; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : October : 6th (Sunday) : e Character ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 6 : 10 : 2024 : e : E : e Character;     Also see: e Usage;

e.g., for example ... ;

each; Each; e.g.

each ;

each  ;     each ;

each; each; each; each; every; every; every; every; 

k a k u Each;     each;     each;     each;

* e a l ;

ear; eardrum; e.g.

ear      ear ;     mimi Ear ;

ear; hearing; Radical163;

I wrote: inside of our human beings' ( ear, ear, mimi Ear ), ware ware We've snail character, by the way, instead of happening ("Auto Grow") 2 eyes (inside of skull, light penetrated), 3 antennas alike, 3 pads alike happened at the snail's head area, And Then, inside of Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), ware ware We've already defined ( 4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), And Then, for the Processor (Side-By-Side) design model, quiz would be :

(A) 4-side's Right DEE belongs to our Left Side mimi Ear;

(B) 4-side's Left DEE belongs to our Right Side mimi Ear;

(C) 4-side's Right DEE belongs to our Right Side mimi Ear;

(D) 4-side's Left DEE belongs to our Left Side mimi Ear;

Remark: read 1st : ..\..\ Manmade Global Weather \ Anti-Earthquake \ avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, to realize & understand better, regarding (4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), Step-By-Step ... ; don't confuse: "Step-By-Step" is old design model (still very useful), if compare to "Side-By-Side" design model; Also see: e Character; e G T S U; mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! very easy quiz sir, answer would be: (A);

I wrote: (inside of skull, light penetrated), so "reflection" happens naturally ... ; one more quiz would be: for curing "Ringing Ear" disorder (Also see: Disease Disorder Acronym), for Right Side's ear, WHICH DEE pattern should be using for chiryoyaku Therapeutic, And Then, for Left Side's ear, WHICH DEE pattern should be using for chiryoyaku Therapeutic ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! very very easy quiz sir, answer would be: 4-side's Left DEE should be using for Right Side's ear, on the other hand, for Left Side's ear, 4-side's Right DEE ... Hmm!! Umm!!

I wrote: mochiron of course; reversed "reflection" Idea Processor Level ... good enough for our earth only ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (m y r i n g a.k.a. eardrum)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

o t a.k.a. ear; Also see: o Character;

t y m p a n a.k.a. eardrum; Also see: t Character;

utricle and saccule are located at (inner ear a.k.a. labyrinth), also see: u Anatomy;

early; earlier; earliest; e.g.

akin; early; tantamount; Radical887;

before; earlier; Radical496;

early detecting earthquake-sensor for Anti-Earthquake (our earth) for you, i.e. 3 of 108, 323x108 dimensional; Also see: Physics Law 567; 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (Remark: 1 compass, 2 holes on the Left, 2 holes on the Right, 2 GPS circuits, 3 surfaces, ... early detecting earthquake-sensor for Anti-Earthquake);

early  ;      early ;     early ;

haya Early; Radical817;

earth; Earth; earthy; e.g.

clay; dirt; earth; mud; soil; Radical40;

earth; Radical519;

earth ;  ;     earth a.k.a. land;

Earth Essence a.k.a. K s h i t i g a r b h a;

earth-rise;     World's 1st ACT2 space usage, via KA GU YA; defining ACT2 natural blue;

earth-set;     World's 1st ACT2 space usage, via KA GU YA;

((F M D, Full Moon Day), (N M D, No Moon Day));

Gene Therapy System, using Our Earth Based Tumor Remover, to remove tumors;

23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09053 seconds, (i.e. our earth's rotation once a day) a.k.a. sidereal period (our earth ( Radical519) 's circumference: approx. 40075 kilometers); Also see: Time; Distance;

IFF Pali, l o k a, world (e.g. earth);

normal yellow, a.k.a. no yellowish variation, i.e. refer to our earth, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 211, Yellowish Variation Sensor;

our (earth, globe, l o k a, planet, world) ... ; our earth;

our earth 's normal Yellowish1, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

our earth (Naturally Weather Log), also see: Weather; WORMHOLE;

our earth ( GIS, NIS), IFF severe bad weather condition EXIST, And Then, amber alert (emergency, partition hotlink) via ..\\device\ACCESS\Roaming\ (e.g. Asteroid is falling into this defined location, e.g. Earthquake is going to happen very soon, e.g. Tsunami is coming) ... ;

( our Earth Only _Gravity Spot _structural Battery), also see: Physics Law 179 ... ;

(( 500s), five hundred second), approx. 8 minute i.e. ( Distance ( Earth, Sun) by optics Light), also see: Distance; e Character; s Character Extension 1; Optics; Time;

this DOMAIN 's definition ("War") : Also see: ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War ; nothing like harmony, so tickets for sure;

Anti-Earthquake; Remark: ( , , , ) My apologies, if software defined method doesn't work 100% ... ;

HOW to avoid earthquakes, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 273, HOW to avoid earthquakes;

( Impossible Earthquake Structural, Impossible Earthquake Structural 1, Impossible Earthquake Structural 2), also see: PHYSICS, law seventy nine ... ;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no earthquake, NOT to be earthquake;

IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF earthquake (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;
IFF tsunami (exist, prompt) : Amber Alert;

(unwanted) earthquake a.k.a. quake;     Also see: Weather;

(unwanted earthquake, unwanted quake);

y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;

east; eastern; eastward; e.g.

Also see: Directions;

east ;     east      east      east ;

(east pacific, west pacific), also see: Weather, e.g. in summer, (creating clouds in east pacific, creating clouds in west pacific) i.e. to be avoiding earthquakes in Pacific (our earth) in summer ... ; Remark: many ways to avoid earthquakes, e.g. configuration (ACT2 imaginary hyper space) 's 2,3 dimensional leading 3 naturally (also see: Physics Law 170, ... ), e.g. , e.g. "L" (Method, Procedure, Technique), e.g. parallel moon waves' gravity spots location awareness, ... ;

IFF our earth, civilizations exist e.g. African civilization, Eastern civilization, Indian civilization, Middle East civilization, south American civilization, Western civilization, ... ; start with how to eat, how to dress up, how household items are, how to define word, and so on ... ;

the eastward;

since 1970s, Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization has been designed, developed, engineered, model, and tested, but NOT exist officially, therefore, if you like to develop your own space systems in (2*6) dimensional and (2*7) dimensional, you must copy this ((2*5) dimensional systems) DOMAIN 's contents, And Then, be your own happy, healthy, and wealthy ... ;

easy ; ;

eat; food; Radical219;

eat     ate      eaten ;

eating ;

eat ;

dry; ebb; Radical60;

e b i, also see: Sushi;

e c* ;

eccentric circles;

ECG; EKG; e.g.

ECG      EKG ;

ECG Report; EKG Report;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ((abnormal, normal), ( ECG Report, EKG Report)) And Then, also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

electrocardiogram, e.g. ECG; EKG; Also see: embedded; Radical693;

echo; e.g.

Echocardiography     Echocardiography     Echocardiography     Echocardiography;

echo ;     echo ;     echo ;     echo ;

eco      e c o      eco ;

* e c t a s i s ;

e c t o * ;

e d a m a m e, a.k.a. E d a M a m e, also see: Sushi;

edge; Edge??; edged; edges; edging; e.g.

(core, a.k.a. nuclei; edge, a.k.a. membrane), also see: Gene Therapy System and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Physics Law 234;

corner of desk; corner of pavement; edge; Radical181;

edged tool; ;

edge ;  ;     edge ; ;

( Edge14, Edge13, Edge12, Edge11, Edge10, Edge9, Edge8, Edge7, Edge6, Edge5, Edge4, Edge3, Edge2, Edge1) ... ; Also see: e Character; Physics Law 234; 6 surfaced DEE box in Z-index;

( Edge, End) e.g. ( hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge) .  .  . IFF right triangle ones, also see: (DEE, Mathematics, Parameter, Schematic Light) .  .  . ;

edit; edited; editing; edition; editions; editor; editors; e.g.

edit     edit     edit;     edit;

edition      edition ;  ;     edition ; ;

edition; make; model; number; issue; Radical299;

h e n s h u Edit;     h e n s h u Edit;     h e n s h u Edit;

cause and effect e.g. operation of a cause and its effect, relation of a cause and its effect;

effort; Radical566;

egg; eggs; e.g.

egg     egg     egg; i.e. 15x15 dimensional ... ;

egg     egg     egg; i.e. 23x23 dimensional ... ;

egg ; ovum; roe; spawn; Also see: Numerological7;

eggplant ;



k o y u j o t a i E i g e n state (state, stated, stating) quantum-mechanical corresponding (e i g e n state value of the defined wave) ... ; Also see: Optics;

Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;

eight; 8; e.g.

h a c h i , also see: Number;

eight      eight      eight 8 ;

h a c h i Eight;

eighteen = 18 = XVIII;

eighty = 80 = L X X X;

80,000 Buddha; ;

eight ;

elapse; eliminate; Radical549;

elapse; turn into; Radical752;


Transient Elasticity ( TE, TE) a.k.a. v i s c o elasticity; Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty nine, hada Skin, ... ;

(female, women) age > 40 year, IFF (e l a s t o g r a p h y, mammography, ultrasound) defined location prompted (abnormal hardness, cancer, positive tumor), using Artificial Intelligence (Gene Therapy System) to cure (abnormal hardness, cancer, positive tumor) ... ;

chief; elder; head; leader; major; merit; strong point; superiority; Radical210;

elderly care, endocrine, also see: MD;

electric; electrical; electrically; electricity; e.g.

( denryuganagareru Electric current goes through, Electric current goes through, Electric current goes through, Electric current goes through) Water, decomposing ( h, H), ( o, O) ... ; Also see: d Usage; e Character; Water Clock;

electric     Electric;

(electric, electronic); Radical535;

electrical      electrical ;

electrically bound together, a.k.a. ionic molecule; Also see: Battery;

electricity     electricity      electricity ;

Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant; Also see: Nuclear1; Nuclear2;
Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant-;

Electricity Power Plug (all things are possible);

electric train;

electrical energy;

electrical power ;

electrode      electrode      electrode ;

electrolysis; electrolyte; e.g.

Coconut Electrolyte Ionizable, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

Coconut Electrolyte Ionizable ... antiviral COVID-19 FORMULA, also see: Antiviral Schematic; DNA _Origami (Nanobot Programming); Energy & Geometry; Sushi;


( Electrolyte, Electrolyte, Electrolyte, Electrolyte) ..., also see: C D G W T; index; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point;

electrolyte: (gel or liquid) WHICH contains ions, can be decomposed by electrolysis;

electron; Electron; e.g.

( Electron configuration, Electron configuration, Electron configuration, Electron configuration), also see: c Character Extension 1;

( Electron configuration of potential ±V, Electron configuration of potential ±V) ... ; Also see: Nuclear1; Nuclear2;

electron      electron ;

(electron optics, electron and ion optics, ion optics, ion and electron optics); Also see: Optics;

electron (subatomic particle with negative); Radical535;

electronic; Electronic; e.g.

d e n s h i Electronic; by year 2020, world (our earth) 's the 1st electronic textbook system (education system), in Japan (NIPPON) ... ;

( d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic) ... e.g. for (negative, positive) ... ;

( d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic) ... also see: d Usage;

( d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic) ... e.g. for (feedback, verify) ... ;

( d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic), also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;

( d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic, d e n s h i Electronic) ... e.g. yellowish variations (PHYSICS);

Electronic ( card, card, card, card), a.k.a. ICC, Integrated Circuit Card; Also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML, for (define, defined, defining) normal Yellowish Variation, in our earth;

electronic     electronic      electronic;

element; Elements; e.g.

block elements (e.g. ▀▄█▌▐░▒▓); Also see: AI FONT;

category; component; element; part; Radical998;

element      element      element ;

element (in array) ; ;


elementary ; naked; principle; uncovered;

elephant ; phenomenon ;

in 2018/2561, www.google.com translator's writing style ( elephant);
in 2018/2561, www.jisho.org Japanese online dictionary's writing style ( elephant);

elevate; elevated; elevating; elevation; Elevation; e.g.

Apex; Crest; Elevation; Peak; Vertex; Zenith;

elevate      elevate      elevate      elevate ;

elevating; jinko chino Artificial Intelligence; elevating;

elevating (as opposed to landing);

 switch for hyperspace craft's ( Elevating, Landing), also see: Physics Law 198;

viewing platform; elevated area; Radical754;

k o d o Elevation; NFC ELEVATION; e.g.

(( Altitude), ( Elevation), ( Height), ( k o d o Altitude), ( k o d o Elevation), ( k o d o Height)) ... ;

( Mobility, Mobility, Mobility, Mobility), also see: kadosei Mobility;

( NFC ELEVATION, NFC ELEVATION), also see: e Character; e Computer; Gravity Dimension Computer; variable; Remark: if this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts, approx. 45 degree diff (est. Yellow Color) between our earth and planet Mars;

the distance to the sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;
the height of an object relates to the sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;
the point in relation to the defined sea level, i.e. altitude, elevation, and height;

Also see: Automotive; kadosei Mobility; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;

eleven = 11 = XI;

EM e.g.

electromagnetic wave (a.k.a. EM wave); radio wave; Radical535;

EM, Electro Magnetic;

EM     EM     EM;


* EM Pull, also see: Physics Law 153, EM Pull, ... ;

elapse; eliminate; Radical549;

akiraanisuru (clarify, clear, disclose, elucidate, manifest, reveal);

email      email ;

email address;

begin; come; commence; derive; emanated; embark; emerge; flow; initiate; issue; originate; proceed; something abstract but perceptible spread out from a source; stem; undertake; Also see: Physics Law 145, ... ;

embed, embedded, embedding e.g.

( board, board, board, board), e.g. (Board Certification), e.g. (B O D, Board of Directors), e.g. (Electronic Circuit Board), e.g. (Embedded Board), .  .  . ;

bury; embedded; Radical693;

OLE, Object Linking and Embedding;
OLE, Object Linking and Embedding;

emblem; evidence; imprint; mark; seal; signpost; souvenir; stamp; symbol; target; trademark;

embroidery; Radical243;

development of the embryo, also see: Physics Law 145, Incubation Period;

emergency; Radical839;

k y u Emergency      emergency ;

* e m i a ;

emit; erupt; flush out; spout; Radical632;

Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;

emperor of Japan; Radical370;

emperor      emperor ;

empirical knowledge, also see: 2 kinds of v i p a s s a n ā knowledge;

emptiness is form ;

employ, Radical130;

employ      employment ;

career; employment; professional; Also see: Career Employment Professional;

empty ;

benefit; chemical; enamel; gun powder; Radical377;

alchemy; enchantment ; magic; sorcery; witchcraft; wizardry;

besiege; enclosure; keep; paling; preserve; store; surround; Radical323;

encode; encoded; encoder; encoders; encoding; e.g.

encoder, a.k.a. codec, scrambler;

encoder     encoder     encoder;

encoding ;

something magic!!!!! in common, encoder is working with decoder;

encrypt      encrypt ;

end; ended; ending; e.g.

adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;

( Edge, End); Also see: ( hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge, hashi Edge) ... ;

end | begin, also see: Idea Processor;

end       end      end      end      end ;

the end; Radical554;

endeavor; e n d e a v o u r; Radical566;

e n d o* ;

endocrine system (gland, glands, ovaries, ovary, pancreas, testes, ... ) ... ; Also see: e G T S U;

endurance; endure; enduring; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring ( j o b u Enduring); everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

endurance      endurance ;

enemies; enemy; e.g.

enemy, 2 kinds of enemy;

enemy ; foe; opponent; also see: Anti Virus; e.g. defined enemies must be defeated;

enemy; foe; opponent; Radical745;

energy e.g.

DEE, Dark Energy Engineering;

energy     energy     energy;

energy; ;

energy (keV) e.g. in common, X-Ray is measured by ( keV, Count); Also see: CT; e Character; Energy & Geometry;

( New Energy, New Energy, New Energy) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 888;

Yang energy; Radical633;

DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) is the most powerful energy in our universes e.g. human beings livable moon dwells with its peaceful & tranquil momentum;

engine; engines; e.g.

( engine, engine, engine) ... ;     engine      engine ;

engineering; e.g.

DEE, Dark Energy Engineering;

engineering ; IFF engineering Search Engine, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 229, Linguistic Definition;

   ( g Computer, l Computer, m Computer, r Computer, u Computer)   regarding SQRT2 design Model (Engineering Notation) ... ; yellowish variation, and its reversed yellowish variation, for each human beings livable moon, ... ; our earth's the highest technology ... ;

invisibility engineering;

English     English      English ;

change; enchant; influence; Radical661;

enjoy        enjoy ;

enlighten  ;

enlightenment a.k.a. b o d h i;

enlightenment, a.k.a. Buddha hood;

enmity ;

enoki; e.g.

( enoki, enoki, enoki, enoki) mushroom, IFF thin-and-tall ones, antiviral powder formulation factored Number (i.e. not similar to Protein powder formulation factored Number), also see: s G T S U (e.g. the defined membranes' fluidity (steroid: ((S y n c y t i a l, Syncytium) in this case: unwanted RSV))) ... ; F U Q U A N X I N mushroom (a.k.a. Seafood mushroom); Also see: e Character; e Usage; Physics Law 234, (core, edge) ... ; Sushi;

enormous; gigantic; huge; Radical149;

enough ; ;

be sufficient (adequate, enough); Radical190;

enquire ; ;

enrich; e.g.

abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;
abundant; enrich; wealth;

en route; Radical963;

enter; e.g.

enter ; ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (enter a.k.a. intestine)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

Keyboard's one of the keys, e.g. , also see: Command;

(( enthalpy, Enthalpy, Enthalpy, Enthalpy, Enthalpy), also see: e Character; Physics law 789; Water Clock) ;

entity; entities; e.g.

C S E, Common Service Entity; Also see: IoT; resource;

entity     entity, distinctly & independently EXIST (e.g. article, being, body, creature, (entity (acronym, mnemonic, op code)), individual, item, life form, object, organism, person, thing, tuple) ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (e.g. dimensional item (e.g. device), object, (tuple (RDBMS' finite ordered list of elements)), directional therapeutic (body, individual, organism, person), logical article, numerological things (e.g. 1~9), structural (graphics, image, pattern, photo, surface) ... ) entity     entity ... ; entity (acronym, mnemonic, op code) also see: Address, ... ;

(( one, the only entity), ( halves (plural Usage), a.k.a. one half (singular Usage)), ( minus one, a.k.a. negative one), ( two, two), ( actually express, a.k.a. denoting is intended to be, a.k.a. indicated), ( one part of three equal parts, one third), ( a quarter, a.k.a. one-fourth, a.k.a. 1 out of four equal parts of the entity)), also see: Mathematics; Numbers in Computing;

resource (actuator, entity, host, mash-up, node, sensor, ... ), things represented as resources

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (component, device, entity, item, object, part, piece, thing, tuple), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

all; complete; entire; fulfill; whole; Radical399;

(all; complete; entire; overall; whole); IFF prefix, (omni*, pan*, t o t i *) i.e. all ;

entire staff;


entrance ; ;

entrance to a home; gate; Japanese style door; narrows; Radical85;

entrepreneur ;

appoint; duty; entrust; responsibility; term; Also see: Radical432;

entry      entry      entry ; ;

( rekkyosuru Enumerate, rekkyosuru Enumerate, rekkyosuru Enumerate), one-by-one, number of things mentioned e.g. : catalog; (check, tick) off; (cite, recite); (count, recount); detail name identify; itemize; list; (mention, spell out); (particularize, specify); (set forth, set out); summarize;

area; environment; region; space; spot; Radical957;

kankyo Environment      environment      environment      environment ; ;

Environments e.g. (above ground level, Alley, A Q I (Air Quality Index), Arena, Auditorium, Automotive, Cave, City, Concert Hall, Corridor (carpeted, stoned), (Day, Night), Electricity Transformer Plant, (Factory, Manufacturing, Production), Forest, Generic, ground level, Hallway, Hangar, Hazard, Hydropower Plant, (Interior Space, Exterior Space), Lab, Library, Lot (dock, logistic, parking), Medical, Meditation Center, Mountain, Nuclear Plant, (Opened Space, Closed Space), Padded Cell, Plain, Port (Airport, Seaport), pressurized, Quarry, Recovery environments, Room (academic room, Automotive room, bath room, bed room, canteen room, clinic room, dinning room, hospital room, hotel room, ICU room, kitchen room, living room, medical imaging room, medical surgery operating room, meeting room, normal room, office room, onsen room, physical therapeutic room, reading room, Recovery room (Clinic, Home, Hospital, Nursing, Rescue Center), reserved room, restroom, sound engineering room, spacecraft room, studio room, temperature controlled room, toilet room, waiting room), Sewer Pipe, Solar Sail (imaginary hyper space craft, Orbiter, Satellite), Station (bus, charging, docking, radio, train), (under construction, under reconstruction), Underground level, Under Water, Vacuum, water level, Weather related ones (climate, daily weather, season), Windmill Plant, ... ) ... ;

environment1, environment2, environment3, environment4, environment5, environment6, environment7, environment8, environment9, environment10, ... , environment31; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2; idea ♯ 213; BF1 Analysis;

this DOMAIN 's content development (creating very nice weather at defined locations, curing many defined diseases, healing many defined disorders, keeping healthy environment, prolonging life expectancy of we human beings) ... ; Also see: Oh My Lord;

enzyme; e.g.

( Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes)

Enzymes ... ;

kouso enzyme;     enzyme      enzyme ;

Two is very very unique in many ways e.g. ( DEE vs. Optics) doko WHERE ( hikari Light re-Action ( CO2, ( Enzyme, Enzyme), H (Hydrogen), O2, Water) Energy, delivered by the Light, to tsukuru Make (Carbohydrate, Sugar)) a.k.a. photosynthesis, i.e. way of HOW tissues happen ... ; 1 lipid acting like (gate, pore ("opening pore" means allow the gas in)) WHICH ... , also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Reminder: because of (Carbohydrate, Sugar), fat, oil, ... may begin, e.g. 1 bio Physical lipid (Fat + Oil) can pass through Biological Cell ... ;

e p i* ;

counter for episodes of TV series; counter for stories; Radical811;


epoch ;

epsilon i.e. Ε, ε;

equal; equality; equalizer; equally; e.g.

adjusted; alike; equal; Radical211;

alike; equal; similar; Radical251;

as if; better; equal; such as; Radical392;

embedded; Radical693 (equalizer, Ethernet) ... ;

equal ;

equal; even; Radical991;

equation; expression; formula; Radical992;

equation ; ;

equator ;

intersection of sphere surface ... ; Radical188;

e q u a l i s a t i o n; equalization; equilibrium; e.g.

equilibrium      equilibrium ;

heiko Equalization     heiko Equalization     heiko Equalization (balance, e q u a l i s a t i o n, equalization, equilibrium, even scale), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

ionic repulsive equilibrium; Also see: Battery; PHYSICS (Physics Law 141) ... ;

equinox     equinox     equinox ;

equip      equipped ;

equipment, also see: instrument;

matching     matching, complementary equivalent (amount, color, design, number, pattern) corresponding with ... ;

era; e.g.

Also see: imperial era;

c h u s e i Medieval, relating to "Middle Ages" ... ; Also see: Time;

era a.k.a. period;

era      era ; ;

erect ; ;

(condition, state) of being wrong in conduct;
error; errors; inaccuracy; inaccuracies; miscalculation; miscalculations; mistake; mistakes;

using Blue Gray Directional Gravity Pressure Error Handler to fix errors;

e r y t h r* ;

escort; send; Radical767;

*e s e  =  *r e a n  = *s i a n =   * ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (e s o p h a g a.k.a. esophagus (throat to stomach, muscular tube with mucous membrane))), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

essence; key to; main point; need; pivot; Radical365;

essence ; ;

establish; e.g.

( decide, Determine, establish, Fix);

establish ; ;

estimate; quantity; weight; Radical831;

e t a i.e. Η, η;

etc., a.k.a. Et cetera (Latin language), a.k.a. and so on ... ;

"e t e r n a l i s m", also see: s a s s a t a d i t t h i;

ethic; ethical; ethically; ethics; e.g.

companion; ethics; Radical1103;


ethics     ethics;

Numbers _ in _ Dhamma;

rinrigaku ETHICALLY MORAL PHILOSOPHY; ethically moral philosophy;

e u* ;

eulogy; hymn; paean; song of praise; triumph;

eulogy ; ;

Europe; European;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (s a l p i n g a.k.a. e u s t a c h i a n tube)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

eV     eV     eV ; Also see: Battery; Electricity Power Plug;

evade; shun; Radical981;

even; evenly; e.g.

(balance, e q u a l i s a t i o n, equalization, equilibrium, even scale), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

equal; even; Radical991;

even     even      even ; ;     even ;

(even, flat, level, smooth), (calm, composed, placid, stable, tranquil); Radical545;

even if ;

even now; still; Radical828;

even number      even number      even number;    

even number; Radical260;

even; Radical414;

even so ; ;

evening       evening ;

evening; Radical43;

event; events; e.g.

( Event, Event, Event); Also see: Cloud (FE); e Character; Sushi; Remark: My humanoids become very very smart ones ... ;

event ;     event      event ;

real-time i.e. actual time of 1 event;
real-time i.e. actual time of 1 process;

ever; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting ( j o b u Everlasting); good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

forever; whatever; whatsoever; whenever; where-ever;

every; everybody; everyday; everyone; everywhere; e.g.

( all, everybody, everybody, everyone) ... ;

daily a.k.a. everyday; e.g. www _links;

each; each; each; each; every; every; every; every;


everyday     everyday; Also see: repetition in Kanji; Radical292;

every      every ;

everyone     everyone;


everywhere; generally; Radical331;

emblem; evidence; imprint; mark; seal; signpost; souvenir; stamp; symbol; target; trademark;

evil  ;     evil ;

Evince; e.g.

( shimesu Denote, shimesu Evince, shimesu Exhibit, shimesu Indicate, shimesu Point-out, shimesu Show) .  .  . ;

exact; precise; Radical567;

exactly ; ;

alter; change; check; correct; examine ; improve; inspect; mend; reform; replace; revise;

example ; ;

exceed; go beyond; overdo; Radical759;

excel; excellence; excellent; e.g.

bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;

excel      excel      excel ;

excellent; fine; good; Radical735;

excel ; prevail; victory; win;

discontinue; except ; give up; lay aside; set aside; suspend;

distinction; exception; Radical494;

exchange; Exchange; exchanged; exchanging; e.g.

exchange ; ;

Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 184, G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth) ... ;

excuse ; ;

excuse; Radical210;

cause; exercise; exert; reach out; Radical80;

drill; exercise ; hands-on training; practical training; practice in the field; training;

exertion; overstrain; Radical566;

exhaust manifold ;

exhibit; Exhibit; e.g.

display; exhibit ; offer; present; send; Also see: Numerological7;

( shimesu Denote, shimesu Evince, shimesu Exhibit, shimesu Indicate, shimesu Point-out, shimesu Show) .  .  . ;

exist; existed; existence; existing; e.g.

actual; at the present; existing; Radical795;

e.g. coexistence;

e.g. 2 is very very unique in many ways;

exist      exist      exist ; ;     exist ; ;

exist; have; possess; Radical761;

exist; Radical888;

exit      exit ;

exit code ;

e x o* ;

expand ; extend; increase; lengthen; stretch;

expansion      expansion ;

expect; wait for; Radical269;

Life Expectancy      life expectancy      life expectancy ;

expensive ; ;

expensive; high; tall; Radical225;

experiment; test; try; Radical765;

expert      expert      expert ;

expert ; ;

expert ; ;

expert ; ;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

explaining; explanation; e.g.

ACTION of explaining, i.e. Explanation, Interpretation, Translation, ... kaishaku Interpretation ... ;


explanation; instruction; Radical350;

explanation; opinion; rumor; theory;

explanation; Radical1002;

clean; evident; explicit; obvious; plain;
elucidation; explicit statement; specification;

explicit      explicit ;

express      express ;

equation; expression; formula; Radical992;

extend; extended; extend over; e.g.

cast; extend; give; Radical203;

cover; extend; range; reach;

expand; extend ; increase; lengthen; stretch; Also see: Numerological7;

extend ;  ;     extended ;

extend over; range; span;

extension      extension      extension ;

bounds; degree; extent; limit; Radical625;

degree extent, limit; Radical653;

hani Extent; hani Range; hani Scope; hani Sphere;

(interior (inner side), if compare to exterior (outer side)), also see: Keyword;

exterminate; exterminated; exterminating; exterminator; exterminators; e.g.

g a i c h u k u j o g y o s h a Exterminator to (demolish, disinfect) COVID-19 virus;

g a i c h u k u j o g y o s h a Exterminator to (demolish, disinfect) COVID-19 virus;

g a i c h u k u j o g y o s h a Exterminator to (demolish, disinfect) COVID-19 virus;

another; extra; particular; separate; Radical494;

Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM), also see: Action; Protein;

extract      extract ; ;

audacious; drawing; extraordinary; map; plan; Radical714;

bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;

assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;

extreme; Extreme; extremely; e.g.

extreme form of attachment; extreme form of greed; extreme forms of selfishness; extremely ;

extremely increasing; very; Radical1004;

( Utmost, Most, Extreme) ... ;

eye; eyes; e.g.

adjective ending; bull's eye; mark; object; target; Radical419;

( Collagen, Collagen, Collagen, Collagen) i.e. structural protein ... ; keep well-hydrate with "Aqua Color" Collagen (the defined (eye, eyes)) ... ; Also see: e G T S U;

eye ;

eye; Radical138;

eyeglasses (lens) e.g. corrective lenses;

eyesight (ability to see); vision (state of being able to see); Radical400;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (b l e p h a r a.k.a. eyelid)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

therapeutic Eyes On White Light, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (day time period, also see: Time) . Space (our earth) . Action (e.g. naturally blink 2 eyes) ; Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's way of thinking: OH!! OH!! our earth blinks also and its "bow tie" (Lexus' emblem) may stretch 115+ miles ( Distance between the two eyes), kuru kuru WHILE blinking its 2 eyes; Also see: Anti-Earthquake design model, because Parameter e.g. (31+29+31+8) = 99 (nine nine means grandmother, other wording would be "w a j i m a" in Myanmar language), And Then, Plus One would be 100, doko WHERE (100+ Day (concerning 01/01/2024 Earthquake in Japan), 100+ Minute) is one of the important factors to realize & understand HOW Anti-Earthquake design model ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System ( )), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;


error; Radical759;

using AI to fix ... ; error; Radical207;

error      error ;

using AI to fix each Calculation Error;
using AI to fix each Measurement Error;