Updated in
2025 :
January :
11th (Saturday) : Gene Therapy System index ;
; Updated on
11 :
1 :
2025 : Gene Therapy System index
; WHAT is "normal" sir ? well trained kids !
beings healthy is normal,
iroColourWaveForm (color codes) is
normal, within acceptable
defined range is normal (e.g. growth rate, life expectancy), ... ;
2))) is very very unique in many ways e.g. either
bio way
physics way;
2))) is very very unique in many ways e.g. either
way or
lymph nodes' way;
((( 8))) common blood
types are ((O+,
O-), (B+,
B-), (A+,
A-), (AB+,
Remark: since (2568 in Buddha Sasana Calendar, 2025 in Gregorian Calendar),
this DOMAIN is using (Aqua Color
with {11,11,11} Color) only for
Gene Therapy System index (the blood), because ;
Also see:
b Character;
C D G W T;
ACT3 imaginary hyper space,
dealing abnormalities (a.k.a. uncertain programming) e.g.
4 Planets Prediction is no longer valid, and e.g. C
Sequence Number (BF2) is no longer valid, then this DOMAIN recommends
fetching of our Solar System As Simulation
(imaginary hyperspace crafts)
in a group into the dark ... , (Also
see: Physics Law 141,
... );
at the specific slow time as
... ) i.e.
HOW this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System e.g. Tx on human beings livable moons,
... ;
you can have your own Right Triangle ones with diff sizes, e.g. ((13, 12, 5), (10, 8, 6), (5, 4, 3)), also see: Parameter;
I wrote: regarding ../../chiryoyaku
Therapeutic Usage/DNA Origami/NanobotSample1
I've a quiz i.e. kuru kuru
dealing with
100+ Lymph Nodes (Oncological
way should be chiryoyaku Therapeutic?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! Lymph Nodes should be "soft ones" sir, regarding chiryoyaku Therapeutic ... ;
I wrote:
of course; Also see:
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper
. HTML (hard, soft) ;
Remark: Lymph Nodes;
Location Awareness Response
(our earth)
: human beings . head .
j u r y o
Weight :
approx. ((between 4.5 to 5
kilograms), (between 10 to 11 pounds)), doko
adult human beings brain is
approx. (1.3 kg, 3 lb);
Talent For Humanoid is no longer valid if
j u r y o
Weight changes (e.g.
in space, kuru kuru
dealing with weightlessness) ... ; Also see:
b G T S U;
h Character;
Idea Processor;
Nama For Humanoid;
in ACT2 imaginary hyper space, silver e.g. {E3, E3, E3} color is normal, because many human beings livable moons in our universes obey its peaceful and tranquil momentums, ... ,
ACT1 imaginary hyper space, aqua (a.k.a. cyan) color is normal
(i.e. regarding our earth
argha Holy Water), and,
therefore, "normal" is either silver e.g. {E3, E3, E3} color
aqua (a.k.a. cyan) color, regarding our earth;
Remark: IFF our earth, define yourself i.e. your own definition of
"normal" definitions in this webpage, with your own defined picture
(dimension is
limited to 108x108, 23x23, 21x21, 15x15 size), with your own words,
sentences, and paragraphs, since this DOMAIN has been sharing its contents,
your definitions will be
so called
"triangulation system" in the Internet ... ;
regarding MD,
Medical Doctor's (measure,
measured, measurement, measuring),
neither hyper nor hypo
is "normal" ... ; (neither (
Hyper) nor (
Hypo)) is "normal" ... ;
regarding "we human beings" on
many human beings livable moons in our universes, i.e. very early stage
information and still in research and development (R&D) e.g. HOW to auto adjust
Body Length Index (
BLI), e.g.
yellowish variations can define
between planets, ... ; realize that approx. 34+
years of almost everyday work (collecting data, reading books, magazines,
newspapers, Research & Development (R&D), ... ) may prompt
Gene Therapy System ... ;
HOW to
design, develop, and engineer Gene Therapy System sir ? well trained kids ! I
don't know bio medical that much, but regarding
PHYSICS and Computer Science (IT),
1st to understand HOW this DOMAIN 's Methods
are ... ; 2nd to understand
Theory of Eastern Civilization
(e.g. holes and strings, e.g. instead of
analyzing "Big Band" , slow down time period's DEE patterns, e.g. strings'
direction can only be defined by hole board, ... ); 3rd, you may
need approx. 34+ years of almost everyday research and development e.g.
collecting, learning, reading, ... ,
And Then, good luck e.g. you'll be on your own Gene Therapy System
... ;
maintain (normal %, normal name, normal per) ... ;
(common, normal, standard);
using COUNTERS appropriately and properly ... ;
Directional Gravity Pressure, also see:
Schematic Dimensional;
iroColourWaveForm, for each good gene pattern
... ;
average normal body temperature (range: from 97°F to 99°F)
is normal;
average normal body temperature (range: from 36.1°C to 37.2°C) is normal;
CBC, Complete Blood Count; Also see:
c G T S U;
index; Physics Law 113;
H e m a t o c r i t 's Standard Range is (39.0-51.0) % ;
H g b
's Standard Range is (13.0-17.0) g/d L ;
's Standard Range is (80-100) f L ;
(Platelets count) 's Standard Range is (140-400) K/u L ;
(R B C
's Standard Range is
(<=0/100) WC
(R D W,
R B C) 's Standard Range is (12.0-16.5) % ;
CBC . (
red blood cells count) 's Standard Range is (4.10-5.70) M/u L ;
CBC . (
COUNT) 's Standard Range is (3.7-11.1) K/u L ;
BLI (±5 cm) is normal; for each human beings livable moon; Body Length Index (BLI);
for each human
beings livable moon; Body Length Index (
HOW to measure BLI sir ? well trained kids ! it's very easy to do e.g. WHILE standing, measure horizontal length in centimeter (cm) Remark: longest distance of left's middle finger to right's middle finger, And Then, measure vertical length in centimeter (cm) Remark: longest distance of tip top of head to bottom toe; And Then, compare its variation, so called BLI, because, C Sequence Number (BF1) growth rate is one of the important factors, regarding many human beings livable moons in our universes;
blood pressure (120/80 mm Hg) is normal; Blood Pressure
blood pressure Top Number
(systolic) in mm Hg (120) is normal;
blood pressure Bottom Number
(diastolic) in mm Hg (80) is normal;
Blood Pressure (BP);
Also see: c G
T S U (
blood pressure control,
blood pressure control,
blood pressure control,
blood pressure control,
Blood Pressure Control,
Blood Pressure Control,
Blood Pressure Control) ... ;
BMD, Bone Mineral Density;
B M D (±1 SD) is normal; Bone Mass Density (B M D);
B M D (±1 T-Score) is normal;
B M D T-Score (between +1 and -1) is normal;
Bone Mass Density (B M D);
regarding BMD usage, "mass" is more likely to be using for (oncological, physical), on the other hand, "mineral" is more likely to be using for natural;
BMI (18.5 - 24.9) is standard;
BMI, Body Mass Index ((height: Number centimeter (cm)), (weight: Number kilogram
BMI, Body Mass Index ((height: Number feet, Number inches), (weight: Number
underweight BMI (<18.5),
standard BMI (18.5 - 24.9),
overweight BMI (25 - 29.9),
obesity BMI (>30);
Body Mass Index (BMI);
reminder: weight is more likely to be (associated with, related to) metabolic, metabolism, ... ;
CA19-9; e.g.
a healthy person's CA19-9 normal range is 0-37 units per milliliter (colon, gallbladder, liver, lung, pancreas) ... ; Also see: c G T S U; g G T S U; l G T S U; Oncological Dx; p G T S U;
C A C,
C A C,
C A C,
C A C), Coronary Artery Calcium, (keep, maintain)
healthy epithelium without
plaque, e.g. C A C score zero means no risk
of cardiovascular abnormal events; Also see:
a G T S U;
c ECG;
c G T S U;
... ; ... ;
Calcium (serum) . normal range is 8.6-10.3 mg/d L in
conventional unit;
Calcium (serum) . normal range is 2.2-2.6 m mol/L in SI unit;
Calcium (ionized) . normal range is 4.4-5.2 mg/d L in
conventional unit;
Calcium (ionized) . normal range is 1.1-1.3 m mol/L in SI unit;
Calcium related parathyroid hormone (P T H) . normal range
is 11-51 pg/m L in conventional unit;
Calcium related parathyroid hormone (P T H) . normal range is 11-51 n g/L in SI
Calcium related Creatinine Marker (for Kidney function) .
normal range is 0.6-1.3 mg/d L in conventional unit;
Calcium related Creatinine Marker (for Kidney function) . normal range is
53.0-114.9 µmol/L in SI unit;
Calcium related Vitamin D25 H y d r o x y . normal
range is 30-80 n g/m L in conventional unit;
Calcium related Vitamin D25 H y d r o x y . normal range is 121.4-323.7 n
mol/L in SI unit;
active Vitamin D, 25(OH)D
Active Vitamin D, 125-Dihydroxy a.k.a. C a l c i t r i o l (Kidney,
Liver) . converting 25(OH);
Remark: elderly (Geriatric) e.g. age > 65 yr, should keep normal Calcium level ... ;
(CK-MB); e.g.
for female, normal
CK-MB range is (0-3 I U/L); female;
for male, normal
CK-MB range is (0-5 I U/L); male;
Color Codes; e.g.
Blue Color for veins), (
Red Color for arteries)), ((
Blue Color for veins), (
Red Color for arteries)), ((
Blue Color for veins), (
Red Color for arteries)), ((
Blue Color for veins), (
Red Color for arteries))); Also see:
Cardiovascular Dx;
Gene Therapy System
iro LED;
kaibogaku Anatomy;
D L C O,
D L C O,
D L C O,
D L C O), Diffusing
capacity of the Lungs
for Carbon
Monoxide (CO),
and D L C O represents the defined lung's ability to transfer inhaled-air
into the blood; Also see:
d Character;
d G T S U;
normal D L C O is > 75% ;
normal D L C O is > 75% and < 140% ;
Low Limit Normal (D L C O) is approx. 60%;
H D L,
L D L,
Triglyceride), also see: l G T S U
(lipid) ... ;
H D L,
L D L,
Triglyceride) Standard Range (s) "fasting lipid panel" are e.g.
(age year <18)
Cholesterol : ((170 mg/d L is optimal), ((170-199) mg/d L is
risk), (>199 mg/d L is high risk));
(age year >18)
Cholesterol : ((<200 mg/d L is optimal), ((200-239) mg/d L is
risk), (>239 mg/d L is high risk));
Also see: c G T S U (cholesterol) ... ;
(age year <18, female)
H D L : ((<40 mg/d L is low), ((40-45) mg/d L is normal), (>45 mg/d L is optimal));
(age year >18, female)
H D L : ((<50 mg/d L is low), ((50-59) mg/d L is normal), (>59 mg/d L is optimal));
(age year <18, male)
H D L : ((<40 mg/d L is low), ((40-45) mg/d L is normal), (>45 mg/d L is optimal));
(age year >18, male)
H D L : ((<40 mg/d L is low), ((40-59) mg/d L is normal), (>59 mg/d L is optimal));
Also see: h G T S U (H D L) ... ;
(age year <18)
L D L :
((<110 mg/d L is low), ((110-129) mg/d L is high), (>129 mg/d L is risk));
(age year >18)
L D L :
((<110 mg/d L is optimal), ((100-129) mg/d L is low risk), ((130-159) mg/d L is
normal), ((160-189) mg/d L is high risk), (>189 mg/d L is very high risk));
Also see: l G T S U (L D L) ... ;
(age year <10)
Triglyceride : (<75 mg/d L is optimal), ((75-99) mg/d L is normal), (>99 mg/d L is
(age year 10-18)
Triglyceride : ((<90 mg/d L is optimal), ((90-129) mg/d L is normal), (>129 mg/d L
is risk));
(age year >18)
Triglyceride : (((100-149) mg/d L is low risk), ((150-199) mg/d L is normal),
(200-499 mg/d L is risk), (>499 mg/d L is very high risk));
Also see: t G T S U (Triglyceride) ... ;
(C r e a t i n i n e and
G F R) Standard Range is (<=1.34 mg/d L C r e a t i n i n e, and >60 G F R);
chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage (kidney), also see:
c G T S U;
D E X A, Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry;
DICOM; e.g.
Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine (DICOM) ... ;
DNA repairing enzyme;
Gene Therapy System (kouso
enzyme, shuri
Number e.g. (
code), Plus One Algorithm (Good Gene)); Good Gene's internal address
Good Gene's internal address
Good Gene's
internal address (;
Good Gene's
internal address (;
for our earth only;
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
c | d | g | w | t | : | Electrolyte | s | ||
e.g. | ( | Bi | |||||||
carbon | ate | , | Chloride | , | Potassium | , | |||
Sodium | ) | . | . | . | ; | ||||
![]() |
Electrolyte | ||||||||
![]() |
Electrolyte | ||||||||
![]() |
Electrolyte | ||||||||
![]() |
Electrolyte | ||||||||
normal | range | Bicarbonate | is | 22-29 | milli | Equivalents | per | Liter | ; |
normal | range | Chloride | is | 96-106 | milli | Equivalents | per | Liter | ; |
normal | level | Potassium | is | 3.6-5.2 | milli | moles | per | Liter | ; |
normal | level | Sodium | is | 135-145 | milli | Equivalents | per | Liter | ; |
(( everyday,
repetition in Kanji
the cardiac muscle (
Heart), beating approx. ((
100) * (
1000)) i.e. 100000 times ... ; Also see:
h ECG;
h G T S U;
Physics Law 100000;
Remark: our earth only;
eyes, OPTOMETRY; wear correct glasses (Axis Number, Cylinder Number, Sphere Number); normal means no eyes diseases;
glucose) Standard Range is (60 - 90) mg/d L, also see:
g G T S U;
Fat Layer, one of the essential layers to maintain (healthy
h a d a Skin, healthy tissue), also see:
f G T S U;
flow speed (L/min);
heart rate a.k.a. pulse rate (range WHILE resting, from 60
pulse/min to 100 pulse/min) is normal;
normal resting heart rate (for adults): between 60 beats a minute and 100 beats
a minute;
pulse rate a.k.a. heart rate (between 60 beats/min to 100 beats/min) is normal;
heart rate a.k.a. pulse rate (range WHILE resting, from 60 pulse per minute to 100 pulse per minute) is normal;
pulse rate a.k.a. heart rate (between 60 beats per minute to 100 beats per minute) is normal;
beats per minute
(beats/min); heart rate;
pulse per minute (pulse/min); heart rate a.k.a. pulse rate;
correct genetic disorders;
correcting genetic disorders;
![]() |
![]() |
Hiragana... |
![]() |
; | ||||||||||||||
usage... | t a | d a | shi | i | ; | ||||||||||||||
21 | 41 | 189 | 9 | 21411899 | ; | ||||||||||||||
Numerological... | 3 | 5 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 3599 | ; | ||||||||||||
Katakana... |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
; | |||||||||||
English... | c | o | r | r | e | c | t | ||||||||||||
English... | c | o | r | r | e | c | t | ; | |||||||||||
Numerological... | 3 | 6 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3699532 | ; | |||||||||
GIF... |
![]() |
JPEG... |
![]() |
Hiragana... |
![]() |
![]() |
; | |||||||||||||
usage... | i | de | n | te | k i | ; | |||||||||||||
9 | 45 | 5 | 25 | 29 | 94552529 | ; | |||||||||||||
Numerological... | 9 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 99572 | ; | |||||||||||
Katakana... |
![]() |
![]() |
; | |||||||||||
English... | g | e | n | e | t | i | c | ||||||||||||
English... | g | e | n | e | t | i | c | ; | |||||||||||
Numerological... | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 3 | 9 | 7555293 | ; | |||||||||
GIF... |
![]() |
JPEG... |
![]() |
Hiragana... |
![]() |
; | |||||||||||||
usage... ; Numerological... | shi | yo | u | g a | i | ||||||||||||||
189 | 76 | 3 | 71 | 9 | 189763719 | ||||||||||||||
9 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 6 | 94389 | |||||||||||||
s | h | o | g | a | i | ; | |||||||||||||
1 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 186719 | ; | |||||||||||
Katakana... |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
; | |||||||||
English... | d | i | s | o | r | d | e | r | s | ||||||||||
English... | d | i | s | o | r | d | e | r | s | ; | |||||||||
Numerological... | 4 | 9 | 1 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 1 | 3 | 491694591 | ; | |||||||
GIF... |
abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; |
JPEG... |
correct genetic disorders;
correcting genetic disorders;
Good Gene; using
Plus One algorithm e.g.
Good Gene's internal address (
... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System is a part of our earth's the 1st &
unique 10 dimensional (2*5) system, AI system, Gravity Dimension Computer
system, language learning system, triangulation web system, ... ; WHAT is system
sir ? well trained kids! system is a combination of items, objects, things, ...
, and, this DOMAIN reserves 12 dimensional (2*6), and 14 dimensional (2*7) for
you ... ; notice that
2 (two) is very very unique in many ways;
(h e m o dynamic, h e m o dynamics) flow of blood, by ((L/min), (ml), (mm Hg), ... ), also see: Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ;
CI, Cardiac Index, (2.5-4 L/min/m2) is normal;
CO, Cardiac Output, (4-8 L/min) is normal;
C V P, a.k.a. RA, Right A t r i a l Pressure;
C V P, Central Venous Pressure, (2-6 mmHg) is normal;
RA, Right A t r i a l Pressure, (2-6 mmHg) is normal;
in common, Cardiac Output is Pulmonary Flow, measured by (Number L/min);
Also see: 3cComputer; 5cComputer; 9cComputer; c G T S U;
D B P, Diastolic Blood Pressure, (60-90 mmHg) is normal;
MAP, Mean Arterial Pressure, (70-100 mmHg) is normal;
S B P, Systolic Blood Pressure, (90-140 mmHg) is normal;
Also see: 4dComputer; d G T S U; 3mComputer; m G T S U; 1sComputer; s G T S U;
PAD, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Diastolic
(8-12 mmHg, PAD))
is normal;
PAM, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Mean
(25 mmHg, PAM))
is normal;
PAS, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Systolic
(20-30 mmHg, PAS))
is normal;
P C W P, Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure, (4-12
mmHg) is normal;
R V P D, Right Ventricular Pressure, (Diastolic (0-5
mmHg), R V P D) is normal;
R V P S, Right Ventricular Pressure, (Systolic (20-30),
R V P S) is normal;
Also see: 8pComputer; p G T S U;
P V R, Pulmonary
Vascular Resistance, (37-250 dynes/sec/cm5) is normal;
S V R P, Systemic Vascular Resistance in Pulmonary, (800-1200 dynes/sec/cm5)
is normal;
Also see: 2pComputer; r G T S U; 3sComputer;
S I, Stroke Index, (25-45 ml/m2) is normal;
S V, Stroke Volume (50-100 ml) is normal;
Also see: Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ; 1sComputer; 5sComputer; s G T S U;
Standard Heparin (approx. 5000-30000 Daltons), anticoagulant class medication, also see: Cardiovascular Dx; vitamin K;
H g b A1C) Standard Range is (<=5.6 % H g b A1C %, and 85 - 126 mg/d L Est. Avg.
Glucose) ; Remark:
Est. Avg., Estimated Average; Also see:
h G T S U (H g b, Hemoglobin);
human beings' (Bio-cells (motion, movement, moving) < 10 micro meter per minute) i.e. immune response (tissue) ... ; Also see: Protein;
iPS, also see:
Nanobot iPS Cells;
(jaw closed . normal), (jaw open . normal) ... ; Also see: j G T S U; m G T S U; t G T S U;
. Gene Therapy System
. l G T S U
. (
jintai Ligament,
jintai Ligament)
ligament ... ; in
our earth,
normal ligament colors are
( (
Color, Yellow Color,
Yellow Color,
White Color,
White Color,
White Color,
Purple Color,
Purple Color,
Purple Color
) )
also see: index;
light INSTINCT; e.g. because of "Light Instinct" , our body's
immunological (body
part, item,
thing, ... ) are gathered to be together ... ;
measure 1D,
measure 2D,
measure 3D) for each item,
object, thing,
... ; Also see:
Measure_3D; e.g. measuring (
x Character,
z Character)
... ;
another example would be: DEE boxes in Z axis;
Measure_2D; e.g. measuring (
x Character,
y Character)
... ;
another example would be: AB Distance of a map (cm scale of GPS);
Measure_1D; e.g. measuring (
x Character)
... ;
another example would be: C Sequence Number (BF1) distance is growth rate;
are written in Katakana (R o m a j i),
e.g. Quality As
Keyword can define "measure"
... ; in RISC architecture (1990s
style), quality vs. quantity can be understood by
Method; in
to measure Idea Processor to be beyond AI (Artificial
Intelligence) sir ? well trained kids !
defining more good words in dictionary can be talented and can have more
intelligence and knowledge, i.e. without rule (e.g. if-then-do); the truth is in
common e.g. this
DOMAIN developer does not know all (calculator, dictionary,
translator, GPS, ... )
chipsets to be AI
(very very limited
& restricted peoples in our earth know beyond module) approx. only 10+
persons know exactly HOW
(calculator, dictionary, translator, GPS, ... ) and think
that ("currency" , "health" , "life" , "power" , "wealth") cannot buy ... ;
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper (,
Idea Processor
jinko chino
Artificial Intelligence (
Nanobot Programming)
nitotte For
maintaining (
&&) monitoring (
&&) supporting
Therapy System (\, /) index)));
normal C r e a t i n i n e level is (0.84 - 1.21) C r e a t i n i n e milligrams per deciliter
of the blood;
normal C r e a t i n i n e level is (74.3 - 107 micromoles per liter)
of the blood;
G F R > 60 is normal; Also see:
k G T S U (e.g. Kidney) ... ;
normal P T H, parathyroid hormone is (from 15 to
65) pg/m L;
10-55 pg/m L, i.e. normal Para Thyroid Hormone (P T H) level in the blood test;
10-55 pico gram per milliliter (P T H) is normal;
Calcium related parathyroid hormone (P T H) . normal range
is 11-51 pg/m L in conventional unit;
Calcium related parathyroid hormone (P T H) . normal range is 11-51 n g/L in SI
"our (Arms, Legs) are side-by-side the
same in distance,"
Remark: Navy Blue Color may form as parallel moon waves from Jupiter, because of
(solar eclipse partial vs.
solar eclipse total) so
Even Time Horizontal DEE
(our earth only); Also see:
108 configuration;
Time; BLI
(Body Length Index) automatic adjustment (for each human beings livable moon) is
in R&D, and one of the top military secrets in ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary
hyperspace ... ;
our earth . 78% Nitrogen in the air; (100x100) dimensional; normal range for
nitrogen in the blood is ((from 6 to 24 mg/d L), (from 2.1 to 8.5 m mol/L));
Also see: b G T S U;
l G T S U;
also see: p G T S U;
Remark: ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ Tx: Remember: focus on (cardio m y o p a t h y and pneumonia) because
cardio m y o p a t h y and pneumonia cause fatality rate;
normal PACO2 is (from 5.1 to 5.6) kilopascal
e.g. (5.1-5.6 k Pa);
normal PACO2 is (from 38 to 42) millimeters of mercury e.g. (38-42 mm Hg);
normal PAO2 is (from 10.5 to 13.5) kilopascal e.g. (10.5-13.5 k Pa);
normal PAO2 is (from 75 to 100) millimeters of mercury e.g. (75-100 mm Hg);
with arterial blood pH (from 7.38 to 7.42);
with oxygen saturation, SAO2 (from 95% to 98%);
normal Yellowish Variation, also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML; Physics Law 232. HTML;
normal Yellowish Variation
in winter time,
onsen (heat: hydrothermal hot
springs) are attracting lights,
causes unwanted earthquake (our earth), so (defining, identifying)
normal Yellowish Variation
means to be normal, (i.e. normal means without earthquake in the defined
region) ... ; Also see:
Anti-Earthquake programming;
Domain \ Gene Therapy System \
Japanese . Syllabary;
Physics Law 567;
potassium; e.g.
standard Potassium
range is (3.5 - 5.3 m E q/L) ; Also see:
p G T S U (
kariumu Potassium);
C V P, Central Venous Pressure; normal C V P is between 2 mm Hg, and 6 mm Hg; normal C V P is (2-6 mm Hg); over hydration increases venous return, a.k.a. elevated C V P; C V P (catheter) indicates (fluid status, right ventricular function);
P A W P, a.k.a. P C W P; P A W P, slowing inflating balloon with 1.5 m L of air, kuru kuru WHILE observing distal lumen pressure (trace, traced, tracing), so the line becomes (wedge, wedged, wedging), WHEN tracing changes (amplitude, shape) ... ; slowing inflating balloon with 1.5 m L of air is normal, regarding P A W P;
pulmonary embolism: (CT angiogram (C T A) with IV, D-dim e r elevation < 500 n g/m L) is normal;
P V R I, Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Index;
e.g. 80 . dynes
sec cm - 5 m 2;
e.g. mm Hg m L min - 1 m - 2 / m L L - 1;
e.g. mm Hg L - 1 min m 2;
e.g. WU . m 2;
P V R I;
Remark: ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ Tx。
proportion; rate; ratio;
pressure; PRESSURE; e.g.
atsuryoku Pressure;
blood pressure (120/80 mm Hg) is normal; Blood Pressure
blood pressure Top Number
(systolic) in mm Hg (120) is normal;
blood pressure Bottom Number
(diastolic) in mm Hg (80) is normal; Blood Pressure
(BP); Also see: c G
T S U (
Blood Pressure Control,
Blood Pressure Control,
Blood Pressure Control) ... ;
C V P, a.k.a. RA, Right A t r i a l Pressure;
C V P, Central Venous Pressure, (2-6 mmHg) is normal;
RA, Right A t r i a l Pressure, (2-6 mmHg) is normal;
C V P, Central Venous Pressure; normal C V P is between 2 mm Hg, and 6 mm Hg; normal C V P is (2-6 mm Hg); over hydration increases venous return, a.k.a. elevated C V P; C V P (catheter) indicates (fluid status, right ventricular function); Remark: Potassium;
Hemoglobin (protein)
carry oxygen in blood;
Partial Pressure of O2 in artery
its indirect measurement is SaO2;
SpO2 is estimated amount of oxygen in blood; Standard Peripheral
O2 (SpO2);
D B P, Diastolic Blood Pressure, (60-90 mmHg) is normal;
MAP, Mean Arterial Pressure, (70-100 mmHg) is normal;
S B P, Systolic Blood Pressure, (90-140 mmHg) is normal;
Also see: 4dComputer; d G T S U; 3mComputer; m G T S U; 1sComputer; s G T S U;
PAD, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Diastolic
(8-12 mmHg, PAD))
is normal;
PAM, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Mean
(25 mmHg, PAM))
is normal;
PAS, Pulmonary
Pressure, (Systolic
(20-30 mmHg, PAS))
is normal;
P C W P, Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure, (4-12
mmHg) is normal;
R V P D, Right Ventricular Pressure, (Diastolic (0-5
mmHg), R V P D) is normal;
R V P S, Right Ventricular Pressure, (Systolic (20-30),
R V P S) is normal;
Also see: 8pComputer; p G T S U;
pressure (mm Hg);
regarding human
beings' eyes in our earth:
normal intraocular pressure (
IOP) is between 10 mm Hg and 21 mm Hg; Also see:
e G T S U;
i G T S U;
blood proteins bind to globulins (α, β‚ γ), glycoprotein, lipoprotein, and serum albumin; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 264, Protein Bound;
PSA, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA array's
results, PSA screening results), and
standard PSA range is less than or equal to 4.0 n g/m L (<=4.0 n g/m L) Also see:
p G T S U;
Radiological; Radiology; e.g.
C T A, Computed Tomography
(CT (Computed Tomography) and M R (Magnetic Resonance)) angiography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography, e.g. Axial CT on soft-tissue, S a g i t t a l CT on
soft-tissue, ... ;
M R I, Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
X-ray, e.g. lateral X-ray, post e r o anterior X-ray, ... ;
Reference Range, a.k.a. Ref. Range ... ;
Reference Range, a.k.a. Standard Range ... ;
therefore, out-of-Reference Range means abnormal,
... ;
therefore, out-of-Standard Range means abnormal,
... ;
so, Gene Therapy System, using
Artificial Intelligence, to keep within (Reference Range, Ref. Range,
Standard Range) ... ;
so, Gene Therapy System, using
Idea Processor, to keep within
(Reference Range, Ref. Range, Standard Range) ... ;
resistance to blood flow,
i.e. S V R (Systemic Vascular Resistance); (changes in blood
vessel diameter, changes in blood viscosity) i.e.
S V R;
respirations of (between 12/min and 20/min) is normal;
respiratory rate (range, from 12 breaths per minute to 20 breaths per minute) is
Number per minute (Number/min);
room air oxygen saturation (between 94% and 99%) is
approx. 21% oxygen (environment, room) is normal;
may require additional oxygen IFF SpO2 <90% (SpO2);
may require additional oxygen IFF SaO2 (55 mm Hg - 60 mm Hg);
IFF air pollutions EXIST, also see:
Manmade Global
Hemoglobin (protein)
carry oxygen in blood;
Partial Pressure of O2 in artery
its indirect measurement is SaO2;
SpO2 is estimated amount of oxygen in blood; Standard Peripheral
O2 (SpO2);
sinus rhythm; e.g.
normal SINUS
RHYTHM, measured by ((C1, C2, C3, C4), (R7)), doko
WHERE Heart Rate (HR < 60 B P M) for Sinus B r a d y c a r d i a,
on the other hand, Heart Rate (HR > 120 B P M) for Sinus Tachycardia,
... ; Also see: c G T S U;
ecg Interpretation;
r G T S U;
standard), (
measure)) ... ;
regarding our earth (no yellowish variation, without yellowish variation) common, normal, standard :
standard ALT: range is between 0 U/L and 47 U/L;
standard calculated low density lipoprotein: range is less than or equal to 159
mg/d L (<=159 mg/d L);
standard cholesterol: range is less than or equal to 239 mg/d L (<=239 mg/d L);
standard C r e a t i n i n e: range is less than or equal to 1.34 mg/d L (<=1.34 mg/d L);
standard fasting glucose: range is between 60 mg/d L and 99 mg/d L;
standard G l o m e r u l a r Filtration Rate: range is more than or equal to 60 m L/min
(>=60 m L/min);
standard H D L: range is more than or equal to 40 mg/d L (>=40 mg/d L);
standard H e m a t o c r i t: range is between 39% and 51%;
standard h g b: range is between 13 g/d L and 17 g/d L;
standard M C V: range is between 80 f L and 100 f L;
standard nucleated R B C: range is less than or equal to 0/100WC (<=0/100WC);
standard Platelets count: range is between 140 K/u L and 400 K/u L;
standard Potassium: range is between 3.5 m E q/L and 5.3 m E q/L;
standard PSA level: range is less than or equal to 4.0 n g/m L (<=4.0 n g/m L);
standard (R D W, R B C): range is between 12% and 16.5%;
standard red blood cell count: range is between 4.1 M/u L and 5.7 M/u L;
standard Triglyceride: range is less than or equal to 499 mg/d L (<=499 mg/d L);
standard WBC count: range is between 3.7 K/u L and 11.1 K/u L;
standard TSH; IFF FT4 test, normal range is approx. between 0.7 m I U/L and 2.0
m I U/L;
standard TSH; IFF TT4 test, normal range is approx. between 4.5 m I U/L and 12.5
m I U/L;
standard TSH: range is between 0.4 u l U/m L and 4.5 u l U/m L; Thyroid Stimulating
Hormone (TSH) test;
standard TSH; Thyroid gland's normal TSH: range is between 0.4 m I U/L and 5.0 m I U/L;
standard Uric acid: range is between 2.0 mg/d L and 8.5 mg/d L;
(2-8°C) standard refrigeration;
Also see: Computer Mini Dictionary;
regarding human
beings livable moons in our universes , because of BLI diff, SPL
diff, variable DEE patterns, (with EMI, without EMI) planets,
variations, ... , still in R&D (Research & Development e.g.
reversed yellowish
variations) a.k.a.
ACT3 imaginary
hyper space developments ... ;
all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya
King, and
human beings livable moons in our universes' the highest knowledge
based information, also see:
level knowledge
enhancement 3;
this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System
can also be used in space traveling, e.g. WHILE visiting to human beings
livable moons,
... ; regarding
imaginary hyper space developments, e.g.
life expectancy for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient),
user) of this
DOMAIN ... ;
(Thyroxine (
T4)) Standard Range is (0.8 - 1.7 n g/d L), also see:
t G T S U;
tract; tracts; e.g.
(lower respiratory
tract), (spinal
(upper respiratory
tract), (urinary
using (
healthy epithelium without plaque)
nitotte For
k a k u Each
Passage to be healthy
ones e.g.
without plaque; Also see:
index (more Oxygen, O2 rich)
Troponin) normal levels (i.e. from 0.00 to 0.04 nano grams per milliliter) in
the blood; Also see:
Protein (h
G T S U, t G T S U) ;
Remark: normal heart;
( TSH,
TSH) e.g.
TSH (pregnant patient (Pt)):
Reference Range is (0.1 - 3.0 u l U/m L);
Remark: TSH, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone;
TSH Standard Range is (0.4 - 4.5 u l U/m L);
Remark: TSH, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone;
Also see: 2tComputer;
normal lung
A lines) e.g. C Sequence Number (BF1 distance)
based 3 lines are vertically consecutive, and they are horizontally parallel;
Also see:
urine collection for c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours time period); e.g.
for female, normal nephrology c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours time period) is from 133 to 177 µ mol / kg; for female, normal nephrology c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours time period) is 15-20 mg/kg; Remark: Osteoporosis ... ;
for male, normal nephrology c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours time period) is from 177 to 221 µ mol / kg; for male, normal nephrology c r e a t i n i n e excretion (24 hours time period) is 20-25 mg/kg; Remark: Osteoporosis ... ;
urine within 24 hour, also see: Specialties N E P a n a l y t e;
vaginal pH at (approx. urine pH 7, approx. amino tic fluid
pH 7), using
iroColourWaveForm (colors),
blue color: low serum e s t r a d i o l,
no serum e s t r a d i o l;
{FF,CC,99} color: almost normal
serum e s t r a d i o l, low bacterial v a g i n i t i s;
green color: bacterial v a g i n i t i s,
low serum e s t r a d i o l;
navy color: low serum e s t r a d i o l,
no serum e s t r a d i o l;
olive color: bacterial v a g i n i t i s,
low serum e s t r a d i o l;
yellow color: lactobacilli,
normal pH, normal serum e s t r a d i o l, possible yeast growth;
Vitamin : 25-OH (a.k.a. 25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D level (>150 n g/m L), i.e. Toxic;
Vitamin : 25-OH (a.k.a. 25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D level (80-150 n g/m L), i.e. High;
Vitamin : 25-OH (a.k.a. 25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D level (20-79 n g/m L), i.e. Sufficient;
Vitamin : 25-OH (a.k.a. 25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D level (12-19 n g/m L), i.e. insufficient;
Vitamin : 25-OH (a.k.a. 25-Hydroxy)
Vitamin D level (<12 n g/m L), i.e. Deficient;
Vitamin : Vitamin (
B12) standard range is greater than or equal to 200 pg/m L;
Vitamin :
Vitamin (
B12) Standard Range is (Number >= 200 pg/m L);
Also see:
d Computer (
Vitamin) ... ;
v G T S U;
volume (ml);
Water) % e.g. approx. (
65) percentage Water in (kaya
a.k.a. body), And Then, approx. (
75) percentage Water in muscles, And Then, approx. (
80) percentage Water in blood;
H2O), a.k.a. Water ... ;
white blood cell count of (between 4500 m c L and 10500 m c L)
is normal;
white blood cell count with bands (between 0% and 3%) is normal;
white blood cell count with e o s i n o p h i l s (between 1% and 4%) is normal;
white blood cell count with lymphocytes (between 20% and 30%) is normal;
white blood cell count with mono c y t e s (between 2% and 8%) is normal;
white blood cell count with n e u t r o p h i l s (between 40% and 60%) is normal;
white blood cell count;
Gene Therapy System (gene therapy, Tx) for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user) to be normal ... ; normal, as opposed to (abnormal, hyper, hypo, non standard, irregular);
Remark: its (
Web Site) advance connection setting has been set as (Runtime User Name: this
DOMAIN, Runtime Password: IT) i.e. regarding its global Active Server Document
(. a s a), and
Hyperlinks for 'index . h t m' ;
's ((1080nm Anti Virus,
Gene Therapy System),
curing ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ);
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