; Updated in
2024 :
8 :
30 : s
Pali ;
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | |||||
h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | ||||
p | q | r | s | ||||||||
t | u | v | w | ||||||||
x | y | z | |||||||||
4 Types Of M a n d a l a In
Shin g o n;
Remark: 3 (e.g. mantra, m u d r a, sutra), and notice that "M a n d a l a" usage might be adapted and derived from "mantra" ; blessing alike holiness, using voice e.g. "a u n" , "n a m o" , "o h n" , ... ; linguistically, there is no "la" sound in NIPPON, therefore, "r a" ; Also see: Pagoda;
29 Days,
29 Days,
29 Days,
29 Days),
30 Days,
30 Days,
30 Days,
30 Days)) : Longitude 120 degree (T h e i n in Myanmar,
S i m h a
in Sanskrit, Leo in Latin, observed planet Sun), also see:
My) CASIO fx-300ES PLUS, NATURAL - V. P. A. M., TWO WAY POWER prompts (15 / √2)
is like ((15 * √2) / 2) is like 10.60660172, i.e.
n i t o t t e
k a k u Each
15 degree longitude, for each
structural Battery (Internet of Things (IoT), kadosei
Mobility, Location Awareness Response, Near Field Communication (NFC))
... ; if
Nama For Humanoid,
also see: d Pali;
k Pali;
m Pali; s
Pali; t Pali;
v Pali;
Remark: Nama for humanoids is R&D only in holy language of Buddhism (transcript
Pali in English), because our earth is not simple like what I think e.g. NOT to
2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS ... ;
s a b b a kaya, whole body; Also see: kaya, body;
s a b b ā s a v a s u t t a;
S a b b a d h i, 5 Aggregates;
days, a.k.a.
days; practicing 8 sila or 10
sila, on the days, ... also see:
Remark: in Union of
Myanmar, Shan ethnic tribes adapted
Rakhine kingdom's tradition (refer to
Sabbath Day), and practice Sabbath days
religiously for thousands of years; during " w a-s a
- w a-s o (3 months seasonal retreat; WHEN end of vassa,
celebrating end of 3 months seasonal retreat, also see:
k a t h i n a) " , regarding yogi in Union of
Myanmar, some monasteries promote and practice 8 s i l a
OR 10
s i l a
Remark: Sabbath days, similar to fasting religious days in Western Civilization;
s a b h ā v a l a k k h a n ā (individual natural
characteristic), s a n k h a t ā l a k k h a n ā (momentary
s ā
m a ñ ñ a
l a k k h a n ā (common characteristic)
) a.k.a.
3 characteristics of
yogi WHILE meditation ... ;
s a ṇ t h ā n a r ū p a (form & shape are observed), ā k ā r a r ū p a (manner or mode is observed), and s a b h ā v a r ū p a (true nature is observed); Also see: r ū p a;
sabhāva-lakkhanā and sāmañña-lakkhanā, psycho-physical phenomena; also see: jhāna;
S a c c a v i b h a n g a s u t t a;
saddhā, confidence; Also see: i n d r i y a, 5 faculties;
saddhā, faith and confidence; saddhā, faith; confidence;
S a d d h a r m a p u ṇ ḍ a r ī k a s ū t r a; S a d d h a r m a , 6;
sadhu! sadhu! sadhu!, correct! correct! correct!, right! right! right!, truth! truth! truth! ; s ā d h u, s ā d h u, s ā d h u, well done, well done, well done; e.g. end of a dharma ceremony, people chant 3 times;
sādīnava, very inferior and impure; also see: maggagata sutta;
saga, WHERE in the human and deva realms, ACTION by practicing sīla, you can be reborn in WHAT is called "saga";
s a g g a, full of happiness;
s a g g a, as opposed to n i r a y a;
s a g g a = s u + a g g a;
S A H A S S A V A G G A; also see: v a g g a;
s a h a s s a ṁ s a h a s s e n a , (1000 * 1000);
1000000; 1,000,000; 10^6; 10+6; 106; thousand multiplied by a thousand; one million;
HOW 1 million people can be treated (Tx,
Treatment) at the same time by
globally via its triangulation system in the Internet
... ; Also see: Cloud;
s a h ā y a t ā connotes insight, morality, path, and sainthood;
sakadāgāmi, after sotāpanna stage has attained, after weakening 2 more fetters such as sense-desire (kāmarāga) and ill-will (patigha), a.k.a. sakadāgāmi person WHO may reborn on earth only once in case yogi does not attain arahatship;
sakadāgāmi, the 2nd stage of enlightenment; also see: satipatthāna meditation;
s a k k ā r a, honor;
self illusion, a.k.a. one of the fetters
sakkāyadiṭṭhi, self-illusion;
sahotappa-ñāna, knowledge associated with moral fear, samvega; also see: 3 kinds of bhaya;
1. Stream-Winner (s o t ā p a t t i); And Then, 2. Once-R e t u r n e r (s a k a d ā g ā m i); And Then, 3. Never-Return e r (anāgāmi); And Then, 4. worthy (a r a h a t t a);
sakalam-idam sattānam dukkham kilesa-mūlakam, all kinds of suffering that a living being comes across are rooted in the mental defilements;
Sakka, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Sakka, also see: Who are the Buddhist Deities.html;
s a k k ā r a, honor;
m ā r a, 10 kinds of kilesa are:
k ā m a (material pleasures);
2. a r a t i (aversion for the holy life);
3. k h u p p i p ā s ā (hunger and thirst);
4. t a ṇ h ā
5. t h i n a m i d d h a (sloth and torpor);
6. b h a y a (fear);
7. v i c i k i c c h ā (doubt);
8. m a k k h a t h a m b h a (detraction and obstinacy);
9. l a b h a (gain); s a k k ā r a
(honor); s i l o k a
(praise); y a s a (fame);
10. a t t u k k a ṁ s a n a p a r a v a m b h a n a (extolling oneself
that contempt others);
Remark: notice that both
good and bad can cause kilesa, and 10 kinds
of kilesa (mental defilements) are a.k.a.
m ā r a
(sense of passions); after
meditation (Also see:
Radical333), those 10
kinds of kilesa can be realized; for common people
(refer to puthujjana), Middle Path should be
... ; notice that s o t ā p a n n a level people can
control and reduce those 10 kinds of kilesa, And
Then, s a k a d ā
g ā m i
level people, And Then, anāgāmi
level people, ... ;
Sakyam-Sage, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Sakyan, in Myanmar language, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Sakyas, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
sala, to loosen;
S a l l a S u t t a;
s a m a , also see: s a m m ā ;
s a m a c i t t a s u t t a ; s a m a c i t t a s u t t a ;
samādhi, concentration; Also see: b o j j h a ṅ g a, 7 constituents of enlightenment;
samādhi, concentration; Also see: i n d r i y a, 5 faculties;
samādhi, concentration; e.g. 8 attainments, s a m ā p a t t i , together with access concentration, u p a c ā r a s a m ā d h i; samādhi, tranquility of mind brought by concentration; samādhi, state of concentration; samādhi, good concentration;
samādhi-khandha, a combination of effort [also see: 3 stages of effort], mindfulness and concentration, so called "concentration-led group", and individual can practice concentration-led group, realize that the individual can be free from mental defilements, and notice and enjoy the happiness of renunciation nekkhamma-sukha;
concentration led group;
samadhi n i m i t t a, cause of concentration;
s a m a ṇ a s u t t a;
j h a n a, both s a m a t h a (concentration), and vipassana (insight);
s a m a t h a (tranquility) meditation; e.g. if you are beginner, WHILE meditating, you might not be able attain/achieve s a m a t h a; after period of practicing meditation, And Then, concentration and tranquility can be gained, And Then, attain or maintain the meditation (e.g. breath-in, breath-out), so called s a m a t h a ... ;
aspect of essence;
S a
m b
h o
g a
- k
a y
a, aspect of potentiality;
N i
r m
a n
a -
k a
y a, aspect of manifestation;
carya, austerity;
s a m v e g a;
s a b h ā v a l a k k h a n ā (individual natural characteristic),
s a n k h a t ā l a k k h a n ā (momentary characteristic),
s ā
m a ñ ñ a
l a k k h a n ā (common characteristic)
) a.k.a.
3 characteristics of
yogi WHILE meditation ... ;
( anicca- l a k k h a n ā (impermanence), dukkha- l a k k h a n ā (unsatisfactory & unreliable), and anatta- l a k k h a n ā (lack of inherent self) ) a.k.a. s ā m a ñ ñ a l a k k h a n ā (universally (basic & common) to all (mental & physical) phenomena);
samata, very unity; also see: samatha; also see: dhammata;
s a m a t h a, a calm, object of meditation; Also see: Sati p a t t h a n a meditation;
samatha, a.k.a. shamata;
high-level concentrations;
vipassana insight knowledge;
to WHOM samatha
as a vehicle to nibbāna; a
samaya [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; commitment; vow;
sambhogakaya, body of bliss; also see:
s a m b h o g a kaya (reward body,
form taken by a
Buddha after completing its role as a
b o d h i s a t t a)
sambodha-sukha, pleasure of enlightenment;
s ā m a n e r a, novice in the Buddha Sangha; e.g. ordaining b h i k k h u to be a monk;
Namu-Amida-Butsu, whole hearted reliance, dharma, teaching, samgha (a.k.a. s a n g h a), brotherhood; Referenced Books (THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA);
3 treasures: Buddha, Dharma (a.k.a. dhamma), S a m g h a (a.k.a. s a n g h a);
s a m i s a, worldly;
( s a m m ā
d i ṭ ṭ h i
(right understanding), s a m m ā s a n k a p p a (right
thought), s a m m ā
(right speech), s a m m ā k a m m a n t a (right
action), s a m m ā
(right livelihood), s a m m ā
(right effort), s a m m ā sati (right
mindfulness), s a m m ā
(right concentration) ) a.k.a. Noble
Eightfold Path a.k.a.
Way a.k.a.
8 factors;
s a m m a sati, right mindfulness; sammā-sati; Also see: Sati p a t t h a n a meditation;
correctness of livelihood, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
s a m m ā d i ṭ ṭ h i, right beliefs;
correctness of understanding, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of action, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of concentration, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of thought, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of mindfulness, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of speech, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
correctness of effort, one of the Noble Eight-fold Path
s a m m a v a y a m a, right effort;
sammāditthi, right view;
s a m m a p p a d h ā n a, 4 supreme efforts;
effort e.g.
NOT to be arisen evil;
effort e.g. discard arisen evil;
effort e.g. cultivate un-arisen good;
effort e.g. promote good that has arisen already;
Also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, B o d h i p a k k h i y a d h a m m a = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;
s a m p a j a n a, clearly knowing; Also see: S a t i p a t t h a n a meditation;
sampajañña, clear comprehension;
sampajaňňapabba, attention of physical behaviors; Also see: A Study of First M u l a M i n G o n e Z e t a w o n S a y a d a w ’s Insight Meditation Technique in Burma, A s h i n P a n y a c e k k a, A l o d a w p y i e Meditation Monastery, Newark, CA 94560, U.S.A. (This research paper, submitted to United Nation Day of V a s s a k, the International Association of Buddhist University, MC University, Bangkok, Thailand), on January 13, 2016;
samsara, a.k.a. life-after-life;
samsāra [ Buddhism in a Nutshell ], a.k.a. birth precedes death, and death precedes birth; also see: paticca samuppada; samsāra, cycle of rebirth; samsara [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; wheel symbolizes; cycle of rebirth is indirectly spoken as wheel of suffering, until nibbana is reached; S a ṁ s a r a, stream of being from life to life; continuous flow of, unbroken flow of, the stream of aggregates, elements, sense faculties, ... , e.g. life-after-life a.k.a. beings in samsāra;
(alive, being in samsara (life-after-life), ikite iru, life, live, lives, living), also see: PHYSICS (law fifty six) ... ;
I've realized & understood THAT 2nd life, 3rd life, in samsara (life-after-life) PEOPLES in North America (our earth) are very very smarter ones ... ; Also see: Physics Law 888, New Energy ... ;
four kinds of birth: a ṇ ḍ a j a (egg-born), j a l ā b u j a (womb-born), o p a p ā t i k a (spontaneous birth), and s a ṁ s e d a j a (moisture-born);
complete liberation, a category of liberation;
s a m u d a y a, arising;
samuppāda, arising or origination;
samvega, wisdom gained by sense of urgency, sahotappa-ñāna, also see: 3 kinds of bhaya;
samvega-ñāna, sense of spiritual urgency;
s a m y o j a n a, arising of fetter;
S a ṃ y u k t a r a t n a p i ṭ a k a s ū t r a;
S a m y u t t a N i k a y a; In S a m y u t t a n i k a y a and A n g u t t a r a n i k a y a , S a t i p a t t h a n a (i.e. shorter discourse);
D ī g
h a N
i k ā
y a;
Majjhima N
i k ā
y a;
a ṃ y
u t
t a
N i
k ā y
A ṅ g
u t
t a
r a N
i k ā
y a;
san) 7th life, ... ; Also see:
Numbers _in _Dhamma;
s a n g ā y a n ā , Buddhist monks' council; e.g. 6th Buddhist Council was held by Theravāda Buddhism nations: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand, in Yangon, Myanmar, in May, 1954; Remark: In 21st century, many westerners convert religion to Mahayana Buddhism; Because, Mahayana is liberal way if compare to conservative Theravada; e.g. in Mahayana, dharma can be song to sing; e.g. in Mahayana, Buddha statue can be anywhere at home; e.g. in Mahayana, some monks can marry and have family; e.g. in Mahayana, retreats' participants must pay fees; e.g. in Mahayana, some schools charge membership fees;
sangha, monk;
Buddha, Dharma (a.k.a. Dhamma), Sangha;
Also see:
sangham ... , also see: worshipping Buddha, dhamma, sangha;
s a n k h a r a, volitions; Also see: S a t i p a t t h a n a meditation;
s a b h ā v a l a k k h a n ā (individual natural characteristic),
s a n k h a t ā l a k k h a n ā (momentary characteristic),
s ā
m a ñ ñ a l a k k h a n ā (common characteristic)
) a.k.a.
3 characteristics of
yogi WHILE meditation ... ;
s a n n a, aggregates of cognition;
saňňā, wisdom; Also see:
A Study of First M u l a M i n G o n e Z e t a w o n S a y a d a w ’s Insight Meditation Technique in
Burma; A s h i n P a n y a c e k k a ,
A l o d a w p y i e Meditation Monastery, Newark, CA 94560, U.S.A.
This research paper, submitted to United Nation Day of
V a s s a k, the International Association of Buddhist University, MC
University, Bangkok, Thailand. January 13,
s a n n a v e d a y i t a n i r o d h a, attain cessation of cognition and feeling; Also see: S a t i p a t t h a n a meditation;
s a ṇ t h ā n a r ū p a (form & shape are observed), ā k ā r a r ū p a (manner or mode is observed), and s a b h ā v a r ū p a (true nature is observed); Also see: r ū p a;
Sanyutta nikāya, Collection of kindred sayings, a.k.a. 3rd of sutta pitaka;
sappāya-sampajañña, clear comprehension of suitability;
s ā r a, core, essence; in Union of Myanmar, usage "s a y a" means teacher;
sāra (essential), as opposed to asāra (unessential);
... saranam ... , also see: worshipping Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha;
Sarawasti a.k.a. Tuyatadi Mae Daw; also see: Mae Daw a.k.a. Lady Deity; s a r v ā s t i;
M ū l a s a r v ā s t i v a d a v i n a y a; S a ṅ g h a b h e d a v a s t u;
Sariputta, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Sariputta, one of the
8 arahants;
sāsana, dispensation; Buddhism is Buddha sāsana; Sāsana Year e.g. 2014 in Gregorian calendar is either 2557 or 2558 in Buddha calendar, e.g. 2015 in Gregorian calendar is either 2558 or 2559 in Buddha calendar; Buddha calendar is Eastern Civilization's one of the lunar calendars (e.g. 2 phase lunar calendar, 4 phase lunar calendar, ... ) Lunar based; Gregorian calendar is Western Civilization's one of the calendars (Sun based, and 12 monthly zodiac signs and ecliptic; IFF nigh sky, also see: Constellations); In common, (both lunar and solar) calendars must be adjusted, because 2 moons are on the same orbit (think that our earth is one of the moons), because of 2,3 dimensional space e.g. 2 events of 90° (3 planets are in angle degree), e.g. we human beings can live on many moons, ... are not documented as common science for more than 2500+ years;
sāsana, dhamma and vinaya are for monks, levels of sila may vary among dhamma-followers, for example 5 precepts sila, 8 precepts sila, ... ; also see: sāsana year;
Sasanadaja Dhammacariya, academic degree in Pali; also see: \..\..\..\ Monastery \ Mettananda \ About;
approx. 4 years to earn the Sasanadaja Dhammacariya degree;
sassataditthi, "eternalism"; also see: ditthi;
Upamā śataka sūtra;
sati, mindful; sati, mindfulness; sati, awareness; Yogi makes great effort to note present prominent objects for mindfulness sati to be developed; Sustained mindfulness will contribute to the calm an peaceful mind, making it firmly established on the object of meditation, such concentration will lead to attain samādhi; After sati, samādhi, bhāvanā, ... , and then the yogi will come to see cause and effect and impermanence of mental and physical phenomena, ... and then the true nature of mind and body will be experienced by the yogi, a.k.a. a stage of insight knowledge will mature, but still in samsāra; approx. the yogi might be at 2nd or 3rd stage of enlightenment, at this point; in common, senior monks notice the levels of enlightenment stages; also see: ardent effort and mindfulness inside 5 jhāna factors;
Anapanasati Day, celebrates on full moon day in November ... , also see: Time;
sati, mindfulness; Also see: bojjhaṅga, 7 constituents of enlightenment;
sati, mindfulness; Also see: indriya, 5 faculties;
sati sampa janna, mindfulness and clear knowledge;
satipaṭṭhāna, 4 foundations of mindfulness (kāyānupassanā, vedanānupassanā, cittānupassanā, dhammanupassanā); also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, Bodhipakkhiyadhamma = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;
satipatthāna, a.k.a. Satipatthana, a meditation; satipatthāna meditation will purify mind 1st, and result of practicing will gain 7 benefits; satipatthāna meditation: yogi who practices satipatthāna meditation can become sotāpanna, sakadāgāmi, anāgāmi, and arahat; Satipatthana, practice of mindfulness meditation; Satipatthana Sutta, in Nikaya(s); 4 satipatthana(s) for realizing nibbana; Satipatthana Sutta in Majjhima Nikaya; Maha satipatthana sutta in Digha Nikaya; Satipatthana (i.e. shorter discourse) in Samyutta Nikaya, in Anguttara Nikaya; satipaṭṭhāna, mindfulness;
Remark: concentrating on 5, analyzing 2, but in real world very very difficult to analyze 2 kinds of cetta [because, common sense, common people are limited to only 1 knowing of ... ], therefore should be concentrating on 5, analyzing 1 especially for common people, and in basic meditation, common people focus on breath in and breath out, and cannot concentrate/focus not even 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 4 of 5, all 5 yet because, in common, level of beings having wisdom is low ;
Satipatthana Samyutta, related to realize arahantship;
satipaṭṭhāna vipassanā, insight meditation;
sātthaka-sampajañña, clear comprehension of what is beneficial;
sautantrika [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; early school of Buddha dharma;
sauttara, surpass-able;
savatthi, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Sayadaw, is in Myanmar language, chief of a monastery; 6000+ monasteries exists in Union of Myanmar; Sayadaw is not a Pali word; a.k.a. sangha; a.k.a. monk; Chief resident monk (abbot) of vihara (monastery);
accordance with Buddha's
"sa ya na" should be Nanobot
alike (
WHICH) mean without arms and legs
without eyes
(Hole), without tail
(1/2 Hammer Radio),
... ; Also see:
Nanobot . Programming . Mapper;
in Hindi language means (grown
up) ... ;
in Japanese Hiragana language means (a female name)
... ;
in Japanese Katakana language should be accordance
with Buddha's Abhidharma ... ;
in Sanskrit language means (standing)
... ;
sayana +
O2%) IFF grown up,
... , the defined
Nanobot Programming may begin ... ;
. Usage "s a r a n a m" is like noun, if
compare to
sayana is
like verb
Also see: Nama For
sekha, a person (a disciple) WHO has attained sotāpatti (the first stage of sainthood) and undergoing training to be final arahatta (a.k.a. arahat, arahant, saint, enlightened one in Theravada) stage; Also see: asekha;
in Sanskrit, mental factors a.k.a.
caitasika, caitika,
in Tibetan, mental factors a.k.a. semjung,
sems byung);
Also see: Idea
Processor, cause-to-citta, a.k.a. cause-to-nama
(form): 52 (13, 14, 25), ... ;
Shakya clan, in Koshala ancient kingdom, later known as Magadha ancient kingdom; in Mahayana documentation;
Remark: Shakya means everywhere (implicit expression, literally speaking); e.g. Shakya King means owner of our universes;
a.k.a. Buddha Gotama in
theravada; also see:
Shakyamuni, a.k.a. Buddha Shakyamuni, aka 5 Dhyani Buddha(s), in Tibetan Buddhism;
shamata [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; a.k.a. samatha; by simply allowing mind to rest calmly as it is, aka calm abiding practice; a way to practice, in purpose of extinguishing kilesa 1st, and then samatha-yānika 2nd, and then samatha-jhāna 3rd, and then magga ... ;
Sharing Merits May all beings share this merit Which we have thus acquired For the acquisition of all kinds of happiness
May beings inhabiting space and earth, Devas and nāgas of mighty power Share this merit of ours May they long protect the teachings! Spiritual Cultivation, Sayadaw U Panditābhivamsa, Translated by Sayalay Ma Carudassini, Edited by U Hla Myint, 2008, published by www.tathagata.org, printed by PAPYRUS; |
shastra [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; an explanation of; commentary on idea;
"shin" has been prefix usage, e.g. title Ashin + name of monk;
Shingi, new doctrine; Nippon Buddhism; also see: kajishin;
shingon, true words; Nippon Buddhism;
Shinto priesthood;
shudra, artisan, menial laborer, 1 of the 4 castes in ancient India; also see: kshatriya; brahmana; vaishya;
Shwedagon pagoda, is in Myanmar language; Shwedagon pagoda, historic pagoda of Mon-Khmer civilization, and Shwedagon pagoda has been maintained by royal families and public, for thousands of years; In Union of Myanmar language, "shwe" means gold, and "dagon" is old city (Mon-Khmer kingdoms' one of the cities) name of Yangon, Union of Myanmar;
Siddārtha Gautama, 2500+ years ago, a royal prince's name, Buddha's childhood name, [2009; Joyful Wisdom];
Sigalovada sutta;
Sikhi Buddha, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
sikkhā, a
combination of morality sīla, concentration
and wisdom paññā;
refrain from misconducts; virtue of morality;
e.g. 5 precept (pañca-sila);
e.g. 8
precept (aṭṭha-sila);
9 precept (nava-sila);
e.g. 10 precept
Also see:
samvara sīla (227 rule) for monk;
e.g. prior
to meditation, 5 precept is required
(e.g. killing and meditation cannot be
done, e.g. stealing and meditation cannot be done, e.g. lying and meditation
cannot be done, e.g. being intoxicated and meditation cannot be done, e.g.
sexual misconduct and meditation cannot be done) therefore, prior
to meditation, 5 precept is required (e.g. requisites related morality);
sīla, morality;
Sīla visuddhi, morality purification;
4 kinds of ganthas (ties) are abhijjhā (covetousness), vyā-pāda (ill will), silabbataparāmāsa (indulgence in wrongful rites and ceremonies), and idaṁ saccābhinivesa (adherence to preconceptions as truth);
indulgence in (wrongful) rites and
ceremonies, a.k.a. one of the fetters
Silananda, monk (bhikkhu) 's name in meaningful Pali;
Silavanta Sutta, also see: published books by Tathagata meditation center;
siloka, praise;
māra, 10 kinds of kilesa are:
kāma (material pleasures);
2. arati (aversion for the holy life);
3. khuppipāsā (hunger and thirst);
4. taṇhā
5. thina middha (sloth and torpor);
6. bhaya (fear);
7. vicikicchā (doubt);
8. makkha thambha (detraction and obstinacy);
9. labha (gain); sakkāra
(honor); siloka (praise);
yasa (fame);
10. attukkaṁsana para vambhana (extolling oneself
that contempt others);
Remark: notice that both
good and bad can cause kilesa, and 10 kinds
of kilesa (mental defilements) are a.k.a.
(sense of passions); after
meditation (Also see:
Radical333), those 10
kinds of kilesa can be realized; for common people
(refer to puthujjana), Middle Path should be
... ; notice that sotāpanna level people can
control and reduce those 10 kinds of kilesa, And
Then, sakadāgāmi
level people, And Then, anāgāmi
level people, ... ;
Sīmā, sacred place WHERE ordination performs; Sangha's activities (e.g. Kathina), held at the place;
Śrīmālā devā siṃhanāda sutra;
Siṅgālo vāda sutta;
Mahayana bodhisattva, in Buddhism;
Radical232, also see:
Sobhana Sutta, in Anguttara Nikaya: cattarome bhikkhave viyattā vinītā visāradā bahussutā dhamma-dharā dhammā-nudhamma-pathipannā sangham sobhanti; oh monks, these 4 audiences [ bhikkhu, bhikkhuni, upasaka, upasika ] that are well learned, well disciplined, having self confidence, well informed, bearing dhamma in mind, practicing dhamma that leads to the enlightenment to beautify the Buddhist community;
Soceyyan sutta;
sokushi jobutsu, attaining buddhahood in this very body; Nippon Buddhism;
sopādisesa nibbāna dhātu, also see: nibbāna dhātu;
sotāpanna: a stage to be attained ... ; 1st step: After practicing discipline and concentration which leads to Insight, 2nd step: and after realizing 3 characteristics, 3rd step: and after destroying 3 fetters, a stage to be attained a.k.a. sotāpanna; also see: The path to nibbāna; sotāpanna, the 1st stage of enlightenment; also see: satipatthāna meditation; sotāpanna, stream winner or one who has attained 1st stage on the path to Nibbāna;
1. Stream-Winner (sotāpatti); And Then, 2. Once-Returner (sakadāgāmi); And Then, 3. Never-Returner (anāgāmi); And Then, 4. worthy (arahatta);
sotāpatti, the first stage of sainthood; stream-winner stage;
sotā means the stream ("stream" refers to a way in Noble Eightfold Path), patti means attainment;
sotapati-magga, 1st stage of enlightenment, that can get rid of defilement; To attain sotapati-magga, must practice satipatthana meditation, because only supramundane kinds of morality, concentration and wisdom can uproot defilements;
Suvarṇa prabhā sottamarāja sutra;
Śrīmālā devā siṃhanāda sutra; Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda sutra;
subha, desirable;
suddha-vipassanā-yānika, to WHOM
vipassanā as a vehicle to nibbāna; a yogi;
suddhāvāsa, a plane a.k.a. pure abode suddhāvāsa plane, congenial Brahma plane, after 3rd stage enlightenment, and after sainthood-anāgami stage, a plane to be reborn ... ;
sugati, 7 realms (human beings realm and 6 celestial planes as realms);
Remark: in Myanmar language, small scaled human beings are called " mnin-zar " ; large scaled human beings are called " bha-loo " ; regarding BLI (Body Length Index) in 2,3 dimensional imaginary space, small scaled because of closed environment, on the other hand, large scaled because of opened environment of larger planet's size;
total of 31 realms, and the highest merit is to be human
beings (i.e. accordance with Buddha & Buddhism); E
M is somehow related to yellow as core (e.g. planet with yellow core is with E
M, planet without yellow core is without E M); Also see:
Numbers in Dharma;
sukha, a
pleasure, 3
sukha + 2 kāma;
sukha, happiness, one
of the jhāna factors;
Also see: sagga (full of happiness), as opposed to niraya (devoid of happiness);
SUKHA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
sukhāvati vyūha sutra;
Sukhumālā sutta;
sukka-dhamma, white dhamma; Just as the white can repel heat, white dhamma repel the heat of misconducts;
10 kinds of good deeds;
; Also see: kaṇhaṁ
dhammaṁ (10 kinds of evil deeds);
sunyata, absolute, in mahayana Buddhism; sunyata is similar to anatta dhamma in theravada Buddhism; a.k.a. sonnata stage, also ref. dhamma nupassana #5 to contemplate Four Noble Truths; Remark: this DOMAIN does not write anatta dhamma as "nothingness" because so many people confuse and misunderstand such anatta dhamma ... ;
sunyata, non-substantiality;
suparināmāhāra, better
digestion, one of the 5 benefits of cankama;
supatitthita, advance stages of satipatthana;
Ṥūraṃgama sūtra; Suramgama sutra;
suta-maya-ñāna, a kind
of knowledge, WHO gained from learning;
cūḷamālunkya sutanta;
sutra, Buddha's scriptures; Also see:
b Character;
s Character Extension 1;
s Pali;
sutra [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; a.k.a. sutta; Buddha's teaching in Sanskrit, terminologically referenced to actual words of Buddha; mahayana sutra; Sutra is Mahayana usage; S u t t a is Theravada usage;
3 (e.g.
sutta, pāli canon; sutta, a.k.a. sutra; also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm; theravada sutta; Sutra is Mahayana usage; Sutta is Theravada usage;
Sutta nipāta, Collected discourses; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; 5.* ;
sutta pitaka, a.k.a. discourse books, a.k.a. nikaya collection, 2nd of tripitaka; Sutta Pitaka;
Sutta pitaka, consist of 20 books |
1. Digha nikāya |
Collection of long discourses |
2. Majjhima nikāya |
Collection of middle length discourses |
3. Sanyutta nikāya |
Collection of kindred sayings |
4. Anguttara nikāya |
Collection of discourses arranged in accordance with numbers |
5. Khuddaka nikāya |
Smaller collection |
Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; |
1. Khuddaka pātha |
Shorter texts |
2. Dhammapada |
Way of truth |
3. Udāna |
Paeans of joy |
4. Iti vuttaka |
“Thus said” Discourses |
5. Sutta nipāta |
Collected discourses |
6. Vimāna vatthu |
Stories of celestial mansions |
7. Peta vatthu |
Stories of petas |
8. Theragāthā |
Psalms of brethren |
9. Therigāthā |
Psalms of sisters |
10. Jātaka |
Birth stories |
11. Niddesa |
Expositions |
12. Patisambhidā |
Analytical knowledge |
13. Apadāna |
Lives of arahats |
14. Buddhavamsa |
History of Buddha |
15. Cariyā pitaka |
Modes of conduct |
Reminder: 20 has been middle Jun, for thousands of years; 20 water drops alike characters in Nippon; a part of (2*5) dimension; a part of 4 phase lunar; also see: Nippon Syllabary;
suttā-nuloma, 2.
principles from commentaries or sub-commentaries that are in harmony with
pāli canon;
Kandaraka suttanta;
Suvarṇa prabhā sottamarāja sutra;
swayambhu, self-created; Bodhisattva Manjushri, a Buddha statue, in Kathmandu, the oldest in Nepal;
Syamavati, consort of King Udayana;
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