; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 2nd (Thursday) : d Character ;
; ; ; ; ; Updated on 2 : 12 : 2025 : d : D : d Character; Also see: d Usage;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (d a c r y a.k.a. tear OR tear duct)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
dad; dada; daddy; pa; papa; Radical110;
daily; Daily; e.g.
( daily, daily, daily, daily, daily) ... ; daily daily daily ;
repetition in Kanji; Radical292; daily a.k.a. everyday; e.g. www _links;
Dao, a.k.a. Daoism;
including direct energy, ordered universe, yin and yang, also see: Laozi, 600 B.C., Tao;
dark ;
dark gray; mouse; rat; Radical249;
darn ; fix; groom; mend; patch-up; repair; tidy-up; trim;
dart ;
dart; Radical140;
(( DATA, DATA, DATA, DATA), also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D; Nanobot Programming; Water Clock); ( DATA : DATA : DATA : DATA) : ( data : ( data), ( data), ( data), ( data)) . . . ; data data data data data data ;
dataset; datasets; e.g.
dataset, a set of data WHICH can be retrieved from data source; e.g. adding good gene patterns to the dataset of ????? tumors (i.e. therapeutic way to remove tumors);
RDBMS ( next, pause, play, previous, stop, ... ), also see: Command; Schematic Symbols;
date; dated; e.g.
date of birth, a.k.a. DOB;
daughter; e.g.
coexistence, also see: son;
daughter ;
daughter; girl; woman; Radical45;
day; Day; days; e.g.
day by day day by day; Also see: repetition in Kanji; Radical292;
day; Japan; sun; Radical94;
day off ; ; rest + day;
daytime daytime daytime Day time H i r u m a;
early hour; early in the day; early morning; Radical817;
(first day of the lunar month, new moon (astronomical, astronomy), 1st day of a month), also see: Radical699;
National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; Also see: Time;
using ( for Day, for Night) I F F this DOMAIN (Gene Therapy System), also see: Physics Law 145;
day ;
bizarre; dazzling; excellent; extraordinary; fantastic; incredible; magical; magnificent; marvelous; outstanding; plausible; sensational; splendid; superb; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous; Also see: Radical263;
db; dB; DB; e.g.
SPL, Sound Pressure Level; ( dB . m ( Rx, Tx)) i.e. level; IFF SQRT2, ( minus, plus) ... ;
dead; death; e.g.
dead person; the dead; Radical1001;
death; Radical100;
deal dealt dealt ;
dealer; ;
debate; discussion; dispute; Radical301;
10 years (decade); 100 years (century); 1000 years (millennium); Remark: 10, 100, 1000, ... are engineering notation, IFF SQRT2 design model, ±98 based;
deceased; dying; perish; Radical79;
December = 12 ;
Also see: dB;
decide; decision; e.g.
agree upon; appoint; decide; fix; Radical696;
( decide, decide, determine, Determine, Determine), also see: Idea Processor;
( decide, Determine, establish, Fix);
decision; determination;
s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;
decimal; e.g.
decimal point; speck; Radical762;
recurring decimal, also see: PHYSICS (law seventy one) ... e.g. (20, 86) common ... ;
declare declaration ;
e.g. declaration of war;
decode; decoded; decoder; decoding; e.g.
decoder decoder decoder, in particular, (person, thing) analyze and interpret (DEE pattern, gene pattern, hikari Light pattern, Optics pattern, SPL pattern, voice pattern, wave pattern) something magic!!!!! in common, decoder is working with encoder;
art; decoration; figures; literacy radical; literature; plan; sentence; style; Radical89;
command; decree; Radical1010;
dedicate dedicate dedicate dedication dedication ;
deduction ; inference; suiron Deduction;
2 (categories, kinds, methods, types, ways) of logic are (deduction logic, induction logic), doko WHERE
deduction logic (form),
also see:
induction logic (whole), also see:
Also see: philosophy;
assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;
DEE; DEE, Dark Energy Engineering; e.g.
DEE DEE DEE (Dark Energy Engineering); our world's highest technology e.g. many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;
DEE Frame; Also see: PHYSICS, law sixty five ... ;
e.g. DEE is faster than light;
e.g. yellowish variation in mm; can only be measured by DEE; yellowish variation and its reversed yellowish variation; can only be measured by DEE;
embedded; Radical693 (DEE modulation, dictionary, drive) ... ;
deep; e.g.
abiding; deep-rooted ( j o b u Deep-Rooted); durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;
black; deep; mysterious; occult; profound; Radical126;
deer; Radical236;
DEF, a.k.a.
define, defined, defining;
DEF, a.k.a.
gain or loss, fame or defame, praise or blame, and pleasure or pain; Also see: mature knowledge;
default e.g.
0_Default Light And Its Weight; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; this symbol seems very easy & simple, on the other hand, very advance like ACT3 imaginary hyperspace crafts' DEE density and simulation WHICH obeys BLI (Body Length Index) for each human beings livable moons in our universes; to calculate and solve BLI problems on human beings livable moons, this symbol symbolizes e.g. we need to realize & understand THAT every light has its own distance and its weight; circle is 100x100 (because 1%, 100, ... are somehow related to local system, 1 processor based); intentionally green is on the top because of we human beings are naturally on our earth as default; intentionally blue is at the bottom because we've learnt "blue away" events regarding LED design & radio specification (e.g. neutrino); yellow is on the top for calculating yellowish variations WHICH exist on many human beings livable moons in our universes; red is a limitation to 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space; Remark: because of Yellowish Variation As Distance, we're able to design and engineer reversed yellowish variation also WHICH leads to gain e.g. naturally perceiving energy to prosper ... ; Reminder: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;
DEE Density Default, also see: Schematic Symbols;
IFF command line parameter, also see: Command e.g. c:\dir default /?
IFF financial, fail to fulfill obligation of loan (i.e. default);
IFF Gravity Dimension Computer programming, WHEN no alternative is specified i.e. default;
IFF numerological, also see: Numerological0 e.g. zero is default;
IFF web, also see: (Default .asp, default .a s p x, Default .h t m) at the root of this DOMAIN (c:\);
defeated ; h a i b a k u (H a i b o k u) defeated; defeat ;
e.g. defined one (enemy, foe, opponent, rival) must be defeated;
j o s a i d o k i Defibrillator, also see: Device Acronym;
definition; definitions; e.g.
definition definition definition definition ;
HD, a.k.a. High Definition; Also see: resolutions (eye-on-you, pixel) e.g. 1920x1080, 1280x720, ... ;
node definition : connected (central, branch, line, path, point, way) WHICH ... ;
ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;
defuse; defused; defusing; e.g.
Defusing Remote Heat Sensing; Defusing Remote Heat Sensing; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Remark: leveled Remote Heat Sensing can be harmful living environment; therefore, 21st century & beyond, you need to hire people with Nested Theory (hole, string) concept (educated ones, elite ones) to be living well i.e. to be NOT harmful way;
degree; e.g.
105 DEGREE, also see: Anti-Earthquake;
academic degree university degree;
attitude; consider; degrees; times; Radical653;
bounds; degree; extent; limit; Radical625;
( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, shaku/, share, ( understand, know));
degree (alcohol strength, frequency, incidence, lens strength, number of times, temperature degree);
degree (as far as possible, as long as, as much as possible, bound, degree, extent, limit, scope, ... );
degree (amount, class, degree, flat level, floor, gradation, grade, level, rank, spirit level, standard, stratum, story storey, ... );
degree (degree, duty, in proportion to, just as much as, kind, one's lot, one's status, part, rate, ration, relation, segment, share, ... );
degree (degree, extent);
degree (degree, name, title);
degree (angle degree, counter for occurrences and times, scale degree, strength of alcohol, temperature degree, ... );
degree (about, amount, approximately, degree, grade, standard, ... );
degree (bounds, degree, extent, indicating approx. amount or maximum, limit, upper limit);
degree (somewhat, to some degree, to some extent, ... );
() in Hiragana: Master's degree (i.e. academic degree); Radical380;
Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB, with degree, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
suffix alike IFF sign & symbol, also see: (°) degree;
deity; deities; e.g.
counter for deities; Also see: COUNTERS; index;
deity, also see: Who are the Buddhist Deities html;
deity; god; spirit; Radical370;
delayed; late; winter; Radical42;
(deleting, discovered) ... ;
delicious delicious delicious ;
deliver; delivered; delivering; delivery; e.g.
delivery; k y o s h u t s u Delivery;
deliver; ship; Radical767;
delivering via the Internet (contents) ... ;
dell e.g.
chasm; dell; gorge; ravine; slum; valley; Radical183;
dell dell dell ;
IFF computer company, also see: DELL;
delta i.e. Δ, δ;
delude; taking a form of ; Radical661;
deluge, severe flood; Also see: Weather;
kilesa (e.g. delusion, lust, hatred, mental defilement, passion, ... ) can be eradicated, or reduced by meditation; Remark: Majjhima way a.k.a. Middle Path should be ... ; Radical333;
demand ;
crumble; demolish; die; level;
aperture; cave; den; hole; slit; Radical145;
denominator; denominators; e.g.
(b u n s h i Numerator, b u n b o Denominator), e.g. Number above the line in a common fraction / Number below the line in a common fraction, another example would be: b u n s u Fraction of (2/3) can be using for 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, ... ; Also see: Optics;
Denote; e.g.
( shimesu Denote, shimesu Evince, shimesu Exhibit, shimesu Indicate, shimesu Point-out, shimesu Show) . . . ;
d e n s h i jisho, electronic dictionary, also see: www.jisho.org;
densities; density; Density; e.g.
DEE Density Default, also see: Schematic Symbols;
Density; m i t s u d o Density m i t s u d o Density; density density ;
( Density, Density, Density, Density), degree of compactness, (e.g. densities) : biomedical sample's density; bone density; (fruit & vegetable) 's density; gemstone's density; (metallic bonding) 's density; Object's density; population density; substance's density; tissue density; tooth numbering system . defined tooth's density; ... ; Also see: CT; d Character; variable;
for each time, after having (food, meal, snack), immediately (gargle, mouthwash), And Then, realize THAT healthy ones e.g. (strong bone density of (teeth, tooth)), no gum disease, ... dental e.g. (dental clinic, dental surgery) ... ; Also see: 2dComputer; d G T S U;
IFF MD, bone density (T-score (+1 is above normal (e.g. very good bone), 0 is normal bone density, (-1 and -2 are low bone density), (-3 and -4 are a.k.a. osteoporosis))) indicates whether osteoporosis or not;
on human beings livable moons, rocks' density, trees' density, ... may vary depending upon human beings livable moons' sizes ... , and as of 2020/2564, BLI (Body Length Index) problems still exist, in addition, suingu Swing-by Gravity Time vs. 2,3 dimensional Solar System (Red), if compare to very very far away outward of (Solar System) our universe (Green), and HOW Fusion of lights accordance with universal equilibrium is still unknown, and the most advance (Algorithm, Method, Procedure, Technique) would be 1 way DEE and its variable DEE patterns i.e. as of 2020/2564, ... , also see: PHYSICS;
per unit e.g. (amount of information, bone density, substance's degree of compactness) ... ;
volumetric mass density e.g. (density ρ = ((mass m) / (volume v)));
dental; e.g.
shika Dental, also see: Dental Implant; s Usage;
Deny; e.g.
kyohi Deny;
( kyokasuru Allow OR kyohi Deny) ... ; Also see: a Character; d Character; k Usage;
to depart; to leave; Radical146;
department e.g.
(bureau, division, department) of an organization; club; Radical998;
department ;
dependent e.g. Adopted Child (AC); Biological Child (BS); Domestic Partner (DP); Foster Child (FC); Grandchild (GC); Legal Spouse (LS); Legal Ward (L W); Step Child (SC);
( d e p o, d e p o, d e p o, d e p o) e.g. d e p o birth control, d e p o menopausal hormone therapy, ... ; e.g. d e p o injection (D e p o - M e d r o l) for (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) ... anti-inflammatory medicine ... ; e.g. d e p o slow release medication ... ; Also see: d Character; d G T S U;
depth; e.g.
hole's depth, also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
agency; agent; deputy ; proxy; representing; substitute;
deputy ;
derivative; e.g.
( derivative, derivative, derivative, derivative) e.g. in common, Spot C is one of the derivatives by AB kyori Distance ( zahyo Coordinate ( X)) ... ;
begin; come; commence; derive; emanated; embark; emerge; flow; initiate; issue; originate; proceed; something abstract but perceptible spread out from a source; stem; undertake; Also see: Physics Law 145, ... ;
derived character in Chinese reading ... ; Radical215;
dermatological thrive (e.g. Our Earth's Dermatological Thrive), also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
descend ;
also see: ascend ;
Desert; e.g.
boundless-vast; Desert; Obscure; Vague;
desire; e.g.
attention; desire; feeling; idea; sense; thought; wish;
care; desire; heart; liking; mind; taste; Radical898;
desktop desktop desktop desktop ;
destination; destinations; e.g.
Gene Therapy System (adding good gene patterns, chiryoyaku Therapeutic way to be healthy ones, (curing many (abnormal, diseases, disorders)), prolonging life expectancy of genes) destination;
GPS (Global Positioning System) destination; Remember: NOT to overwrite & reset 2+ hours ... ;
hereafter, the future as destination; Radical498;
s a k i Destination; destination ; destination ; ; destination destination destination ; destination ;
destroy; destructing; destructive; e.g.
destroy ; ;
(destructing; destructive), as opposed to (constructing; constructive);
detail; detailed; detailing; e.g.
Contents; detail; import; matter; subject; substance;
e.g. (current hash with timestamp, details, previous hash) transaction ... ; Also see: Biz;
detection ; ;
detective; snoop; spy; Radical115;
determination; determine; Determine; determined; e.g.
( decide, decide, determine, Determine, Determine), also see: Idea Processor;
( decide, Determine, establish, Fix);
decision; determination;
determined; pinch; twist; wring;
IFF prefix : d e u t e r * ; d e u t e r o * ; d e u t o * ; Radical591;
advance; development; improvement; progress; Radical796;
change; development; fluctuation; motion; move; movement; trend;
content development (idea processor) ... ;
device; devices; e.g.
any (component, device, entity, item, object, part, piece, thing, tuple) WHICH ;
device device device device device ; device;
in Hiragana as suffix: device; container; instrument; vessel; Radical317;
many devices (collecting, sharing, timing) data i.e. IoT;
measuring device; meter; Radial731;
my device;
remember me on this device (check, uncheck) ... ;
( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (component, device, entity, item, object, part, thing, tuple), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;
devotion; religious faith; Radical694;
ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;
dhamma: dharma interprets law of cause and effect (these two embrace entire body) of religions in Eastern Civilization; dhamma teacher; dharma kaya ;
D H C P D H C P , Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol;
d i a * ;
diagram ;
diagnose; diagnosed; diagnosing; diagnosis; Dx; e.g.
B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;
Domain \ Gene Therapy System \ Location Awareness Response \ Dx;
Dx Cultivation (Carbon Nano Wall (({E3,E3,E3}), (structural K factor, in addition to ( A) ( T) ( C) ( G))), (EM, EMI) based); Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
diagonal; diagonally; e.g.
(45, 60, 72); diagonal; horizontal; vertical; Also see: Physics Law 140, ... ;
diagonally, e.g. straight line, joining 2 opposite corners of square, rectangle, ... ;
dial dial dial ;
dialog; dialoged; dialoging; dialogs; dialogue; e.g.
((antithesis; couple; pair; set; Radical991), (chat; conversation; speech; story; talk; Radical811));
confirmation dialog;
dialog box (audio, button, color, icon, image, picture, sound, text) ... ; OS; R F C;
t a i w a Dialogue; t a i w a s u r u (Inter Active) ... ;
diamond ;
diary ;
diastolic dysfunction (a.k.a. abnormal relaxation, filling abnormality), also see: h G T S U;
dice; e.g.
every structural (box, cube, dice) has 6 ZCS, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and five, 24 pisayo must be variable, ... ;
IFF suffix: command; dictation; order; Radical1010;
dictionary jisho Dictionary jisho (DICTIONARY) ;
die out ; ;
difference; different; e.g.
b e t s u Different different different ;
difference; different; Radical494;
different, as opposed to same;
range of voice; gap; difference in price; Radical717;
difficult difficult ;
difficult; laborious; troublesome; Radical224;
to find self in difficult position; Radical146;
dig dug dug ;
digital; Digital; digitally; e.g.
digital clock, also see: Physics Law 154, clocks, ... ;
Digital; Digital; Digital; Digital; Digital; Digital;
digital key (song) . . . ; Also see: movie;
Zoom, also see: PHYSICS, law 126, Zoom ((Analog, Digital), (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out)) ... ;
diligence ; ;
diligent; toil; Radical566;
dim ;
dimension; dimensional; dimensioning; dimensions; e.g.
4D, a.k.a. 4 Dimensional;
dimensional ;
dimension dimension dimension ;
structural, start with
Schematic Symbols
... ; because Graphics can define
Complexity Regions;
IFF numerological, start with
... ; because Numbers
as keyword can define Addresses;
IFF directional, start with hole board
... ; because only hole board can define string's
Time . Space . Action (i.e. oriental concept),
adding (common Method as
can define
ruler's dots
1 screen
surface as
Space, with defined
so called
Remark: if you've done
all (e.g. dimensional, directional,
numerological, structural), you'll own human beings livable
moons in our universes
Rakhine (ethnic tribe of Union of
is 10
dimension? and
... ; If
you like to develop gravity by yourself, and then, do e.g. 12 (2*6), 14 (2*7),
... ; Because, copy *.* of this DOMAIN 's content is limited to 10 (2*5)
dimension only for basic understanding, and this DOMAIN reserves dimensions
((2*6) and (2*7)) for you;
2566; 2022; 5D e.g. ( 5D Aqua for our earth only, 5D Navy for far away distance in our universe (Distance from our earth), 5D Yellow for (2 Sun) refreshing together, on the 2 Sun planet, 5D Red for either non-heterodyning or the defined (special) environments), also see: Water Clock;
direct; directed; director; directors; e.g.
address; consign; direct; dispatch; forward; mail; post; Radical767;
direct ; ;
direct descent, NOT bastard; Radical281;
direct; straight; Radical989;
direction; directional; directions; e.g.
Bearing; course of action; Direction; geometry directional; Orientation; Way;
directional ;
directional flow may begin in Physics; beyond this method, EM Pull, And Then, surface R&D may begin e.g. gravity spots, e.g. invisibility engineering methods & technologies, ..., also see: Physics Law 151, Gravity Harvest Power Antenna, step-by-step HOW, ... ;
(dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) also see: Radicals;
direction; way; Radical92;
IFF ( 6 = (( 2) * ( 3))) i.e. any direction, also see: Lo Shu magic square;
IFF vibration direction (hyper sphere) OR ;
PHYSICS, law one hundred and four, (directional, remote, mapped, zoom in) to be healthy ones, ... ;
Sudoku i.e. any direction, numerological directional algorithm;
middle management (e.g. manager), and top management (e.g. director);
relational algebra: product x,
project, rename, select, set difference, union;
PROJECT Operator;
SELECT Operator; e.g. select from a table, WHERE defined column ... ;
RENAME Operator (e.g. composite key (column, column) (defined column <- defined
e.g. (VIN #, Owner
Name, Plate Tag) <- (Plate Tag), so that licensed motor vehicle's license plate
tag can be renamed;
INTERSECTION (MINUS Operator, set difference);
JOIN (union) with (logical AND, logical NOT, logical OR);
depending up on IT company's defined keywords, OEM company's defined
Katakana chipset keywords, relational algebra keywords and usage
(syntax) may vary ... ;
this DOMAIN recommends middle management (e.g.
and top management (e.g.
must know
relational algebra, because,
relational algebra can
prompt oversee knowledge of company, organization, system,
... ;
because, when dealing with 5W1H of data, label, name, report, ... , relational algebra is truly helpful and useful to oversee ... ;
directory directory directory ;
dirt; e.g.
clay; dirt; earth; mud; soil; Radical40;
dirt ; ;
dirt; dump; garbage; litter; refuse; trash; Radical956;
d i s ; e.g.
dis* ;
two (2) is very very unique in many ways e.g. (Able, Disable), (abnormal, normal), (acceptable %, unacceptable %), (approved, NOT approved), (assemble, disassemble), (Bad, Good), (begin, end), (Bias, Neutral), (cheap, expensive), (clinically proven, clinically NOT proven), (close, open), (constant, variable), (Constructive, Destructive), (Core, Shell), (countable, uncountable), (day, night), (DEE, lights), (defined, undefined), (Dead, Live), (Directional, Heuristic), (do, don't), (down, up), (echo readable, echo unreadable), (expected, unexpected), (Explicitly, Implicitly), (FALSE, TRUE), (Female, Male), (first, last), (focused, un-focus), (foe, friend), (Hard, Soft), (hardware, software), (healthy, unhealthy), (High, Low), (Hyper, Hypo), (Illegal, Legal), (increasing, reducing), (inner, outer), (invisible, visible), (inward, outward), (interior, exterior), (joining to be together, splitting to be apart), (known, unknown), (Left, Right), (light-weight, heavy-weight), (local, remote), (lock, unlock), (Long, Short), (Manmade Global Weather, natural global weather), (marked, unmarked), (matched, mismatched), (Minus, Plus), (mono, stereo), (Negative, Positive), (no, yes), (non-standard, standard), (nothing, something), (Old, Young), (one way, many ways), (Opaque, Transparency), (project-able, un-project-able), (receive, send), (safe, unsafe), (seen, unseen), (setting, unsetting), (SQRT2, SQRT3), (wire, Wireless), (with metta, without metta), (within limit, without limit), (Wrapped, Unwrapped), (zoom-in, zoom-out), ... ;
disarrange a.k.a. scatter;
disaster ; ;
Tail Alike Momentum (Origin of Disc), also see: Schematic Dimensional;
abandon; abolish; cessation; discarding; obsolete;
abandon; discard; give up; hurl; invest in; join; launch into; sell at a loss; throw;
discharge; dismissal; firing from job; Radical220;
discipline; master oneself; self-study (ascetic practice in Buddhism e.g. s a d h a n a); well conducted self; Radical380;
a k i r a k a n i s u r u (clarify, clear, disclose, elucidate, manifest, reveal);
discontinuance ; ;
discontinue ; except; give up; lay aside; set aside; suspend;
argument; discourse; Radical301;
(deleting, discovered) ... ;
discussion; Radical811;
discussion ; ;
debate; discussion; dispute; Radical301; Also see: Radicals;
Gene Therapy System index, correct genetic disorders (491694591) : abnormality; ail ness; ailment; bad condition; chaos; complication; confusion; disease; disorder; illness; irregularity; malady; mess; sickness; strangeness; untidiness; disorders;
disease's stage; Radical919;
blot; disgrace; dishonor; shame; stain; stigma; taint;
dish; dishes; e.g.
dish ; ; dish ; ;
dish; helping; plate; Radical137;
dish tuner;
disk ; ; ;
dismiss; dismissal; Radical210;
dismissal; Radical220;
disorder ;
address; consign; direct; dispatch; forward; mail; post; Radical767;
display; Display; e.g.
display ; exhibit; offer; present; send; Also see: Numerological7;
display; show; Radical142;
55 Projector Display 108D;
( banish, clear out, dispose of, pay, prune) doko WHERE "prune" is landscape & garden usage, "pay" is Biz usage, "dispose of" is waste management usage, "clear out" is content removal usage, "banish" is sending someone away from (nation, place), ... ;
controversy theory; disputable essay; treatise comment; Radical301;
debate; discussion; dispute; Radical301; Also see: Radicals;
(crumpled, disheveled, d i s h e v e l l e d, wrinkled), also see: c G T S U; d G T S U; w G T S U;
distal a.k.a. downward, also see: d G T S U;
distal, as opposed to proximal;
e n i Distal, also see: Directions; Gene Therapy System;
distance; distant; e.g.
amount; degree; distance; extent; formula; Radical625;
approx. 3.927 kilo meter; approx. 2.44 mile; Radical197; Remark: i.e. distance;
distance distance distance; Also see: Distance;
distance distance ; distance ; distance ;
( distance, path, route), also see: Distance; p G T S U; r G T S U;
distance unit ri Nippon's old usage;
distant; far;
distant; faraway; isolated; remote;
kyori Distance kyori Distance kyori Distance;
Li, traditional Chinese unit of distance; Radical197;
distinction; exception; Radical494;
Asian calligraphy; Aztec symbol; Chinese calligraphy; comic inspired emoji; distinctive illustrative; Egyptian hieroglyphics; Emoji; illuminated manuscript; personalized Emoji; pictographic script; Rebus; Sumerian cuneiform pictographic; Sign & Symbol; symbolic alphabet; symbolic form of expression; symbolic visual artistry;
distribute; Distribute; distributed; distributing; distribution; e.g.
( bunpu Distribution, Distribution, Distribution, Distribution, Distribution) ... ;
Cloth; Distribute; Linen; Spread;
DEE . s h a b u . s h a b u ; Remark: DEE heat Distribution; Also see: DEE; Distribution; Heat; Sushi;
distribute distribute distribute;
distributed model ; i.e. client-server architecture;
distribution distribution;
haifu Distribution;
district ; ;
dive dove dived ;
branch off; diverge; Radical494;
(convergent, divergent) e.g.
s h u s o k u s u r u Convergent, especially characters or ideas are coming closer together, usage (1 word) would be "Convergent" ... ;
h a s s a n s u r u Divergent, varying in different directions or tend to be diff ... ;
C Sequence Number ( convergent OR divergent) series, also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D;
divine; Radical28;
divine ; ;
divination ; ;
(approach; line of action; policy; position; principle); beam (e.g. X-ray); (line, track); (contour; form; outline); division ; level; (railroad track, route, lane); stripe; wire (e.g. telephone line);
division e.g.
(bureau, division, department) of an organization; club; Radical998;
division ; ; division ; ;
divisor ; ; divisor ; ;
divorce; quit; Radical549;
DLL; DLL; computer ( DLL) Dynamic Link Library ... ;
DNA; living organism's constituent of chromosomes (self replicating), carrier of genetic info, i.e. DNA; e.g.
did; do; does; doing; done; do not; e.g.
can; do not; mustn't; passable; should not;
do ;
do away with; fold; shut up; Radical923;
do did done ;
do ; ;
do manual work;
do, get it done;
kanryo Done; kanryo Done;
okonau Do;
to do * i n g ... ; to do something completely;
s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;
( D L C O, D L C O, D L C O, D L C O), Diffusing capacity of the Lungs for Carbon Monoxide (CO), and D L C O represents the defined lung's ability to transfer inhaled-air into the blood; Also see: d Character; d G T S U; index;
doctrine; theory; Radical1002;
document; documents; documented; documenting; documents; e.g.
affixing; appending; attaching document; Radical975;
counter for document, letter, and note; Radical711;
dog; e.g.
dog; Radical115;
domain; Domain; DOMAIN; e.g.
area; domain ; field; regime; region; r y o i k i; territory;
domain domain domain domain domain;
( Idea Processor, Idea Processor, Idea Processor) this DOMAIN; Also see: this DOMAIN;
our universes NIPPON;
Hiragana; Kanji;
our earth (Domain Name,
this DOMAIN) e.g.
Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON); Korea (North Korea, South
Korea); AI font; City ; Airlines; Brunei; Cruise Ships; Eastern ;
Federated ; Mongolia; North ; Niger; Of ; Palestinian Authority; Rep. of ; San ;
South ; States ; Union of ; United ; Bhutan; Cambodia (a.k.a.
K h a m e r, Khmer); East Timor; Guam; India; Indonesia; Laos;
Macao a.k.a. Macau; Malaysia; Myanmar (formerly a.k.a. Burma); Nepal;
Philippines; Polynesia; Singapore; Sri Lanka (formerly a.k.a. Ceylon); Taiwan;
Thailand (formerly a.k.a. Siam); Vietnam;
Western ; Republic ; Republic of ; Democratic ; Island; Islands;
Isle of Man; Jersey;
Africa; America; Afghanistan; A land Islands; Albania; Algeria; American Samoa;
Andorra; Angola; A n g u i l l a; Antarctica; Antigua & Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia;
Aruba; Ascension Island; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh;
Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bolivia; Bonaire; Bosnia &
Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil ; British Virgin Islands; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso;
Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Cayman Islands; Central African Republic; Chad;
Chile; Christmas Island; Colombia; Comoros; Congo; Zaire; Cook; Costa Rica;
Croatia; Cuba; Curacao; Cyprus; Czech; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican;
Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Falkland
Islands; F a r o e Islands; Fiji; Finland; France; Guiana; Tahiti; Gabon; Gambia;
Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Grenada; Guadeloupe;
Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hungary; Iceland;
Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan;
Kenya; Kiribati; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya;
Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Maldives;
Mali; Malta; Martinique; Mauritania; Mauritius; M a y o t t e; Mexico; Micronesia;
Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Montserrat; Morocco; Mozambique; Namibia;
Netherlands; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Nigeria; Norfolk Island;
Northern Ireland; Northern Mariana Islands; Norway; Oman; Pakistan; Palau;
Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Reunion
Island; Romania; Rwanda; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia;
Scotland; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon
Islands; Somalia; Sudan; Spain; Suriname; S v a l b a r d; Swaziland; Sweden;
Switzerland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad & Tobago;
Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Turks & C a i c o s; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab
Emirates; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Vatican; Venezuela; Wales; Sahara;
Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe (Africa);
Western ; Australia; British a.k.a. England a.k.a. English a.k.a.
United Kingdom (UK); Canada; USA (United States of America); Domain Name
... ; Also see:
International Domains;
Hong Kong (China);
Tibet (China);
translator's writing style:
www.jisho.org online dictionary's
writing style:
dominate; oppress; overwhelm; push; Radical593;
contribution; donation;
donation ;
done done done done k a n r y o Done ;
complete; finish; Also see: Radical288;
door; e.g.
door a.k.a. gate;
door door ;
door; hinge; pivot;
(anterior a.k.a. ventral, posterior a.k.a. dorsal), also see: a G T S U; p G T S U;
s h o r u i Dossier (account, annals, archives, casebook, case history, case study, catalog, chronicles, data, diary, documentation, documents, evidence, file, information, inventory, journal, log, logbook, list, memoir, notes, register, report) ... ;
dot; doting; dots; dotted; e.g.
(any moving location of point, bio cell, dot, spot) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 113;
dot ; dot ; ; ( dot, dot, dot) e.g. (dot, pinpoint, pixel, point, spot) ... ; dotted; Dotted;
dot; mark; spot; star;
dots; spots; Radical762;
dotted cliff; Radical62;
dotted tent; Radical134;
dot; tick; Radical3;
zone, do
Satellite DNS
System ... ;
e.g. do
Karma (ACTION)
e.g. don't laser focus on nuclear plants
... ;
I F F any dot on screen surface in the Internet, HOW many layers for each dot? answer would be: DEE as Box for each dot ... ; do good go Karma (ACTION), good results will ... ;
(SQRT3 (3 dots to be the same); SQRT2 (2 dots to be the same); spot; point; pixel; pinpoint; marker; focal point; dot) usage may vary depending up on Computer Mini Dictionary 's definitions ... ;
star; spot; mark; dot; Radical462;
double X; Radical111;
a y a s h i Dubious; doubtful; suspicious;
dough; money; Radical838;
down; e.g.
Cell Path Cell Path Cell Path e.g. ((down (5), up (5)), (left (5), right (5))), also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and thirteen, any moving location of point, ... ;
down, as opposed to up;
down (Also see: Directions); down down ;
downward ; ;
go down;
Time . Space . Action (i.e. oriental concept) : our earth's the most advance (method, procedure, technique) synchronization would be: slow-down-time period synchronization ... ; Also see : -time;
distal a.k.a. downward, also see: d G T S U;
draft; e.g.
copy; draft; manuscript; straw;
draft beer; Radical129;
dragon; Dragon; e.g.
dragon; imperial; Radical231;
sign of dragon; Radical194;
Year of the Dragon, e.g. Chinese New Year 2024, February 10th (Saturday);
draw drew drawn ;
draw (e.g. to draw, to paint, to sketch) path of an action to form a certain shape;
draw (i.e. tie game);
draw (e.g. appearance, look, signboard);
audacious; drawing; extraordinary; map; plan; Radical714;
dream dreamt dreamt ;
dress dressed dressed ;
drift; e.g.
( catch cold, catch fire, change, drift, moving, passing into, Shift), also see: Physics Law 126 ... ;
drill ; exercise; hands-on training; practical training; practice in the field; training;
drill drill ; ;
drink , also see: Numerological7;
drink ; smoke; take; Also see: Numerological3;
drink drank drunk ;
drip; dripped; dripping; e.g.
drip; drop; Radical259;
drip ; ;
drive; driver; drivers; drives; driving; e.g.
drive (Def, definition, Usage), Automotive : drive, control and operate ((directional Directions), speed) of 1 Automotive (e.g. drone, motor vehicle, plane, ship, train, ... );
drive (Def, definition, Usage), Computers : storage (allocation, capacity, format) e.g. Hard Disk, IDE drive, S S D drive, USB drive, ... ;
drive drove driven ;
drive drive drive; drive (e.g. a:, b:, c:, d:, e:, f:, g:, h:, i:, j:, k:, l:, m:, n:, o:, p:, q:, r:, s:, t:, u:, v:, w:, x:, y:, z:) ; drive;
to drive; to travel; Radical189;
USB drive; USB drive;
world's 1st "flying car" (Sky Drive), also see: Automotive;
drone; drones; e.g.
Automotive (drone) ... ;
drone delivery services; Also see: Satellite;
drop; dropped; dropping; drops; e.g.
drop ; ;
drip; drop; Radical259;
using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no drought, NOT to be drought;
drought drought drought; Also see: Weather;
drugs ; ;
drugstore ; ;
drum ;
beat; drum; muster; rouse; Radical248;
drunk ; ;
dried; (dried out, drying); dry; drying; e.g.
dry, as opposed to wet;
dry dried dried ;
dry; ebb; Radical60;
( dry, dry, dry), also see: d G T S U; Physics Law 789;
4LCFC, 4 Layered Computing For Chinese; approx. 20+ years old info in 2020, gift because they Chinese (s) are look like me, and, in Asia, we look similar to each other, but different in culture, language, religion, tradition, ... , like 4 Kanji letters (WORD), I've done many gifts to Chinese (s) ... , because I can't explain myself, and they are look like me ... ;
; Also see: b Character; C D G W T; index;
duck ;
duct; e.g.
duct (IFF NOT (breast feeding, milk)); ducts; Also see: b G T S U;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (l a c r i m a.k.a. tear OR tear duct)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;
become; cause; come; due; next; Radical435;
dull ;
dumb ;
dirt; dump; garbage; litter; refuse; trash; Radical956;
dump ;
jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (duoden a.k.a. duodenum)), also see: CphT Root Words, ... ;
fully duplex, also see: PHYSICS, law seventy ... ;
duplicate; fishhook; latter (the second mentioned); quaint; queer; strange; witty; Radical5;
durable; e.g.
abiding; deep-rooted; durable ( j o b u Durable); enduring; everlasting; good resistant; firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;
during one's lifetime; e.g.
seizen Alive ( WHILE alive, during one's lifetime) . . . ; Also see: a Character; d Character; l Character; Time;
dust; mustard; rape; Radical956;
duty; duties; e.g.
appoint; duty; entrust; responsibility; term; Also see: Radical432;
campaign; duty; office; role; service; unpaid work; war;
( chance, degree, duty, minute of Time, one percent (1%), one's lot, part, segment, shaku/, share, ( understand, know));
duty ;
duty; Radical130;
duty; responsibility; supervision of staff; Radical355;
duty; tax; Radical612;
V C D;
V C D;
dwell; dwelling; e.g.
dwell ; ;
dwell dwelt dwelt ;
dwell; inhabit; live; reside;
human beings livable moons dwell with peaceful & tranquil orbital in our universes ... ;
dead; death; die; dying; e.g.
crumble; demolish; die; level;
dead death ;
deceased; dying; perish; Radical79;
die ;
dying tissues without blood supply; Also see: Specialties A P M;
using DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) Directional Gravity to stimulate bio-cells, IFF dead ... ; samara a.k.a. life-after-life, also see: ..\..\..\Buddha\index;
Dx; e.g.
if you're taking ((Over-The-Counter (OTC)), Rx) medicines (herbal supplement, supplements (e.g. Aluminum, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc), Vitamin), you must (inform, say, speak, tell) to your (healthcare provider, medical doctor (MD)), for each Dx ((Negative, Positive), (Yes, No)), ... because, drug-drug interactions can be adjusted, managed, to avoid contradictions ... ;
dynamic; dynamics; e.g.
dynamic logic, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 265; Logic;
(h e m o dynamic, h e m o dynamics) flow of blood, also see: Gene Therapy System index; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ; h a e m o dynamics, a.k.a. h e m o dynamics;
d y s * ;