; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : January : 24th (Wednesday) : x : x Character ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 24 : 1 : 2024 : X : x : x Character;     Also see: x Usage;


(Dx, Dx, Dx, Dx, Dx) Diagnosis ... ; (Dx, Pt, Rx, Tx) ... ;

( Gravity Spots For Floors X, Gravity Spots For Walls Y), also see: kadosei Mobility; structural Battery; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

within this DOMAIN 's contents, two x html files are (INDEX, i.e. one of the root (directory, folder) files, and INDEX, i.e. Time .Space \ U A V \ files, ... ), for avoiding bad weather conditions worldwide ... , also see: this DOMAIN 's world's 1st and the most advance DEE, Dark Energy Engineering + Gravity Dimension Computer + Idea Processor + Invisibility Engineering Products + jinko chino Artificial Intelligence + ... (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for avoiding bad weather conditions worldwide, ... ;

x ;

x ;     x      x      x エ ッ ク ス ;     X;

if we can communicate via Idea Processor (deduction logic, induction logic),
base on (aspect ratio, (X, Y), X Y), i.e. (z, Z) I guess (imaginary),
24 pisayo must be variable (e.g. ((left, x), (left, y)), ((right, x), (right, y))), And Then,
if we add Time t, And Then, Time (Year : Month : Day) . Space ((x, y, z), xyz, XYZ) . Action
would be base on (aspect ratio, (X, Y), X Y), i.e. (z, Z) I guess (imaginary);
Remark : starting with (discovered, hidden), (known, unknown), ... , I a i n ' t know WHAT is (z, Z) ... ;

IFF Active Z (dot, pixel, point, sphere, spot) color code, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3;

x is similar to character OR character, "something network" in oriental thought, also see: 3*3*3*3 Tx/Rx, by 802.11 n wireless spatial multiplexing ... ;

x a n t h * ;

(XD) card ... ;

x e r * ;

xi i.e. Ξ, ξ ;

XML, Extensible Markup Language; XML, also see: x m l n s;

( x One, x Two, x Three, x Four, x Five, x Six, x Seven, x Eight, x Nine, x Ten), also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML;

x-ray; X-ray; e.g.

beam (e.g. X-ray);

( CT, CT, CT, CT, CT), also see: CT, Computed Tomography;

in common, X-Ray is measured by ( keV, Count);

X-ray (ionic molecule), And Then, (count, counted, counting) missing electrons; Also see: Battery;

X-ray Report;
X-ray Report;

X Y ;     X Y ;     X Y ;
i.e. (( x) * ( y)) to (calculate, define, mark, measure, translate) z ... ;
e.g. PHYSICS, law one hundred and thirteen, any moving location of point, ... ;

x y, 2D, 2 dimension;

xyz, 3D, 3 dimension;

0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, ... i.e. return values ;

also see: assembly; info;

; ; ;

(x, y, iroColourWaveForm), also see: layer (dot, pixel, point) ... ;

Remark: long long time ago, in 1990s, we had (x, y, c), And Then, in 2000s, we had (x, y, C♯); notice, realize, and understand THAT "z" is NOT easy to define, regarding (2*6) momentum ... ; "z" is NOT plus-and-minus of neither zoom (in, out) nor memristor s (5 left, 5 right) 's NOT 90 degree e.g. (45, 60, 72) either, and I a i n ' t know ;

DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment X; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

2891 464195 . 2991573312965 . 171254 : 4 . 8 . 2 : this DOMAIN . triangulation . system ( x, y, z), also see: Ace Jaw;

timeline; Also see: Clock; Physics Law 154; -time; Time; x Character; x G T S U;

x ;
