; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 7th (Saturday) : avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan;

; ; ; ; Updated on 7 : 9 : 2024 : avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan ;

splines, above the vermis (e.g. 13 central ones as vermis), at the midst of the brain, rings alike (i.e. splines); SPL based audio patterns may begin; SPL based sound patterns may begin; 3,4 dimensional has been explained inside of avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan R&D, And Then, splines belong to "3" ones (NOT "4" ones) in 3,4 dimensional (

e.g. ((4 . Adenine (A)) = (3 . Thymine (T))) ,

e.g. ((4 . Cytosine (C)) = (3 . Guanine (G))) ,

e.g. ((4 . Guanine (G) = (3 . Cytosine (C))) ,

e.g. ((4 . Thymine (T)) = (3 . Adenine (A))) 

); Also see: avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan; b G T S U; s G T S U;  Remark: HOW Lights' breadth As Sheets in (NCS, PCS, ZCS) are military top secret, so beyond this, cannot explain anymore; think of a bird without legs (rings) i.e. splines;

well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) in 2024 ("once by 20.3+ years time period"), prior 100 days to the Total Solar Eclipse, (3 earthquakes happened in the west of Pacific ocean, And Then, 1 earthquake happened in the west of Atlantic ocean) in our earth sir?

I wrote: in numerological, 20.3 means "5," And Then, 100 has been defined for "Remote" in SQRT2 design model (±98) Engineering Notation (i.e. in addition to 10 As Local), therefore, ware ware We've to define  ( 105, (angle degree; Radical653)) e.g. 105 DEGREE, if you're (Japanese, Taiwanese) WHO R&D Anti-Earthquake design model, and my ("a "Tarzan" Rakhine American") suggestion would be: on each (N M D, No Moon Day), from north to south, fetching iro LED ( Hex={FF,CC,99} Yellow Color) light, in 105 angle degree (e.g. sea level to the sky Directions), for indicating "here, there" is the (location, place) to be avoiding earthquake;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We like to calculate Total Solar Eclipse's (arc, curve) + its minutes sir? because we do R&D Anti-Earthquake design model sir;
I wrote: a "Tarzan" way of thinking would be: use of index finger and middle finger, And Then, draw 1 circle (circle; Radical838) round for once-in-twenty-years (recommended to draw your own circle at your twenty years birthday), And Then, compare to the path of the Total Solar Eclipse, And Then, form 3,4 dimensional 90 degree position (Right Side As 3) to calculate 4's connected strings; concerning "2 groups of moving" (items, objects, things), think of nodding your head (up-and-down), kuru kuru WHILE stretching-up your (Left, Right) arms in 90 degree, i.e. HOW to calculate Total Solar Eclipse (our earth), Hmm!! Umm!! a "Tarzan" way of thinking; Remark: if 3.3 arc minutes (Right Side As 3) prompted 4 diff locations as earthquakes within 100 days (our earth) period, And Then, you need to prove by fetching (i.e. Manmade Global Weather) Yellow Color (e.g. Hex={FF,CC,99} Color) lights from North to South, for avoiding earthquake for 20.3+ years or 244-246 ( N M D, No Moon Day) ahead; Also see: avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan; Time (No Moon Day);

I wrote: OH!! OH!! I've a gift for you, i.e. 20.3+ years or 244-246 (N M D, No Moon Day) ahead for our earth;

2024 April 8 . our earth's Total Solar Eclipse . Anti-Earthquake . Action . Using Origin of Jaw . 2 eyes As directional gravity spots; e.g.

Akira (name); J i t s u (name); Ni (place name); Radical94;

2024 April 8 . our earth 's Total Solar Eclipse . Anti-Earthquake .   Action . Using     .  2  eyes  As  directional gravity spots :    
Yellow Color down arrow indicates that from North to South if in the  northern hemisphere ;            
  4 vertical Indigo Color indicate moon waves are coming naturally ;                      
at the midst , at the center ( sun character , esp. Red Color ) for heat related  our earth ;  
on 2024 January 1 , unwanted  regional earth quaked naturally indicate that approx. 100 Day , 100 Minute , or          
approx. 99 Day , 99 Minute apart in retrospective time ;    
so , iro LED lights e.g. Yellow Color fetch in g from North to South , if location is northern hemisphere      
i.e. for avoid in g naturally earthquake ;                              
Your agency 's Logo should be : here ;                            
Your nation al Symbol should be :   ;                            
Your space   system picture should be :                            
this DOMAIN 's   Anti-Earthquake design model is Intellectual Property of the United States of America ( USA ) ;        
written ,   programmed   by a "Tarzan" Rakhine American in March 2024 ;                

Also see: avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan; DEE, Dark Energy Engineering;

2024 April 8, the time for TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (day time period, also see: Time) . Space (our earth) . Action (e.g. naturally blink 2 eyes) ; Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's way of thinking: OH!! OH!! our earth blinks also and its "bow tie" (Lexus' emblem in 2020) may stretch 115+ miles ( Distance between the two eyes), kuru kuru WHILE blinking its 2 eyes; Also see: Anti-Earthquake design model, because Parameter e.g. (31+29+31+8) = 99 (nine nine means grandmother, other wording would be "w a j i m a" in Myanmar language), And Then, Plus One would be 100, doko WHERE (100+ Day (concerning 01/01/2024 earthquake), 100+ Minute) is one of the important factors to realize & understand HOW Anti-Earthquake design model ... ;

Suggestion to (Japanese, Taiwanese) computer programmers, electronic engineers, geotechnical elites, PHYSICS professors, i.e. for each local, street lighting pole should be redesigned, e.g. lighting from North to South (Yellow Color) in winter time period, for avoiding earthquake at the defined local area (in Japan, in Taiwan) because, heat and lights are at the same location (our earth), and directional gravity spots are related to lights; since (NCS, PCS, ZCS) computing exist, this DOMAIN developer (a.k.a. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American) 's imaginary would be: Anti-Earthquake design model is (different, not similar to) Anti-Volcanic Eruption design model, concerning (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) lighting;

Remark: in 2020s (our earth), the most challenge design model would be: Anti-Earthquake design model (Big Band); Nanobot Programming ((antiviral medicine), (cure; heal; Radical959 . oncological atypical cells)) design model (Small Band); written in March, 2024;

since May, 2023, Bamboo Stem Factor R&D has begun ... ; Also see: Referenced Books;







), also see: Anti-Earthquake; avoidingEarthquakeInJapanAndTaiwan; Computer Science; Satellite;

(2+2) design model for imaginary hyperspace Referenced Books, also see: Inductance;

    moon wave ;        
    moon wave ;        
    moon wave ;        
    moon wave ;        
    moon wave ;        

R&D (moon wave), n i t o t t e For (Anti-Earthquake, avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, m Character; m G T S U; w Character; Weather; w G T S U) ... ; think that C Sequence Number (BF2), 2 eyes happen naturally, human beings livable moons (Body Length Index (BLI) problems exist e.g. Left and Right are not the same in equilibrium), our earth's moon (other side), parallel navy blue color on Jupiter, 2 suns refresh on one of the human beings livable moons, and ware ware We R&D (moon wave) e.g. regarding Yellowish Variations (YV: especially Australian kangaroo's gene code should be defined ones ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) 2 arms vs. 2 legs are not the same in equilibrium (our earth only)) ... ; Remark: ACT2 and ACT3 levels' hyperspace info are military top secrets, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;

R&D remark, for ACT3 level & ACT2 level very very advance people (e.g. cosmos, space, universe, related ones) : because of 2 suns refresh on one the human beings livable moons, ( analogical, analogical, analogical, analogical, also see: Idea Processor) "heart shape (s)" cause vibration, inside of ( Origin of Ribcage), And Then, Bamboo Stem Factors (since 2 is very very unique in many ways, 2 bamboo trees' stem factors) should be designed, modeled, programmed, And Then, IFF 1 way DEE space environment, those 2 Bamboo Stem Factors should toward the "heart shape (s)" ' hole side (NOT string side, in this case), i.e. ACT3 level & ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace ... And Then, prove THAT NO EARTHQUAKE IN THE DEFINED REGION, FOR 10+ YEARS ... ; be beyond ("Cardiovascular Dx"), ("directional gravity spots"), ("multi long length neutrino laser"), ("wormhole way antimissile pinpointing method"), ... ;

2023 March 28 Alignment, also see: Constellations;

I wrote: long long time ago, I (mentioned, said) that Japan & Taiwan are 2 eyes alike, And Then, WHAT does IT mean to you?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! ( crab, crab, crab, crab) 's eyes sir, doko WHERE its (arms, legs) are strings alike, and its body is like mainland (China + Korea + Vietnam);

I wrote: correct. mochiron of course; Reminder: since year 2000s, DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (holes, e.g. directional gravity spots (our earth only)) ... ; Umm!! Hmm!!

Water Clock;

I've a gift for you i.e. Origin of Carbon Nanowalls; Remark:

you need to realize & understand 1990s design model Flat Panel (WHERE diagonal lines are),

you need to realize & understand 2000s design model (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering),

you need to realize & understand 2010s design model Walls;

you need to realize & understand 2020s design model (3,4 dimensional) avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

you need to realize & understand Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot 's Yellow Color strings WHILE flip-flopping Silver Color (a "Tarzan" 's guess: may be from our moon) and Navy Color (a "Tarzan" 's guess: may be from Jupiter), along with ( 60 years . 103x28 dimensional Invisibility) ... ; so called "Origin of Carbon Nanowalls," for our earth only; Also see: DNA _Origami; Reforming Myanmar; Walls;

60 years ( 4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), using Artificial Intelligence ( 103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g. our earth's carbon nano Walls) to figure-out 3-side's handles ... ;

Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming, for avoiding earthquake in the defined region (e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ;

Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, for variable DEE patterns ... ;

Also see: DNA _Origami, for nanobot programming, beyond our earth based biophysics ... ;

Also see: Invisibility, for invisibility engineering in 3,4 dimensional i.e. beyond solar system ... ;

Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts i.e. beyond our solar system e.g. visiting to human beings livable moons ... ;

Also see: Reforming Myanmar, for ethnic tribes' self R&D groups ... ; Remark: based on 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;

        Domain Name    
: . j p i.e. Japan ;  
: . t w i.e. Taiwan ;  
        Also see : Audio ;  

Brief Introduction: this webpage, started at 8:28 AM, on January 22, 2022, because generic antiviral COVID-19 medicines have been available since 2022, and ( I, I, I, I) have time to develop this webpage WHICH (expresses, indicates, instructs) "step-by-step" , "side-by-side" HOW to be avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan basically; readers may gain diff Algorithm (procedure), diff idea, diff Method, diff way of presenting info (contents: government websites, military tactics, public weather org, Shakya King's permissions, universities' R&D results, well known geotechnical R&D groups, ... ) against (frequently, naturally) happen earthquakes;

holy water;

Also see: Reference Books;

( JST, JST, JST, JST), Japan Standard Time ... ; Reiwa;

Idea Processor based : jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Using (( p t, P T), ( p x, P X)) for each (chizu Map, map, mapped, mapping) to be (Anti Virus, avoiding Earthquake, doing good Action, healthy, normal, peaceful) ... ;

        DEE _Radio ;    
        DEE _Radio ;    
  avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ;  

World's 1st Idea Processor based jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( HTML) program (webpage (avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan)), designed, modeled, and programmed by Rakhine American, and one of the intellectual properties of the United States of America;

23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09053 seconds, (i.e. our earth's rotation once a day) a.k.a. sidereal period (our earth ( Radical519) 's circumference: approx. 40075 kilometers); Also see: Time; Distance;

( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, shaku/, share, ( understand, know)) ... ;

s h o r u i Dossier (account, annals, archives, casebook, case history, case study, catalog, chronicles, data, diary, documentation, documents, evidence, file, information, inventory, journal, log, logbook, list, memoir, notes, register, report) ... ; if next earthquake happens naturally, I've to read this webpage's contents again, And Then, (develop, modify) IT a little bit, until proven record of 10+ years without earthquake, And Then, your own Algorithm ... ; if we're able to avoid earthquake for more than 10+ years, your own Algorithm (hole, string) artificially (NOT naturally) ... ;

188x108 dimensional (





), and (





) together, created on the Emperor Day, 2022, And Then, this webpage's Algorithm is proposed to the Shakya King, And Then, monitor for next 10+ years, and if no earthquake in the defined region for 10+ years, And Then, the Shakya King should keep IT for 1000+ years;


Japan, , , , 81;

Taiwan, , , , 886;

) also see: 9jComputer; 4tComputer; Remark: usage "empire definition" is similar to "emperor definition" ;

Action (avoiding earthquake);

I wrote: also see: Action; inside of the "Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization," ware ware We've only 2 (items, objects, things), and I wonder WHAT would that be?

well trained kids!! replied: 2 is very very unique in many ways sir, in this case (R&D), either hole or string;

I wrote: mochiron of course; regarding the above 188x108 dimensional (JAPAN .BMP, JAPAN .GIF, JAPAN .JPG, JAPAN .PNG), and (TAIWAN .BMP, TAIWAN .GIF, TAIWAN .JPG, TAIWAN .PNG) together, how many items?

well trained kids!! replied: 8 sir;

I wrote: how many strings inside of the following, previously defined 's 4 ones' side?

well trained kids!! replied: 8 sir;

I wrote: I've my own reasons i.e. JAPAN and TAIWAN together;

( 643nm + + ) e.g. 643nm to be connected with Teleportation;

( 571nm + + ) e.g. 571nm to be connected with Teleportation;

( 498nm + + ) e.g. 498nm to be connected with Teleportation;

( 402nm + + ) e.g. 402nm to be connected with Teleportation;

108x15 dimensional; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Teleportation;

( I, I, I, I) wrote: regarding the following (" 3,4 dimensional configuration4, 3,4 dimensional configuration3, 3,4 dimensional configuration2, and 3,4 dimensional configuration1 "), are the strings whether introvert style or extrovert style?

well trained kids!! replied: since the strings are neither Blue Color nor Purple Color, and you've been a Buddhist person, so Middle Path (Method, Procedure, Technique) sir;

I wrote: Yes. TRUE; can you draw 2 pictures for ( Me, Me, Me, Me) representing (Introvert Color, Extrovert Color)?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, they're ( Extrovert Color, Introvert Color), and their (reversed, selected) colors would be (green, orange) ... ;

you mentioned THAT this webpage (avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan) is one of the intellectual properties of USA, however, we like to have our own sir; Remark: we're Japanese and Taiwanese, and we're not US Citizen;

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, it would be for 2 groups of (3 ones and 4 ones), also see: DNA _Origami;

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, it would be for each ( Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave,  Moon-Light-Wave) And Then, by using , ware ware We can define Moon-Light-Wave's connection Number; WHICH is Anti-Earthquake Algorithm of this DOMAIN ... ;

I wrote: don't worry, I've never (law sued, law suit) to anyone in my life; so, you can keep it ("As Is" , "AS IT") or you can use ( Honorable Prefix, Prefix, Prefix More Or Less) Method, Procedure, Technique, e.g.

if you're Japanese, you can Save As (this file): you should (change, develop, edit, modify) from numerological number ("6") to numerological number ("8"), And Then, recalculate its sequences (( X, Y) : 9x9 Table), And Then, Save As: jp_ avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan so you have your own numerological numbers mean you're on your own ... ;

if you're Taiwanese, you can Save As (this file): you should (change, develop, edit, modify) from numerological number ("6") to numerological number ("7"), And Then, recalculate its sequences (( X, Y) : 9x9 Table), And Then, Save As: tw_ avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan so you have your own numerological numbers mean you're on your own ... ;

Remark: I've my own reasons, both Japan and Taiwan is better way; e.g. we human beings have 2 eyes naturally, however only 1 eye as index eye; think that Japan and Taiwan are 2 eyes of the Pacific Ocean; so I prefer (I've my own reasons) both Japan and Taiwan is better way;

I wrote: I've a quiz now, in common, do our eyes move opposite direction, or same direction?

well trained kids!! replied: in common, our eyes move the same direction sir;

I wrote: I like to tease you (a joke), do you know how many times our eyes move during sunlight time period? Remark: I don't know exactly, thus approx. Method is better way;

well trained kids!! replied: we don't know either; we've never thought of ourselves as 2 eyes of the Pacific Ocean sir; in 3,4 dimensional, We think that approx. (Method, Procedure, Technique) would be better ones ... ; We'll do military generals meetings to do joint military operations HOW (7 drones (3,4 dimensional), 7 satellites (3,4 dimensional)) can simulate your Algorithm ... ;

I wrote: Yes. TRUE; by the way, similar to military generals, believe IT or not, wishing I've very very huge gun (e.g. antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA (Remark: I worked R&D approx. 3+ years, just to know "unwanted Nitrogen," during 2019-2020-2021)), on the other hand, I practice metta (loving kindness) ... ;

I wrote: think again, you might need only 3 drones (Remark: you might not need (7 drones (3,4 dimensional), 7 satellites (3,4 dimensional))), e.g. regarding (Time . Space . Action), 4 phase lunar as 4 diff times (i.e. Time), 3 drones (i.e. Space) are projecting lights as shown in the (Left, Right) tables (i.e. Action);

if we do soshin Send, by using the following (Left, Right) 4 tables (a.k.a. 9x9 Table)' defined patterns, (sending, transmitting) via Manmade (iro LED based lights e.g. hikari Light, hikari Light, hikari Light) from the 3 drones upward and toward the group (3 ones), accordance with 4 phase lunar as 4 diff times, And Then, proven records of avoiding earthquake in the defined region means YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, ( I, I, I, I) believe in Zen (Mahayana Buddhism) Way, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ; Also see: ..\..\..\ Buddha \ index ;

I wrote: the following contents contain explanation of 5 Protein bounds ("bow tie") look alike ones, and I've a quiz now, i.e. do they (5 Protein bounds) form naturally Star Topology?

well trained kids!! replied: No. they (5 Protein bounds) don't form "Star" (a.k.a. 72 degree ones) sir; they (5 Protein bounds) are 2 pairs of polygon ones sir;

I wrote: have you ever cut the 2 edges of the defined Star, to calculate ( Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave,  Moon-Light-Wave) before?

well trained kids!! replied: No. We've never done it before; ASAP, we'll calculate IT;

I wrote: in addition to ("I've my own reasons, both Japan and Taiwan is better way"), because, either ("2 eyes") way because of surrounded Pacific Ocean's water, or ("2 edges of a Star (72 degree ones)") is OK to be calculating ( Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave,  Moon-Light-Wave) ... ; Remark: (72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72) = 360, IFF Star, i.e. in addition to (Ball, Sphere) alike ("2 eyes") ... ; so far, we've leant many topologies e.g. Humanoid _Nama _Before _Weigh (a.k.a. fully distributed Distribution) As Topology, 5 Protein bounds ones (2 polygons, because of (3 ones vs. 4 ones)) As Topology, Star ones (5 of 72 degree ones) As Topology, ... , in 3,4 dimensional environment ... ;

I wrote: after realizing & understanding topologies, And Then, mapping will prompt remote sensing Method, sensors, ... and so on ... ; after realizing & understanding mapping, IT is up-to-you, e.g. pinpointing, focusing, ... and you should realize and understand doshite Why optical nerve forms (our 2 eyes) naturally after reading this webpage's contents; And Then, mapping, pinpointing, focusing, ... (our 2 eyes) would be by 3 ones of course (excluding 4 ones if our eyes' optical nerves) ... ; after realizing & understanding all parts inside of human beings (body, kaya), also see:   (law 1024) : Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) ... , also see: Physics Law 1024 ... ; Remark: I don't know WHO designed & modeled "Samsara Machine" ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: you said THAT "ALL" cannot be defined sir; so can you change your expression "all parts inside of human beings" to "some parts inside of human beings" ?

I wrote: YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, ( I, I, I, I) believe in Zen (Mahayana Buddhism) Way, e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System (all items, all organs, all parts) e.g. every item, every organ, every part, ... has its own meaning ... ; (biological cells, biophysical cells) are very similar if we want to (define, indicate, prove) e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: very very difficult to design and model earthquake alert (Prediction) system, because early detection requires not only "BLINK MOMENTUM" (2 optical nerves alike), but also topologies e.g. Humanoid _Nama _Before _Weigh (a.k.a. fully distributed Distribution) As Topology, 5 Protein bounds ones (2 polygons, because of (3 ones vs. 4 ones)) As Topology, Star ones (5 of 72 degree ones) As Topology, ... , in 3,4 dimensional environment ... ;


I wrote: regarding 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell, HOW many Protein bounds can you define?

jushin Receive; ;

well trained kids!! replied: approx. 5 Protein bounds sir; Remark: they're "bow tie" look alike;

I wrote: can you draw 1 picture for ( Me, Me, Me, Me) representing bi-lipid Layer (Cell Membrane) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! bi-lipid Layer (Cell Membrane) sir; Remark: We changed from Aqua Color to Protein Color; 1/2 of bi-lipid Layer would be "jellyfish" alike 1 lipid sir;

bury; embedded; Radical693;

I wrote: if you're a Nanobot Programmer WHO can create embedded protein inside of the 1 lipid acting like (gate, pore ("opening pore" means allow the gas in)) WHICH is like Screen (Walls : (Allow in-and-out of the cell), (NOT Allow in-and-out of the cell)), And Then, WHAT would you like to call IT ?

Remark: by the way, you can write a program similar like: Screen (Walls : (For in-and-out of the cell), (Against in-and-out of the cell)) ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) i.e. if I don't like to use the Usage (either (Allow) or (NOT Allow)), WHAT Keywords would be another way of defining?

well trained kids!! replied: another way of defining Keywords: either (For) or (Against) sir;

I wrote: Yes. you can write a program e.g. (

((Allow in-and-out of the cell) a.k.a. (For in-and-out of the cell)),

((NOT Allow in-and-out of the cell) a.k.a. (Against in-and-out of the cell))

) ... ; inside of Idea Processor, if (expression, statement) is acceptable, OK ... ; by the way, , , , and are smarter than me, like well trained kids!! are smarter than me for sure ... ; Remark: Japanese and Taiwanese are smarter than Rakhine, e.g. (Parameter Method) vs. (Logical Call Method) are a little bit diff;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! IT should be called ("Protein Wrapper") sir;

I wrote: since this DOMAIN 's Protein Wrapper has defeated unwanted COVID-19 virus, ( I, I, I, I) have time to develop this webpage WHICH (expresses, indicates) HOW to be avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan basically;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! ware ware We've realized & understood 1 head, 2 arms, 2 legs, ... ; ware ware We've copied your numerological Number ... ;

I wrote: in our earth, I don't know WHO designed & modeled My Lexus cars (2010s-2020s: )' "bow tie" look alike front ? Hint: 2 ZCS as surfaces, inside of 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, and wrapping 6 surfaced DEE Box would be the one and only unique (Method, Procedure, Technique), And Then, you'll realize & understand 5 Protein bounds for sure ... ;

I wrote: based on , can you draw 2 pictures for ( Me, Me, Me, Me) representing ("1 bio Physical codons"), and ("1 bio Physical lipid") ? 

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! they're 1 bio Physical codons, and 1 bio Physical lipid sir;

I wrote: Yes. Correct. Remark: (Location) is our earth only; bi-lipid Layer, biophysical codons, biophysical lipids, ... vary IFF human beings livable moons ...  in ACT2 imaginary hyperspace, and we've to think e.g. WHY hada Skin varies (Color, Layer, (Hard, Soft), Thickness) ? for formulating antiviral lotion:

(Walls : (Allow in-and-out of the cell), (NOT Allow in-and-out of the cell));
(Walls : (For in-and-out of the cell), (Against in-and-out of the cell));

Also see: Walls; don't forget that "parameter method" and "logical call method" are a little bit diff; inside of Idea Processor, if (expression, statement) is acceptable, OK ... ;

by the way, I like very (delicious, tasty) "in-and-out" burgers and freshly fried potatoes, available only in California, USA, so if you visit to California, USA, you should have "in-and-out" burgers and freshly fried potatoes ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) did you define bi-lipid Layer (Membrane of the cell, other wording would be: outer layer of the cell) As Walls ?

I wrote: have you ever think of a "Tarzan" way of imaginary, doko WHERE the defined egg's shell breaks (next earthquake's predicted location) ? Remark: 5 Protein bounds are very important to realize and understand, so you'll be able to do the predicted location WHERE possible crack will be naturally;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! we've never thought of IT before;

I wrote: should I say in "big words, sophisticated phrase" e.g. 2 inconsistencies in math are problems of infinity and problems of "cracks" WHICH kill symmetries (Also see: Mathematics), and I've a quiz now i.e. WHAT would you like to (choose, select) whether "problems of infinity" or "problems of "cracks" WHICH kill symmetries" ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! We'll (choose, select) "problems of "cracks" WHICH kill symmetries" indicating ("if next earthquake happens naturally" i.e. Bad) sir;

I wrote: I've my own reasons, i.e. ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) e.g. bio Physical + geo Technical are together, because I believe THAT 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. ( Big, Small) ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) correct way of realizing & understanding, so quiz is: regarding bio Physical + geo Technical, WHICH ones belong to "big" and "small" ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, Small . bio Physical, on the other hand, Big . geo Technical;

I wrote: belief in Zen Buddhism : ( I, I, I, I) : bands are band, DEE patterns are pattern, lights are light, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ( ligand, ligand, ligand, ligand), i.e. (ion, molecule), been attached by zahyo Coordinate bonding; so, regarding coordinate bonding of ion molecule ligand (to deploy, to do, to implement) Walls : ((Allow in-and-out of the cell), (NOT Allow in-and-out of the cell)) sir?

I wrote: not necessary (to deploy, to do, to implement) ligand Method in 3,4 dimensional ( Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave); I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge i.e. in BIOPHYSICS, zahyo Coordinate bonding of ion molecule (ligand) is necessary because in the lab (closed environment a.k.a. closed system) like a box with 6 surfaces, on the other hand, a "Tarzan" 's method of (opened environment a.k.a. opened system) kuru kuru WHILE using Moon-Light-Wave for geotechnical (not necessary (to deploy, to do, to implement) ligand Method ... );

well trained kids!! replied: WHY lipid and 1 bio Physical lipid are diff sir?

I wrote: We've already defined ( Naturally_Bio_Virus1, Naturally_Bio_Virus2) inside of antiviral COVID-19 development, and they're diff because (with moisture vs. with Water), and think of bio Physical and geo Technical are different but we can realize & understand its combinations ... ;

I wrote: another good example would be: We cannot draw ( 1 bio Physical codons, 1 bio Physical lipid) 's 180 degree diff e.g. ( 180 degree rotated 1 bio Physical codons, 180 degree rotated 1 bio Physical lipid) WHY?

well trained kids!! replied: we're in 1 way DEE space environmental, and codons and lipid are obeying 3 lights of 90 degree sir, and they must be on the 4 ones' side; Remark: 3 strings (codons) with diff color codes would be UDNGS, NGS, ... , if compare to (2 arms alike, 2 legs alike) lipids sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; you well trained kids!! should go for Nanobot Programmer certificates, degrees, ... ; believe IT or not, approx. 3+ years of R&D (to figure-out, to find-out) WHAT is "unwanted nitrogen" a little bit; Be WHAT you like to be ... ;

Remember, e.g. we should not define (continent, inland) like water surrounding ones ... ;

Remember, e.g. we should not define (core, nuclei) like "bi-lipid Layer" ones ... ;

Remember, e.g. we should not define two optical nerves of (ball, sphere) alike eyes to jaw bones;

Remember, e.g. we should not rotate 4 ones' side (e.g. 1 bio Physical codons, 1 bio Physical lipid) ... ; Remark: if you're truly (ACT3, ACT2) level imaginary hyperspace (R&D) ones, beyond "Yellowish Variation" you should think of HOW BLI can be adjusted for each human beings livable moon, in our universes ... ;

, also see: Network Topology;


Oh!! Oh!! I've homework i.e. regarding biophysics, can you factor 5 Protein bounds in Number ? same as Anti-Earthquake engineering, Anti-Earthquake programming;

well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. We've many homework assignments due, no time to do your homework;

I wrote: OK. I'll do IT myself e.g. mapping Topology As Method, e.g. Teleportation As Method, ... ;

e.g. Humanoid _Nama _Before _Weigh (a.k.a. fully distributed Distribution) As Topology;
e.g. 5 Protein bounds ones (2 polygons, because of (3 ones vs. 4 ones)) As Topology;
e.g. Star ones (5 of 72 degree ones) As Topology, ... ;

Remark: topologies are not suitable for well trained kids!! to do, I agreed; Anti-Earthquake engineering (Hardware, Software) is not suitable for well trained kids!! to do; OK. I'll do IT myself; if next earthquake happens naturally, I've to read this webpage's contents again, And Then, (develop, modify) IT a little bit, until proven record of 10+ years without earthquake, And Then, your own Algorithm ... ; if we're able to avoid earthquake for more than 10+ years, your own Algorithm (hole, string) artificially (NOT naturally) ... ;


hani Extent; hani Range; hani Scope; hani Sphere; And Then, 9x9 Table's calculation is :


regarding ("numerological"), also see: 2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count;

421895763 : number (linear) 421895763 is for structural , avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: numerological 9;

319746582 : number (linear) 319746582 is for structural , avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: numerological 9;

237654198 : number (linear) 237654198 is for structural , avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: numerological 9;

165472839 : number (linear) 165472839 is for structural , avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Remark: numerological 9;

I wrote: well trained kids!! previously sent me heart shape Emoji (e.g. ❤, ❥, ♥, ɷ, ♥), SO, 1/2 of Water ... ; I've a quiz i.e. for each Location of the ("6"), HOW would you like to highlight the above table?

well trained kids!! replied:  ware ware We've already read and R&D this webpage several times, SO, (Left, Right) will be highlighted as : (regarding 1/2 of Water) :


for , And Then,


for , And Then,


for , And Then,


for ;

Remark: we'll use your "Protein Wrapper's membrane Method" sir; ((, (, (, (, also see: Address;

I wrote: mochiron of course;


2565; 1/28/2022; directional gravity pressure for Anti-Earthquake; Also see: Anti-Earthquake; avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; cosmos; space; universe; Physics Law 567;

directional gravity pressure for Anti-Earthquake :  
define yourself, do IT yourselves, e.g. Analog Clock ;  
define yourself, do IT yourselves, e.g. Location Awareness Response ;  
define yourself, do IT yourselves, e.g. this _DOMAIN _'s _position _Info _with _Timestamp ;  

Remark: if you're Japanese, if you're Taiwanese, after clicking on the above stated hyperlinks, (Analog Clock's Position Info, Location's Info, Space's Info, Time's Info, ... ) are diff, and don't forget THAT Teleportation Method, and WORMHOLE Method can connect 2 diff regions at the same time;

e.g. outer barrier ( Biological Cell) ≡ outer layer ( Biological Cell) ≡ plasma membrane ( Biological Cell), doko WHERE 1 bio Physical lipid (Fat + Oil) can pass through IT ( 3 fatty acids . (Glycerol, Phosphate) . hydrophilic (Water) so fatty acids (hydrophobic: never mix with Water, repel Water) exist, so using would be diff) ... Protein, embedded in the "1 bio Physical lipid" (pore, gate) should be called this DOMAIN 's Protein Wrapper ... ;


the left ones; the right ones; e.g.

the left ones;

the right ones;

I wrote: we're going to calculate, and formulate HOW would (the left ones, the right ones) are related to the (peaceful and tranquil consecutively?) ;

FORMULA 3 . T dot = ( ( T ( dot ) = ((-7) ^ ( - ))) dot - ) doko WHERE Time1 ( T) obeys zodiac signs e.g. (, , , , , ), (, , , , , ) ;

FORMULA 2 . P [ X ≤ ] =  ( ) ( ( X dot P) d p d x) doko WHERE our universe's the strongest energy DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ;

FORMULA 1 . P (, ) =   d wavelength dot p () dot p (.) dot p (.), doko WHERE variable (e.g. 90° - 60° = 30°) toward the (peaceful and tranquil consecutively?) ;

easy to realize & understand, only three formulas, design & model for 1000+ years;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! Yes. easy to realize & understand; WHY don't you highlight YV style Yellow with Green sir? Remark: referring to Blue with White;

I wrote: regarding Yellow Gravity, our earth does not have YV, Yellowish Variation, but many human beings livable moons have YV, Yellowish Variations, i.e. WHY and this webpage is intended for our earth dot (Japan and Taiwan) only, and "circle ones" design model, instead of "line ones" design model, e.g. ( I, I, I, I) 'm approx. 188 cm tall man, and my left and right are also approx. 188 cm, and approx. 188 lb weight ( And Then, don't forget i.e. be using Multiplier), and calculating imaginary hyperspace (3,4 dimensional) 's directional gravity pressure (N . m effects) to the defined location As the left ones; the right ones; done on 1/28/2022, for 1000+ years in peaceful & tranquil locations ;

Remark: if (government scientists, satellite designer & engineers, space related ones), your own group-wise R&D is recommended, because above (FORMULA 1, FORMULA 2, FORMULA 3) are done by 1 Rakhine American, without own lab; Comet Method style; NOT Rainbow Method style; NOT WORMHOLE Method style; Also see: Formula;

I wrote:

in programming, (C, C++) Usage : 2 of (("||"), ("||")) ... ,
in quantum mechanics, (Mathematics + PHYSICS) Usage : 2 of (("∫"), ("∫")), with 2 of (("="), ("=")) ... ,
in Symbol . Schematic, Engineering Usage : 2 of ((""), ("")) ... ,
so, you can have your own Algorithm in your own ways ... ; by the way, I've a quiz i.e. WHAT does IT mean to you?

well trained kids!! replied: kuru kuru WHILE (calculating, formulating) for 2 groups ... sir; e.g. for the left ones as a group, if compare to for the right ones as a group; e.g. a group of 3 as up ones, if compare to a group of 4 as down ones;

I wrote: is there easy & simple ways, instead of using (FORMULA 1, FORMULA 2, FORMULA 3) ?

explanation; instruction; Radical350;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! wait a minute, we've to search the Shakya King's 1000+ years document . library . cabinet . container . database ... ; Remark: database . your own (form, report, sheet) doko WHERE SQL sir ... ;

Sudoku algorithm in numerological way can define 2 groups, (better than, higher precision than, more accurate than) your (FORMULA 1, FORMULA 2, FORMULA 3) sir;

Document Library Cabinet   Container  
Document . Library . Cabinet . Container ;
  Library . Cabinet . Container . Database ;
;   Database   Form    
  Database . Form . Object ;
Database . Report . Object   ;
  Sheet . Object       ;

Remark: I QA (Quality Assurance) your data definition (Meta) state, from (text, word), to (text, word) with table and 3 dots only Design & Model ...  because, I like simple: easy to realize & understand ... ;

I wrote: should I assign another homework to do THAT?

well trained kids!! replied: Oh! No. No. no thank you.

I wrote: OK. I'll do my own ways because my parents taught me long long time ago (at home, in 1970s) HOW numerological, ... ; very easy, within (9x9) Table , 3 quantities of numerological Number As Up ones, 4 quantities of numerological Number As Down ones, And Then, ( I, I, I, I) will apply numerological numbers to the defined 3, 4 dimensional ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: top military secrets, can't tell you anymore; he (Shakya King) might be right, you're being a "big mouth" ... ;

I wrote: intentionally, Japanese and Taiwanese are smarter than Rakhine, so I should not be a "big mouth" and I believe THAT they can use this webpage's contents for (good purposes, good wills), so good results will ... ; intentionally in this case (R&D), avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;

Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ;

I wrote: inside the Distance web contents, we've many definitions, related to "Distance" ... ; among them WHICH one would you like to select, regarding (the Left, the Right)?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! wait a minute, we've to do CODE3 meeting, discussion, info gathering, knowledge exchange, ... sir;

I wrote: take your Time ; we're NOT in hurry; I've a quiz i.e. regarding previously defined " ACT2 imaginary hyperspace Anti-Earthquake" picture, HOW would you like to edit IT, to define (the Left, the Right)? Remark: because, we're going to formulate very soon; Hint: we'll focus on "Up" group ("3") now; we'll NOT focus on "Down" group (4) now;

I wrote: take your Time; we're NOT in hurry; I've a quiz i.e. can you draw pictures, regarding 1 Arc Week?

Hint: (2-point_distance, AB characteristic), for calculating (the left ones and the right ones) 3 to (go into, penetrate) the 4 (("peaceful and tranquil consecutively1"), ("peaceful and tranquil consecutively2"), ("peaceful and tranquil consecutively3"), ("peaceful and tranquil consecutively4")) HOW ... ; (e.g. (DEE Back, DEE Bottom, DEE Front, DEE Left, DEE Right, DEE Top) doko WHERE : (2,2,2,2,2, mano (the mind) 79); those (2,2,2,2,2) form 10; don't confuse (6 places are NOT 6 different locations) because they are only at 1 location) ... ; Also see: Idea Processor;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! those (2,2,2,2,2) form 10; don't confuse (6 places are NOT 6 different locations) because they are only at 1 "Blue Color" (a.k.a. Blue Planet), (a.k.a. our earth), ... sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course;

Idea Processor (6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index) based

Server e.g.

Weather Satellite Server1 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server2 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server3 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server4 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server5 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server6 For _Anti-Earthquake;
Weather Satellite Server7 For _Anti-Earthquake;

Remark: 3 iro LED; 7 SPL; 206x44 dimensional; with knowing THAT a "Tarzan" (this DOMAIN developer) doesn't own any satellite ... ;

I wrote: I've a quiz i.e. doko WHERE should you handa Solder, tap and develop your own Weather Satellite Server?

well trained kids!! replied: underneath of iro LED . diode Red sir, with knowing "Red" has been the longest attenuation;

I wrote: long long time ago, I've defined (dB . m) in WHAT kind of Number?

well trained kids!! replied: (from -340 to +340 dB) sir;

I wrote: ( I, I, I, I) must be the winner e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, for 10+ years, And Then, you should keep this Algorithm ... ;

catch; receive; Radical417;

escort; send; Radical767;

DEE _ Radio ; BMP File    
DEE _ Radio ; BMP File    
DEE  _ Radio ; GIF File    
DEE  Radio ; JPG File ;    
DEE _ Radio ; PNG File ;      

I wrote: DEE _Radio, Monochrome Bitmap (BMP File), created at 8:58 AM, on 01/26/2022, at the relative Directory (Folder) : IT > Executable Application > Fantastic; doshite Why? Remark: above Table Properties : Specify width: 33 In percent;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! radio     radio;     radio      RADIO ラジオ     radio ; radio stations' antenna, directional way of transmitting radio, WHICH kind of directions, attenuation diff, ... sir;

I wrote: ware ware We've already defined (dark gray, dark grey, slate color, slate colour; Radical249), inside of iro LED, long long time already; AND, I've a quiz, i.e. inside of Idea Processor, ware ware We've already defined ("form"), and wondering WHAT is the name, referring to ("Color")?

well trained kids!! replied: iroColourWaveForm sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course;  (correct, proper way, right) ... ;

I wrote: regarding 2/22/2022 in Gregorian Calendar, 6 quantities of ("2") are ... and I've a quiz, i.e. numerological Number?

well trained kids!! replied: 3 sir;

I wrote: regarding 2/2/2022 in Gregorian Calendar, 5 quantities of ("2") are ... and I've a quiz, i.e. numerological Number?

well trained kids!! replied: 1 sir;

I wrote: suggestion: go for 5 e.g. (2,2,2,2,2, mano (the mind) 79); those (2,2,2,2,2) form 10; Remark: because, (5 fingers at 1 palm), (5 precepts (a.k.a. 5 Sila)), ... , and don't forget THAT we're going to be using a Method (1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water) ... ;

Oh!! Oh!! I need to QA (Quality Assurance) here, before forgetting things:

, , , ... , (Also see: Chinese Romanization) characters, related to (1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water) ... ;

, , , , , ... , (Also see: BURMESE ROMANIZATION) characters,  related to (1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water) ... ;

, , , , ... , (Also see: 2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count) characters, related to (1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water) ... ;

, , , , ... (Also see: Radicals) characters, related to (1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water) ... ;

I wrote: also read the content ("Remark: ( I, I, I, I) will not focus on Blue Color indicated area, because I don't want shaky means "earthquake" ... "); can you fill color in other 3 of 4?

well trained kids!! replied: Oh!! No. No. we don't understand WHAT you're talking about; can you please draw pictures for us?

I wrote: Yes. I'll, they're:

3,4 dimensional configuration1, be avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;
3,4 dimensional configuration2, be avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;
3,4 dimensional configuration3, be avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;
3,4 dimensional configuration4, be avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;

I wrote: since 1990s, I've developed algorithms, and I need to QA (Quality Assurance) HOW well trained kids!! realize & understand, therefore I've a quiz i.e. among many algorithms in this DOMAIN, WHICH ones would you like to (choose, select) for mapping the (3,4 dimensional configuration?) 's "Blue Color" ones ?

well trained kids!! replied: either Lo Shu Magic Square topology, or Sudoku  sir; Reminder: also see: Network Topology;

I wrote: ( Sudoku + Lo Shu), also see: Physics Law 234 ... ;

I wrote: HOW would you like to edit e.g. Domain > Gene Therapy System > chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage > Protein > Protein 's one of the contents : 's Directions?

Remark: because, antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA, by , SO "unwanted Nitrogen" solved COVID-19 problem; Remember: we cannot avoid Nitrogen (our earth) either;

Remark: the same tactic to "avoiding Earthquake," because moon (our earth's moon) next to us, and 78% Nitrogen naturally (our earth), so DEE _Radio (Color Codes) must be defined to be along with 3,4 dimensional ( Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave, Moon-Light-Wave) ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: we don't know sir; please help!!

I wrote: HOW many circles in the previously defined this ?

well trained kids!! replied: 7 e.g. (("3") Up ones are in 1 Group, and ("4") Down ones are in 1 Group) sir;

I wrote: regarding ("Weather Satellite Server?"), I'm going to draw HOW directional should be;

I wrote: before explaining IT, I need to QA (Quality Assurance): can you draw a picture regarding 10 directions?

well trained kids!! replied: very very easy sir e.g. 10 Directions, doko WHERE (Amber Color, Brown Color, Maroon Color) indicate (8 directions + 2 (up + down)) = 10 ...

I wrote: mochiron of course; 1000+ years, in Buddhism, kuru kuru WHILE transmitting metta (loving kindness), ware ware We do practice ... ;

I need to QA (Quality Assurance) to this , e.g.

10 Directions _Green Ones;

10 Directions _Red Ones;

because, 2 is very very unique in many ways;

I wrote: OK. Excel!! well trained kids are very very smart ones already; very very good; I'm going to draw 7, regarding (("3") Up ones are in 1 Group, and ("4") Down ones are in 1 Group) HOW directional :

e.g. 7 to the Left;

e.g. 7 to the Right;

OK. OK. ( same day, same day, same day, same day) . 7 ;

well trained kids!! replied: ❤, ❥, ♥, ɷ, ♥, ... ;

I wrote: kilesa, defilement; passions; Also see: k Pali; attahi attano nahto ... in Pali (Buddhism's religious language, a part of Myanmar language) means "you're on your own" ... SO, do ((good ( Harmony; Radical850) Action (s)), good result (s)) will ... ; Remark: if you still don't realize and understand HOW, "you're on your own" ... ; because, Buddha did not teach to many peoples WHO did not accept Dharma ;

catch; receive; Radical417;

(( everyday, everyday), repetition in Kanji Radical292), the cardiac muscle ( Heart), beating approx. (( 100) * ( 1000)) i.e. 100000 times ... ; Also see: Action; COUNTERS; h ECG; h G T S U; Physics Law 100000; Time;

approx. Time to penetrate 3,4 dimensional bio Physics; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Physics Law 132;  Remark: our earth only;

escort; send; Radical767;

well trained kids!! replied: thank you. we've learnt ( 3, 7, 10) already sir; 108 configuration is easy to realize and understand sir;

I wrote: Aye!! Aye!! I need to explain HOW human beings' heart forms naturally to well trained kids!!, (spoon-feed style, step-by-step) explanations in conversational style because, without my explanations, well trained kids!! would never ever able to program Idea Processor level Anti-Earthquake programming ... ;

I wrote: would you please send me a heart shape Emoji (e.g. ❤, ❥, ♥, ɷ, ♥) ? And Then, can you draw a picture HOW origin of human beings' heart, for defining "Anti-Earthquake" because (pumping, shaking, vibrating, ... ) are somehow related to naturally "heart" ; on the other hand, I personally believe THAT origin of earthquake is somehow related to HOW heart forms naturally;

(, , , ), also see: AI FONT;

our strategy is from (naturally and annually) to (artificially and annually) to be proving zero earthquake in (Japan and Taiwan) for 10+ years, And Then, the Shakya King will keep this DOMAIN 's Algorithm for 1000+ years ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: really, are you going to teach us HOW Origin of Human Beings' Heart, And Then, we're able to formulate FORMULA (i.e. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ; Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st Idea Processor based program sir;

I wrote: Yes. 1st., I've a quiz i.e. can you edit this , to be a heart shape ones?

well trained kids!! replied: yes sir; ware ware We've Origin of Human Beings' Heart sir;

I wrote: Yes. 2nd., I've a quiz i.e. can you edit this , to be "2 is very very unique in many ways" e.g. Directions of Left and Right?

well trained kids!! replied: yes sir; ware ware We've ACT2 imaginary hyperspace Anti-Earthquake sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course;  (correct, proper way, right) ... ; I personally believe THAT well trained kids!! are in ACT2 level knowledge based ones; at the present, I need my favorite reserved Sapporo beer (ALL MALT BEER, 22 FL. OZ., PRODUCT OF VIETNAM; in 2022, approx. $3.60 US Dollar retailed price), and I'll explain HOW to formulate Anti-Earthquake ... ; OK, see you next time ... ; Remark: you well trained kids! (age < 21 year) are NOT allowed to drink liquor; in Theravada Buddhism, confession is allowed to monks, e.g. drinking liquor violates 5 precepts (5 Sila), but confession is allowed to re-practice to be on correct way again (back to correct track); somehow, I'm not a monk, so I don't need to do confession for drinking beer; Remark: I don't know much about HOW morality & practice in Mahayana Buddhism, because I've never been in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, ... (except a few hours of transit at the airports);

I wrote: Yes. 3rd., I've a quiz i.e. in Buddhism, WHEN we practice transmitting metta (loving kindness), HOW many directions?

well trained kids!! replied: 10 Directions sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; I've reserved 12 dimension (2*6), and 14 dimension (2*7), for you ... ; Oh!! Oh!! I almost forget, by the way, WHAT kind of Number (5,6,7) to you?

well trained kids!! replied: 2 is very very unique in many ways sir, e.g. 2 claps to worship ... ;

I wrote: in this case study (R&D), regarding (Down, Up), if I say "Up" And Then, WHAT kind of Number would you like to think of?
I wrote: in this case study (R&D), regarding (Down, Up), if I say "Down" And Then,  WHAT kind of Number would you like to think of?

well trained kids!! replied: are you going to teach us HOW 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyperspace contents sir?

I wrote: No. because, our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; on the other hand, I don't want the Shakya King will punish me for being "big mouth" ... ;

2565; 01/24/2022; Log: this webpage, recompiled on January 24, 2022; because, I've my own reasons e.g. 1/2 of Heart Shape can prompt 1/2 of Water;

king; monarch; ruler; sovereign; Radical117; AND ( I, I, I, I) Info ;

regarding our earth, we've some other colors e.g. reversed of (Green, Pink, White), e.g. because of equator (a.k.a. ecliptic line may vary a bit diff), e.g. because of the-one-and-only Sun is like "White" ones (our earth only), so (Black, Dark) also ... ; at the present, ware ware We've 5 colors: they're black, brown, green, pink, and white; (well trained kids!) will realize and understand after reading HOW heart forms naturally; without understanding HOW heart forms naturally, there is no way to do anti-earthquake (Method, Procedure, Technique) Algorithm; I realized & understood long long time ago already, but the Shakya King's permit is essential flag, before writing webpage with Blah! Blah! Blah! explanations to well trained kids!! HOW ... ;

Physics Law 456, SQRT3, with SQRT2 ... ;
Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather ... ;

Remark: Shakya King is right. ( 3 brothers, 3 sisters) including myself, DNA mismatched ones ... ; Also see: 108 configuration, because (3,3) ... doko WHERE brothers (male kind) are plus alike, if compare to sisters (female kind) are minus alike, but, not to mention academic degree holders of B.A., B.S., M.B.A., M.D., M.S., Ph.D., ... ; excuse me for a little "nutty" after reading many books, journals, ... , also see: Referenced Books ;

I wrote: regarding 4 _Planets Prediction, can you predict WHICH part of this should be?

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We'll choose "circle ones" ... e.g. (Bottom, Down) part of THAT 4 (consecutively, horizontally) next to each other sir; Also see: circle, AND haya Now (already, by this time), ware ware We realize & understand 4 _Planets Prediction a little bit sir;

I wrote: can you change this Default_7_ones to indicate each circle, regarding 4 _Planets Prediction?

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. Sir. They're :

peaceful and tranquil consecutively1;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively2;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively3;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively4;

I wrote: ima Now, I've quiz i.e. WHAT do we've Number for 108 configuration?

well trained kids!! replied: (3,3,3,3), AND (10,7,10) sir;

I wrote: HOW many Parameters do we learn so far?

well trained kids!! replied: so far, (3) and (7) sir;

I wrote: for 1000+ years, ware ware We've shared "Lunar Orbit" in WHAT kind of way?

well trained kids!! replied: N M D, No Moon Day; ; F M D, Full Moon Day; ; Also see: Time sir;

2 phase: e.g. (7, 14, 21, 28) ... ;

4 phase: e.g. ( up Jun, mid Jun, down Jun), a.k.a. (10, 20, 30) ... ;

Yes. for 1000+ years, ware ware We've shared "Lunar Orbit" in (2 phase, 4 phase) ... ;

I wrote: Aw!! Aw!! (10), in addition to (3) and (7) ... ; well trained kids are very very smart ones already, very very good ... ;

I wrote: numbers are Number, ( I, I, I, I) like Zen way (mountains are mountain, rivers are river) ... ; don't forget to read Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;

I wrote: ware ware We're going to formulate soon ... ; by the way, can you define (Up and Down) of this ?

I wrote: reminder, ware ware We've learnt "3 lights of 90 degree" long long time ago, and if 3 "Up ones" are triangle alike, so 60 degree inside of them; therefore, its (whole environment) 's variable would be between 90 and  60, so (90 - 60) = 30 degree;

well trained kids!! replied: Also see: ecg Interpretation sir;

I wrote: Oh!! No. No. I'm too old for home works, please don't ask me to have another certification; I like to (Close) web development also, but I keep developing (web contents) because with my explanations, well trained kids!! will realize & understand better, And Then, do IT yourselves ... ; I'll be retired ones soon, and I'll visit many pagodas, shrines, temples, ... in China, Korea, Japan, Myanmar, Taiwan, ... for sure;

Umm!! Umm!!, I'm thinking now (knowing THAT you well trained kids!! are also thinking ... ), WHAT should I do with 1 whole planet (1 human beings livable moon) in our universes;

( I, I, I, I) thank to the Shakya King, because 58+ years of living already (as of 2022), without taken any medication, and never get sick either; so, ( My, My, My, My) Gene Therapy System is working, IFF conjunction: but; however; nevertheless; Radical321;

same day; e.g.

DEE _Radio; ( same day, same day, same day, same day) ... ; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Parameter; Physics Law 567; s Character Extension 1; Time;

I wrote: in suingu Swing-by Gravity Time (Also see: Physics Law 132), WHICH side is Solar System?

well trained kids! replied: Blue Color side (i.e. our Solar System is) sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course;

doshite Why sunflower seeds obey 1 Way DEE?

doshite Why human beings' head obeys 1 Way DEE?

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We need to be facing toward Blue Color sir;

I wrote: in summer, do you have lesser light, or more light?

well trained kids! replied: for each location (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere), more light in summer sir;  

I wrote: in winter, do you have lesser light, or more light?

well trained kids! replied: for each location (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere), lesser light in winter sir;

I wrote: I'm going to create 2 more pictures for you; they're :

for each location (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere), Default_7_ones;

for each location (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere), LimeAndLavenderToTheDefault_7_ones;

Remark: in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyperspace, kuru kuru WHILE 3 are 90 degree to each other, at the same time, 4 are 180 degree to each other, so called "a segment of our universe" ... ;


ima Now, prior to calculating "YV, Yellowish Variation" we've already learnt THAT As "our earth 's normal Yellowish1" ;

ima Now, prior to calculating "YV, Yellowish Variation" I've a quiz to you, i.e. inside of Schematic Dimensional, WHICH ones would you like to choose i.e. to develop suingu Swing-by Gravity Time? Hint: 3,4 colors ones;

well trained kids! replied: we selected

, , , , , , , , ... ;

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Blue will be Green in 90 degree rotated to right,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Nitrogen based growth rate's reversed engineering (gravity spot) should be in the midst,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , sunset time period for each location (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere),

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Directional Gravity Pressure of (B G L T, Blue Gray Light Turquoise) can be defined,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Directional Gravity Pressure of (Green, Yellow) can be defined,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , no excessive lighting can be defined,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Aqua And Blue Parallel Horizontal can be defined,

Umm!! Umm!! if we copy , Aqua And Blue Parallel Vertical can be defined, ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; Why I created 2 pictures: ( Default_7_ones, LimeAndLavenderToTheDefault_7_ones) for you?

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We're going to manage Moon-Light-Wave sir; after managing Moon-Light-Wave (moons' lights as waves), ware ware We'll be able to avoid earthquakes sir; Remark: inside of ..\..\..\Info\index, 4PlanetsPrediction.ico has been defined sir; 4 are almost tangent (others wording would be: 180 degree to each other) and consecutively each other (others wording would be: one after another peaceful and tranquil in their way (Also see: 4_Planets_Prediction)) sir;

I wrote: OK. OK. I just want you well trained kids! can manage Moon-Light-Wave (moons' lights as waves), And Then, (prove, proved, proving), HOW Manmade Global Weather can avoid earthquakes in your locations ... ; I believe in Zen way (one of the Buddhism ways), so do good Action ... ;

I wrote: haya Now (already, by this time), you well trained kids! should realize & understand "1 way DEE" ... e.g. sunflower seeds obey 1 Way DEE, e.g. human beings' head obeys 1 Way DEE, ... ; 4 are almost tangent (others wording would be: 180 degree to each other) and consecutively each other (others wording would be: one after another peaceful and tranquil in their way ... ;

2565; nations (China + G7 nations + Russia) 's scientists might be laughing at ( Me, Me) e.g. Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!, Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!, because (a "Tarzan" Rakhine American without lab can do Manmade Global Weather) ... ;

WHAT is next challenge e.g. ware ware We must manage Moon-Light-Wave;
WHAT is next challenge e.g. ware ware We must manage Moon-Light-Wave;
WHAT is next challenge e.g. ware ware We must manage Moon-Light-Wave;

Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave; Moon-Light-Wave;


2565; 01/22/2022; space : Location ( Japan, Taiwan) :

I wrote: ware ware We've already defined Anti-Earthquake, but earthquake happened naturally in Japan (2565; 01/22/2022; western Japan . Kyushu region) and Taiwan, in the west of the Pacific Ocean (our earth), doshite Why?

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We've copied yours; demo But, NOT all ... ; Remark: we don't know WHY;

I wrote: OK. OK. NO PROBLEM; by the way, I've a quiz i.e. in Basic, (Explicit, Implicit) Def a.k.a. Definition (expresses, indicates) THAT contents are whether explicitly or implicitly, ... ; I've been a "Tarzan" alike Rakhine American WHO don't have ("own lab" , "own laboratory") but ... ;

well trained kids! replied: We know THAT you don't have an academic degree ( academic degree)  in Geography, Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Meteorology Method, ... ;

I wrote: I believe in Buddhism therefore with metta (loving kindness) as much as I can, therefore, I'm going to have conversations with well trained kids! HOW to do Anti-Earthquake (program, programming) ... ; you're correct, I don't have any academic degree ( academic degree) in Geography, Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, Meteorology Method, ... ;

I wrote: dear Shakya King, please don't (assign, dispatch, send) bad ones to me because I don't like to be another meaning of very huge beast alike Rakhita, e.g. with good peoples, I can be very good ones, on the other hand, with bad peoples, I can be the worst ones also, therefore, please don't (assign, dispatch, send) bad ones to me; good example would be: world's bad history COVID-19 caused me approx. 3+ years to (find out, figure out, solve) Antiviral Schematic, HOW unwanted nitrogen (binding, bonding) to be disappearing COVID-19 structural ... ;

during the period 2019-2020-2021-2022,

I wrote: on 01/17/2022, for paying respect to the African American scientists WHO invented antiviral COVID-19 medicine in the United States of America, and regarding Martin Luther King Day in USA (United States of America), AND ALSO for promoting ethnic tribes' Civil Rights AND Human Rights in Union of Myanmar, ( I, I, I, I) drew 2 pictures: ( Naturally_Bio_Virus1, Naturally_Bio_Virus2) ;

ima Now, I've quiz i.e. WHAT should we choose if Location is (Japan and Taiwan)?

haya Early; Radical817 (i.e. Anti-Earthquake ASAP ... );

haya Now (already, by this time), you well trained kids! should realize & understand HOW (Water vs. Moisture) are e.g. was especially with Water, if compare to was consequently with Moisture;

SO, I've a quiz i.e. for avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, WHICH one would you like to choose?

well trained kids! replied: ASAP, ware ware We'll choose "circle ones" As Method sir, if Location is (Japan and Taiwan), on the other hand, ware ware We'll choose "line ones" As Method sir, if Location is (continent, inland) like Canada, China, Mexico, Russia, USA, ... sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; (correct, proper way, right) ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) HOW well trained kids!! truly realize and understand Location Awareness Response, regarding (("our earth") As Location, (, , )) doko WHERE facing toward WHICH direction? 1. East; 2. West; 3. South; 4. North;

well trained kids!! replied: very very easy quiz sir; answer would be 1. East;

I wrote: a "Tarzan" alike this DOMAIN developer is wondering nowadays (2010s - 2020s) 's advanced cars' front ((implicitly, literally) 1. East) design model, e.g. "bow tie" look alike; your (biological, biomedical, biophysical, pathological) box should be (directional + structural), on the other hand, your (geotechnical, physical space) box should be (directional + structural), and they're the same, they're similar, but size ... ;

I wrote: doko WHERE ((hansha Reflection, surface (heat, light, sound), throwing back), Reflect, Reflection) ?

well trained kids!! replied: 2 layers of the sea Water 's Color, and environmental "Jelly Fish" are sir;

I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! reminder: moisture vs. water might be a little bit diff;

WHEN you're old enough (age: 30-40) and become microbiologist, pathologist, virologist, ... don't forget to use this webpage's algorithm, because ( Zoom-In (defined biological virus), Zoom-Out to human beings livable moons (Also see: zoom)), they're the same, e.g. a "Tarzan" (this DOMAIN developer, a Rakhine American) way of realizing & understanding: think of Up-ones (3) are a triangle with 3 edges (i.e. the least edges among polygons is called "triangle" in other wording), so "Polymerase" becomes more meaningful, And Then, peaceful and tranquil consecutively (1-4) next to each other (Down-ones (4)) on their way, so "Chain" can be realized & understood better; believe it or not, inside of virus' cells look the same (3) circle-ones as 1 group (triangle), (4) consecutive-ones as 1 group (chain), but their "Reaction" e.g. they (unwanted virus) don't break-down apart after getting into Protein means we've unwanted problem like COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2020-2021-2022); therefore, this webpage's algorithm is truly important HOW 2 groups (Up-ones (3)) vs. (Down-ones (4)) are related to each other; haya Now (already, by this time), you well trained kids! should realize & understand options e.g. (C, C++), e.g. engineering schematics, e.g. quantum mechanics, And Then, numerological way is much better, better precision, and easy & simple to do (e.g. Sudoku Algorithm, 9x9 Table) ... ; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; DNA _Origami; Protein; Remark: be good Nanobot Programmers, do good Kharma Action, good results will ... ; approx. 3 years to figure-out, to formulate antiviral COVID-19; WHAT is next challenge e.g. avoiding earthquake in the defined regions ... ;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively1;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively2;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively3;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively4;

I wrote: We're going to (define, indicate, mark) the "Blue Color" ones in Sudoku Algorithm, 9x9 Table Method, SO I've a quiz i.e. regarding International Domains (Geographical domain) WHAT are the Number, representing ?

well trained kids!! replied: +81 is for .jp Geographical domain (Japan), and +886 is for .tw Geographical domain (Taiwan) sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; (correct, proper way, right) ... ; SO, we're going to (define, indicate, mark) the .jp and the .tw in (dimensional, numerological) e.g. j is 1, p is 7, t is 2, and w is 5; SO, we're going have the numerological Number: 1 + 7 + 2 + 5 = 15 = 6;

I wrote: ima Now, can you (define, indicate, mark) the "Blue Color" ones, by drawing pictures for ( Me, Me, Me, Me) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Yes. Sir. We can.;;;;

I wrote: don't forget THAT inside of 9x9 Table, HOW would you like to do displacement of (the (3) ones, and (4) ones) together, with knowing THAT ("6"), representing the .jp and the .tw ? Remark: we're going to create a 9x9 Table very soon, because we need the numerological number as sequences, similar to gene codes;

numerological e.g.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
One Two Three  Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

this ( Table, Table, Table, Table), designed & modeled (Specify width: 567px) for Anti-Earthquake ... ; Also see: AI FONT; avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Numerical values in numerology; Physics Law 567;

I wrote: after creating this table (above table), We're going to create 9x9 Table very soon; prior to creating 9x9 Table, I need to QA (Quality Assurance) HOW well trained kids!! realize and understand the defined "6" so I've a quiz, i.e. in this (case study, R&D), numerological numbers are whether "string" or "hole" ?

well trained kids!! replied: numerological ( One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine) are going to be representing "holes" sir, and the defined ("6") 's associated, related "strings" are going to (define, indicate, mark) the "Blue Color" ones sir, but we'll NOT focus on the "6" from our space stations sir (because, you said so);

previously defined ( 3,4 dimensional configuration1, 3,4 dimensional configuration2, 3,4 dimensional configuration3, 3,4 dimensional configuration4) 's (Fuchsia Color, Lavender Color, Light Pinky Color) are going to be defined by numerological numbers sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; (correct, proper way, right) ... ; I would call IT "Protein Wrapper's membrane Method" because, we're NOT focus on the defined "6" ; however, we've to address, define, indicate, ... the "6" anyway;

9x9 Table; e.g.

I wrote: regarding 2 is very very unique in many ways e.g. (("hole"), ("string")) so, WHAT causes earthquake (because of "string" or because of "hole") ?

well trained kids!! replied: because of "string" sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; ima Now, I'm going to create a 9x9 Table for avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;


( I, I, I, I) am going to fill the numerological Number (s) ..., and 9x9 Table should be written at the top level of this webpage, because I've my own reasons, SO, haya Now (already, by this time), GO TO : hani Scope;

Soil; 5_elements.SOIL; Also see: 5_elements_in_your_life; minerals inside of the soil provides Protein, and other bio-molecules (Optics: photosynthesis: CO2, New Tissue, O2, Sunlight, Water, ... ) ... ;

2011; Remark: after 2011 Fukushima quaked and tsunami, this DOMAIN developer decided THAT Manmade Global Weather As System ...

system     system       system      system     system      system;

system     system       system      system     system      system;

should be written, R&D, ... ; prior to 2011, approx. 8000+ earthquakes happened annually & naturally; during 2011-2021 time period (10+ years), in our earth, lesser and lesser earthquake and tsunami; after 10+ years of R&D on Manmade Global Weather, I've programmed this webpage (Idea Processor), started at 8:28 AM, on January 22, 2022;

( I, I, I, I) must be a winner :

e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;

e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;

As of 2022, I'm not a winner yet, because (2565; 01/22/2022; western Japan . Kyushu region) naturally quaked;

well trained kids!! replied: you wrote before: "Gene Therapy System Usage e.g. , also see: u G T S U, we "pee pee" often like earthquakes happen naturally," and we like to know HOW would that be related to?

I wrote: like you drew before: Origin of Human Beings' Heart, (go into, penetrate) toward (item, object, organ, something, thing, tissue), flexible receptacle pouch alike e.g. fetus (may be 1/2 is father's kind: gene codes) inside of the uterus . womb (may be 1/2 is mother's kind: gene codes), And Then, heart forms naturally ... ; intentionally, ( same day, same day, same day, same day) ... ; approx. 10+ months to be borne, if we human beings, and DOB (Date Of Birth) is similar to earthquake happens because earthquakes don't happen everyday; I've my own reasons, doshite Why, so I need to (R&D, study) layers vs. pouches ... i.e. Why "u G T S U"; another example would be: Why 1/2 of Heart is similar to 1/2 of Water;

Remark: approx. 3000+ onsen Hot Springs are GI tracts alike, And Then, if stomach reflux exist, our heart becomes shakier (more shaky than normal) Why?

Remark: approx. pH levels indicate whether Green Color (7±) or Red Color (7±), Why? if we can (control, manage) NOT to have stomach reflux, And Then, can we prove to be avoiding earthquake? regarding MD, we need to realize & understand (from Green to Red), (from Silver to Red), And Then, cardiological, ecg Interpretation, OB / G Y N, ultrasound, ... ;

I wrote: inside of n G T S U, (( , ), also see: Physics Law 32123), And Then, jinko chino D G P, to do therapeutic brain; by the way, if gangsters' (laser beam, sound beam) toward human beings' (head, neck), and WHAT do you think of the patient (Pt) would prompt sign?

well trained kids!! replied: shaky sign sir; Remark: shaky means "earthquake" in this case study;

I wrote: doshite Why?

well trained kids!! replied: because, ( , ), broken at the (Aqua, Cyan) sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; (correct, proper way, right) ... ; SO, I'll NOT focus on :


peaceful and tranquil consecutively1;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively2;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively3;

peaceful and tranquil consecutively4;

) 's Blue Color indicated area;

Remark: ( I, I, I, I) will not focus on Blue Color indicated area, because I don't want shaky means "earthquake" ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: is IT (Gene Therapy System) really related to (Manmade Global Weather) sir?

I wrote: I believe IT does. so, we've to (develop, edit, modify) from 1 Arc Minute (Gene Therapy System) to 1 Arc Week (Manmade Global System); Remark: you know I'm a "Tarzan" without own lab;

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! we've to do (link, linked, linking) to (both; together; Radical628), e.g. layers ... ;

I wrote: 2LDEE, two (2) Layered Dark Energy Engineering; Also see: PHYSICS law sixty two ... ; by the way, I need to QA (Quality Assurance) regarding preciously defined "regarding (("3") Up ones are in 1 Group, and ("4") Down ones are in 1 Group) HOW directional" doko WHERE Dark Energy ( variable DEE patterns) go into, penetrate to the defined location, And Then, I need to QA (Quality Assurance) from naturally to artificially, And Then, from 1 Arc Week to 1 Arc Year (both Summer and Winter As 2, for each year), And Then, ( I, I, I, I) need to QA (Quality Assurance) 10+ years ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids!! ' knowledge based Action (avoiding earthquake), so quiz would be: WHAT is the diff between ("L" Method) and (DNA _Origami . ( , , , ) Method) ?

well trained kids!! replied: 

small for Nanobot programming, if compare to

big for geotechnical programming sir;

in addition, "L" Method seems "hole" oriented logical, if compare to

(A C G T) Method seems "string" oriented logical sir; inside of

\ \ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage \ structural Amino Acids \ this _ DOMAIN _ 's _ structural Sample, doko WHERE Black Color for Carbon, Green Color for Oxygen, Red Color for Hydrogen, Silver Color for Nitrogen, and the most important water % by Aqua Color, and We've realized & understood THAT they're holes, if compare to Aqua Color lines are strings, Umm!! Umm!! We've agreed THAT hole-and-string obeys co-existence e.g. 2 is very very unique in many ways; Umm!! Umm!! We're Nanobot Programmers sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; Yes. Correct. Reminder: don't forget to keep \ .. \ Gene Therapy System \ index (Water %) for each environment (e.g. 65% Water, 75% Water, 80% Water), regarding \ \ Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage \ structural Amino Acids \ this _ DOMAIN _ 's _ structural Sample ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids!! ' knowledge based Action (avoiding earthquake), so quiz would be: doko WHERE would be using "L" Method?

well trained kids!! replied: "L" Method is for Anti-Volcanic Eruption programming sir; Remark: we don't confuse sir;

I wrote: did I write any of ( , , , ) Method, inside of the Anti-Volcanic Eruption programming?

well trained kids!! replied: No. Sir. because we don't confuse between "hole" and "string" sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; Yes. Correct. Reminder: don't change its color codes (UDNGS, NGS, ... ), and dimensional (108) because I've my own reasons e.g. 108*10 can be "Explicit" 1080, e.g. 108/10 would be 10.8;

Remark: as of (2565 in Buddha sasana calendar, 2022 in Gregorian calendar), regarding this DOMAIN developer "Tarzan" alike Rakhine 's motherland (Union of Myanmar), if oncological data indicates pathological mapping of anti-cancer medicines by UDNGS, NGS, ..., my relatives need to send (blood Sample, tissue Sample) to Japan for processing UDNGS, NGS, ... markers to cure abnormalities (e.g. cancer cells) ... because "Tarzan" 's motherland doesn't have such technological advance ones regarding UDNGS, NGS, ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; good enough for well trained kids!! to be realizing & understanding UDNGS and NGS, ... ; ( I, I, I, I) have something else to do nowadays (2022-2020s), e.g. Algorithm for 10000 MPH missile interceptor (Method, Procedure, Technique), doko WHERE very very unique 2 strings are next to each other (almost 180 degree) at supersonic speeds, ... ;

Remark: if a "Tarzan" can do IT, I believe THAT YOU CAN DO IT also e.g. avoiding earthquake In Japan And Taiwan for 10+ years ... ;

I wrote: Umm!! Umm!! I'm thinking about in 2021, i.e. I drew a picture , for avoiding earthquake in Japan And Taiwan, but I'm NOT a winner yet; I must be the winner (zero earthquake in 10+ years), Umm!! Umm!! I'm thinking HOW to defeat unwanted moon waves naturally; Umm!! Umm!! a "Tarzan" means (without own lab, without own laboratory) ones, so I have to think harder, HOW to defeat unwanted moon waves naturally; Umm!! Umm!! I'm thinking ... , with knowing you're thinking also ... ;

Also see: Anti-Earthquake;

(51) count (also see: counter) of zero (s) e.g. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000; Also see: Idea Processor; 1 Arc minute, for each bio cell, (Method (bio marker), Procedure, Technique), also see: Eccentric _circles; a G T S U; m G T S U) to cure COVID-19; Remark: (( Pi / 10800) is approx. 0.000290888 (r a d, Radians)); Also see: Physics Law 178, plasma cluster Sensor ... ; 108, 1080, 10800, 108000, ... you know already since CRT (1990s) to ZCS (2010s) ... ;

3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Antiviral Schematic; DNA _Origami; Energy & Geometry;

I wrote: (specific amino acid (sequence of 3 nucleotides), indicating the defined Protein: a.k.a. 3 codons, so inside of the 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell (( 4) + ( 3) = ( 7), also see: Reference Books), doko WHERE would be the "3 COD ON S" ?
well trained kids!! replied: on the (4 ones)' side sir;
I wrote:
mochiron of course; Remark: "Chain" ... ; I've my own reasons e.g. excluding ("6") may prompt 3 codons in this case study R&D;

                      number (linear) ... number (non-linear) ...      
a v o i d i n g              
numerological 1 4 6 9 4 9 5 7     14694957        
E a r t h q u a k e          
numerological 5 1 9 2 8 8 3 1 2 5 5192883125        
I n                          
numerological 9 5                 95        
J a p a n                    
numerological 1 1 7 1 5           11715        
A n d                        
numerological 1 5 4               154        
T a i w a n                  
numerological 2 1 9 5 1 5         219515        
numerological Number (5) : number (linear) is (14694957 5192883125 95 11715 154 219515) : i.e. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

Also see: 2555 Nippon Character Writing Strokes Count;

Also see: 9aComputer e.g. ("avoiding" in numerological ... ) ;
Also see: 6eComputer e.g. ("Earthquake" in numerological ... ) ;
Also see: 5iComputer e.g. ("In" in numerological ... ) ;
Also see: 6jComputer e.g. ("Japan" in numerological ... ) ;
Also see: 1aComputer e.g. ("And" in numerological ... ) ;
Also see: 5tComputer e.g. ("Taiwan" in numerological ... ) ;

I wrote: long long time already, like I've reserved (2*6) dimensional, and (2*7) dimensional for you, and you may realize and understand this DOMAIN 's (2*5) dimensional, so I've homework for well trained kids!!, i.e. developing number (non-linear), by adding Katakana characters' count (stroke) ... ; believe IT or not, for 1000+ years, this DOMAIN . this webpage will be (proof, prove, proving) avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We'll;

Remark: this (scoop, scope) Info is old 2017/2561, but NOT not out-dated ones;

"Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean (our Earth),
avoid earthquake in Japan, avoid tsunami in Japan, avoid volcanic eruption in Japan,
to do so: Nama For Humanoid,
8 imaginary hyper space crafts, using Rainbow Method (directional gravity spots);
on full moon day, and on no moon day,
form (8 imaginary hyper space crafts) 1,000 km (distance in length) away each other,
using Lo Shu Magic Square (i.e. Network Topology),
doko WHERE the location is above the "Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean,
And Then, using Rainbow Method, 90 degree to incoming parallel DEE at the "Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean;
for better understanding of HOW, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2,
(e.g. 1 right triangle 's hypotenuse obeys SQRT2, (13 = 8 + 5), (60, 72) omni directional, (360 = 45 x 8)) ... ;
this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather (avoid earthquake in Japan, avoid tsunami in Japan) ... ;

Remark: regarding (WORMHOLE (Parameter ( 45, 60, 72))), imaginary hyper space system architect should est. approx. time period (incoming parallel DEE) e.g. 2 times tidal waves of our earth, e.g. specific time period of parallel DEE (e.g. green gravity spots' parallel time period on yellow background) regarding 1 way DEE and BF2 (2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space) ... ;

Remark: don't confuse with "this (scoop, scope) Info is old 2017/2561, but NOT not out-dated ones" yet because you should realize and understand (2,3 dimensional) vs. (3,4 dimensional) e.g.  Protein; think THAT kuku kuru WHILE the defined 4 ones are moving consecutively each other, in their peaceful & tranquil way, so 2 times tidal waves of our earth happens naturally, on the other hand, 3 ones (obey, prompt) "3 lights of 90 degree" , "Distance" , "(go into, penetrate)" , ... ; this webpage (avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan) is written intentionally in 3,4 dimensional; military top restricted information, beyond this info, ( I, I, I, I) cannot explain anymore; e.g. you need to do yourself factoring 5 Protein bounds, e.g. you need to do yourself factoring 10000+ MPH missile interceptor, ... ;

3±D, designed & modeled; e.g.

Since July 4th, 2024, 3±D, designed & modeled by , for Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, Nanobot Programming, ... ; doko WHERE Purple Color is coming from (the biggest gravity spot), so response with Navy Blue Color (our earth, ACT1); if you're ( ACT3 Level, ACT2 Level) Space related ones, And Then, for each human beings livable moon (our universes), you need to edit the table with diff color codes; Also see: Browser; Services; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

Log; e.g.

( I, I, I, I) must be a (champion, master of Idea Processor programming, moon wave controller, winner) WHO can prove "avoiding earthquake in the defined region" for 10+ years ... ; as of 2022 May 21, ( I, I, I, I) am not a winner yet, e.g. . j p ; geographical domain ; Japan ; 81 ; Also see: International Domains, approx. 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, on 2022 May 21; Also see: Naturally Weather Log;

Remark: meaning of the usage " Rakhita" : the peoples WHO protect (1.families + 2.Buddhism + 3.sasana (Buddha Calendar years)) in Pali language (a part of Myanmar (Burma) language) and (( I, I, I, I) have many examples) ... ;


m a n d a l a; e.g.

m a n d a l a, a drawn/written pattern made of circle, square, triangle [since paper invention era], a.k.a. Buddha teaching, a.k.a. similar to (( + ), ( + ), ( + )) in NIPPON; m a n d a l a, pictorial representations of cosmos; 4 types of m a n d a l a , in S h i n g o n;   4 types of m a n d a l a , in S h i n g o n; Also see: Anti-Earthquake; avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; .. \ .. \ .. \ Buddha \ index;

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle .HTML, with its associated ones :

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . e.g. INDEX .X HTML ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . Unmanned Aerial Vehicle .S HTML ;

システム . Volume . Info, a.k.a. System . Volume . Information, special designed & modeled, to be beyond Global (1000), also to be beyond Universal (10000), ... ;

Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's design & modeled (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), NOT ONLY for Manmade Global Weather, BUT ALSO for global military ... ;

Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's design & modeled (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), NOT ONLY for Manmade Global Weather, BUT ALSO for global military, using DEE _Radio ... , and world's 1st (Artificial Intelligence (AI) + Dark Energy Engineering (DEE) + Idea Processor + Shakya King's flag (military command, military order) + Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (U A V)) beyond Global Positioning System (GPS: cm scaled ones), beyond (Logo + OEM: V M), beyond Sound Pressure Level (SPL: N . m), beyond Virtual Reality (VR: iro Colour Light As String), also beyond Yellowish Variation (YV: for each human beings livable moon), Z-Folding (2ZCS, 3ZCS: 1999 (CRT to ZCS: 90 degree diff nodes)), ... ; hint: also see: Nama for Humanoid (s), doko WHERE humanoids' nama are programmed only in "Pali" (holy language in Buddhism) transcript (ed) words ... ; Rainbow (Method, Procedure, Technique) is beyond wormhole way LASER, designed & modeled for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ... ; hint: beyond 1999 design modeled (sound equalizer), instead of using sine wave patterns, try tangent wave patterns, for each oscillation e.g. "Origin of Sound" can be realized & understood ... ;

Japanese . Syllabary .HTML;

Naturally Weather Log;

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