; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 26th (Sunday) : Display ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 26 : 1 : 2025 : Display ;

Approx. 128 usages are available to read;

          since January 25 , 2025 , webp ( Directory , Folder ) has been create d with  
          ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,  
          9 , 0 ) . Web P file  s , because web p ( provide s ,  
          support s ) high resolution ( max , up to ) 16383 x 16383 ; Also see  
          : Display ; Number ; bit stream - compatible with V P 8 height AND width  

Remark: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) .webp files' high resolution can (provide, support) in depth analysis of the (defined dot, dotted coordinate, focal point, focused location, pinpointed, specified space) gene whether normal or abnormal, And Then, (use, used, using) chiryoyaku Therapeutic Gene Therapy System (for each abnormal to be normal ones a.k.a. fully Recovery) ... AND notice, realize & understand THAT (Method, Procedure, Technique), beyond zoom;

a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: 180 degree to the USB, doko WHERE 1 Way DEE begins (Walls), i.e. beyond 90 degree to the USB + WORMHOLE Way (beyond Motor Way), based on ZCS (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... SO TRUE capillaries for Nanobots (Artery red ones, Vein blue ones) need high resolution; since 2024, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has used Analog Clock (for WORMHOLE Way) kuru kuru WHILE using SONY Bra via ??" TV, for Gene Therapy System functional up-and-running; if you're hospitals owner, healthcare systems founder, think of start using SONY Bra via ??" TV for your patients' fully Recovery by WORMHOLE Way in PHYSICS;

(16383 ÷ 1080) = (15.169444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444) i.e. nitotte For: high resolution Gene Therapy System; Remark: number (2 and 7) are off in this Algorithm; factoring 4 ion channels would be excellent!!

(288pt.), (144pt.), (72pt.), (36pt.), (0pt.), also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Services; Browser;

24 bit RGB, 16.7 million colors, IFF 1MB, And Then, (486x720) pixels; 16 bit (65536 colors), IFF 1MB, And Then, (1024x512) pixels; 8 bit (256 colors), IFF 1MB, And Then, (1024x1024) pixels; SO, depending upon systems' (Architect, CE, Designer) ... , rounded square ones, squared ones, "ro" sizes and locations WHICH prompt NOT ONLY Distance BUT ALSO degree diff; 1st. to realize & understand MLC USB in 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, 2nd. to realize & understand (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out) vs. (2+2) nodes' (degree, Distance), 3rd. to realize & understand sizes and locations, SO Color Codes can R&D; Remark: every color has its own meaning in this DOMAIN; Reminder: Camera has been the longest distance router since 1990s, believe IT or NOT;

don't confuse, i.e. (2+2) can be Sudoku + Lo Shu in directional, numerological, ... ;
don't confuse, i.e. (2+2) of sizes and locations of USB in dimensional, logical, structural, ... ;

21:9 Aspect Ratio is Limited Edition (Display) resolution; Also see: c G T S U; Display; Display .Robotic LCD;

e.g. SONY micro LED Display;
e.g. Headset Display;
e.g. Headset Display resolution;

graphene is a good keyword to realize & understand ... ;

640x480; e.g.

640x480 GIF by Browser 50% ;      
640x480 Nodes, providing colorful Dot- Pixel- Spot      

Also see: Display; Display .Robotic LCD; z G T S U;

Also see: DEE; Display; kadosei Mobility; e.g.

I wrote: ( My, My, My, My) 2023 Toyota Sienna AWD Platinum Hybrid eV sport's airborne Display (at the front windshield glass), and I've a quiz its destination symbol whether ( 45, 30, 15) degree? Remark: Computers control driving, so I don't know explicitly WHICH wheel drives, e.g. sometimes structural Battery powers to drive, e.g. sometimes directional gravity pressure (gravity spots) to drive, e.g. sometimes combustion (VVTI gas engine) powers to drive, ... ; Remark:  after driving thousands of (Kilometer, Mile), I like eV Sport Mode, because no vibrations from combustion, and very quiet functional operations, in addition, torque from structural Battery would be the most advance ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy quiz, answer would be 45° sir;

I wrote: I've a homework for you, i.e. (45/√2)..., so far ware ware We've learnt (15/√2), based on (29 Days, 30 Days) ... also see: Time ( 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172) ... ;

regarding Anti-Earthquake ("2023 March 28 Alignment"), if I defined ( DEE3 (for Left), DEE8 (for Right)), And Then, DEE9 for alignment, And Then, 4_Planets_Prediction (including our earth) 's "Number in degree" would be?

well trained kids!! replied: we don't understand WHAT you're talking about, can't answer "Number in degree" regarding alignment;

I wrote: approx. 171 degree (Lunar Orbit: 4 _Planets _ Prediction), and I'll not explain A-to-Z spoon feed (Step-By-Step) style; you're on your own ... ; ACT2 imaginary hyperspace level quiz, never mind, never mind, ... I should not ask DEE questions ... ;

2-sided surface based computing; also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

( pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel, pixel) for airborne ZCS Display (1 minute area) ... ;

touch-screen Display, interacting with commuters ... , also see: kadosei Mobility;

I wrote: inside of Optics, ware ware We've defined ( , , , ) already, And Then, WHICH one would you like to (choose, select) for  airborne ZCS Display (1 minute area) ?

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We'll (choose, select) to do airborne ZCS Display (1 minute area) by using sir;

I wrote: yu Yes; Radical761; yes; Radical751; Remark: well trained kids!! are very very smart ones already, and beyond "sound beam" level of knowledge, and also beyond "SPL" level of knowledge; ACT2, and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace R&D ... , also see: Water Clock; And Then, solve BLI (Body Length Index) problems exist on human beings livable moons ... ; do good kharma actions, good results will ... ;

Resolution;     Resolution;     Resolution; Also see: Physics Law 140, ... ;


anti-glare outdoor friendly display;

a- S i backplane, Amorphous Silicon backplane; Samsung's O LED usage; Samsung produces world's largest 40" O LED in 2005; α- S i, for example, 10.23" α- S i means LCD screen's 1D display area in diagonal is 10.23 inches; ACT3 light vs. our universe:   108x108pixel [Display . ACT3 vs. Our Universe .GIF], 2,6 vector, 3up,3down light, horizontal 10,7,10 parallel time line a.k.a. JUN, Lunar, JUN, without 2,3 vector, without gray scale simulation, without light lost ratio in DEE, ... ;   WHY naturally blooming, 1st to understand 4 planet prediction, 2nd time & lunar gravitational, 3rd to understand cracks in symmetrical, 4th dimensional hyperspace, a Myanmar in theoretical way ... ; Also see: Schematic Light;

Active matrix electro p h ore tic display, mono black foreground with gray background, i.e. e-book's display, in 2008; Aero interface, one of the GUI in Windows Vista, 3D; Air force navigation displays: HD D is head down display; HUD is head up display; H MD is helmet mounted display which is a part of nama development; Nama prediction is not available to common public; AM LCD, Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display, NEC's usage; ambient light, also see: ambient light sensor; Analog ; Aspect ratio: IFF X < Y OR X > Y, also see: aspect ratio; For basic understanding, hold a frame in front of eyes, place a visible object (s) at other side, and then move the frame backward/outward/toward/... eyes, and notice the ratio because distance changes, dimension changes, visibility changes, ... ; Astrological images of universe, also see: Astrophotography by Canon; Constellations; AT SC system。

back light + LED = LCD;   IFF Numerological Dimension, also see: Mobile System Number, 2007 Toshiba Satellite;

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  back light + LED = LCD      
  . A / V  
  down   - CL K        
  up   + CL K        
  115 121 123 471 TL DIE BS A  
  P / N   -
    L V +  
  L V Latch Voltage L V L CL K Latch Clock  
  SD T P Transmission Protocol _ D
  OUT FL Floating Latch V R Variable Resistance  
  VD D _ EVEN +        
  VD D _ ODD -        
  AR P L V G H _ H  
  V GL _ D L CA _  
  Z D 64 VC M GM A
  VA C C R
   ...  471  123  121  115        
  IFF ACT3 Parallel Time Testing 108 Wireless Antenna ȝ1Ȣ

Basic LCD schematic understanding; Brightness , measured in c d, c d / m2, GHz V, lm, L u x / min, nit; Brightness measurement varies because use of biological agent varies, use of chemical agent varies,  use of engineering technology varies, use of physical particle varies, ... ; Brightness control, in 2008, Panasonic portable DVD player's display is widescreen LCD, and including moon light control and sun light control; Notice that backlighting technology reaches brightness control into day vs. night, indoor vs. outdoor, so called solar [ACT1 natural light] vs. dark ... 。

camcorder; e.g.

( Camera, Camera, Camera, Camera) ... ;

CAD; CAE; CAM; C IM; Computer Aided Design; Computer Aided Engineering; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Computer Integrated Manufacturing; Among CAD, CAE, CAM, and C IM, CAM provides virtual reality display; However, airborne spectrum based display is not available yet to public; Candela a.k.a. c d; Luminous intensity; Candela per meter square, a.k.a. c d / m2; CAT; C CD; CF F, Critical Flicker Frequency; Chromaticity diagram; Also see: additive system, subtractive system, where color values vary along with WHAT kind of system?; Color a.k.a. C n; Component video; Composite video; Contrast a.k.a. C; I F F Windows OS, when holding left's Alt + Ctrl, press P r t S c a.k.a. Print Screen key; Contrast ratio, a.k.a. CR; Conventional = 300:1; High Contrast = 700:1; [1500:1 LCD, http : // sharp - world .com/corporate/news/061012.html; 2006]; CRT Monitor; Current Display Mode:, also see: Mode; Current Rating;

Computing Display ;

coordinate; Coordinate; e.g.

( zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, zahyo Coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, coordinate, Coordinate) ... ;


coordinate axis     coordinate     coordinate axis     coordinate;

CRT vs. S ED

Bigger device-volume in dimension than S ED Smaller device-volume in dimension than CRT
Electron emitter by electron gun Collision of electron
Higher power consumption than S ED Lower power consumption than CRT
Lower brightness than S ED Higher brightness than CRT
Lower contrast than S ED Higher contrast than CRT
Lower definition than S ED Higher definition than CRT
Lower gradation than S ED Higher gradation than CRT
Not flat panel Flat panel
Performance; Longer video response time Performance; Shorter video response time
Phosphor coated screen is used Phosphor coated screen is used
When an electron hit a phosphor, the phosphor produces light When an electron hit a phosphor, the phosphor produces light
Variable Aspect Ratio ? Variable Aspect Ratio ?
... ...

Display brightness e.g. Number c d / m^2;
Display diagonal e.g. 39.6 cm (15.6");
Display resolution e.g. Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels;

display; show; Radical142, also see: Radicals;

DC IM; MI SC; N CF L; ... ; Differences between computing-display and entertainment-display are: configurable, computable, programmable, scan-able [Also see: S O G T F T LCD], storable,  *able  functionalities. However, if a display is designed for multimedia purpose, and then the display can be used on any platform; Digital; Digital TV, made by LSI chips' complex functions; AV cable, HD MI cable, ... ; Antenna << >> HD AV decoder and CPU << >> LCD display; digital TV = Hi-vision HDTV + Picture-in-picture + Internet enable; 2007 www.necel.com ; (Dimension Unit = cm (Display Area (Size of display/screen) (PIP)) (Device's dimension));

Display as Model . Reuse Display as a part of Imaging [ www.canon.com/technology/global/concept.html ; 2005]:
Imaging .  Image _Engine .  Display
Imaging .  Image _Engine .  Electro Photographic s
Imaging .  Image _Engine .  Image Capturing
Imaging .  Image _Engine .  Inkjet
Imaging .  Image _Engine .  Photolithographic s

; Dimensions: IFF Windows, Shrink To Fit option can prompt aspect ratio in variable distance, also see: printer's print option; To understand Dimensions, Start >> Explore >> mouse focus on the *.jpg will prompt file's Info Tip; directed beam display device; Display:
[Default Monitor] on;
Display Color; Display modes; DL P, Digital Light Processing; dpi; D PM, Display Power Management ( Low Power Mode OR Normal Power Mode) ... ; Driver; D VI cable; D VI interface

ED, Enhanced Definition; EL, Electro Luminescent; e V, electro Volt, WHICH vary at excitation potential and ionized potential WHEN gas changes among A, C d, He, N e, ... 。

Full HD 1920 x 1080;

FED, Field Emission Display;  Also see: Field Emission Technologies, Japan;  4th-generation glass-substrate mass production of 26inches FED will be in 2009; FED new usage: spin d t s = a large array of cone [IFF cone, also see: in me m r is t or] shaped electrodes;  Similar to CRT, between anode and cathode substrates, 9kV electro differentials will be charged to generate electrons, and those emitting electrons [at room temp;  no heating;  via vacuum alike tunnel effect;] will be controlled by gate electrode [at layer]; FED new usage: electrically transparent material WHICH is neither charge itself nor becoming conductive;  WHICH can maintain electro-field in parallel between anode and cathode; flat (screen) display ; Flexible Organic EL Display, world's 1st mass production of the flexible organic EL display device, by TDK, in 2010; using the device in applications; using the device on mobile devices; C E A TEC JAPAN 2010; Foot lam be r t a.k.a. ft-L a.k.a. Fl; FP D, Flat Panel Display;  Raster must be understood 1st, and then understand the ratio of Gas : Particle 2nd, and then numbers of particle make different color spectrum 3rd, and then air-borne displays are incoming ... ; From handheld display to wall size display, from 2.2" to 65", switch able VGA <> Q VGA; also see: www.SHARPsma.com/LCD, in 2008, also see: bits/color

Gene Therapy System;

G in wireless because human perceivable visible spectrums "so called displays" are interrupted by wireless E M; Gamut is % of wide color AND along with contrast ratio; G K S, Graphical Kernel System; Graphics mode, in CRT era, by using C compiler, each pixel can be programmed to vary its color, location, ... ;  15+ years old info, and those graphics mode pixels became very useful in animation and simulation;  But, in 21st century, due to software bubbling tactical [ for example: in order to hide dark energy, by publishing back lighting technology, tactical was to waste time and money, till productions were also obsolete ..., don't be fool in language barrier, so start learning oriental ...  ] technological competition "so called high level", and also due to display hardware technological monopoly by ACT3 and ACT2 stage high tech nations, pixel in C language is no longer available to learn ... ;  Therefore, this DOMAIN recommends stay in low level such as C language, and do enjoy pixel in software programming ... especially for Southeast Asians, because technological gap sometimes not available [ for example, cells inside 3 ply poly layers can be projected from a dual band node, so that ultra thin display prompts colorful, but there is no way to know M theory because such hole-boards info are not in text books ]; Graphics patterns; graphic primitive, output primitive, i.e. display element; Graphics usages; 1 gravitational basic vector;

Human beings have engineered displays in many different ways. According to Abhidhamma, human beings perceive vision which causes nama to gain whether good khamma, or bad khamma. Basically, one of the 6 common sense interfaces of human beings' perception is; HD, High Definition;    Super HD is developed by NHK, in 2008, 16 times faster info flows than HD [NHK news; 13 Sept., 2008]; HD CP, High Definition Content Protection; HD MI (High Definition Multimedia Interface), in 2009, standard signals are 1080p (progressive), 1080i (interlaced), 720p (progressive), 480p (progressive), and Auto;  There is only one HD MI cable, there is neither male connector nor female connector;  Single connection supports Audio and Video;  AV devices, Digital TV, DVD player, monitor with HD MI connector, set-top box, ... can be connected with 2.2 GB bandwidth;  (HD CP) a.k.a. High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection technology;  (D VI) a.k.a. Digital Visual Interface connectivity; HD MI interface; HDTV, High Definition Television; Horizontal Synchronization; Humidity; Heterodyned indexes, sticks' vectors, prototyping hole (s) boards, ... are restricted, therefore not available to public, because to prototype a hole-board, decades of engineer/research/test/... is required just to understand a combination of hole and stick coexistence ... ; And, Panasonic's "airborne-nm-visible-spectrum-based" optical display is still in research, and optical spectrum based displays will be very interesting and very difficult when it becomes into layers

Ill u min an c e, Illumination a.k.a. E; also see: Lumen per m2; l u x; Image Size, in 2009, SONY camera's image sizes are: 8m, 3:2, 5m, 3m, VGA, 16:9, ... ; Input ["Notice that there is no output", because output is already in perception]。

Japanese language computer terminology: built-in monitor; C TM, component transaction monitor; debugging monitor; flat panel; flat panel monitor; hyper visor a.k.a. virtual machine monitor; monochrome monitor; multi-scan monitor; multi sync monitor; online monitor; PC is used as a TV, a monitor; T P monitor。

4K, also see: S q r t 2 design's floating point numbers

L "light rate" ¬   Beings _in _very _distance _away .GIF;

Laser diode driver; Laser scan display; Canon's usage; Also see: micro-mirror;

      LAYER ;        
IFF layer 1 , e.g. font , ... ;
IFF layer 2 , e.g. Even Time Horizontal DEE ;
IFF layer 3 , e.g. background , ... ;

e.g. font layer might be 2D X Y, i.e. calculator based dot dot dot; after implementing lines by numerological dimension, action layers might be the layer between calculator's dot dot dot and background layer; inside the ACTION layers, heat sensing patterns can be modular objects i.e. multi focal; z-distribution is to implement 3D XYZ, doko WHERE calculator to dictionary to translator to GPS to gravity dimension; IFF gravity dimension can be thoroughly understood by deploying DEE, e.g. (minus Z) is light depth, (plus Z) is hologram, vice and versa, IFF (minus Z) is hologram, (plus Z) is light depth can be understood; and then, ACT2 stage Even Time Horizontal DEE doko WHERE our solar system might be moving from green to blue, and then, ACT3 stage parallel time can be understood;

LC, Liquid Crystal; LCD Monitor/Display; IFF mono AND serial LCD, also see: char/line; LC o S, Liquid Crystal on Silicon; LED, Light Emitting Diode; i.e. Traffic signal Red, Yellow, Green lights; Ad boards with relay and programmed chip; Household appliances signaling in lights; Also see: non-display, non-omni vector sensors; LED Backlit LCD display; In 2005, NEC's world first display solution; L T PS SO G T F T LCD; Use in PD As, portable G PS s, ... , in 2006; Lumen; Lumen per foot square, a.k.a. ft-C; Lumen per meter square, a.k.a. l u x; Lumens / beam Watt, a.k.a. η γ; Phosphor efficiency is e t a η, and  gamma γ lumens/Watt while radiating; Luminance a.k.a. L; also see: c d / m2  in UNIT .htm; Lumen per (Watt · m2); nits; L = kb I b (V b · A-1) where A is area; b is beam; k is by registered phosphor lookup table's proportional factor of η γ; Voltage V and Current I; Also see: WHAT kinds of type such as trans f l e c t i v e, trans missive, ... ; If CRT, 3000~6000 c d / m2; If LCD, 1~1500 c d / m2 ; Luminous f l u s, Luminous flux a.k.a. F; Le men; Flow _of _light · s-1; Luminous intensity a.k.a. I, also see: Lumen per Watt, c d ; Luminous vs. Resolution: In plasma display, if panel is filled by N e and X e, gas pressure varies up to 40~90 k Pa, X e' s spatiotemporal behavior affects V UV band emission; L UT, Look Up Table; In 2005, 10 bit programmable L UT available by NEC;

LCD Temperature Control; Remark: 23x23 dimensional;

LED A s t r o vision vs. Others

LED A s t r o vision Others
10m x 10m in dimension, day time, open air LED A s t r o vision display, designed for arena, therefore the biggest display among others; Not by CRT, Not by Liquid crystal display, Not by Organic electroluminescence, not by Plasma display;

Displays' vision not clear in day time, under day light, open air environment ... ;

150° viewing angle, horizontal; >150° viewing angle, horizontal;
656 ft, readable distance; >10 ft, readable distance; by 20/20 genuine human beings eyes; <656 ft, readable distance; <10 ft, readable distance; by 20/20 genuine human beings' eyes;
1296 L E D s as a unit, in 16:9 wide screen format; Resolution 1080 in 16:9 wide screen format;
A grid of R ,G , and B diodes, 8mm interval, layered;  
because of LED, viewable in day time where direct sunlight exists; Sunlight viewable display is Panasonic's usage [also see: Tough Book]; Cannot be viewable if direct sunlight exists;
Brightness 5000 candelas per square meter; In 2008, brightness 1600 c d / m2, the brightest P D P;
Operating at 1.6 kHz;  
Switch-able viewing angle, prototype not available yet; Switch-able viewing angle, at 1 time, 3+ viewers can tune 3 diff channels from 3 diff location, prototype already available by Sharp;
World's largest 25 LED A s t r o vision displays are designed and built by Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, which can deliver information in 4000 sq. ft.  
World's largest, "day time, open air, viewable even direct sunlight", inside 2008 Beijing Olympics' arena; In 2008, the largest LCD can be 108 inches diagonal;
In 2008, the largest P D P Plasma Display Panel can be 150 inches diagonal;
  If display < 23 sq. ft., and then LCD, P D P, ... are effective and better because LED displays require R G B diodes to be mounted;
... ...

Memory and Storage; main menu ; [also see: 2004 Liquid Video E17LCD2 40W 100~240V 50/60Hz 0.6A 17" display]; auto adjust a.k.a. automatic adjustment ; brightness ; color temperature ; ( 6500K, 7200K, 9300K, sRGB, user defined, ... ); contrast ; exit ; LCD adjustment LCD ; ( clock, h. position , phase, v. position , ... ); language ; other setup   ( mode message, h. position, reset; sharpness ; timeout ; WHEN timer is in function, transparency, v. position, volume, ... ); return ; ; Medical Display Input ; Medical Imaging: M R I, Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Medical: Multi-slice ultrasound's display in multi-slice view [0.5mm ~ 5mm slice's think-ness], oblique view; Anatomy; Pathology; Meta table of display usage:


Helmet, military Monitor, (x, y) Oscilloscope display Panel Readout, by printer ...



... ... ... ... ... ...


bandwidth Hz, dB;     y y       DC -7dB; IFF video bandwidth MHz = 100;
channels number;     y y        
character line number;       y y y y    
characters number;       y y y y    
character size H, inch;       y y y y    
color number; y y     y y y y    
contrast ratio number; y y     y y y y    
gain accuracy %;     y y        
linearity %;   y y         3; 2;
luminance c d / m2; y y y y   y y y y   Green luminance; Red luminance;
matrix Column x Row; y y     y y y y    
matrix element inch; y y     y y y y    
phosphor   y y y y       P-31; R G B;
pitch a.k.a. spot size mm;   y y         0.23;
resolution TV lines; y y       y y    
response time characters / sec;       y y y y    
rise time ns;     y y       0.10 bandwidth-1
sensitivity mV per division;   y y          
speed inch/sec; y y       y y   Including memory requirement in MB, processor requirement in MHz, Simple Analog OR Multiple terminal, ... ;
sweep accuracy %;     y y        
sweep resolution ps;     y y        
switch-able viewing       y y     switch-able viewing angle makes 1 panel to N channels with N viewers;

1-N-N relationship;

21st century's one of the products, prototype already available;

vertical resolution %;     y y        
vertical sensitivity mV;     y y       mV per division
viewing area H x W; y y     y y y y    

;   Monitor ; Monitor symbols:  Auto adjustment ; Brightness ; Contrast ; Monitor central inward/outward; Monitor on/off; Monitor on/off; Monitor speaker volume adjustment and option selector; Relativity alike distance oriented visual adjustment;  X axis oriented Italic; X axis oriented outward scaling; X axis oriented skew scaling; X axis screen's location adjustment; X axis screen's size adjustment; Y axis screen location adjustment; Y axis screen size adjustment; ... 。

NEC display, www.necdisplay.com; WHERE true reduce design [ lookup table has been reduced to 10bit, in 2000s, to test also see: Application display-layer, OS wallpaper display-layer, ... ] 2+ layers of LCD displays, all layers have been SYNC < 5ms, ... ; nits, a measurement of brightness by Samsung's O LED; i.e. max. 600 nits in 40" O LED, in 2005; X mi t t e r LED; N u c l e o-synthesis light elements: formation of deuterium, helium, hydrogen, lithium, ... ; Number per line, Triads; 3000~9000 / line at CRT output, or FP D output; NTSC system。

Operating Temperature; In 2006, NEC's ST-N LT LCD can be operated between -10 ºC and +70 ºC while its ambient lighting adds 50% more brightness; OS M;

Optical Display vs. T F T-LCD

Optical "new product name later" TFT LCD
  In 2005, NEC starts mass production of amorphous silicon T F T LCD; 
No phosphor coated screen Liquid crystal AND transistors;
Till 2004, not layered yet In 2004, several layers already exist;
Beyond this DOMAIN 's knowledge: the most challenging in display is how to gain the knowledge of electron collisions with layers in nm spectrums, and graphics buffers will no longer be based on R G B;  
  NEC MITSUBISHI 's product specific LCD monitors' hardware functions are controllable by Na Vi Set O S M software; Also see: Interfaces;
Optics in display becomes scan-able ...  NEC: p- S i T F T fabrication is more expensive than a- S i T F T fabrication; S O G T F T LCD, a new scanning technology - bypassing L S I (s), P C B (s), T C P (s), ... ;  
  SANYO ((a-Si T F T), (LT p- S i T F T (Normal) (Reflective) (Trans f l e c t i v e)) ), ... 
Variable Aspect Ratio ? Variable Aspect Ratio ?
... ...

108mm AND Satellite _DNS _Domain: Stage by stage OR Step by step; IFF Testing, Satellite _DNS _Domain ... ;

O LED Display vs. others

O LED;  
O LED Others
2.14 mm thinness, in 2004; SONY .net; >2.14mm thinness, in 2004
Contrast ratio = 1000:1 in darkness Standard LCD is 100:1 in darkness
Environmental friendly Less environmental friendlier than O LED
In 2004, entertainment-display In 2004, computing-display and entertainment-display
Independent self luminous; No back light; Back-lighting requires; In 2004, Back light is required even in the SONY world's first L u x e o n LED backlighting for LCD TV, www.ceatec.com
Organic, and full color Not organic, and full color
Slimmer than LCD Thicker than O LED
Viewing angle approximately 180˙ vertical and 180˙ horizontal LCD viewing angle approximately 130˙ vertical and 125˙ horizontal
Wide viewing angle Wide viewing angle
  O EL, Organic Electroluminescent display, www.jvc.com; Mobile "car-audio" devices' display;
Variable Aspect Ratio ? Variable Aspect Ratio ?
... ...

1080 = 10 * 108; 1080p, 1080P; 10 is (2*5) dimension, a.k.a. Up JUN (3 kinds of JUN are up Jun (i.e. 10), mid Jun (i.e. 20), down Jun (i.e. 30)); 108, also see: 108 configuration; P represents pixel; Therefore, since 1080P (approx. since 2000s), pixel has become in 10 dimension (a.k.a. higher dimensions) also see: NUT; Quantum Correction: to understand basically e.g. electron can be emitted IFF its energy level is changed from higher level to lower level (because of semiconductor tech (think that semiconductor behaves faucet alike to yoke (donut alike; ring alike) and the yoke emits electron onto screen, as a result P was 180°), it was possible e.g. via power supply), and then screen was made of phosphor (because phosphor emits light photon WHEN it perceives electron) a.k.a. CRT; Since constellation (constellation is a very very big planet, approx. 30 K times bigger than our earth, and our earth is one of the moons, and this info must be scientifically confirmed & proved but when will be is unknown?) and human beings have been 1 way DEE and BF2 (also see: C Sequence Number), notice that P had been 180°, notice that one and only the sun is the biggest gravity spot, notice that one only the sun is momentum, ... ; In Eastern Civilization, whenever transmitting metta, 10 directions has been for thousands of years; In order to do Quantum Correction, higher dimensions (e.g. 10 dimensions) is applied; Therefore, 1080 was the 1st Quantum Correction in 21st century, and since 1080, pixel can be in 360° naturally; Because of 10 = 2 * 5; Think that 1 line can be defined by 5, therefore, 2 lines are BASIC essential in 10 dimension; Concerning surface (beyond lines), all kinds of surface are between ka and ya; using gravity pressure, lines can be bent (warped) therefore surface also can be bent (warped); IFF Gravity Dimension Computer ( surface) , near future's roll able computers, near future's project able computers, ... ; Remark: to gain higher gravity (better precision to line, to surface, ... ) naturally, roll able computer factory should be built on the Constellation planet by using remote robotic control; Basic understanding of HOW superstrings as 2 lines on a surface, 1st to understand vertical line in the mid of character 8 where left and right of character 8 is defined by pressure to prompt vertical line by heat sensing, and then 2nd to understand those lines can be distributed into Z, and then ... ;




































OEL Display vs. others

O EL Others
In 2008, Mitsubishi starts building manufacturing plant in Japan; [NHK news; 2008 May 28] ...
In 2010, O EL panels will be available in market ... ; ...
Lesser electricity consumption than any other previously manufactured displays Later no need electricity, because of the new energies; Old era and electrical glows, too much noise and cost to flow; Once new energies deployable, just electro throw-able ... ;
A proof of "cell can be stimulated by light", very high tech, because a combination of medical biometric engineering and optical electronic engineering ... ; Cells can also be cloned; Light can also be engineered;
... ...

55 Projector Display 108D;

- Gravity Spot (6) And Then, Multiplier to the (6);
- 4 iro LED straps, i.e. "roll-able" flexible material;
- longer the iro LED strap, bigger the Display is;
- (Multi-, Multiple) directional gravity spots at the "Black Color" area (holes);
- one of the (Invisibility Engineering) Products;
- physical material (Aqua Color . Silver Color) As Surrounding;
- similar to Memristor Method (strings are from 4 iro LED straps);
- WORMHOLE Way Method;
- WORMHOLE Way (project, Projector) Method . the strings;
- ZCS at the "Black Color" area (holes) and no physical material at the surrounded area (i.e. 108D airborne);

Remark: designed & engineered by unknown ones; 108D airborne, using (2 of 5 (Aqua, Cyan) with 2 (Silver)), "L" look alike by 4 (corners, edges), as strings (gravity spots) toward center (Black ZCS), via wormhole way, beyond 3D (memristor), 4D, ... , and this product can be roll-able e.g. (2 of 5 (Aqua, Cyan) with 2 (Silver)), "L" look alike can be roll-able, so called 55 Projector Display, used inside of this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts, also on many human beings livable moons; approx. 34+ years to develop "55 Projector Display 108D" As airborne ones, e.g. from electron gun based CRT to Flat Panel, then from TFT (Flat Panel) to iro LED;  

Phosphorescence had been used since monochrome-monitor era to CRT-monitor era [Adjustments of phosphor-density inside pixel AND particle-intensity provided colorful graphics monitors]. After year 2000, displays have been replaced by LCD and O LED, because inside CRT, yoke "donut shape alike metal/magnetic device" WHERE electrons are projected via vacuum and dark environment toward screen WHERE pixels are, to do so high energy consumption was needed; Those projected electrons can be designed by adjusting the yoke's electromagnetic flux "by adjusting frequency" so that from left to right, and from up to down, so called raster' rendering by line by line at certain frequency where the certain frequency must be >20Hz, because if <20Hz human beings can identify/see as each entity object, because above 20Hz human beings perceive as a whole vision [you do not want to watch TV, by identifying seeing each entity object <20Hz, because you do not want to watch by frame by frame "static vision a.k.a. picture alike" ]; because inside LCD, O LED, ... flat panel (s), cells can be stimulated by light, instead of using old tech yoke, node [basically, 2 nodes for single band, 4 nodes for dual band, ... think that node produces stick] and the light can also be engineered from solar power, so that very very low energy consumption is needed;

IFF (        
  no signal ) display adapter s ,
e.g. generic non - P n P monitor ;
e.g. generic PnP monitor ; Also see : Bus Connector and Port ;

(PAL system (PAL-M) (PAL-N) ); PD P, Plasma Display Panel [www .hitachi .com/News/c news/050325.pdf]; Photometric brightness, a term; Pixel; Pixel is not airborne display usage; Because, in an air-borne display environment, a phosphor [a light emitting dot] is no longer a solution; Do not confuse among display's pixel, C CD's capture pixel, Printer's resolution pixel, Scanner's capture pixel, ... ; Plasma ; basically since 1980s, in Union of Myanmar, 5 particles are known to be inside of, exist as it is as of, usage is prior to LASER; However, after year 2000, after 2,3 dimensional vectors are realized, and after noticing JUN time has been 2*5, and after noticing lunar time has been 2*7, WHEN analyzing 5, (2 and 3) should be ... therefore WHEN 2 particles are on, 3 should be off, on the other hand, WHEN 3 particles are on, 2 should be off ... ; also see: pl as m on; Plasma Display; P LD, Paper-like Display; Canon [ http://www.canon.com/technology/future/06.html ], in 2005; P LD derives from EP D, Electro p h o r e tic Display; Polar radar display; Power Consumption; Power Management; Presenter a.k.a. Laser Pointer; R F 2.4GHz; USB receiver store in presenter; working with based PC with # USB port; also see: Toshiba Wireless Presenter with Laser Pointer, www.toshibadirect.com; printing ... ; Projector; Projector Name (2009 Toshiba); Projector Function ( allow reading dialogue a.k.a. Audio In; - allow reading text a.k.a. std i o 101 Keyboard; - crisp and bright display (2500 ANSI Lumens); - crisp and bright display X G A resolution (1024x768); - Display resolution and high contrast ratio (2000:1); - document camera (3 Mega pixel), to display 3D objects; - extended lamp life (4000 hours); - Quality compatible display (HDTV/D TV); - Quality compatible player (DVD) OR television; - technology design (D LP); - USB Docking Station a.k.a. USB Docking Solution;); I F F 100, t p t s

              S D 1
            S D 2 ;
          S D 3 ;  
        S D 4 ;    
      S D 5 ;      
    S D 6 ;        

C T A♯; C T L♯; R T L♯; ... 。

Q VGA, Quarter Video Graphics Array, a part of NEC's ST N LT。

Radio Frequency Display, WHEN IC chip does its defined functionalities, hardware defines nodes' transmission a.k.a. R F ID alike; The frequency can also be displayed as number via LED or O EL displays ... ; Raster, number lines horizontally, a.k.a. X _lines, 2D visual interpretation; IF in 3D, 4D, must understand time 1st, and then vector 2nd, and then electro-magnetic theory with gravitational momentum, and then dark energy ratio at room temperature [sea-level engineering], and then color lookup table for R G B, and then FP D, ... ; Resolution ; for example, resolution: 640x480, resolution: 800x600, resolution: 1024x768, ... ; RGB   R G B, Red Green Blue ; in ACT1, electron gun a.k.a. yoke, adjustment of its intensity diff wavelength in nm vary as R G B; concerning light, WHEN refraction occurs, inside spectrum, red, green, and blue in nm can be measured by spectrometer; ACT1 natural green light is available in northern sky only; in ACT2, red a.k.a. 1st crack of our universe before noise ... can only be measured from satellite ... ; in ACT2, green a.k.a. other side of sun along with natural gravity stripes ... can only be measured from hyper dimensional craft ... ; a.k.a. other side light; in ACT2, blue a.k.a. day time of our earth ... WHERE numbers are 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, ... 108, ... ; also see: World's 1st Earth-rise and Earth-set images, via J A X A 's KA GU YA; concerning ACT2 natural blue in 5W1H approach, no moon day should be considered [ 4 should be almost rectangle, NOT in tangent ... ] ... ; in ACT3, there is no R G B yet, but gray scale simulation is the latest space technology ... WHERE 5 columns ... and notice that left gray scale and right gray scale [ a.k.a. ACT3 retrospective 5 columns ... ] are not the same ... ; For novice IT kids: define the following raster WHERE color = {hex, hex, hex} images:           in human-visual-vision-perceivable possible E M-spectrum at 60 · s-1; For advance optical computing engineer only: Basically, aspect ratio depends on viewer's location, visible objects' location, and constraint of the aspect ratio's subject. In addition, calculate and define variable-aspect-ratio vertically and horizontally along with viewer's location/viewing distance;

Assume that the following pictures present airborne-display's EM tangents to each airborne-cells in 2D, 3D: For each layer, calculate the holes, amount of electrons quantity flow, anti-particle's location, and ... ; But airborne-display is beyond this DOMAIN 's knowledge;

in 2D;   in 3D;

i.e. This is non-airborne | | | | ...   and notice that black color should be in foreground instead of background [according to E M spectrum], however if black color is in foreground, longer wavelengths can no longer in visible; Thus, black color must be ... ;

Gene Therapy System;

2010 OR 2554; SONY 's World 1st roll-able O T F T-driven O LED display:

http : / / www . sony . net /
Sony Info New s / Press / / ♯♯
- ♯♯♯E / index . 8243  Г      
Roll able O T F T - driven O LED Display a.k.a. Organic T F T
Image signal s ♯♯♯   ♯♯♯   R G B a.k.a. F W Q VGA
p e r i - 15 285 no 15 285 n e ( P
) organic semi conductor material 15 integrate d gate drive
circuit 26 roll up OR roll down direction  Г
Specification 66 285 roll able O T F T - driven O LED display
number 66 pixels : ♯♯♯ ♯♯♯ R G B pixels
resolution : ♯♯♯ p p i ( pixels 759 9538 )  
size 66 pixel : ♯♯♯ µm ♯♯♯ µm
peak luminance : > ♯♯♯ c d / m♯    
number 66 color s : ♯♯ , ♯♯♯ , ♯♯♯
contrast ratio : > ♯♯♯♯ :      
size 66 panel : . 9538 wide
minimum bending radius : mm        
driving scheme : ♯T - ♯C voltage programming 5928 O T F T s
thickness 66 panel : ♯♯ µm    Г  

S-video; SA S F T, Super Advanced, Super Fine T F T, NEC's technology; screen, also see: screen save; SD [Standard Definition]; Semantic Zoom; Shade ratio; SID, also see: OS level ID; Situation display: HS S, Horizontal situation display; V SD, Vertical situation display; Air force fighter navigational display systems; HS S and V SD are also known as head down display; SONY display, 3+ display layers might exist such as Application layer, OS wallpaper layer, Text layer, ... ; Also see: NEC display; SR N LT, Super Reflective Natural Light T F T, NEC's LCD; ST N LT, Super Trans missive Natural Light T F T, NEC's LCD; Ste radian; Sunlight viewable display, Panasonic's usage, also see: LED; Switch able viewing angle L C D s;                     

ten eighty, a.k.a. 1080; e.g.

( 1080, 1080, 1080, 1080) ... ;

I've a quiz now i.e. WHAT does ( 1080, 1080, 1080, 1080) resolution means to you?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! the ( 1080, 1080, 1080, 1080) resolution has been with both CRT computing, and ( ZCS, ZCS, ZCS) computing sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course;

Gene Therapy System;

3D flat panel display with eye-glasses OR 3D flat panel display without eye-glasses; 3D flat panel display OEMs are Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, ... ; in C E A T E C JAPAN 2010, Toshiba's The R e g z a GL1, 3D TV Viewable without Special Glasses; quality 3D images;

3D image: vision through eyeglasses [plastic film layer was red in 1980s; later products in 2000s are green; for adjusting human beings' "within visible rate" with "within visible spectrum"]; without using eye-glasses, 3D vision is also possible, but still in research and development stage ... ; e.g. 2010 avatar movie, by 3D film technology; gravity camera recorder, beyond C CD technology ... ; 1st to understand HOW light can be captured by DEE; I F F computer graphic, each line via LCD, by transistors in linear with positive vs. negative ... ; I F F eyes, by using glasses, lens, scopes, ... ; 2nd to understand WHICH spectrum [very fast, approx. 50+ G] via "light rate"; e.g. THIS eye-glasses .GIF looks red is down, green is up, but they are drawn the same; WHICH begins basic understanding of 3D active vs. passive; IFF highlight THIS paragraph, so negative prompts teal is down, purple is up; 3rd to understand sound beam alike projection ... ; WHERE ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE can be further R&D ... , for example, WHILE mounting device e.g. liquid packages inside plastic thin film as passive, WHICH DEE as line in active [DEE as line in active a.k.a. refreshing rate], for example, WHILE passive polarizing i.e. basically, RED and/or GREEN filtering, WHICH projection should be active ... ; for example, WHICH layer of mounting device i.e. text layer, action layer, background layer, ... WHILE DEE as line in active, also see: cell path ... ;

3D LCD Display, electro-holography system + LCD [3840 x 2048 resolution with 10 micron pixel pitch], www.nhk.or.jp/strl/publica/rd/rd93/rd93.html, 2005; I F F (I C C), also see: 431265.icc (i.e. attribute (+A +H) file name (431265) file type (I C C) folder (Desktop\system); To install its profile, 1st to unhide the file e.g. c:\Desktop>attrib -h *. i c c /s ; 2nd, using explorer, right click on the I C C Profile file (e.g. \\Desktop\システム\431265.icc) and then, click on Install Profile ... ; 3 surfaces, 1st to understand Time Ticks, 24mm Natural Time Clock, inside Exe .h t m; 2nd to understand WORMHOLE, Heavenly Wheel Topology, ... ; 3rd to understand 3D displays on 3 surfaces at the same time, using the time line e.g. 24mm Natural Time;  Technology vs. Display: projection negative film, CRT, projection VCR, projection video, amplitude modulated LCD, pulse modulated LCD, plasma panel, EL, projection specific light, sunlight viewable LED, switch-able viewing angle panel, ... [ usage such as: carrying, emitting, projecting, ... may diff depending on bio-bacterial, chemical substance, gas, gravity [ inside 2,3 dimensional, spectrum might be variable, depending on its hyper dimensional vectors ...], liquid, ...  ]; In 2008, 2 AA battery-powered LED lighting candles at a Buddha shrine NOT ONLY emitting light BUT ALSO carrying scent [ good odor / good perfume / good smell / ... ] already plasma cluster ... therefore, in the near future, display will be NOT ONLY video = audio + vision  BUT ALSO sensation of audio + video + scent [ also see: Universal Studio, WHERE sensation of audio + 3D video + motion i.e. seating + ... ]... ; Plasma cluster display should be developed ... , also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement; pl a s m on; T F T LCD: In 1996, 3 combined T F T LCD, developed by Sharp in 1996; In 2005, world's largest T F T LCD manufacturing is in Tangjeong; Samsung uses 7G display glass substrates [1870mm x 2200 mm]; Also see: While measuring T F T, conducting prompts resistivity; Tilt / Swivel; Touch screen support, Windows 7's one of the new features [remark: NOT in XP; NOT in Vista]; - due to "lower energy light", DEE lines are not screen full, therefore, screen's refresh module must be implemented with "automatic time" [remark: DEE lines can be visible, I F F c/s become lower to human being's visible rate ... ]; - touch screen behaves like a toggle switch if compare to a mouse; touch screen can be developed and enhanced to be fully functional mouse alike, WHICH means its I/O must be functional with std i o WHICH means IDE standard keyboard I/O; - like a cell-path [also see: Excel's index], adjustable % a.k.a. zoom in, zoom out, ... , WHICH prompts zoom in WHEN 2 fingers ACTION out-ward; WHICH prompts zoom out WHEN 2 fingers ACTION in-ward; - IFF touch screen is x386 compatible, buttons may become functional not only via 88...88 USB [all-in-one approach], but also dual layer PC I x bus, but also IDE old style bus [WHICH refreshes keyboard 1st, and then mouse 2nd, ... ]; - touch screen support might be 1st step to wearable computer in 21st century; - touch screen a.k.a. touchpad; Trans missive liquid crystal display, in 2009, SONY NV-U84's display monitor system 816x480, and automatically switch moonlight display OR sunlight display; T T L Sync; TV ((HDTV (Interlaced scan) (Progressive scan)) (SD TV (Interlaced scan)) (...)); TV; Television; artificial intelligence (Electricity Power Plug) for each TV; multi; layer; level

this phone number ... ; e.g.

(this phone number is monitored, this phone number is not monitored) ... ; Also see: Display; PHONE;

UNIX and MS-DOS are in common, regarding FTP virtual directories ... ;

u n i x            
m s - d o s        
            are available byte s
, with OR with out four - digit
  year s ;            
so called          
    F T P ( directory , a.k.a. folder
, directories , a.k.a. folders ) ; virtual directories ...

Also see: Display; 7mComputer; 5uComputer;

If "u" is symbolized, it is similar to round; "round" is higher tech than "flat"; Also see: surface。 

Vertical Synchronization; VCR system; VF D, Vacuum Fluorescent Display; (VHS system (VHS) (D-VHS)); VGA Splitter/Extender; Video In: _ I F F Video In, Ć O Ć O Ć O♯O Ć O Ć O Ć O Ć O Ć O; Video Out: _ IFF Video Out, Ć O Ć O Ć O Ć O Ć O♯O Ć O Ć O Ć O; Viewing Angle; In 2006, 3 diff viewing angle display prototype is available such as 3 persons can view 1 display's 3 different viewing angles AND 3 different channels at the same time, also see: Sharp's switchable viewing angle LCDs; For advanced designers/engineers/... only, in common 60Hz is good enough for 1D whole vision display i.e. CRT, if someone can do multiplexing of light as sticks [think that those directional sticks become projected electrons from yoke alike, in old era approx. 23+ years old], and then switch-able viewing angle can be engineered, for example: 60Hz for left side, 80Hz at front, 110Hz for right side, and also notice that ACT2 stage 2,3 dimensional concept can also be applied ... ; Remark: hand on, in depth, practical multiplexing can be learned in Singapore's poly tech universities, undergrad engineering level, [because boards/components/devices/... are affordable and available] so that not only multiplexing, but also channels can be understood thoroughly ... , however the most advance multiplexing lights to be viewed in 3 diff viewing angles is do it yourself nowadays, to do so 1st to understand dual band node [for basic understanding, also see: dual band transmitter, and notice that instead of 4, someone can do 3 ... ], ... 。

W D E, Wireless Display Extension;

Weight; Warranty; Wavelength, a.k.a. Ǻ, a.k.a. lam d a λ, a.k.a. nm; Widescreen mode; Wireless Antenna: this DOMAIN 's 108mm DEE numerological hyper dimensional testing background images are 2008_Myanmar_MonState_KyaikhtiyoPagoda; 2008_Myanmar_ShanState_PhaungDawOoPagoda; ... ; for ACT3 stage 7,10,7 a.k.a. ,, a.k.a. parallel time 10,7,10 a.k.a. ,, testing ..., and this DOMAIN still cannot prove scientifically yet WHY 31 planes

e.g. time lines as x, levels as y, layers as z。

e.g. time lines as x, levels as y, layers as z。

e.g. time lines as x, levels as y, layers as z。
