Updated in
2025 :
February :
28th (Friday) :
; Updated on
28 :
2 :
2025 :
water :
Water :
water :
Water ;
drip; drop;
fluid; liquid;
ocean; sea;
river; stream;
water fountain;
ventricles (brain), fluid filled cavities
inside the brain, doko WHERE
C e l e b r o Spinal Fluid (
CSF), and each side of cerebrum has lateral ventricle, and 3rd
ventricle (midline) receives CSF via small-opening called "inter ventricular
foramina" ; Also see:
v Anatomy;
with fresh water,
with salt water) doko
Calcium, also see:
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper ;
DEE _Mouth may begin ... ,
And Then, taste, tasty,
... ; Hmm!! Umm!!
(2 Kg
boiling at 100°C) e.g. Water ... ;
water pills, a.k.a. diuretics, Tx for high blood pressure; IFF Comorbidity ... ;
kuru kuru
Water ... ;
I wrote: if
e.g. no longer pee pee (urination), other wording would be "no water in the
blood" ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: bio medical
Walls' problem sir, e.g. water
cannot goes through, other working would be, water no longer
the defined blood's color may also change sir;
I wrote:
Plasma Cluster has been already explained, e.g. I don't turn on
"old tech AC (condenser based)" inside of my
Toyota LANDCRUISER 1958 4WD WAGON HYBRID (kadosei Mobility),
with knowing
plasma cluster "open air" works and functional (Also
see: Reforming Myanmar (52.)
... ) ; without taking bio medical medicine, if you can do
Gene Therapy
System, you'll be able solve "no longer pee pee (urination)"
disorder; Umm!!
Hmm!! (lights' breadth + directional gravity spots) are military top secrets,
sorry beyond this point, I cannot no longer explain because our earth is not
simple like WHAT I think; Also see:
k G T
S U (kidney)
... ;
Water R&D,
using ((Green
Purple Color) . (
And Then, also see:
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper . HTML ;
AI for fresh water or salt water, doko
Akoya pearls prompt ((Circle if Salt-Water), (Oval if Fresh-Water))
... ;
![]() |
![]() |
pH | |||||||
![]() |
pH | ||||||||
![]() |
pH | ||||||||
![]() |
pH | ||||||||
p | H |
![]() |
pH | ||||||
pH | ||||||||
![]() |
pH | ||||||||
![]() |
pH | ||||||||
![]() |
pH |
many (
Iodides) are soluble in water,
except (lead, mercury, silver) e.g. silver chloride, lead (II) chloride, ... are
insoluble in water;
Quiz would be: have you ever R&D
with H2O (Water) vs. D2O (heavy water, approx. 10% denser than H2O) before ?
Remark: inside of
a "Tarzan" 's jungle, many snails exist naturally;
Also see: Water Clock's Distance (longer, shorter) ... ;
e.g. each bamboo stem (
soft), doko
Water is like "Soft," on the other hand, its outer part is "Hard" like wood,
also see:
mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D ... ;
algae and plankton, also see:
DNA _Origami;
R&D (Marimo (Algae ball) vs. Fish) in a lake (fresh water) HOW reproductive lives ... ;
All Purpose Water Elevator * ; e.g.
All Purpose Water Elevator Top,
All Purpose Water Elevator Left,
All Purpose Water Elevator Down,
All Purpose Water Elevator Right) ... , also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box
in Z-index;
Water Clock;
Remark: all purpose water elevator can be using for Gene Therapy System, kadosei Mobility, Manmade Global Weather, nanobot programming, PHYSICS, structural Battery, UAV, ... ;
2022; 5D e.g. (
5D Aqua for our earth only,
5D Navy for far away distance in
our universe (Distance from our earth),
5D Yellow for (2 Sun) refreshing
together, on
the 2 Sun planet,
5D Red for either non-heterodyning or the defined (special) environments), also
Water Clock; Independence Day of
USA (United States of America (July 4th);
Water Clock R&D note; (
H2O), a.k.a. Water
... ;
I wrote: one day, I (57+ years old) was visiting and traveling with one of my sisters, and she offered me to drink a bottle of "heavy water" (D2O) so I asked a question to her i.e. if I'm doing R&D on Water (e.g. OH+, OH+), wondering what's diff between "regular drinking water" and "heavy water" (D2O) concerning OH Distance?
She replied right away: heavy water's
OH Distance,
OH Distance,
OH Distance,
OH Distance) should be longer in distance
(NM), if compare to regular drinking water; I
appreciate her replied answer because I don't have any bio
related degree in my 1st life, regarding
since COVID-19 (2019-2020-2021), I've started self R&D HOW
"unwanted nitrogen" in 3,4 dimensional bio ...
; Also see:
o Character;
o G T S U;
Physics Law 198;
keep well-hydrate with "Aqua Color"
Collagen, e.g. (
Collagen) because,
ware ware
any (abnormal, disease, disorder)
... ;
antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA; 2565; May 18, 2021;
NHK News;
Vaccine (Antiviral COVID-19 medicine) 's storage temperature (e.g. (((minus 25°C) to (minus 15°C)), OK for
frozen), 2-8°C is OK for 30 days prior to administer vaccine shot); Lipid (coat,
coated, coating);
antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA .
unwanted Nitrogen; Also see:
Antiviral Schematic;
Auto Grow With Heat, also see:
Physics Law 131, Auto Grow, ... ;
e.g. Class of organic compounds e.g. fatty acids or organic derivatives (insoluble in water) soluble in organic solvents, e.g. oils, steroids, waxes, ... called "Lipid"; Also see: Schematic Lipid;
Two is very very unique in many ways e.g. (
DEE vs.
Optics) doko
hikari Light re-Action
CO2, (
H (Hydrogen),
Energy, delivered by the Light, to
tsukuru Make (Carbohydrate, Sugar)) a.k.a.
photosynthesis, i.e. way of HOW
happen ...
; 1 lipid acting like (gate, pore
("opening pore" means allow the gas in))
, also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
because of (Carbohydrate, Sugar), fat, oil,
... may begin, e.g.
1 bio Physical lipid (Fat + Oil) can pass through
Biological Cell
... ;
lipid, organic compound (fatty acid and its derivatives, (insoluble
in water, soluble
in organic solvents)) ... , also see:
l G T S U;
Physics Law 789;
2565; May 2021; PHYSICS TODAY Volume 74, Number 5; Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc (URL: www.shimadzu.com) 's TOC1000e Organic Carbon Analyzer ... ;
highly purified water, (can be measuring high precision 0.1
µg/L) for beverage
& food, pharmaceutical, precision equipment manufacturing, semiconductor, and it
is with mercury-free e x c i m e r lamp (wavelength: 172 nm), its Active Path
technology can be (transferring energy from the mercury-free e x c i m e r lamp to
sample), using UV light to oxidize organic, inducing (light) dielectric barrier
discharge, so called TOC1000e Organic Carbon Analyzer (highly purified water)
... ; E x c i m e r State (energy, (
geometry)) formation of molecules ... ;
I wrote: there are many human beings livable moons in our
universes, and for thousands of years (e.g.
yellowish variations to the left,
variations to the right) and DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) is much
more space if compare to our universes, and I've NOT able define
(1965-2020, 55+
years of my life) "Origin of Water" in our universes but I've a
quiz i.e. regarding ..\ ..\ Domain \ Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol _files \
ware ware We've drawn many pictures, and among them, WHICH ones would you
like to choose to define (e.g.
yellowish variations to the left,
variations to the right) many human beings livable moons in our
universes ?
well trained kids! replied:
BF2 Purple,
BF2 Lavender,
Origin of BF2 Black, ... sir in
ACT3 imaginary hyper space;
I wrote: I still cannot define "Origin of Water" at the age
of 55+ years old, and this is your time to define HOW "Origin of Water" should
be picture;
Remark: I'm not against your pictures (BF2 Purple, BF2 Lavender,
Origin of BF2 Black), and I've noticed & realized THAT "Red" and "Green" are
hidden whether with water or without water; after understanding
("with water" , "without water"), And Then, try to understand
Cold _or _Hot _Universally, ... ; And Then, "Bamboo
stem factor" can be realized and understood; And Then, B L I (Body Length Index)
automatic adjustment, 500+ years
(in Buddhism, deity's life expectancy
starts from 500+ years) life expectancy, ...
; difficulties level (yellowish variations) in
ACT3 imaginary hyper space,
and it is NOT easy understand "Origin of Water" ... ;
Remark: I don't assign any project to ACT2 level imaginary hyper space
(architect, designer, engineer) because it is very very very difficult to
realize and understand HOW to define "Origin of Water" ... ;
21st century & beyond,
with water (3 colors, Origin of Live Form) universally, also see:
PHYSICS, law one hundred, ...
Distribution process
of (item,
pattern, state of beings, things) to wider (area, field) i.e. dispersion e.g.
Water behaves like substances in
argha Holy Water _4D (this DOMAIN .
BIOPHYSICS) ... ; Also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
DNA _Origami;
structural Amino Acids; Water;
water; Also see:
Gene Therapy
21st century & beyond,
with water (e.g.
water flow gene therapy system), also see:
Physics Law 789,
Gene Therapy System
(aroma, fragrance, odor, perfume, redolence, savor, smell), also see: Physics Law 230 ... ;
humanoid Argha, for analyzing HOW (Blue-gray,
Indigo, Light turquoise, Turquoise) to do good weather condition worldwide (our
earth) e.g. unwanted category 4+ storm's path can be adjusted by using (
and there are many restricted information NOT ONLY (Blue-gray, Indigo, Light
turquoise, Turquoise) BUT ALSO (Gold, Gray, Lavender, Light yellow, Purple,
Silver, Yellow, ... ) ... ; Also see:
Global Weather;
Remark: humanoid Argha, created in 2021/2564;
water well;
Radical119, also see:
water purification system; if you like to do your own water purification system, 1st you do fermented beans called nato bacteria, 2nd apply the nato bacteria as layer on paper (so called filter), 3rd let the water (from higher pressure to lower pressure) flow through the filter (nato bacteria as layer on paper), then notice and realize that you're getting pure clean drinking water, i.e. very easy and simple water purification system; Remark: NHK news' knowledge based information, as of 10/2018 /2562;
2500+ years
tradition of
Myanmar, regarding
Buddha dhamma
ceremonies, Myanmar makes good khamma
(a.k.a. karma) by dropping (dripping, sprinkling) water drops "pronounce
Y a e Z e t", at the moment of very ending time period
of dhamma ceremony, for the purpose of having some good wills connection in the
next coming lives ... ; Therefore, 1 water drop should be consider as a
constraint to Earth years as
average longest living life time people ... ;
WHEN ever
WHERE ever people meet
each other, Myanmar believe that there must be existence of "Y a e
Z e t"
(drops of water) such cause of meeting to each other, ... ;
2500+ years tradition of Myanmar, WHEN ever
WHAT ever objects/beings shall
be in good luck by spraying holy water drops onto objects/beings, ...
2500+ years tradition of Myanmar, annually celebrating water festival,
in days, the purpose of cleaning/cleansing/erasing bad khamma
(bad actions), just before a New Year Day, in lunar
calendar, ... ; Almost at the same days, in China, in
Y u n a n, for defeating demon, water splashing
festival has been held for thousands of years with elephants, fireworks, racing
dragon boats, peacocks, ...
WHICH event festival somehow proves that lunar
calendar has been the same;
AI OS character number 182
(i.e. ̆ ), find
water drops
alike characters
and notice that 182 is aggregate of
a.k.a. middle j u n,
ꀁ (21),
1 (14),
ᜠ (58);
intelligence (
... ;
WHICH energy causes water for
thousands of years
... ; I F F
And Then,
behave if gravity is applied ... ;
G D C;
with water;
without water), also see:
Gene Therapy
System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Monbusho level
knowledge enhancement 3,
idea ♯ 281, we're human beings;
***** |
2018/2562; in our earth, less than twenty (<20) nations have nationwide tap water (drinking water) supply system installed as of 2018/2562;
approx. iroColourWaveForm
i.e. Normal Gravity;
WHY do we need Normal Gravity?
also see: written poem in Gravity
Dimension Computer;
pull characteristic of
water a.k.a.
a.k.a. H2O,
push characteristic of
water a.k.a.
a.k.a. H2O)
this DOMAIN 's
Gravity Dimension Computer
... ; our
world's the most advance water as gravity (gravitation measurement) for 21st
century and beyond ... ; Believe it or not, water flows upward in some moons IFF
compare to water flows downward in our earth; therefore, pull characteristic vs.
push characteristic must be understood before developing ACT3 stage;
For ACT2 and ACT3 stage development, also see:
level knowledge enhancement;
Satellite; Also see: NIPPON . JAXA .
stage, in 2,3 dimensional ... ;
H A Y A B U S A 's
will provide
adjustment can be done,
and then we human beings will be migrating to another planets
(i.e. moons) ...
21st century, and beyond;
artificial intelligence
2,3 dimensional carbon nano wall,
3,4 dimensional carbon nano wall)
surface, using
Imaging Camera)
analyze the Heat _v s _Light ...
; IFF surface (metal)
WHERE surface is not vacuum, also see:
Remember, vacuum lets electrons flow easy; IFF 2,3 dimensional
Even Time Horizontal DEE,
prompts 2 shadows (equally left and right) symmetrical space location;
artificial intelligence
2,3 dimensional carbon nano wall,
3,4 dimensional carbon nano wall) for
each surface ... ;
A Myanmar's imaginary space craft (gravity dimension computer) using Thermal
Imaging Camera, to analyze
DEE, to analyze Heat vs. Light, ... ;
HOW many planets we human beings can live? [
3 jewels
are Buddha, Dharma, Sangha ]
WHO will be the owner of the GREEN planets?
WHICH P M E to do transportation of grown plants' fruits and vegetables?
2011, in addition to water
WHICH makes audio or noise or sound, its
string vibration should be studied, because in
21st century, very big and very
strong quake, very high and very wide tsunami happen; There must be a way
prevent, to protect gravitational vibration of strings ... , also see:
2010, February 18, The
Modesto Bee daily newspaper; at Yosemite National
Park; 3 conditions are clear sunset sky, in late February,
water fall; Aglow of blazing glory, vantage point, Yosemite Valley;
Naturally Filtering Spectrum To Red Orange Yellow At West Bound Water Falls .GIF;
IFF (radio;#), also see:
Artificial _Light, also see:
*_*_*_*_*_ ; Naturally, also see:
(1/2) O2 + 2 H+ +
2 e- -> H20, water, produced by
( hydrogen ions H+
O oxygen
WHEN from
anode side
Hydrogen ion migrates to cathode side through separator
a.k.a. cellophane,
WHILE extracting electrons and
hydrogen ions from glucose C6H12O6
by enzymatic oxidation as
glucose -> g l u c o n o l a c t o n e + 2 H+ + 2 e- . Also see:
50mW bio
bio electrochemistry, Kyoto University, Japan,
Mediator vitamin
K3, and cofactor N A D H is anode, mediator potassium f e r r i cyanide is cathode;
Electrode is porous carbon; V is 0.8V; 0.4 M glucose in 1M sodium phosphate
butter, pH7 is glucose solution. 40cc volume; 39mm x 39mm x 39mm
H hydrogen as input, also see:
1 of the 5 elements of Chinese, one of the 4 elements of Myanmar, ACT 1 and ACT2 and ACT 3 entity, an essential to all beings, the water, ... ;
20 water drops alike writing characters
in primary voices, also see,
Nippon Syllabary;
40 cancer vaccines available:
Gravity AND
water, 1st to understand
4 planets prediction,
2nd to understand time by 2*7 i.e. lunar time, 2*5 i.e.
JUN time, 3rd to understand Gravity
water schematic symbols, and then do you own cancer vaccines, ACT2 and ACT3
stage robotic arms, ACT3 stage horizontal sections' gray scale simulation, ...
40 types of vaccines available; absolutely/entirely/totally, vaccine shrinks
cancer growth; effective & successful
vaccine discovery; [Uni. of Tokyo, Japan; NHK news Oct. 3, 2007 ];
A Myanmar way of understand Gravity
water schematic symbols are [60x50 pixel *.gif]:
[filename is Water2gravity7.GIF], and
[filename is Water7gravity2.GIF] for full moon day & no moon day.
ACT2 stage clock synchronization ... ,
must be measured by distance ... ;
ACT2 water tank,
notice that gray color space is for
4 planets prediction,
aqua color is for water, black color is for dark energy, ... ;
ACT3 stage, IFF our universe's origin as No Moon Day,
IFF 7 can be defined as 3,4 dimensional, and then a Myanmar wonders
could that be some ice planets out there ... .... ; 2500+ years ago, according
to Dhamma documents, Buddha was asked by monks, one of the questions was HOW our
universe exists, Buddha did not answer
one of the
mathematical inconsistencies, and notice that one of the essence of Buddha Dhamma
is focusing present; IFF the ACT3 statement is TRUE, and then ACT2 stage
bio-genetic researchers/engineers/... need to prove that our human beings cells
shrink at aging time period, and then there is a way to maintain our cells NOT
to shrink WHICH might brings solution to ACT1 longer life ... ;
air bubble water; bubble density; fine bubble water (more oxygen); nitrogen bubble water (e.g. keeping fresh fish); ozone (O3) bubble water; sea water;
bubble water is a technology; inserting e.g. air, nitrogen,
oxygen, ozone, ... into water, by using pump in common; results e.g. fish inside
bubble water tank can become heavier IFF tank has been fine bubble water
BLI (Body Length Index) related R&D environment; bubble
water technology (environment) can be using for medical treatment;
Develop a
water clock ... , a part of
development ... ;
water a.k.a.
a.k.a. H2O;
Anti Virus (this DOMAIN) fights against COVID-19;
AI (
Time Mode) analyze the environment,
e.g. ( IFF units: c f u / m l
(Hetero t r o p h i c Plate Count, ... ); m g / L i.e. number of milli grams in 1 liter
of water (Chlorine, ...); n t u i.e. n e p h e l o metric turbidity (Turbidity, ... );
p C i / L i.e. pico curies per liter (Gross Alpha (i.e. radio active), Uranium (i.e.
radio active), ... ); ppb i.e. parts per billion (Arsenic, Chromium, Iron, Lead,
Manganese, P C E (i.e. Tetra c h l o r o ethylene), Selenium, T C E (i.e. Tri c h l o r o
ethylene), Total Halo acetic Acid, Total Tri halo methane, ... ); p p m i.e. parts
per trillion (Aluminum, Barium, Chloride, Copper, Fluoride, Freon, Hardness
(e.g. CaCO3), Nitrate, Sodium, Sulfate, Total Dissolved Solid, ... ); p p t (D B C P
(i.e. D i b r o m o c h l o r o propane), ... ); µ S / cm i.e. micro
siemens per cm (Specific Conductance, ... ); unit (Odor, pH, ... );
GPS (Location)
abnormal (e.g. location, condition), using Network Topology (e.g.
line connection) smart grid ... ;
(e.g. gadgets,
Internet radio, weather stations,
wireless, ... );
IFF 2,3 dimensional, using
teleportation ... ; IFF 3,4 dimensional,
teleportation ... ;
Before engineering a ACT3 artificial energies, ACT3
artificial lights, water
must be understood thoroughly, and water is very very very important; Because,
water, the only entity
WHICH expands, ... ;
Don't you ever think that we "planet earth" are losing water into very dark universe, however the water with/without gravitational effects in which existence form is concerned in ACT2 stage ... ; From ice age to warm age, no one can predict how much water have been lost, how many years more to go, when is going to be parallel universe possible, ... ; In ACT2 stage, water related biometric measurement/testing 5W1H of leaves of trees such as falling due to cold, falling due to hot, ... , water related biometric artificial lighting with water and artificial plantation, ... , ACT2 stage artificial green house effects including artificial-plantation-produced O2 level, B M D ratio of lost weight due to water, and ... ;
Flood prevention, 1st to understand WORMHOLE, 2nd to understand gravity drums a.k.a. gravity boxes WHICH might be a cause of world line to be water block, 3rd to avoid gravity drums under water by using radar especially in bay area, river's underground floor, ... ; Because global energy testing should be aware of, because global energy testing should be with well preparation a.k.a. prevention, because Remark: in 21st century, very big and very strong quake, very high and very wide tsunami happen; If 1 plate can be created by 1 space system, by reverse engineering of worm hole, there must be a way to protect such quake or tsunami, There should be law and serious restriction not to drop any drums into underwater area, i.e. sea floor, bay floor, river floor, ... ;
Gravitational effect onto cells, C60H20 water, ... ;
Heat expands metal (s); In ACT1, Heat and Light can be classified/categorized; But, in ACT2, also in ACT3, natural time based heat and light become risk factors; For example, outer bound outward from earth, orbiters can be lost due to natural time based heat and light; Space really causes Action, if bad, good will happen ... ;
![]() |
argha | Holy | Water | _ | 4D | ; | |||
argha |
![]() |
holy | water | ; | |||
![]() |
water | offer | i | n | g | to | Buddha |
argha Holy Water _4D, also see: structural Amino Acids;
mizuaemono Hydrate,
hydrate) ... ; diff classes of
hydrates EXIST (((substance THAT contains (constituent element, Water)), i.e.
hydrate), (water molecules are chemically bounding i.e. hydrate)) ... ; Also
DNA _Origami;
Physics Law 113;
Protein; Water;
hydro; e.g.
hydro means
HOW (H, O)
are, e.g.
Water is H2O, in addition, H2O2 is a.k.a. heavy water; Also see:
hydrogen ... ;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality
Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. among
3 states of water
(Gaseous State (e.g. steam)), (Liquid State (e.g. drinking water)), (Solid State
(e.g. ice)),
WHICH state
prompts NO Hydrogen Link?
well trained kids!! replied: at the Gaseous State (e.g. steam), there is no hydrogen link sir, regarding 3 states of water; Umm!! Umm!! you forgot to mention crystalline state like snow sir;
of course (Gravity Spot,
milli bar
atsuryoku Pressure, Temperature) ... ; Will you R&D "unwanted nitrogen"
at the crystalline state of water ?
Remark: during antiviral COVID-19
medicine (2019-2020-2021), from very very cold state to room temperature but
coconut water like a Tarzan's Method after all ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Oh! NO. gas exchange becomes very complicated with complexity regions sir; Also see: structural Amino Acids; w G T S U;
I F F 1 water drop, also see: C p h T Household water drop; Water drop can be used not only in ..\\MD\, but also in ..\\IT\ as gravity dimension computers' spectrum testing, speed vs. light rate, weight vs. DEE, ... ;
l e m n i s c a t e, r2=2a2
cos Θ, also see:
l e m n i s c a t e;
IFF rectangles, also see: ACT2 water tank;
Inside deep water, human visible light does not exist but heat exists; In ACT2 stage in space, in earth bound direction only [also see: 5 horizontal gray sections, in ACT3 stage], human visible light exist but heat does not exist; In ACT3 stage in space, human visible light "our earth" becomes the only source to retrospect; How gravitational weight blocks the human visible light, for example light can goes through high pressure water, and then light becomes nothing to do with high pressure, and then WHAT makes no light inside deep water? If light attenuates only with water, and then how far distance in ACT3 space the light can be retrospective? A Myanmar still cannot classify heat/light/weight/gravity/... for example pressure is weight? weight is pressure? For example, 2 spin strings into 1 hole, another 2 spin strings into the same hole, another 2 spin strings into the same hole, and then at 1 time, 5W1H?
Magnet AND
Gravitational AND
Magnet Gravity Water .GIF
105x105 pixel, and approx. 44 sticks with 4 holes to make 1 stick of gravity in
a dark environment, and adding magnet and water to simulate in ACT2 stage; One
of the ACT2 simulations related idea without distance, without m b pressure,
without ... ;
1st to understand 4 planets prediction therefore 2 sticks as strings can be understood;
2nd to understand JUN time to understand neither full
moon day nor no moon day 2*5 AND
lunar full moon day and no moon day 2*7 calculations;
3rd to understand 2
and 3, and then i.e. engineering pressure
machine engines, ACT2 distance calculations, ACT3 simulations, ... ; Reference
table of distance, heterodyned indexes, ... are out of a Myanmar's knowledge
... ;
Notice that North and South are horizontal means vertical
ACT2 ... ;
Iron; e.g.
iron content; Also see:
minerals; e.g.
Minerals) : minerals inside of the soil provide
Protein (in our earth), And Then, other bio molecules (photosynthesis: CO2, New
Tissue, O2, sunlight, Water), also see:
m Character;
Nested Theory; e.g.
21st century & beyond : Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, ... ;
neutralized aqua regia; e.g.
e.g. to have a Body Length
Index (BLI) auto adjustment medicine (Remark: R&D in 2020s As
Bamboo Stem R&D, by
6_Planets_Prediction (Method, Procedure, Technique) Algorithm), neutralized
aqua is a must (so handing illogical AI) for each Nanobot in
Programming; Latin Usage "royal water" a.k.a. "neutralized aqua
regia" doko
are (Hydrochloric Acid %), (IFF closed, And Then, oxidized, And Then,
toxic gas), (IFF opened e.g. expose to 78% Nitrogen in the air (our
earth only), And Then, (safe e.g. NOT explosion), (safe, e.g. NOT
building-up pressure)), (IFF with heavy metal, And Then, contaminated as
hazardous waste), (Nitric Acid %), (pH5 (dilute)), (pH paper for (indicated,
indicating) pH level), (Sodium bicarbonate (heat,
sayana + O2%) IFF
grown up,
"so handing illogical AI," also see:
Illogical AI for
Asimo Ukon programmers;
Nanobot Programming; Parameter;
so handling
illogical AI, in the case of ... ;
ocean water, using satellite GPS
analyze the location, (normal or abnormal)
... ;
IFF normal
water, prevent
IFF abnormal
water, reduce
... ;
osmosis; e.g.
osmosis means diffusion of (gas mixture, liquid mixture) spread-out evenly
WHICH (material, object, part) naturally;
osmosis means movement of the liquid (across, through) semi-permeable membrane;
osmosis means
WHAT kind of Water is transported (into the defined cells, out of
the defined cells), doko
WHERE the defined cells are (in
coconut water, in fresh water, in
hypertonic solution, in salt water);
Also see: 1oComputer; o Character; o G T S U; Physics Law 108, (with water or without water) is one of the very important factors of this DOMAIN; Physics Law 145, Incubation Period; Physics Law 184, G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth); Walls; Water;
Q&A: I wrote: regarding medicine R&D for (Anti Virus .
COVID-19), to defined unwanted nitrogen (SARS-CoV-2), WHAT kind of Water is
transported as TRUE Parameter in nanobot programming?
Q&A: well trained kids!! replied: coconut water as TRUE Parameter in nanobot
programming sir;
s h i n t
o Osmosis (causes, prompts) larger volume of Water on 1 side (NOT on the
both sides);
Osmosis stops
WHEN the mixture's concentrations become even on the both sides
of the membrane;
Osmosis : Keyword (diffusion) : from higher concentration to lower
Oxygen for the one and only the sun, western civilization's chemical name O2 vs. Eastern civilization's ACT2 stage knowledge ... [for example: the distance to the Sun is shorter than the distance to the Moon, IFF heterodyned index table is available the Sun as ... ]; Yin & Yang with water; Is there any way to test local sun from ACT2 stage station by using photo etching technology to do without O2 for certain time period, so that no sun exists in the local area ... ?
Photo etching vs.
Photo etch to
out, electrons
flow faster about, was an era of combination, heating and the lighting; However
in 21st century, 0.25 W is not solution to be, classifying heating and the
lighting, carbon nano
wall to begin; Far beyond a Myanmar's
knowledge, just blah blah bluffing can exist, when
... ;
present of green algae (
tissue) to obtain energy;
present of green algae (
tissue) to obtain energy;
present of green algae (
tissue) to obtain energy; Also see:
Physics Law 567;
t G T S U;
salt; ganen Salt; e.g.
naturally (a type of salt, (
ganen Halite), seawater) compound, and it is (colorless, crystalline)
e.g. Sodium chloride ... ; Also see: h Character; sCharacterExtension1 (salt); s
G T S U (Sodium chloride); Sodium; Water;
Sodium chloride; e.g.
Sodium chloride
will break-down if adding into Water (ions of
sodium and chloride),
And Then, neither sodium nor chloride reacts to the water,
And Then, (changing in volume,
changing in pH); but chloride causes corrosive,
And Then, the water's pH levels may become lower;
The very beginning,
WHEN space causes existence of
pro bio tics, WHICH space causes existence
of "n u tri no", WHERE space to be bacterial bank;
(U l v a, seaweeds, S a r g a s s u m, marine brown algae, kelp), live in tropical surface ocean water, also live on the ocean floor; under water forest;
Under sea,
WHERE nearby underwater volcano, pH may vary
(e.g. antimony,
... ); a.k.a. boiling locations
in ocean;
world time mode (i.e. Time),
under sea (i.e. Space),
underwater lake: hyper saline (no O2, Oxygen NOT EXIST), 6000+ ft deep, 2.6 Sq. Km (1 Sq. Mile), our earth;
Vaccine, also see: v Bio Chemical Physical Similarity . h t m; gravity;
Visibility and visible spectrums are somehow related to our water ... , and water is lesser and lesser along with time, ... ; For ACT2 and ACT3 stages space developers only, develop visibility without water, Also see: Visibility and water;
Simulation of distribution
of water
lunar time + jun time, in ACT2 stage basic water's directions such as:
because water's directions vary accordance with
4 planet prediction,
because parallel world will exist, because 1st to understand spin & string in
physics [Remark: Western civilization's theoretical
physics is okay to learn], 2nd to understand lunar time and
Jun time, 3rd
to understand pressure machine engine
[Remark: i.e.
can fly without combustion & wind, only use of gravity, very very limited
information, military top secret] and vision of planets' moving direction
[Remark: not in Western civilization's theoretical physics
theories & languages; ACT2 stage planets' directions are only available in
Eastern civilization's theoretical physics theories, therefore Myanmar must
learn Chinese language 1st], 4th to calculate possible combination
numbers, 5th to do simulation of distribution of water, 6th to understand
Buddha Abhidhamma, and then be ready to do ACT3 stage artificial energy and
artificial light; In
ACT2 stage, rotate, flip the possible combinational numbers to simulate, and
further develop ACT2 stage explorer's arms
... ;
water cycle (human beings livable moons, imaginary hyper space craft, our earth); Also see: Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather ... ; Physics Law 171, (refresh, refreshed, refreshing, refreshes) ... ;
water droplets;
Water is a d i a magnet; Pg.14, FORCE FIELDS, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008;
Water | 's |
![]() |
surface | , | mirror | , | ... | reflect |
object | 's | image | ; | IFF | ( | 2 | / | 3 | ) |
i.e. |
0 | . | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 |
66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 |
66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | 66666 | ... | ; |
six; 6;
r o k u;
➏; also see: Number;
Water) % e.g. approx. (
65) percentage Water in (kaya a.k.a. body), And
Then, approx. (
75) percentage Water in muscles, And Then, approx. (
80) percentage Water in blood; Also see:
b G T
S U;
m G T
S U;
w G T
S U;
WHY 2 times tidal waves exist daily; Does tidal wave really relate to water? To do ACT2 and ACT3 stage developments, 1st to understand 2 * 7 lunar time, and 2 * 5 JUN time; Eastern Thought vs. Western Thought Reminder: 2 * 6 can be considered as 2 years, IFF in lunar time + Jun time; 2 * 6 cannot be considered as 2 years in Gregorian calendar;
in 2,3 dimensional
(tidal waves')
distance to each other consecutively one-after-another in 1
direction; 2 times per day (upward tide, downward tide) vertical
... ;
idea ♯ 192; Manmade Global Weather
service) ...
, also see:
knowledge enhancement 1;
After understanding ACT1 plantation, water is the essential resource, and ratio to be further study [by deploying available automotive O2 sensors, by building O2 tank, ... ], because WHEN plants perceive light, how much water the plants consume? After consuming water, how much O2 oxygen the plants produce? And then, gravitational, light, O2, water, ratio can be further developed ... in ACT2, and ACT3 ... ;
wells' water, also see: well meta data; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement (Idea # 149);
waterway; e.g.
Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway
traffic, commuting traffic,
fluid flow traffic,
gas traffic, manufacturing
logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic,
public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow
traffic, R F C protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic,
waterway traffic, ... ) ...
with Water, "Physics _Comet _Method" (e.g.
also see: Physics Law 183,
reversed (engineering, method,
model, procedure, technique)
... ;
Remark: IFF
yellowish variation as
Distance in space, NOT Yellow Color
(with Water) ... ; Jellyfish Physics _Comet _Method is for 2,3 dimensional
space environment only, and designed & modelled for self (charge, charged,
charging) Battery ... ;
believe it or not there is human beings livable moon with Yellow Color water;
so, Water content % is very important factor for
developing self (charge, charged, charging) batteries ... ;
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