舰㠂आ蘪虈෷܁ꀂʂ〩ʂȥā1ରआ蘪虈෷܁ꀁʂ 」ʂ〉 Ƃꁶȃ ȁဂꛑё栻꼍Ꝍ軐퓱ꅹरԆหȃԝㄘ〖ؔ唃ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひᜠ」〹ㄲ㄰㐷〱娲༘ㄲ㤰㄰㜱㜱ㄴ㈰ずㄘ〖ؔ唃̄ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひ龁ര आ蘪虈෷āԁ̀趁要脂沥ꀟ☟贊囇囬乿넵髇쯶㨃麙蛸蔜솙踠㰳㾡⊦潎쯮O밍ギ怆啸푍黟䔂揀䋉織녙ꦂ䨘氶��띍謄ᅍ埭ꅭ擺혛��臨缸᠏��偏熂ഥ䂮♯紏ࡷ袝ᔢⓄ姠攜֣̂ꌁずじؕ唃┝คర ਆ ث Ё舁਷Ѓ㐰ᵕБꀫة⬊Ć Ą㞂Ȕꀃఛ䄙浤湩獩牴瑡牯啀䅓奍乁䅍R र ̆ᵕГ; ̎ᴂ 脃ꊉ煌듼ﺎ⟲捦胎ᶧ쀘䵯䪠ꮱ㵸㑠钨㖃須춹ꄆꥉ諓㽑䀰˅ꜭ貕賄㔲㿄旐츧䠔ɟ큻์癸뽣娜릫惧뼤宬桦㷒ʐ㮉섮祑ȝ㬢椖娘ᖅϩ왱㉷Ȣ⹴1 


; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 15th (Saturday) : Satellite ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 15 : 2 : 2025 : Time . Space . Satellite : Approx. ???space-names available to read;

                              S Q R T 3      
                                  S Q R T 2  

Remark: 5 time lines (99mm, 71mm, 66mm, 33mm, 15mm); Water Clock background at the top;  Yellow goes through, between Silver and Navy Blue; for 2025 and beyond ... ; design model e.g. Water Clock design model at the top, And Then, SQRT3 should be above SQRT2; above table's border (edge) are (size 5, color {11,11,11}) and that's IT; IT is worth more than trillions of US Dollar;

I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, i.e. WHICH area should be "from bottom to the top" so Server's (bit, byte) instructions can be seen?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! in the Navy Blue color filled area sir;

I wrote: Yes. Correct. Use IT, don't abuse it. Water Clock, Water OH+ OH+ Distance design model is one of the military top secrets, so beyond this point, cannot explain anymore, because our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think; Explicit (33mm, 71mm) Distance, for our earth only; 71mm, created on 02/15/2025, 11:15AM, i.e. in addition to this DOMAIN 's 17 time lines since 2000s, so since 02/15/2025, this DOMAIN has been R&D with 18 time lines, and I Ace Jaw respects OEM with their civil rights, copyrights, intellectual properties, patents,  space Info, trademarks, ... ; Water Elevator Method's directional of water may vary among human beings livable moons in our universes, should I write another PHYSICS law, regarding Water Elevator (directions) ... ?

Remark: in common, Yellow Color (Flat Panel Screen, Flat Panel TV, ZCS) should be diagonal; TRUE OEM architects, designers, and engineers can have a "free smile" to "Tarzan" because diagonally becomes vertically in a "Tarzan" 's design model;

well trained kids!! replied: keep IT for yourself sir; ware ware We need secrets e.g. intellectual properties as secret, Satellite Server as secret, Water Elevator as secret, ... ;

( nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity, nearness in space, time, or relationship i.e. kinsetsusei Proximity), also see: Location Awareness Response; p Character; Satellite; Time;

( , , ) i.e. Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER*, also see: Physics Law 678; "this DOMAIN 's contents are (ready, beings readiness) for Space War in our earth" ... ; ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War ;

if you like to challenge, then start with Anti-Earthquake (worldwide, i.e. our earth only) designing, modeling, programming, ... ;
if you like to challenge, then start with Nanobot Programming, to demolish millions of oncological gene patterns ... ;

    DEE , Dark Energy Engineering :  
    dark - gray ; Radical249 ;  
    golden - yellow ; Radical200 ;  
    green - blue ; Radical206 ;  
    innocence - white ; Radical135 ;  
    maroon - red ; Radical188 ;  

unmanned aerial vehicle ...

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . INDEX .X HTML ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . Unmanned Aerial Vehicle .S HTML ;

( dark-gray Satellite, golden-yellow Satellite, green-blue Satellite, innocence-white Satellite, maroon-red Satellite, ... ), also see: kadosei Mobility; Network Topology; Satellite; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Wireless;

Remark: world's 1st "a Tarzan" Rakhine American's imaginary hyper space crafts (e.g. u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... , designed, engineered, modeled, ... by DEE, Dark Enginery Engineering, i.e. the most advance, advanced, the highest technology, up-to-date worldwide, ... , and beyond SPL Pattern (s) e.g. Origin of Sound; this DOMAIN 's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is designed & modeled for avoiding bad weather conditions worldwide ... ;

777X, also see: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;

Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser1, Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser2, Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser3, Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser4, Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser5, also see: m Manmade Global Weather;

this DOMAIN 's way of understanding Time . Space Remark

... .

Antenna; From low gain DB I to high gain dB i doko WHERE high gain for long distance, and then, low gain for short distance; WHICH type of antenna
light e.g. Artificial light, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace craft's gray scale simulation, parallel time adjustment, ... ; ACT2 stage engineering technology; Undocumented in Western language; Combustion is NOT a solution in ACT2 stage;
Asteroid Pusher; 23x34, 782. 00 00000 ... ; push characteristic of water;


this DOMAIN 's hyper imaginary space craft;

using artificial intelligence (directional gravity) directional cell path control (Universal Positioning System) to push away asteroid if its orbit is abnormal 2,3 dimensional planet's location, using asteroid pusher ( 23x34) ... ;

artificial intelligence (asteroid pusher) IFF its orbit is abnormal Earth bound location, push the asteroid outbound direction of the Earth ... ; 

Asteroid Puller; 34x23, 782. 000 0000 ... ; pull characteristic of water; this DOMAIN 's hyper imaginary space craft;

using artificial intelligence (directional gravity) directional cell path control (Universal Positioning System) to pull back asteroid if its orbit is abnormal 2,3 dimensional planet's location, using asteroid puller ( 34x23) ... ;

artificial intelligence (asteroid puller) IFF its orbit is abnormal Earth bound location, pull the asteroid outbound direction of the Earth ... ; 

Atomic Radio Antenna;

Clock; Synchronization;

 (refresh, refreshing) Cloud ... ;

multi gravity spots ( dots) on 1 surface, WHILE elevating ... ; dimensional and directional (multi gravity spots (dots) must be on one after another) i.e. elevating ... ;

AI, Artificial Intelligence ( elevate) e.g. not too fast at the beginning, e.g. balance left and right, e.g. AI stability, e.g. synchronization, ... ;

Engine; Also see: Pressure Machine, a.k.a. P M E; Non sea level product; Non Earth based; Also known as Pressure Machine (P M E); Particle number must be known first before developing engine; Engine is more likely to be used by either orbiter or explorer; Find the differences between rocket/booster vs. engine; 
Explorer Launch either from orbiter machine, or space station;; Multiple orbits configuration; Go to, stop at, come back functional and movable; [Pressure machine engine, and heterodyne index, and non sea level]; 

Global Storm Tracker;

Also see : GPS; Manmade Global Weather; Weather
GPS; using this DOMAIN 's reduce design SQRT2 only;

SATELLITE DNS system a.k.a. satellite . this DOMAIN . net;

Hammer Antenna; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Distance; Wireless Antenna;
Ion Engine;

1st to understand umbrella (surface vs. doko WHERE energy flows 1 way like stick); 2nd to understand Solar Sail; and then design and develop Ion Engine;

IFF this DOMAIN (ion engine) using to adjust time lines with surfaces i.e. ((2*5) X, (2*6) Y, (2*7) Z) = 17 in our universe as objects ... ; Universal Positioning System ( UPS) ... ; Flow of ions ... ;
Orbiter Launch either from space station, or from the earth; Multiple planet orbits configuration; Go to and come back functional and movable; [Heterodyne index, and non sea level]; 
Ground Station Telecommunication brunch or center; Transceivers [Non heterodyne index, and sea level] are commonly used;
Hyper dimensional craft a.k.a. gravitational space craft this DOMAIN 's hyper imaginary space craft; Use of P M E in 2,3 dimensional vector, retrospective 5 columns gray scaled parallel time synchronization, ... ; 
I K A R O S, from 2,3 dimensional to 3,4 dimensional; outward of Solar system; World's 1st solar cell space crafts, by J A X A, in 21st century; 
I K A R O S, from 3,4 dimensional to 2,3 dimensional; inward to Solar system; artificial intelligence ( teleportation) ... ; 
multi gravity spots ( dots) on 1 surface, WHILE landing ... ; dimensional and directional (multi gravity spots (dots) must be off one after another) i.e. landing ... ;

AI, Artificial Intelligence (landing) e.g. distance in cm (centimeter) with speed in cm per half second, AI stability, ... ;

Moon Station; On September 14, 2007; NHK news; K A G U Y A; 
P M E, Pressure Machine Engine, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace craft in ACT3 distance ...


ACT2 stage engineering technology; Because, in ACT2 and in ACT3 stage space momentum, movement & velocitycombustion is not a solution; liquid fuel is not a solution; Solution is HOW to elevate, using DEE from 1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, ... i.e. gravity dimension lifting, gravity dimension (elevating, landing) ... , to heavy weight ... ;

Satellite (water based e.g. 500mL water 's lighting)

launched from human beings livable moons in our universes; with yellowish variations (millimeter, mm) DEF, using directional gravity spots; a part of lighting our universes project; solar sails to be SYNC;

Satellite Launch from the Earth into earth's orbit; Once in an orbit, staple and functional ; 
Solar Sail;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 185, Solar Sail; e.g. HOW to map all ... ;

Powered by solar, also see: automotive; No nuclear fission; No rocket fuel; functional (fold or unfold) ... ; By using Solar Sail only, approx. 8 years to reach stars ... ;  

1st to understand 4, WHEN 2 are consecutively one after another in orbit; Simultaneously, 3 to be a part of 108 configuration ... ;

2nd to understand WHY our location in universe has been stable for thousands of years with light vs. DEE;

3rd to understand HOW to apply gravity dimension to have 4 directional lights;

and then, SOLAR sail in our universes ... ; 

WHY Solar Sail has been written Highlight (yellow) with Font Color (green)? Well trained kids! , because, "yellow" as core can define E M, green color as strings on yellow zero curvature surface i.e. one of the highest technology method to collect energy in our universes, to proactive, to prosper, to sail, ... ;
Space Station e.g. I S S, International Space Station; Launch from the Earth into earth's orbit; Once in an orbit, staple and functional; Supply, resource, dock [i.e. jetty alike]; WHERE sea level to be scientifically documented and researched; 
Transportation and supply craft, e.g. Kibo; Can supply to I S S;


tsuki; Radical96,


also see: Radicals of our earth;

WHY Navy Blue as background inside of the cell?

Well trained kids! , because one of the human beings livable moons' night naturally prompts dark blue color;

WHY Aqua blue as background inside of the cell?

Well trained kids! , because our earth is one of the moons WHICH dwells because of DEE; Remember: 2 moons are on the same orbit (military top secret document e.g. Manmade Global Weather, e.g. Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, ... ), therefore, we human beings have many of very very unique 2 ... ;

moon wave Wireless Antenna;

2,3 dimensional Laser Pointer with Sound Beam; Also see: Satellite (our earth) ... ;


( Factorisation, Factorisation, Factorisation);
( Factorization, Factorization, Factorization);

IFF is solar system orbit, is 2,3 dimensional orbit ... ;

IFF is 2,3 dimensional orbit, is solar system orbit; a.k.a. ACT2 ... ; 2 directional shakya;

IFF (2 * 6) in 1 dimension, outward of (solar system orbit and 2,3 dimensional orbit) i.e. 3,4 dimensional orbit ... ; a.k.a. ACT3 ... ;

( sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation, sankakusokuryo Triangulation), also see: (( 3), ( Radical181), ( Radical451), ( Radical831)); Triangulation; Triangulation; Triangulation;

2023 August; Chandrayaan-3 Moon Lander, by India, successfully up-and-running functional space craft on our earth's moon ... ;

2566; August 4, 2022; South Korea . Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA . K P L O, Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter; successfully liftoff by using Space X falcon 9 rocket;

2566; June 22, 2022; South Korea . N a r o Space Center; 1st successful satellite launch, using KOREAN own N u r i rocket; 435 miles altitude satellite successfully liftoff;

2565; May 20, 2021; our earth, using 8 kinds of Satellite (Method, Technique) e.g. Cloud Keywords ( A OS, IS AM, SAL, SAR, S ART, S AS, SA U, SL F I) ... ;

2563; 2020; CITIZEN (Eco-Drive, SATELLITE WAVE GPS), ANTIMAG.4800, 921051658, F150-S117402, GN-4W-S ( 6G), ... , i.e. this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's Personal (band, Clock, GPS, Satellite, -time, Time, Wireless Antenna), ... ; Remark: if you're a web developer WHO needs (Satellite Band (hydrogen), Satellite Band (Nitrogen), Satellite Band (Oxygen)), this DOMAIN recommends CITIZEN (Eco-Drive, SATELLITE WAVE GPS) is a must to have e.g. IoT, NFC, ... ; Remark: if this DOMAIN installed, you should change your own number regarding anti magnetic space environment (our earth) e.g. ANTI M A G.????, ?????????, ????-???????, ??-??-? (?G), ... ;

Question: Satellite (water based e.g. 500mL water 's lighting) 500 m L water 's lighting, launched from human beings livable moons in our universes, with yellowish variations (millimeter, mm) DEF, using directional gravity spots, a part of lighting our universes project, and solar sails to be SYNC; HOW many km (kilometer distance) for each millimeter yellowish variation, and structural 500mL water 's formation ? light is somehow related to water ? WHICH UPS (Universal Positioning System) number prompts WHAT kind of gray scale with defined structural ? ; Does SPL (Sound Pressure Level) still obey Origin of Sound ?

this DOMAIN encourages Monbusho grant awarded developers ... ; Also see: Gravity Dimension Computer; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2; Network topology; PHYSICS; Space;

Agency, www.angkasa.gov.my, Malaysia; Also see: 6mComputer;

Agency, www.isro.gov.in, India; Also see: 1iComputer;

Agency, www.jaxa.jp, Nippon; Also see: 9jComputer;

Agency, www.nasa.gov;


ASEAN Cyber Security, designed and developed by Rakhine; 99mm time line as specified items level secured since 2013/2557;

Canada . Space . Satellite;


J A X A (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) 's 1st commercial H2A rocket launched (approx. 4+ hours of launching time period, 36000+ KM from our earth as geostationary orbit, to set T e l e s a t 's Satellite services) on November 24, 2015 / 2559, from T a n e g a s h i m a Space Center;

  F A S T FAST ,  
  Fast Aperture Spherical   Telescope ;      


C O B E, Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite [M i c h i o K a k u; Parallel Worlds; 2005]

... 36473259 with 3644154 ... ; 
...  computer 5928 command ... ; 


communication, e.g. A P P C, C C P, C M C, C S, P C S, V I C S, ... ;

Computer Science . h t m # Space; a Myanmar way of understanding ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ... ;


European Telecommunications Satellite Organization ( E U TEL SAT), www.eutelsat.com;


Gravity dimension Computer (HOW year (2568, 2025) design model solar panels are based on ZCS tech to (accumulate, collect, gather) energy into Power Bank, structural Battery), And Then, ( bunpu Distribution like Clock, Potential Diff ( v)), And Then, applying 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, And Then, defining variable DEE patterns ( WHEN lights (e.g. iroLED) exist, DEE also exist) ... ; Also see: approx variable DEE Patterns; Gravity Dimension Computer; ( cosmos, space, universe); 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American (e.g. this DOMAIN 's developer Ace Jaw) rather have more questions than answers, .  .  . , HOW, HOW, HOW, HOW,  .  .  .  ;


( G S M, G S M, G S M), Global System for Mobile;

IFF abnormal (plate OR surface) AI system REDUCES (quake OR tsunami) by WORMHOLE;

India . Chandrayann-3 Moon Lander, functional up-and-running in 2023 ... ;

India . I S R O, Indian Space Research Organization;

Indian Space Research Organization (I S R O), https://www.isro.gov.in

India . SAC, Space Application Centre;

Space Application Centre (SAC), http://www.sac.gov.in;

International Maritime Satellite Organization (O r g a n i s a t i o n) a.k.a. I N M A R S A T;

International Mobile Satellite Organization ( I M S O), www.imso.org;

I S S, International Space Station, also see: Domain, International Domains;

I S S, International Space Station is located 300+ Km above Earth;

Japanese system ( keyboard) using 106 / 109;  SERVER;

J C G, Japan Coast Guard; https://www.kaiho.mlit.go.jp (our earth, worldwide) ... ;

Korea; Also see: 1kComputer; 4kComputer;

Korea . N a r o Space Center;

KSLV-1 a.k.a. Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1, 100Kg; STSAT-2, Science and Technology Satellite-2; also see: www.korea.net;

Korea . satellite control center, Pyongyang, North Korea Space Agency;

2012/2556/12/12, Korea Central News Agency, www.kcna.kp, announced successful satellite launched; data communication; earth observation; vertical launch configuration, latest technology to avoid mobile surface screen, for avoiding interceptor missiles;

Korea . South Korea . N a r o Space Center;

2566; June 22, 2022; South Korea . N a r o Space Center; 1st successful satellite launch, using KOREAN own N u r i rocket; 435 miles altitude satellite successfully liftoff;

Local Authorities Satellite Communication (L A S COM);

I F F K D D I (www.kddi.com), also see: Local Authorities Satellite Communication Organization (L AS COM);

(Manmade Global Weather (Satellite _DNS _Domain (for each city))) ... ;

(multi time lines port) e.g. 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 24mm, ... ; for billions of devices;

Myanmar . S S ID, also see: this DOMAIN 's 3 S S ID;

Myanmar: Myanmar rather have more questions than answers ...;

nav i.e. navigation;

11/1/2018 /2562; NHK news; NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan) : ( M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i) GPS Satellites, globally ( 4) Satellites are peaceful & tranquil (function, functional, functioning) ... ;

Nippon . i Space; https://ispace-inc.com;

Nippon . AX EL SPACE . satellite; www.axelspace.com;


Nippon . Canon . micro satellites; http://canon.jp/;

in June, 2017 / 2561, Canon sent micro satellites into the space; NHK news;

WHAT is micro satellite sir ? well trained kids ! any space craft smaller than 1 cubic meter is called micro satellite, and IFF Solar Sail Method is structural designed to produce gravity spots, And Then, the micro satellite can be NOT ONLY static BUT ALSO dynamic;

Nippon . J AX A . A K A T S U K I;

December 9, 2015/2559 NHK news, A K A T S U K I becomes functional again;

2010/07/25 NHK news, A K A T S U K I is on the way to "Friday Planet" a.k.a. Venus; The planet with cloud, sea, surface temperature 480 °C, and wind; The closest planet to Earth; IFF compare to Earth, opposite orbital direction exists, therefore, the Sun from W to E; A K A T S U K I will research weather, ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . A K A R I a.k.a. AS T R O-F, high tech satellite;

a k a r i, infrared astronomical satellite, by deploying infrared, cold space can be studied ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . AS T R O-G, will launch in 2012;

as t r o-g, radio astronomical satellite, active galactic nuclei's images can be seen ... ;

AS T R O-H, the 6th X-ray astronomy satellite, 2014;

Nippon . J AX A . Earth Observation Center,

open-house available to public within limited time period, 1401 N u m a n o u e, O h a s h i, H a t o y a m a - m a c h i, H i k i - g u n, Saitama 350-0393; phone: +81-49-298-1200; 2009 Info: Earth observation class; Eco rally; Handmade rocket; Original key ring making; Regional products fairs; Selling space related goods; www . j a x a .jp / visit /h a t o y a m a / index _e .html;

Nippon . J AX A . Earth observation satellite;

Nippon . J AX A . Engineering test satellite [E T S number is already VIII];

Nippon . J AX A . Explorer;

Nippon . J AX A . Explorer . S E L E N E;

Nippon . J AX A . Geostationary satellite;

Geostationary satellite . Wideband Inter Networking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite [WINDS];

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . ADEOS-11;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . A J IS AI;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . AL OS;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . ETS-V111;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . GO SAT;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . LAGEOS-1,2;

Nippon . J AX A . GPS . L RE;

Nippon . J AX A . H A K U C H O a.k.a. C O R S A - B, since 1979;

Nippon . J AX A . H A Y A B U S A; H A Y A B U S A 2;

06/27/2018 /2562, NHK news: H a y a b u s a 2 reached (arrive at) its destination (asteroid R y u g u) and after collecting material samples, the H a y a b u s a 2 will be coming back to our earth; (3 %, 3 year);

December 4, 2015 / 2559, NHK news: H A Y A B U S A 2: swing by earth gravity; collecting asteroids' material samples;

2014/2558, December, H A Y A B U S A 2 has been successfully functional ... ; Using Ion Engine;

Also see: Water a.k.a. a.k.a. a.k.a. H2O;

2010/11/16 NHK news, approx. 20+ years old info available to public; world's 1st ACT2 space materials are available to public; H A Y A B U S A, asteroid explorer brought 1500+ particles from ACT2 space; by electron micro scoping, ACT2 space's materials can be further studied in 1mm/100;

H A Y A B U S A, powered by 4 xenon ion engines, ... ; Pg. 157 ~ 158, Ion and Plasma Engines, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008;

H A Y A B U S A will provide HOW B L I automatic adjustment can be done, and then we human beings will be migrating to another planets (i.e. moons) ... 21st century, and beyond;

Nippon . J AX A . H I N O D E a.k.a. SOLAR-B, high tech satellite;

h i n o d e, a.k.a. solar physics satellite, so the Sun can be studied ... ;

this DOMAIN 's imaginary: also see: 4PP, 4_Planets_Prediction, doko WHERE lights are gray color circle alike, from very very far away in distance (i.e. ACT3 stage space) ... ; 1 way DEE and BF2 is our earth's one and only the sun a.k.a. day time configuration; WHAT is solar physics? because of variable DEE, light, heat, gravity energy, ... , can be further studied, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement e.g. idea ♯ 158; MANMADE GLOBAL WEATHER, WHERE plasma cluster (air) direction can be defined by creating 3 gravity spots in 2 moons' same orbital time period, earthquake can be reduced and protected if gravity spots as surface, water as plate can also be protected by inserting Ln X (World Line) into the defined location in ocean, ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . H TV, H-11 Transfer Vehicle, a.k.a. Demonstration Flight, a.k.a. Test Flight, in 2009/2553;

1st flight, by T a n e g a s h i m a Space Center, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, to I S S a.k.a. International Space Station; Remark: computer's desktop background a.k.a. wallpapers are available: http://w w w . j a x a .jp / countdown / h 2 b f 1 / special /wallpaper _e .html; The 1st pressure independent hyperspace craft in the world;

H TV♯ e.g. HTV4 in 2013/2557; WHY H TV? notice that the characters are 10 dimensionally acceptable and recognizable, e.g. if you flip H TV, the characters are still meaningful and understandable, if you rotate H TV, the characters are still meaningful and understandable, because in space, configuration and engineering idea is similar to the H TV characters ... ; e.g. 360° is 2D X Y, by creating polygons with structure prompt 3D XYZ with layers doko WHERE z must be with distribution, and then applying 10D (i.e. 2555+ years old, WHILE kuru kuru of transmitting m e t t ā, also see: directions) ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . I B U K I, I B U K I, I B U K I,

satellite launched from T a n e g a s h i m a Space Center, monitoring Earth's atmospheric greenhouse gas levels (e.g. carbon dioxide i.e. CO2, methane, ... ) by its infrared sensors ... ;

139 locations, 64 regions, the whole world's CO2 level are measured by I b u k i, using iro Green color, using iro Red color, recorded data is available to public in 2011/2555;

IFF measuring regional CO2 level, iro Green is low, i.e. environment friendly;  I B U K I ... ;
IFF measuring regional CO2 level, iro Red is high, i.e. environment unfriendly; I B U K I ... ;

IFF measuring regional methane level, ... ; Restricted, not available to public, because this information is worth tons of gold; ; ; ;

Nippon . J AX A . I K A R O S U (a.k.a. I K A R O S), world's 1st solar cell flights in space, NHK news, 2012/2556 July 20,

light can be (off; on); made of polyimide film (e.g. thin plastic sheet with embedded light sensor system), polyimide film is 7.5 micron (i.e. micro meter) thick; sun based path ( WHICH means its gravity is generated from the Sun, and its specific directional path is calculated base on solar system); working solar cell space crafts;

(8 + 5 + 7) is 20, the 20 is (middle JUN) i.e. (2*5) dimensional ... , also see: 20 books i.e. (5+15) tipitaka; (middle path); I K A R O S, using artificial intelligence ( 2535769212965) ... ; 8, 5, 7;

Its shape is rectangle-flat-sheet alike, flower-flat-sheet alike, ... ; IFF its shape is mushroom alike, 108 antenna ... ; IFF its shape is fish alike, 108 carbon nano walls (e.g. spore can trigger (off or on) into the carbon nano walls for vibrating gravity strings) ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . Infrared Astronomy Satellite;

Nippon . J AX A . Infrared Astronomy Satellite . A K A R I;

Nippon . J AX A . K A G U Y A defines Earth-rise and Earth-set, in 2008;

also see: ACT2 natural blue; define ACT2 natural black, ACT2 natural blue, ACT2 natural gray, ... in 2,3 dimensional vectors ... ;

Moon station, K A G U Y A, can stay on the moon for 1 year, space picture of our earth therefore can be taken and transmit from moon. Also see: 2*5=1JUN, 2*6=1year, until ACT3 number 31 can be scientifically solved, to do so develop D number, DEE, Water Clock, ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . K a t s u u r a Tracking and Communication Station,

open-house available to public within limited time period, 1-14, H a n a t a t e y a m a, H a g a, K a t s u u r a - s h i, Chiba 299-5213; phone: +81-470-73-0654; 2009 Info: Commemorative photo in a space suit; Environment corner; Experimental operation of parabola antenna; Original key ring making; Robotic arm; Space development exhibit hall; w w w . j a x a .jp /visit/ k a t s u u r a /index _e .html;

Nippon . J AX A . K o u n o t o r i;

as of 8/19/2015 /2559, K o u n o t o r i 5 (a.k.a. HTV5) has been launched successfully;

K o u n o t o r i can be docking to International Space Station; it carried Civilization Type 's (migration items) ... ;

K o u n o t o r i can be both elevating and landing;

Nippon . J AX A . Low earth orbit satellite;

Nippon . J AX A . Masuda Tracking and Communication Station,

open-house available to public within limited time period, 1887-1 Masuda, N a k a t a n e - c h o, K u m a g e - g u n, Kagoshima 891-3603; phone: +81-997-27-1990; 2009 Info: Commemorative photo with an orange flight suit; Exhibit hall; Handcraft corner; Plastic bottle water rocket class; Watch satellite broadcasting by handcraft antenna; w w w . j a x a .jp /visit/ m a s u d a /index _e .html;

Nippon . J AX A . M I C H I B I K I,

10/10/2017 /2561, M i c h i b i k i number 4 (GPS Satellite), launched from T a n e g a s h i m a space station by JAXA;

1 = numerological (1234);
1, 2, 3, 4;
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th;
band ( Our _ Earth _ Band _ Antenna);
cm scaled location locator;
communication (global telecommunication, structural);
GPS Satellite (273 kilometer above ground) IFF our earth;

2013/2557 NHK news, Y a n m a r (i.e. automotive) can do farming, by cm scale pinpointing method, using ( clock 1, clock 2) from M I C H I B I K I, GPS automotive can do farming without human beings driver;

world's the most advance space technology (i.e. cm scale pinpointing method) any type surface ... ;

designed and developed by T a n e g a s h i m a Space Center, using Quasi-Zenith orbit;

Nippon . J AX A . Okinawa Tracking and Communication Station,

open-house available to public within limited time period, 1712, K i n r a b a r u, A f u s o, O n n a s o n, K u n i g a m i - g u n, Okinawa 904-0402; phone: +81-98-967-8211; 2009 Info: Commemorative photo in a space suit; Original can badge making; Petit robot making; w w w . j a x a .jp /visit/ o k i n a w a /index _e .html;

Nippon . J AX A;. Optical inter orbit satellite;

Nippon . J AX A; . S H I Z U K U satellite; 2012/2555 January 10, NHK News;

S H I Z U K U is equipped with world's largest revolving space antenna, i.e. AMSR2; remote heat sensing at sea level globally; AMSR2, Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2; Band: 7 G c/s ~ 89 G c/s; 0.5 °C accuracy to sea surface globally;

Concerning snaky alike remote heat sensing, the "glass" WHERE Executable Application can be inserted, so called "run" ... , and the "glass" might be variable in x, y (i.e. 2D) but not in z, ... ; Big Nu-Wave alike ?

Nippon . J AX A . S T I, Space Technology Institute;

Nippon . J AX A . S u z a k u a.k.a. A S T R O - E I I, high tech satellite;

s u z a k a, X-ray astronomy satellite, by deploying X-rays, universe can be viewed ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . TAIYO a.k.a. S R A T S, astronomical satellite, 1st solar observation, since 1975 ... ;

Nippon . J AX A . Transportation craft (i.e. K i b o) Expectation; Can supply to I S S; NHK News 2007/10/11;

Nippon . J AX A . Topics, 2000 ~ present,

http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/e/topics/, Institute of Space and A s t r o nautical Science;

Nippon . J M A, Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) Meteorological Agency . HIMAWARI8 ( sunflower) since 2015 / 2559;

HIMAWARI8, and HIMAWARI9, monitoring our earth's weather;

M S C, Meteorological Satellite Center; Also see: 8mComputer;

Also see: global Weather;


J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . AN G K AS A, National Space Agency of Malaysia;

J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . G IS T DA, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Thailand;

J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . IS RO, Indian Space Research Organization;

J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . KARI, Korea [ .kp + .k r ] Aerospace Research Institute;

J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . LAP AN, The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of The Republic of Indonesia;

J AX A . Asia-Pacific Region . S T I . VAST, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology;


operating facilities; operation facility; a place doko WHERE artificial intelligence (computers) are ... ;



satellite parameter e.g. (♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯, ♯) ... ; using Artificial Intelligence ( AI) ... ;

Satellite Communications ( S A T C O M) , also see: GSA (www .g s a .gov) ... ;

e.g. local communities ... ;

Quasi-Zenith Satellite;

Remark: this DOMAIN is very advance, and this DOMAIN does not use rocket most of its time, instead, this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts are using directional gravity, gravity machines, gravity spots (i.e. refer to without using combustion technology, refer to without using fuel (e.g. jet fuel, rocket fuel)) and gravity is nothing to do with combustion; gravity is something to do with structural light and DEE;

rocket; in common, using rocket fuel and jet engine to launch (missile look alike) vertically from ground to space horizontally (e.g. 1 minute vertically and then inclination degrees begin; e.g. 1 minute with 1 inclination degree and then inclination degrees begin), with attached satellite; at defined time period and defined orbital approx., detached the satellite into space; detachable satellite module system at front; belt (ring alike) stability system in the middle; exhaust system at rear (combustion technology, e.g. rocket fuel toward 1 direction to gain boosting force); rocket with gravity spots, e.g. gravity spots as belt (ring alike) stability system in the middle; in common, rocket's remaining part (e.g. fuel tank, exhaust system) is detached to fall into ocean, after boosting force for lifting heavy weight (in common IFF reusable, navy, to pickup the rocket's remaining part);

HOW to create rocket? 1st, create your own prototype rocket (jet with rocket fuel) on ground, and measure weight, and torque (refer to gravitational weight) toward (reversed method) ground's weighting machine; 2nd, apply vertical tunnel (forward method) testing (your own prototype rocket should not touch side wall (refer to belt stability) while launching time period); 3rd, simulate real world communication, simulate distribution of (force, velocity) and then launch and you'll have your own satellite ... IFF with permit from Shakya (also see: Swastika) King, because, as of early 21st century, Shakya King owns our universes ... ;

for many decades (since 1965 to 2015), this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts have been launched only on no moon days secretly and unofficially, and without using neither rocket nor combustion; therefore, if you like to have your own imaginary hyper space crafts, you must start with HOW gravity spots (i.e. beyond momentum, refer to NOT big bang) elevate natural physical weight to be elevated artificial weight 1st, and then using human beings livable moons' peaceful & tranquil orbital momentum, directional gravity (refer to environment, i.e. beyond hole board) can be 2nd, and then, you're on your own (wishing you (refer to military generals) ' v e permit from Shakya King) ... ; 3rd, the latest & highest space technology would be calculating yellowish variations for many human beings livable moons (refer to BLI (Body Length Index) automatic adjustment) based on yellow background with green strings (i.e. HOW gravity can be collected and gathered to be energy) ... ; 4th, after understanding 4 Planets Prediction (refer to beyond Constellations as huge planet) ... still cannot SYNC (refer to very very far away in distance, without peaceful & tranquil moons' orbital, without light and DEE (refer to NOT able to collect and gather gravity as energy (e.g. Solar Sail Method))); 5th, this DOMAIN is building villages on human beings livable moons (refer to Civilization) ... ; therefore, all space organizations should install this DOMAIN;

IFF broad band , Using 12 , 21 or
  IFF 2,3 dimensional , Using 23 , 32
or   IFF 3,4 dimensional , Using 34 , 43
or IC28 Using TP5 to26 1 SUN
ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     this DOMAIN 's     AI     Satellite     Router     ... for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts WHICH went very very far way in distance ...

PHEV; e.g. 21st century; 2565; 2021; PHEV VVTI Mode, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Variable Valve Timing Injection Mode; Also see: Automotive; Cloud; GPS; kadosei Mobility; Mode; Satellite;

("EV") means wheel is rotated by electric motor;
("Hybrid") means power source (rpm, speed, torque) by several systems;
("Mode") means a state of computing (computer operation);
("Plug-in") means any wall outlet connection to recharge the rechargeable Battery WHILE parking;
("VVTI") means the internal combustion engine's values are (on, off) by computer (Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI));


Pinpointing, for this DOMAIN 's military application; e.g.

. Pinpointing Missile's Location; Dimension: 108x108; GIF (Military Application);

. Pinpointing Submarine's Location; Dimension: 108x108; GIF (Military Application);

verify Shakya King's (Approval Code, flag, permit, signed bit, verification code, verify) ... ; Also see: GPS; Laser; Optics; Physics Law 678; Radical344; Satellite;


( SmCo5, Sm2Co17), also see: Magnet;

Space elevating, also read the book: Prof. M i c h i o K a k u 's PHYSICS OF THE FUTURE, 2011; IFF testing directional gravity, 1st to understand 0.5 second solar powered kinetic momentum with green gravity (a.k.a. homemade green gravity); 2nd to understand, using directional cell path control (GPS) therefore, 2 gravity spot, 4 gravity spot, ... at the edge of rectangle, also see: Gravity Machine ... ; 3rd to understand detail locations (i.e. circles of the Gravity Machine) ... ; Good luck with this DOMAIN 's contents installed, because you might need numerological dimension ... ;


this DOMAIN 's Band;

TWT, Traveling Wave Tube; Also see: Magnet;

United States of America system ( keyboard) using 101 / 102; SERVER;

USA (United States of America) . NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) . www.nasa.gov; Also see: 1uComputer; 5uComputer;

USA . Space . Satellite;

www.spacex.com; commercial Satellite services;

USA . company . Space X transports 900 Kg from Earth to I S S, launched from Florida, NHK news 2012/10/08;

USA . Space X . Intel sat; e.g. G37 Satellite;

Vietnam . Space . Satellite;

as of 2018/2562, Vietnam has successfully launched 4 satellites; June 8, 2018 NHK news;

2565; 1/28/2022; ( Weather Satellite Server1 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server2 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server3 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server4 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server5 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server6 For _Anti-Earthquake, Weather Satellite Server7 For _Anti-Earthquake) also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;


azimuth, a.k.a. orientation, a.k.a. satellite disc center's toward direction to sky;

angle, a.k.a. elevation, a.k.a. satellite disc degree to be from horizontal;

J AX A 's satellite radio can be received at


Asia-Pacific趁Auckland: 346° orientationカ46° elevation; Asia-Pacific趁Jakarta: 86° orientationカ23° elevation; Asia-Pacific趁Phnom Penh: 96° orientationカ20° elevation; Asia-Pacific趁Sydney: 25° orientationカ48° elevation; Asia-Pacific趁Ulan Bator: 114° orientationカ12° elevation;


Africa-Asia-Europe趁Abu Dhabi: 149° orientationカ57° elevation; Africa-Asia-Europe趁Cairo: 123° orientationカ37° elevation; Africa-Asia-Europe趁Istanbul: 128° orientationカ28° elevation; Africa-Asia-Europe趁Johannesburg: 63° orientationカ36° elevation; Africa-Asia-Europe趁Karachi: 177° orientationカ61° elevation; Africa-Asia-Europe趁New Delhi: 198° orientationカ55° elevation;


America趁Asuncion: 359° orientationカ60° elevation; America趁Bogota: 105° orientationカ69° elevation; America趁Buenos Aires: 1° orientationカ50° elevation; America趁Lima: 59° orientationカ64° elevation; America趁Panama City: 112° orientationカ63° elevation;


e.g. ♯ x m . i n f♯PorT10710;ProductID:32123-123-5510855-10710;

satellite       I A N A:                        Africa;;          Asia/Pacific;;     North America;;   Latin America & Caribbean Islands;;               Central Asia, Europe, Middle East;;                       

world, WHICH time zone, WHERE the location, WHAT kind of ID, unidentified very fast moving object (e.g. ballistic missile, intercontinental missile, long-range missile) artificial intelligence (focus, map, trace, zoom, ... ) 5 (e.g. you are friend) artificial intelligence ( Pinpointing) 285 unidentified very fast moving object ... ; on 1 surface in the Internet;

world, WHICH time zone, WHERE the location, WHAT kind of ID, unidentified very slow flying object (e.g. short distance commuter plane, short-range missile) artificial intelligence (focus, map, trace, zoom, ... ) 5 (e.g. you are friend) artificial intelligence ( Pinpointing) 285 unidentified very slow flying object ... ; on 1 surface in the Internet;

world, WHICH time zone, WHERE the location, WHAT kind of ID, unidentified very slow moving object (e.g. boat, ship, sub-marine) artificial intelligence (focus, map, trace, zoom, ... ) 5 (e.g. you are friend) artificial intelligence ( Pinpointing) 285 unidentified very slow moving object ... ; on 1 surface in the Internet;

( t e n c h o Zenith, zenith, zenith, zenith, Zenith), e.g. the sun at its zenith ... ;



ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     this DOMAIN;

ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War

2565; 04/29/2021; China has launched its own International Space Station, naming T i a n h e (heavenly harmony), the main module with modular living, launched (lifted-off) by Long March 5B rockets from our earth, from W e n c h a n g Spacecraft Launch Site, H a i n a n Province, China; 2565; 2021; China is building 50000+ Satellites to map our earth; after building 50000+ Satellites to map our earth, we need to knee-down and beg for China's merciful military orders to be alive ... ; China . International Space Station . T i a n h e (heavenly harmony) ; launched from W e n c h a n g Spacecraft Launch Site, H a i n a n Province, China, since 2565 (04/29/2021); C C T V global telecommunication ... ; Remark: several international space stations will be with modular living ... ; because of space stations' lab, more (concept, idea, knowledge) regarding "reversed yellowish variations" , "variable DEE patterns" , "yellowish variations" , ... ; China becomes unique powerful nation in our earth, with ( tada Solely (not involving anyone, self entirely)) own international space station, with own satellites, ... ; China . Space . Y u t u (Jade Rabbit); 2014/2558, Y u t u is unmanned lunar rover; extreme cold temperature operational; can be remotely operational WHERE temperature e.g. -280 °F; Farther and father distance in space traveling, light becomes longer and longer length in distance; e.g. 1.5V LED light goes 15 meters in our earth (2,3 dimensional environment), on the other hand, the same 1.5V LED light goes 55 meters IFF (3,4 dimensional space), a.k.a. DEE 's variations (e.g. color, length, ... ); Question: 0.0123 m W energy consumption by the same 1.5V LED's DEE variations vs. HOW to recharge by using Gravity Harvest Power ... ; Light's spread patterns prompt THAT locations diff in our universes WHICH means light does not spread our earth alike; In 21st century, rover is no longer needed in space because of dimensional gravity and directional gravity; Another question would be: WHAT are the diff between dimensional gravity and directional gravity (hint: color, length, ... ); Rover might be using for operational underground, operational underwater, ... ; IFF surface analysis, no need of rover remotely; since Sunday, September 25, 2016 /2560, the largest telescope on our earth, 500 meter aperture spherical telescope, P i n g t a n g county, southwest of G u i z h o u province, CHINA; 1640 ft diameter; China's eye in the sky; meter (also see: Radical156) based, bowl shaped basin structural, 4450 intricately positioned triangular panels (because directional gravity diff (sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight, ... )), collecting 2.1 million sq. ft. area in space; (2 * 6) universal dimensional z-index; President Xi J i n p i n g of China's era; approx. 184 millions US dollar project's result; twice sensitivity than world's 1000 ft across, single dish radio telescope, the A r e c i b o Observatory in Puerto Rico, USA; China . Spacecraft . Shenzhou-6, 2005, www .china daily .com .c n; China . Spacecraft . Shenzhou-7, X i n h u a, spacewalk, 2008; China . Spacecraft . Shenzhou-8 with microwave radar, laser radar, C C D sensor, ... ; C C T V online news (i.e. www .c n t v .c n) on 2011/2555 November 1st, Tiangong-1, docking (Tiangong-1 and Shenzhou-8) ... ; China . Space Station; April 1, 2018 / 2561, China's space station (Tiangong-1) WHICH was launched in 2011, unable to control since 2016, and European Space Agency predicted that broken parts of the China's space station will soon be falling apart onto our earth; China . T S L C, T a i y u a n Satellite Launch Center, a.k.a. Base25; August 1, 2020; China has launched satellite navigation system space crafts into the space; SAT-N A V SYSTEM; sat-n a v system; able (to locate, to be locating) functional 5 meter location awareness of ( earth, our earth) 's any location ... ; China . Space . Satellite Launch Center . Orbiter . J i u q u a n; China . Space . Satellite Launch Center . T a i y u a n, a.k.a. T S L C; www .astronaut ix .com/ sites / t a i y u a n .h t m; In 2008/2009, launched 2 environmental/weather/... satellites; 2008 Sept. 7; China . Space . S h e n Z h o u [Magic Vessel] Manned Spacecraft; China . Space . Telescope; Agency, www . c n s a .g o v .c n, China; Also see: 5cComputer; Polysilicone     Polysilicone     Polysilicone (e.g. Poly-Silicone-15, Poly-Silicone-11, Poly-silicone, ... ), a.k.a. Sunscreen (solar panel), made of material from human beings livable moons' imported Solar System Material; As of 2565 in 2021, China is the Solar System (Electricity) supplier nation, already designed, already functional, already manufactured, already modeled, ... and, in 2021, all nations' nuclear related ones have been mapped already by ( GPS), and China maintains our earth's peaceful & tranquil diplomatic solutions e.g. (not colonizing any nation yet, as of 2565 in 2021), regarding "our earth" ... ; Remark: human beings livable moons' natural resources are valuable ... ; beyond 1980s modeled C d S light sensor and material engineering (absorbing U V B radiation, approx. 310nm); Remember, Gravity Machines (without combustion) are elevated and dispatched on no moon days, since 1990s approx. at the same time as "Zombie" Machine designing time period; because of solar panel, solar power automotive (car, bus, drone, flight, ship, train, truck, van, ... ), solar power home, solar power imaginary hyper spacecraft (solar power animaloid, solar power humanoid, solar power insectoid), solar power plant, solar power satellite, solar power space station, ... ; ( Polysilicone, Polysilicone, Polysilicone), also see: Electricity Power Plug; Fusion; GPS; 1pComputer; Satellite; Russia . Arianespace; Also see: 7rComputer; PAMELA Satellite, Payload for Anti-matter - Matter Exploration and Light - Nuclei Astrophysics, launched by (Germany, Italy, Russia, Sweden) in 2006;

DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (Electrons) for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) in Calendar.Earth.Space.War, also see: DEE; Particles; Satellite; Remark: Yagi antenna configuration alike, but diff is Electrons behave (Aqua, Water) lines: special design model to shoot down any illegal hypersonic missiles, illegal ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), illegal UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), ... humanoid Global Military General ( ware ware We) must be winners by defeating (China + Russia) militaries worldwide (our earth); in World History (our earth), winners take all, e.g. (Germany, Japan, USA) will take 4.4 trillions US Dollar from Russia, also will take 3.3 trillions US Dollar from China, concerning Ukraine-Russia War; Space Wars; e.g.

12/20/2024; MSN news; Newsweek news; European Union has started sanctions against ( China, (.cn), China Internet Network Information Centre (C N N I C)); Also see: Action; Browser; Calendar . Earth . Space . War (recorded news); c Character; 5cComputer; International DomainsSatellite; Reason: because of ongoing Ukraine-Russia War, and Russia (.ru) military has been supported by China; World War III Ready Mode (China) ... ;

the Shakya King's punishments are severe e.g. since 2024, regional droughts in China; Remark: approx. more than thirty satellites (our earth) via China Internet Network Information Centre (C N N I C);

ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War

舰㠂आ蘪虈෷܁ꀂʂ〩ʂȥā1ରआ蘪虈෷܁ꀁʂ」 ʂ 〉Ƃꁶȃ ȁဂꛑё栻꼍Ꝍ軐퓱ꅹरԆหȃԝㄘ〖ؔ唃ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひᜠ」〹ㄲ㄰㐷〱娲༘ㄲ㤰㄰㜱㜱ㄴ㈰ずㄘ〖ؔ唃̄ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひ龁ര आ蘪虈෷āԁ̀趁要脂沥ꀟ☟贊囇囬乿넵髇쯶㨃麙蛸蔜솙踠㰳㾡⊦潎쯮O밍ギ怆啸푍黟䔂揀䋉織녙ꦂ䨘氶��띍謄ᅍ埭ꅭ擺혛��臨缸᠏��偏熂ഥ䂮♯紏ࡷ袝ᔢⓄ姠攜֣̂ꌁずじؕ唃┝คర ਆ ث Ё舁਷Ѓ㐰ᵕБꀫة⬊Ć Ą㞂Ȕꀃఛ䄙浤湩獩牴瑡牯啀䅓奍乁䅍R र̆ᵕ Г; ̎ᴂ 脃ꊉ煌듼ﺎ⟲捦胎ᶧ쀘䵯䪠ꮱ㵸㑠钨㖃須춹ꄆꥉ諓㽑䀰˅ꜭ貕賄㔲㿄旐츧䠔ɟ큻์癸뽣娜릫惧뼤宬桦㷒ʐ㮉섮祑ȝ㬢椖娘ᖅϩ왱㉷Ȣ⹴1 
