Updated in
2024 :
December :
30th (Monday) :
Cloud Computing (s)
; ; ; ; ; Updated on 30 : 12 : 2024 : Cloud ;
humanoid Global Military General, created on 11/18/2024, i.e. Coordinate-GUI \ CYBER .wars _HEADER, a PNG File in 100x100 dimensional, for defeating && demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) worldwide (our earth); ware ware We (Germany, Japan, USA) must be winners; World War Three (W W III) Ready Mode; in SQRT2 Engineering Notation, "100" means ( REMOTE, REMOTE, REMOTE, REMOTE), for each Local;
since November 2024; MSN news on 11/17/2024; ( + (UK, Britain) + (USA)) have approved, and issued official approval to , i.e. humanoid Global Military General (using long range missiles, using long-range guided missiles) to strike Russia & Russian territories;
Also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War;
2566; 01/05/2023; Cloud Computing (s) ... ; e.g.
() | . | . | . | ||||||
Your | Business | Information | (s) | . | . | . | service | ||
Web | D | A | V | ||||||
this | DOMAIN | . | . | . | |||||
1 | One | Drive | |||||||
Micro | soft | Azure | |||||||
cloud | |||||||||
cloud | |||||||||
Cloud | |||||||||
CLOUD | |||||||||
Go | ogle | Drive | |||||||
Cloud | |||||||||
define | your | self |
: |
: | Name | of | Nation | e.g. | |
Drop | box | ||||||||
Back | blaze | B | 2 | ||||||
Box | Number | ||||||||
Amazon | S | 3 | |||||||
remember | Navy | Blue |
Color |
is | from | Jupiter | in | our | universes |
designed, engineered, modeled, Nanobot Programming, programmed, work flow, ... by Rakhine American, a.k.a. a "Tarzan" in the year (2566, 2023), regarding , and this DOMAIN recommends avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, i.e. one of the intellectual properties of USA (United States of America), and all rights reversed by Ace Jaw; Remark: beyond directional gravity spots, beyond ("reversed yellowish variations"), beyond natural water elevators method, beyond SPL based sound patterns, beyond trillions of US Dollar worth, beyond UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), beyond (ZCS, Zero Curvature Surface), ... ; reaching into variable DEE patterns for each human beings livable moon in our universes, R&D of Bamboo Stem factored Number (s) for adjusting BLI (Body Length Index) variations of "We" human beings' sizes on human beings livable moons, ... ;
Usage e.g. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, ... are their respective names, owners, policies, rights, trademarks, ... and this DOMAIN 's contents are recommended to install to be healthy, happy, proactive, wealthy, ... ;
I wrote: intentionally looks alike ( QR Code .bmp, QR Code .gif, QR Code .jpg), and notice, realize & understand THAT "bottom, right" area is intentionally NOT the same, ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) ?
Also see: UPC v s RFID;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! ware ware We've already read islets of L a n g e r h a n s, also see: p G T S U, and we've realized & understood that ZCS based and its 1 quarter is intentionally for NCS sir, Umm!! Umm!! DNA _Origami, Nanobot Programming, ... ;
I wrote: mochiron of course; in this case, be good Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA) Nanobot Programmers then ... ; do good kharma Action, good results will, ... ; Reminder: don't forget to create your own factored Number ... and be beyond trillions of US Dollar worth;
21st century; 2565; 2021; PHEV VVTI Mode, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Variable Valve Timing Injection Mode; Also see: Automotive; Cloud; GPS; kadosei Mobility; Mode; Satellite;
means wheel is rotated by electric motor;
means power source (rpm, speed, torque) by several systems;
means a state of computing (computer operation);
means any wall outlet connection to recharge the rechargeable Battery WHILE
means the internal combustion engine's valves are (on, off) by computer
(Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI));
21st century & beyond; ( BZ, BZ, BZ, BZ) stands for "Beyond Zero" ... ; Also see: kadosei Mobility;
2565; 2021; CT; e.g.
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
Computed Tomography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ... ;
CT, Computed Tomography ...
Tomography is a form, in WHICH motion of X-ray (detector, source) are controlled by Computers, And Then, producing (medical images, medical imaging, processed data, radiological info, radiological information) ... ;
2565; 2021; structural Battery Server; e.g.
I wrote: I've a gift i.e. structural Battery Server, & wondering how many servers would you like to design & model for IT?
well trained kids! replied: 5 sir; (1 Silver Color, 3 Black Color) at the edges, and Cell Path in the midst sir, so ware ware We're going have 5 servers, for each structural Battery ... ;
I wrote: mochiron of course; Also see: Battery; Cloud; Physics Law 179; Server; structural Battery; doko WHERE : (2,2,2,2,2, mano (the mind) 79); those (2,2,2,2,2) form 10; don't confuse (6 places are NOT 6 different locations) because they are only at 1 location), also see: Idea Processor;
I/O, a.k.a. (Input, Output) ... ; Also see: 8iComputer; 5oComputer; Security;
2565; 2021; Trusted Platform Module (TPM) e.g.
( TPM, TPM, TPM, TPM) e.g. TPM, Trusted Platform Module, version 2.0, i.e. compatible with PC (Windows11 OS), from Microsoft; .net;
2565; 2021; our earth, using 8 kinds of Satellite (Method, Technique) e.g. Cloud Keywords ( A OS, IS AM, SAL, SAR, S ART, S AS, SA U, SL F I) ... ;
Toshiba, world's 1st multi systems inventor since 1980s, And Then, in 2020s Toshiba has started unbreakable encryption (Idea Processor), together with (BT, British multinational Telecommunication, www.bt.com ) and (Ericsson, Swedish multinational networking and telecommunication, www.ericsson.com ) ;
Add Network ... ;
i.e. beyond dialog; i.e. beyond paragraph (sentences, words); Idea Processor is beyond equalizer, translator, GPS, ... , and Toshiba has reached yellowish variation level (Gravity Dimension Computer) ... ; for basic understanding 1st to understand WHAT is Pipelining (since 1990s), And Then, Parallel Computing IFF 45 degree (Pipelining) ... ; for basic understanding 2nd to understand WHAT is Cloud Keywords (e.g. branch able, brunch able) AAI, AI, AIA, CE, Dx, CS, GS, LS, MS, PE, Pt, Rx, Tx, VM, ... ; 3rd to do R&D ... ; Remark: regarding 21st century & beyond, this DOMAIN 's the most advance programming would be in Pali (a.k.a. Buddhism's holy language) for nama programming (humanoids) ... ;
(east pacific, west pacific), also see: Weather, e.g. in summer, (creating clouds in east pacific, creating clouds in west pacific) i.e. to be avoiding earthquakes in Pacific (our earth) in summer ... ; Remark: many ways to avoid earthquakes, e.g. configuration (ACT2 imaginary hyper space) 's 2,3 dimensional leading 3 naturally (also see: Physics Law 170, ... ), e.g. , e.g. "L" (Method, Procedure, Technique), e.g. parallel moon waves' gravity spots location awareness, ... ;
For thousands of years, if civilization type is ACT3 stage (e.g. 17, BF3 in C Sequence Number, Our Earth Eclipse, parallel universes, ... ), if civilization type is ACT2 stage (e.g. 1 way DEE with BF2 (i.e. our earth's location), 10, 2*6 momentum, even time horizontal DEE, gray scale simulation, iroColourWaveForm, ... ), if civilization type is ACT1 stage (i.e. one and only the sun as 1 second momentum, IoT, our Earth, solar clock with multi time lines, ... ) Cloud Computing starts in early 21st century with the Internet ... ; IFF Cloud Computing, oriental idea (e.g. Time . Space . Action) must be applied, to do so, WHICH time zone, WHAT kind of Location ( computers, NFC, smart phone), HOW ( active OR passive);
Cloud is a computing model, approx. since 2000s; Traditionally, computing is depending on OS platform format and file type; Multiple OS platforms are connected by networking with protocols; Whenever OS version changes, applications are necessary to change (notice the application development cost, effort, life time-period, ... ) because applications had been "platform dependent";
this DOMAIN 's multi time line active directory service;
cloud; clouds; Remark: since 1990s, we've seem manmade cloud in the sky (gangsters called it "one line"), then in 2000s, ASAP we saw manmade clouds (not only lines but also characters) in the sky, the nation's Air Force jets response next to the location of manmade cloud in the sky, and manmade cloud in the sky is one of the military top secrets; naturally & normally, clouds form Anti PM5.0 alike; naturally & normally WHEN clouds form (Anti PM10 (without mouth), Anti PM10.4 COVID-19 (with multiple mouths)) alike, we've seem storms in the sky ... ; some gangsters called it coconut head ("manmade cloud") because if directional is defined toward human beings, it can be very harmful (e.g. brain injury, crazy); cloud; clouds; Also see: Physics Law 567 ... ;
Cloud is a mile stone in computing history, because it is platform independent via Internet; e.g. IoT, mobile app, normal executable application, web site with web app, ... are all available with Internet;
WHY? Cloud Computing is a mile stone in computing, because,
(text support and 1 word) WHICH means IT & computing becomes easy to manage & develop,
and real computing manager might be able to do 1 sentence (i.e. combining words),
and real computing director might be able to do 1 icon with 3 paragraphs (i.e. combining sentences with graphics),
and real computing engineers (very limited quantity of people in the world) might be able to do measurements based on icons with logic based on paragraphs,
so called computing in early 21st century; Very difficult (almost impossible) if coding and algorithm is concerned (e.g. commonly computer professionals are not able found global IT companies even though sample source codes are available by text-book/solution-book), on the other hand, hard work if creating logical text, sentence, paragraph, with icons; Conclusively, word to sentence to paragraph with icon method has been easy and the best to develop computer systems (i.e. instead of coding and algorithm) ... ; Another reason is that computing & IT is more related to military and power, therefore, Computer Engineering major & Computer Science major are not recommended to learn unless you are related to military and power; Therefore, this DOMAIN recommends Information System managements (i.e. users approach, how to use, how to implement, how to install, ... ); If you are young and have other options, and then learn some other majors except Computer Engineering & Computer Science, because this DOMAIN does not want you to be having brain injury without solutions, because so many computer engineering & computer science graduates become unemployed because he/she might not know HOW to make word, sentence, paragraph, and he/she might be wasting effort/money/time by compiling/testing source codes; Because, computer can control and computer can be anything, and nowadays super power people only use wireless mobile devices to control computer systems (similar to expression e.g. "hey, the whole world is in oneself hand" e.g. a little tap on this/that surface with this/that number seems very very easy, on the other hand, very very difficult if you need to figure out (understand) how difficult gravity spots are within on 1 surface); Computing in 21st century with metta ... ;
() in Hiragana: Master's degree (i.e. academic degree); Radical380;
Commonly source codes are CE, CS, IE, IT, MD, MS, OS, PE, ... ; And they are acronym alike, and they are similar to word, and they are based on line (a.k.a. command line parameters), and they are NOT based on surface, and they are NOT based on SPL, and they are not using long length time line, ... ; WHY? Cloud Computing is a mile stone in computing, because ... ; brunch-able keywords a.k.a. CE, CS, IC, IE, IT, MD, MS, OS, PC, PE, ... , AND, because of "brunch-able" , very easy to manage locally and globally and universally; E M, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 211; Yellowish Variation Sensor;
container, OR VM ( Virtual Machine) for each Cloud; Radical158;
IFF ACT3 hyperspace engineers only, develop DEE (C Sequence Number) structural and then analysis of HOW yellowish (e.g. yellow gravity) variation causes BLI (a.k.a. Body Length Index) growth rate diff; DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) is the highest technology as of early 21st century; Cloud Keyword;
2 common types are Private Cloud and Public Cloud; Cloud Type: e.g. Cloud (Private), e.g. Cloud (Public);; they are similar to Domain Controllers; also see: Network Topology; WiFi a.k.a. Wide Fidelity (Wi-Fi) was not implemented yet in Domain Controllers' era (approx. late 1990s to early 2000s); because, Directional Gravity Pressure for each curvature (e.g. surface) was not implemented yet, because WORMHOLE (IFF device, also see: camera) is easy to say but very difficult to design and engineer, because kuru kuru WHILE lights are and then analysis of DEE must be ... (beyond "motor way" method);
Anywhere, IFF Internet is available, using your own profile to logon, and then do Cloud Computing ... ;
Very advance high tech l y, using the Internet (e.g. 1 satellite designer) without profile, and then do Cloud Computing ... ;
Basically, remote system ( item, object, things, ... ) on Internet is cloud ... ; with network number; Dock e r, IFF Open Stack Extension;
Cloud Computing is same like using your own computer, diff is users do not need to worry about data in drive, no need to carry computer, users do not need to configure systems, users do not need to install applications like office, etc. And, using profile, users can logon from anywhere, IFF Internet is ... ;
x | ; | y | ; | z | ; | ||||
i | ; | i | ; | i | ; | ||||
Cloud | ; | a | p | p | s | ; | |||
calendar | ; | data | storage | and | back | up | ; | document | |
s | ; | e | ; | music | and | media | library | ||
; | photo | s | and | video | s | ; | service | s | |
; | cloud | , | cloud | computing | and | cloud | storage | ; | |
any | computer | server | e.g. | noCOOKIE | Internet | Browser | with | ||
web | ; | Diagram | ; | app | s | ; | calendar | ; | |
data | storage | and | back | up | ; | document | s | ; | |
e | ; | music | and | media | library | ; | |||
photo | s | and | video | s | ; | service | s | ; | |
- | Cloud | storage | ; | drop | box | ; | ever | note | ; |
backup | e.g. | M | o | z | y | and | Carbon | it | |
e | ; | with | out | physical | media | ; | Web | App | s |
; | App | s | , | i.e. | application | s | ; | Web | App |
s | , | a.k.a. | Web | Application | s | ; | with | out | install |
; | on | line | E | Service | s | ; | browser | e.g. | |
no | COOKIE | ; | sign | up | ; | without | install | at | ion |
; | Doc | s | , | a.k.a. | document | s | ; | office | suite |
; | spread | sheet | ; | present | at | ion | ; | on | line |
profile | ; | social | network | site | ; | Profile | ; | up | - |
to | - | date | ; | ||||||
this | DOMAIN | ' | s | remote | control | technology | . | . | ; |
OEM | ; | company | ; | ||||||
private | cloud | ; | public | cloud | ; | ||||
identity | management | ; | location | awareness | ; | 462935 | ; | security | ; |
software | ; | support | ; | mobile | ; | ||||
web | browser | ( | Mobile System Number | ; | PHONE | ) | ; |
Light Sheet Storage (beyond Rainbow Method); Cloud, cloud computing and cloud storage; e.g. all objects in Inbox's email via server; e.g. one of the Cloud storage's services (i.e. Drop box stores files, i.e. Drop box shares files) can export MOBILE ... ; I o T, Internet of Things (e.g. calendar, email, file, ... ; TV apps; Web Apps and Cloud; IFF multi- server configuration, also see: Oh My Lord (e.g. Default .ASP, default .ASP X, Default . H T M, index . H T M, index .HTML, index .S HTML) ... ;
WHAT is Rainbow Method sir ? well trained kids ! 2 gravity spots are embedded inside of each GPS (GPS is beyond Translator Method (Calculator, Dictionary)), And Then, WHEN those 2 gravity spots connected by lights (spectrum) a.k.a. Teleportation Method on zero curvature surface; at this present, user may realize "beyond Rainbow Method" ; Light Sheet Storage is NOT available in our earth (as of 2017/2561) because IT involves NOT ONLY yellowish variations, BUT ALSO Directional Gravity Pressure; Light Sheet Storage might be available to public IFF proven records for decades e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan, e.g. avoiding volcanic eruption in Japan; Also see: Manmade Global Weather ( service) to do good weather conditions globally ... ;
Artificial Intelligence, AI ( do good climate conditions; do good weather conditions) ... ;
Artificial Intelligence, AI ( Gene Therapy System) ... ;
2h | 2i | 2a | 2b | 2c | 2d | 2e | 2f | 2g | |
2q | 2r | 2j | 2k | 2l | 2m | 2n | 2o | 2p | |
2z | 2s | 2t | 2u | 2v | 2w | 2x | 2y | ||
1i | 1a | 1b | 1c | 1d | 1e | 1f | 1g | 1h | |
1r | 1j | 1k | 1l | 1m | 1n | 1o | 1p | 1q | |
1s | 1t | 1u | 1v | 1w | 1x | 1y | 1z | ||
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | |
j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | |
s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |
( Event, Event, Event); Also see: Cloud (FE); e Character; Sushi; Remark: My humanoids become very very smart ones ... ;
4LCFC, 4 Layered Computing For Chinese; approx. 20+ years old info in 2020, gift because they Chinese (s) are look like me, and, in Asia, we look similar to each other, but different in culture, language, religion, tradition, ... , like 4 Kanji letters (WORD), I've done many gifts to Chinese (s) ... , because I can't explain myself, and they are look like me ... ;
IFF Algorithm e.g. ( hash, queue, stack, ... ) to do communication universally ... ; 2535769212965;
label (98, 87, 76, 65, 54, 43, 32, 21, 10) ... ;
Internet | OR | public | cloud | ; | |||||
Intranet | OR | private | cloud | ; |
using (o s . s y s AND o s . t x t) artificial intelligence cloud with AI Characters ... ; For basic understanding of CE, CS, IE, IT, MD, MS, OS, PE, ... ;
ア | メ | リ | カ | 緬 | 甸 | . | 網 | ||
AI | SYSTEM | ( | Cloud | ) | |||||
e.g. | Infra | structure | as | a | Service | i.e. | I a a S | ||
e.g. | Plat | form | as | a | Service | i.e. | P a a S | ||
e.g. | Soft | ware | as | a | Service | i.e. | S a a S | ||
Testing | as | a | Service | i.e. | T a a S | ; |
108; (99mm, 66mm, 33mm) diff backgrounds e.g. a a a; 2 (Yin and Yang) is for nature (i.e. Naturally); Analytics (e.g. A a a S); Block chain (e.g. B a a S); Learning (e.g. L a a S); Mobility (e.g. M a a S); Fetch I a a S to i Oriental, P a a S to p Oriental, S a a S to s Oriental; 12tuvw fetches T a a S to t Oriental;
also see:
also see:
NYSE), also see:
also see:
TIME OUT; WHEN 2 biggest gravity spots are at the same directional (refreshing) on one of the human beings livable moons, in our universe (Solar System), regarding "our earth," time-out should be; Also see: Action; Server; Time; Walls;
SYSTEMS exist by themselves, for example: unique idea oriented system (e.g. www.jisho.org); 1st to understand finding / searching better way by itself because of multi time lines ... ; 2nd to understand HOW to handle bad words, by implementing break point, error code, not matched web page, ... ; 3rd, idea processor (e.g. Processor) is Working ... with logic, so called system exists by itself; For example: every planet has its own gravity spot (i.e. one and only the Sun; because of the Sun, existence of weight, growth rate, symmetrical BLI, ... ) and then period of time may vary e.g. 1 second, half second, and etc. 1 Time Machine In Loop with universally ... ; this DOMAIN 's AI SYSTEM (Cloud) i.e. trying e.g. this DOMAIN AI SYSTEM (Cloud) by itself, so called because of idea processor, SYSTEMS exist by themselves ... ; Like Avatar movie WHERE water flows oppositely unlike to Earth, and notice that in our genuine Earth, water flows from up (above) to downward (as a result, there is no such floating things ... ); Space traveling and immigrating to another planets is still too early in time (i.e. in early 21st century) on the other hand, if you immigrate to another planet WHICH is e.g. 3 times bigger than our Earth, and then you might have growth rate problem (e.g. your child might be approx. 3 times bigger than you are), BLI problems, ... ; this DOMAIN AI SYSTEM (Cloud) universally ... ;
( you and me) e.g. numerological dimension as a platform, for using dimensional and directional clouds, because in Cloud Computing era (approx. since 2000s to ... ), M T I interface with surfaces, and gravity spots on 1 surface (e.g. 2 gravity spots, 4 gravity spots, 8 gravity spots, ... ) also see: Gravity Dimension Computer; IFF ISP, also see: home . ha;
WHY i i i ? because, whether normal or mobile, WHILE applications process, "i" behaves like non-stop (i.e. "span" alike) to understand THIS concept, you must be with time-slow-down-process (a.k.a. step-by-step) and approx. < 5 c/s to understand how "i" behaves non-stop (i.e. "span" alike) ... ; in numerological dimension, 9 represents "i" and many televisions have been designed to avoid such nine because it might become "uncertain programming" like electron gun's black color spots on screen like random blinking DEE ... ;
Z-Distribution ... ; using blue Gravity, deep blue is azure; Azure is ACT2 stage space usage, because our earth's night time is dark, but some other planets' night time might be deep blue; It's very wise to name "AZURE", and notice that it's ACT2 stage info name (e.g. Azure as Cloud);
Believe it or not, industries are somehow related to cloud (also see: Weather for prevention, for protecting, ... ), this DOMAIN developer's 50+ years of life experience (in 2015), many industrial nations have been dealt with polluted cloud (i.e. NOT natural cloud), environmentally danger of being an industrial nation can only be avoided by shifting nation's policy to service oriented nation with zero adjustment in banking; It is easy to say "zero adjustment in banking" but very difficult to do so because THIS expression must be with detailed specifications e.g. specification of HOW to make a computer is restricted info since 20th century, notice THAT computers seem very easy to use, but very difficult to make it happens (many time lines, many latches, many pivotal knowledge are required to do so; NOT to mention space radio as signals to be prior to OEM) ... ; (AM, FM, MW, SW, XM, ... ), also see: radio; 5W1H of WHAT is service oriented? 1st, to understand design vs. outsourcing; 2nd, to understand living standards diff between design nation and outsourcing nation; 3rd, imperial era's philosophy & policy e.g. WHAT type of Civilization Type should be (Remark: regarding world's historical documentation, 10 dynasties existed in China's history, and 1 dynasty is approx. 500 years), HOW to control each people on our earth (e.g. remote nama reading via invisible animal o i d s , humanoids, insect o i d s) ... ; And, notice THAT databases will be very very very huge (in 2010s a.k.a. Big Data) ... ; Also notice THAT INFO will become faster than light (beyond Western Civilization's theory e.g. Relativity Theory); Please read books, written by professor M i c h i o K a k u because very meaningful, very precise, and very advance knowledge are truly applied, and books are like once in century ... because English language, to inter communicate among Africans, Americans, Asians, ... ;
IFF OEM is ORACLE, also see: e x a ... ; Oracle is USA's world's number 1 database company; Java programming language with Sun hardware systems are commonly used;
Request For Proposal (
... ;
Request For Quotation (
... ;
Software Defined Network ( SDN) ... ;
data center, 1st, must have camera (e.g. camcorder, digital camera with zoom, ... ) connected to computer, because network needs to SYNC (e.g. green as feedback, Synchronization); 2nd, "big band" (e.g. Satellite DNS System) signals are through "wormhole" and earth's ground stations must have the same signal (refer to camera); 3rd, enjoy multi long length neutrino laser's carried INFO (a.k.a. "big band", a.k.a. broadband); some data centers use TV; some data centers use Sound Bar Box; same same concept i.e. to get high gain antenna with long length communication ... ; in common, mobile phone can become satellite phone IFF connected to computer with camera ... ;
( fugaku Computer, fugaku Computer, fugaku Computer, fugaku Computer), also see: Computers;
Cloud ... ;
2565; 2021; design model ; Anti Virus ... (( CI), ( HR)) ... , also see: c G T S U; h G T S U;
for each (location: Nation Name, , , , Number), for each living environment (e.g. clinic, health care facility, hospital, ICU, logistic screening (luggage, package), medical equipment, nursing home, port-checkpoint, scanner, ... ), IFF FUO, Fever of Unknown Origin) EXIST, using Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments (i.e. to cure (known, unknown) virus name), Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments (i.e. to cure (known, unknown) virus name), Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments (i.e. to cure (known, unknown) virus name), Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments (i.e. to cure (known, unknown) virus name), Antiviral 1080 NM, for antiviral living environments (i.e. to cure (known, unknown) virus name), also see: Physics Law 144, Anti-Virus Interior ... ;
2020 design model;
((BE, Back End), (FE, Front End), (IoT, Internet of Things), (V M, Virtual Machine)) ;
PC, Personal Computer; Remark: approx. since 1980s, (keyword, usage) "PC" ... ;
( VR, VR, VR) Walls (6 surfaces), also see: Time; 4vComputer;
since 1/21/2019 /2562, using 78ECB300 Method as data recovery method of this DOMAIN, also see: Address; Method; Oh My Lord; using oriental concept Time . Space . Action ... ;
since 12/9/2015 /2559, info.txt (one of the files at this DOMAIN 's root) has changed its system value to アイピーブイシックス: {PHONE number, e.g. 1 209 681 9218}, therefore, if you're cloud computing engineer, you should change info .txt file's data to your phone number; because, this DOMAIN would like to have (end point, green color as SYNC, PHONE number as feedback signal, ... );
2000 design model;
spamming toward left;
spamming toward right;
IFF bug or error, also see: f Computer, 1fComputer, to correct assembly bug automatically; Anti Virus; this DOMAIN 's artificial intelligence system can protect any type (remember, any type is Dim, and Dimension can be quantity as 3 e.g. 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, and Dimension can be quality as gravitational numerological directional) G D C ... ;
Up |