; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : June : 14th (Wednesday) : Updated : 7eComputer ;

; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2023 : June : 14 : Updated : e : E ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  




Our _ Earth _ Band _ Antenna; also see: band; Satellite; Schematic Dimensional; Wireless Antenna;

"Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean (our Earth),
avoiding earthquake in Japan, avoiding tsunami in Japan, avoiding volcanic eruption in Japan,
to do so: Nama For Humanoid,
8 imaginary hyper space crafts, using Rainbow Method (directional gravity spots);
on full moon day, and on no moon day,
form (8 imaginary hyper space crafts) 1,000 km (distance in length) away each other,
using Lo Shu Magic Square (i.e. Network Topology),
doko WHERE the location is above the "Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean,
And Then, using Rainbow Method, 90 degree to incoming parallel DEE at the "Tectonic Thrust" in Pacific ocean;
for better understanding of HOW, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2,
(e.g. 1 right triangle 's hypotenuse obeys SQRT2, (13 = 8 + 5), (60, 72) omni directional, (360 = 45 x 8)) ... ;
this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather (avoiding earthquake in Japan, avoiding tsunami in Japan, avoiding volcanic eruption in Japan) ... ;

Remark: regarding (WORMHOLE (Parameter (45, 60, 72))), imaginary hyper space system architect should est. approx. time period (incoming parallel DEE) e.g. 2 times tidal waves of our earth, e.g. specific time period of parallel DEE (e.g. green gravity spots' parallel time period on yellow background) regarding 1 way DEE and BF2 (2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space) ... ;

earth (e.g. ground, land), as opposed to heaven; Radical40, also see: Radicals;

Earth Based Medical Sensor, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

1 way DEE with BF2 (i.e. earth's nature location) in (Shakya) universes ... ;

l o k a, world (e.g. earth): if fall season in northern hemisphere (i.e. becoming colder therefore BF2 loses its leaves), at the same time, spring season in southern hemisphere (i.e. becoming hotter therefore BF2 gains leaves accordance with 4PP's directional gravity), vice versa, if spring season in northern hemisphere (i.e. becoming hotter therefore BF2 gains leaves accordance with 4PP's directional gravity), at the same time, fall season in southern hemisphere (i.e. becoming colder therefore BF2 loses its leaves); There is neither fall season nor spring season if in middle hemisphere (e.g. equator) and BF2 loses its leaves if very hot (e.g. summer season) and BF2 gains leaves in raining season; IFF 3 lines are parallel to each other, upper line is northern hemisphere, middle line is equator, lower line is southern hemisphere, and all 3 lines are at the same time IFF vertical specific time line is defined and functional; Realize THAT 2.2. concurrency, 2 ends of chromosome, if zoom out to l o k a, world (e.g. earth) and then notice that BF2's Life Span, and then Bio Clock with defined time lines; Concerning spin speeds, 1 day is loka, world (e.g. earth) 's spin speed, approx. 6 months is eclipse's spin speed, and then (2+5=7) as Lunar, (2*5=10) as Jun, so (Lunar vs. Jun) begins ... ; If zoom out to loka, world (e.g. earth) and moon, 2,3 dimensional begins and gray scale simulation prompts not the same to (left vs. right), lighting candle prompts not the same direction, Even Time Horizontal DEE (1 object prompts 2 shadows naturally), ... ; If zoom out to solar system, 3,4 dimensional begins and no more BF2 and BF? e.g. our solar system might be moving, planets and anatta ... ; So, (1 way DEE with BF2) is earth in Universal Positioning System (UPS);

(our earth's approx. location) in our universes ... ; IFF this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

Earth Bound 2D Mapping Our Universes, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

this DOMAIN 's definition ("War") : Also see: ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War ; nothing like harmony, so tickets for sure;

KB; MB; GB; TB; P B; E B i.e. 1152921504606846976; Z B; Y B; a; ka; ; ; ; ... ;

appliance; Radical317;

electrical appliance; electrical appliance; Also see: IoT;

  using ( Cell Path ) to elevate
i.e. AI ( elevate ) ;    
computer ( speed sensor ) with GPS ,
  e.g. WHILE NOT id l i n g
, turn ( left and then apply
more e l e v at i n g
to right ) ;        
  e.g. WHILE NOT id l i n g
, turn ( right and then apply
more e l e v at i n g
to left ) ;        

using artificial intelligence, Gravity Dimension Computer (elevating automotive);

Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;

Cloud is enabled, e.g. multi protocol ( radio);

enzyme; Enzyme; Enzymes; e.g.

( Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes)

enzyme ;    
enzyme ;    

abnormal enzyme as bio marker;

normal enzyme as bio marker;

defined, marked, targeted, also see: d G T S U; m G T S U; t G T S U;

bio marker, also see: bio;

Enzymes ... ;

idea ♯ 259; DNA repairing enzyme ; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; ( Enzyme, strand of guided RNA) : specific nucleotide sequence : viral genomes (e.g. A R D S, COVID-19, MERS, SARS, SARS-CoV-2); doko WHERE nucleotides form structural DNA (nucleic acids unit); nucleotide, compound consisting of 1 nucleoside, linked to 1 phosphate group; k u m i k a e e Recombinant (viral genomes);

IFF CME (Q&A) enzyme, also see: 2561 2018 CME no.200;

everything ( every things) e.g. changing the network is everything; s a m ā d h i, i.e. concentration, effort, free from mental defilements, good concentration, mindfulness, state of concentration, tranquility of mind, ... ;

clean; evident; explicit; obvious; plain;
elucidation; explicit statement; specification;

Periodicals e.g. PERMANENTE EXCELLENCE, also see: Referenced Books;

expert; Special Radical 253, also see: Radicals;

      to state ;      

