2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar
... :
2022 :
November :
4 (Friday) : Updated : Time . Space ;
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar
... :
2022 :
11 :
4 : Updated :
Time . Space;
2022; design model; this DOMAIN
intended for our earth only; Also see: Anti
Virus; Teleportation;
Water Clock;
ACT2, and
ACT3 stages
... ;
theory and its strings
... ;
of the 5 elements;
an idea by oriental
eastern thought;
and then
\\IT\Note\Space.htm; \\IT\Note\Satellite.htm; \\IT\Note\-time.htm; \\Time.Space\index.htm;
3 * 3 * 3 * 3, and 10, 7, 10 can be 108; In ACT3 stage, prove 108 mathematically; Also see: 108 configuration;
4 planets prediction for orbiter machines' synchronization, in ACT2 stage;
4PP + JUN = 6 for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper dimensional spacecrafts' path calculation;
7 books, a.k.a. abhidhamma pitaka; Before understanding ACT3 7 [ 3,4 hyper dimensional dimensions, vectors, ... ], ACT2 5.* should be understood ... ;
12 ACT2 times per year, a possible 1D vector unit for ACT2 stage developers ... ;
18 images in Buddhism, somehow explains ACT2 and ACT3 stages in 21st century ... ; But, this DOMAIN still cannot prove scientifically WHEN is going to be parallel world ... ; And, it is too early in time, because accordance with Myanmar lunar calendar, in 5000 years prediction, therefore (5000 - 2544) approx. results <2500 years more time period to wait ... ;
10710/tcp;10710/udp; are system parameters of this DOMAIN, for testing hyperspace's parallel time in ACT3 stage ... ; this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper-spacecraft went very very far in distance [beyond 3,4 dimensional space ... ], due to 24mm natural time slow down problem, still cannot SYNC yet... ;Also see: Monbusho level knowledge development for ACT2 and ACT3 stages ... ;
Antenna from 2dBi to 50 dBi, in 2006; Artificial light;
ACT3 parallel time toggle switch, a part of parallel time development in progress ... ;
Beyond 0.25W limitation by SiO2 technology's photo etching, lower the power consumption in m W to p W, seems longer time outward directional travel in space, however still temperature dependent, before artificial energies and lights;
Clock in schematic; For space engineers only: construct geometric strings in a real space time;
Dark energy engineering, DEE, an ACT3 idea ... ;
Defined space vs. undefined
space, concerning remote sensing [
holes and strings
in M
theory ]... ; Also see:
defined conditional
undefined conditional variable, ... ;
Delay time for orbiter machine, a thought;
Drove Toyota Corolla cars for more than 333,333 km, but never been 333,333 km distance away from earth, and a Myanmar wonders noise / sound / dB varies in distance, but still do not know because of water? because of Oxygen? WHY water exists, is there a way to engineer artificial water? Also see: idea ♯ 157, THE ORIGIN OF SOUND;
Filter: Images vary because filtering technique, method, technology, and use-of-knowledge evolve;
Heat vs. Light, very basic understanding of ... ;
IFF time . space is TRUE, non-static
system exists, i.e. galaxy, logically accordance with
, if
there must be static system also;
Imaginary hyperdimensional ... , this DOMAIN still cannot prove 5W1H of number 31 yet ... ;
Medical related: also see: Gene; Glucocorticoid; SpaceBMD; SpaceBMI; SpaceGene; Momentum of universe, also see: 4 Planets Prediction's rotating the prediction column;
Noise: Before-noise vs. after-noise in ACT2 stage; Microwave oven approach noise measurement sea-level vs. stages ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ... ;
Orbits and locations ... , calculating a Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional spacecraft's path 6 = 4PP + JUN, returning back from ACT3 to ACT2, from ACT2 to motherland Myanmar;
Particles, cannot be heard, cannot be seem, cannot be tasted, cannot be touched, but 2 senses of 6 in Abhidhamma can explain ... ; Plantation on the MOON;
pressure machine engine
programmers only: In an
aspect ratio of 4 minutes
image, assume that front view is
X> Y, and rear view is
X<Y; In an image, distance between the Moon and the Earth does not change; How
fast an orbiter machine's speed? And which direction the machine is heading?
[Hint: browse
, and gaze the interface for a moment, and then think that you were in
outer-space, and seeing the planets are in momentum, and
not forget we human beings can only have, ... ];
Religion vs. Science: Timeless? gravitational graviton & anti-graviton, never vice versa vs. Time . Space . Action gravitational graviton & anti-graviton, please do not combine/mix/put together comparatively because in Buddhism, religion and science have been separated accordance with Buddha Dhamma as "Loki" , "Lokutra" ... ; Therefore, there is no such Dhamma songs [Dhamma + song] exist in Myanmar; However, Dhamma related songs exist, for example: www.myanmarmp3.net/artist.aspx?ArtID=121 ; Artist Name = Hay Mar Nay Win; Album Title = Aung Chin Shit Par;
Set in ACT2 space, develop yourself ... ;
Time .Space . Action, one of the oriental thoughts:
ACT 1, self wonder stage, an earth and human
ACT 2, pollution and warfare will soon be
ended by gravitational energies, and able to leave our earth
(migration to many moons
to live;
adjustment is not done yet as of
ACT 3,
dimensional clock synchronization failure/success, due to very very very
cold, and artificial energies, artificial lights also fail/succeed
due to very very very cold, and very very very far away from our earth,
and/or never find the ends ... ; Must learn Chinese
a.k.a. Kanji characters to know ACT 2,
and ACT 3;
Time . Space vs. Greece Philosophy: Greece philosophy starts
human being as an origin point to search the universe, on the other hand,
oriental eastern thought starts time
.space . action;
Twisted Time, for better preparations necessary within time constraint
period, such as eclipses, 2*6, ... , in
ACT2, and
ACT3 stages;
Vector machine, also see: Fuzzy Support V M;
Water, also see:
ACT2 water tank, water based
arm, ... ; WHY orbiter machines' outer-space
temperature does not vary;
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