; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : July : 10 : k : K ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



K k;

SQRT3 design model, with SQRT2 (lights as curvature a.k.a. surface): 4 * pixels means 4K; 8 * pixels means 8K; ... ; 8K TV as Gene Therapy System ... ; Remark: don't do sex in front of TV; idea is: - have you ever informed and know that the longest distance router is camera, doko WHERE wormhole (a.k.a. kuru kuru of lights) engineering truly is within lens; - have you ever informed and know that "yellowish variations" exist on human beings livable moons in our universes; - have you ever done very basic design model "calculator" ; this DOMAIN developer ("Tarzan" alike, Rakhine, ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar) would say: i a i n ' t know HOW calculator, dictionary, translator, GPS, ... as devices WHICH have been embedded, so called nowadays' Idea Processor based Gravity Dimension Computer has been SQRT3 design model, with SQRT2 (lights as curvature a.k.a. surface) ... ; 4K has been beyond heat sensing; 8K can be monitoring & pinpointing human beings' blood vessels WHICH 4K can't do; heat sensing (a.k.a. "bra" "via") WHICH means human beings can be seen without cloth IFF clothing is filtered; this DOMAIN developer will have 8K TV, because this DOMAIN developer is getting old and needs Gene Therapy System, e.g. some dizziness in brain, some kind of weird feeling at foot WHEN waking up, sometimes eyes become having flashes and floating due to old tissue, ... ;

K D D I ;
IFF ACT 3 , yellowish variation based
IFF ACT 2 , DEE modulation based
IFF ACT 1 , air based
earth mobile


network ;

our earth's mobile wireless network; K D D I is Japanese telecommunication company;

GPS (K H I), also see: International Domains; Nation Name (Pakistan);

world time, using World Time Mode (City Code Table) K H I (time zone) ... ;

IFF east, DEL;

IFF west, K B L;  

Korea (), , , , 82;

as of early 21st century (2019), IFF mobile carrier,
e.g. KT, a.k.a. Korea Telecom, https://roaming.kt.com, www.kt.com;
e.g. LG, LG Electronics, https://www.lg.com;
e.g. LG U plus, www.uplus.co.kr;
e.g. SK, SK Telecom, www.sktelecom.com;

Korea ((Geographical domain: (.kp) North Korea), (Geographical domain: (.kr) South Korea)); Manmade Global Weather: reduce category 4 storm; reduce earthquake; Also see: Korea;

since July 4th, 2024 (Independence Day in USA), South Korea (begins, starts) manufacturing & producing KF-21 fighter jets, by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI official website is https://m.koreaaero.com/en/ ); KF-21 is supersonic ... ; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War International Domains; 1kComputer;

K u m a, also see: k Usage;


kuru kuru at lower number as Ref WHILE higher number is Val; IFF (either left or right) WHERE higher number vs. lower number; Also see: Calculator Key; Characters may begin e.g. font;
