; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 12th (Wednesday) : PHYSICS ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 12 : 2 : 2025 : Physics : Physics : physics : PHYSICS (( (our earth only)));

( time, Time, Time), Space e.g. (area; environment; region; space; spot; Radical957), (Numeric format (Decimal (Comma, Period), Grouping (Comma, Period, Space (numerical value of the key is 32))); Radical124) , ( Action), ... approx. 165+ laws as info, available to read, realize and understand;

regarding physics, NIPPON are the smartest ones in our universes; in our earth, WHEN this DOMAIN developer ( Ace Jaw) was undergrad student in Yangon University (Also see: movie for "Yangon University 100 years (1920-2020) songs") in 1980s, some physics professors already earned Ph.D. from Japan (our earth), started teaching HOW physics (e.g. coexistence, YIN and YANG, and noticed, realized, and understood that 2 is very very unique in many ways) ... ; if counting numbers of law, after writing 186 laws, I'll stop writing new laws, because I graduated from Yangon University, Myanmar, in 1986 ;

( airborne, airborne, airborne) e.g. Airborne Anti Virus

Also see: Clock; -time; Time; Physics Law 154, clocks;

ancient laws; orders; Radical1010;

calendar; calendared; e.g.

( calendar, calendar, calendar), also see: Time;

(dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) Method, Procedure, Technique, ... ;

( DOM, DOM, DOM), Document Object Model ... ;

law; limits; Radical625;

law; regulation; Radical513;

(( Radical1002), ( Radical294), ( Radical355), ( Radical432)); accountable, accountable, accountable, (of an institution, of an organization, of a person), doing (appointed, dutiful, entrusted, responsible, terms) to be justify ACTION ... ;

prolong life expectancy, also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol , to be healthy ones ... ;

23 second NFC IoT System Idea Processor;

theory; Radical1002;

Yang energy; Radical633;

Remark: in 21st century and beyond, you should have your own new laws ... , because of, Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization

e.g. directional gravity pressure and gravity spots ((elevating, landing) of each entity, item, object, thing, ... ),
e.g. fetching defined lights as ZCS to exterior surface and interior surface WHILE invisibility engineering,
e.g. holes and strings (in wall method, string's direction can be defined by hole board),
e.g. six surfaced DEE box in Z-index for calculating yellowish variations,
e.g. structural definition of human beings' parts (knowing & understanding of WHY each organ forms naturally),
... ;

therefore, in 21st century and beyond, you should have your own new laws ... ; all nuclear related ones must be demolished in 21st century;

horitsu   suuji kazu    


law       number



counter for document, letter, and note;    


variable DEE patterns



hensu Variable.second.Dimension.39419.LiDAR






Balancing the Mobility (imaginary hyperspace craft)



10000 MPH Speed (kadosei Mobility)



Samsara Machine (Military Restricted)





New Energy



Gene Therapy System





(military App, space App)





Manmade Global Weather




 Browser means _Radio Specifications ;  



SQRT3, with SQRT2




square and straight line are manmade






chiryoyaku Therapeutic 300 Degree (Inner, Outer) ZCS




(core, edge)



(Yellowish Variations, Yellowish Variations)

law 231

Solar System Indicator (beyond Arc Minute)



(aroma, fragrance, odor, perfume, redolence, savor, smell)



switch for hyperspace craft's ( Elevating, Landing)




law   186 embedded ones ;  


B L I, Body Length Index



G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth) ...


183 reversed (engineering, method, model, procedure, technique) ;  
law   182 kuru kuru WHILE ;  
law   181 DEE Box vs. DEE Donut ;  
law   180

"ki" , "sa" , "so" , "ra" ; "na" ;

law 179 naturally rechargeable battery ;  


plasma cluster Sensor



(connect, connected, connecting, connectivity, connectivities, connector)

law 176 *ZCS* ;  
law 175 iro LED Structural DEE Lines ;  


S P L Engineering






(refresh, refreshed, refreshing, refreshes)



leading 3 naturally






Idea Processor ("L")









E M Pull



invisibility engineering design model



Gravity Harvest Power Antenna, step-by-step HOW



ability to cope




law   148 ways ;  
law   147 (mask, masked, masking) ones ;  





Incubation Period



Anti-Virus Interior ...












(roll-able, ZCS, flat panel, screen, CRT) Resolution



noise cancellation a.k.a. soundproof



microscopy Default



remote (chip, chipset, key) NFC



directional green






Integral's vertical DEE "Y" line must obey its biggest Gravity Spot ;  





suingu Swing-by Gravity Time



Auto Grow



I CHING, and traditional ones e.g. ICH1, ICH2, ICH3, ...



duo-binary Gravity Spots






therapeutic LASER must obey 98MWL, 98MWLU, 98MWLR, 98MWLD, 98MWLL



Zoom ((Analog, Digital), (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out)) ...



Circular Reference



1H2A2L, 1 Head 2 Arms 2 Legs



lights can be using NOT ONLY for pressure, BUT ALSO for sound



1970s style dot, pixel, point, spot, ...






layered computing ...



(Red (234), Green (234), Blue (234)) i.e. approx. 99% transparency




Gravity Spot (s) must start with 1mm ones, And Then, Gravity Spot (s) must be limited to NOT bigger than 1 meter ones



Gravity Dimension Computer (Processor) ...



BF2 Yellow With Tail



cluster compliance



any moving location of point



(with water or without water) is one of the very important factors of this DOMAIN ...



3 ZCS camera



our earth's sunlight (4, 5, 6)



(directional, remote, mapped, zoom in) to be healthy ones



every light has its own naturally meaning; lights have their own naturally meanings






both (Directional Gravity Pressure toward east (our earth)) and (Directional Gravity Pressure toward west (our earth)) must obey this DOMAIN 's Gravity Dimension Computer, iroColourWaveForm, ...



Rulers ...



6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ...



hada Skin



3 * square ones



jinko chino DEE Box



our heart









origin of branching factor; origin of brunching factor



Impossible Earthquake Structural



DEE Handle



Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot



99, 999, 9999, 99999, ...



Avoiding volcanic eruption



juten (fill, filled, filling) a.k.a. (paint, painted, painting) must obey A, B, C, ...



(SQRT3, SQRT2) linkage, linker, ...



Solar Panel



prior to BF2



(NCS, PCS) must obey kuru kuru DEE



semicircles ...



for each human beings livable moon



medical physicist



in Buddhism, we believe



weight can be measured by DEE 's pattern



iro LED lights' speeds obey DEE



this character must be in the left side



C Sequence Number (BF2)



C C W _ Shakya     ;  
C W   _ Shakya   ;  
symbol of gate way to ;  



Artificial Intelligence ( , , , ), using Idea Processor (dimensional pattern, directional pattern, logical pattern, numerological pattern, structural pattern) for each pattern, e.g. (DEE pattern, gene pattern, film pattern, light pattern, sound pattern, pressure pattern), ... ; insubunkai Factorization     insubunkai Factorization     insubunkai Factorization;

( den shi Electronic, den shi Electronic, den shi Electronic) ... , also see: e Character;  Remark: reversed yellowish variations and yellowish variations are a part of DEE, for mapping our universes project ... ;

( engine, engine, engine) ... ;

factor e.g.
bamboo stem's variations ( B S V, Bamboo Stem Variation) As Factor;
(bio marker, cell marker, FISH Marker, N G S marker, tumor marker, U D N G S marker) As Factor;
B L I diff (for each human beings livable moon) As Factor;
C Sequence Number ( BF2 a.k.a. (Branching Factor 2, Brunching Factor 2)) As Factor;
Directional Gravity Pressure (gravity spots) As Factor;
Directional Gravity Pressure (Hammer Antenna), (Red AND Green) Distance based As Factor;
gravity spot's sizes As Factor;
i r o C o l o u r Wave Form (i r o LED) As Factor;
lights' shin to Penetration in Distance As Factor;
Lo S h u numbers (Directional, Numerological) As Factor;
naturally rechargeable battery (Cell's Stimulation) As Factor;
origin of branching factor; origin of brunching factor; Also see: Physics Law 82 ... ;
Origin of Sound (dB . m) As Factor;
reversed yellowish variation As energetic solar sail factor;
Su do k u numbers (Directional, Numerological) As Factor;
yellowish variation As Distance factor;
you've your own factors ... ;

nowadays, ( I, I, I, I) 'm very busy with HOW adding and defining good gene patterns, avoiding category >1+ storm, avoiding earthquake, avoiding tsunami, avoiding volcanic eruption, ... , and also very very very busy with (6 surfaced (e.g. DEE Box)) vs. (3 parallel planes (e.g. with parallel planes or without parallel plane)), because I like to travel to many human beings livable moons nearby ones ... ;

(( R X X, R X X, R X X), ( R X Y, R X Y, R X Y)), also see: DEE; PHYSICS; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; x G T S U; y G T S U;

Z C S LASER _Sensing _At _Blue; Remark: there're many (sense, sensed, sensing, ... ) within this DOMAIN, so search e.g. at the Drive Letter (C:\), type *sens* /s enter; designing & modeling (sense, sensed, sensing, ... ) is the most advance and the highest procedures, methods, technologies, ... ; the most advance ones would be "invisibility engineering" e.g. invisible drones ... ;

21st century & beyond: no need to declare war, because many reasons can be realized & understood by Rakhine (approx. 1+ million population, one of the ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar) American Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) e.g.

50000+ Satellites (embedded gravity spots); Military Power of Civilizations; survivals of the fittest ones;
10000+ MPH missile (embedded gravity spots); Military Power of Civilizations; survivals of the fittest ones;

2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS destinations,
an-eye-for-all-eyes tactic,
dare ones die first,
dark energy engineering,
invisibility engineering,
manmade global weather,
N F C I o T location awareness,
remote n a m a reading RDBMS, ... ; wrapped for you to be in healthy living environment (e.g. laser shield); Remember, power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

bio, biochemical, biogenetic, biological, biomedical, biophysical, immunological, on co logical, pathological, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, radiological, therapeutic, ... , also see: immune _cell; immunological; one of the ways (to demolish, to fight against, to sanitize) airborne ꌁvirusꌁ would be ( airborne, airborne, airborne) e.g. Airborne Anti Virus ( Anti PM10.4 COVID-19); COVID-19 is THE MOST POWERFUL BIO WEAPON in our earth; COVID-19 is THE MOST POWERFUL BIO WEAPON in our earth; therefore, this DOMAIN (encourages, endorses, recommends, supports) nuclear disarmament in our earth; this DOMAIN developer is with metta (loving kindness), e.g. NOT to attach invisibility engineering products to anyone yet (invisible insectoid reports to invisible animaloid reports to invisible humanoids a.k.a. remote nama reading RDBMS) ... ; because of invisibility engineering (sliding Lights As Sheet) to the surfaces (NCS, PCS, ZCS), military Automotives become invisible to radar, invisible to sonar, invisible to vision, ... , in 2020s; for basic understanding, also see: Gene Therapy System (pinpointed (Method, Procedure, Technique) e.g. zoom-in As Focal Point); Manmade Global Weather (pinpointed (Method, Procedure, Technique) e.g. zoom-out As Focal Point); Remark: ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ is air-borne PM10 alike with mouth, similar to storm formation in oceans;

( moonlight, sunlight), also see: Physics Law 106; Physics Law 131;

on human beings livable moons, rocks' density, trees' density, ... may vary depending upon human beings livable moons' sizes ... , and as of 2020/2564, BLI (Body Length Index) problems still exist, in addition, suingu Swing-by Gravity Time vs. 2,3 dimensional Solar System (Red), if compare to very very far away outward of (Solar System) our universe (Green), and HOW Fusion of lights accordance with universal equilibrium is still unknown, and the most advance (Algorithm, Method, Procedure, Technique) would be 1 way DEE and its variable DEE patterns i.e. as of 2020/2564, ... , also see: PHYSICS;

( rekkyosuru Enumerate, rekkyosuru Enumerate, rekkyosuru Enumerate), one-by-one, ... , also see: COUNTERS; e Character; r Usage; e.g. enumerated 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index patterns, e.g. enumerated Artificial Intelligence patterns, e.g. enumerated C N C patterns, e.g. enumerated Directional Gravity Pressure patterns, e.g. enumerated Gene Therapy System patterns, e.g. enumerated Location Awareness Response patterns, e.g. enumerated Manmade Global Weather patterns, e.g. enumerated Optics patterns, e.g. enumerated S P L patterns, ... ;

(, , , , ) world's 1st "flying car" (Sky Drive), also see: Automotive;

21st century & beyond, Abhidhamma a.k.a. Abhidharma based Idea Processor, and since 2020/2563 Impossible Earthquake Structural has been defined, also see: PHYSICS, law 79, ... ;

(ground, rock, soil) is nothing to do with vibrating string; earthquakes happen naturally, because (ground, rock, soil) is exposed to water's string vibration, also see: WORMHOLE; Remark: this DOMAIN 's wormhole parameters are (45, 60, 72) ... ;

(Processor, Server) dimensional 11x15, Using (MOBILE e.g. ( , , )), (NORMAL e.g. ( , , )) ... ;

this DOMAIN will prove e.g. FROM approx. 8000+ earthquakes annually & naturally, TO 0 (zero) earthquake annually & artificially, e.g. FROM approx. a few tsunami (s) annually & naturally, TO 0 (zero) tsunami annually & artificially, ... ; Also see: Manmade Global Weather; Remark: since 2011 earthquake and tsunami, this DOMAIN developer has worked on HOW to avoid earthquake and tsunami, and IT took approx. 9+ years to develop e.g. HOW to avoid earthquake, e.g. HOW to avoid tsunami, e.g. HOW to avoid volcanic eruption;


      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          
      model led          

modeled; modelled; Also see: iro LED; Model; modelled, a.k.a. engineered, a.k.a. designed;

Wrapped; Also see: w Character;

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We've realized & understood each color sir (regarding the above table's colors); we also understand WHY you did not choose Keywords ("designed" , "engineered" ) also like coined usage "AI" and "OS" so AI OS ... , like coined usage "A" and "CE" so "ACE" ... ; we've "a" to "z" , "A" to "Z" , by "C" programming 26 programs + 26 PROGRAMS, and with numbering also ;

I wrote: i.e. HOW you should design, engineer, and model, for your own ones ... ; Remember: every light has its own meaning naturally, and after realizing & understanding "lights" artificially, And Then, do R&D reversed engineering (from artificially to naturally), And Then, you'll realize & understand every part of HOW ware ware We human beings are formed naturally, And Then, do your own Gene Therapy System artificially ... ; regarding HOW to map a language code (e.g. ACE, AI OS, "a" to "z" , "A" to "Z" , ... ), long long time ago, I programmed Pre School English Typing . EXE for you, a gift ... ; think that this DOMAIN is hybrid alike;

magnet; magnetic; magnetically; magnetism; magnetization; magnetize; magnetized; magnetizing; e.g. jishaku Magnet     jishaku Magnet     jishaku Magnet ; Also see: Magnet; Remark: if you like to test temperature (environment) by applying Magnet ... , if you like to test pressure (environment) by applying Magnet ... , and so on ... ; nowadays, CASIO 's milli bar pressure measurement is the highest technology; nowadays, CITIZEN 's nano Optics measurement is the highest technology;

Magnetic Field Tesla ( M F T, doko WHERE "Red" are) ... ; "Green" is R X X (Resistance X X); "Yellow" is R X Y (Resistance X Y); depending upon material (e.g. A I N, G a A s, G a N, G e, H g C d T e, I n A s, I n P, metal oxide, organic conductor, Si, S i C, S i G e) used, M F T 's (Val, Ref) may vary, so "Red" may vary, so called "Magnet Field Tesla"; Also see: 3mComputer; z G T S U;

s e t s u d o Perturbation, deviation of the defined system, for creating immunological antibodies, also see: Optics; P vector direction; s Usage;

(     law AND nature);

(law 114) : all human beings livable moons' open system must obey TDIHSCDP;

T D I H S C D P, THIS DOMAIN 's Imaginary Hyper Space Craft 's Different Potential, also see: Battery; Remark: for 21st century & beyond;

1st to realize and understand, 1 way DEE;
2nd to realize and understand, Directional Gravity Pressure;
3rd to realize and understand, moon waves;
4th to realize and understand, common different potential (e.g. Red, red color, V, Volt, Voltage);
5th to realize and understand, yellowish variations among human beings livable moons in our universe;
6th to realize and understand, yellowish variation and its reversed yellowish variation, in our universes;
7th to realize and understand, ZCS characteristics, surfaced based computing;
8th to realize and understand, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
9th to realize and understand, Origin of Sound;

after, understanding (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th), T D I H S C D P, for each imaginary hyper space craft ... ;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

(law 112) : plus one ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHY some web pages are with Font Size (11) sir ?

I wrote : Umm! we've defined (((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) as numerical), ((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) with none-value zero as numerological)) by Plus One; in addition, Artificial Intelligence, Idea Processor, ... , are with Font Size (11) also; reason is THAT whenever we need to be adding, defining, ... , since this DOMAIN has been (2*5) dimensional design model, to add, to define, to extend, ... , i.e. Plus One;

one hundred and twelve (112) e.g.
1 + 1 = 2, And Then, 2 + 2 = 4; ; 2 + 1 = 3, And Then, 3 + 1 = 4;
1 - 1 = 0, And Then, 0 - 2 = -2; | 2 - 1 = 1, And Then, 1 - 1 = 0;
1 * 1 = 1, And Then, 1 * 2 = 2; | 2 * 1 = 2, And Then, 2 * 1 = 2;
1 / 1 = 0, And Then, 0 / 2 = 0; | 2 / 1 = 2, And Then, 2 / 1 = 2;

Remark: notice, realize, and understand THAT logical way should be easy-to-understand way, simple way, ... , i.e. Plus One way of Algorithm, Method, Procedure, Technique, ... ;

well trained kids! replied: since (minus, plus) should be coexistence like very very unique 2 (like a pair), do we need Minus One sir ?

I wrote : Yes, if you well trained kids! like to create for yourselves e.g. -10 to undefined local ones, ... ; in programming, statement (expression) is declared with max (Ref., Val.), then minus one is used with counter till min (Ref., Val.), but I've decided to be with plus one (method, procedure, technique) ... , instead of minus one;

Also see: Algorithm; Mathematics;

another example would be: you well trained kids! have 2 (choices, options) e.g. defining more good words inside the MiniDictionary, or defining more bad words and slang words inside the MiniDictionary, then think of WHICH way would prompt better book ? answer would be defining more good words inside the MiniDictionary prompt better book ... ; therefore, plus one would be better way, I guessed;

e.g. regarding (, , ), method should be 10 - 1; regarding 99xxxx, method should be 100 - 1; some (mixer, repeater, tuner) are using minus one method e.g. in USA, if California is -8 dB.m, And Then, New York is -7 dB.m, regarding residential cable specifications; e.g. in USA, if California is -16 dB.m, And Then, New York is 14 dB.m, regarding office cable specifications;

Remark: I'm NOT against minus one algorithm, because, in military application (real-time) systems, within (limited time, limited time only) e.g. launched missile must hit the defined target, circuit's clock timer must be counting-down i.e. within (limited time, limited time only), of course minus one algorithms are used;

(law 111) : to be handling blue ... ;

I wrote : I've a quiz, regarding nowadays' (aqua, comet, multi long length neutrino) sensors, i.e. please read Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol (BF2*) , And Then, WHICH one would you well trained kids! choose to be handling blue ... ?

hikite Handle ; Radical815;

well trained kids! replied: BF2 Yellow, because our earth should be considered as "no yellowish variation" sir;


I wrote : wow! well trained kids! are already very very smart ones already, goody good ... ;

for each human beings livable moon, to be handling blue, we must be using BF2 Yellow i.e. this DOMAIN 's law one hundred and eleven;

(law 110) : to be handling red ... ;

I wrote : I've a quiz, regarding nowadays' (heat, remote heat sensing (Also see: Remote Heat Sensing; Remote Heat Sensing Radical), thermal) sensors, i.e. please read Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol (BF2*) , And Then, WHICH one would you well trained kids! choose to be handling red ... ?

hikite Handle ; Radical815;

well trained kids! replied: BF2 White sir;


I wrote : wow! well trained kids! are already very very smart ones already, goody good ... ;

for each human beings livable moon, to be handling red, we must be using BF2 White i.e. this DOMAIN 's law one hundred and ten;

(law 109) : to be handling green ... ;

I wrote : I've a quiz, regarding nowadays' (automatic braking, distance calculations) sensors, i.e. please read Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol (BF2*) , And Then, WHICH one would you well trained kids! choose to be handling green ... ?

hikite Handle ; Radical815;

well trained kids! replied: BF2 Silver sir;


I wrote : wow! well trained kids! are already very very smart ones already, goody good ... ;

for each human beings livable moon, to be handling green, we must be using BF2 Silver i.e. this DOMAIN 's law one hundred and nine;

(law one hundred and five) : 24 pisayo must be variable;

every structural (box, cube, dice) has 6 ZCS, And Then, we've applied multiplexer 4 to each ZCS, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

pisayo     pisayo     pisayo (pronounce "pyit-sa-yaw" in Myanmar) meaning : good action (please), good kharma (a.k.a. khamma) ACTION ( go Karma), good will helpful, to be thankful, ... ;

( 24, 24) pisayo ... ;

24 pisayo must be variable e.g. ((left, x), (left, y)), ((right, x), (right, y)) a.k.a. right click of 1 window; Also see: Parameter;

every structural (box, cube, dice) has 6 ZCS, and 24 pisayo must be variable ... ;

(law 101) : applied logics;

logic; reason; Radical598;

WHEN designing & modeling many systems, applying different kinds of logic are truly important,

e.g. IFF avoiding regional flood, (directional gravity spots (gravity spots)) : pushing rivers' waterway toward ocean : applied logic : for avoiding regional flood in (monsoon season, raining season);

Remark: by year 2000, south of Bangkok area, in Thailand, seasonal flood has been avoided by water drainage at the area's bedrock slope's lowest level, by using successful geotechnical and civil engineering method; realized and understood that applied logic i.e. finding the bedrock slope's lowest level (underground) to be water drainage;

e.g. IFF avoiding tsunami, (reversed engineering of 2,3 dimensional momentum) : applied logic : lighting 3 lights of 90 degree toward the location because we've underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean naturally by our earth's orbital, and "cracks" are like line, therefore, 3 lights of 90 degree (think of those 3 lights are holes alike) toward the location i.e. underwater bedrock "cracks" in Pacific Ocean will be avoiding tsunami;

e.g. IFF avoiding volcanic eruption, (reversed engineering of DEE) : 1 defined volcano's peak point as one of the 4 points : applied logic : lighting 3 "L" shapes altogether 4 points (including 1 defined volcano's peak point) on the same line, since we've realized and understood that (in our universes) DEE never refreshes 4 times on the same line, and we've been lighting on 3 "L" shapes, as a result, we're able to avoid volcanic eruption (i.e. one of the reversed engineering of DEE methods);

e.g. IFF (demolishing air pollution (PM2.5) above cities' sky), (3 (1 meter ones) gravity spots in a tangent method) : applied logic : for cleansing air pollution above the defined city's sky;

e.g. IFF demolishing drought in the defined region, (forward clouds in the defined ocean, moving toward the defined region, And Then, sound beam to the clouds to do rainfalls onto the defined region) : applied logic : for creating rain above the defined region;

e.g. IFF (demolishing storm, reducing storm's strength), (Directional Gravity Pressure) : applied logic : for pushing the storm's path (outward of the land); (Directional Gravity Pressure) : applied logic : for shifting the storm's pressure (♯ hPa, ♯ millibar) to be lower (e.g. from category 4+ to category 1+)); (gravity spot) : applied logic : for guiding the storm's eye; (Rainbow Method, Walls Method) : applied logic : for changing the defined storm's (direction, path), regarding directional e.g. (path, route, way) can be defined, using only 2 colors by gray scaled simulation i.e. Directional Gravity Pressure toward east (our earth), and Directional Gravity Pressure toward west (our earth), therefore (as a result), the defined storm can be outward of the land ... ;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

within this DOMAIN, there are many applied logic, idea, info, keyword, method, pattern, ... , some are (define-yourself, do-it-yourself) ones, some are embedded ones, some are graphics defined ones, some are imaginaries, some are keywords' definition, some are numerological ones, some are setting ones, some are system configuration ones, therefore, learning more words in Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana truly prompt more functionalities ... ; realize & understand THAT applied logic is neither definition nor rule;

WHEN designing & modeling many systems, Manmade Global Weather (program, programmed, programming) should be ACT2 imaginary hyper space level ... ; in ACT3 imaginary hyper space level (in addition to ACT2), by adding BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment, R&D e.g. ("Origin of ... "), variable DEE patterns (6 surfaced DEE box), yellowish variations and its reversed yellowish variations, ZCS _Camera _Sensor, ZCS structural, ... for each human beings livable moon (Remark: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King), ... ; ACT1 imaginary hyper space level e.g. combustion engines, directional green for simulating battery cells, directional (±98) for visible (zoom in, zoom out), embedded common devices (e.g. GPS, IoT, NFC, VM), nuclear (medicine, power), our earth's current technologies (Remark: in year 2020/2563), ... ;

(law one hundred) : with water (3 colors, Origin of Live Form) universally;

inside Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, many iroColourWaveForm based BF2 * are defined ... , and among them, this DOMAIN has chosen the for Water, because, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts went very very very far away in ( distance, range), and this BF2 Purple kind of surrounding with Water may cause (bacteria, virus) life form among human beings livable moons in our universes, And Then, depending upon gene codes, looks may vary ... ,

therefore, NOT really "Origin of Water" but somehow doko WHERE (ACT1, ACT2, ACT3) space, this kind of surrounding with Water may cause (, ), along with yellowish variations, so called "Origin of Live Form" ... , regarding (ACT1, ACT2, ACT3) space ... ; but, NOT technically proved yet;

data set of (genotype, phenotype); Also see: pGTSU;

if you're ACT3 space system architects, designers, developers, engineers, ... , based on this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS laws, develop reversed yellowish variations;

this PHYSICS law : level of knowledge : 3 ZCS without yellowish variation;

(law 99) : 1 or more ZCS structural can define other sides;

Remark: WHEN 1 yellow ZCS exists, at its next Walls will be 1/2 green ZCS (s), And Then, blue so on ... , i.e. HOW C Sequence Number (BF2) brunching out naturally (since year 2000) ... so, applying such ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyper space knowledge based concept & idea resulted HOW we can be ( wrapped, Wrapped) to be safety living environment e.g. Gene Therapy System is truly Working ...  i.e. basic understanding of HOW 6 surfaced DEE Box Z-index has been ... ;

another example would be: everyday WHEN the one and only sun is arising at the east, dark green, And Then, yellow, And Then, (aqua blue, cyan blue) naturally, And Then, think that we've wrapped naturally by (aqua blue, cyan blue) whole day, till the sun is setting at the west; reversed engineering of such naturally to be in a box (e.g. 6 surfaced DEE box), we've to fetch a yellow ZCS of course, and on the other walls, we've to assure (aqua blue, cyan blue) artificially, i.e. HOW we can be ( wrapped, Wrapped) to be safety living environment ... ;

this DOMAIN developer truly hope and wish THAT Japanese government should install this DOMAIN 's contents into Japanese government systems (e.g. Japanese coast guard system, Japanese defense system, Japanese ground station system, Japanese military system, Japanese radio station system), regarding Manmade Global Weather, because (no earthquake, no storm, no tsunami, no volcanic eruption, ... ) are defined by this DOMAIN (Method, system), regarding global security, national security, regional security, ... ; Remark: if you're civilians, you might NOT understand true programming is, you might NOT understand WHAT is Rainbow Method and Walls Method are, ... ; you might NOT understand many dens exist in our earth either;

regarding ( oto Sound; oto Sound; oto Sound) sound patterns, this DOMAIN has defined "Origin of Sound" long long time ago ...


e.g. ( Begin Audio X, Begin Audio Y),

 another example would be: without understanding "Origin of Water" there is no way to do Directional Natural Water Elevator On Our Earth

) ... ; Remark: as of year 2020/2563, Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization is NOT EXIST officially yet, for changing civilizations in our earth ... ;

this PHYSICS law's remark seems funny, but NOT funny at all if you truly understand one of the moons' night light is navy blue because of yellow pull, if compare to our earth's night light is NOT navy blue, And Then, questioned to myself WHAT kind of structural makes naturally diff, And Then, it took me 20+ years to realize & understand HOW Walls Method (e.g. aqua, aqua blue, cyan) to be on the other ZCS sides, if yellow ZCS is fetched WHICH leads to 6 surfaced DEE Box Z-index we're currently developing for 21st century & beyond ... ; Remark: IFF our earth, (invisibility ZCS = night sky Ո constellation raising time);

this PHYSICS law : level of knowledge : 3 ZCS without yellowish variation;

(law ninety eight) : regarding IT (Information Technology), spam, spamming must obey the following directional (left, right); 

spamming toward left;

spamming toward right;

above directional (left, right) i.e. spamming toward left and spamming toward right are year 2000 design model retrospectively, and as of 2020/2563, we're developing 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index  (spam, spamming), by Idea Processor, therefore, develop ZCS like 2000 design model (i.e. reuse method) ... ; kuru kuru WHILE (spam, spamming) ... ;

Remark: think that DEE, gray scaled simulation, color codes, ... , are combined as 1; easy and simple, but very difficult to do hardware design e.g. pushing 1 "Black" color line requires knowledge of "slowdown time period" and so on ... ; (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is one of the models, originally by NEC;

(law ninety five) : ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) based camera must obey ZCS _Camera _Sensor;

e.g. ZCS _Camera _Sensor ((for each flat panel), (for each flat screen), (for each flat surface), (for each ZCS), (for each ZCS screen)) ... , also see: camera; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;


CAMERA, also see: Schematic Symbols;

Remark: this PHYSICS, law ninety five, is beyond Walls Method, HOW camera can be ... , and Walls Method is approx. 28+ years old, as of 2019/2563, one of the military top secrets ... ; Walls Method can define, detect, indicate (invisibility-to-visibility, UFO (Unknown Flying Object), unknown objects), and so on ... ; Walls Method is beyond money and national security;

21st century & beyond : for each human beings livable moon : yellowish variation wall, and its reversed yellowish variation wall (i.e. ACT3 imaginary hyper space), also see: ../../Myanmar/MiniDictionary/wOriental/wCharacter.htm#wall ... ;

Remark: ACT3 and ACT2 level system architect and designer only : if ZCS _Camera _Sensor can be thoroughly understood (i.e. HOW camera captures images, views, visions, ... ), And Then, develop (3 ZCS based, 2 ZCS based) wormhole way only, to capture image, view, vision, ... , And Then, develop for each 6 surfaced DEE Box by adding (2*6) dimensional momentum in Z-index, And Then, 1 camera shot (taking photo) will be NOT ONLY front view (focal directional, lens' directional) BUT ALSO side (left, right) views can be altogether; approx. this project will take 10+ years to do, but IT will ... ; And Then, do yellowish variations, and reversed yellowish variations for each human beings livable moon, so called ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts, by adding gravity spots, ... ;

(law ninety four) : to have 1 "green" ZCS, schematic must obey ONLY ONLY 1 way DEE, BUT ALSO the following patterns e.g.

1 green ZCS to be, i.e. applying (BF2, DEE _Mouth) method ... ;

1GZCS_to_be (1 Green Zero Curvature Surface _ to _ be), i.e. applying square method (our earth only) ... ;

(law 93) : this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System must be using light & sound;

hikari Light     hikari Light     hikari Light, also see: h Usage; l Character;

oto Sound; oto Sound; oto Sound; Also see: o Usage;

sound; sound; sound; Also see: s Character;

this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System must be using light & sound, for curing many abnormalities, diseases, disorders, ... in ( chiryoyaku Therapeutic, chiryoyaku Therapeutic) ways e.g. (wormhole way, static way, motor way, kinetic way, dynamic way, directional way, ... ) and so on ... ;

( IoT     IoT     IoT), also see: i Character; i Computer;


WHILE ((using light), (using sound)) go through our bodies, we've very very unique 2 (e.g. (abnormal, normal)) doko WHERE jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (Gene Therapy System (to be therapeutic, to cureto do Tx,  (abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities))) ... ; Remark: (abnormal, abnormalities, abnormality) are defined by timestamp 4:49, at the (directory, folder) ..\..\Domain\GeneTherapySystem\xyAbnormalities\*.* ;

this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System must be using light & sound;

(law ninety two) : kaya & nama;

kaya & nama must obey (( 89, 52), 28) humanoid programming :

- 1st, 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. kaya & nama

- 2nd, we need to (collect, gather) related keywords (synonyms) : e.g.

Idea Processor is more likely to be related to nama, if compare to 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index is more likely to be related to kaya

kaya : (blood; bone; hair; muscle; organ; part; skin; stool; things; tissue; urine; ... ); body; ((6) places as (1,1,1,1,1,1), directly related by (6) nama as (2,2,2,2,2, mano (the mind) 79)), also see: Idea Processor (6 surfaced DEE Box is in 1 place) ... ; 6 surface DEE Box in Z-index; Also see: kPali;

nama : appreciation; awareness; citta; (cognitive object; mental state, psychological state); cognizance; (coherent to be; logical to be; reasonable to be); (conclusion by reasoning); consciousness; ethics; grasp; idea; (idea; thought); insight; (know, knowing); knowledge; (knowledge, perception) of fact; (knowledge, perception) of situation; logic; mano (the mind); realization; (realize; realized; realizing); reason; (reason; reasoned; reasoning); (recognize; recognized; recognizing); recognition; (think; thinking); thought; thoughts; understanding; Also see: nPali;

- 3rd, insectoids report to animaloids report to humanoids (using location awareness IoT method, using NFC technique), so that we can define 5W1H by ZCS color codes : e.g. WHAT kind of person; WHEN as timestamp to indicate priorities; WHERE is danger or not; WHILE finding good way a.k.a. proper way then bad ways must be voided; WHICH stating; WHO is lying or not; WHOM is captive or not; WHOM should be in therapeutic or not;

program     program     program , a.k.a. programming :

    dynamic programming, also see: d Computer;
    goal programming, also see: g Computer;
    integer programming, also see: i Computer;
    linear programming, also see: 5l Computer;
    multi level programming, also see: l Computer;
    multi objective programming, also see: 1o Computer;
    nonlinear programming, also see: n Computer;
    toward uncertain programming a.k.a. uncertain programming, also see: u Computer;

(law 91) : medical equipments;

As soon as I wrote "Medical Equipments" And Then,

well trained kids! replied: WHAT is the different between magnetic machine (MRI, ... ) and sound machine (echo sounder, ultrasound, ... ) sir ?

I wrote : OK. well trained kids! question seems very difficult one, but I need to let you well trained kids! draw your imaginary (image, picture) 1st HOW can you present magnetic machine, and sound machine, regarding medical equipments e.g. CT, ... ;

Oh! Oh! I've a quick quiz, WHAT is the most difficult medical equipment to be designed and engineered ? 

well trained kids! replied: "zombie" machine sir;

I wrote : Oh! i.e. very easy one to do, if I retrospect back to 1997 (WHEN I graduated from Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois, USA), stimulation of cells, by Light As Sheet would be my answer (Remark: people would way "yes" in 2020, but "no" in 1997 and people would say "crazy" impossible in 20th century), therefore, believe it or not, I wrote a poem "zombie" in 1997 WHEN I was working for Computer Associates company's headquarter as a QA (Quality Assurance) Technician, but no one cared about IT, so I quit from my work, and a few weeks later, I was also deported from NYC, and USA still owe me more than money, until I decide NOT to kill 200+ millions people starting from USA, therefore, NOT to mention my name, you don't know the other sides ... ; TRUE, TRULY VERY TRUE; Remark: we don't need (idiot, naive) Asians people coming to USA, because think THAT USA is very challenging, many (deeds, lands, properties) are owned by royal families of our earth; (an-eye-for-an-eye, give-and-take, just-a-phone-call-away-from-compromised-hub, kill-or-be-killed, location-awareness-IoT, slice-of-whole-pie-for-you, there-are-laws-and-regulations, with-fully-loaded-explosives, you-and-me half-and-half) work very well in USA;

I wrote : in this DOMAIN, as content development, we're NOT talking about ACT1 level common commercial Medical Equipments As Machine here in this website, and we've R&D more than 50+ years of knowledge based, and true SPACE machines ... , and, I truly hope and wish THAT Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization exists officially (in our earth) so we can learn in text books HOW holes and strings are naturally ... ; in our earth, many peoples are holding their nuclear bombs to be trading ... , so I've to hold my 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting of GPS also ... ; OK, forget about polities, tactics, ... you well trained kids! never ever understand, until you become 28+ years old ones ... ; let focus on HOW we can understand medical equipments; e.g. I never had whisky in my life, and I've always been with "rice liquor" and I truly hope & wish that rice liquor is stronger than whisky;

Radical265; Radical66; Radical5;

regarding (CT, MRI, ... ), we've to define Aqua with Silver like : Radical265 magnetic machine, Radical66 magnetic machine, and Radical5 magnetic machine, so that we can define imaging of (object, item, organ, part) beings, of course, kuru kuru WHILE ... (e.g. scanning) ... ; i.e. HOW images have been taken by magnetic way; Remark: ACT1 imaginary hyper space level; in ACT2, this method still works, but ... ; regarding (CT, MRI, ...), we've already learnt THAT there are many ways to define "1 way DEE" (also see: DEE) by using (EM, EMI), and radical would be Radical47;


regarding (echo sounder, ultrasound, ... ) we've to define Silver with Yellow like : Radical215 sound machine, so that we can define (Reminder: since we've learnt Origin of Sound, think that 2 yellow lines are not in parallel)

10 as local, m W (milli Watt) as sound's source, for each (square, squared, squaring) 1 cm (centimeter)
10 as local, m W (milli Watt) as sound's source, for each (square, squared, squaring) 1 cm (centimeter)

i.e. HOW images have been taken by sound way; Remark: ACT1 imaginary hyper space level; in ACT2, this method still works, but ... ;

well trained kids! replied: is it that easy and simple sir ?

I wrote : Yes. it is that easy and simple, e.g. 2 Kg of silver becomes 2 years of electrical power energy as nuclear thermal rod, and you well trained kids!  decide HOW MUCH does IT worth ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHAT is your law sir ?

I wrote : I ain't know HOW to be writing laws, but I'm sure that magnetic machines are not using green ZCS like charging battery cells, and 2 Aqua ZCS with Silver blocks in full duplex truly prompt (EM, EMI) imaging; on the other hand, don't forget Origin of Sound as method, doko WHERE yellow zcs (s) are becoming NOT PARALLEL each other, so called medical equipments ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 146, NMR, ... ;

(law eighty seven) : Stating;

well trained kids! replied: WHY do we need know "stating" sir ?

I wrote : jinko chino DEE Box obeys very very unique 2 e.g. invisible DEE pattern vs. visible DEE pattern, so called (invisibility engineering, visibility engineering);

WHEN designing & modeling IoT devices, handling (off, on) switches, and
WHEN measuring (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) environments, you well trained kids! need to realize & understand "stating" ;

(handle, handled, handling), also see: a handle; hikite Handle; Radical815;

( hatsugen Stating, hatsugen Stating, hatsugen Stating) e.g. specific state;


well trained kids! replied: wareware We realize & understand a little bit better e.g. whenever we design, engineer, model, and program our own (12 dimensional, or 14 dimensional), very very unique 2 (e.g. Keywords : (abnormal, normal), (common, uncommon), (mapped, unmapped), (quality, quantity), (reference, value), ... ) should be with "Stating" ... ; IT is like QA (Quality Assurance) sir ... ;

I wrote : I need to learn more Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, on the other hand, I'm getting older and older (55+ years old, as of 2020/2563, and I've to do gene therapy myself also e.g. still NOT taken any medication yet as of 55+ years old e.g. I turn on my TV with this DOMAIN contents installed computer with HDMI connector and knowing white-and-red is for audio and yellow is for video, and so on ... e.g. whenever watching TV ... ), and realize myself THAT forgot many words, regarding the genuine original Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization is in Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, therefore, I have to learn more Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, and you well trained kids! should follow either this DOMAIN 's 10 dimensional way or your own (12 dimensional, or 14 dimensional), and knowing more words in Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana means better intelligence, more knowledge base, and so on ... ; Remark: to maintain human beings' brain in normal protein bound color codes : hair, skin (derma layers), and skull (bone) are naturally blocking lights, and heat and light are at the same location IFF our earth only, to maintain normal protein bound color codes, regarding we human beings' brain as object, item, part, thing, ... ; question to myself : e.g. on human beings livable moons, we've BLI problem, SPL diff, yellowish variations and heat and light are NOT at the same location, so designing, engineering, modeling, and programming become more complicated HOW to maintain human beings' brain in normal protein bound color codes ... ;

(law eighty one) : DEE _ secant to a flower;

regarding   Blue Square d ,        
    Green Square d ,        
we ' v e learnt          
  DEE _ secant to a flower , and
understood that WHEN 2 human beings livable moons ( e.g.
our earth as blue , our moon as green )
flip-flop alike fusion , and diamond shape alike DEE pattern
is like symmetrical to 2,3 dimensional , and protein bound
alike BF2 * 2 i.e. 4 along with aqua ,
so called " Origin of Flower " ;    

a quarter of the square, representing (blue, green) flip-flop alike doko WHERE diamond alike DEE;
a quarter of the square, representing (maroon, yellow) doko WHERE (maroon, red) is limitation alike;
a quarter of the square, representing (gray, DEE, aqua) doko WHERE (bud, head) without mouth may begin;
a quarter of the square, representing (aqua, DEE, gray, blue) doko WHERE (aqua, blue) become heat sensing;
kuru kuru WHILE human beings livable moons are sphere alike, round, rounded, rounding, ... would prompt
Origin of Flower;

well trained kids! replied : WHAT is the diff between our solar behaves like secant to our universe, and DEE _ secant to a flower sir ?

I wrote : I ain't know exactly yet HOW string (e.g. 1 km long multi long length neutrino LASER (using peaceful & tranquil moons' momentum)) in wormhole ways can define hole (e.g. 1 cm one), therefore, I ain't know WHAT is the diff; IT is NOT easy and simple to know human beings livable moons' strings to define holes ... ; sincerely suggestion would be: using 1 km long neutrino lasers to define 1 cm (dot, hole, spot) 1st, to do so, 1970s' hole-board to be using doko WHERE the defined strings are ... ; And Then, 1980s' static way in structural; And Then, 1990s' wormhole ways in structural; And Then, 2000s' DEE patterns in structural; And Then, 2010s' DEE Box in Z-index in structural; approx. 50+ years of R&D requirement, I ain't know much ... ;

well trained kids! replied : regarding "aqua" surrounded by DEE pattern WHICH prompts 4 like our arms and legs are, and regarding Gene Therapy System, we've (heat, thermal) at (abdominal, GI, stomach), so, is it because of "aqua" surrounded by DEE pattern WHICH prompts 4 like our arms and legs are sir ?

I wrote : I ain't know exactly yet (e.g. abdomen and abdominal is more likely to be with thermal, if thorax is included, then neck and spine would be more likely to be with lights), after R&D (yellowish variation and its reversed yellowish variation), I might be able to answer your question; by the way, we've just defined "Origin of Flower" i.e. beyond 2,3 dimensional remote heat sensing (snaky alike) ... ;

well trained kids! replied : can we edit your picture (i.e. DEE _secant to a flower) 's yellow color area to other colors ?

I wrote : No. because, WHEN (blue, green) are at the east, yellow must be at the west, and please realize and understand e.g. ((6) places as (1,1,1,1,1,1), directly related by (6) nama as (2,2,2,2,2, mano (the mind) 79)), also see: Idea Processor (6 surfaced DEE Box is in 1 place) ... , therefore, you well trained kids! should not edit the DEE _secant to a flower FILE; DEE pattern seems very easy and simple, but very difficult to know exactly, explicitly, structurally, ... ; 

(law eighty) : 45 degree (angle) toward 1 way DEE (e.g. ecliptic line);

Time :
using 2,3 dimensional (day time only; moon; month; Radical96) ... ;
using ( NMD, FMD), 2+2 days a month;
2+2 days a month e.g.
(1st new moon day, 2nd new moon day) i.e. 2 days;
(1st day after full moon day, 2nd day after full moon day) i.e. 2 days;
so, 2+2 days a month ... ;
Space :
defined nation e.g. ( Nation Name,
, , , (International Domains (Number ())));
defined region e.g. (northmost, northern, midst, southern, southmost);
our earth only (2,3 dimensional) defined nation, defined region, ... ;
Action :
for each nation e.g. ( Nation Name,
, , , (International Domains (Number ()))),
for each region e.g. (northmost, northern, midst, southern, southmost);
iroColourWaveForm based, iroLED, (yellow; Radical240) yellow color ... ;
kuru kuru WHILE (e.g. beings in samsara), WHEN (2+2 days a month),
using iroLED (yellow color), Directions e.g. (from northmost to northern, from northern to midst, from midst to southern, from southern to south most) 45 degree (angle) toward 1 way DEE (e.g. ecliptic line) ... ;
i.e. HOW one of the Methods of this DOMAIN 's jinko chino Artificial Intelligence, avoiding earthquake in the defined region ... ;

iro Colour Wave Form ;        
diode Yellow ;            
yellow ; Radical240 e.g. {FF, CC, 99} {FF, FF, 00} ;  
yellow Directional Gravity ;          
    45 degree ( angle ) toward  


way DEE ( e.g. ecliptic line ) ;
  avoiding earth quake ;
e.g. Impossible Earthquake Structural 2 ;    
e.g. Impossible Earthquake Structural



Also see: Manmade Global Weather ... ;

well trained kids! replied : HOW could THAT be protecting naturally earthquake by using very easy & simple yellow zcs sir ?

I wrote : sincerely, I dreamed, guessed, imagined, ... , somehow, during the Time (2+2 days), parallel moon waves are 90 degree to each other ((our earth, our moon) only) WHICH causes "plus sign" alike energy collisions, since we're on yellow core planet (our earth), yellow attracts yellow, please read Schematic Dimensional, And Then, understand HOW light INSTINCT* in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, think THAT yellow dot attracts to yellow stick, And Then, regarding ACT2 imaginary parallel moon waves (yellow), using very easy & simple yellow zcs would do good e.g. avoiding earthquake ... ; sincerely, I dreamed, guessed, imagined, ... ;

this DOMAIN developer would like to prove that AVOIDING EARTHQUAKE IN THE DEFINED REGION;

Remark: as of 2020/2564, we're developing DEE Box in Z-index, and I've very very very (the one and only one) project, i.e. HOW we can picture "Origin of Water" ... , please don't think that IT is easy and simple, because, the project HOW we can picture "Origin of Water" involves many human beings livable moons' momentums ... ; Remember: since 1970s, hole-board has begun ... , and as of 2020/2564, we're developing DEE Box in Z-index ... ; multi time lines (, ) color (color; colour; Radical172) code ... , impossible to be like haven and earth, e.g. Multi Time Lines Port, for barcoding with colors (also see: UPS vs RFID), designed and modeled for billions of devices ... ; believe it or not, problem for me sincerely (excuse me!) is that I don't know HOW to make a tie ... ; so, well trained kids! must study e.g. WHEN I was a grad student, I stayed and studied at a library till the library's closing time (Remark: everyday) ... ;

well trained kids! replied : 45 is one of the ( 45, 60, 72) parameters of this DOMAIN and we've learnt wormhole way already, so we've dreamed, guessed, and imagined that 45 degree (angle) toward 1 way DEE (e.g. ecliptic line), regarding yellow zcs' ending point would be toward "west" bound sir, is it correct ?

I wrote : mochiron of course, we've just created 1 Algorithm, and you'll realize many algorithms within this DOMAIN ... ;

well trained kids! replied : we'll do very easy & simple to protect our HOME LAND ;

I wrote : do good go Karma ACTION , good results will ... ;

(law seventy eight) : constraint to LASER;

Be Limited To ;
limit; Radical625;
degree extent, limit; Radical653;
limit; Radical986;
limit, a.k.a. constraint;

Laser Shield;

do good khamma ACTION, good result will;

21st century & beyond, defined hole's location (GPS, UPS) of DEE Box, moon waves as string; our universe's the most powerful LASER (e.g. 1 km long strings to be directional focusing to define 1 cm hole, map, military science) ... ;

2,3 dimensional Gravity Spot, constraint to LASER; 2020s Model;

zcs hole, zero curvature surface's holes, constraint to LASER; 2010s Model; 

multi long length neutrino laser, group of lights are travelling to be at the defined GPS location, constraint to LASER; 2000s Model; 

directional (dimensional) wormhole way, iroLED constraint to LASER; 1990s Model;

structural 4 nodes (motor way), constraint to LASER; 1980s Model;

do good khamma ACTION, good result will;

notice and realized THAT dubbing of holes, heterodyning of strings toward specified location, i.e. HOW laser can be designed and model, accordance with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (constraint to LASER);

LASER can be using for Gene Therapy System;
LASER can be using for Manmade Global Weather;
LASER can be using for military system based gun weapon;


Also see: Laser;

(law 77) : Gravity Spot;

so far WHAT we've learnt is THAT this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts are using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (IT) for each human beings livable moon as :

- BLI (Body Length Index) problem is solved by gravity spot with its DEE mitsudo Density;

- counting total number of rivers (for each human beings livable moon) for numbering ... ;

- velocity vs stability (e.g. a moving egg hits the stable egg, And Then, the moving egg prompts crack), so IFF 2 moons are travelling together on the same orbit, they should have 2 identical cracks (Carbon Nano Wall) because they are hitting the DEE Wall, but reality is THAT cracks (Carbon Nano Wall) are with diff sizes; because of this, we human beings have white spots on our skin, if we stay on the one of the human beings livable moon for a few months; therefore, we've to do R&D HOW Carbon Nano Wall's diff sizes form naturally, i.e. HOW to solve dermatological problem of aging and problem of Carbon Nano Wall's diff sizes;

- WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist, however, WHEN DEE exist, lights might not exist, also see: Syntax vs Semantics logic ... ;

- yellowish variations (for each human beings livable moon) to measure distance among them ... ;

- yellowish variation and its reversed yellowish variation for solar sailing in space;

- ZCS (flat panel, screen, sheet surface) : after understanding " Origin of Sound " as , And Then, we're able to realize and understand HOW to reduce (noise of electron gun, noise of flat screen) by using 2YSIEZB, and 3YSIEZB, therefore, whenever we're using zcs Black, we've realized and understood THAT 2YSIEZB (2 Yellow Surface Invisibility Engineering ZCS Black) and 3YSIEZB (3 Yellow Surface Invisibility Engineering ZCS Black) must EXIST, mochiron of course ... ;

- Zen (Also see: ..\..\Buddha\index) way concept : mountains are mountain, rivers are river, many human beings livable moons are with water, parallel moon waves belong to stability, on the other hand, carbon nano walls belong to velocity, after 50+ years of R&D, this DOMAIN developer still cannot picture " Origin of Water " yet (as of 2020/2563) ;

I ain't know HOW to be writing laws, but naturally & truly would be: Water (velocity) NOT ONLY forms remote heat sensing (e.g. C Sequence Number (BF2); Also see: Remote Heat Sensing; Remote Heat Sensing Radical), BUT ALSO iroColourWaveForm based iroLED colors ... ; since many human beings livable moons are with diff gravity spots (dimensional diff, directional diff) many human beings livable moons are with their own colors (if we closer look at), their own yellowish variations, and so on ... ; that's all well trained kids!!! be fluently knowledgeable in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, ACT2 imaginary hyper space, ... ;

I ain't know HOW to be writing laws, but naturally & truly would be: quantitative gravity spots of human beings livable moons (dimensional), momentum alike refreshing of gravity spots (directional), momentum alike refreshing of gravity spots (directional) in our earth would be 1 way DEE with 1 visible (the one and only the sun), one of the human beings livable moons with 2 gravity spots, one of the human beings livable moons with Tail Alike Momentum WHICH many prompt " Origin of Fish " ... and this DOMAIN 's Mini Dictionary 's Radicals are defined by many (ACT3, ACT2, ACT1) imaginary hyper space Idea Processor based info, so called Gravity Spot ... ;

(law seventy six) : Keeping Thermal;

keeping thermal in ACT3 imaginary hyper space kuru kuru WHILE travelling by this DOMAIN 's ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts would be very very very structural heterodyning; to do so, start with remote (100) combustion pressure HOW pressure can be defined by structural heterodyning of strings;

keeping thermal in ACT2 imaginary hyper space kuru kuru WHILE travelling among human beings livable moons can be understood by designing & engineering gravity spots, yellowish variations, ... , by structural strings;

Remark: 3,4 dimensional heterodyning of strings (ACT3) ... ;

Remark: 2,3 dimensional heterodyning of strings (ACT2) ... ;

so far WHAT we've learnt directional gravity pressure as ;

so far WHAT we've learnt SPL as ;

pressure ;

therefore, we've to R&D HOW "keeping thermal" WHILE space travelling to human beings livable moons ... ;

- 1 km long strings ;

- 1 cm hole (protein bound) ;

- Anti Heat Wave as a.k.a. 3rd wave of our universes;

- teleportation method may begin, because 1 km long strings are defining 1 cm hole (protein bound) ... ;

- zcs hole (method, procedure, technique) DEE handles ... ;

think THAT combustion is NOT a solution in space; very basic 1990s style method would be 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots in GPS (regarding our earth as ACT1) as (embedded; Radical693) one ;

Remark: NOT to mention micro radiation, because this DOMAIN 's Idea Processor is beyond close system; also beyond our earth's "ice box" based "whirling" noise; also beyond "noise cancellation" method ;

(law seventy two) : 72;

this DOMAIN 's wormhole parameters are ( 45, 60, 72), therefore, 72 is one of the wormhole parameters; Remark: WHEN this DOMAIN developer was a member and secretary of Physics Student Association, Yangon, Myanmar, this Wormhole Parameter Method, created, designed, modeled, therefore, wormhole parameters are approx. 35+ years old info (as of 2020) ... ;  

after 50+ years of R&D everyday, we're reaching ZCS _ hole (s) level imaginary hyper space (multi long length neutrino), created, designed, modeled, ... by edge-by-edge a.k.a. side-by-side refreshing of (resolution of) zcs Black and zcs Silver;

well trained kids! replied : is it HOW you define gravity spots sir ?

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids! should be smarter than me regarding NCS, and PCS, so beyond ZCS; ZCS_hole seems very easy-and-simple, all we have to do is change its ( iroColourWaveForm based color (also see: iroLED)) values (e.g. from aqua-and-pink to black-and-silver) and degree adjustment a little bit that's all; And Then, 5 mm gravity spot, 10 mm gravity spot, ... , and please do not create, design and model gravity spots bigger than the sun; Remark: some advance system engineers have noticed & realized THAT after installation of this DOMAIN 's contents, systems become enhanced ones, and very easy-and-simple to use (easy to edit, configure, modify) e.g. change its phone number to advance system engineer's phone number and so on ... , so be good go Karma ACTION user;

king; monarch; ruler; sovereign; Radical117;

regarding 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots inside of GPS, also see: Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw WHO has submitted resume (to Shakya King) with expected annually salary i.e. 1024 times (a.k.a. 1K times) of average California household income (44,000 USD) WHICH is very affordable ... ; e.g. Dear Shakya King, I like to be your TRUST WORTHY humble & loyal slave (slave; Radical179) global commander ;

(law seventy one) : our earth;

7 royal families of Asia (a.k.a. Eastern Civilization); 11 royal families of Europe (a.k.a. Western Civilization); royal families of Middle East (a.k.a. Islamic Civilization); the origin of well trained kids are ... ;

if I'm like a Zen monk (monk; priest; Radical338) WHO believes in gods (also see: deity; god; spirit; Radical370) and WHO likes to share knowledge e.g. NOT to happen (entities, objects, items, tags, things) in destructive ways, so THAT our earth can be a safe place to be :

if I call adder (10.98, 88.88), knowing THAT 1st parameter of 98 in SQRT2 design model;

if I call adder (100.98, 88.88), knowing THAT 2nd parameter of 98 in SQRT2 design model;

if I call adder (1000.98, 88.88), knowing THAT 3rd parameter of 98 in SQRT2 design model;

if I call adder (10000.98, 88.88), knowing THAT 4th parameter of 98 in SQRT2 design model;

if I call adder (100000.98, 88.88), knowing THAT 5th parameter of 98 in SQRT2 design model;

WHAT is the diff between 99.86 and 189.86 ? since, we've learnt THAT in ( 20, 86) common, processor is instructions based, and those instructions are assembled ... (also see: Idea Processor) ... ;

WHAT is the diff between 189.86 and 1089.86 ?

WHAT is the diff between 1089.86 and 10089.86 ?

WHAT is the diff between 10089.86 and 100089.86 ?

please notice and realize THAT "86" can be (forward, forwarded, forwarding) in this way for more than 20+ years; we've learnt in Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana languages (also see: Mini Dictionary) THAT 20 can be defined as Mid Jun (also see: JUN_time ) IFF Time is calculated also; regarding "our earth" to be a safe place, I've a quiz to well trained kids! i.e. if I've 4 items as zcs Black, zcs Gray, zcs Silver, and zcs Red, And Then, HOW would you like to sort it and use IT ?

well trained kids! replied : we've already learnt SONY 's one of Keywords (ACTION), and we've already learnt THAT red is a limitation in 3,4 dimensional space, and we've already learnt THAT "Dark" is like "Black" so we'll solve your quiz as (zcs Silver, And Then, zcs Gray, And Then, zcs Red, And Then, zcs Black) sir, is it correct ?

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids! are very smart ones ... ;

SPL, Sound Pressure Level;

layer; log;

Remark: 4 layers of (flat panel, sheet, slide, wall, ZCS) as computing screen for you ... ;

Remark: 15 x 15, 23 x 23, 108 x 108, ... , and if you font yourselves for your own systems (e.g. 8 pt, 10 pt, 12 pt, 14 pt, 18 pt, 24 pt, 36 pt), notice and realize THAT (36 a.k.a. 108/3) is the larger font (7), (18 a.k.a. 108/6) is mid font (6), (12 a.k.a. 108/9) is standard font (3), ... ;

therefore, this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS (law seventy one) would be : multiple layers in Z-index must obey NOT ONLY our earth 's gray scaled simulation results BUT ALSO our universe 's naturally (e.g. variable DEE patterns) ... ;

well trained kids! replied : Dear Sir, since "action" means between forefront-layer and background-layer, regarding those layers (4 layers plus 2 layers as background and forefront) are in total ... , should we have 6 layers ?

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids! are smarter me i.e. goody good ... ; Ah! I'm getting old, time to stop writing web pages sooner and sooner (also see: Note, approx. 20+ years already, therefore, time to stop writing web pages sooner and sooner); Remark: (360/6) prompts 60, therefore, start with 60 as one of wormhole parameters (45, 60, 72) if you like to ... , Oh! Oh! don't forget Lo Shu directional ... WHAT we've learnt already ... ;

well trained kids! replied : we've been using Casio fx-300ES PLUS ( http://edu.casio.com ), and we've noticed & realized THAT ( 20, 86) common is somehow related to "recurring decimal" sir ;

I wrote: (aye; Radical751); you should have your own 2020, regarding "20" ... , And Then, create, design, engineer, ... your own Algorithm (Remark: you well trained kids! need to understand HOW "86" 1st, then "20" by 2020 i.e. I intentionally & purposefully wrote) ... ; since I've been "big mouth" , don't tell me, keep your own secret algorithm e.g. 2020;

well trained kids! replied: we've noticed & realized THAT (20,86) common in Idea Processor;

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids! are smarter me i.e. goody good ... ; don't be "big mouth" like me, keep your own secret algorithm 2020, you are on ... ;

regarding recurring decimal for all human beings livable moons in our universes would be (24642 / 99999) i.e. 0.24642, yes! I've been using Casio calculator since I was very young ... ; easy & simple method would be any ( ????? / 99999 ) ... ; e.g. (2020 / 9999) would be 0.20, therefore, ( 20, 86) common, can be noticed & realized THAT ((20/99), (86/99)) regarding recurring decimal ... ;

regarding Cell Path, layers can be (1+1), (2+2), (3+3), ... , doko WHERE up-and-down of momentum of human beings livable moons truly prompt "snaky" alike heat sensing ... ; good luck in your R&D, and welcome to many human beings livable moons (owned by Shakya King) ... ; however, DEE never refreshes 4 times on a straight line, that is the reason, I've proposed a new algorithm "no volcanic eruption" in the defined region by using 3 "L" shape ones, that is the reason, I've also proposed a new algorithm "no earthquake" in the defined region by using 3 lights of 90 degree are ... , and I've submitted my resume (e.g. Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) WHO likes to be employed with annual salary of 1024 times (a.k.a. 1K times) of average California household income (44,000 USD) ... ;

(law seventy) : fully duplex;

well trained kids! replied: HOW to create "ZCS holes" sir ?

I wrote: 1st to understand iroLED; 2nd to understand WHEN lights (light; ray; Radical400) As ZCS, doko WHERE space environment must be understood e.g. lights instinct mean we're in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space, e.g. lights behave comet alike mean we're in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space; 3rd to understand fully duplex characteristics;

long long time ago, WHEN networking with cable, half duplex means 1 way, if compare to full duplex means both ways (e.g. back-and-forth); WHEN feedback is needed, full duplex is used, on the other hand, half duplex is used for either receiving or transmitting, WHEN feedback is NOT ... ;

to answer your well trained kids' question, we're going to have a new law e.g. fully duplex as law seventy, because, every ZCS has been created and engineered by very very unique 2 ( DEE, light); kuru kuru WHILE (( F5, refresh, refreshing, resolution) screen), at the same time e.g. in our earth, the sun is sun rising (light) on its ecliptic line (Remark: inside law sixty seven, 3 structural "L" shapes are proposed as System Improvement Request for avoiding volcanic eruption in the defined region), we have DEE along with its ecliptic line also (in our earth); the same concept, every ZCS has been created and engineered by very very unique 2 e.g. 2 colors, 2 edges, 2 regions, 2 sides, 2 spaces, ... and if 1 (color, edge, region, side, space, ... ) is refreshing light, And Then, another (color, edge, region, side, space, ... ) is refreshing DEE; long long time ago, we've noticed & realized THAT holes formed naturally, so called structural way of the defined ZCS; you well trained kids are now easy & simple to understand WHAT is "ZCS holes" ... ; good luck to you !!

IFF (ACT2 imaginary hyper space level, ACT3 imaginary hyper space level) space related ones, e.g. for each human beings livable moon in our universes, we've already defined them by each human beings livable moon's river count; difficulties are BLI problem (growth rate), more than 1 sun, no ecliptic line, variable DEE patterns, yellowish variations and its reversed yellowish variations, ... , however, 2 sides based fully duplex method is HOW we're defining ZCS holes ... ;

6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index would be military top secret, and I (Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) cannot share my knowledge, also see : Policy & Ethic: my apologies ... e.g. NOT sharing algorithm and formulation ... ; don't think THAT very difficult, IT is very easy & simple if you know, but it may take you 5+ decades of everyday learning, reading, studying, ... ;

(law sixty nine): D R Z C S ; R Z C S;

Regarding ACT3 level imaginary hyper space (layer), 2 ZCS (s) are :

D R Z C S, Dark Red Zero Curvature Surface;

R Z C S, Red Zero Curvature Surface;

Regarding ACT2 level imaginary hyper space (layer), 4 ZCS (s) are :

D R Z C S, Dark Red Zero Curvature Surface;

R Z C S, Red Zero Curvature Surface;

D R Z C S N,  Dark Red Zero Curvature Surface Negative;

R Z C S N, Red Zero Curvature Surface Negative;

doko WHERE (D R Z C S, D R Z C S N, R Z C S, R Z C S N) 2,3 dimensional (our universe) ... ;

doko WHERE (D R Z C S, R Z C S) 3,4 dimensional (universes) ... ;

well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt THAT "red" is a limitation universally, if we compare to "aqua" is only within our solar system, is it correct sir ?

I wrote: mochiron of course, law sixty nine is very important concept to know WHEN you apply, deploy, do, engineer, implement, reversed engineering method, space book, ... ;

well trained kids! replied: can we use IT (law sixty nine) in layer computing of our (2*6) dimensional Z-index sir ?

I wrote: yes, be smarter than me e.g. I've been a nice 103 ethical coded Rakhine American (also see: Numbers in Dhamma), and I've reserved ((2*6), (2*7)) dimensional imaginary hyper space for you since I started contents development as web pages; Remark: it has been a long long time I've assigned "Origin of Water" to picture, regarding your space book ... ; my whole life has been being alone without group, so I stick with (2*5) 10 dimensional only, and I've reserved 12 dimensional and 14 dimensional for well trained kids! ... and don't be "space pirate" because you can build your own space book (like this DOMAIN 's content development style) yourselves ... ; if you like to R&D and achieve-and-earn Ph.D. in Bio genetic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Math, Physics, ... , And Then, proposal e.g. HOW structural time period requirement to-and-from "red" vs. "aqua" regarding iroColourWaveForm based defined colors e.g. to be human beings, time may advance approx.  23 lunar weeks, or 32 JUN time period ( from (insemination, sperm fertilization) to (hey! goody good to be DNA matched ones), And Then, 13+ zodiac, year-signs in zodiac are because of 13 human beings livable moons are like segment of our universe and traveling-and-obeying peaceful tranquil orbital ... ) ... ; to do so, DEE _ Mouth should be understood 1st i.e. very basic understanding ... ; Tail Alike Momentum (BF1) should be understood 2nd, i.e. very basic understanding of HOW (BF1) form naturally in our earth and on our moon; ZCS _ hole should be understood 3rd, i.e. very basic understanding of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (hole, string) coexistence, And Then, after understanding 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... , everyone likes to have "own" , so you can build your own space book yourselves ... ;

(law sixty eight): eclipse alike defined DEE spot;

2 is very very unique in many ways (e.g. 2 claps to worship Buddha and gods a.k.a. deities, also see: ..\..\Buddha\ index), e.g. regarding (active volcano's volcanic eruption can be avoided, no volcanic eruption), we've law sixty eight, and law sixty seven;

law sixty seven is using ZCS _ hole concept, idea, knowledge, ... , on the other hand,
law sixty eight is using eclipse alike defined DEE spot ; (NCS, PCS) concept, idea, knowledge, ... ;

1st, we've already learnt THAT WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist ( YIN and YANG, pros and cons) ;

2nd, we've already learnt THAT WHEN DEE (dark energy) exist, but lights might NOT exist ;

3rd, we've to learn (learning; science; study; Radical398), And Then, apply, deploy, do, engineer, implement , reversed engineering method i.e. WHEN DEE (dark energy) exist, lights might NOT exist, And Then, since heat and light are at the same location only in our earth, regarding "Space" , defined location (crater (peak point of the defined active volcano)) should be with eclipse alike defined DEE spot; (2 * (4 * 45)), (2 * (3 * 60)), (5 * 72), ((adder (2, 3)) * 72), (if using RAD, then 2 Pi), ... , so THAT DEE spot becomes DEE (ball, sphere) at the defined location ;

this law sixty eight is more complicated than law sixty seven, but we've already learnt ( e.g. C Sequence Number natural cell path method (), e.g. directional gravity pressure method (), e.g. yellowish variations synchronization method () ) on ZCS, we'll be using ( NCS, PCS) instead of ZCS, WHILE creating and projecting DEE (ball, sphere) onto the defined location; since DEE (dark energy) have been naturally "cool" characteristic, each DEE (ball, sphere) will be blocking (C Sequence Number (BF2)) WHILE thermal (heats) transferring from its (core, root) to the (branch, brunch), we'll interrupt the defined location to be cooling down, so we'll be able to avoid (your defined active volcano name here) volcanic eruption;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

this law sixty eight is more complicated than law sixty seven, because we need to realize and understand e.g.

Our Moon's Protein Bound Toward East;

Tail Alike Momentum, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

Our Earth's Protein Bound Toward East;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 264; Protein Bound;

I wrote: well trained kids! you should earn geo technical Ph.D. regarding HOW to avoid volcanic eruption either by law sixty eight approach or law sixty seven approach, on the other hand, I should be driving my own trucks, also see: Reforming Myanmar, truck, truck, truck, ... ;

     (law sixty six): Curly DEE patterns vs. DEE Density;

DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks;

so far, we've learnt 2001 Model C Sequence Number (BF2), but we've NOT learnt HOW bud, fruit, leaf, flower, seed, ... form naturally;

so far, we've learnt directional can be defined by (numerological Lo Shu, numerological Sudoku) algorithms, i.e. beyond 1980s style strings directions defined by hole-board; i.e. also beyond 2000s style Wall Method;

snaky alike heat sensing truly EXIST, if we've realized & understood e.g. handling 3 parallel DEE lines by defined structural, e.g. jet stream in northern hemisphere, ... ; after understanding directional, numerological, structural, of course, we are able to understand logical Curly DEE patterns; since, each human beings livable moon is numbered by its rivers' count, since we've BLI (Body Length Index) problem on human beings livable moons, we've R&D (Research & Development) HOW to solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons would be Curly DEE patterns vs. DEE Density, i.e. beyond yellowish variations and its reversed yellowish variations, so called PHYSICS law sixty six "Curly DEE patterns vs. DEE Density;

Remark: curly DEE patterns are ornamentals alike, NOT circle, NOT line, NOT sphere, NOT square, NOT triangle, ... ; in order to define logical Curly DEE patterns, we've to start with dimensional orbital (s) i.e. human beings livable moons are with their own peaceful & tranquil momentums, so far, we've defined ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)), (10,7,10), 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional, ... ; therefore, we need to develop 2021 Model Curly DEE patterns vs. DEE Density for defining HOW bud, fruit, leaf, flower, seed, ... ;

no Yellowish Variation Inbound Massugu Up; regarding our earth, growth rate is within the triangle alike DEE 's underneath area only, And Then, the 1st parameter 10 's multiplexor result would be within 1080 (because, no Yellowish Variation Inbound Massugu Up is 108 x 108), And Then, 2nd parameter 100 's multiplexor result ... , And Then, 3rd parameter 1000 's multiplexor result ... ; Wall Method may begin to define growth rate ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHY do we have fruit with several layers sir ?

I wrote: 1st, you well trained kids! need to understand carbon nano wall (our earth), and parallel DEE lines (our moon); 2nd to understand e.g. from east to west (1 way DEE) 's environment ( RYAPB, sunset time period, without yellowish variation) ... ; 3rd to realize & understand THAT because of lights' diff colors, we've fruit with several layers ... ;

well trained kids! replied: should we apply 45° Aqua to horizontal silver lines (no Yellowish Variation Inbound Massugu Up) sir ? regarding your testing growth rate sir;

I wrote: you well trained kids! will get gray in 90° for sure WHICH lead to Gray Scaled Simulation (Gray Scaled Simulation is approx. since 1990s, old and out dated one as of 2020, but standard as one of the (45, 60, 72) wormhole parameters);

Remark: in 2019 May, NHK broadcasting educated me somehow curly DEE patterns can be defined, if we implement 4 parallel DEE lines As Structural and let 2 vine trees grow ... ; ACT1 (1 way DEE) space environment ... , growth rate, and HOW 2 vine trees grow would be very very advance regarding 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional, imaginary hyper space environments ... ;

Remark: in 2019 May, NHK broadcasting educated me somehow curly DEE patterns can be defined, if we implement (4 parallel DEE lines As Structural and let 2 vine trees grow), so that right-to-the-point (2/4) solution oriented would lead to 0.5, And Then, we like to apply SQRT2 's (±98) engineering notation e.g. 10 for 0.50, 100 for 0.500, 1000 for 0.5000, 10000 for 0.50000, 100000 for 0.500000, ... ; the same zero, zero zero, zero zero zero, ... , but NOT the same, if we've initialized 51 count of zero (s) with 3 zeros in each group, ... , also see: Idea Processor;

DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks;

Remark: DEE _ Horizontal _ Marks i.e. ACT3 level ... ;
Remark: no Yellowish Variation Inbound M a s s u g u Up i.e. ACT2 level ... ;
Remark: ( DEE2, DEE9) i.e. ACT1 level ... ;

     (law sixty five): DEE Frame;

well trained kids! you might like to cut all "time wasting" bold cracks ... , so, we do right-to-the-point, solution oriented, DEE Frame;

my honest & sincere DEE Frame would be : DEE Frame ;

Remark: please don't think THAT it is easy to make in hardware, regarding structural (hole, string) nested theory of eastern civilization (108 x 108) ... ; of course, software is like SQRT2 of something e.g.

1.414 ... ;
1.414 ... ;

I've many questions to you, if you really have been R&D for several decades ... , starting with HOW directional inductance would be, HOW holes can be defined, ... ; only very few questions, And Then, I know whether someone is lying or not, ... , on the other hand, many peoples lie ... (via cell phone, via selection of (give-and-take) tradeoff, via smart phone, via ... );

Remark: 1% in degree, 2% in degree, 3% in degree, ... ;

Remark: if you don't like to lie, And Then, start with HOW 24 mm analog 1.5V clock tic, tock, ... , And Then, kuru kuru WHILE, ... , all the way up to nowadays, yellowish variations, ZCS _ holes, ... ;

Remember: human beings livable moons in our universes and we've BLI problems (on human beings livable moons) and HOW to solve would be ... ;

     (law sixty four): engineering vs. reversed engineering;

every engineering should have its reversed engineering, because, we need to counter-measure, protect, ... WHEN we've products in manufacturing, because, unseen counterfeit, competitive testing, ... ;

should not do products in marketing, unless reversed engineering can oversee, And Then, can provide reliable and safety of the products;

we've ("Black Book" vs. "Red Book") implementation, And Then, "Red Book" must win "Black Book" in order to put products in marketing; without "Black Book" counter-measure results, we'll never manufacture products in marketing;

pivot; Radical365;

(a (b/c) (d/c));

  MSB                       LSB
... 411 410 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
... 4^11 4^10 4^9 4^8 4^7 4^6 4^5 4^4 4^3 4^2 4^1 4^0


... 311 310 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
... 3^11 3^10 3^9 3^8 3^7 3^6 3^5 3^4 3^3 3^2 3^1 3^0


... 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
... 2^11 2^10 2^9 2^8 2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0


... 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
  numerological 3 7 8 4 2 1 5 7 8 4 2 1
  EN c                 d b a

... 0000 0000 000 000 000 00 00 00 0 0 0 0

(a (b/c) (d/c));

in basic, reversed engineering would be:

1st to understand WHICH chipset's ((multiple input, multiple output), (multiple input, single output), (single input, multiple output), (single input, single output)), ... ; Keyword would be IO;

2nd to understand film based (negative (a.k.a. minus), positive (a.k.a. plus)) vs. layered (film, sheet, surface);

3rd to do R&D regarding pattern e.g. (result's pattern vs. source's pattern), (source's pattern vs. result's pattern), ... ;

e.g. WHEN I was young in 1980s, I pressed 22 times SQRT2 to get rounded 1, and noticed & realized THAT reversed of (6 zero (s)), M (Mega)) prompted SQRT2 to get rounded 1, i.e. prior to ...165... ; WHEN I become old in 2020s, I press 32 times SQRT2 to get rounded 1, and notice and realize THAT reversed of (((3,3) 9 zero (s)), G (Giga)) prompts SQRT2 to get rounded 1, i.e. prior to ...161... ; WHEN I become very old in 2020 and beyond, I apply Idea Processor based e.g. I press 51 times SQRT2 to get rounded 1, and notice and realize (groups of 3) THAT reversed of 51 count of zero (s) prompts SQRT2 to get rounded 1 ... ; WHEN I become very very old, I believe THAT well trained kids! will prove e.g. Origin of Water;

round; Radical777;

regarding SQRT2 design model's floating points (engineering notation: 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ), IFF ±98 is defined, e.g. if minus is engineering, And Then, plus would be reversed engineering, vice versa, if plus is engineering, And Then, minus would be reversed engineering; Remark: Solar Sail Method (2010s design model for imaginary hyper space crafts), using yellowish variations measurement;

regarding above table, adding numbers e.g. (5, 6, 7), And Then, HOW "2 based" is related to (5, 6, 7) would be interesting ... ; HOW "3 based" is related to 108 ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)) would be interesting ... ; And Then, reversed engineering would be HOW "(5, 6, 7) based" is related to 2,3 ... ; And Then, we've already learnt THAT (C Sequence Number (Remark: heat and light are at the same location only in our earth), ( LoShu, Sudoku) directional) as a part of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization; And Then, HOW (89) inside of Idea Processor is related to (98) would be very very interesting (hint: x^=y^=x^=y;) ... ;

water; Radical106;

Have you ever space lab tested regarding DEE with water to produce light in ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts ? knowing WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist, so we've learnt coexistence (e.g. YIN and YANG), on the other hand, WHEN DEE (s) exist, light might not exist, so THAT DEE with water truly produce lights ? i.e. reversed engineering regarding ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyper space ... ; regarding 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index for each imaginary hyper space craft, reversed engineering's latches (rounded 1) would be : 1st. to understand ( 1mm Hole By 24mm Natural Time ACT1 ACT2 ACT3, 24mm Natural Time Calculator Frame, slow-down-time period (also see: -time)); 2nd. to understand Synchronization at (e.g. @) the   same time ( key to SQRT2 itself times, SQRT2 's floating points); 3rd. to understand reversed engineering's latches (rounded 1), so THAT we've solved Z-index (timeslot, timeslots) ... ; vice versa, e.g. if key to SQRT2 itself times is engineering, And Then, SQRT2 's floating points would be reversed engineering; e.g. if SQRT2 's floating points is engineering, And Then, key to SQRT2 itself times is reversed engineering; Remark: welcome to many human beings livable moons in our universes, and all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

Remark: inside the above table (table's specify width: 98 in percent), DEE21 symbol is dimensional 23x23, And Then, notice & realize THAT square is shifted 45°; LSB, Least Significant Bit; MSB, Most Significant Bit;

regarding DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) and its reversed engineering, regarding 45° , we've already learnt THAT 0 _ Default Light And Its Weight, 108 x 108 Nesting Default, kuru kuru DEE, ... , therefore, (law sixty four): engineering vs. reversed engineering ... ;

regarding reversed engineering,

I wrote: regarding (5, 6, 7), WHAT would be the numbers to ((BLI, Body Length Index), yellowish variation) IFF C Sequence Number directional ... ;

I wrote: regarding (5, 6, 7), WHAT would be the numbers to (down, left, right, up) IFF Lo Shu directional ... ;

I wrote: regarding (5, 6, 7), WHAT would be the numbers to (down, left, right, up) IFF Sudoku directional ... ;

     (law sixty three): the most powerful gun ( Gravity Dimension Computer) can be shielded (defended, protected); WHICH means we've defined ( Wrapped, Wrapped) to ourselves healthy & safety;

1st, to realize and understand THAT GPS is equipped with 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots; approx. since 1990s ;

2nd, to realize that understand THAT energy (strings) are coming in parallel, there must be a hole to be defined; approx. since 1980s;

3rd, to realize and understand THAT 90° shifted between 2,3 dimensional and 3,4 dimensional; year 2020 model, but designed & tested by 2010s; a.k.a. wormhole way;

well trained kids! replied: can you explain us more please ? we don't understand doko WHERE to find holes, even though we're using your hole-board (we installed your content sir);

I wrote: regarding Radical1, IFF you well trained kids! are in parallel horizontal environment, hole should be at the midst of (1 way DEE, from top to bottom) 's bottom midst i.e. in common structural ... ; regarding Radical2, IFF you well trained kids! are in parallel vertical environment, hole should be at the midst of (1 way DEE, from east to west) 's left-most midst i.e. in common structural ... ;

this DOMAIN has developed Gravity Dimension Computer, and IT should be using for good go Karma ACTION, goodwill purposes, good Manmade Global Weather 's results e.g. no more earthquake in the defined regions, ... ; power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

reversed engineering is essential, e.g. Gravity Dimension Computer ... power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil; because of reversed engineering, we're enable to (avoid, protect, reduce, void) bad weather conditions;

Remark: if you installed this DOMAIN 's content, and realize and understand THAT your device (e.g. smart phone) 's weight is elevated naturally 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, ... , and please don't mention my name because you don't know the other sides ... ; I want you to survive like me even though wrong after wrong after wrong since DOB (Date of Birth) is wrong, and I truly appreciate if you can correct me to be right after right after right, ... ;

if having difficulties e.g. still cannot find hole after applying edging-method, layering-method, sliding-method, structural-nodes-method, ... , because of lacking concept, idea, and knowledge, regarding directional EM (directional inductance) HOW surfaces ... ; don't give up, do R&D as much as you can, you'll be able define (definition), find (discover), pinpoint (e.g. there must be), ... , And Then, realize and understand very very unique 2 (hole, string) ... ;

IFF Directional Gravity Pressure, also see: Directions;
e.g. shifting EM environment (interior) doko WHERE compass shifted 90° ;
e.g. shifting EM environment (interior) doko WHERE compass shifted 180° ;
e.g. shifting EM environment (interior) doko WHERE compass shifted 270 °;

this DOMAIN recommends reversed engineering of (Dark Energy Engineering, invisibility engineering, Solar Sail, yellowish variation) ... ; realize & understand THAT open environment (exterior) would be very very difficult to do, and knowledge must be fluently in (

fetching light as sheet (Rainbow Method),

finding holes' location for incoming parallel moon waves,

multi long length neutrino laser in wormhole way (Comet Method),

variable DEE patterns for each human beings livable moon,



... ; after understanding (exterior, interior), the most powerful gun (Gravity Dimension Computer) can be shielded (defended, protected); Remark: this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space contents are beyond a structural room (DEE lab) with surrounding 6 surfaced walls;  

Shakya (shakya a.k.a. Swastika) King's (flag, permit) for each structural key :
structural (key (hardware), the most powerful gun (Gravity Dimension Computer)) ... ;
structural (key (software), the most powerful gun (Gravity Dimension Computer)) ... ;

Remark: Shakya King owns all human beings livable moons in our universes;

whenever designing GPS, humanoid, laptop, NFC (IoT) device, ... , we've assured THAT structural key for hardware and software, and in common, structural key (software) is for OS Keywords; therefore, the most powerful gun (Gravity Dimension Computer) can be shielded (defended, protected) by deploying, employing, using, ... functional structural key ... ; since Gravity Dimension Computer is the most powerful gun, IT should be verified by Shakya King's (flag, permit) ... ; gun powder was invented in China, and Western Civilization copied & developed HOW gun powder to be gun, and conquered our earth's lands, therefore, Gravity Dimension Computer should be military top secret and restricted, regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, for changing civilizations in our earth in 21st century & beyond ... ;

Remark: in 1980s, and 1990s, many reversed engineering (for changing civilizations in our earth) methods were completed & done e.g. for each assigned group, proved THAT formulas in text books are wrong (starting from 1 = 1 + 1), and knowing and understanding WHAT is wrong and keep using modified ones with wrong would change civilizations in our earth, therefore, if you're assigned group's member, you should have your own laws (refer to NOT in the text books) e.g. elementary school teacher is the truly air force commander, farmer is the truly army commander, fisherman is the truly navy commander, ... ; if you're a student, you must follow your teachers' guide lines, syllabus (course works), and text books, and all contents in your text books are correct, edited by elites, approved by governments, therefore, if you're a student, you must follow your teachers' guide lines, syllabus (course works), and text books; "reversed engineering" is NOT for students; Remark: if you're a student, don't be unhappy (sorrow) regarding your grades, because, some peoples get questions prior to exam, some peoples' grades are modified by dean, some peoples received special education by selected elites, and so on, therefore, if you're a student, don't be unhappy (sorrow) regarding your grades, ... ; be happy and healthy, if you're a student, and WHEN you become grown-up persons, you will realize and understand THAT (life is not the way I wanted to, life is not the way you wanted to) ... ;

     (law sixty two): ZCS_hole (s) must obey prior to ZCS_hole;

2 L DEE ;          
prior to Z C S _ hole ;  
Z C S _ hole ;      
ZCS _ hole Red Handle ;      

prior to understanding WHAT is ZCS_hole (s), e.g. ZCS_hole, ZCS_hole Red Handle, ... , 2 layers (black, white) with 1 way DEE (consider the prior to ZCS_hole), because gray (string) prompts a hole IFF 2 colors of layers are sliding (1 way DEE); therefore, law sixty two would be: ZCS_hole (s) must obey prior to ZCS_hole;

ACT2 (2,3 dimensional) invisibility engineering 90 degree shifted IFF ACT3 (3,4 dimensional) invisibility engineering, and this method can also be using in wall method, wormhole way, yellowish variation measurement, ... ; Remark: we're developing 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index, ... ; another example would be e.g. no air pollution in the defined region, no earthquake in the defined region, no flood in the defined region, ... , also see: Manmade Global Weather IFF our earth ... ; in 1980s, finding holes would be military top secret, and in 2010s finding strings would be military top secret, And Then, knowing holes-and-strings would lead civilizations (e.g. Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization) in our earth, so, power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

ZCS, Zero Curvature Surface; think that the hole shifts 90° IFF from 2,3 dimensional environment to 3,4 dimensional environment;

2LDEE, two (2) Layered Dark Energy Engineering ... ; our earth's one of the most advanced methods & technologies ... ;

Remark: without understanding 2LDEE, there is no way to realize and understand "prior to ZCS_hole" ; without understanding "prior to ZCS_hole" , there is no way to realize and understand ZCS _ hole ... ;

     (law sixty): 2-sided surface with 2 diff intensities of light, And Then, fetching the defined lights as ZCS, so called invisibility engineering;

I wrote: (component, device, item, object, part, thing, ... ) become invisible with my own eyes;

well trained kids! replied: you should hide your invisibility engineering for your military sir;

I wrote: Umm! yes. directional gravity pressure equipped drone with invisibility engineering should NOT be explained HOW ... ; thank you well trained kids! I should not be big mouth; but, Automotive 's tinted technology can be truly enhanced by this law sixty, e.g. (fetching light as surface from left side rear view mirror, fetching light as surface from right side rear view mirror) for its exterior, And Then, (fetching light as surface from left side hand-rest panel, fetching light as surface from right side hand-rest panel) for its interior, and notice & realize THAT (in addition to tinted technology) invisibility engineering is working very well, so, (component, device, item, object, part, thing, ... ) become invisible with my own eyes;

Oh! my Buddha and good deities (invisibility engineering), also see: ..\..\Buddha\index ... ;

don't forget THAT end of the defined wormhole way, doko WHERE capture method begins e.g. 2-sided surface computing (i.e. beyond dots) ... ; Please don't mention my name, because you don't know the other sides, also see: Ace Jaw;

well trained kids! because of Wrapped, a part of invisibility engineering,
well trained kids! because of Wrapped, a part of invisibility engineering,
we're able to be in safe environments,
we're able to be in safe commuting environments ... ;
this DOMAIN recommends Japanese (Japan a.k.a. NIPPON) Automotives locally, globally, universally, ... ;

invisibility engineering, a part of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, for changing civilizations in our earth ... ;

21st century & beyond : 6 surfaced DEE box : invisibility engineering :

invisibility engineering e.g. adding good gene patterns, i.e. Gene Therapy System;
invisibility engineering e.g. cells interact each other, and react to lights (a.k.a. DEE _ Mouth);
invisibility engineering e.g. DEE (Dark Energy Engineering), WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist;
invisibility engineering e.g. gravity spots (i.e. beyond (hole, string), one way DEE);
invisibility engineering e.g. infrared beam is (chopped, cut) in the air;
invisibility engineering e.g. layers of lights as wall WHICH prompt can't see through;
invisibility engineering e.g. Manmade Global Weather, to do good weather conditions;
invisibility engineering e.g. only Rainbow Method can indicate doko WHERE invisible becomes visible;
invisibility engineering e.g. rechargeable battery is energized to be fully charged;
invisibility engineering e.g. slow-down-time period (Synchronization) to be alive;
invisibility engineering e.g. to be safe environment (we've to be wrapped);
invisibility engineering e.g. wormhole way multi long length neutrino laser ((at the focal point), (no material can exist)) military application (anti missile system) locally, globally, universally, ... ;

(law fifty seven): Laser Shield;

wormhole parameter (45, 72) can protect wormhole parameter 60 (regarding Laser Shield), i.e. HOW very basic Laser Shield can be implemented; Also see: WORMHOLE;

3 nodes based; 3 nodes' color: aqua green, bamboo green, greenish, lime, yellowish cyan, and so on ... ; using reversed DEE, because since Green Default has been defined, And Then, knowing HOW yellow goes through, and variable DEE patterns exist on many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;

1st to understand WHAT is slow-down-time period (Also see: -time), e.g. lower the refreshing rate, better the capturing method is (another matching method would be: approaching the same spinning speed prompts better visions); 2nd to understand 24mm Natural Time (e.g. analog 1.5V clock) and its light prompts NOT the same at left-and-right WHILE analysis of holes-on-board (Remark: defining "holes-on-board" have prompted "directional" since 1990s); 3rd to understand military grade (invisible to radar) , because light as ZCS is fetched onto its (Automotive (e.g. (drones, fighter jets, satellites))) surface (as a result, invisible automotive (military grade)); after understanding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, mochiron of course, Laser Shield can be ... ; 3 nodes based;

for ACT3 imaginary hyper space designer, developer, engineer, technician, ... , prove THAT invisible to radar can be visible; hint: Rainbow Method; Global Security, National Security, and Regional Security, also see: Manmade Global Weather (our earth); Security;

for ACT2 imaginary hyper space designer, developer, engineer, technician, ... , invisible invisibility engineering has started (e.g. AR, VR) approx. since 2001 (21st century), surfaces ( NCS, PCS, ZCS) must be thoroughly understood; wormhole parameter (45, 72) can protect wormhole parameter 60 (regarding Laser Shield), i.e. HOW very basic Laser Shield can be implemented;

for ACT1 imaginary hyper space e.g. long long time ago in 1980s, this DOMAIN developer was a secretary of physics student association ... ; kuru kuru of lights a.k.a. WORMHOLE , and its wormhole Parameter ( 45, 60, 72) has been defined by this DOMAIN developer, long long time ago ... ;

military commander; military general; Radical344;

     (law fifty six): living bio cells obey ;

living bio cells mean with or without yellowish variations, regarding life forms in our universes, including many human beings livable moons; (alive, being in samsara (life-after-life), ikite iru, life, live, lives, living) ;

("protein" , "sensor" , "normal" , "band"), also see: P vector direction; this symbol can be using NOT ONLY in Gene Therapy System, BUT ALSO in Manmade Global Weather;

for ACT3 imaginary hyper space designers, developers, engineers, technicians, ... , develop & prove yellowish variation is one of the factors WHEN dealing with BF1, BF2, growth rate, ... ; prove THAT without water, there is no living bio cells, And Then, develop & prove reversed yellowish variations on human beings livable moons ... ;

for ACT2 imaginary hyper space designers, developers, engineers, technicians, ... , develop and prove yellowish variation is one of the factors WHEN dealing with BF1, BF2, growth rate, ... ; prove THAT 24mm analog clock ((EM, EMI) based) tic-tac 's light location is NOT the same at left-and-right (refer to our earth's day-and-night) ... ; after understanding NOT the same at left-and-right, develop & prove the following HOW yellow goes through ... ;

you're welcome to human beings livable moons ! regarding power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

(law fifty five): yellow (protein) goes through (nucleic acid double helix (e.g. DNA)) IFF Green Default (structural) ... ;

2nd to understand proteins obey yellowish variations with 1 way DEE momentum; Radical598;

in our earth only, also see: UDNGS;

in our earth only, also see: NGS;

living organism's constituent of chromosomes (self replicating), carrier of genetic info, also see: DNA;

Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; P vector direction

(law fifty four): DEEIP, Dark Energy Engineering Idea Processing;

Remark: daily & naturally, from east, one and only the sun naturally light, on the other hand, snaky alike heat sensing coexists, so that brain recognizes vision; heat & light are at the same location only in our earth (no yellowish variation) ... ; 5 colors (aqua a.k.a. cyan, black, gray, silver, white); Also see: DEE; Idea Processor;

(law fifty two): in (2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional) space, time can be adjusted either by hole's sizes (e.g. 1mm Hole By 24mm Natural Time ACT1 ACT2 ACT3), or iroColourWaveForm based (e.g. {11,11,11} with maroon) color; so, 2 is very very unique in many ways ... ;

because of DEE _Fan _With _Handle, we're able to adjust BLI (Body Length Index) problems on human beings livable moons; realize & understand THAT (method, procedure, technique) can be using NOT ONLY in battery engineering, BUT ALSO in Gene Therapy System, medical therapeutic ways, and so on ... ;

using this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS way naturally (to remove positive (abnormalities, diseases, disorders) tumor marker), after defining WHOM FILE, Artificial Intelligence system will know, realize, and understand WHICH location awareness to be therapeutic, WHAT kind of tumor marker to be cured remotely by PHYSICS way, and using this DOMAIN 's symbols (e.g. ( aqua blue Therapeutic Hormone Receptor, DEE _ Therapeutic Removing Tumors, green Therapeutic Hormone Receptor, Our Earth Based Tumor Remover)) As Parameters ... ;

(law fifty one): regarding Zero Curvature Surface ( ZCS) based wormhole ways, IFF structural (e.g. (108 x 108) graphic), WHEN positive and negative  prompt together within the defined structural, the graphic FILE must obey 2-sided surface based computing (e.g. 2 layers) ... ;

for better realizing & understanding the law fifty one, also see: (FILE name: ( CCWRW, CCWRWN), ( CWRW, CWRWN)) in ..\..\ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ Basic Understanding For Idea Processing \ Basic Understanding For Idea Processing _ files ... ;

(law fifty): because of (BLI automatic adjustment, Gene Therapy System, Wrapped) , we human beings can be with any complexion, any eye color, any height, any weight, and, in addition, parents can be younger than children;

well trained kids! replied: can you explain a little bit more please sir ?

I wrote: 1st to understand there are 2 ways to process HOW time-gained can be (e.g. I've to die (I've to be dead) or I've to be retrospective way of building young age cells by gene therapy system (therapeutic ways of generating good genes)); 2nd to understand thoroughly the following law forty nine (i.e. HOW to solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons in our universes); 3rd to do R&D HOW to be defining Wrapped (e.g. AR (Augmented Reality), EV, Remote Heat Sensing (Also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical)) ... ; after realizing & understanding 1st, 2nd, 3rd, mochiron of course! you can be WHAT ever you like to be (e.g. any complexion, any eye color, any height, any weight) ... ; Time (2 phase lunar calendar, 4 phase lunar calendar) . Space (structural). Action (wormhole way);

(law forty nine): 2 is very very unique in many ways, and WHEN 2 lights EXIST side-by-side (e.g. Directional Gravity Pressure), BLI (Body Length Index) obeys 0_ Default Light And Its Weight; Also see: DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ;

because of 0_ Default Light And Its Weight, NOT ONLY gravity spot can be measured BUT ALSO growth rate, growth length, ... can also be measured; therefore, in 31 realms of beings in our universes, many different kinds EXIST ... ; another example would be: inside the Sumo ring, WHILE playing the sport, judge is with fan with handle, and sometimes left side wins, sometimes right side wins, regarding side-by-side; therefore, to solve BLI (Body Length Index) diff problem on human beings livable moons, 1st we need to understand WHEN 2 lights EXIST side-by-side, its (item, object, organ, thing, ... ) distance and weight cause BLI (Body Length Index) ... ; Remark: add your own variable DEE patterns in the "dark area" ... ; And Then, don't forget to be using iroColourWaveForm (your own defined colors side-by-side) based Directional Gravity Pressure, you well trained kids! will realize & understand BLI, growth rate, ... , And Then, do  ( BLI automatic adjustment, Gene Therapy System, Wrapped) ... ;

well trained kids! replied: HOW could that be related to Monbusho_level_knowledge_enhancement_1, idea ♯ 207, Measuring Gravity Spot sir ?

I wrote: so far, we've learnt THAT the biggest gravity spot is the sun in our earth (please do NOT create gravity spot bigger than the sun); we've also learnt THAT the sun as 1 way DEE; since we've been developing (6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index, 6 ZCS based DEE box in Z-index), this PHYSICS law forty nine belongs to side-by-side e.g. applying iroColourWaveForm (colors) to defined-ZCS by implementing side-by-side ... ; after deploying, implementing, testing, WHAT we've found out is THAT BLI (Body Length Index) problem on human beings livable moons can be solved, mochiron of course ! ;

well trained kids! replied: yokatta desu !!!!!; Bravo !!!!! we're able to solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons;

I wrote: it has been years already WHAT I assigned picture of "Origin of Water" as homework, and no one has matched (correct answer) yet; OK. take your time decades to present a picture of "Origin of Water" ... ; Remark: believe it or NOT, IT took (me ) approx. 3+ years (from 2015/2559 to 2018/2562) of R&D to gain a bit of knowledge HOW to solve BLI problem on human beings livable moons, (e.g. BLI automatic adjustment ( gene therapy system)), also see: Radical200;

(law forty eight): one of the basic symbols in Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbols is Instance Of Vibrating;

for better understanding WHAT is "Instance Of Vibrating" , also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 281, we're human beings; notice & realize THAT (( left, right) 4) nesting strings are NOT in the same length, and excluding thumb, they are like our (we're human beings) fingers are, And Then, regarding ( With Water, Without Water) imaginary hyper space environment to the "Instance Of Vibrating" , IFF With Water, "worm" alike Instance without Intelligence WHAT we're getting ... so called law forty eight of this DOMAIN 's wormhole parameter (45) WHICH is one of the wormhole parameters ( 45, 60, 72) ... ; Also see: Water; Remark: as of 2018/2562, this DOMAIN 's developer has left intentionally for well trained kids! to picture "Origin of Water" ;

well trained kids! replied: can we do origami folding (90) of left and right to be together with its main line, on our wall doko WHERE we're developing 6 surfaced DEE box sir, no joke!, no joke!

I wrote: answer would be you well trained kids! will be getting the following (law forty seven) Neutrino 's red and green;

well trained kids! replied: can we define all kinds of colors sir ?

I wrote: you well trained kids! need to understand "slow-down-time" period (DEE modulation, gray scaled simulation), And Then, be able to design and engineer ACT2 level and ACT3 level imaginary hyper space crafts; otherwise, just call me "weird do" ... ;

(law forty seven): Neutrino;

Neutrino, a part of invisibility engineering; Neutrino (our earth's neutrino oscillation) doko WHERE "blue" goes away AND thermal proton-proton (red color) AND thermal proton-photon (green color) ... , measured by ( TeV, (event/binary)), IFF Proton, decay to be neutrinos AND gamma rays (e.g. astrophysical neutrino flux, inhabiting as objects of cosmos) ... ;

Also see: Schematic Dimensional;

as of 2018/2562, this DOMAIN developer's wild guess would be: multi long length neutrino laser can be 10+ km long, 100+ km long, ... 10+ mm yellowish variation long distance, ... therefore, run boys! run girls! and don't forget to hide if you do development R&D ... ;

well trained kids! replied: WHAT is the diff between (any beech tree (chinquapin a.k.a. chinkapin); Radical859) and C Sequence Number (BF2) sir ?

I wrote: you well trained kids! need to understand Wall Method 1st; I cannot explain anymore, because, information become restricted & top classified; so, my answer would be: I ain't know;

well trained kids! replied: WHAT is "solar sail" sir ?

I wrote: Oh! you well trained kids! need to understand yellowish variations EXIST on human beings livable moons 1st, and then, based on yellow, HOW green strings' characteristics along with momentums 2nd, and then, after developing ("one way DEE" , "slowdown time period") distance can be defined by yellowish variation (Remember, in Western Civilization (space), distance is measured by "light year" (AU) and we're NOT discussing "Big Bang" theory here; here, we're in a conversation of HOW imaginary hyper space contents, related to "Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization" (space)), 3rd to develop energy (e.g. Directional Gravity Pressure ) to be energetic, to be proactive, to be prosperous, ... ; another example would be solar power "fusion" from 1mW to 1kW, ... ; Remember: our earth is yellow core planet (one of the human beings livable moons); EM, EMI, are somehow related to EBEML .bmp, i.e. HOW EM Pull, so ZCS may begin, also see: Schematic Dimensional; lights' intensities may vary (e.g. palm's sizes prompt diff 4 fingers), depending upon architect and designer's tactical structural ... ; if you're NOT trained for ("one way DEE" , "slowdown time period"), just beat it (neglect this), or you can be your own imaginary hyper space craft also ... ; Remember: in space, there is joint venture for sure, whether (you do (R&D) IT, therefore, you own IT) or (you don't do (R&D) IT, therefore, you don't own IT) ... ; very basic ACT1 level (R&D), using strings to charge rechargeable battery (fetching green ZCS into the battery's cells), using strings to adjust capacitance (fetching (EM, EMI) 's EMF from inductance to the defined capacitance's pressure (a.k.a. 1mm hole method, similar to analog clock tick) clock1D_basic, also see: Schematic Symbols); using strings to enhance pressure inside of the engine so that torque can be enhanced and powerful (a.k.a. directional heterodyning); using structural strings (hi-amp) batteries (gravity spot) to elevate flights (e.g. Boeing airplanes' lights (also see: ZCS_hole)); Remember: this DOMAIN contents are for ACT2 and ACT3 development, so you (e.g. ethnic tribes of ... ) must learn and study Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, then be knowledge based ... , also see: Radicals;

if you like to (design, engineer, test) solar sail, yellow based ZCS with green strings is recommended; And Then, integrating fusion (e.g. 1mW to 1kW); Remark: burning something (a.k.a. combustion) is NOT recommended in space;

well trained kids! replied: WHAT is "teleportation" sir ?

I wrote: it's a new definition and a new term, for 21st century and beyond; because, in 20th century, there were no wormhole way, and kuru kuru of lights could not done; because of 1990s' flat panel technology, after deploying EM Pull with memristor to prompt pixel on flat panel (screen) without electron gun, ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) were; since, SQRT2 design model's floating points obey ±98 (plus, minus), we can gain plus side and minus side, a.k.a. visual reality (e.g. 3D movies); after understanding (NCS, PCS) i.e. beyond ZCS, e.g. in 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index computing, 1 ZCS can define other ZCS vice versa ... (i.e. 2 regions), and so on ... , therefore, basically, kuru kuru WHILE a (dot, pinpoint, pixel, point) can be defined on 1 ZCS, other pixel on other ZCS is directly effected should be realized and understood as "teleportation" ... ;

Five Triangles, for basic understanding of teleportation as method, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; think that 3 walls must be defined by 6 ZCS; beyond this webpage's content, cannot explain anymore, military top secrets (civilizations can be changed by manmade ... ) ... ;

if you like to (design, engineer, test) teleportation, 3 memristors built-in laptop computer is recommended; e.g. this DOMAIN developer's laptops are Toshiba 17.3" laptop computers with 3 memristors built-in; Remember, computers seem the same, but NOT the same at all if you understand in-depth ... ; 1st to assure your computer does ±98 (plus, minus); 2nd to assure 3 memristors built-in; 3rd, you're on your own, in space, there is no joint venture for sure ... ;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;


(law forty five): kuru kuru WHILE (Distribution (crunching, distributing, factoring)), embedded devices' electronic circuits must obey (C Sequence Number, Lo Shu, Sudoku) serial number ;

embedded; Radical693;

serial number; Radical534;

circuit; Also see: Radical510;

(law forty three): physics law forth three (34, 43);

10 top notches have been trained for our future generations ... ; so well trained kids! if I say :

2018/2562,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to year in Gregorian calendar / year in Buddha sasana calendar;
wormhole,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to "kuru kuru of lights" , and at the end of its length, capturing method may begin;
next few seconds, using camera (zoom-in, zoom-out) for each layer,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to "self driving automotives" ;
Anti Heat Wave,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to "summer time period" only; because of DEE refreshes 2 times or 3 times only universally;
4th factor,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to "C Sequence Number" and Remote Heat Sensing (Also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical) globally;
pinoatai Value of Pi,   you well trained kids! should understand it might be referring to "at" ... ;

(law forty two): in the defined wave , extra (pattern, signal) can be attached ;

nami Wave, also see: Radical514;

Remark: long long time ago, approx. in 1985 - 1986, WHEN this DOMAIN developer was a member and secretary of Physics Student Association, at Yangon University, one of my professors taught me " in the defined wave, extra (pattern, signal) can be attached " ; 28+ years later in 2010s, regarding surface based computing, ZCS as extra (pattern, signal) can be attached WHICH can reduce heat wave in summer globally (our earth)

- i.e. beyond 1 way DEE based method of HOW to charge rechargeable battery (e.g. fetching green surface into battery's cells),

- i.e. beyond 4th factor (heat & light are at the same location in our earth only, iroLED, light & heat are NOT at the same location on human beings livable moons),

- i.e. beyond Remote Heat Sensing (Also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical) And Then, R&D remote heat sensing (e.g. C Sequence Number As Wall), ... ;

in 1990s, component stereo devices were very popular e.g. if sound wave can be defined (i.e. in the defined wave), space sound system and surround sound system are proof of HOW (i.e. extra (pattern, signal) can be attached); therefore, component ... ;

(law forty one): IFF (4th factor, arc, speed) can be defined, since 2000 (21st century & beyond), beyond memristor method (e.g. DEE _ Radio), structural like ( multiple directional Light yellow on X), wall method may begin;

wall; Radical381;

wall method is one of the military top secrets, therefore, further detailed information are NOT available to public; in space, you do it, therefore, you own it; there is no joint venture for sure; Hey! well trained kids! you're on your own, and don't think that I know; I a i n ' t know HOW to design imaginary hyper space crafts ... ;

(law thirty nine): Origin of Carbon Nano World; one - by - twenty - four - Green Based IFF our earth ... ;

Origin of Carbon Nanowalls; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; DNA _Origami; Reforming Myanmar; Walls;

origin of carbon nano world, e.g. HOW (5, 6, 7) variations form as polygons naturally;

1st to understand 2 human beings livable moons are on the same orbit; 1 way DEE; our universe;
2nd to understand 13 (8 (night sky) + 5 (day sky)) system ( Remote Heat Sensing; Also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical), 4th factor; 2,3 dimensional;
3rd to understand reversed engineering of Protein Bound; 2,3 dimensional;

after understanding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, And Then, Origin of Carbon Nano World can be understood as one - by - twenty - four - Green Based IFF our earth ... ; Carbon Nano Wall, a.k.a. Carbon Nano World;

 Remark: (ACT1, ACT2) imaginary hyper space ... ;

 Remark: this DOMAIN 's WHICH can be used in ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts' interior simulation of "Origin of Carbon Nano World" ... ; ( Origin of Carbon Nano World; one - by - twenty - four - Green Based IFF our earth ... ) obey C Sequence Number (BF2);

 Remark: after understanding "origin of carbon nano world" , develop ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts' interior simulations, "Origin of Water" , moon waves, ... ; I believe you well trained kids! will prove "Origin of Water" ... ;

(law thirty eight): "blue away" events must obey Tail Alike Momentum;

circle; link; ring; wheel; Radical915;

(Origin of Disc, Origin of Fish, Origin of (Oval & Sperm)) 2,3 dimensional toward (along with) ... ; because of lights stretch; for better understanding WHAT is "Tail Alike Momentum" , also see: Schematic Dimensional;

time period on ZCS: yellow (forefront, foreground) disappears naturally IFF ({E3,E3,E3} or silver) as background; "blue away" events ... ;

after understanding ACT2 imaginary hyper space (our universe) Tail Alike Momentum (blue away) events, And Then, yellowish variations begin ... ; you're welcome to ACT3 imaginary hyper space (our universes ( BLI auto adjustment, directional gravity pressure, moon waves, nested theory, reversed yellowish variations, solar sail, variable DEE patterns, wormhole way LASER, yellowish variations ) ) ... ;

Remark: as of 2018/2562, WHILE developing Gene Therapy System, this DOMAIN developer still doesn't understand WHOLE body of our human beings WHY happen naturally ... ;

(law thirty seven): GPS embedded ones must obey this structural 28-108_beyond_DEE_mouth;

- arc's size is gravity spot; bigger the gravity spot, flatter the arc is; < 1 meter gravity spot;
- degree may vary (e.g. IFF (x, y), 90°);
- IFF wormhole, 45°, 60°, 72°;

this structural 28-108_beyond_DEE_mouth is specially designed for ACT2 and ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts ... ;

well trained kids! for better understanding, 28-108_Mussel_vs_Scallop, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 261, arc defines gravity spot's sizes ... ;

     (law thirty six): at the focal point of multi long length neutrino laser, no material can EXIST;

2,3 dimensional Laser Pointer; DEE (NCS, PCS, ZCS) modulation based; at the focal point of multi long length neutrino laser, no material can EXIST; laser (medical equipment, military grade) ... ; beyond 4th factor and lines with its defined barcodes (command line parameter) ... ; Also see: Schematic Dimensional;

10.  ( NCS, PCS, ZCS) multi long length neutrino laser (wormhole way) 's bending value as pivot;
9.    Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) patterns ... ;
8.    Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) patterns ... ;
7.    regarding 1 sound beam (yellow arc), 2 human beings livable moons' momentum must prompt tangent to 3rd one;
6.    regarding origin of sound ( 4 yellow lines are no longer parallel WHICH causes origin of sound) ... ;
5.    2,3 dimensional laser must obey 2 human beings livable moons are on the same orbital line;
4.    defined (bio-area, dot, environment, organ, pinpoint, pixel, point) location (location awareness) 's heat (temperature) is changing IFF our earth ... ;
3.    defined (bio-area, dot, environment, organ, pinpoint, pixel, point) location (location awareness) 's pressure is changing ... ;
2.    wormhole way laser; wormhole way laser (LED);
1.    motor way laser; Remark: since 1990s e.g. 1st CD was 150 x IDE bus of board (based on static 4th factor);

history; Radical995;

do good go Karma ACTION, good results will ... ; since 2000s, this DOMAIN has mapped all nuclear related ones in our earth, therefore, no need to declare war because 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS ... ; methods are beyond each line with barcodes e.g. UPC vs RFID, and, end of the line is ACTION ... ; Methods are also beyond factoring Number As Specified Items ( number) i.e. beyond filling method & ruler; (law thirty six): at the focal point of multi long length neutrino laser, no material can EXIST ;

Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 268;

(law thirty five): 108 = ((3,3,3,3), (10,7,10)) for each water pattern;

for each water pattern, water forms different shapes, (drip, drop; Radical259),
since (heat and light) have been at the same location in our earth (wormhole (60)),
since (heat and light) are NOT at the same location on human beings livable moons,
since wormhole parameters (45, 60, 72) have been defining light's directional,
since yellowish variations EXIST on human beings livable moons (moon; Radical96),
since 3,4 dimensional (other words would be: "gray" as limitation) a.k.a. ACT3 imaginary hyper space,
since 2,3 dimensional (other words would be: "red" as limitation) a.k.a. ACT2 imaginary hyper space,
regarding this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' interior design,
(average; level ; Radical414) using water forms different shapes,
(argument ; Radical301) for each water pattern ... ;

Remark: well trained kids! develop and prove Origin of Water ;

(law thirty four): this DOMAIN 's spacecraft engine must be using directional gravity pressure and gravity spots, ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence; elevating (as opposed to landing);

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence; landing (as opposed to elevating);

combustion (process of burning something) engine is NOT a solution in space; "red" must be a limitation to 2,3 dimensional (inner side of our universe), and "gray" and "silver" must be a limitation to (2,3 dimensional and 3,4 dimensional) inner and outer side of our universes;

well trained kids! replied: Can you explain HOW to make gravity spots sir ?

I wrote: I ain't know HOW to make directional gravity pressure and gravity spots; If I designed and implemented long long time ago, my spacecrafts would be sent on NMD (No Moon Day) without any nation's permit (e.g. space pirates' spacecrafts) for sure; Hint: IFF GPS is embedded, And Then, 2 gravity spots EXIST (exist; Radical888) ... ;

circuit; Radical510;

(law thirty three): defined IoT device (e.g. analog circuit, digital circuit, electronic circuit) must obey NOT ONLY counter, BUT ALSO its laps e.g. kuru kuru WHILE ... ;

IoT must obey NFC3, NFC2, NFC1, NFC, Near Field Communication;

counter, also see: 6cComputer;



(law thirty): regarding 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (computing), Light Speed Measurement must be defined for each Zero Curvature Surface (ZCS); (box, cube, dice) 's each ZCS (Zero Curvature Surface) must be 90 degree angle;

thirty; Radical264;

I wrote : ACT2 imaginary hyper space question would be HOW to structural design {E3, E3, E3} on front ZCS, And Then, its 90 degree another ZCS should be with blue ZCS ?

in our earth a.k.a. ACT1, WHICH one is the correct statement for the 2 surfaces ({E3,E3,E3}, blue):
(a) DEE STRING as callout;
(b) DEE STRING as line;
(c) DEE STRING as triangle;
(d) DEE STRING as up arrow;

well trained kids! replied : in Big Bang theory of Western Civilization, light speed is constant C sir; there is neither "slow-down time period"  definition nor variable light speeds sir; 

I wrote : Oh! Oh! I learnt it long long time ago, it might be approx. 3 (10^8) m/s, 186000 mi/s, 300000 km/s, speed of light in vacuum, universal physical constant C (Speed of Light) i.e. a part of Big Bang theory of Western Civilization, and, if you like to keep Big Bang theory of Western Civilization, using SQRT2 design model's (±98) for engineering notations (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ) a.k.a. DVD Method, And Then, adjust the defined light speed's constant C by using (plus or minus (a.k.a. ±98)), i.e. Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization 's one of the methods; however, design difficulty becomes if you like to implement (SQRT2 and SQRT3 (a.k.a. duo binary)), And Then, using Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization only;

well trained kids! replied : thank you for explaining HOW 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (computing) ... ;

I wrote : after understanding ZCS surfaces, start doing R&D on NCS (Negative Curvature Surface), and PCS (Positive Curvature Surface); after you've understood our human beings' skull (head), And Then, I'll ask one more question e.g. HOW to maintain our brain's default color code for prolonging 300+ life expectancy ?

well trained kids! replied : Um! seem like you've already known the INFO;

I wrote : no, I ain't, not yet known the INFO, because it is not easy to define {E3,12,21} or "red" as limitation to 2,3 dimensional inner ring of our universe, and it is not easy to define {E3,E3,E3} or "silver" as limitation to both 2,3 dimensional inner right of our universe and 3,4 dimensional outer ring of our universes, but Gene Therapy System should be worth trillions of dollar ... ; this is yours to develop IT ... ; every part of human being has its own definition e.g. WHY 3 holes EXIST in our human beings' skull (because of 2 events of 3 lights are 90 degree); e.g. WHY 2 eyes EXIST (because of 2 moons are on the same orbit); e.g. WHY we can't see our back (because of 1 way DEE);

I'll do by myself structural Q&A e.g. using micro SD (DEE pattern), HOW to prompt blue on 1 ZCS, And Then, green on another ZCS; based on (3 memristor (s) or iroLED) screen, HOW sprinkling dots, fetching lines, ... along with SQRT2 (minus, plus) engineering notations ... i.e. very basic Wall Method (approx. 20+ years old info as of 2018/2561);

Answer: (c) DEE STRING as triangle;

heart; mind; spirit; Radical83;

(law twenty nine): regarding our earth, doesn't matter whether heart is on the left hand side or right hand side, heart obeys blue to green, WHICH means blue is at the bottom of our heart, and aqua green is at the top of our heart; since electronic compass points to the north a.k.a. electronic green line, all ACTION (s) in ACT1 imaginary hyper space (our earth) obey gravity i.e. from blue to green;

Remark: since 1990s, this law twenty nine have proved many "elevated" automotives ... ; a.k.a. 1 way DEE; IFF Remote Heat Sensing (Also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical) can be scientifically proved (e.g. C Sequence Number (BF2)), it should be called 1 way DEE and BF2; Remark: in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, BF2 is no longer true, then be still in R&D WHY e.g. red belongs to heat (2,3 dimensional) and gray belong to 3,4 dimensional (i.e. in addition to 2,3 dimensional) ... (regarding inner side our our universe vs. outer side of our universes);

HOW to visit to human beings livable moons sir ? well trained kids ! since you know, blue-to-green means elevating, you will be able to elevate your own space craft, And Then, toward directional to the moon; on the way back to our earth, after visiting, you need to do green-to-blue, that's all ... oh! oh! don't be surprise, because, there are many cities already on the moons; Remember: without Shakya King's permit, your space craft might be captured by space pirates ... ;

(law twenty eight): light INSTINCT; because of light-instinct, naturally we human beings are group wise by natural color codes; e.g. blue eyes people, brown eyes people, ... ; e.g. brown complexion people, white rice complexion people, ... ;

in ACT3 imaginary hyper space, lights behave like bio cells, so called "Light Instinct" ; because of light-instinct, same kind (gender, language, race) of human beings like to be together as group, same type of animals join to be together, same type of fishes gather to be together, and so on ... ;

light INSTINCT upward; light INSTINCT;

light INSTINCT right; light INSTINCT;

light INSTINCT left; light INSTINCT;

light INSTINCT downward; light INSTINCT;

up to this DOMAIN developer's knowledge, "gray" color is somehow related to out-of-remote-heat-sensing (our universes, outer ring);

in ACT2 imaginary hyper space, since (our earth and our moon) are flip-flip alike (blue, green), since ACT3 imaginary hyper space (law twenty eight) light-instinct WHICH rules all kinds of lights obey its own kind, peaceful and tranquil lunar orbits happen;

up to this DOMAIN developer's knowledge, "red" color is somehow related to remote-heat-sensing (our universe, inner ring);

regarding ACT1 imaginary hyper space, billionaires (rich peoples) like to purchase more time (e.g. hours), in this case study (regarding Hollywood and billions dollars businesses ... ), Wi-Fi Area, and (out of Wi-Fi Area is (e.g. American Telephone & Telegraph ( AT&T))) Satellite_DNS_Domain System's defined bands; since 1974, barcode and its numbers can represent many items, objects, things, ... , since 2010s, this DOMAIN 's iroColourWaveForm 's color coding to the barcode, i.e. billions and billions items, objects, things, ... ; since law twenty eight (light-instinct) truly and naturally behave e.g. lights behave like bio cells, AI Wi-Fi can be defined (e.g. WHAT kind of color codes) ... ;

cluster (of stars together); flock (e.g. birds together); group (e.g. people together); Remark: usage "crowd" is more likely to be referring to all kinds of groups;  

because of "Light Instinct" , our body's bio (items, objects, things, ... ) are gathered to be together; in ACT2 imaginary hyper space (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, inner ring of our universe, inside-of-nested-area), regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization (Gene Therapy System index), since (heat and light) are at the same location (only in our earth), and our earth is without yellowish variation and yellow core planet (remember: some planets are without EM, because they are NOT yellow core), and iroColourWaveForm (lights' intensities) e.g. color codes, color coding, colorful, ... can be defined; (approx. since 2010)  our body's bio (items, objects, things, ... ) obeys NOT ONLY iroColourWaveForm (lights' intensities), BUT ALSO (approx. since 2000) C Sequence Number (BF1) growth rate, this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System has become able to cure (Also see: ..\..\MD\MD) all kinds of bio disorders in ACT1 imaginary hyper space (e.g. our earth's human beings) by its Method (e.g. Directional Gravity Pressure, e.g. Gravity Dimension Computer, e.g. gravity spots, ... ) i.e. via PHYSICS (e.g. (law twenty eight)) way ... ; therefore, in order to survive in 21st century and beyond, hurry up and have Buddha (also see: ..\..\Buddha\index) statue at your home, ... ;

(law twenty seven): every light has its ending distance WHICH obey C Sequence Number (BF1); Also see: halt; stop; Radical99; e.g. leaf, leaves, fruit, ... ;

(law twenty six):

Gene Therapy System, now is the time to do (treatment (Tx)) to WHOM IFF not totsuzenheni Mutation (mutation ( A, C, G, T)) for each abnormal, irregular, non standard, ... ;
Gene Therapy System, now is the time to do (treatment (Tx)) to WHOM IFF not totsuzenheni Mutation (mutation ( A, C, G, T)) for each abnormal, irregular, non standard, ... ;

light; Radical400;

(law twenty five): structural equillibrim of light must obey 360° of either DEE _ lines _ horizontal or DEE _ lines _ vertical;

Remark: without this law, there is no way to do roll-able window (e.g. CCWRW, CWRW); approx. 34+ years old info, as of 2018/2561;

Remark: don't forget to apply "arc method" to all sides (4) WHILE measuring DEE density of our universes in ACT3 imaginary hyper space ... , and it should be called ACT3 DEE sensor (one of the methods of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' designs, for mapping our universes) ... ;


(law twenty three): comet's head happens naturally because of DEE 's opaque characteristic;

DEE are coming from our universes (many human beings livable moons EXIST), and Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) is like water (DEE behaves both transparency and opaque); projecting 1 single comet into a sky's space, (head alike, sphere alike at front) happen naturally in the imaginary hyper space (open environment); projecting 1 single comet light into a opaque wall, (circle alike, hole alike, ring alike) happen naturally on the projected surface (negative Curvature surface, positive Curvature surface, zero Curvature surface) ; in addition to this DOMAIN 's (Satellite_DNS_Domain) Rainbow Method, adding comet (invisibility deployment, multiple comets, single comet, visibility (vision)) will define Manmade Global Weather conditions (e.g. do good weather conditions globally); Also see: Schematic Light;

partition; wall; Radical381;

wall; wall tile; Radical54;

(law twenty two): walls can define both hole (s) and STRING (s);

regarding variable DEE patterns, also see: Walls;

(law twenty one): square is manmade e.g. Blue Squared, Green Squared;

in our universes (many human beings livable moons), there is no square things naturally, therefore, square is manmade ... (e.g. squared to be a pair); in Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), roll-able window (e.g. , ), VR, walls (6 surfaces), ... are based on HOW DEE can be presented as squared to be, And Then, invisibility engineering may begin, WORMHOLE way engineering may also begin (e.g. wormhole lengths obey C Sequence Number (BF1)), ... ; IFF squared to be a pair to repair, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 247, Repair; e.g. repairing Idea Processor, repairing 3 by using 2 (i.e. pair) via Triangulation Web System, and so on;

regarding flying light sheets (e.g. DEE dots in 1 way DEE structural momentum in our earth, on the other hand, on human beings livable moons, Even Time Horizontal DEE, variable DEE patterns, ... ), the only way to define its patterns accordance with peaceful and tranquil human beings livable moons' momentum is DEE ( blue ( Blue Squared), green ( Green Squared)) ... ; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 248; flying light sheets;

(law twenty): Momentum As STRING; kuru kuru WHILE nesting ... ;

kuru kuru WHILE building a nest (nesting) in Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization:
 Time (IFF our earth, eclipse belongs to (2*6));
 Space (BF1 growth rate sections, eyes (Eccentric _ circles), tip of hole);
 Action (IFF 108 configuration (3, 3, 3, 3, and 10, 7, 10), eclipse is one of the 3s ... );

IFF our earth, eclipse is out of our earth's binding (8), Momentum (e.g. (2*6)) As STRING defines BLI, in addition to DEE pattern, SPL diff, and yellowish variation; human beings livable moons in our universes obey "out of planet group" binding (e.g. eclipse in our earth); Momentum As STRING; kuru kuru WHILE nesting ... ;

IFF our earth, the largest DEE fusion happens on eclipse day;

WHAT is momentum sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand 2 Rings, i.e. inside of Schematic Dimensional; 2nd to understand zero curvature screen surface (a dot, pixel, point) ... ; 3rd to understand Z-Index, in 2,3 dimensional (ACT2) space, and 3,4 dimensional (ACT3) space, ... ; And Then, philosophy e.g. timeless vs. with momentum, ... ;

(law nineteen): Weather can be manmade. Also see: Manmade Global Weather;

(law eighteen): in solar system, IFF iroColourWaveForm, aqua blue and yellow (consecutively each other as surface) behave like radio signal, on a tangent line;

( NFR, NFR, NFR, NFR), Near Field Radio ... ; Also see: IoT; PHYSICS; r Character; Wireless;

well trained kids! replied: regarding "NFR," WHY yellow color related ones are highlighted sir?

I wrote: since 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. one of the human beings livable moons' refreshing momentum (2 yellow color gravity spots) at a location; therefore, I've defined "yellow color related ones" ... ; don't forget THAT since 1990s, 2 (1mm ones) gravity spots have been embedded inside of GPS, but they are (silver color ones); after understanding (silver color ones) 2 (1mm ones) gravity spots, then 2 yellow color related ones can be realized & understood, And Then, NFR can be ... ; Remark: NFR is special designed & modeled in (2565, 2021), after 20+ years of 2 (1mm ones) gravity spots (silver color ones), intended for Gene Therapy System, Gravity Dimension Computer, NFC IoT developments, Remote Nama Reading, ... ; Remember: like d y n a book's logo, WHEN 2 gravity spots aren't the same size but on the same axis, And Then, you well trained kids! should know WHAT to do ... ;

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We still don't know HOW to adjust momentum sir, can you teach us HOW?

I wrote: our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think, e.g. very advance G7 nations have many products NOT to export; adjusting momentum is restricted info; for ACT1 level, my sincere suggestion would be: learn to realize & understand WHAT is Sever ("Normal" means square ones, if compare to "Mobile" means rounded square ones) kuru kuru WHILE ... ; sorry, I can't explain IT anymore, regarding ACT2 and ACT3 levels, because in space, there's no joint venture for sure;

radio signal patterns can be classified into color codes (e.g. gray and white with maroon background, green and blue as 100 miles radius (because of 1km hotspots), feedback as green (telecommunication), and so on ... , and there are many different color codes for many different signal (many-to-many, a.k.a. N-to-N), however, standard is aqua blue and yellow, regarding solar system;

WHY aqua blue and yellow as standard in solar system sir? well trained kids ! our moon's night time is navy blue, and our earth day time's aqua blue are at the same time, and notice that very very unique 2, And Then, WHEN you've to make a decision, you'll choose aqua blue instead of navy blue; since planets with EM are somehow related to yellow as core, AND, yellowish variations exist among human being livable moons in our universes; therefore, WHEN you've to make a decision, you'll choose yellow; as knowledge based (e.g. surface analysis) result in advanced AI system (this DOMAIN), aqua blue and yellow ... ; i.e. regarding our solar system; IFF space engineering, PHYSICS, a.k.a. ACT2 ... ; in ACT3 imaginary space, green STRING s are used, e.g. Solar Sail;

(law seventeen): (WORMHOLE (Parameter ( 45, 60, 72))) with Rainbow Method obeys co-existence ( strings AND holes), And Then, calculating the possible holes for each no moon day and full moon day ((2*7) a.k.a. one of the dimensions) can solve no more earthquake, and can also solve no more tsunami, in our earth; Also see: Pivot; Radical365;

believe it or not, regarding STRING s (directional), 1970s' hole boards become walls in 2010s, so that Homemade Green Gravity becomes directional gravity spots ... ; as result, this DOMAIN has started its Manmade Global Weather (service) to do good weather conditions in our earth since 2017/2561;

(law sixteen): this DOMAIN 's Satellite a.k.a. imaginary hyper space crafts are sent only by using gravity spots, Directional Gravity Pressure, and so on;

stringed instrument; Radical313;

true imaginary hyper space crafts (e.g. Satellite) are using (13 = 8 + 5), gravity spots, Directional Gravity Pressure, and so on ... , therefore, launching from space stations, using rocket fuel and combustion technology is out-dated ones and fallacy; hint: 1st to figure out HOW Homemade Green Gravity (e.g. if you know green line electronically, you've just created electronic compass, because naturally, northern green lights are because of being in the north), And Then, detailed procedure of elevating by gravity spots, And Then, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts have been sent (not using keyword launch), only on no moon day, because of lower tidal mark (e.g. gravitational force) ... ; Remark: this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) does not believe in launching by using rocket fuel combustion technology; because, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts were sent on no moon days with only using Directional Gravity Pressure and its gravity spots, and Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) believe that Shakya King owns all human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; if you're lucky ones, you'll get this DOMAIN 's (Satellite DNS System) bands (IoT, NFC, radio, Wi-Fi, wireless) for free ... ;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

ACT3 yellowish variations in mm can define distance, and green strings are used in common; reversed yellowish variations IFF compare to yellowish variations;
ACT2 by Using Hole Board _ Strings' Directional, basic strings' directional can be defined; Rainbow Method; Wall Method;
ACT1 basic oscillation starts from capacitance's pressure, so called ACT1 strings e.g. sine wave patterns;

(law fifteen): in DEE (Dark Energy Engineering), after understanding remote heat sensing, color can be defined e.g. Color (refer to zero Curvature surface e.g. "flat panel");  common WORMHOLE way methods are ( 45, 60, 72) for defining each (dot, pixel) colors ... ;

Remote Heat Sensing, also see: Remote Heat Sensing Radical ;

long long time ago, electron gun transmits electron to be seen as photon via screen (i.e. CRT technology), and after understanding EM Pull in 1990s , those vacuum were no longer needed, so called "flat panel" ... ; beyond EM Pull, DEE has been and color of pixel can be defined by DEE approach, and notice that this symbol represents Color NOT only for screen (regarding flat panel, screen, zero curvature surface), BUT ALSO in (2*6) Z-Index in our universes ... ; Also see: resonance Dimensional inside of Schematic Dimensional, doko WHERE Table Properties Borders Color (green) and 4 "silvers" prompts 1 "Black" area to be remote heat sensing;

base on SQRT2 design model, after understanding (minus, plus) DVD, because of engineering notations (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... ) obey ±98 in 2000s , Z-Index can be further developed into plus side and minus side; in addition, "roll able" , "projection" technology R&D ... ; therefore, Color ... ; Directional Gravity Pressure can begin;

equivalent to the product of five and three; five more than ten; i.e. fifteen;

(law fourteen): in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space (including our earth), 1 way DEE can be applied, And Then, Automotive 's speed can be enhanced;

1st to understand DEE as line on zero curvature surface, i.e. static approach; 2nd to understand 1 way DEE as line by side-to-side (e.g. from-bottom-to-top, from-right-to-left) i.e. dynamic approach, 3rd to apply 1 way DEE as Automotive 's speed; And Then, realize that very very fast drone, gravity machine, IoT, ... ;

SDB1WD, Speed Defined By 1 way DEE;

however, we human beings' brains refresh very slowly e.g. approx. 20 c/s refreshing rate as speed; therefore, very very fast Automotive 's speed design should be in the sky only; therefore, car can be flying like flight, train can be flying like flight, but ground transportation should be within our human beings' brains' refreshing rate (e.g. max speed 500 km per hour); future's Gravity Dimension Computer architects & designers should limit "ground transportation" max speed;

(law thirteen): 13 = 8 + 5; in 13 planets system (a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional imaginary space), 8 is known as Solar System, and 5 is our earth's Day Sky configuration, doko WHERE many human beings livable moons EXIST;

IFF Rainbow Method, also see: Weather;

idea ♯ 215; Philosophy; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;

(law twelve): in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space, a.k.a. another universe, light is chopped 2 or 3 times (invisibility engineering) than our earth naturally; also see: bPali; very advance programs are written in Pali language (holy language of Buddhism, using transcript words) e.g. Nama For Humanoid;

(law eleven): IFF (normal yellow, no yellowish variation) our earth as location (a.k.a. ACT1 stage imaginary hyper space), heat can defined by (Y = Ln X) doko WHERE reversed one (surrounded by yellow) between blue and green (i.e. refer to iro Colour Wave Form 's blue, green); also see: DEE (heat Dimensional) ; Schematic Dimensional;

for basic understanding of this Law Eleven, carbon nano wall 's structure must be known (idea is similar to Natural Water Elevator design model) and then EM characteristic HOW related to lights and then realize heat can be Dimensional (e.g. a yellow dot on screen as heat Dimensional) ... ; in ACT2 stage imaginary hyper space, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts prompted that heat and light are NOT at the same location (Remember: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King); in ACT3 stage ... ;

(law nine): 2-sided surface based computing (wormhole distance) must obey 2 (e.g. coexistence, YIN and YANG, and notice that 2 is very very unique in many ways) and its dimensional must be ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) IFF SQRT2 design model;

two; Radical7;

(law eight): %YELLOWISH_VARIATION%, yellowish variation indicates not only distance, but also directional ; also see: variable DEE;

yellowish variations; Radical96;

(law seven): water can be elevated naturally, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 202; Natural FMD Water Elevator vs. Natural NMD Water Elevator;

water; Radical106;

(law six): IFF 6 layers computing, WHILE Z-Distributions exist, object's natural variable sizes (in vision) must obey layers in distance; e.g. satellite map data must be able to (zoon-in, zoon-out) in vision and then able to prompt each object's accurate (a.k.a. true) size;

idea ♯ 196; integrated picture with accurate true size, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1;

(law four): Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 191, the Sun vs. Neutrinos; also see: a table;

(law three): using Solar Sail 's distance coordinates, all objects in our universes can be located and then pinpointed; i.e. mapping our universes (a.k.a. Universal Positioning System ( UPS)); e.g. distance as 5mm yellowish variation of ; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 185, Solar Sail;

(law two): numerological dimensional numbers provide structure (structural) with defined brunching factors; also see: Numerological Dimensional Tree Structure Topology;

natural; Radical129;

12/2/2015 / 2559, NHK news: NIPPON physicist (Novel Prize winner) proved that in space, beam (light) attenuates and diffracts WHICH is a.k.a. ripple effects of gravitational wave, and the gravitational wave will be 4th method to measure i.e. HOW universes are beyond H (a.k.a. Hydrogen) ... ;

regarding "ripple effects" (something drops onto water, so waves happen), also see: this DOMAIN 's DEE_ Radio ... ; if you have defined DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) as Eccentric circles, and then remember: you're in 2,3 dimensional space (refer to many human beings livable moons with peaceful & tranquil orbital space environment) ; i.e. you create your own bands, for your own imaginary hyper space crafts, ... ;

regarding beam ( light), also see: this DOMAIN 's multi long length neutrino Laser; beam (sound); beam (DEE) will be gravity gun (1st to understand modulation of DEE, 2nd to understand directional with moons' orbital); 3rd, to develop structural and artificial solar system so that we human beings can be beyond other side of Constellations with SYNC (a.k.a. green as feedback), as of 2015/2559, still cannot SYNC (due to not understanding gravity wave, e.g. parallel DEE becomes gathering to be pivot, think that parallel DEE becomes squid formation) ... ;

regarding 4th Method to measure, also see: this DOMAIN 's yellowish variations i.e. the latest Solar Sail (yellow background zero curvature with green strings i.e. to collect gravity as energy to be energetic, to be proactive, to prosper, ... ; i.e. WHY "homemade green gravity" is very important to understand very basic HOW gravity is (remark: start with solar power because gravity is nothing like H (a.k.a. Hydrogen))) engineering, and then, HOW universes can be mapped ... ; in very very very far way in distance space (a.k.a. 3,4 dimensional), just follow the light doko WHERE 5W1H (e.g. still can be Synchronization, hee, hee, hee, fish alike again in idea, therefore 1/2 fish (refer to dot (eye) on screen surface, with 1/2 snaky tail ) concept is very important, HOW parallel DEE becomes squid formation?) ... ; IFF fresh and genuine squid, also see: Sushi; believe it or not, because of squid formation, computing will be roll-able with cylinder menu (1st to understand ( plus, minus) i.e. beyond wormhole method of camera, 2nd to understand screen becomes thicker virtually (not physically; because of (plus, minus)), 3rd to develop Display with or without screen (sometime, you might not want dot (pixel) becomes cylinder in z-index)) ... ;

acoustical ( audio, hearing ( hear),  music (e.g. musical time), sound, tone); moon Radical96; astronomical (e.g. human beings livable moons in our universes); AVS (( heat (e.g. Ampere),  Diff Potential (e.g. Voltage), System (e.g. combination of A and V)) e.g. interfaces, materials, processing); crystallographic; Weather (our earth's meteorological); (iroLED, LED, light, seeing, Specialties OPH, vision) i.e. optical; Methods i.e. physical; physics students; physics teachers; MD (physicists in medicine); fluid, liquid, Radical310 (rheology) e.g. deformation, flow of liquid, flow of matter, and flow of solid; ... ;

blank space; Radical135;


create your own schematic symbols, because you should have your own law of nature in graphics; Remark: before creating your own Schematic Symbols, you should have good reason, and 5W1H idea, and then, create your own law ... ;

law of nature (i.e. physics, a.k.a. nature's law); be beyond nuclear power; e.g. manmade global weather; e.g. multi long length neutrino laser; e.g. satellite radio controlled drone; e.g. this DOMAIN has mapped all objects in our universes ... ; e.g. this DOMAIN has mapped all nuclear plants on our earth;


YIN and YANG, i.e. coexistence (hole, string) as law of nature (i.e. physics) ... ;

Physics related e.g. essential yellow in (reversed yellowish variation, yellowish variation), also see: ..\..\Domain\index;

Physics related e.g. essential yellow in (reversed yellowish variation, yellowish variation), also see: ..\..\Domain\index;

Referenced Books;

regarding Eastern Civilization's physics: hole board is the key for pinpointing strings' Directions; Remark: start with YIN and YANG, i.e. coexistence (hole, string) ... ; and, monks are very smart ... ;

regarding Western Civilization's physics: integration a.k.a. adding, differential a.k.a. subtracting; be very careful in mathematics, because, since 1985, 1 = 1 + 1 can be proof by math WHEN dealing with equation sign, also see: Pre School English Typing, and type in " = " (a.k.a. equal sign) and find out its ASCII numerical key value is 61;

IFF strings' directions: 1st to understand both Day Configuration (human being livable moons dwell, and peaceful & tranquil moons' orbits (e.g. tidal)), and Night Configuration (a.k.a. Constellations), doko WHERE peaceful and tranquil moons' orbits (e.g. 2 moons are on the same orbit WHICH causes our human beings have 2 eyes and WHEN 1 eye moves, another eye follow the same direction (another example would be: humanoids' eyes are SYNC by Moon Wave), ... ); 2nd to understand other side of Constellations doko WHERE no dwelling like moons and very dangerous space and cannot SYNC yet, and notice that this DOMAIN developer becomes a little dull at 56+ years old age ( Question would be: HOW to do Synchronization beyond solar sail method?); 3rd to develop your own structural (i.e. beyond directional);

similar to Origin of Sound, snaky alike heat sensing pattern can be: e.g. if Y, 's bottom will be not even (refer to snaky alike); e.g. if X, 's right will be not even (refer to snaky alike); remember, WHEN string does not go through, SPL (Sound Pressure Level) begins ... ; also see: pressure;

if peaceful & tranquil Moon Wave's strings are NOT heterodyned, we (cloned human beings, genuine human beings, humanoid human beings) would be very cold (refer to temperature);

holy water have been celebrated by both Eastern Civilization & Western Civilization; because of water, plasma cluster (e.g. air, gas, plasma cluster Sensor, ... ) begins ... ; Remark: directional gravity spots can control wind's direction;

this DOMAIN : program to measure Distance by yellowish variations (e.g. 5mm yellowish variation, 10mm yellowish variation, ... ), and believe it or not, it is the highest technology like Solar Sail; i.e. beyond electrode, beyond directional electrical grounding, beyond sound pattern, beyond zero curvature surface;

regarding computing, physics (is like, too difficult to know all (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural, ... ): Time must be slow down, Space must be defined by graphics within frame, Action must be e.g. each line on X means 1K quantity of items, e.g. 3K quantity can define "name" ... ), kuru kuru WHILE ( CS) begins ... ;

regarding Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization's oriental thought (Time . Space . Action), therefore, waves (also see: SHARP 's D A L (DIRECT ALGEBRAIC LOGIC) inside Schematic Symbols) are measured characteristic by time (Time), characteristic by amplitude (Space) structural type, characteristic by frequency (dynamic, pulse, rate, sequence, static, tone, ... ) Action; in 21st century, regarding other side of Constellation, there is no peaceful & tranquil orbits of moons (again, ACT3 stage space environment obeys YIN and YANG alike coexistence i.e. refer to very very unique 2, e.g. this side of Constellation is peaceful & tranquil orbital, other side is dangerous and non-orbital, i.e. all), and very dangerous (still cannot SYNC), therefore, planetary simulation of solar sail devices to be our solar system alike (heterodyned) space environment 1st, and then very very very far distance space can be further studied (e.g. beyond gray scaled simulation, beyond lights stretch, beyond Origin of Sound, beyond yellowish variations) ... ; Remark: we've to simulate our own gravity machines (e.g. 8 system, 13 system, ... ) to be solar system alike, then fetch the whole system into the ACT3 stage space environment (doko WHERE NOT existing orbital space environment (non-heterodyned space));

after all (heterodyned space, non-heterodyned space) , NOT to mention the most important gravity i.e. do it yourself, and gravity is not for sale 103% ... ; hint: regarding true space system, combustion system is not solution, jet system is not solution, vacuum system is not solution, ... ; if this DOMAIN 's contents are installed, and then find out HOW computer becomes elevated lighter weight; if you like to do your own homemade light projects HOW lights can be defined by nm (e.g. 345 nm, 456 nm, 567 nm), also see: Swap, because, nowadays, LED (Light Emitting Diodes) are easy to buy, and all you have to do is HOW to define and then regulate with your own chip (some chips regulate time period) sets; and, don't forget WHEN light exists, DEE also co-exist (again, reminder: very very unique 2, coexistence); if you can do your own momentum (e.g. solar power), and then, you must define environment (close, open) HOW your solar power behaves upon defined chip sets' light value; i.e. very basic understanding of HOW gravity is ... ; and then add more parameters e.g. pressure, sound, temperature, water, ... ; once you know lights thoroughly, you'll be gravitational physicist, ... ;

humanoid Jiwaka, do good kharma Action ... ; bio; biochemical; biogenetic; biological; biomedical; biophysical; ... ; e.g. creating antiviral medicine (Anti Virus) for curing ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ;

SymboticAsimo, do good kharma Action ... ; e.g. avoiding earthquake, e.g. avoiding storm (category 4+ storms must be reduced globally), e.g. avoiding tsunami, e.g. avoiding volcanic eruption, ... ;

SymboticAsimoRadical344, do good kharma Action ... ; e.g. capturing illegal drones, monitoring illegal invisible drones, e.g. practicing military tactical operations, e.g. shoot down illegal missiles, ... ;

retrospectively, starting (since 1970s) ... , until you create your own homemade green gravity (2010s) ... ;

Remark: coexistence (hole, string) cannot be found in Western Civilization's documentation text books; Western Civilization's physics text books and documentation are written with many westerner names and their theories; this DOMAIN is not against Western Civilization's physics; many human beings livable moons in our universes are not documented in Western Civilization's documentation yet (another example would be: dwelling alike gravity and moons dwell info are not in Western Civilization's documentation either) as of 2015 / 2559;

on the other hand, no name is honored and no name in documentation IFF Eastern Civilization's physics (i.e. good method & practical function, because you & me would never know whole family can be victim because of name);

(( standard, standard, standard), ( measure, measure, measure)) ... ;

This webpage is designed, modeled, and programmed by ( Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw).


w h a n g; toss; throw; sling; shy; send; propel; project; pitch; peg; lob; let fly; launch; hurl; hoy; heave; flip; fling; fire; direct; dash; chuck; catapult; cast; buzz; bung; bowl; b i s h; aim; (Comet, Rainbow, Wall) ... ;

x y abnormalities; ((cure, curing), (fix, fixing), (repair, repairing)) abnormal, bad weather condition, disease, disorder, ... , also see: x y Abnormalities; Remark: 04:49;
