; Updated in
2565 : on
2021 :
10 :
1 :
Physics Law 140
140) :
ZCS, flat panel, screen, CRT) Resolution;
2021; design model;
Navy Silver Pressure PCB _Holes;
well trained kids! replied: WHY did you draw 2 spots are NOT horizontally align sir?
I wrote: Also see:
Energy & Geometry; Physics Law 154;
Physics Law 140;
Schematic Light;
before understanding "Navy Silver Pressure PCB _Holes," (2 second, 4 second) are
adjusted by
because in ACT2
and ACT3
imaginary hyper space straight lines must be adjusted, e.g. our solar system as
a secant of our universe ... ;
2 holes at the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), doko
pressure is defined by iroColourWaveForm (Navy,
Silver) ... ;
think THAT our universe's naturally comets are the longest straight lines, on
the other hand, regarding Manmade (multi long length neutrino laser), straight
lines are much shorter than (our universe's naturally comets are);
of wormhole way (Comet, Rainbow, Wall) method, procedure, and technique, any
illegal missile can be shot-down, any illegal moving military vehicle can be
well trained kids! replied:
look alike there're 2 fishes, swimming in Water
sir; by the way, can we change the dark blue and silver colors to our own (
Crayon) colors?
I wrote: agree, i.e. with Water; No, you shouldn't change its (Navy, Silver) colors, because in Zen Way, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... (remember within this DOMAIN, every picture has its own meaning, if you change its colors, then meaning of the picture will change, then out-of-symmetrical, ... ); Pi by Two (π/2) diff, regarding ("there're 2 fishes, swimming in Water") ... ; by a glance, you should know (Aqua, Cyan, Green) side of our universe, if compare to other (Maroon, Purple, Red) side of our universe, regarding our universes ... ; moon waves are very very unique, and moon waves prompt supreme power, unique power, ... , believe it or not, i.e. ACT2 level imaginary hyper space info;
Kanji: construction; craft; Also see:
I wrote: I've a quiz i.e.
regarding "diameter" of
Eccentric _circles, in EN
(English) language,
WHICH letter
can represent ("diameter" of Eccentric _circles)?
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We've learnt already
WHEN we're
very young, answer would be: Capital Letter ("H") sir,
WHERE 2 sides can represent 2 tangents ... ;
I wrote:
of course; after understanding ("Navy Silver
Pressure PCB _Holes"), try to understand Jaw and HOW our (teeth, tooth) are
naturally formed in Zen Way ... ;
don't forget THAT long long time ago, I said every part of human beings' (bio,
organ, part, tissue, ... ) has its own very very meaningful ... ;
I wrote: after understanding
"every part of human beings' (bio, organ, part, tissue, ... ) has its own very
very meaningful ... ,"
WHAT would
you like to do?
well trained kids! replied:
ware ware We'll be
Nanobot Programmers sir; we'll develop
Teleportation (Method, Procedure, Technique)
Gene Therapy
System ... ;
I wrote:
of course;
astronomical Clock : perfect timing, position of the sun, position of the moon, (ratio of distance around the circle to the distance across it, also see: Pi), rotational tilt of the planet (e.g. daylight saving time), zodiac dial, ... ;
I wrote: we should research and develop
NCS, open-air,
PCS, under-water, in addition to (roll-able,
ZCS, flat panel, screen, CRT) Resolution;
WHAT we've
learnt so far e.g. Keyword (resolution)
started with
HOW Display is measured by (
Y) e.g. standard VGA is 640x480,
WHICH means
(X is 640, Y is 480) dot, pixel, point, ... ,
And Then, fill; filled; filling; fillings;
juten (Filling), also see:
f Character
... , i.e. prior to (map, mapped, mapping)
... , so "resolution" can be (noticed,
realized, understood) ... ;
for (mask, masked, masking), also see:
Physics Law 147, ...
for (wrap, wrapped, wrapping), also see: Physics
Law 181, ... ;
in common, roll-able display, e.g. NCS,
PCS, ZCS, ... ; Directional Gravity Pressure; SPL;
in common, projection based display, e.g. projector's lights, ... ; motor way;
wormhole way;
in common, flat panel display, e.g. monitor; screen; ZCS;
in common, multi colors display, e.g. selecting color from the color palette,
... ; CRT; monitor; screen;
in common, mono display, e.g. (black, white), (black, green), ... ; CRT;
ZCS _resolution, for every ZCS
... ; 45 degree "white line" represents
resolution of the device,
Display, TV, Walls,
... , and this DOMAIN 's compiler
resolution is 1234 x 567;
(45, 60, 72); diagonal; horizontal; vertical;
well trained kids! replied: since we've learnt 2 is very very unique in many ways, can we define "Resolution" as follow sir ?
juten Filling to circle ones;
juten Filling to square ones;
and, they're 108x108 dimensional sir,
And Then,
, WORMHOLE Way Square Design
Model Left Top To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Square Design
Model Right Top To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Square Design Model Left
Bottom To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Square Design Model Right
Bottom To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Circle Design Model Top
To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Circle Design Model Left
To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Circle Design Model Bottom
To Center Resolution;
, WORMHOLE Way Circle Design Model Right
To Center Resolution;
I wrote: could you please QA Keyword (hidden %, opaque %, transparency %) For Each Resolution, because wormhole way is NOT easy to do, unless thoroughly realizing and understanding of Idea Processor based 6 surfaces ... ; in addition, ((Sasana Year 2564, Gregorian Year 2020) design model) wrapping by DEE, wrapping by Green, wrapping by Red, ... are more sophisticated method, procedure, technique, ... ; Remark: I'll definitely should stop writing new laws after law number 186, because I'm getting old means let new generations to do ... ;
LCD Temperature Control; Also see:
well trained kids! replied: we'll ... ; Remark: NOT individual like you're, we've our own group;
I wrote: OK. "attahi attano nahto" in Pali language means ... ; regarding wormhole way (open-air) As Display, whenever celebrating with fire-squibs (a.k.a. fireworks, burning with hissing sound) on national holidays, we should start designing and modeling Comet Method (Resolution) to do wormhole way (open-air) As Display, projected by coast guard truck ... ; Remark: after you've done so, don't tell anyone, keep it for yourselves;
I've a quiz, i.e. within MiniDictionary\*.* /s,
character would you like to have to define (fill, filled, filling,
juten Filling) for each
resolution ?
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir i.e. (
Radical39) for 23x23 dimensional, and
ro KATAKANA for 15x15 dimensional ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz, i.e.
HOW (ratio,
-ratio) e.g. 16:9 ratio (a.k.a. Wide screen)
Display can be designed and modelled ?
well trained kids! replied: "inline frame" has been designed and modelled, e.g. right side of the dimensional (e.g. 15x15, 23x23, 108x108, ... ) would be extension of your 10 dimensional system, a.k.a. 11 dimensional system sir;
sixteen by nine (
16 :
and we've noticed, realized, and understood THAT
9 would
be the highest numerological
kuru kuru
WHILE ... ;
I wrote:
of course; I need correction i.e. 11 dimensional system a.k.a.
extension of your 10 dimensional system, since "don't worry be copied" ...
Remark: you well trained kids! may change way of thinking HOW items, objects,
parts, things, ... are ... ;
I've a quiz, i.e.
HOW can you picture
WHAT is "inline
frame" ?
well trained kids! replied: very easy sir i.e. ((we're using
adder (plus one algorithm), by simply adding 1 more 108x108)
OR (we're
using multiplexor
(a.k.a. multiplication method), by simply multiplexing 2.0 to the
original 108x108)) so 216x108 dimensional, then we locate the original
108x108 in the midst, and then we get the picture like this
inline frame, and its left and right should be the
same if we fold (folding by the defined edge's line, z-fold, z-folding), and
we've already learnt juten Filling (fill, filled,
filling, juten Filling), and its right side
is "inline frame" for safer computing ... ;
I wrote:
yokatta ... !!!! Bravo !!!! well trained kids are smart ones
... ;
center; Also see:
c Character;
choseichu Adjusting;
jukuko Contemplated; Also see:
adjusting contemplated characters;
midst, in the middle of ... ; Also see:
m Character;
well trained kids! replied: we've realized and understood
THAT 108x108 dimensional
DEE Frame, and its right-side is intentionally opened for
protocol, notification,
RFC, (sending,
receiving), ... ;
I wrote: ((down's
5)), please
don't be captive ones by SQRT2 design model; please be independent ones by using
SQRT3 with SQRT2;
WHICH leads
to the original genuine NEC 's duo-binary (SQRT3 with SQRT2) design model ... ;
therefore, I wrote long long time ago, i.e. if you're an ethnic tribe, learn
Hiragana, Kanji, and
And Then, work for Japanese (NIPPON)
... ; Also see:
PHYSICS, ... ;
I've a gift to you i.e.
... ;
well trained kids! replied: it is like yours
2020 design model Citizen
Eco-Drive satellite wave GPS
(Clock, watch) look alike sir, doko
light as strings are
(centric, center oriented, toward the center) from 5 nodes;
I wrote: Yes. regarding "roll-able"
Resolution, it can used for (
Clock, watch),
Time, and
we must use 5
five) nodes
like THAT ... ; in addition, it can also be used
for NFC,
Near Field Communication;
I've a quiz, i.e. regarding
98_jutenFilling_roll-able_centric, WHICH (Method,
Procedure, Technique) will you use among existing (Comet, Rainbow, Wall, ... )
Method ?
well trained kids! replied: we'll be using Comet Method, i.e. from 5 nodes to its center sir;
I wrote:
of course, use IT (98_jutenFilling_roll-able_centric)
for roll-able resolution only; don't forget to do QA Keyword (hidden %,
opaque %, transparency %) For Each Resolution;
for ACT3 level imaginary hyper space system (architect, designer, developer, engineer, programmer) only, R&D e.g. glow resolution for each human beings livable moon (Resolution), grow rate (BLI, Body Length Index) for each human beings livable moon (Resolution), reversed yellowish variation (Resolution), variable DEE pattern (Resolution), yellowish variation (Resolution) for each human beings livable moon, ... ;
for ACT2 level imaginary hyper space system (architect, designer, developer, engineer, programmer) only, R&D e.g. remote nama reading RDBMS (Resolution) for each defined individual, for each defined person, And Then, report ... ;
for ACT1
level well trained kids!,
Artificial Intelligence
(Idea Processor),
using (embedded;
devices' (active, passive)
resolution keywords (3
orthogonal magnetic gradients (
resolution, animation (animated character, animating
captured image), animation with background process, antenna's signal resolution,
backlighting (ZCS (Remark:
in common, if "Black ro" then "White" filling, if "Green ro" then
"Red" filling, if "Red ro" then "Green" filling, if "White ro"
then "Black" filling, ... )), camera, Display,
filming, from invisible refreshing rate to visible refreshing rate,
engineering (sliding ZCS) resolution,
invisible drone's resolution,
invisible insectoids report to animaloids report to humanoids (a.k.a. remote
nama reading RDBMS) resolution, invisible
refreshing rate, location awareness (resolution), medical imaging, microfilming, motion (mobile device's
resolution, mobile phone's resolution, moving object's resolution),
movie projector's resolution, Optics'
optical resolution, pattern, player (Audio, Video), photo, printer, projector
(projecting into the open-air, projecting toward Walls, projecting underwater),
recorder, recording, recording (DEE pattern, motion, photo, remote heat sensing
pattern, still image, thermal pattern, ... ),
satellite imaging, scanner, still-image (drawing, painting, photograph, single
static image), transceiver's signal resolution, variable DEE patterns, visible
refreshing rate,
... ) are very important to learn and understand;
I wrote: Huh! I forgot a quiz i.e. regarding (Display,
HOW to do
(categorize, categories, category) among Red Color, Yellow Color, and White
Color ?
well trained kids! replied: we've already learnt THAT
(White Color, Red Color) for Audio,
(Yellow Color) for Video sir;
that ain't easy & simple sir, we had to learn
WHAT are
(Bus, Color Pallet, Comet, C Sequence Number for remote heat sensing, Display
driver, (dot, pixel, point), EM Pull, Light Sheet As Backlighting, Memristors,
Mode (a state of computing), Nodes, Rainbow, Walls, ... ) ... ;
I wrote: don't forget to realize, and understand Physics Law 152, invisibility engineering design model, ... , And Then, do IT yourselves ... , you'll be the most powerful mankind in our earth, by deploying invisible insectoids report to animaloids report to humanoids ... ; to be the most powerful mankind in our earth ain't easy well trained kids!
Shakya (DEE) : e.g. CCW _Shakya; e.g. CW _Shakya;
DEE Box vs. DEE Donut, also see: Physics Law 181, ... ;
(mask, masked, masking) ones, also see: Physics Law 147, ... ;
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