humanoid Global Military General, how may I help you?
humanoid Argha, how may I help you?
humanoid Global Military General, how may I help you?
humanoid Jiwaka, how may I help you?
Symbotic Asimo, how may I help you?
humanoid--WEBBOT-SELF--, how may I help you?
; Updated in
2024 :
December :
27th (Friday) :
A r a k a n
(A r r a c a n) :
Rakhita Rakhine
M y a u k (M r a u k) ...
bunka Culture,
bunka Culture),
bunka Culture,
Culture, i.e. ((letter;
Radical89) + (IFF suffix: action of doing something;
e.g. civilizations' (art, custom, Intellectual Property (IP), manifestation,
national achievement) ... ; "normal Yellowish Variation,"
also see: (Japanese
. Syllabary . HTML
+ katakana ICC .sys);
Reminder: if you're Rakhine ethnic tribe in Union of Myanmar (Burma), a must to learn this DOMAIN 's contents ... , because we've civilization gap problems;
since (Buddha Sasana Calendar Year 2567 : Gregorian Calendar Year 2025), enctype, --WEBBOT-SELF--, and special compiled on 12/25/2024 Christmas Day ("--WEBBOT-SELF--") . . . ;
2024October7_California_USA: Rakhine King's one of the grandsons, Rakhine King's one of the granddaughters in law, and landlord lady are donating day meal to a monk;
Monk Name: Ashin Wayaminda, a.k.a. Baddanta Wayaminda, a.k.a. M y a u k O o Sayadaw, WHO is one the top 10 richest monks in Myanmar (Burma); Remark: Ashin means title similar to "Mr." only for Buddhist monks; Sayadaw means head monk; Also see: M r a u k O o Dhamma Center, https://www.mraukoo.org;
Rakhine King's one of the grandsons, age approx. 68+ years in 2024;
Rakhine King's one of the granddaughters in law, MD
(Medical Doctor) in USA;
originally from Myingyan,
Mandalay region;
Remark: Myingyan means horse ranch;
landlord lady, e.g. who owned 10+ acres of land in front of (other side of
P y a y Road) Marla Hall,
Yangon University ((1920-2020)
Yangon University 100 years songs,
also see: movie);
Remark: "P y a y" means nation;
good citizens of USA; healthy ones; peaceful ones; 1st life in their
(life-after-life), several decades in USA already; this photo was taken by
this DOMAIN developer a.k.a. a "Tarzan"
's original Apple i Phone 14;
well trained
kids!! replied: (
doshite Why,
a (county name + city name) is "horse ranch" sir?
I wrote: a
"Tarzan" 's historical guess would be: long long time ago
(a few centuries ago),
Mongol Empire Khan came ("annexing" through China) to "B a
m a" in Myanmar (Burma), and "B a m a"
kingdom had to hide and ran-away to the delta region of Irrawaddy River
(should pronounce
"Aya" + "W a d i" in Pali Sanskrit language, "Aya" means "huge, very big" and
"Wa d i" means river); so many Mongolian horses settled & camped,
doshite Why, (county name + city name) became "horse ranch"
meaningful Myingyan in Myanmar language;
naming "usage" similar to "B a m a" kingdom annexed Mon kingdom, And Then, named
a city called "Yangon," remember Shwedagon Pagoda was built by Mon kingdom in
history; in British colony era (1880s-1940s), naming usage "Rangoon" a.k.a.
2024October7 a Tarzan, paying respect to a monk;
a "Tarzan" a.k.a.
Aung Myint Kyaw, a.k.a.
Ace Jaw (Also see:
Colors _Monk & Nun),
WHO has also developed Algorithm (s)
since 1980s e.g. 9x9 numerological
(in 1985), e.g. swapping
integer with XOR gates
(in 1990s), e.g.
2000 designed modeled
C Sequence Number (BF2)
is very valid for ACT1 & ACT2 imaginary hyperspace environments,
e.g. 3,4 dimensional
Anti-Earthquake (Also see:
designed & modeled in 2020s, e.g.
4 ion channels
(Bamboo Stem Factors, for BLI Auto
Adjustment medicine on human beings livable moons in our universes, also see:
mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D), e.g. DEE
(Dark Energy Engineering)
approx. in 2010s, e.g. developing world's the most powerful guns (Calendar.Earth.Space.War
(webpage as gun))
since Ukraine-Russia War, e.g.
Analog Clock
nitotte For
(Zero Curvature Surface),
... age approx. 60+ years in 2024; a
good citizen of USA; healthy ones; peaceful ones; several decades in USA already
since 1989;
Remark: (
nitotte For (SQRT2 (±98) i.e. 100 in Engineering
Notations (remote)) nama connections to humanoids (Also see:
Nama For Humanoid) would be one of
the most powerful ones "unique" the Shakya King WHO
(looks alike 22+
years old at the age of 98+ years old) has owned all human
beings livable moons in our universes; I try to explain very much, because
ware ware We (ethnic tribes + "B
a m a") have civilization gap problems; Arakanese
(in English), a.k.a.
(in Myanmar), a.k.a. "M
a u k" (in
Hindi) people should know Rakhine
kingdom's 103 ethnical codes, Rakhine kingdom's
generations continue
... (having 2 or 3 ID (s) is recommended if you're belonging to the kingdoms,
because our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think) ;
sincere message
to ethnic tribes + "B a m a" i.e. I've helped as
much as I could, I'll help as much as I can, ... good wills with
metta (loving kindness) ... with knowing that since 1948 (Independent
ware ware We (ethnic tribes + "B
a m a") have been dealing with
military coups after military coups, and are we really independent
yet since 1948?
rekishi History,
many properties (had been, have been) confiscated (seized, taken) by
military coups, e.g.
in 1960s, my mother-in-law's father owned tea warehouse and
logistics in Shan
State, e.g.
in 1960s, my personal Rakhine King's
son owned companies in Yangon,
Myanmar (Burma), e.g.
in 1960s, my parents' friend owned soda factories
(84th Street)
in Mandalay, ... ; civil rights, human rights, land-use rights, voting rights,
... after all,
IS POWER, so R&D as much as you can, and
ware ware We (ethnic tribes + "B
a m a") have civilization gap problems ... ; with
(loving kindness), I still don't dispatch
my unbeatable & unbreakable 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks + 2 humanoids
to demolish all
dictators WHO have done military coups after military coups;
common civilians don't know Military Generals mean knee-down and obey the Shakya
King's Satellite PHONE calls'
commands ...
starting from ("Do you know your night
security guards?") , ("Are you related to dead young bodies collection
nowadays?") , ("Did you design directional gravity spots?") , ...
OH+ OH+ don't forget that a person without his/her own lab is called "Tarzan" ;
consent, exchange,
governing power, grants, land-use rights,
military joint exercise, policies, policy, politics, properties
DEED, Property Tax, public records, Sale Tax, Security, systems (banking
systems, educational systems, financial systems, healthcare systems,
telecommunication systems), TRUST, voting rights, (civilization
gap problems), ... are very complicated e.g.
during military coup after military coup,
(Japanese dynasty, NIPPON kingdom) 's housemaids
have become bank owners in Myanmar (Burma); e.g.
during military coup after military coup,
Pu Yee (a.k.a. P u y i,
the last Emperor of China) 's housemaids have become bank owners in Myanmar
(Burma); e.g.
during military coup after military coup, the
Shakya King has become 22+ years old look alike at
the age of 98+ years old;
military generals means
"knee down," and must follow the Shakya King's
Satellite PHONE commands; inside of Myanmar (Burma), no one is "B
a m a" and do you really realize & understand consent, exchange, governing
power, grants, land-use rights,
military joint exercise, policies, policy, politics, properties DEED,
Property Tax, public records, Sale Tax, Security, systems (banking systems,
educational systems, financial systems, healthcare systems, telecommunication
systems), TRUST, voting rights, (civilization
gap problems), ... ; therefore, I've never involved in any
politics, starting from prison heads, dead bodies collection, military bases,
... ; our earth
is NOT simple like WHAT I think, e.g.
2020s military coup in Myanmar (Burma) caused 5,000,000+ civilians
as refugee, e.g.
1960s military coup in Myanmar (Burma) caused currency Kyat (legal
tender) became illegal money Kyat, e.g. 600,000+ Russian militants died in
Ukraine-Russia War, e.g.
Space War might have been initialized
against China ("regional droughts in China, since 2024"),
and if you like to challenge, then start with
Anti-Earthquake design model in
our earth i.e. beyond
WORMHOLE way multi long length neutrino LASER (Satellites . ((LTE +
XM), (XM + LTE))) ... ;
Suggestion to ethnic tribes + "B a m a" : don't mess
with your boss (Germany,
in our earth;
mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Tarzans are Tarzan, ... ;
OH+ OH+ don't forget that a person without his/her own lab is called "Tarzan" ;
a "Tarzan" 's sincere suggestions to (ethnic tribes + "B a m a") : don't get involve in any party (Left Wing (e.g. China + Russia side), Right Wing (e.g. Allies + democratic side)), be R&D as much as you can (be knowledge based ones, be skillful ones), don't be destructive, be constructive, don't be captive ones, be professional ones with licenses (I only have Driver's License and knowing myself that NOT good enough to be professional ones), ... with metta (loving kindness), I've never vandalized in my life ... overcome the obstacles (e.g. military coup after military coup since 1940s to the present nowadays); Remember: the Shakya King has owned all human beings livable moons in our universes;
indigenous people; e.g.
' Day (our earth . USA (United States of America)), also see: Time;
((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); e.g.
in August, 2024, I've decided THAT roaming shouldn't be essential ("Roaming" is metered by telecommunication companies in common and billions of US Dollar worth), because many ethnic tribes have been in (countryside, remote region, rural area) WHO must bypass roaming, also WHO don't know WHAT is roaming (metered networks), And Then, get functional Gene Therapy System in addition to Manmade Global Weather up-and-running worldwide, so I've programmed ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); Remark: some telecommunication companies might not like WHAT I've programmed, i.e. ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)) has been programmed to be with (312 millisecond) Speed because "USB" means "312" in numerological (our earth);
Remark: another good
example would be: in
Anti-Earthquake design model (avoiding
earthquake in Japan and Taiwan), you
(referring to Japanese and
Taiwanese) will NOT need metered networks of other
nations' telecommunication companies'
... ; Also see:
Reforming Myanmar;
this DOMAIN;
this DOMAIN supports democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (our
Remark: if you're
Rakhine, be (
hinshitsu Quality,
hinshitsu Quality,
hinshitsu Quality) ones, so you'll be above (quantities,
quantity), e.g.
our earth's unbeatable and unbreakable 2 humanoids +
M1A1H17Titanium22 .
; another good
example would be: I collected approx. 250+ textbooks and read WHEN I
graduated from a university in 1997;
you should (build, found, establish) your own
, also see:
b G T S U;
Nanobot Programming;
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
a | "Tarzan" | Rakhine | American | 's | compile | d | system | s | . | . | . | . | . | ; | ||||||||
\ |
![]() |
\ | this DOMAIN OS | \ | hyper-v | \ | ||||||||||||||||
\ | Domain | \ | GeneTherapySystem | \ | ||||||||||||||||||
\ | Domain | \ | Idea Processor | \ | Idea Processor .h t m | |||||||||||||||||
Idea Processor .sys | ||||||||||||||||||||||
\ | Domain | \ | thisDOMAIN_files | \ | ||||||||||||||||||
\ | IT | \ | Note | \ | Location Awareness Response . h t m | |||||||||||||||||
Location Awareness Response .sys | ||||||||||||||||||||||
\ | IT | \ | Physics | \ | PhysicsLaw39419.HTML | |||||||||||||||||
\ | 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index | \ | approx variable DEE Patterns | \ | hensu Variable.second.Dimension.39419.LiDAR | |||||||||||||||||
hensu Variable.second.Dimension.39419.LiDAR .sys | ||||||||||||||||||||||
\ | IT | \ | Physics | \ | ||||||||||||||||||
\ | ManmadeGlobalWeather | \ | Anti-Earthquake | \ | humanoid Argha 's AntiEarthquake .sys | |||||||||||||||||
System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s .HTML | ||||||||||||||||||||||
\ | Mini Dictionary | \ | Nippon | \ | System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake .sys | |||||||||||||||||
Remark: systems are worth more than trillions of US Dollar, so use IT, don't abuse IT;
attrib +a +r +s
Desktop\システム\this DOMAIN OS\hyper-v>FS+ .sys
attrib +a +r +s Desktop\システム\this DOMAIN OS\hyper-v>FS- .sys
attrib +a +r +s hensu Variable.second.Dimension.39419.LiDAR .sys
attrib +a +r +s humanoid Argha 's AntiEarthquake .sys
attrib +a +r +s System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake .sys
attrib +a +s +x katakana ICC .sys
attrib +a +r +x +u nfc elevation dna ftp sharing .sys
attrib +a +s Gene Therapy System .sys
attrib +a +s Location Awareness Response .sys
attrib +a +s 23 second NFC IoT system Idea Processor .sys
attrib -a +u Idea Processor .sys
I wrote: may I know
the (literally, a.k.a.
Implicit) meaning of
"Tarzan" ?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! "a person without own lab" is called "Tarzan" and "Implicit," as opposed to "Explicit" sir;
I wrote:
of course, I believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are
river, ... , and don't forget THAT a combination of
... is called
since 2024,
this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of
Myanmar, a
Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered,
programmed, sent)
functional 2 humanoids + 2
M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to
Indian Ocean (Regional Security), i.e. to make sure
Rakhine ethnic tribes survive,
for demolishing
(enemy military dictators, foe military
dictators) in
Indian Ocean
. .
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War;
Remark: killings continue, don't be captive ones;
Rakhine, a.k.a. Arakan (Arakanese
People) WHO have lived in Indian ocean's coastal area for thousands of year, and
WHO have believed in Buddhism As Religion for thousands of year also, so this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of
Myanmar, a
Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered,
programmed, sent)
functional 2 humanoids + 2
M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to protect
coastal area in Indian ocean,
India's coastal area in Indian ocean,
Rakhine State's
coastal area in Indian ocean), on the other hand,
for demolishing
(enemy military dictators, foe military
dictators) in
Indian Ocean
. .
; Remark:
by race, Rakhine peoples look alike either Chinese or Indian; Rakhine peoples
don't look alike neither African race nor white race; the meaning
of "Arakan" : receiving
), (
)) As Kharma (a.k.a.
Khamma) "Kan" ;
are the smartest ones in our earth, so we ethnic tribes should learn,
realize, understand, ... many Biz, e.g. (2023-20??)
Model 10000 US Dollar brand new Toyota IMV0 pickup
truck means NIPPON (a.k.a. Japanese) truly
provide affordable to 20+
levels of financial status ones in our earth ... ;
November 2023; Internet news; Toyota has
started its
ichiman 10 Thousand US Dollar worth 2024 IMV0 pickup truck (2.4L (130+
horsepower, 130+ lb-ft), Made in Thailand, rear wheel drive, 5 speed manual
transmission) globally ... ;
this DOMAIN developer likes & supports Toyota's $10000 US Dollar pickup truck, because affordable to ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar and others ... ;
this DOMAIN developer doesn't like (motor way LASER (nodes based), remote heat sensing by electrical wires, sound beams, wormhole way LASER (ZCS based), ... , and those (method, procedure, technique) are very harmful to human beings by (gangsters' , terrorists' , undercover agents' ) illegal installation inside of commuting living environments, inside of public places (e.g. religious buildings' halls, school's rooms), inside of residential living environments, ... ;
you don't want to
be at the focal
point of multi long length neutrino LASER,
you don't want to be
at the focal point of "nodes based" strings,
you don't want to be
at the focal point of Yellowish Variation (YV),
you don't want to be
at the pressure point of structural Battery's heterodyning,
... ; Also see:
kadosei Mobility;
Rakhine; Reforming
Remark: Usage "i chi" means one ("1"), "man" means ten thousand ("10000");
I wrote: if you're designing & modeling
188cm length of (Black Color, Gray Color, Silver Color), based on your
USB lights,
should be the defined location?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! at the Blue Color area sir, and become a part of ( Invisibilities, Invisibility) design model;
I wrote: should I teach Rainbow Method,
for shooting down supersonic speed illegal missiles?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! No. Thank you. We don't believe in your
M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks
sir, also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War;
October 2023, in USA, this DOMAIN developer
visited to
Rakhine King's grandson, and had dharma, a.k.a.
dhamma discussion, and the Rakhine King's
grandson (age of
67+ years old) & his family is happy, healthy, and wealthy!!!
Remark: by 2020s, Rakhine kingdom's "blood" related ones are no longer living at the building number 103, 49th Street, Yangon, Union of Myanmar but some properties are still there in Myanmar; Rakhine Kingdom's "blood" related generations are mixed with Chinese, ... ; in USA, "B a m a" Kingdom related ones, China's last dynasty related ones, Japan Kingdom related ones, Thai Kingdom related ones, ... are wiser than Rakhine, e.g. having multiple ID ... ; Rakhine kingdom's great granddaughter has been born and lived in USA peacefully, professionally, ... ;
September, 2023; Q1-11;
Talent For Humanoid;
ware ware We're beyond "Directional
Gravity Spot" , "Nanobot
Programming" , "Water
Elevators" ,
... and this "Talent
For Humanoid" symbolizes
Idea Processor (Level
(s)) among human beings livable moons' (life-ones,
talented lives,
living ones) in our universes
... ;
Remark: don't change its color code;
Q11: in samsara
(life-after-life), also see: Physics
Law 1024, may I know WHICH one ((
te), (
za), (
tsu), (
ne), (
ma), (
bu), (
san), (
na), (
vi), (
wai)) are you in ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: I'm in "te" and knowing since 1990s;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No, I don't believe in samsara
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q10: Can you read, speak, and write Japanese language (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes, I wish to be like Vietnamese nowadays;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q09: Do you have your own formulary medicine, your own OEM, your own patent, your own craftsmanship (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q08: How many years do you pay Property Tax (Yes or No) ? if Yes, write your number of years;
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q07: Do you practice 103 moral codes of
Rakhine kingdom (Yes or
No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes, I try;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No, I'm not Rakhine;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q06: Did you vandalize other people's properties (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: No, I've never;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: Yes;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q05: Can you read, speak, and write English language (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q04: Are you having 1 or more academic degree (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes, I've earned;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q03: Can you read, speak, and write Buddhism language Pali script (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q02: Can you read, speak, and write Myanmar (Burmese) language (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No, I don't know HOW to read and write Myanmar
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
Q01: Do you have 1 or more public record, e.g. Bank Statement (Form 1098, Form 1099), e.g. Credit Report, e.g. Deed, e.g. License, e.g. W2 Form, ... (Yes or No) ?
Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's
answer would be: Yes, I've several public records;
Rebellious ones' answer would be: No, I don't know WHAT is Public Record;
You decide ... ; because, I'm not a decision maker here;
since "B a m a" military general Aung San, "B a m a" military general Ne Win, ... in 1940s, to the present 2020s of approx. 77+ years, how many times do you vote for your voting rights?
Q01-11 will judge
you (ethnic tribes + "B a m a") whether you like it
or not, i.e. how military dictatorship for generations by generations, ... ;
I've many extra Q&A, but in the time period of global fights (e.g.
Anti-Earthquake, antiviral COVID-19, unwanted-massive- catastrophic,
unwanted military wars,
war means "all-in" tactic doko WHERE
winners take all), also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War . HTML, only basic Q&A i.e. Q01-11 ... ; be
constructive, be educated, be healthy, be wise, ... ; you might have been not
knowing all "Black Book" implementations in Myanmar (Burma) since 1940s ...
and all bad ones are inside of "Black Book" and "Black Book" works very well in
common; the Shakya King
(22+ years old looks alike at the age of
98+ years) & his loyal ones are the smartest ones in our
universes, and don't be destructive ways, don't be rebellious, try to keep 103
moral codes of Rakhine kingdom, ... ; depending
upon correct answers of Q01-11, APR% zero level to APR% +10, i.e. how levels of
common civilians in Myanmar (Burma) ... ; Remember:
in United States of America (
USA), many peoples are having (asset, money, wealth) > $5+
millions to WHOM work at home e.g. (investments, Public Record (e.g.
Credit Score 789+), R&D, ... ) a.k.a. "unknown ones" WHO designed & modeled
M1A1Titanium22 tanks, ... ;
if you've 1 or
more license, every government promotes HR knowledge by conferences, training
courses, ... and so on ... ;
Remark: my father was dismissed by "B a m a" military high ranking officer ("military
in 1980s, And Then, my whole family struggled to survive, and some went disable
ones, and as a
Rakhine American, my suggestion would be: be constructive, be educated,
be healthy, be wise, study self, ... ; don't be rebellious
unless you can create antiviral medicine against
unless you can create
unless you can create "multi long length neutrino LASER
(WORMHOLE WAY)" from Satellite to
shoot down illegal
ICBM (Also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War), ... ;
Remark: many royal
families have rooted in Myanmar (Burma) for (an eye
for all eyes revenge), (Buddhist vs. others), (East vs. West), TRUE FIGHTS EXIST
(since Roman Legend military disappeared in this region),
... believe it or not; by 2023, Union of
Myanmar (Burma) has been the least developed nation of
member, and please don't blame on anyone, i.e. my suggestion;
Answer for "Red Book" doko WHERE good
ones are : Q01 should be Yes; Q02 should be
Yes; Q03 should be Yes; Q04 should be Yes; Q05 should be Yes; Q06 should be No;
Q07 should be Yes; Q08 should be Yes. Number of years; Q09
should be Yes; Q10 should be Yes;
Q11 should be "te"
i.e. 1st life, because, 2nd life, 3rd life, ... exist but already by military ID
Number, military permit, ...
May I know what's your rank? ; if you've many incorrect answers,
then don't be captive ones, don't be slave ones, ... because
(captives, slaves) don't have rights ... Do you really realize & understand
Talent For Humanoid ?
Answer for "Black Book" doko WHERE bad
ones are totally opposite to good ones ... you decide ... ;
July 24th, 2023: Myanmar Central Bank (Central Bank of Myanmar, https://myanmar.gov.mm/central-bank ) has issued a new banknote, the highest denomination i.e. 7x15 cm dimensional, 20000 Kyat banknote;
the 1st Theravada Buddhism related banknote;
a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American is learning e.g. ("Royal White Elephant"
a.k.a. "R a t h a N a n d a k a")
... ;
approx. 1 whole chicken's wholesale cost is 20000 Kyat in the cities of Myanmar, and internationally est. official Currency Exchange is (10 US Dollar = 20000 Kyat) in 2023; Also see: Reforming Myanmar;
I wrote: in 1980-1981, 1 whole chicken cost approx. 20 Kyat, at that time 1 gallon of gasoline was approx. 20 Kyat also; running a taxi cab (self employment, owner operator) in Yangon earned approx. 100 Kyat per day; I've a quiz now, i.e. how much should a taxi cab (self employment, owner operator) earn nowadays?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! if 5% APR living (domestic Myanmar), you should be able to earn approx. 5+ chickens / day; if 5% APR living (international Myanmar), you should be able to earn approx. 10+ chickens / day; if you're not earning 5+ chickens / day, then you should be farming (resetting your life style, back to agriculture productivities ... ) ... ; Remark: approx. 345,678 immigrants (H1 visa to PR, political asylum, R1 visa to PR, refugee, U S C I S Annual Lotto Winner), originally from Myanmar, living in the USA nowadays (July, 2023) ... ;
I wrote: let me refresh your memory i.e. what's the Shakya King's living standard % would be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! we
don't forget, and answer would be -10% APR living standard means dividends'
reinvestments alike sir, and you said that common local banks are making
money between -1% APR and +1% APR sir;
ware ware We're Lakh-of-Lakh rich ones ... ;
I wrote: lesser kilesa means better and more peacefulness ... ; the Shakya King owns many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; he is the one who will set 5+ chickens / day standard for basic & common ones ; kilesa e.g. no, no, I don't have my own private jet (Honda ones) yet, no, no, I don't have my own private yacht (Lexus ones) yet, no, no, I don't have my own sky high building and penthouse yet, ... therefore, lesser kilesa (mental defilements) means better and more peacefulness ... ; sincerely, real estate works, but not easy i.e. you need to know many knowledge based ones, e.g. accounting basic, engineering & technical knowledge (construction, maintenance, plan, repair), investment (Procedure, Method, Technique), language skill, (Licenses, Permits), RDBMS, renovation (Procedure, Method, Technique), result oriented, spreadsheet functional, taxation (e.g. knowing "Uncle Sam owns all properties" after 100 years) annually, TRUST, win-win strategic (e.g. "you make some money, I make some some money" tactic), ... ; the most important is healthcare, I wish you to be healthy ones (e.g. I've never taken any medication yet, at the age approx. 60+ years old, and knowing that 98+ years old Shakya King looks alike 22+ years old ones) ... ;
so, suggestion to the Shakya King would be: Dear Sir, I need you to be setting up 5+ chickens / day, with healthcare for basic + common Myanmar, at the level of 5+ APR living standard ones sir; so, if they're smart & wise enough, they may be owning 1 housing + 1 car, for their families ... ; and I need to learn HOW minus percentage living standard ones :
e.g. owning a
(Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) financial system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) healthcare system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) IT system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) real estate development
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) service system, ... ;
I wrote: 2023 in USA, if you (asset, have, own) 5+ million US Dollar, how much monthly revenue should you generate?
well trained kids!! replied: if residential real estate, approx. 20000 US Dollar per month (revenue) sir; if commercial, depending upon (Location, Type), revenue generating should be more than 20000+ US Dollar a month, because commercial means more HR (Human Resources), more HR means more money sir;
I wrote: I wish & hope that you can do the
same in Myanmar ... doko
WHERE cost of living vs. living standard, GDP vs. GNP, nation'
APR% of banks, policy (political stability), ... more knowledge based ones
(be beyond foods e.g. 5+ chickens) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're poor ones WHO (asset,
have, own) < 50000 US Dollar sir;
I wrote: if (domestic Myanmar), start doing your own revenue generating (5+ chickens / day), on the other hand, if (international Myanmar), start finding employment (salaries, wages) or to earn approx. 10+ chickens / day ;
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We're ethnic tribes WHO have
survived in Myanmar, and est. (asset, have, own) < 5000 US Dollar sir;
I wrote: regarding ethnic tribes
(domestic Myanmar), if truly surviving by est. (asset, have,
own) < 5000 US Dollar, this DOMAIN developer (a.k.a. a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American) 's wild guess would be: +10% APR Living Standard,
And Then, suggestion would be: don't be bad record in Public Record (e.g.
bad credit recorded, e.g. bankruptcy recorded), don't be delinquent (not
paying debt, other wordings would be: having Default Debt), try to be
"Outstanding" (Principal Balance with Interest e.g. monthly mortgage),
try to keep 103+ moral codes of Rakhine Kingdom ...
; believe IT or NOT, I've donated as much as I can ... e.g. WHEN I was driving
Taxi Cab,
Trucks, ... I donated 5% of Gross Income,
And Then, WHEN reaching into an age of 60+ years, still donating 5% ... ;
Remark: there must be a way to own private (New Honda) jets, private (New Lexus)
yachts, solely own sky-rise-high (newly built) downtown buildings, ... ,
And Then, "dividends based investments" means getting into -1% APR, ...
Hmm!! Umm!! the Shakya King informed me that many
peoples have been rescued (including (bastard, child-swapped, war survival) kind
Ace Jaw a.k.a.
Aung Myint Kyaw) ... and do you realize & understand ?
well trained kids!! replied:
ware ware We'll try i.e. from +10% APR Living Standard to 0% APR Living
Standard sir, and knowing knowledge means power ... ;
ware ware We'll try i.e. from +5% APR Living Standard to 0% APR Living
Standard sir;
I wrote: OH+ OH+ revenue generating (5+ chickens / day) works ... ; good luck!! Remark: only the Shakya King can (adjust, change) e.g. revenue generating (5+ chickens / day) @ +5% APR Living Standard to (+6% APR Living Standard, +7% APR Living Standard, +8% APR Living Standard, +9% APR Living Standard) WHICH leads to solve civilization gap problems worldwide ... ;
Rakhine American : (
member) :
... ; Also see: International
since May, 2023, Bamboo Stem Factor R&D has begun ... ; Also see: Referenced Books;
screen; e.g.
( OCI,
O C I,
OCI), also see: o Computer;
o G
T S U; Optics;
Light; OCI (Procedure, Method, Technique) can
be multi purposes ... ; 1st to realize & understand
And Then,
2nd to realize & understand
And Then,
Remote Nama Reading (insectoid reports to
animaloid reports to humanoid,
Nama For Humanoid)
would be the most advance,
And Then,
Walls ;
Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
well trained kids!! replied: may we correct the above paragraph by adding screen sir?
I wrote:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
well trained
kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! ((embedded;
Radical693) +
Display .
screen)) ... i.e. OCI
... ;
I wrote:
"screen" Usage is more related to CRT, doko
90° diff between Flat Panel and Electron Gun (Yoke);
Remark: because of "Flat Panel," wormhole way began since year
2000s (e.g. ZCS
computing ... ) ; Also see:
Display . Robotic
LCD, because approx. 2+ weeks to demolish entire (Russia +
China) militaries believe it or not, e.g.
Dark Energy Engineering (Invisibilities,
Products +
Gravity Dimension Computer
(directional gravity spots), therefore before too late, China should (get, look
for, receive, seek) merciful flags from royal families of Asia, because already
(blocked, chess-made) by year 2023, e.g. world's 1st
unbeatable & unbreakable
military tanks,
... ; this DOMAIN
's contents are (being readiness, ready) to be demolishing entire China military
if possible Taiwan-China military war happens in the future; if USA is
winner, then approx. 4.4 trillion US Dollar worth (Russian Gas, Russian Oil)
from Ukraine for sure, concerning Ukraine-Russia War (2022-202?); start a war is
like "all in" tactic in Texas Poker (all or none begins) ; USA-China Trade War
(2019-20??) ... ;
Arakanese (a.k.a. Rakhine) calendar, by King T h u r i y a T h a h t a, D h a n y a w a d d y dynasty, and extra intercalary day if Great Leap Year. Arakanese Calendar ("Magi-San") is still used by Magh people in Bangladesh.
zodiac, Burmese
(a.k.a. Myanmar) signs, Indian signs, and Western signs are identical ones, also
see: ( 29,
Time, Longitude Number degree)
... ;
For thousands of years, Rakhine
have been true Buddhist people; The earliest and origin of Buddhism, because,
accordance with ancient history, Rakhine kingdom
was all the way to "A s a m and
M i n i p u r" ( WHICH means including the land of Bangladesh), western
coastal of Union of Myanmar (a.k.a. Rakhine
State), and accordance with Rakhine
kingdom's history, many successful Buddhist missionaries existed
establishment of Buddhism in Sri Lanka ("S e l o n"), establishment of Buddhism in
Indonesia, and ... ); At that time, Bangladesh as Muslin majority
as nation was not born yet;
I n d i (Indian people believe Hinduism, and
Indi people call "M a u k"
("Magh") to Rakhine people) and notice that
M a u r y a n
("M a u r y a n" in
Japanese documentation, might be referring to "M r a u k")
Dynasty (321-185 B.C.) and Rakhine kingdom's
documentation are not available (disappeared) after thousands of years, and a
few documentation might be left in Rakhine State's
museum as
3 (e.g.
m u d r a,
sutra); WHY
Rakhine have been true
Buddhist people for thousands of years? because, believe it or not, if a family
member is married to Muslin, the whole family outcasts the person (e.g. no more
contact to the person); And, Rakhine has never
accepted to any other religions (e.g. Christian, Hinduism,
Judaism, Muslin); And,
Rakhine means 100% Buddhist, very conservatively;
Modern Rakhine families allow their family members
to marry other ethnic tribes people IFF they are Buddhist people, i.e.
Don't think
THAT other religious (in our earth, we've many religions) peoples do the same
like you're, therefore, if you're ( global, (Global (1000) if SQRT2),
international), you ("Rakhine") must learn ("Black
Book" vs. "Red Book") because (
I) don't like to kill 200+ millions peoples in our earth, for a reason to change
"civilizations" ... ;
Remark: starting from 51st Street, Building Number 103,
Yangon (Union of Myanmar), doko
WHERE grandsons & daughter of Rakhine Kingdom ...
(as of 2021, grandsons & daughter of Rakhine Kingdom would be 88+ years old
ones, and might be on the human beings livable moons in our universes to
practice 103 ethical codes, and look alike 33+ years old ones ... ) ... ;
don't worry, we've to guard 100% security by deploying insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids ... ; this DOMAIN developer was there several
times WHEN he was young (age<16 years), and had good foods; no need to mention THAT 103
ethical codes of Rakhine Kingdom (Also see:
Numbers _in_ Dhamma ) will be
for 1000 of years ahead ... ;
Some people use wrong usage e.g. Rakhine Muslin; Actually and correctly, right usage should be Rakhine is Rakhine (i.e. truly Buddha people), and Muslin is Muslin (i.e. truly Islam people); Do not coin the word (e.g. Rakhine Muslin), since centuries of muslin forward to be spreading to the East ... ;
If you still do have a Buddha statue at your home, this DOMAIN recommends you to have one, and as Buddha statue's m u t r a, you will be blessed by good deities to be having peaceful mind, and so on;
If you're Rakhine, think that Rakhine State is one of the least developing states in Union of Myanmar, and in "B a m a" history, there is no Rakhine President and there is no Rakhine Military General in the history of Union of Myanmar (as of 2019/2563) and "B a m a" people think that Rakhine people don't exist, therefore, sincerely very very difficult to express and survive if you're Rakhine ... ; don't be leader of Rakhine, because my father was demolished (in 1980) by "B a m a" military supported by China, therefore, if you're Rakhine, be wise, and be quality ... ; if you're Rakhine, do not rely on "B a m a" military government, because, you Rakhine peoples are considered as "husked" of rice people, NOT "seed" of rice people, so please do understand the meaning of IT ... ; if (method, procedure, technique) breaks through, keep it for yourselves ... ; on the other hand, very very difficult to express and survive if you're Rakhine, because, western civilization's tactical powerful move as Bangladesh (20th century's newly born nation) as muslin nation next to you, therefore, don't be against China ... ; please don't betray your mother land (Union of Myanmar) because many ethnic tribes exist ... ; suggestion for 21st century & beyond, learn Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, also see: Mini Dictionary, and be able to keep documentations and specifications for next generations, and be smarter than "B a m a" military e.g. Gene Therapy System, e.g. jinko chino Artificial Intelligence, e.g. Manmade Global Weather, ... ; Remark: don't be against "B a m a" people, because you Rakhine will not win China; think that without China's permit, there is no "B a m a" military officials ... ;
in my dream, (
I) have always (hoped, wanted, wised) to be an independent Rakhine nation in
democracy but since 1886 (British colonized Burma, after 3 wars) - 100 year
("B a m a" kingdom defeated "Rakhine"
kingdom), shame on me, i.e. not able to rebuild "independent Rakhine nation"
I wrote: dear Shakya King, every Rakhine people (hopes, wants, wises) to be an independent Rakhine nation in democratic way sir;
Shakya King replied: like China, Chinese kingdom cannot be rebuilt; there're many other ethnic tribes exist in Union of Myanmar (Burma), and cannot be an independent nation by one ethnic tribe; "B a m a" military spends approx. 20+ billion (US Dollar) annually on military, therefore the least developed Rakhine cannot be what you want to be, and if you cannot (defeat, win) "B a m a" military, join them (e.g. NIPPON Method of Judo);
I wrote: dear Shakya King, I should not be on the wrong way of living sir;
Shakya King replied: right or wrong is political (perspective, view), and don't be (antigovernment, malicious, rebel, rebellious) ... ; find your own way to be educated, to be healthy ones, to be proactive, to be rich ones, to be successful, to be surviving, ... ; try to build your own Rakhine only R&D groups, like many other peoples do the same, ... ;
In Rakhine language,
Shakya (
directions, also
Swastika in English
language) M u n i
(Buddha, the word "M u n i" might be derived from
m u t r a of Buddha, i.e. instead of usage "m u n i means
sage" in Mahayana Buddhism);
address in
Rakhine language, i.e. one of the Romanization characters, also see:
b r ... ; IT is very important to
know (Myanmar language, Pali
language) because humanoids nama programming
are only written in Pali language (the one and
only language in Buddhism) believe IT or not; Also see:
For Humanoid (Nanobot
Programming) ... ;
Reforming Myanmar for thousands of years, Rakhine people practice meditation in very simple way (breath in, breath out) a.k.a. (inhale, exhale), and never changed and never modified, another example would be: Rakhine people never build new Pagoda like many other Buddhist people around the world (refer to our earth only) e.g. Bhutan people never build new Pagoda, e.g. Chinese people never build new Pagoda, e.g. Japanese people never build new Pagoda, ... ;
Because, ancient language's
meaning of
"Ra K h i Ta" means the people WHO
maintains generations of people like
Rakhine (derived word, from
K h i Ta") with 103 ethical codes:
1. | 3 objects of veneration, i.e. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha; | ||
2. | 5 Precepts (5 s i l a); once awhile, common people practice 5 s i l a; | ||
3. | 8 Precepts (8 s i l a); yogis practice 8 s i l a; | ||
4. | 10 Precepts (10 s i l a); (nuns, young monks) practice 10 s i l a; | ||
5. | 10 Principles virtues; | ||
6. | 10 Meritorious deeds; | ||
7. | 10 Good deeds; | ||
8. | 38 Blessing; also see: 38 mingala; mingala s u t t a; | ||
9. | 5 Kinds of charity for upright person; | ||
10. | 4 Prays; also see: 4 types of m a n d a l a; | ||
Remark: Rakhine kingdom is no longer exist, but 103 (ethical, moral) codes of Rakhine kingdom will exist for thousands of years ... ; |
103+ moons
of the Jupiter, and Complexity Region
of (
Moon Wave,
Wave) moon waves ... , also see:
j Character;
Physics Law 234
... ;
inside; within;
contain; form; looks;
well trained kids! replied: after reading your
contents, we
like to be "Rakhine" like you're WHO can explain a
I wrote:
of course, but is (you & I) must be with 103 ethical codes to be "Rakhine"
... ; e.g. it is not easy to avoid sexual misconduct (you'll realize
later WHEN you become older); e.g. it is not easy to avoid killings (you'll
realize later WHEN you become older); e.g. it is not easy to avoid once-a-week
rice liquor "sake"
(you'll realize later WHEN you become older); e.g. it is not easy to endure
without (distinction, promotion, reward) even though you know yourself that you
answered all correct (you'll realize later WHEN you become older, regarding "we"
human beings' civilizations are NOT that honest & simple like you think in your
young age); and so on ... ;
well trained kids! replied: Oh! we know many sins EXIST in Christian is a.k.a. many a v i j j a ((s) e.g. anger, desire, ... ) in Buddhism; (a v i j j a, also see: a Pali); for example: can you do 10 commandments WHICH is similar to -- can you do 10 precepts (s i l a); if you cannot do, you're considered as puthujjana (also see: p Pali);
I wrote:
of course, but I'll try to be good ones;
well trained kids! replied: yes,
of course, we'll do the same; e.g. if "Rakhine"
State is the least developing state in Union of Myanmar, no wonder, Union of
Myanmar is the same, the same in the whole world; we know no joke, no joke, like
Gene Therapy System,
Manmade Global Weather,
... ;
I wrote: Umm! you know keywords, And Then, learn more Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana; Oh! don't forget that you should share your knowledge to your brother-hood alike other ethnic tribes in Myanmar also; And Then, try to be knowing paragraph; And Then, try to be knowing graphics with essay; so on ... ; And Then, realize that no joke, no joke, like computer is "control" device ... ; And Then, don't forget that "knowledge is power" ... ; I've learnt my whole life (my mother philosopher WHO taught 30+ years of philosophy (eastern thought, western thought) mentioned & taught me at HOME quite often that "might is right" ) literally (implicitly) meaning "knowledge is power" ... ; should I officially request to "B a m a" military to get 100ft x 100ft land for me same like "b a m a" military generals to get special permit? because, they mentioned that many floods in Union of Myanmar; Remember: I a i n ' t do anything for "free" , I prefer "give-and-take" regarding "B a m a" military generals;
well trained kids! replied: Umm! if in Yangon regional area, since you've mentioned that 7 royal families of Asia, Yangon has been under Mon Khmer (Cambodia), you should contact to Mon Khmer (Cambodia) management to get the small piece of land (100 ft x 100 ft) like "b a m a" military generals do;
I wrote: OK. Thanks;
Remark: as of 2017/2561, in Union of Myanmar, the least developing states are Chin State, and Rakhine State, therefore, if you're ACT1 "Rakhine" and working for government of Myanmar, and become "assistant" , "associate" , "deputy" , ... , think of help and investment in Rakhine State (don't loose your root); if you're ACT2 "Rakhine" and working for global command, think of "yes" to Chinese, because, in order to change civilizations, Chinese are very very important; if you're ACT3 "Rakhine" and working for universal R&D, you're on your own ... ; Remember: in space development (e.g. space programming), there is no joint venture for sure, therefore, you're on your own ... , because, 1 formula is worth more than billions of dollars (e.g. 1mm gravity spot is worth more than billions of dollars, e.g. 2 gravity spots are embedded in GPS device, e.g. Nama For Humanoid (Idea Processor (numbers)) ... );
Realize and
understand that "Rakhine" is semantics to Union of
Myanmar, and Myanmar (all ethnic tribes) are semantics to regional (e.g.
and ASEAN nations are semantics to Civilization Type (civilizations), and so on
... ; therefore, if you're
ACT1 "Rakhine"
and trying to be syntax, And Then, you should be start learning oriental
languages e.g.
Mini Dictionary;
rights, ((ethical, legal, social) principles of) e.g. Bills
of Rights; civil rights (citizenship); Copy Rights (its COPYRIGHT sign symbol is ©); equal rights (referring to (equally sex,
gender equality) of men and women); exclusive sales rights (monopolization);
human rights (civil liberties, fundamental human rights); inheritance rights
(DNA matched ones should have rights); ownership rights (proprietorship); patent
rights; political rights (classes of rights); property rights (right to own the
property); workers' rights, a.k.a. labor rights; (
I) should have rights to the
New Energy
ones, also see: Physics Law 888;
(also see:
Numbers in
Dhamma), and the people WHO maintains Buddhism as religion
language and linguistic,
B A H A S A), and the people WHO maintains, carry
on, missionary of sasana (including Buddha
calendar, Buddhism as religion, web pages related to Buddha,
... ); Only very simple
3, and similar to (m a n d r a,
m u t r a, s u t r a)
and notice that e.g. m a n d r a (speaking form)
a u n" is in all kinds of Buddhism (i.e.
establishment of Buddhism in m a n d r a form),
m u t r a e.g. behaviors of Buddha statues represent
missionary of sasana to be starting with (i.e.
establishment of Buddhism in m u t r a form),
s u t r a (speaking or writing form) e.g.
s u t t a are for monks (i.e. documentation form, here
writer does not write "establishment" because accordance with m a h ā - p a d e s a, 4
principles, mentioned in P ā l i text, also see:
m Pali, monks are allowed
to create, document, write, in their own e.g. from
Shakyamuni to A m i t a b h a to
B i r u s h a n a);
Concerning language and linguistics, Rakhine is similar to B a m a (honestly writer should write B a m a is similar to Rakhine);
In 21st century, in
2013/2557, 128+ years without
B a m a kingdom, 228+ years without
Rakhine kingdom
(Remark: in 21st century and beyond, if
you're truly Rakhine, work for Japanese because they are truly Buddhist people
like you're, and they Japanese (a.k.a. NIPPON) are more than you Rakhine
can define e.g. rice liquor Sake is better, e.g. noodle is better, e.g. seafood
is better, and so on ... ), without Mon
kingdom, without Shan kingdom, ...
; In fact, Mon and
Khmer are the same people, therefore, if the map
was not drawn by Western Civilization's power, Cambodia nation would be southern
coastal area of Union of Myanmar, middle coastal area of Thai, and whole
Cambodia as Mon Khmer Dynasty as a nation; If you are Rakhine people,
you should follow 103 ethical codes of Rakhine
(also see:
with knowing without Rakhine
kingdom; And, be a good citizen of Union of Myanmar with good faith;
Anyone WHO practices 103 ethical codes, you might be welcomed to "Red Book" ;
If you're ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar and WHO lives in USA, this DOMAIN 's sincere suggestion would be: open accounts at the Bank of America (e.g. Checking Account, CMA ACCESS Merrill Edge, Saving Account), because you should promote yourself and practice the opportunity of your rights (bond, deed, stock) ownership ... ; Remark: this DOMAIN recommends online opportunity of your rights (bond, deed, stock) ownership via e Trade .com, if you cannot have accounts at the Bank of America; do IT yourselves MONEY MARKET (bond, deed, stock) ... can make you have some properties, and don't forget your ASSET = EQUITY + LIABILITY; if you've your own formula e.g. Gene Therapy System, e.g. Manmade Global Weather, ... then you need to seek Shakya King's help to be in the 0% level APR living (in our earth, we've APR living -10, ... , -5, ... , -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, ... , +5, ... , +10; Remark: Shakya King is at the level of -10APR% living, if compare to commoners are at +10APR% living; local banks are doing local businesses at the level of between -1APR% and +1APR% living) ... ;
if you're a
Rakhine ethnic tribe, you should invest in S N P, because natural
gas has been supplied from (Rakhine State,
Myanmar) to China, via pipelines; Also see:
If you're Rakhine, you should not work for "B a m a" military because you will never be at top, you will never be inside of the inner side of China's slavery (a.k.a. "b a m a" military), and knowing that let them ("B a m a") be in opera of China; Reminder: don't be against China either, because, you never know the top of Eastern Civilization e.g. at the top of Eastern Civilization, Chinese and Japanese are the same, therefore, learn Kanji ... ; and, be educated;
regarding Rakhine, have you ever counted HOW many families have their own villages, land, monasteries, graveyard, ... , in Rakhine State, Union of Myanmar; And Then, think that this DOMAIN developer (Ace Jaw) 's great grand father was very famous super pirate in Indian Ocean, and WHO established & founded own villages, lands, monasteries, graveyard, ... ; pirate word is somehow related to "Black Book" and notice that "Black Book" starts with
military commander, military
And Then,
NOT to happen 2+ hours of
overwriting & resetting destinations of automotives can be destructing 200+
years of constructing works, and notice that every civilization
must have ("Black Book" vs. "Red Book") implementation;
In 21st century,
China is
without dynasty (kingdom), therefore, (B a m a
kingdom, Mon kingdom, Rakhine
kingdom, Shan kingdom, ... ) should not be rebuilt; Like
China, life goes on, generations go on, without kingdoms; Do not blame on anyone
for not having kingdom, because power of Civilization & its Civilization Type
causes kingdoms to be disappeared, nations to be disappeared, nations to be
born, ... ;
Ph.D. (Doctor of
Philosophy (except in medical), a doctorate in any discipline), among my family members, all 100% Rakhine
ethnic tribe:
1. father, Ph.D. in Buddhism
and History;
Remark: dismissed by "B a m a" military;
2. cousin brother, Ph.D. in Geology;
Remark: quit from "B a m a" military dictatorship system's Gov. job;
3. cousin sister, Ph.D. in Physics;
Remark: quit from "B a m a" military dictatorship system's Gov. job;
4. cousin brother, Ph.D. in Mathematics;
Remark: working for Myanmar government as a professor;
5. sister, Ph.D. in Nursing;
Remark: a good citizen of the United States of America;
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ... waiting to be ... ; continuing to be ... ; don't betray your mother land "Union of Myanmar" ... ;
this DOMAIN developer (Rakhine
American Ace Jaw)
recommends NOT to work for "B a m a" military
dictatorship system, for
21st century & beyond,
regarding next generations, if you're Rakhine ... ;
regarding Gene
Therapy System, Gravity
Dimension Computer system,
Global Weather As System, ...
ware ware We need more knowledge based ones (as of 2565, 2021)
... ; knowledge is power, believe it or not, e.g. 2020 (75th year, after
World War II) COVID-19
pandemic worldwide is more
powerful than "nuclear" power ... ; so far, we
Rakhine have civilization gap problems e.g. no one is able to (found,
establish) global company, e.g. no one becomes billionaire,
therefore, I'm not proud of being a Rakhine, and
noticed, realized & understood that we've "civilization gap" problems
... ;
ware ware We've to support royal families members (Shakya King, Prince,
Princess, Queen, ... ),
And Then, to be the (Architect of SNA, Boss, Chief, Global Commander,
Headmaster, Leader, Master, Principal, Programmer) of our earth, to develop
(Dark Energy Engineering)
Humanoid Nama Programming
(Idea Processor),
Invisibility Engineering (Drone),
Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser,
Method (drip/drop medicines via Graphics Feedback Call Network
(NOT dialed feedback call network)),
QA of NFC IoT (NOT to be
overwriting & resetting GPS),
... ; do good (
go Karma a.k.a. Khamma, a.k.a.
Action, good results will
... ;
ware ware We must do Reforming
Myanmar, for many ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar
(knowing inside of Myanmar, no one is
Myanmar), because NOT to be having civilization gap problems
... ; in
common, "Black Book" implementations win, but as a Rakhine, "Red Book"
implementations must win, e.g. an eye for all eyes tactic, e.g. Gene Therapy
System, e.g. Gravity Dimension Computer system, e.g. Manmade Global Weather As
System, ... by "snaky"
Rakhine ... ; Shakya King does not
allow democratic way of managing a nation (China, North Korea, and Union of
Myanmar) in Asia;
world's 1st, design model,
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, programmed in (2566, 2022)
Rakhine American, and if you're ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar, you
should learn much better by reading this DOMAIN 's contents
... ; Red
Book ... ;
world's 1st, e.g. world's 1st airplane flight hi-jack was by Rakhine (in Union of Myanmar), i.e. an eye for all eyes military tactic ... ; Black Book ... ;
to survive in
21st century and beyond, if
you're Rakhine ethnic tribe, do not betray
to Union of Myanmar, and think beyond: e.g. USA 's
military bases are located around the globe; e.g. in space
(referring to ACT2
and ACT3 levels), truly
there is no joint venture; e.g. 3
layers-computing can be captured by 5 layers designers, as of
2018/2561, 8 generations (8
layers)-computing can be captured by 10 layers designers and so on
... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN reserves 12 dimensional (2*6), and 14
dimensional (2*7) for you, if you're truly space related ones ... ; "idea" is
NOT that easy to earn or gain, because, to earn or gain 1 (an) idea, this DOMAIN
developer had to work months of hardworking (collecting data, drinking
sake (rice liquor) to reset mind, R&D,
reading, talking, watching, ... ) sincerely (e.g. 3 lights of 90 degree must be
manmade, so that parallel moon waves know naturally be avoiding earthquake),
(e.g. 3 "L" shapes with 1 active volcano's peak point (altogether 4 points) must
be on the same line to be avoiding volcanic eruption), ... "idea" (s) seem easy
but this DOMAIN developer had to work years of hardworking e.g. developing,
reading, writing, ... ; if you (Rakhine)
see very very rich peoples in Union of Myanmar
(with knowing
Rakhine State is one of the least developing states), think that
they (very very rich peoples) belong to 7 royal families of Asia, and they (very
very rich peoples) belong to Eastern Civilization (i.e. one of the civilizations
in our earth),
And Then, have m u d i t a,
m u d i t ā (also
see: m Pali); another
example would be: it is not easy to be overwriting & resetting nation was born
(e.g. Bangladesh) in 20th century by 11 royal families of Europe (belong to
Western Civilization), so, next to 190+ millions muslin people, being 1+ million
people as Rakhine
(truly Buddhist people) is NOT easy e.g. it is NOT easy
to be overwriting & resetting civilization (belong to royal families e.g.
documentation, history, permit (e.g. Veto)); to
survive in 21st century and beyond,
if you're Rakhine ethnic tribe, do not
betray to Union of Myanmar, because
many ethnic tribes EXIST
... ;
Regarding ancient coin
(currency usage), Rakhine ("m o u k"
people of "m a - g a - d a" region) had its own; Regarding
flag (identity, state, symbol), Rakhine had its own and notice that
the Rakhine Flag 's (2*5) dimension in
Jun time period (e.g. 4 phase lunar) might have been
SYNC with (2*7) Lunar time period
(e.g. 2 phase lunar), since long long time period ago
(ancient people might had been adding
like 2 + 5, multiplying like 2 * 5, and wondering HOW time, hyper space, ... ) ...
; Therefore, (2*6) would be this DOMAIN 's imaginary
hyper space in our
... e.g. Eastern Civilization's yearly zodiac signs
... , Western Civilization's ecliptic monthly zodiac signs
..., also see: Constellations;
IFF variation of light in hour
, also see:
knowledge enhancement
idea # 143; hour (5, 6, 7) as our
earth, HOW tilted degree vs. time period in Gregorian Calendar;
Many ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar have flags e.g. nowadays (2018/2561)' Union of
Myanmar flag is color code similar to Shan ethnic
tribe's flag
(realized that "B a m a"
military's flags had changed 5 times in 20th century, and
many peoples around the world don't change their flags within decades of time
period, therefore, be wise and be smarter than "B a m a" military by learning
oriental languages ... );
M o u (family name, surname);
dialect is similar
to many people
WHO speak Myanmar language with accent (e.g. east of
Rakhine Y o m a (mountains) WHERE west of I r r a w a d d y
river (I r r a w a d d y River a.k.a. A y e y a w a d y
River) accent, I n l a y region accent,
D a w e i (a.k.a. "T a v o y") region accent, ...
) ... ; therefore, it is OK (okay) to speak
Myanmar with accent dialect ... ;
okonau Do
go Karma (action), good results will; And be wise (Union of Myanmar)
people, e.g. never judge a person by look, because in
21st century, cloned human beings, genuine human beings, and humanoid
human beings are look the same, and notice that they might NOT be knowing each
other, and notice that they might be knowing each other,
... ; for better understanding, also see:
Therapy System,
With metta;
Radical294), (
Radical355), (
accountable, (of an institution, of an organization, of a person), doing
(appointed, dutiful, entrusted, responsible, terms) to be justify
regarding ACT3 imaginary hyper space, since Rakhine (an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar) Kingdom has prompted (80000, 90000) as number, therefore, this DOMAIN developer (a "Tarzan") 's a wild guess would be 80000+ human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; Remark: there is neither 60,000 or 70,000 nor 100,000 or 110,000 in Rakhine Kingdom's documentation; think that Pagoda (s) were designed "triangle" pinpointing upward to the sky direction; like all other Buddhists people around the earth, Rakhine people do not build new pagoda;
Remark: this
DOMAIN developer (Aung Myint Kyaw) 's father Aye Kyaw, M.A. B.L.,
Ph.D. (leader of
Rakhine students organization, well known
historian (Union of Myanmar's national education system, history of Theravada
Buddhism), passed away in 2012) was dismissed by "B a m a"
military in
1980, since then, this DOMAIN developer's whole family
struggled (Remark:
I'm NOT wondering my family members are: some disable, some lost, some missing;
all kinds of odd jobs were NOT mentioned in my resume (Ace
Jaw)) against "B a m a" military
(fully supported
by China), and since 2010, this DOMAIN 's
Global Weather, using directional gravity (1 meter ones, 3 gravity spots in
tangent) for cleansing air pollution above cities sky in
(Remember: 21st
century & beyond, for changing civilizations, Chinese peoples are very very
important), since then,
Union of Myanmar's "B a m a" military generals
& their
tactic changed also; therefore, if you're one of ethnic tribes in Union of
Myanmar, learn this DOMAIN 's Mini Dictionary (e.g.
Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count,
Nippon Pronunciation,
Nippon Syllabary)
And Then, work for Japanese and learn more (e.g. all human beings livable moons in
our universes are owned by Shakya King, e.g.
Theory of Eastern Civilization, e.g.
Schematic Symbols, e.g. your own
PHYSICS laws, ...
... ;
to be richer Myanmar (e.g. to be beyond 100cc micro economy, e.g. to be better GDP and GNP),
find more natural resources
(cruel oil, gold, natural gas),
get technical helps from Japan (world's number 1 nation in space &
grow more (plantation) farmlands, seafood production plants,
promote specification & contents development (documentations),
wealth distribute to public (e.g. better paying jobs, e.g. more land use
rights), ... ;
in Rakhine ethnic tribe's history, Aye Kyaw (M.A., B . L ., Ph.D.) has been documented as monument record (one of the historical elites of Rakhine ethnic tribe in Union of Myanmar); "Aung M y a e" means "the land has been conquered", "successful & prosperous land" (e.g. design of Pagodas' walkway to be ... , e.g. if you see "THAT kind of symbol" , B . O . D . (Board of Directors) has been NOT this kind) and regarding 1000+ years of history, "T h a r S i" means "better the drum" (e.g. SPL codes are similar to sound patterns and SPL codes are NOT TO BE SHARED); Aye Kyaw 's monument has been located at Aung M y a e T h a r Si monastery (doko WHERE Rakhine historical elites are honored to be monumental), and the monastery is situated just north of T h a n d w e ("Than De") town (on the way to "T a u n g Up" ("T a u n g - G o k e") town) in Rakhine State, Union of Myanmar; so far, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw (Aung Myint Kyaw) has 2 family members as historical Rakhine elites monuments at the monastery (one is my own father, another is mother-side's uncle);
counter for generations;
rekishi History;
dress code prompts traditional, and suggestion: be able to adapt
other developed nations' dress codes ... e.g.
21st century & beyond
Rakhine people should have 2+ pants at least, and should
practice adaptation of dress codes in international style ... ;
Remark at the age of 58+ years:
with metta (loving kindness), a released photo in
2022, i.e. 1970s Yangon University
Rakhine Students Association;
this DOMAIN developer (Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) 's parents (father & mother,
sitting in 3,4 dimensional, at the front),
teachers, seniors, ... ; (front, rightmost, sitting) B a
S h w e achieved
one of the highest (ranks, positions, titles) "Minister of Education" as
a good
civilian citizen of Union of Myanmar, and ethnic tribes should be proud of equal
opportunity, fair-and-square policy, equal rights, ... ;
biological cells don't live alone like human beings livable moons are ...
), also see: Nanobot Programming R&D based
DNA _Origami (
Chiral by Water Elevator) for antiviral immunological ones
... ; for better realizing & understanding HOW nanobot programming
(designed &
modeled & programmed by Ace Jaw, a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw (a.k.a. a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American) in 2020s; it took approx. 3+ years (2019-2020-2021) to
figure-out, to find-out, a little bit of unwanted "N" bound by "coconut water +
protein powder" ... ), also see:
Directions (All Purpose Water Elevator *
) ... ;
during the Minister of Education B a S h w e 's administration & management, Union of Myanmar education systems have been (developed, integrated, upgraded) from matriculation high school to 12 graded international standard (UK, United Kingdom: G C E : O Level) high school, so I honored him personally with grand dinner (10+ persons) at a Korean restaurant (one of the best & highest class restaurants in Yangon), because he (did, performed, R&D) Union of Myanmar into the proper ways ... ; he should keep his hobby R&D what he has been with (camera repairing, film processing) and so on ... ; approx. 18-21 late-adolescent age is proper international standard to be graduated from a high school; G C E O Level is acceptable in our earth, and he has done extraordinary works i.e. nationwide education systems to be better & proper ways ... ; I'll honor him again, when I visit to my native land;
Remark at the age of 58+ years:
believe it or not, I've 5+ military generals as relatives in
Myanmar, and they're non-civilians (WHO practices "an-eye-for-all-eyes"
military tactic) and they obey the Shakya King's
satellite-smart-phone-commands, therefore, I wrote several times "our
earth is not simple like what I think" and I appreciate good foods
e.g. I had many good foods from B a S h w e
(when he visited), similar to I had many
good foods from Rakhine King's son & grand children;
Remember: in military dictators' nations (our earth), there is
no jurisdiction;
one of the 5+ military generals' sons, of course one of my nephews became genius
(beyond "Masters of Engineering" degree) in drone R&D (more than radio), but not
able to be global standard yet (need to improve in computer control app
(directional gravity spots, GPS based drones, natural water elevator method))
... may be he might need my grand dinner and blah blah blah talking ... ;
Remark: commoner civilians don't know security guards, patrols' radio, hidden stations readiness, backup code3 POLICE in-person, informants' report, cadet training (to be military officers), mapping aerial (Satellite : UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) range : short range missile range : M22 rifle range : pistol range), high ranking military officer training (policy, strategy, tactic), special trained agents (e.g. DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) Radio for Star Wars, e.g. insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, e.g. manmade global weather, e.g. DNA _Origami based nanobot programming), special trained FDA agents (a.k.a. pistol range ones) to make sure foods what you're eating is (clean, fresh, hygiene), special trained (reversed engineering graduate (a.k.a. M22 rifle range ones)) agents to remove gangsters' Laser beams installation in living environments (so your heads will not be shaky ones), Shakya King's dubbing honor (TRUST : MILITARY GENERALS), i.e. HOW CIVILIZATIONS IN OUR EARTH ... ; many (billionaires, millionaires) moved into Modesto, California, with good reasons, believe it or not, start with Fire Fighters' quick response, medical care with high tech medical facilities, i.e. HOW CIVILIZATIONS IN OUR EARTH ... ; (many B. O. D. members, many military generals, many true killers) own & operate Mercedes because of its symbol sign, because we human beings practice "an eye for all eyes" revenges ... ; Believe it or not, regarding ( Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), Directional Gravity Spot (Gravity Dimension Computer (G D C)), Natural Water Elevator, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Yellowish Variation (YV) ) , many ethnic tribes and Rakhine have not been passed by security guards (level, status of commoner civilians), and many "B a m a" military generals and global nations' spy agents have not been passed human beings livable moons' space stations, gravity machines launched on no moon days events, and so on ...
I'll QA (Quality Assurance) NOT to have 10+ meter high tidal waves in the
defined region,
I'll QA (Quality Assurance) NOT to overwrite 2+ hours of GPS in the defined
I'll QA (Quality Assurance) to prove Anti-Earthquake Algorithm in the defined
I'll QA (Quality Assurance) to reduce regional category 4+ storms in the defined
ocean, and so
on ... ;
Remark at the age of 58+ years:
if you're an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, this DOMAIN
developer's suggestion, i.e. be a good citizen of Myanmar, and "take
IT to the limit" because everywhere is the same e.g. as a
Rakhine American and good citizen of USA, I'll never be the president of
the United States of America (i.e. the expression: "take
IT to the limit") ... ; e.g.
ware ware We human beings on Jupiter are like 3 meter tall ones, if
compare to
ware ware We human beings on our earth are like 2 meter tall ones, and
this DOMAIN developer is working on
Gene Therapy System HOW to solve BLI (Body Length Index) on
human beings livable moons in our universes (Bamboo Stem Factor based Nanobot
Programming) ;
Remark: because, a "Tarzan" prefers bamboo stem factored Number
in dimensional,
... , beyond water elevators, also beyond (All Purpose Water Elevator *
), also see: Processor;
"take IT to the limit" so I've a brother-in-law (2000s-2020s, approx. 2 decades) as Chief Engineer of Water Dept., California, USA, United States of America, and during his Chief Engineer (a Rakhine American (GE level is beyond PE level for sure, regarding knowledge, license, ... )) period (2000s-2020s), he (developed, integrated, upgraded) Anti-Earthquake in California, i.e. in addition to his administration & management of California water; I cannot be a "big mouth" person now, HOW he (developed, integrated, upgraded) but after approx. 50+ years, you'll know as public; at the age of 58+ years (as of 2022), he doesn't want to be a Chief Engineer anymore, because he doesn't want to commute to construction sites in person, so he changed his (position, title) to B. O. D. related works;
"take IT to the limit" so I've a niece (beyond "Masters of Computer Science" degree) WHO has been Chief of TV Dept., in Yangon, Myanmar (e.g. M R TV, ... ) ; she should get a marriage, and have babies, instead of being a single ones; Remember: Toshiba invented multi systems in 1980s, and nowadays (2020s) with SPL based "sound patterns" ... ;
Remark at the age of 58+ years:
Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) has been
started since 1990s, also see:
Physics Law 1024;
as of (2566, 2022), this DOMAIN developer still survive (1st life, not
2nd life yet, not 3rd life yet) as a Rakhine American, after several life danger accidents
(e.g. car accidents), moral attacks (e.g.
prostitutions (e.g. my
childhood love ones were sold to China for $30000 US Dollar in 1980s, insectoid
reports to animaloid reports to humanoids (Shakya King's RDBMS reports stated
that they were rope tied & raped in China in
rekishi History,
therefore, we need to realize & understand what is "jurisdiction" ), tradeoff ones
(e.g. "trade" is
similar to give-and-take, "tradeoff" is similar to military commands)), "open door" without my consent where primary
home, professional attacks
(e.g. I did not receive (any A grade, any distinctions) in
Myanmar exams), with disable brothers and hunted sisters, ... (because
my family doesn't know "knights" mean special trained to kill others), therefore, I've
to be ready
(with my programmable Nanobots)
for another round (e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound
pandemic airborne unwanted virus) to survive, concerning global pandemic
COVID-19 ... ;
"take IT to the limit" and if you're an ethnic tribe of your motherland (Union of Myanmar), do something construction, good actions, learning languages (e.g. Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana), R&D, ... instead of beings rebellious ones, be on your own construction, good actions, learning languages (e.g. Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana), R&D, ... , ... ;
Chin State, and Rakhine State are the least developed area in Union of Myanmar, and Myanmar has been listed as one of the least developing nations in our earth, WHICH indicates "Rakhine" must be not failure to support other ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar ... ; we have language barrier problem in Myanmar, e.g. Chin doesn't understand Rakhine dialog, vice versa, Rakhine doesn't understand Chin dialog either, same same like Shan doesn't understand Ka-chin dialog, vice versa, Ka-chin doesn't understand Shan dialog, same same like Karen doesn't understand Mon dialog, vice versa, Mon doesn't understand Karen dialog, and many ethnic tribes' many dialogs prompt English (EN) language is a must to learn, And Then, better educated by knowing Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, if you're ethnic tribe ... ; if you're ethnic tribes, don't loose your root, And Then, feedback, practice donations, share your wealth, supply, support, visit, ... whenever possible (I did many times already e.g. whenever visiting back to my root (our earth's one of the least developing areas), I've intentionally practiced feedback, donations, sharing wealth, supplies, supports, ... ) ... ; if I become a billionaire in US Dollar, many investments in Rakhine State will be for sure, so I have to prove avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan 1st (priority), because nothing is free in our earth, and I believe in (an-eye-for-all-eyes military tactic, exchange, give-and-take, trading) ... ;
Remark at the age of 58+ years:
regarding ethnic tribes in my native land (Union of Myanmar),
keep learning (Gene
Therapy System (DNA:
G, (T
Idea Processor based
Global Weather, Mini Dictionary
(a must to know Hiragana,
Kanji, and Katakana,
if you're ethnic tribe),
Nanobot Programming (also see:
DNA _Origami to train mRNA (
messenger RNA
what to do (e.g. demolishing & killing marked "unwanted" oncological
patterns, e.g. demolishing & killing marked "unwanted" pathological patterns)), new
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV)), ... (
And Then,
And Then,
And Then) R&D on factoring Number (map,
mapped, mapping, maps), using Lo Shu,
Sudoku, ... ;
because of the Shakya King's rescue & support, I became
owning Lakh-of-Lakh Kyat (at the age of 55+ years,
i.e. excluding banks as asset and I become living in 0% APR
living standard among 20+ levels (-10, 0, +10) of financial status in our earth,
and knowing THAT Shakya King may have been living in -10% APR living standard,
because, Shakya King has been generation-by-generation
with curators, on the
other hand, commoner with civilization gap problem "a Tarzan" Rakhine (in this
case: Ace Jaw, a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) is without
generation-by-generation, and without curators,
and Bank of America's Credit Report Score 818+ as of 2022, because I pay
on-time monthly (for 33+ years) and try to be without credits but ... ), and I've practiced good
ways e.g. donations as much as I can,
keeping 103 ethical codes of Rakhine
Kingdom as
much as I can, supports to all ethnic tribes in Myanmar as
much as I can, and I don't donate and support rebellious ones
(because I believe
in supreme power like Shakya King and his satellite smart phone commands
(nothing like front line: so I've never been foolish ones, and I believe in
200+ million peoples must be killed in order to change civilizations in our
earth)), and
believe it or not human beings livable moons are
(Military Restricted) because "our
earth is not simple like what I think" ... ; and
ware ware We (Rakhine & ethnic tribes) have "civilization gap" problems, therefore, I've explained
much as I can to support ethnic tribes to be well civilized ones, well educated
ones ... ;
I believe in military dictatorship (starting
from you can't say no, when fully loaded weapons (e.g. airborne "N" bound virus,
remote nama reading by humanoids, UAV) are ready to trigger) and I've
grown-up under military dictatorship, and WHEN I became 55+ years old, I truly
like to be military dictator also (knowing i.e. bad psychology
e.g. I need
to eat lions and tigers ... )and knowing that many Americans don't
like this kind of writing expression in public;
Remember: in democracy nations (by votes), jurisdiction by
civilians' votes, e.g. banking systems (Bank of America,
Bank of China, Bank of Japan,
... ) verify "honest earning money" by licensed Underwriters who work for banks;
with Shakya King's support, I need to be world's
1st Rakhine billionaire (global standard) in US
Dollar currency, (of course, with verified "honest
earning money") so be beyond
Lakh-of-Lakh Kyat ...
after a member of US Dollar based billionaire club, I need to be the world's
richest person (e.g. Shakya King) also,
1st I need to purchase 2023 Toyota Crown, Limited ones, ... in 2023;
approx. 50+ years old above pictured persons know me, because
I was standing at the front, and after approx. 50+ years, I still cannot afford to own (My
Newly Built 103 Story Building, My New Lexus
Yacht, My New Private Honda Jet)
ware ware We've civilization gap problems
(Umm!! Umm!! I've to endure with My 2023
Toyota Crown) ... ;
Remark: as Rakhine ethnic
tribe, be snake, be snaky,
be dragon, ... if dealing with lions and tigers; if dragon, eat lions and tigers;
if snake, run away when lions and tigers present; in Myanmar, Rakhine ethnic
tribe is known as "snake" in "Black Book" so be dragon then, regarding essential
"Black Book" implementations ... ; (
dragon and
snake) are defined by Eastern Civilization's
zodiac signs ... ;
regarding dragon and snake, a "Tarzan" Rakhine
American's wild guess would be: (power, strength) are the diff, but tactic might
be similar, and regarding
Idea Processor R&D (e.g.
"origin of"
Artificial Intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA), e.g. "origin of" HOW our
brain's (establishments, forms)), ... are military top restricted info, e.g.
1990s design model,
Physics Law 1024,
Samsara Machine (e.g.
life-after-life) is military top restricted info (Specifications) in
2020s ... ; regarding
Idea Processor R&D (e.g.
"origin of"
Artificial Intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA), e.g. "origin of" HOW our brain's
(establishments, forms)) : I've a gift to ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar
i.e. Nanobot Programming R&D based
DNA _Origami (
Chiral by Water Elevator, genuinely & truly for
ACT3 level imaginary
hyperspace R&D in ZCS based, think THAT
biological cells don't live alone like human beings livable moons are ...
) ... ; in
Nanobot Programming, if I say e.g. because of "Chiral by Water
Elevator" we've diff intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA: IQ) among 31 realms of
beings in samsara ... , "Tarzan" peoples
will say WHAT nutty (Ace Jaw, a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw)
is talking about ... ;
be ready for another round to defeat (airborne
viral ones, bad rumoring,
category 4+ oceanic storms,
declaration of
illegal UAV,
moral-attacks, non-jurisdiction agenda, stabbing from behind, vandalizing),
... ;
Remark: this DOMAIN developer has lived & survived in United States of America for more than 33+ years (since 1989, to the present 2020s), and many Asian markets (including Indian stores) and oriental supermarkets don't market Myanmar foods, i.e. NOT ONLY royal families of Asia's one of the policies, BUT ALSO western civilization's one of the policies, e.g. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be because the most important "TRUST" must be earned & proven; Also see: Rakhine; Sushi; I (Ace Jaw, a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) hope & wish that https://www.myanmarfoodusa.com markets & delivers in USA for centuries (more than decades) without problems ... because, we ethnic tribes have "civilization gaps" problems WHO cannot establish "Name" , "OEM" , "Product" , "TRUST" , ... globally ... ;
I wrote: don't be in (fallacy, pitfall) e.g. learning
Enzymes by alone
(Remark: you need group-wise R&D if
learning Enzymes) ... , because since Water behaves like substances, so I've a quiz
i.e. regarding
Parameter (bi-phosphate, coconut
water, heavy water, pure water (a.k.a. purified water), tri-phosphate) + Protein Powder, i.e. to
formulate "N" bound (NOT "H" bound), to demolish & kill
(SARS-CoV-2 pathogen), WHICH parameter would you like to (choose, pick,
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!!
ware ware We'll (choose, pick, select) coconut water with
Protein Powder, as a parameter for (% of "N" bound) sir;
I wrote: Yes. a.k.a. (a "Tarzan") 's Method, to demolish &
kill millions of enemies (in this case: enemies SARS-CoV-2 pathogen had been
attached to human beings' protein WHICH caused COVID-19) ... , and a "Tarzan"
(WHOM without own lab)
Rakhine American (this DOMAIN developer) notice, realize, and understand
THAT COVID-19 is more powerful than nuclear power of civilizations in our earth,
therefore, this DOMAIN recommends "nuclear disarmament" worldwide ... ;
since Enzymes are directly related to gas % (
Water behaves like substances), so I've a
question e.g. WHAT was your Nitrogen (N) % kuru kuru
WHILE attaching
viral pathogen to human beings' protein?
well trained kids!! replied: OH!! OH!! NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, NOT Me, ... WHO formulated unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide;
I wrote: keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e. NOT to
attach viral pathogen to human beings' protein; you can make
tons of money by formulating human beings' protein to immune (oncological
pathogen) ... ;
I've to be ready
(with my Nanobots)
for another round (e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound
pandemic airborne unwanted virus) ... ;
Suggestion: be like my father who earned M.A., B. L., and
Ph.D., because he didn't loose his root e.g. (dried fish, dried seafood,
dried shrimp) supplied from relatives
to support his education in 1950s,
1960s, ..., and he supported me
(e.g. $500 a month
during my graduate study in USA in 1990s), so I earned a MS in
Computer Science, and education is very important to be civilized, ethnical,
moral, R&D, ... since 1990s, I've developed
Algorithm (s) ... and if you read this DOMAIN 's contents, you'll be
knowing, realizing, and understanding many new algorithms ... e.g.
2020s design model
avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan, doko
WHERE Lo Shu, and Sudoku
numerological can be, e.g. 2000s
design model
C Sequence Number, doko WHERE (BF2) numerical
can be, e.g. Gene Therapy System
index, doko WHERE "normal" (biological,
immunological, pathological) can be, e.g.
2010s design model
Idea Processor,
doko WHERE Buddha's Abhidharma based
numerical can be, e.g. the most advance & important NIPPON
characters (Nippon
Syllabary) can be learnt,
... ;
on the other hand, be ready for another round
(e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound
pandemic airborne unwanted virus) ... ;
I've (a dream, an imagination), millions of US Dollar assets (beyond Lakh-of-Lakh Kyat rich ones) will do Aung Myint Kyaw Foundation in Myanmar for ethnic tribes,
e.g. awards for excellent in schools (because I never had award, distinction, grade A, in Myanmar education system),
e.g scholarships for better education abroad in Japan (because I was rejected by Monbusho Scholarship),
e.g. supporting money for continuing education (because I appreciate my father's $500 a month during my graduate study in 1990s),
e.g. tuition fee assistants (because I know some peoples cannot afford to pay for schooling),
... if I'm still alive by beyond 65+ years old; Also see: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American Ace Jaw (charity, donation, gift) - Log Amount ... ; as of 2022, there is no Aung Myint Kyaw Foundation yet in Myanmar, but 3+ Toyota Pro Box taxis in Yangon, ... ; Suggestion: if you're ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, and if you've "honest earning money" (billions of US Dollar, millions of US Dollar) already verified by banks' licensed underwriters, then start doing donations to your native land (our earth's one of the least developing nations listed, a nation name called "Myanmar") ... ;
All Purpose Water Elevator * ; e.g.
All Purpose Water Elevator Top,
All Purpose Water Elevator Left,
All Purpose Water Elevator Down,
All Purpose Water Elevator Right
) ... , also see: Directions; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Water; Water Clock;
id="ア メ リ カ 緬 甸
also see: international Band;
1oComputer; Remark:
100+ years design model; Remember:
time related
n i t o t t e
For sasana year, to be with Gregorian Calendar's
years ... ;
if you like to R&D "thousand years" design model, you can R&D e.g.
2???2???-0543-3212-3123-551085510710, however, thousand years design model is
not recommended because (method, object, procedure, technique, things) change
... ;
well trained kids!! replied: can we (change, edit, modify) the color codes of (All Purpose Water Elevator *) sir?
I wrote:
No. if you're not yet trained
for "human beings livable moons in our universes" ;
Yes. (change,
modify) a little bit only if you're already trained for "human beings
livable moons in our universes" (e.g. if you've your own Bamboo Stem factored
Number, e.g. if you've your own
Origin of Ribcage factored Number, e.g. if you've already wrapped
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index factored Number, e.g. if you've already proven
variable DEE patterns for each human beings livable moon as factored Number) ...
Remark: if you're genuinely & truly ACT3
level, ACT2 levels, imaginary hyperspace R&D, I've many questions and supporting
idea (s), answers, for you ... , i.e. beyond nuclear power of civilizations in
our earth;
on the other hand, be ready for another round
(e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound
pandemic airborne unwanted virus) ... ;
Chiral by Water Elevator, ... , also see:
_Origami ... , doko
WHERE you may start your own Nanobot Programming R&D
... ;
Remark: our earth only (ACT1 level); if ACT2 level, you must apply many
additional parameters e.g. Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), Yellowish Variation
(YV), ... ; if ACT3 level, there is no joint venture in true space (universes)
... so you must be on your own ... ; this DOMAIN recommends
numerological (map, mapped, mapping, maps) e.g.
Lo Shu,
Sudoku, ... 1st to realize & understand world's 1st algorithm e.g.
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan
HOW step-by-step explicit explanation,
And Then, 2nd. to realize & understand
structural, And Then, 3rd. HOW biophysics (hole, string) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: regarding "stem" cells, your Chiral 's 4
consecutive ones looks alike "stem" sir, and we've question i.e. inside of
108 configuration, there is no
numerical 8 sir, (
doshite Why,
Why) ?
I wrote: OH!! 1st. you need to realize & understand
Theory of Eastern Civilization, so biological cells can be
represented by either hole or string, 2nd. I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well
trained kids!! knowledge i.e. HOW do you define (
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls)'
directional ? because you
need to realize & understand usage "kuru kuru
flip-flopping (Navy Blue Color, Silver Color)," Yellow Color As String in
Green Color is surrounded;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! 2 sided Yellow Color
you're talking about;
I wrote: Yes. you've got it WHAT I'm explaining; either hole
or string is OK
(I've mentioned several times THAT 2 is very very unique in many ways)
e.g. inside of
DNA _Origami ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! both sides (4-ones' side) and (3-ones' side) must obey your Physics Law 1, C Sequence Number (BF2) at their end-points, and we've read, realized & understood your Algorithm (3,4 dimensional) e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan sir;
I wrote:
of course; I've a quiz now for your Nanobot Programming R&D, inside of "DNA
picture represents directional (define, indicate, prompt) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir,
Chiral by Water Elevator) 's Aqua Color will guide its (
course of action,
geometry directional,
Directions sir;
I wrote:
of course, correct, right, sure, thrive, ... ; 3rd. I need to QA (Quality
Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. regarding to match
108 configuration (numerical
Number 7) to be 7 biological cells together of (
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot), Green Color and Red Color
must be flip-flopping at doko
? very very difficult question because very very unique 2 kinds (Male kind,
Female kind) are going to be realized & understood;
well trained kids!! replied:
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
ware ware We've realized & understood THAT (
Chiral) 's middle + bottom, (1 Silver Color and 1 White Color)
should be off, IFF flip-flopping (Green Color and Red Color) sir,
so we've just realized & understood that WHAT is (numerical Number 7) inside of
108 configuration sir;
I wrote: I've to be ready for another round e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound, concerning global airborne antiviral COVID-19 pandemic worldwide ... ; Umm!! Umm!! it took me 3+ years to find-out, and remember I don't have any medical academic degree in my 1st life;
meaning of the usage "
Rakhita" : the peoples WHO protect
(1.families + 2.Buddhism + 3.sasana (Buddha Calendar years)) in Pali
language (a part of Myanmar (Burma) language) and ((
have many examples)
... ;
dental; e.g.
Remark: if you're
ethnic tribes (e.g. a "Tarzan" Rakhine) of
Union of Myanmar,
this DOMAIN recommends ASAP after (eating, having a meal),
tooth brushing with toothpaste,
2nd gargling with
mouthwash, 3rd
using a clean & disinfected stainless steel tooth pick set,
using a clean & disinfected dental floss,
5th (exceptional
option at last) using Water F l o s s e r, so keep your (gum, jaw
bone, mouth, teeth) clean, healthy, hygiene, ... ;
don't be lazy, approx. 10 minutes for each dental cleansing self if age >
55+ years old ones ; Also see:
d G T
S U;
this DOMAIN;
to be a medical physician WHEN you become (mature, older), all you need to do is 1st be graduated with "any degree," (Remark: during your undergrad study, prepare & practice M CAT exam tests), And Then, after passing the M CAT (USA . Association of American Medical Colleges for standardization) exam, apply medical school in Philippines or Caribbean Medical Schools (e.g. https://www.sjsm.org), because affordable "cost" for ethnic tribes, And Then, be a medical physician anywhere around the globe ... ; I did not get any distinction in Myanmar exams, because rights have been violated against many ethnic tribes ... ; don't be a fool by TRUE LIES; to be an engineer ... ; exceptionally, to be computer system programmer, you must have permit & trained by Shakya King directly, otherwise, be good computer users ... because ("Idea Processor") : ("Artificial Intelligence") : ("Computers" : "Electronic" : "Device" : NFC "IoT") : ("Hardware" , "Software") truly belong to military power (civilization level) ... ; Remark: many peoples may become foolish (including myself), after kuru kuru of (3 keywords, 3 layers, 3 rounds, 3 TTL Routers) regarding computer system ... ;
transcript words are derived by time e.g. M y a u k (M r a u k), A r a k a n (A r r a c a n, A r a k a n e s e), Rakhine, and, in the future WHO knows the name might be usage as: R a k k h a; R a k h a i n g;
ware ware We
) must be
hinshitsu Quality,
hinshitsu Quality,
hinshitsu Quality) individual ones, group ones, people
ones, because, 1+ million people, as an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar; Also see: (Artificial
Gene Therapy System;
Idea Processor;
Global Weather;
103 ethical codes
... ;
(in democracy, and in English language), the usage "jurisdiction" means (middle management, upper management) agenda, expression, and statement, e.g. "I'm here to be against you," because in many developed nations (our earth), democrat and republican are 50% to 50% very competitive to do affirmative actions (Cabinet Member elections, CEO elections, civil rights, copyrights, human rights, voting rights, ... ) ... ; therefore, HOW to be acceptable by opponents is law & order by jurisdiction . affirmative actions, i.e. HOW I've learnt my whole life in democracy, and in English language;
on human beings
livable moons (excluding our earth),
ware ware
We (ethnic
Rakhine peoples) must obey the Shakya
King's laws and orders; Suggestion: be constructive person, be educated, be graceful, be
healthy, be HOME IMPROVEMENT persons, be humble, be in construction ways, be knowledgeable, be on-time, be patient, be reliable, be
TRUST oriented person, be well informed, be with loving kindness (metta),
do good (
khamma, a.k.a. kharma) actions as much as
you can, don't be braggart (i.e. don't be boasting & bragging with excessive
pride), don't be disgrace, ... and try to be continuing life-after-life with 103
ethnic codes;
Also see: Career Employment Professional;
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