26/2018, C123 compilation, Remark: without \\Monastery\*.* /s, approximately more than 10,905 Files, 393 Folders, 500 MB (525,156,352) bytes; |
no source codes are available; |
2018/2562; Compilation number 121 or later ... ; |
more than 11032+ items to do good e.g. (creating very nice weather at defined locations, curing many defined diseases, healing many defined disorders, keeping healthy environment, prolonging life expectancy of we human beings) ... ; this DOMAIN 's contents (more than 11032+ items) are working with (Apple, Google, Microsoft) OS ... ; |
no source codes are
no evidence of already cured persons globally; |
2017 / 2561; Compilation Number ... ; |
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ... ; approx. 28+ years of reading books, periodicals, ... , i.e. to compile Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ... ; anyway e.g. both Big Bang Theory of Western Civilization and Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ... ; readers may have different idea,
e.g. this DOMAIN 's contents as Idea Processor ( |
artificial gravity still
cannot adjust Body Length Index (![]() in space, there is no joint venture; |
2016 / 2560; Compilation Number 103 (C103) or later; | approx. 600 MB, approx.
3100+ oriental characters to learn, approx. 9700+ items, with
![]() multi platform compatibilities: e.g. 2003 model Microsoft FrontPage is still working with 2017 model Windows 10 OS; as of 7/11/2016 /2560; e.g. 2003 model Brother Network Laser Printers are still working with 2017 model Windows 10 OS; as of 7/11/2016 /2560; |
better compatibilities
mean less consumption; cannot prove many human beings livable moons' existence in our universes; cannot prove Solar Sail Method HOW our universes can be mapped, and perceive energy to prosper naturally ... ; |
2015 / 2559 Compilation Number C88 or later; | 8600+ items (approx. 600MB); 2600+ oriental characters to learn; | getting older means harder to remember by heart; |
2014/2558 version C81 or later; | multi time line (print) for each layer; | NOT having 3D printer to use at home;
Because of low income, cannot effort to purchase 3D printer;
Still do not understand HOW textile engineering is embedded into
technology; Still do not know HOW
laser can pinpoint defined location within 3D polygon as object to
print, to weld (i.e. beyond high frequency sealing),
... ; still don't know HOW laser can
be (adjusted and projected)
![]() ![]() ![]() |
IQ of computers ... ; still developing, for human beings users, for humanoids users, for hyper imaginary space crafts, ... ; | There is no solution yet i.e. HOW to
prove IQ of computers?
e.g. XYZ notebook computer is better than IJK computer, or IJK computer is better than XYZ notebook computer; |
2013/2557 version C72 or later |
Mutual Exclusion problems are
![]() ![]() |
e.g. not able to pinpoint detailed bit-by-bit HOW functional Bold; Technique; yet HOW mutual exclusion problems exist among layers, concerning gravity spots on a surface in the Internet; |
2012/2556 version C65 or later |
108 (i.e. ancient and traditional) numerical numbers 3,
3, 3, 3 with 10, 7, 10; Reaching 108 idea (s) for Monbusho level global scholars, global researchers, ... ; WHERE 10, 7, 10 can be with dimensional direction of our solar system; IFF our solar system is moving from GREEN to BLUE, we are heading toward ananda shakya wala (e.g. 0) ... ; |
a Myanmar still cannot prove
officially and scientifically, regarding statements: - 108 configuration with dimensional gravity, - our solar system is moving from GREEN to BLUE, - UPS i.e. Universal Positioning System with multi time lines, - green5 planets WHERE the Sun is not the momentum and other universe with 7 planets system in addition to our system is 10, - even time horizontal DEE WHERE the Sun's light with 2 directional symbolic "shakya", - gravity is faster than light WHERE the Sun is the momentum of Earth, - Info is also faster than light because even light is no longer exist (gravity causes light to be attenuation) but Info survives and exists therefore Info is not only faster than light but also stronger than light; |
2011/2555 i.e. version C56 or later |
![]() ![]() |
OEM can design calculator based frame e.g. 1240 which is 3 to left, 3 to right, so easy to control this DOMAIN 's page size 1234 horizontally in coming ultra books ... ; this DOMAIN developer still does not know exactly HOW horizontal lines are for Font ... ; And, WHEN the Font is control keyword, HOW vertical lines are for ... ; |
2011/2555 | Because of
AI, IFF printing Mini
Dictionary, notice the bold style for
each global region,
... ;
Also see: Printing Guide To Mini Dictionary; For each universal region, ... ; |
For each
universal region, still do not know HOW printers
print in 2,3 dimensional space?
For each universal region, still do not know HOW printers print in 3,4 dimensional space? |
2011/2/3 | Proof of
AI design;
If there is no other options, this DOMAIN should be installed; Also see: Your domain system is your system number ... ; |
Still do not understand exactly HOW Installation ID prompts for a hidden keyword within your system, and then WHEN user type in Product ID as the keyword's number; Question is whether dictionary stage OR translator stage? |
2011/2554, 1500+ characters in Mini Dictionary ... ; | Collecting, learning, oriental characters ... ; knowledge enhancement; | Remote learning only; |
![]() |
Imaginary Hyperdimensional, also see:
Heavenly Wheel
Topology; Adding 20 water drops ... for middle path ...
dimensional fixed structured computer is not done yet ... ; still in
still do not know 0.2857142
857142 857142
857142 857142
dimensional C Sequence Number; BF1 ~ BF9;
![]() |
2554![]() ![]() ![]() |
raining alike STRINGS in ACT1 stage without energy map ... ; gravity dimension computer is not done yet ... ; |
2009, "ready made directory" a.k.a. \\Desktop\*.* | multiple operating systems installation technique; functional artificial intelligence global characters a.k.a. OS.txt; directories are internally defined by graphics; | close architecture; lack of technical knowledge how to classify green color font inside file-system vs. red color font inside memory; "tree algorithm" or ready made directory? |
2009, digital certificate, a.k.a. www.usamyanmar.net.cer.p7b file | 108; system authentication;
lack of technical knowledge how to build
certificate store and global certificate authority; as of 5/5/2015 /2559, no more testing of certificate; |
2552: 2008 ~ 2009, drive letter icon | combine PC + GPS; functional ACTION keyword; | lack of technical specification; not able to do remote installation of this DOMAIN 's *.* via Internet; |
2008, cursors | time constraint 0.23 second; | a few in quantity, 3 files available; |
2007, toggle mode for humanoids | job enrichment; | as same as human beings; |
2006, numerology | 2*7 lunar vs. 2*5 jun; 108; 2,3 dimensional; 2*6 can also be 2 years; 4 planets prediction; | a Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional ... ; a Myanmar cannot prove 24mm natural time's time-slices become smaller and smaller; |
2005 ~ present, medical & pharmaceutical bio-brand-name collection | idea; pharmaceutical IT approach; | quantitative; very difficult to be qualitative among changing Dx, Rx, and Tx; |
2005 ~ present, oriental language | approaching ACT2 and ACT3 stages; | basic understanding only; still do not understand 1 second in the most important time . space . action; |
2004 ~ present, photo collection | different desktop backgrounds available; | still cannot break through file system technology (e.g. C CD vs. LCD) cannot reduce file's size; Almost impossible to know HOW artificial wormhole can prompt image as surface, a.k.a. lens method; |
2002 ~ 2007, algorithms | idea; math approach; | lack of functional implementation; |
2003 ~ 2005, Bio-IT | idea; Bio-IT-medical approach; | lack of functional implementation; |
2002, icons | graphics; hyper graphics; | no render technique, so images appear rough ; |
2001, C sequence number | base; exponent; large number; structured by 2010/2554; | brunch factor; tree depth; |
2000 ~ present, religious dhamma collection | learning Buddha dhamma;
in 2016/2560, approx. 700+ words in Pali are already collected; |
not complete document; |
2000, noCOOKIE browser | Internet browser; | no print function button; right click to print; |
1999 ~ 2005, software collection |
compatibilities; knowledge vs. market; |
system dependent; old software might be waste alike; lack of knowledge to develop system independent software; |
Remark: in 1997, I did not know USB can be (90 degree, 180 degree) ... ; also I did not know CD means "Static Motor Way" ; | ||
1997, NASA-W I U JOVE help system, Masters project | earn a MS degree in Computer Science; | no more octet based sectors; since 1995 CD FS, "light rate based" has begun ... ; |
1995, swap 2 integers without temporary variable | functional x-or gates;
e.g. x^=y^=x^=y; graduate study had begun, in USA; some remedies (courses) were required because graduated in Myanmar; |
no filter; academically, grading system different made " adjust by yourself " , and many colleges & universities in Myanmar, NOT able to verify GPA; |
... | ... | |
_ remote assistance via this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; also see: hyperlinked invitation help inside Testing; 2 persons can chat。
_ Since version
C83 (i.e. in 2014/2558),
configuration has been developed as:
Default .ASP, default .ASPX,
Default .HTM, index .HTM,
index .HTML, and index .SHTML at its root
(e.g. C:\);
WHY do we need 6 files at the root to do indexing to
server, file server, web server, ... , because
compression to file is diff, because platform to OS is diff, because tech among
ISP is diff, ... ; Therefore, since
2014/2558, this is one of the
... ;
Intellectual properties of this domain is copy right and all rights reserved by
developer, but developer never law suit to any in his life, and never file law
suited by others either, therefore, if you like this model, copy it, install it,
and use it。
_ SYNC a.k.a. synchronization among workstation vs. server, among server vs. server, data replication among domain controllers, ... can be difficult to synchronize, can also be difficult to replicate, [because Time Stamping complexity regions among computers, among OS languages, among nations' root domain system times, ... ], and then insert this DOMAIN 's product and browse a while, and then do replication, synchronization, ... ; Because inside system A memoryⓄ's "THIS;" must be matched to system B memoryⓄ's "THAT;" within 1ms a.k.a. 1 millisecond; Such task can be done by this DOMAIN 's AI Global Characters a.k.a. ..\\Desktop\OS.txt a.k.a. artificial intelligence global characters automatically and intelligently。
_ System128,
System256, tested
by version C85 or later, since 2014/2558
Nov. 6; i.e. by implementing
50+ numbers
of Sqrt2, with 10 numbers
of Sqrt3; Therefore, IFF Testing is
user should create folder (directory) System128,
and then
user should also create folder (directory) System256;
should be integrated
2 digits
(e.g. 32, 64) to
3 digits
(e.g. 128, 256)。
_ this DOMAIN 's artificial intelligence multifunctional system can be tested by IANA 2007 standard keywords and ports [approx. 4500+] via all kinds of computer, because of functional AI Global Characters a.k.a. ..\\Desktop\OS .txt a.k.a. artificial intelligence global characters ... ; e.g. P K I Time Stamp testing, Hardware's physical port vs. software's defined port by keyword testing, Protocol testing, ... ;[installation of this DOMAIN with digital certificate www.usamyanmar.net.cer.p7b is required; as of 5/5/2015, no more testing of certificate] 。
_ Modern
TV are
therefore, test by yourself as
e.g. before and after of inserting
this DOMAIN 's contents as USB drive a.k.a.
USB Flash Drive; If quality
TV happens, time to remember,
hey NOT ME, because
TV itself has been integrated to know
HOW to
prompt quality to
Working ... with 8600+ items
(600 MB) e.g. C88 compilation or later;
USB, Universal
Serial Bus, a part of expansion;
Depending upon
quality may vary ...
time zone,
type) e.g. C y g win, Default
(auto detect),
DOS, DOS-like virtual paths,
HP Non Stop, M V S,
OS/390, Unix,
V x Works,
Z/OS, z / Virtual Machine,
... ;
and then
's (logon
type) e.g. account,
anonymous, ask for password,
interactive, normal,
... ;
Remark in 2015 / 2559,
USB Drive as
specified items
5W1H uploading,
... ; Because,
logical ,
structural, ... Working
... ; IFF
gravitational, also see:
GDC a.k.a. Gravity
Dimension Computer。
weather, this
DOMAIN 's AI (Artificial Intelligence) do good
weather conditions
globally, and this is written in
10/2014/2558 version C85 or later;
e.g. NO MORE STORM, or big storms will be small;
HOW to
do it? very very easy, finding Majjhima Way a.k.a. Middle Path, also see:
and then, keyword (
weather) must be defined
e.g. in numerological dimension,
weather can be defined
as 5512859; and then, using no COOKIE browser,
weather's address must be defined
development is combination of data, executable, graphics (e.g. \\IT\Symbol\*.*
can be as filled
background randomly doko
system recognizes
... ), idea, keyword, web pages,
... , and system is combination of things
... ; Globally, if
this DOMAIN does good weather conditions
(no more storm, or big storms will be small),
hey, remember, NOT me because ... ; Idea Processor
and then either strange looking characters
or defined
... , can be
AI programmed,
believe it or not;
... ;
Also see:
level knowledge enhancement,
idea ♯ 158; MANMADE GLOBAL
e.g. PM 2.5 pollution problems in China's cities can be solved by MANMADE GLOBAL WEATHER (Plasma Cluster) by creating directional 3 gravity spots ... ; i.e., reduce pollution in China, a part of Red Book implementation ... ;
e.g. regional flood problems in Thailand can be solved by limiting rain fall by laser beam into the cloud in raining season; regional flood problems in Thailand can be solved by directional and structural 2 gravity spots to do faster water flow into the sea ... ; i.e., reduce flood in Thailand, a part of Red Book implementation ... ;
e.g. regional drought in California, USA can be solved by creating hotspots in
Pacific ocean next to West Coast of North America,
and then creating directional plasma cluster east bound wind,
and then projecting sound beams above California's sky to do rain fall onto
drought regions ... ; i.e., reduce drought in California, USA, a part of
Red Book
implementation ... ;
heat and
light) are at the same space only in our earth, and our earth is one of
the moons;
weather globally ...
WMPInfo.xml file is for (64-bit)
WHEN SensorAPI is sensing,
is switching, it behaves like
ID, between
+ and -
; this DOMAIN defines
SensorAPI as リ# or
#6 via its system variable or user variable depending on
whether base is normal
or satellite;
numerological dimension has been applied by
AI OS; so IFF +, it
will define its WMPInfo to +;
so IFF -, it will define its
WMPInfo to -;
also see:
+88...88- vice versa -88...88+ for
gravity dimension computers in
ACT3 stage; ... 。
Remark: like sequence 98, like DVD 's dual format (plus, minus), and notice that
SQRT2 design model, Working ... ;
Your domain system is
your system number ... ; 1st to understand
WHERE is THAT system
Number ? to do so, test
hyperlinked invitation help ... , also see:
Testing .htm; open the files e.g. *.msrcIncident
by using Notepad text editor; understand HOW system number has been within your
domain system; 2nd to understand ..\\iOriental\
directory's It.GIF, It1.GIF, and IT.GIF files; 3rd to understand
AI, also
see: Your domain system is your system number ... inside
Testing .htm; because of AI, within a domain
system, if OS is reinstalled, or a disk is
reformatted, ... simply check the ..\\iOriental\
.htm, folder's 3 files ... ;
If missing, or broken, or gone, simply
copy and paste the 3 files; You have just simply
maintain your domain system artificial intelligently ...
; Easy, because your have
installed AI OS within
your domain system。
I (Ace Jaw) ' v e many
me, e.g. starting with wrong birth date,
... , and might be ending on one of my moons
(also see: My
Imaginary Space)
in our universes
... ; Therefore, if gene therapy system
Working... , if gravity dimension computer
Working... , if
B L I automatic adjustment
Working... , if
10 dimensional system
Working... ,
Manmade Global Weather (
Working... ,
... , hey,
me: because
on your (e.g.
own ... ;
me: because
on your (e.g.
own ... ;
In Pali, a.k.a. "attahi attano ... " ... ; Similar to Yin and Yang concept;
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