Updated in 2025 : 1 : 18 : Gravity Dimension Computer ;
Updated in 2025 : 1 : 18 : Gravity Dimension Computer ;
Updated in 2025 : 1 : 18 : Gravity Dimension Computer ;

Gravity Dimension Computer ;


1st to define Normal Gravity,
surface should be (green vs. blue) iro Colour to be;

doko WHERE iroColourWaveForm as curvature,
approx. Normal Gravity to be Cyan or Aqua;

WHY do we need Normal Gravity?
because, we want to calculate dimensional gravity;

2nd step to define yellowish variation,
space's distance in yellowish mm (millimeter) numbering;

in addition to yellow background as power,
E3, E3, E3 as silver color;
so called "gray scaled" simulation,
11, 11, 11 as black (dark) interruption;

after figuring 2,3 dimensional momentum as 3rd step to be,
just able to pinpoint directional gravity;

B L I (Body Length Index) limits yellowish,
growth rates are in sizes;

Complex Ion for Gene Therapy System,
kuru kuru WHILE in 2,3 dimensional momentum;

elevating vs. landing, automotive to be controlling,
naming either G D C or Gravity Dimension Computer, 1st to start with √2 calculator,
if you design √3, good to be with duo-binary tree;

concerning a tree's factor, C Sequence Number is in structural;
DEE, a.k.a. Dark Energy Engineering, variable patterns are in all human livable moons' locations;

poem; poetry; Radical999;

5/5/15 in 2559, written poem by this DOMAIN,
WHAT is shiso Idea, so develop Gravity Dimension Computers ... ;

重力 次元 コンピュータ 一
Gravity Dimension Computer;

contactless; contactless; contactless; contactless; Contactless;

103x28 dimensional Invisibility; Remark: for ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace R&D, and solar system only (military restricted info, only some peoples (approx. >20 persons) know explicitly); IFF variable DEE patterns (for each human beings livable moon) i.e. ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace R&D (military top restricted info, only a few peoples (approx. <20 persons) know explicitly); IFF designed & modeled C Sequence Number based growth rates by factoring numbers the ( Distance, Distance) among (BF2), i.e. ACT1 level imaginary hyperspace R&D (our earth only) and many peoples know ... ; if ACT1 level imaginary hyperspace R&D (our earth only), try to realize & understand avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, HOW factoring Number ... ; Also see: Gravity Dimension Computer; Physics Law 1;

developed by , , , Rakhine (ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar);

Remark: in our earth, e.g. regarding Gravity Dimension Computer, WHILE charging battery (in our earth), you might be using high amp (a.k.a. higher heat), and your computer may become heavier k an Weight, on the other hand, WHILE using battery only, you might be using low amp (a.k.a. lower heat), and your computer may become lighter k an Weight, therefore, DEE is somehow cool characteristic WHICH means cooler the DEE, bigger the gravity to elevate ... ; DEE is the highest engineering & technology, and military top secret (Gravity Gun, beyond Laser Gun), therefore NOT available to public; I F F R&D, start with structural, and then analyze dimensional, and then program & test directional (e.g. 2 strings' interaction prompts 24mm Natural Time (1 second) analog tic tic tic), and so on e.g. numerological ... ; Also see: DEE;

class G D C { k an Weight
, S P L , GPS Location , SQRT2
G D C two = new  
G D C ( k an Weight ,
S P L , GPS Location , SQRT2   )
G D C three = new  
G D C ( k an Weight ,
S P L , GPS Location , SQRT2   )
. method ( G D C kan
Weight ) ;              
two . method ( three ) ;
three . method ( two ) ;

/* 2,3 dimensional ... */ class G D C is written in  Java style; k an Weight measures masses; concerning dimensional gravity, not only weight (mass), but also sound pressure level for directional gravity, GPS Location of each Object for location awareness, and numbers of floating point for devices to be connected; Keyword (new) assigns (two and three) as G D C; .method programming technique prompts G D C to be more than record set, and objects can then be instantiated within the class G D C; In OOP, Object Oriented Programming, (two and three) are interactive by 2 lines of code ... ; so called /* 2,3 dimensional ... */

( Download Speed, Upload Speed), using 4 ro (process, processing, Processor), 2 clocks (Aqua Clock, White

Clock) ...

535412957,, elevating, i.e. longer and longer distance from departure location;

kuru kuru WHILE elevating, use Highlight (aqua) color;
kuru kuru WHILE landing, use Highlight (olive) color;

flight data recorder, also see: flight;

( active X a.k.a. time line, active Y a.k.a. level, active Z a.k.a. layer) do location awareness service ... ; global aviation management system; as a result, Time e.g. within 3 seconds, Space e.g. GPS current location, Action e.g. location awareness services can be globally via Cloud Servers ... ; for each automotive (e.g. aircraft carrier, airplane, boat, car, container carrier, drone, elevated hybrid airplane, elevated hybrid bus, elevated hybrid car, elevated hybrid ship, elevated hybrid train, elevated hybrid truck, elevated structural building, elevated structural object, elevated structural things, elevated train, elevator, fighter jet, helicopter, mechanical crane, maglev train, maglev tram, motorcycle, passenger van, plane, school bus, ship, tractor trailer, train car, tram, trans ocean liner, truck, ... );

Gravity dimension Computer (HOW year (2568, 2025) design model solar panels are based on ZCS tech to (accumulate, collect, gather) energy into Power Bank, structural Battery), And Then, ( bunpu Distribution like Clock, Potential Diff ( v)), And Then, applying 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, And Then, defining variable DEE patterns ( WHEN lights (e.g. iroLED) exist, DEE also exist) ... ; Also see: approx variable DEE Patterns; Gravity Dimension Computer; ( cosmos, space, universe); 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American (e.g. this DOMAIN 's developer Ace Jaw) rather have more questions than answers, .  .  . , HOW, HOW, HOW, HOW,  .  .  .  ;

I wrote: a basic quiz would be: ware ware We need to define "1 Way DEE" on a ZCS ( Walls), WHAT should I do?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! 180 degree to the USB design model e.g. 1 hoho (way) DEE in Action . Military Grade . via USB . at 180 degree, for supporting USA worldwide (our earth) Walls sir;

I wrote: Yes. don't forget 90 degree means like    ; 45 degree means like 100000.98 beats per day of cardiac in our earth, for chiryoyaku Therapeutic (aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm) Umm!! Hmm!!

G D C, Gravity Dimension Computer, I F F SQRT2, general rational fraction sequence numbers as reference value 98;

Gravity Dimension Computer ( G D C) I F F SQRT2, 1.414213562373095048801688724209 as value; 88...88;

Gravity Dimension Computer     Gravity Dimension Computer;

Gravity Dimension Computer ("New Energy"), also see: Physics Law 888 ... ;

Gravity _machine _in _act2 _stage;

system with Sound Pressure Level (S P L) doko WHERE iroColourWaveForm must obey lights;

iroColourWaveForm (color) e.g. aqua or cyan (i.e. normal gravitation) ... ;

I F F 2,3 dimensional (e.g. our system is 10), system with Global Positioning System (GPS) ... ;

f v , also see: automotive ;    
f v number ;            
    using shiso Idea ( i.e. AI )
    ;         elevate ;

I F F 3,4 dimensional (e.g. parallel universe is 17), system with Universal Positioning System (UPS) ... ; using Even Time Horizontal DEE for adjusting dark energy of universe;

IFF cloud, go through ... ;

IFF cloud , go through . . .
2 gravity spot s on 1 surface
( similarity ) just be there , know i n
g location ;              
4 gravity spot s on 1 surface
, i.e. ready to elevate , using GPS
8 gravity spot s on 1 surface
, using UPS ( Universal Positioning System ) ;  
16 gravity spots ; 32 gravity spots ; ... ;

k an Weight mode adapter, a.k.a. k an Weight Network Adapter;

with time zone for each server;

8514959 (i.e. heavier) and its address is ( I F F no COOKIE Browser;
3978259 (i.e. lighter) and its address is ( I F F no COOKIE Browser;

3154957,, landing, i.e. shorter and shorter distance to arrival location;

kuru kuru WHILE landing, use Highlight (olive) color;
kuru kuru WHILE elevating, use Highlight (aqua) color;

AI operating system character (i.e. character number 38) for vibration of DEE strings, also see: S P L;

book standard computer (e.g. PC) verify IPv6;

m a r u m a r u computer i.e. roll-able computer; near future's computers ... ;

mount I F F drive exists (e.g. , e.g. ); Remark: prior to the year (2564, 2021), compilation number C138 or prior ones work well with graphics definition method, some devices can be elevated by using directional gravity spots ... ; since 2 is very very unique in many ways, so this has been using inside of G D C, and Gravity Dimension Computer ; Good luck to you & your R&D environments, regarding directional gravity spots ... ;

I F F measure, using number WHEN computing by k i c h i Base (e.g. calculator; dictionary; translator; ... );

1 meter radius of gravity spot might be elevating 5 kilo-tons of weight in 2,3 dimensional momentum; For basic understanding, this DOMAIN might be able to do elevating < 10g on 1 surface in the Internet ... ; this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts went very very very far in distance i.e. in our universes e.g. (,);

1080 = 10 * 108; Also see: Display; Because of 10 dimension, 1080P was 1st Quantum Correction in 21st century, because pixel can be defined in 360°;

        Blue Gravity ;      
        Gray Gravity ;      
        Green Gravity ;      
        Indigo Gravity ;      
        Maroon Gravity ;      
        Orange Gravity ;      
        Purple Gravity ;      
        Red Gravity ;      
        Yellow Gravity ;      

Also see: DNA _Origami; Gravity Dimension Computer; Manmade Global Computer ... ;

AI electronic devices, kuru kuru WHILE,

using (76647555) good gene patterns to do ( treatment) e.g. of systems ... ;

gene therapy systems do 76647555 (Good Gene) ... ;

As Is - No Warranty, e.g. Milky Way As String, And Then, our earth (Anti-Earthquake) Gravity Spots As Hole, because very very very difficult to define HOW Purple Color (Fusion) to Aqua Blue (our earth) in 3,4 dimensional, 2,3 dimensional, ... ;

beyond year 2000s design model (GPS) with 2 (1 mm) gravity spots built-in but in 2020s, As Is - No Warranty WHICH means if you like to have your own gravity spots, you must be thoroughly realize && understood lights;

Also see: Action; Gravity Dimension Computer; Schematic Dimensional;

G D C     G D C     G D C;

I F F ( X, Y) directional gravity, also see: 6xComputer, 6yComputer; 2,3 dimensional only;

jinko chino atsuryoku bunpu; e.g.

Japanese (a.k.a. NIPPON) transcript (phrase, words) "jinko chino atsuryoku bunpu," may be translated into English (EN) language as "Artificial Intelligence Pressure Distribution" ... regarding Fusion based (Flight Mode AWD eV, Flight Mode eV); Also see: structural Battery; ZCS TV based (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering) ... ; doko WHERE (Natural Water Elevator + Directional Gravity Spots) ... ; Remark: 1st to realize & understand 2 gravity spots (as sun) i.e. refreshing momentum; 2nd to realize & understand Yellow Color goes through if Silver Color and Navy Color are flip-flopping; 3rd to do Anti-Earthquake (our earth), Flight Mode ("flying") kadosei Mobility, Gene Therapy System (antiviral airborne Nanobot Programming), Gravity Dimension Computer, Manmade Global Weather, ... ; Good luck!! to you, regarding your R&D (designing prototype, factoring Number, modeling Algorithm, OEM Products) ... ;

Manmade Global Weather, also see:


nama for humanoids was written in Pali in 2003 ... ; WHY in Pali? because very advance technology must be classified i.e. info, not available to public; For basic understanding, (calculator, dictionary, translator) with SQRT2 only;      

( NFC ELEVATION, NFC ELEVATION), also see: e Character; e Computer; Gravity Dimension Computer; variable; Remark: if this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts, approx. 45 degree diff (est. Yellow Color) between our earth and planet Mars;

Pro g Id, a.k.a. program ID; Radical; Radical; Radical; also see: Radicals;

(( Radical1002), ( Radical294), ( Radical355), ( Radical432)); accountable, accountable, accountable, (of an institution, of an organization, of a person), doing (appointed, dutiful, entrusted, responsible, terms) to be justify ACTION ... ;

shigeki Stimulate; Stimulate; e.g.

Inoculation, living (antigen, pathogen) into (alive, living) organism to ( shigeki Stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, stimulate, Stimulate) the production of antibodies;

stimulate structural Battery Server ( Gravity Dimension Computer) ... ;

sound length, for each solar sail (i.e. this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts) ... ;

1st to understand Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 185, Solar Sail; 2nd to understand universal energy map results; 3rd to develop   Gravity Dimension Computer ... ;

strength; STRENGTH; e.g.

((((( strength, strength for 2 suns refreshing planet, strength, STRENGTH))))) Also see: (DEE, Gravity Dimension Computer, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index :: Calendar . Earth . Space . War);

54. structural sculpture; e.g.

well trained kids!! replied: We're medical students, visiting 4601 Dale Road., Modesto, CA 95356, California, USA, Kaiser Hospital, for learning & earning accredited medical courses, and we don't realize and understand THAT structural sculpture next to canteen, at the garden sir, can you please explain a little bit?

I wrote: OH+ OH+ THAT structural sculpture with 2 heads on ones, 2007 design model, WHICH represents 2 planets (in this case: 2 heads alike e.g. female's head, male's head) are their Action (s), Space (our earth's directional gravity spots), Time (gravity time, other wording would be the defined lights' breadth) should obey that structural sculpture; Remark: I don't know WHO designed & modeled THAT structural sculpture, but I'm very sure that very very smart ones like you medical students are ... ; think of 2 thumbs as 2 heads (e.g. female's head, male's head), And Then, try to find your own directional gravity spots with your own lights' breadth, if you like to challenge, And Then, start with Anti-Earthquake design model ones ; good luck in your own R&D ... ; if you can prove functional Anti-Earthquake design model (Algorithm), the Shakya King will award you for sure; Also see: Gravity Dimension Computer; Modesto; Reforming Myanmar;

1 time machine in kuru kuru (i.e. loop), using artificial intelligence, to do ... ;

unit of mass (453.6 g, pound); Radical91;

USB (i.e. bus with port; port with bus) to do plug and play;

using iroColourWaveForm, for each color (i.e. light) with multi time lines, IFF 108 configuration (e.g. (3,3,3,3) and (10,7,10)) doko WHERE four numbers as quantity (i.e. 3) at edge of that surface, and then (10,7,10) e.g. JUN, Lunar, JUN for (2*6) dimensional space momentum,

using AI (Artificial Intelligence),

I F F blue gravity, adjust the gravity spot of that surface,

I F F green gravity, adjust the gravity spot of that surface,

I F F olive gravity, adjust the gravity spot of that surface,

I F F red gravity, adjust the gravity spot of that surface,

I F F yellow gravity, adjust the gravity spot of that surface;

Computers with k an Weight measurement ... ;

water , doko WHERE (BLI: growth rate, Heat: hydrogen, Light: oxygen, ... ) ... ;


Gravity Dimension Computer 


(( GDC, Gravity Dimension Computer), ( GDC, Gravity Dimension Computer), ( GDC, Gravity Dimension Computer));


Gravity Dimension Computer, designed, modeled, and programmed by a "Tarzan" Rakhine American Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, Ace Jaw, and one of the Intellectual Properties of the United States of America (USA) ... ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated in ???? : ?? : ?? : this DOMAIN 's one of the web pages Title;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on ?? : ?? : ???? : this DOMAIN 's one of the web pages Title;

one of the Intellectual Properties of the United States of America (USA), in our earth;