; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : June : 5th (Wednesday) : Schematic Symbols ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 5 : 6 : 2024 : Schematic symbols : Approx. 340symbols available to read; Also see: Bus Connector and Port; Common IC logical functions; Computing measurements; DB symbols; Display symbols; Schematic dimensional; Schematic light;

Symbol Remark  
28x28; 2 claps to worship; timeless ideas ... ;

Symbol of gate way to heaven, monastery, pagoda, shrine, ... ;

Thousands of years ... ; Gravity Dimension Computers ... ;

../../Buddha/Referral/Total Solar Eclipse based . Northern Hemisphere (our earth) . Anti-Earthquake .gif;  
103x28 dimensional Invisibility, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts ... ;  
Also see: Anti-Earthquake Algorithm R&D ... ;  
inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya _Body; Also see: b G T S U; k Pali; Physics Law 1024; Schematic Dimensional; Schematic Symbols;  

1 time machine in loop; WORMHOLE; 24mm; 12mm; 6mm; 3mm; ... ;

2 worm=holes full duplex 1 light before calculator frame; lights as instruction;

3; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement; Gravity Dimension Computer;


24mm Natural Time Calculator Frame;

horizontally stretchable (i.e. multi time lines) WHERE ACTION keyword may begin at the ends of the line;

regarding * Handle * , also see: PHYSICS, law seventy five ... ;  
2 moons are on the same orbit, one after another consecutively;

Parallel worlds' time can be SYNC by moon wave;

2 times daily tidal, 2 eyes of our human beings, ... are solved; doko WHERE water behaves like a buffer;

blue Directional Gravity;

EN "d" look alike symbol is for capacitance's value; diamond symbol is for OS;

Easy to understand, right to the point, blue Directional Gravity DEF;

green Directional Gravity;

EN "d" look alike symbol is for capacitance's value; diamond symbol is for OS;

Easy to understand, right to the point, green Directional Gravity DEF;

olive Directional Gravity;

EN "d" look alike symbol is for capacitance's value; diamond symbol is for OS;

Easy to understand, right to the point, olive Directional Gravity DEF;

red Directional Gravity;

EN "d" look alike symbol is for capacitance's value; diamond symbol is for OS;

Easy to understand, right to the point, red Directional Gravity DEF;

yellow Directional Gravity;

EN "d" look alike symbol is for capacitance's value; diamond symbol is for OS;

Easy to understand, right to the point, yellow Directional Gravity DEF;

23 x 23; 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space; C Sequence Number (BF2);

 Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

our earth, and other human beings livable moons in our universes;

SDB1WD, Speed Defined By 1 way DEE;  
108 x 108 Nesting Default;  
commutative _DEE _Capacitance;  
DEE juten Filling;  

Using Hole Board _ Strings' Directional; in Physics, strings' direction can only be defined by hole board, since 1970s ... ; Also see: Directions;


WHAT is string sir ? well trained kids! in PHYSICS, string is structural pattern, e.g. band, callout (cloud, oval, rounded rectangular), curve, DEE As String, diamond, down arrow, five point star ( 72), four point star, Energy-In-Way, hexagon, left arrow, line, Moon Wave, oval, pentagon, polygon, rectangle, right arrow, right triangle ( 45), rounded rectangle, six point star ( 60), triangle, up arrow, wave (e.g. tidal waves), ... ; regarding ProgId (Programming ID) in Computer Science (AI, Artificial Intelligence), any character (e.g. ima nan desu ka? can be as string, e.g. doko desu ka? can be as string) defined by dictionary can include <string> as library e.g. F7;

1 hole without time; Red color represents 1 stick;

Holes and sticks, very ACT1 stage basic strings in M theory: 1st to understand EMF, 2nd to understand tick tick tick in analog quartz clock, caused by stick stick stick; 40+ years old technology; this DOMAIN way of testing a board ... , also see: defined space, undefined space, ... ;

1 hole with time t; aqua color presents our globe; dark color presents "out there is very dark"; maroon color presents CW OR CCW in direction;

Also see: in 2008, multiple I/O 12 alphanumeric AI design ... ;

_ IFF 3,3,4,4; clockwise vibration; CW;

Ȣ; 88 x 88 px; Sound_Beam.GIF; IFF 3D PC, also see, system 3.00; till 2554 OR 2010, prototype is not available yet to public ... ;

+ IFF () Ȣ ... ;

+ IFF system 3.00 (bias) 2.01 OR 2.09 OR 2.19 OR ... ;


_ IFF 4,3,3,4; counterclockwise vibration; CCW;

32x23; STRINGS; raining alike strings; thereafter 101, Processor to be filling Bitmap; 26;  
108 configuration of strings; Strings26MainLine; ACT1 stage radio; IFF ACT2,  ACT3, hole adjustment e.g. with energy map is needed ... ; 2,3 dimensional;

_ IFF (26 and 40), also see: numerological dimension C Sequence Number TREE;

this DOMAIN 's hyper-imaginary spacecraft still cannot SYN, due to 24mm Natural Time slow down ... in ACT3 stage ... ;

1 mm hole in 24mm natural time in ACT1 ACT2 ACT3 stages; This schematic symbol is designed only for ACT2 ACT3 stage developers, because DEE, Gray Scale Simulation, Parallel Time, ... still in research ... ; After 1mm hole with spring alike EM tic tic tic ... , and then 0.1mm hole with <6mm stick a.k.a. beyond 88...88, and then develop DEE, gravity, light, ... ;

By proving THIS schematic symbol might be able to solve 31, BLI, BMD, hormone growth rate pattern, weight loss, ... ;

IFF time with energy map, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement;

2,3 dimensional symbol; 51x51 pixel; Green represents ACT2 natural green light a.k.a. "other side light" [in ACT1 stage, natural green light can be visible a.k.a. Northern Lights, WHERE location is in Northern of the Earth]; Aqua represents our globe's natural aqua light; Black represents dark energy to be in kinetic; Dark Grey and Light Grey represent gray scale simulation; The one and only Sun ... ;  
2,3 dimensional wireless phone ... ; 1st to \unlock\   \device\  [also see: this DOMAIN 's "Ready Made Directory"] and then test |access... |roam... |service... , and then do your own ... ; Approx. 3*2 mm natural time; also see: 1st to engineer 24mm natural time tic tic tic ... ; 2nd to engineer 12mm e.g. electronic dictionaries, solar powered vs. Xtal based ||| induction as 1 ... ; 3rd to test and develop communication ... ; IFF testing communication, create your own ReadyMadeDirectory also ... with your own defined icon ... because directory encrption is necessary if stores domain_name into memory; In 21st century, [letters as word was in 1990s], word as sound, word as light rate, ... ;  
9x9; also see: numerological dimensions, numerical values in numerology, ... ; also see: DEE grid vs. gravity, so developers can test, engineer, develop, flying automotives, reverse time table, ... ;

Also see: Numerological dimension, NumerologicalDimension23, N number, ... ;

8x8, 7x7, 6x6, 5x5, 4x4, 3x3, 2x2, ... can be further developed ... ;

Numerological Dimension is a part of ACT2 ACT3 stage parallel time development, which has been written in Monbusho level knowledge enhancement for developers, engineers, scientists, ... ;

This schematic symbol seems very simple, and its complexity regions may solve numbers vs. dimensions, time vs. numbers, ... ; Remark: this DOMAIN OS.txt 's one of the AI global characters # artificially intelligence among all kinds of numbers ... ;

64 Aqua Cells; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;  
108 x 108; 3 DEE Box (bottom, front (a.k.a. forefront), left, rear (a.k.a. background), right, top) ... ;

3 D print (e.g. plotter, printer, printing) ... ;

(3D) monitor display ... ; ( Z-distribution) doko WHERE 2 biggest rectangles are plate alike;

Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow are dimensionally (structure BF2) symmetrical splitting i.e. obeying 2 in 2,3 dimensional (e.g. our natural location) ... ;

( Horizontal, Vertical) are magnetic films with motor control alike; 4 latches at edges are for OEM's boot value e.g. 3,3,3,3 (gravity spots) ;

あおしんごう green light; 4L; 4R;  
あおしんごうOR青信号; 12; 3, 3, 3, 3; yellow to26 green; ;  
4L; 4R; 青信号 green light;  
ACT 1 Electronic Network; 5 to-and-from 5;  5 26--6964 5;

artificial intelligence, analyze the network topology with (World Time Mode) 1st ... ;

IFF ACT 1 (global) using Clock 2nd ... ;

IFF ACT 2 (10 planets) i.e. universal, remember 3 clocks are in numerological dimension (e.g. 15926, 31196, 3929855) ... 3rd; ;

IFF ACT 3 (7 planets) i.e. 31 realms in samsara, remember to adjust the clock with ... ; SPL ... ; ||| ||||  remember 2 * 6 to retrospect our natural location ... ;

Adder; 1 bit adder, 4 bit adder, 8 bit adder, 16 bit adder, ... ; 1D; Also see: carry look ahead BCD adders;

While looping with an adder, first to make sure a non-overflow counter; Adding result should be kept, a modular must be addressed;

Amp, Amplifier; <15 micro ampere per mega hertz gain bandwidth in 2008;  
Amplifying; While amplifying, low noise, low power, low voltage, low drift, ... , are recommended; Analog;  
Amplifying with control; Arrow represents control;  
Analog Clock; gray scaled; motor based;

kuru kuru WHILE 2,3 dimensional prompts parallel horizontal lines, motor control (e.g. indigo color hour hand, green color minute hand, red color second hand) indicates that intersection points of gray scale ... ;

yellow color as core, because E M is somehow related to yellow core;

Auto; e.g. automatic, i.e. auto; among 3 levels, any direction ( 15) i.e. Lo Shu, based on numerological dimension ( 6) China's invention 4000+ years ago in B.C.; among 9 columns AND 9 rows, any 2D (9) i.e. 9x9, based on numerological dimension ( 9) Nippon's invention in 21st century; C Sequence Number for any BF2 structural dimension ( DEE) i.e. (Union of Myanmar)'s invention ... ;  
Basic logic gate; 1D; Also see: Truth Table;  
Basic logic gate; 1D;  
Basic logic gate; 1D;  
Basic logic gate; 1D; IFF virus anti-virus;  
Basic logic gate; 1D;  
Basic logic gate; 1D;  
Basic logic gate; 1D; ... ;  
Battery; Dry cell; 1D; Also see: mAh, mAX2, V;

Hitachi and battery, nowadays with environmental friendly; Forget about the chemical cells, let organic cloned cells;

Battery; Liquid chemical; 1D;

Later no need electricity, because of the new energies; Old era and electrical glows, too much noise and cost to flow; Once new energies deployable, just electro throw-able ... ;

Battery; 12 volt; Except coil systems to spark plugs, inside cars, pickups, van, ... 12V DC electrical systems are; Except coil systems for increasing potential to spark plugs, inside buses, trucks, ... 24V DC and/or 12V systems are;  
Rechargeable Battery; (Natural blue) 3 DEE dots, 2 Silver lines;  



X bio battery, i.e. any bio cell in water, transforming into a new energy WHICH behaves like a battery (potential diff, amp can also be kept inside, can let electron flows, ... ); e.g. simply adding any bio-substance into water, and the new energy WHICH behaves like a battery; Prototypes are already available in Japan, in year 2012/2555; 1st to understand WHAT is the diff between day and night? 2nd to understand WHY 2 times daily tidal wave naturally? 3rd to understand HOW cell's behaviors by DEE, by light, by gravity, by dimensions, by numerological, by ... ? Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 203; Water Packages;  
Benzene ring;  
Benzene ring; Ortho; Also see: Chemical structural;


Benzene ring; Meta; also see: C ph T calculation no. 101;


Benzene ring: Para; ... ;


blueScreen10, prior to AI Font ... ;

using artificial intelligence iroColourWaveForm 26 correct, 26 fix (Blue Screen with error) ... ;

system (2.01; 2.09; 2.19; 2.50) ... ;

blueScreen11, prior to AI Font ... ;

using artificial intelligence iroColourWaveForm 26 correct, 26 fix (Blue Screen with error) ... ;

system (2.01; 2.09; 2.19; 2.50) ... ;

Bluetooth schematic symbol; By deploying 2.4 GHz, within 10 m; Also see: Wireless; ... ;  
Bridge a.k.a. Bridge Rectifier; Instead of using components such as NOT gate, static 1 way diode, static rectifier, sometime designers like to prove eccentric spiral and orbiting planets concept, but ACT1 stage was; In ACT2 and ACT3 stages, such bridge is not recommended, but also recommended for testing i.e. EISA/ISA vs. PCI/xPCI with diff bridges, and diff environments, because in our universe, the farther the this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace craft goes, more and more diff environmental difficulties risks happen such as lack of lunar 4 planet prediction effect, non-water, no-light,  ... ; Also see: Topology . Bridge "light rate" ... ;

Also see: FGPA array' mixed signals control 3 phase HTS motors; H Bridge topology; UART interface for design yourself memory cards ... ;

Also see: this DOMAIN ..\\Desktop\bridge.2.01.sys and bridge; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement for ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ... bridge; ... ;

Cable to wireless; Networking global, regional, and local;

To understand the top dark energy related gravity symbols, 1st to understand 1 stick of light, and those sticks as strings [also see: worm=holes] by natural 4 planets prediction to be in ACT2 stage research and development; Engineering parallel time in ACT3 stage is in progress ... ;

Calculator Key; 24mm;

(either left or right) WHERE higher number vs. lower number; kuru kuru at lower number as Ref WHILE higher number is Val;

Characters may begin e.g. font; 2 empty spaces for heat sensing; 2.2.;

CAMERA ; 231x108;

In 2,3 dimensional natural location, DEE splits at east like character; (transmitting and receiving) object's data ... ; IT is now to capture e.g. Info of image, e.g. Info of sound, ... by using AI to adjust aperture, movement, speed, ... ; Consecutively one after another, is processed within a very short period of time (e.g. Nano second) ... ; Several s become frame WHICH is defined by the time period ... ;

, , , , , i.e. memory (by real-time HCI, with electrodes alike SPL, ... ) application can be further developed;



e.g. , , , ,  
, ;          
Capacitance; C, Capacitance; + and - represent charge and corresponding potential changes;

Also see: Insulation Oil;

IFF V_drop , remote sensing;

IFF super capacitor 12 alphanumeric, for example: this DOMAIN (D:), (E:) drive _letter, file:///, also see: Network drives mapped, also see: 1x00FFh, ... ;


Capacitance; C, Capacitance;

IF vector in 3D space, horizon EM parallel way ;  X axis in 2D plane, interrupts vary onto display; Depending on designer's tactic, LCD in split; Raster, central outward possible, just to adjust lookup table, 4D becomes clock synchronization, air-borne display's awaiting ... ;


Capacitance; C, Capacitance; Also see: Canon;

Additional ZD filter, better to make sure no holes there, when the time no hole exists, bi-directional vector characteristics; Electrons are getting gathered, temperature becomes also higher, ferro study getting harder ... ;


Capacitance; C load, when V out exists;

IF V out from any MOS, find  n  p  to measure about; once you have a W/L ratio, consider as C load though; 2D;

Capacitance . EC, Matsushita's Panasonic; Also see: Canon's vector capacitances; µF;  
Capacitance . VC; Also see: Matsushita's Panasonic; Also see: Hz; p F; Canon's XX t a l; ... ;  
ZCS .Capacitance .USB; Also see: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;  
Clock; Active; If time . open _space AND OR close _space, and then Space BMD, Space BMI, ... ;  


Clock basic; Clock is the most difficult in engineering, because all times rely on clock;

Analog 1D e m f to kinetic [ Without energy map] clock is shown ; / represents from e m f to kinetic energy; \ represents global minima [Emini ]; substrate materials depend on designer's tactical use of amu, mol number, ... ; | represents core of increased potential; yellow colored are not in the fore front;


1st step to basic understand analog 1 hole without strings & spin, i.e. analog quartz clock; 30+ years old technology; ACT1 stage information;

Bi-directional vector characteristic, capacitance C makes electro motive; Electrode DC to kinetic, energy called second tick; Basic clock ticks cannot define, high precision nano time; Sliced period smaller and smaller, capacitors become harder and harder; *buffer in programming, structured elapsed real time;


FN CK Clock; Functional clock; Functional synchronization;

[Hint: browse http://www.sony.net , and gaze the interface for a moment, and then think that you were in outer-space, and seeing the planets are in momentum, and then focus on electronic, and notice the Time .Space .Action in timing, and do not forget we human beings can only have, ... ]

IN CK Clock; Internal clock; Signal synchronization; To basic understand ACT3 108 configuration... ; ... ;  

Do your own hyperplane 1 & 2,       for ACT2 stage developers only, notice that in directional vector, 4th triangle's time must be matched to 4th rectangle's time ... ; This 5 sections conceptual GIF uses Black, Gray, Blue sections ... ; 2 maroon colored dots are our universe's the 1st crack which might breaks symmetries ACT1 stage ... ; beyond 88...88; ... ;

C MOS transmission gate; TG; Pass gate;  
C MOS transmission gate; TG; Pass gate;  
C MOS transmission gate; TG; Pass gate;  
C MOS transmission gate; TG; Pass gate; ... ;  
Coil; Several coils can be built inside a chip; By amplifying together with coils can be called coupling technology WHICH can provide multi-channels; Approx. 30+ years old analog technology, to do converter functions, to gain high potential, to behave as gate drivers, ... ;

a.k.a. chip inductor a.k.a. micro spring a.k.a. ... ;

Remark: capital letter L has been used for Inductance, do not confuse between Latch L and Inductance L ; For higher resolution, also see: 2D L; ... ;

Complexity Region; Do your own complexity regions analysis, flowchart, ... ;

Symbols such as start symbol, procedure symbol, decision symbol, process symbol, end symbol, and ... ;

Conductors in diff potential; Old tech; This symbol represents potential diff because diff metals have been used a.k.a. contact potential difference between 2 points; number_1 metal plate, dissimilar to number_2 metal plate, and existence of potential diff at point P1 and point P2;

Before understanding conductors in diff potential, 2 point distance must be understood;

This concept can be used for further research such as dark room environment, water surrounded environment, ... , eccentric electromagnetic i.e. 40+ years old Shinkansen trains, ... ; ACT1 stage info without gravity & gravitational, ... ;

In ACT2 and ACT3 stage developments with gravitational, not only metal engineering values, but also lunar time with JUN time adjusted environmental values are needed to do further development of artificial energy, artificial light, ... ;

Converter; Also see: Converter;

Performance per power ratio and consuming while converting is <3 pJ per conversion, also see: National Semiconductor; ... ;

Cookie; Also see: Browser; File;  
Current; 1D; Also see: Solar AC;  
I Current; 1D; ... ;  
Curvature 0 a.k.a. zero curvature; IFF triangle, total is 180°;

Lines can be parallel; a.k.a. Euclidean geometry;

Curvature + a.k.a. positive curvature; IFF triangle, total is >180°; OR ;

Lines cannot be parallel; a.k.a. non Euclidean geometry; sphere;

IFF variable tangents to rectangular , also see: lemniscate;

Curvature - a.k.a. negative curvature; IFF triangle, total is <180°; OR ;

Lines cannot be parallel; a.k.a. non Euclidean geometry; saddle; trumpet;

IFF variable tangents to rectangular , also see: lemniscate;

Dark energy symbol, one of the factors in M theory; Light and dark energy coexist, hole and stick alike; When light exists higher heat also exists vice versa when dark energy exists lower heat also exists; this DOMAIN still cannot classify heat vs. light explicitly yet;

this DOMAIN 's ACT3 imaginary hyper dimensional spacecraft has had problems in very very very far away in distance outbound of our universe, due to artificial gravity failure, due to gray scale simulation data not good enough, due to not understanding heat vs. light explicitly yet,  due to parallel time not being able to synchronize,  ... ;

If you like to engineer lights, you need to have dark environment, if you like to engineer dark, you need to have artificial lights; Consider a solar powered calculator, without lights it does not work, on the other hand, without darks [if you open, and let lights go through inside] it does not work either; Hint: ACT1 stage 24mm natural time starts inside how electro can be kept, and then time can be sliced to process 22 times ... ;

ACT2 dark energy symbol, 108x310 pixel;

The image, dark_energy_invisible.GIF, which has been cut the human beings' visible red line a.k.a. the 1st crack of our universe, in ACT2, ACT3 stage, dark energy engineering is one of the most important factors for developers to test gray scale simulation and classifying HOW human beings' visibility;  

IFF water and gravity can make artificial light, on the other hand, coexistence of light as dark energy should also be concerned ... ; ACT2 dark energy engineering is classified, and not available to public; Hint: if you can engineer to cut a red line [without using matter, by light only], you are already in ACT2 stage dark energy engineering's starting stage, and then ... ; Also see: DEE.htm;


dB.m; 108x108; 2,3 dimensional EM environment; dBm; audio; sound; tone;

AI ( reduce noise) ... ; 1st to understand 2 coils are parallel to each other; 2nd to understand if those 2 are static, and then another coil must be dynamic for directional; 3rd to understand iroColourWaveForm;  IFF 3,4 dimensional, ... ;

DEE grid vs. Gravity, for flying automotives in ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, ... ;   9x9 numerological dimensional development by testing time reversely ... ;  
diode Aqua;


diode Black;  
diode Blue;  
diode Gold;  
diode Gray;  
diode Green;  
diode Red;  
diode White;  
diode Yellow;  
D, Diode; Blocking electrons, but passing ... ; 1D; Also see: Laser diodes vs. Photodiodes; Gas [ e.g. SF6gas' dielectric strength is high and stable up to 1800K gas temperature ];  
Diode, Laser diode: either parallel or 90 angle, when setting a diode laser; Point of origin should be set, lesser intensity approach concept;  
Diode, Laser diode; the same schematic symbol is used, name varies as infrared, red, ... , diodes do; 2 types exist Resin, or Metal; open vs. close architectures; Several parameters to be concerned, high tech nano to be learnt;

Optoelectronic can be built, 1st to understand vectors exist; N numbers of diode photos, also known as tech opto; Phototriac couplers in complexity regions, oscillating, modulating, synchronizing optician? Very high tech Japanese know, Myanmar must think harder though;


Diode, Photodiode: λp in nm "rhyme is: lambda p in nano meter", wavelengths vary in constraint temperature; 25 °C is SHARP's standard, optical power in mW "rhyme is: milli Watt"; ... ;  

Dual_band transmitter, without time; 900/1800/... analog/digital/... ;  

Also see: WLAN PCMCIA TypeII 68pin cards, such as Base_band to RF Tx, RF to IF receiver49x46pixel, IF to base_band, ... are within a distance adjustment ... ;

Also see: µF tweeter for testing each node, before and after band processor's FN CK, IN CK, in ACT1 stage, with hole adjustment [also see: PME];  

Schematic symbol looks very easy, but very difficult to engineer, because 1st to understand coil in EM, 2nd to understand oscillation, 3rd to understand capacitor and resistor in parallel, 4th to understand distance including 24mm natural time, 5th to understand dB.m, baseband, dualband, ... adjusting materials ... , and then heat vs. light so that noise can be further classified, dark energy, gravity, ... and then ACT2 stage testing and engineering i.e. Monbusho level knowledge enhancement,

for ACT2 and ACT3 parallel time engineers, please notice gravity symbols inside and 2,3 dimensional concept should be further studied within 4 planet prediction, day vs. night, gray scale simulation, ... ;

IFF meta analysis in numerological dimension, also see: meta analysis; ... ;

EDGE _ Board;



Can you explain EDGE _ Board a little bit more sir ? well trained kids !


- Directional Gravity Pressure at top;
- our earth's approx. location at bottom;


- micro-USB (native, USB compatible Voltage V in mA) at top; DEE pattern (our earth, 1/2 fish alike) ACT1;
- on-board (link, OLE) at bottom; it's for software definition;
- Chip (+CPU, code flash, core clock) at the midst; IFF imaginary hyper space, using to adjust Time;
- DEE modulation i.e. beyond distance based modulating radio (AM, CB, FM, XM);
- DEE modulation to IC28; ACT2;
- RFID with electro vector (layer, module, stack, thread) s;

Remark: add your own e.g. (C♯, LED♯, R♯, sensors, V R, yellowish variation definition ♯ mm) ... ; so called EDGE _ Board; think that lights behave Eccentric _ circles alike (Gray Scaled) on the Chip at the midst; remember WHEN light exists, DEE also co-exist, therefore, DEE modulation to IC28 ... ; now it the time to do your own imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; ACT3;

Epicycles, epi-cycloid curves vs. dimension & symmetry; For strings in M Theory; ACT 3 artificial energies, artificial lights development is in progress ... ; C60 vs. Water in epi-cycloid related dimensions and symmetries information is needed for further development; ... ;  
Even Time Horizontal DEE ; WHERE DEE distance is symmetrical to each other i.e. 2 ways DEE at 1 time WHEN light exists without Sun ? JUN i.e. 2*5 ?

An object WHICH is 180° to Sun WHERE as 2, i.e. 1 way DEE, and we don't see our back, i.e. human beings are 1 way; WHERE Sun is momentum of DEE (e.g. 0.5 second, 1 second, ... ) Earth WHERE as 2;

Without the Sun but light exists, remember WHEN light exists DEE also exists ... ; Then 2 ways DEE at 1 time, WHERE 2 shadows of 1 object co-exist symmetrically and naturally? ACT2 stage in JUN;

Our location in universe i.e. 1 way DEE , then 2 ways DEE is green, our location is blue ... ; Thousands of years, we don't see our back, WHY ? Thousands of years, BLI is symmetrical to each other e.g. 2 eyes' distance, 2 hands' distance, but NOT been by 2 ways DEE's location in universe ... WHY ?

IFF Monbusho level ... , develop iroColourWaveForm for gravity dimension computer, with similar idea e.g. 2 events of 3 lights are 90°, 2.3, 23, 3.4, 34, ... ; Also see: iroColourWaveForm (Dark Energy) ... ;

Eye-glasses; Naturally, our eyes prompt red is down, green is up, ... even though, drawn the same ... ; IFF 5W1H, open the file, switch red and green ... ;  
Filter: Concave lens; Light, where f=numbers in nm;  
Filter: Convex lens; Light, where f=numbers in nm; ... ;  
FU; Filter to chip; Non vector but ... ; Also see: ZD; ... ;  
Flip-Flop; 32x32;

Bi stable Trigger Circuit;

Either horizontally or vertically, with system's time line, off vs. on, exist vs. not exist, ... ;

Fuse Box Logic;

e.g. ((√(P/R)), (P/V), (V/R)) i.e. I, ampere ... ;
e.g. (((I*I) * R), (V*I), ((V*V)/R)) i.e. P, power ... ;
e.g. ((P/(I*I)), (V/I), ((V*V)/P)) i.e. R, resistance ... ;
e.g. ((√(P*R)), (I*R), (P/I)) i.e. V, volt ... ;

Fuse Box Logic AC; Fuse Box, a.k.a. Breaker Box (hot); in common, thicker the (hot) line, higher the I, ampere is; in common, transformer NOT ONLY adjust V, BUT ALSO protect I; EPP, Electricity Power Plug;  
Genogram, a family tree, genetically and retrospectively; patient age 33 years live male; age 36 years live female; age 74 years live male; passed away female; passed away male; unknown female; unknown male; Also see: sample genogram; ... ;  

      correct GFCI;
      hot/ground reverse;
      hot/neutral reverse;
      open ground;
      open hot;
      open neutral;
GFCI; Think that yellow is normal power; open ground without open neutral, correction is needed; open hot without (open ground AND open neutral) correction is needed; open neutral without open ground, correction is needed;

IFF open hot, check ohm resistance of lines WHERE NOT connecting ... ; Think that WHICH logic can be; Think that HOW .. extension can be within defined distance; Think that doko WHERE (e.g. power direction) is; HOW to check ohm? very easy, set multi meter to ohm (omega sign), short the line manually at other end, i.e. how to check a power line; HOW many power lines at home? very easy, open the breaker box, and count how many breaker fuses are (i.e. numbers of power lines installed);

Also see: GFCI, a wall electrical outlet in modern home, office, ... ; You can do GFCI project yourself 1st, and then, apply THIS method to z-distribution 2nd, and then, 3rd to develop e.g. toggle switch for minus Z for light depth vs. plus Z for hologram; wire's thickness (a.k.a. gauge, e.g. AWG) must match amp requirement;

GPS; very very difficult to reverse engineer 3D, because:

1. within 24mm string with 1mm hole, a.k.a. 24mm Natural Time, a.k.a. 1 second analog clock tic;
2. spectrum must be matched;
3. GPS_devices_parameter_numbers are also based on 1 satellite designer's defined numbers: e.g. 2, 2.01, 2.09, 2.19, ... ;

Remark: this DOMAIN 's reduce design is based on sqrt 2 only; Yagi antenna alike bars are 10, 14, so 2*5, 2*7, ... ; 2*6 is hidden like green WHERE Ln X must be ... ;

|/ \|


Gravity Machine symbol; Especially for heavy industries' lifting; This symbol does anti-gravity functionalities;  ACT2 stage machine; However, in ACT3, it might be in risk due to very very very weak gravitational wave; M theoretical strings based product; Not available yet to public; Rectangle sign must be toward to ferroelectric core of the earth, "center of earth"; This image is 88 x 88 pixels, and 32 x 32 pixels icon file is also available to download and use; Before understanding a gravity machine, C60 H20 symbol must be understood 1st; Also see: Kawasaki; Mitsui; PME;

After understanding "light vs. heat", within a time, how to connect dark energy? also see: 9x9; ... ; IFF 2 gravity spots, 4 gravity spots, ... , appear at the edge of rectangular, you are already in ACT2 stage hyper space, and you will be able to do space elevating by using GPS device ... ;


23x34 GDC ( out) ... ; Because in our universe, lighting 2,3 networks to frozen 3,4;

links to Swastika (WHEN light exists, DEE is also co-exist) ... ; But, WHILE DEE exists ... ;

after completing "lord of ring" by dark energy ... ;

34x23 GDC ( in) ... ; Because in our universe, frozen 3,4 networks to lighting 2,3;

links to Swastika (WHILE light exists, DEE is also co-exist) ... ; But, WHEN DEE exists ... ;

after completing "lord of ring" by dark energy ... ;

structure C Sequence Number (BF2) is East ... ; artificial intelligence ( west) ... ;

Green is North; Red is South;

using artificial intelligence (hyperspace) directional gravity begins ... ; Also see: Flying Automotive;

structure C Sequence Number (BF2) is East ... ; artificial intelligence ( west) ... ;

Green is North; Red is South;

using artificial intelligence (hyperspace) directional gravity begins ... ; Also see: Flying Automotive;

108x108; Gravity Harvest Power Antenna; Snaky alike remote heat sensing pattern by Green Gravity; Snaky alike remote heat sensing pattern by Blue Gravity;

Ground at yellow; several pF capacitances can be in dimensional and structural; Adding variable resistance can prompt functional buttons; Because, gravity as free natural resource (remember: our solar system might be moving from green to blue in our universe IFF Gray Scale Simulation results are available) therefore, structural must be in 2,3 dimensional; Adding inductance will define WHAT kind of RF (Radio Frequency); Adding more components mean more functionalities e.g. counter, microcontroller, ... ;

Beyond 0.25W silicon CMOS; Without battery; Without power (i.e. neither AC nor DC, WHICH means no short circuit, no heat); Antenna bound pad at yellow; Physical circuit should be flexible, roll able, and thin so that it can be embedded into any device;

In common, antennas are 1D (e.g. from air to bound pad by distance calculation) but THIS schematic is 2D because IFF one side is resonance, other side is signal attenuation, vice versa, IFF one side is signal attenuation, other side is resonance; So called Gravity Harvest Power Antenna, using 2,3 dimensional natural momentum of our universes; After developing global atomic signal, it is a time to develop universal atomic signal (also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement idea # 144) e.g. parallel time SYNC, e.g. solving time slow down problems due to weaker solar light source, e.g. solving space BLI growth rate problems due to momentum diff and DEE diff; Concerning dB noise, this DOMAIN has been defined dB (340 ~ 340) therefore, some hardware cannot filter, and in USA common standard dB for residential devices are (-8 ~ +8), and in USA common standard dB for office devices are (-18 ~ +18);

Question: and then WHY (340 ~ 340) dB, because IT is this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space book for thousands of years, e.g. all moon lights in our universes' variation of light hours vs. DEE, e.g. Gravity Dimension Computer (GDC) for space crafts, ... ; Wireless Antenna;

Before adding more components (e.g. capacitance) into THIS Schematic Symbol, conceptual idea e.g. dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural,... are required; Also read: DEE;

Atomic Radio Antenna;

think of a "Thor" hammer (several layered as potentials at head) 's handle end, doko WHERE "green gravity" begins IFF 1/4 area of Eccentric _circles filtered by yellow (normal yellow as our earth, no yellowish variation as our earth) at the handle end; several (a.k.a. variable) potentials can be built; since the hammer has been NOT variable, green and yellow become in ACTION ... ; so called Atomic Radio Antenna;

WHILE modulation (a.k.a. energy-marks in distance) with emitter, receiver, transceiver, ... ; IFF clock is equipped with Atomic Radio Antenna, time can be adjustable ... ;

Ground; Panasonic Automotive Systems' one of the symbols, used in 12V DC systems, ground but not digging soil to make pile to have ground; -negative as ground, in common, connected to its metal body, so that -negative as groundsymbol has been designed above the earth symbol ... ;  
Ground; 1D;  
Ground; i.e. 500V ground;  
Ground; V = zero; 1D; ... ;  
DEE _ Natural Heat Reducer ... ;  
108x108; 2 Heat Sensing Pattern e.g. green and blue as pair ... ;

Within USB 180°, IFF (3,3,3,3) as heat sensing patterns, also see: Graviton; 108 configuration;

Please read page 138, Chapter 6, HYPERSPACE, MICHIO KAKU, 1994, e.g. breaking up the Einstein's metric tensor in surface @ approx. (1,000) kilo meter (i.e. Distance) per (time period e.g. hour); Metric Tensor was formulated as g11 = 1 + h11 doko WHERE Particles (Graviton) g is somehow related to field h (2 neutral particles are exchanged to be quantum of gravity g, labeled by field h (here refer to snaky alike Heat Sensing Pattern)); snaky alike might be 1/2 (0.5) half, if compare to 360°; but to configure 360°, (2*6) dimension must be understood thoroughly e.g. WHY 2 times tidal waves, WHY day and night are co-existence as 2, WHY DEE Sun in eccentric distance is essential in ipsCell, and so on ... ; and then, Shakya e.g. Swastika;

WHY (green AND blue) ? because THIS schematic symbol is designed to be only within 2,3 dimensional space, doko WHERE our solar system might be moving from iroColourWaveForm (green) to iroColourWaveForm (blue) ... ;

To do so, you need a small laboratory to measure heat sensing patterns; and then multi surfaces; and then break the Einstein's metric tensor; and then prove that if 2 are parallel to each other, you might be getting gravity as surface, and then do not claim your gravity formula for any prize, because gravity is worth more than tons of gold, you can own planets like Rakhine (ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar);

Heat to electricity; 2010/11/17 NHK news, World's 1st invention, Nagoya University and Tokyo University, creating electrical energy from heat, by material engineering technical breakthrough ; dubbing strings into hole, WHICH pressure; millibar pressure to heat; WHILE dubbing ... c/s; also see: eccentric circle; energy (potential diff) electricity ... ; IFF variable (heat) electricity ... ; in 2,3 dimensional ... ; IFF ACT3, 3,4 dimensional; upper 25% Gray; lower 50% Gray;  
Homology vs. Homotopy; Also see: epi-cycles; ... ; to26; from6964;  
  Hyper3D; Still developing, not done yet; also see: testing;  
HyperlinkAndProcessor1; 40x26; 1st to understand blocks; 2nd to understand dot dot dot; 3rd to understand dimensional location groups; 4th to develop, SYN with Processor2, Using time line; 5th to develop 3D GUI;

also see: Hyper graphics; Processor1;

Hyper link To System Start; 41x26; WHERE command line parameter with / or \; logo of OEM as hyper graphics;  
Hyperlink XY; 41x25; File *.suo alike, also see: this DOMAIN .net .suo; Root oriented; To system developer platform; 2D hyper graphics only;

IFF , also see: (3D GUI) Hyper3D ... ;

Hyperlinked     Invitation     Help; 163x15; WHERE / / and : can be understood;

IFF remote assistance ( invitation) using Complimentary Ticket or Invitation Card;

IC; Chip; 1 represents line number one; N represents numbers of lines;

When multi-channels tuning needed, prior to a LSI chip, an accumulator must exist; NEC defined it 70s' accumulator, CPU, DSP does not matter; N connections to 1 operation, registering purpose varies while accumulating;

Also see: Wafer, before pin assembly, and cutting;

  3mm Parallel Time Using FN_CK AND IN_CK  
  3,4 dimensional 26 T P 5 Using    
IC; Chip; Processor; 1 represents pin number one; N represents pin number N; Notice that pins are not aligned horizontally, but aligned vertically;

IFF testing needed, 1st, use isometric solder-less breadboards; And then choose environments such as conditional room environment, dark room environment, normal room environment [sea-level]; ... ;
1   _ - N :
. . .   ā Ć O ϩ
  | \ ..

dual core or 2 processors; not only blocks but also triangles ... ; time line;

IFF developing 3D GUI,

IFF filling (x, y) also see: Lucky88...88; hyperlinked groups;

IFF dimensional location, also see: L S B or M S B; dot dot dot; Hyper3D;

Integrated Circuit Card is ICC, e.g. iroColourWaveForm 's Artificial Intelligence (AI) way to Display; Also see: ICC ID;  e.g. \\Desktop\システム\431265.icc ;

by looking at this ICC, this DOMAIN developer's wild guess would be: Wafer (16, 24, 256) designer would color coded less than 10 colors with several time lines ... ;



e.g. , , , ;  
Inductance . Bead . Signal Line; Inductance L: in H, or Impedance Z WHERE Z: by varying Ω, frequency f varies to 50GHz @ I in 7A;   Also see: TAIYO YUDEN, www.yuden.co.jp;    
Inductance . Balun transformer, RF band; Also see: TAIYO YUDEN, www.yuden.co.jp;  
Inductance . Choke; Inductance L: in H, or Impedance Z: WHERE Z: by varying Ω, frequency f varies to 50GHz @ I in 7A; 1st to understand Latch with wrapping wire, and then, those "wrapping" inside of chip without using gas, liquid, ... can be further studied, and then, high level high knowledge based, such as gas filled transformer, liquid filled Bead, material based ferrite, ... can also be understood;   Also see: TAIYO YUDEN, www.yuden.co.jp;  
Inductance . Ferrite Inductor; Inductance L: in H, or Impedance Z:, 1 ~ 465n @ I in 906 mA; Also see: TAIYO YUDEN, www.yuden.co.jp; ... ;  
( NCS Inductance, PCS Inductance, ZCS Inductance) Also see: Inductance;  
Isometric solder-less breadboard without drafting; Column C1, C2, C3, ... Cn; Row R1, R2, R3, ... Rn; Must understand hole AND stick exists; And then try to understand natural time, and clocks; And then vectors; And then for each particle, worm holes ... and strings ... ; And then pressure machine engines, gravitational machines, space & energies ... ; And then ...  
Isometric solder-less breadboard, ready to be with drafting; Connecting components such as Capacitor, Gnd, IC chip, LED, Resistor, Vcc, V reg, Xtal Hz, ... must be well documented; Sticks may vary depending on FN CK, IN CK;  
DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment X; Remark: 2018/2562 Dark Energy Engineering style, ZCS based jitter adjustment;  
DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment Y; Remark: 2018/2562 Dark Energy Engineering style, ZCS based jitter adjustment;  
1990s _ Style _ Blue Jitter Adjustment; Remark: jitters happen naturally because of momentum;  
220x220; Sun Power LASER _Fusion _Electricity; solar panel to 1mW to 1kW to 1GW naturally ... ;

Laser Fusion will replace nuclear power plants ... ; Unique power must be gravity in 21st century and beyond, therefore no need of nuclear power; Electricity Power Plug, using Grid Network Topology; doko WHERE amp can be handled by (heat vs. pressure), and heat can be from laser fusion, and pressure can be like 1 way DEE and ... so called Sun Power LASER _Fusion _Electricity ... ; Notice that it's another Quantum (electron flows from higher energy level to lower energy level) Correction, and do more quantum corrections in 21st century and beyond;Think that load balancing among Hydro (water falls) Power Electricity, Tidal Power Electricity, Wind Power Electricity, ... can be designed, engineered, implemented, and programmed e.g. 11 x 11, 22 x 22, 44 x 44, 88 x 88, ... ;

LAYER; 108x108; The285 board, -layer, C Sequence Number; Analog OR Digital; IFF number of layers > 1, using complexity regions ... ;

AI characters, Come Back, Field, Mouth, Sun, Times, ... ;

IFF Circle Symbol, also see: Eccentric Circles;
IFF Rectangular Symbol, also see: pronunciation e.g. Nippon pronunciation, ... ;
IFF Triangle Symbol, also see: DEE;

LAYER_3D.GIF; 108x108; C Sequence Number with depth; Variable depth in distance, with 1 Time Machine, prompt 3D to human beings ... ;

IC, IFF ADC, A part ... ; Component;
IC, IFF DAC, D part ... ; Component;

IFF memory, with 1 defined vertical time line, also see: Swap, and then Keywords e.g. center, middle, ... ;

IFF 2 defined time line, e.g. 5x2, 7x2, ... ,

IFF 3 defined time line, e.g. 5x2, 6x2, 7x2, ... in 24mm Natural Time Clock, also see: Exe.htm, for basic understanding of26 ... ; And then, do it yourself hyper space, name space, ... ;

top layer is translator; middle layer is dictionary; 1 layer is calculator;

108x108; LayeredSurface; Also see: browser;

aggregate to do 1 surface as action ... ;

Light Sheet Storage;

based on Directional Gravity Pressure (zero curvature surface), data can be stored on a sheet;

Lo Shu Magic Square;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement ( idea ♯ 156); Network Topology;

Jumper; One to one; 1D; Permanent;

IF nano metal inked fine line film, while conducting, volume resistance is measured in micro Ω . cm; IF 1 to N, also see JP 1 to N;

Jumper; One to one; 1D; Manually connect short circuit; Sometime, this type of jumper is designed for flushing;  
Jumper; One to one; Not one to N; 1D;  
Jumper; Either horizontal shield-boundary needed, or vertical push-boundary needed; Frequency f [particle], but no MUX within the same bandwidth;  
Jumper; Either horizontal shield-boundary needed, or vertical push-boundary needed; Frequency f [anti-particle], but no MUX within the same bandwidth;  
Jumper; Either horizontal shield-boundary needed, or vertical push-boundary needed; Quantum push or pull between frequency f [particle] and frequency f [anti-particle];  
Jumper; Either horizontal shield-boundary needed, or vertical push-boundary needed; Frequency f [particle], MUX within the same bandwidth;  
Jumper; Either horizontal shield-boundary needed, or vertical push-boundary needed; Frequency f [anti-particle], MUX within the same bandwidth;  
Jumper; 1 represents line number one; N represents numbers of lines; Either parallel [OR, or AND] serial connector;  
Jumper; 1 represents line number one; N represents numbers of lines; IF half duplex, vector is in 1D;  
Jumper; 1 represents line number one; N represents numbers of lines; Line controller jumper; Multiple latches exist; Pipelining begins; Also see: Latch;  
Jumper; Also see: Bus;

1 represents line number one, N number lines to be concerned; IF vector in XY plane, heterodyning toward higher amplitude, placing holes in celestial longitude;


JP Jumper; Short circuit;

Either to release, or to store, electrons have to flow; IF to store by relay diodes, conditionals must be sought;

To flush CMOS password bypassing, find a jumper near microcontroller processing; ... ;

K K; Also see: R;  
            Keyboard's cell path: UP; DOWN; LEFT; RIGHT; also see: windows7 shortcuts;  
Kinetic energy in 2,3 dimensional .GIF in 108x108pixel [ Also see: 108 configuration to replace pi 22/7 in ACT2 and ACT3 stages ... ]; 1st to understand 4PP so that 1 hole without time can be understood; 2nd to understand adjusting ACT1 ACT2 ACT3 in 24mm natural time as ; 3rd to prove natural solar energy becomes kinetic energy ... [ Also see: Made in Japan, TAKARA solar power swing plants in ACT2 stage ... ]; ... ;  
L; Latch; 1D; Potential increase;

In old tech by wrapping wire, just to gain a higher potential; Putting jumpers in the midst, several potentials can be built;

OFC and oxygen free conducting, let wire in better connecting; So keep using old tech wrapping;

Remark: capital letter L has been used for Inductance, do not confuse between Latch L and Inductance L , basically inductance L exists WHEN magnetic flux exists, which is EMF [for example: wrapping wires, and then pin pointing a force caused by wrapping wires, 42+ years old tech, before 1 hole, ... ]; Also see: chip inductor;

L: Latch; 1D; Analog;

Require wrapping wire; Old tech; Capacitors are needed to control output _terminals' several potentials; Either AC, or DC; >250 m W; CK synchronization must be isolated due to high energy; Numbering to each output terminal [for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] can be marked in both mechanical drawings, and schematics drawings;

After understanding electro potential, +energy, -energy, also see: Worm Hole; In some schematic diagrams, this symbol is also used as transformer [also see: www.rencousa.com]; ... ;

L; Latch; 1D;

A latch in a Toggling Mode, data compressing begins about; Even in a year 2000, embed myanmar songs in thousands; Microns in Korean storage, make possible data compressive; Once compressing data in micron, portable chips in mm on, ... all about the data compressing, first to learn in instruction, ... ;

Also see: Multiple Latches Pipelined Jumper;


L: Latch; 2D; this DOMAIN recommends latch L, because latch can provide higher resolution than inductance L ; After 1 hole, but before 1 worm=hole ... ;

Frequency-bandwidth characteristic, 1st to look at f-Latches; Saw-tooth Vin symbolizes, 45° cutting edge; Right side 4 latches for modulation, control about to begin; Find 2D spec lookup table, for calculating variable resistances and digital signal processor DSP; Because of the DSP's adjusting, USB works with DUN RJ111, Ethernet networking RJ45, so called narrowband-broadband collaboration;

L: Latch; 2D;

Narrowband to broadband, Vin latches about to be masking; LG 's 5 registers control 3 dots TCP protocol, let users to configure the rest IP, UDP thought; Do not forget frames' formats in wire spec, prior knowledge to db.m wireless; ... ;

LED; Also see: Diode; FPC Taped LED;  
LED with EM spectrum in nm constraint; Before and after solar energy; ... ;  
Naturally filtering spectrum to red, orange, yellow ... ; also see: Yosemite;

3 conditions are clear sunset sky, in late February, west bound water fall;

Line connection; i.e. A and 1 are connected, B and 3 are connected, however A1 and B2 are not connected; Also see: CA relay ((Direct coupling) (Rubber bracket) (Screw mounting)); CV relay ((Micro ISO terminal) (PC board) (Plug in)); DE relay ((1 coil latching) (2 coil latching) (Single side stable)); DJ relay ((With test button) (Without test button)); EP Relay ((Indicator) (PC board) (TM)); EV relay ((Indicator)); HC relay ((Copper side PC board socket) (HC TM series Direct mount) (Mounting track for solder socket) (Screw socket mount) (Solder and wrapping socket mount)); HE relay ((Plug in terminal) (NEMA terminal) (PC board terminal) (Screw terminal)); HJ relay ((Plug in) (Terminal socket)); JC relay ((PC board) (Plug in) (Top mount)); JR relay ((Coil latching) (Plug in) (Single side stable)); JT N relay ((PCB) (TMP)); LE relay ((PCB side 3 terminals) (PCB side 4 terminals)); S relay ((De-energized) (Coil latching)); NC relay ((Single side stable (de-energized coil) (energized coil)) (Coil latching) ); ... ;  
2,3 dimensional Location; our earth based ( location), e.g. current location, e.g. GPS location awareness;  
Magnet Gravity Water; If you like to create your own imaginary space crafts, 1st to understand Constellations, 2nd to create your own artificial environment (including exterior and interior) of space craft, 3rd Gravity Dimension Computer (keep middle path) elevate (Sqrt 2) object ... ;  
Magnet Shield naturally; 28x28; Lucky to be protected naturally, otherwise we human beings would never happened; Also see: Constellations; doko WHERE, Left vs. Right might begin long long time ago ... ; blue, yellow, green, red, ... (i.e. lights) obey formula;  
Memory architecture, data dictionary's meta flow; Full duplex, bi-directional; Also see: NEC's 2005 model AMB;

When a clock is being active, so the chip does services; Depending on functionalities, meta flows with complexities; Connectivity stripes the sample, conducting lane/line becomes numbers; FIFO, LIFO, Stack, and Queue, first to understand the clock ticks do;


Memory architecture, data dictionary meta flow; Half duplex, one direction only; 1D;

IFF electron, on earth, the electron flows from hot end to cool end;

Memory architecture, data dictionary meta flow; Half duplex, one direction; 1D; No. represents numbers of lanes, lines, connections; ... ;  
 3 Memristors Based WORMHOLE; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

 Remark: line connections, short circuits, SPL directional, ... are up to designer & IC engineer ... ;  


108x108; Solar Sail Memristor; based on 1971 Leon Chua's circuit theory, integrated by (navy blue on moon AND aqua blue in our earth) at the same time, doko WHERE yellow background defines green STRING s ... , so called this DOMAIN 's Solar Sail Memristor; Also see: 9eComputer (EM, EMI);

Memristor, LED cell stimulation, push and pull of gas, ... also see: 1D light by Memristor;

Memristor _without _hole-board .GIF in 42x23 pixel; Hint: ;   ; for remote sensing and directional ... ; IFF cone, also see: FED; ... ;

2 terminals' variable resistance with memory effect, i.e. memristor;

MOS transistor; 4 terminal; MOSFET's n channel; 2D;  
MOS transistor; 4 terminal; MOSFET's p channel; 2D;  
MOS transistor; Simple; MOSFET's n channel; 2D;  
MOS transistor; Simple; MOSFET's p channel; 2D;  
MOS transistor; Simple; MOSFET's n channel; 2D;  
MOS transistor; Simple; MOSFET's p channel; 2D; ... ;  



Mouse, a.k.a. pointer, a.k.a. cursor;

also see: 0.2 second cursors such as

transparent cursor WHERE background color [ a.k.a. right click of graphic object inside Color Box in Microsoft Paint ] is Desktop,

static cursor WHERE no background, a.k.a. opaque of graphic object,

animated cursor WHERE graphic images behave as frames within,

... ;

drag L
drag R
spin C C W
spin C W
tap 1
tap 2
tap 3
interface (e.g. Multi Touch Interface, MTI) ... ; Also see: tablet;

Remark: calculator based dot dot dot prompts font to user to be interactive, those font are hyperlinked or those dot dot dot are hyper graphics WHEN user interrupts, artificial intelligence ACTION layer's interface prompts WHAT function to be ... ; so called MTI, Multi Touch Interface WHICH can be seen, e.g. mobile wireless devices, restaurants' cashier's machines, smart phones, supermarkets' cashier's machines, ... ;

108x108; X (DEE lines horizontal)  i.e. NO sound, NOT noise, NOT audio;

IFF (THE ORIGIN OF SOUND) , also see: 2nComputer; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement ( idea  ♯ 157) ... ; ; GDC (BLI automatic adjustment) ... ;

3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space 's one of the facts; approx. 30+ years old tech in 2014/2558; military top secret, because many moons can be livable, owned, plant able, ... ; BLI auto adjustment is still needed to do by Teleportation Method; And then, good bye to our earth;

108x108; Y (DEE lines vertical)  i.e. NO sound, NOT noise, NOT audio;

IFF (THE ORIGIN OF SOUND) , also see: 2nComputer; Monbusho level knowledge enhancement ( idea  ♯ 157) ... ; ; Gravity Dimension Computer (BLI automatic adjustment) ... ;

3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space 's one of the facts; approx. 30+ years old tech in 2014/2558; military top secret, because many moons can be livable, owned, plant able, ... ; BLI auto adjustment is still needed to do by Teleportation Method; And then, good bye to our earth;


think that just above "parallel" are sheets (refer to "Thor" hammer design), then diff potentials build-up naturally because of 2,3 dimensional momentum; in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space environment (C Sequence Number (BF2)), then e.g. , then e.g. , , ... ; therefore, 2-sided in ACT3, 1-sided in ACT2, ... , system architect, engineer, developer should know sheets vs. DEE vice and versa WHEN designing high tech PHYSICS ' electronic eco devices; for basic understanding, end-points of "parallel" doko WHERE heat sensing patterns may begin; regarding structural design model, ACT3 developers know the Time e.g. (2*6) flow in WHICH directional, ACT2 developers know doko WHERE the Space (e.g. blue, yellow, green, red) in nm, ACT1 developers, using Radicals as Keyword (remember, all ethnic tribes must know Katakana language because once you know Katakana, you know Romaji automatically) and give credible answer. i.e. ACTION;

Omni; 4D, > 4D, ... ;  
One of the moons 1; 108x108; DEE13 (3:33) 3 sections ( light);

2 moons are on a same orbit, and then, 2 times but diff amplitude (e.g. orbit line), doko WHERE 3 represents a part of 108 configuration (e.g. 2 events of 90°, 3 lights but yellowish distance prompt 180° to each other e.g. DEE13);

many human beings livable moons exist in our universe; our earth is one of the moons WHICH dwell (i.e. gravitation) to Constellation (very big planet), and moons' orbits are peaceful and tranquil; on the other hand (e.g. other side of Constellation), our universe is not peaceful and tranquil (e.g. collisions, no moon, no orbit, uncertain); therefore, YIN and YANG philosophy is true universally; DEE13 Directional Gravity Pressure, a part of gray scale simulation e.g. iroColourWaveForm prompts that some moons are not having equally day (blue or white) and night (black or gray) i.e. not the same time; even in our earth, regarding not the same time, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, idea # 143, hour (5, 6, 7) as our earth ... ; the one and only the sun (i.e. gravity spot) and please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun; if you've done "Gray Scale Simulation", it is a time to do "Lighting Our Universe" ... ; and then, develop GDC for future's automotives ... ;

(dark red or maroon) as background, and then (aqua or cyan) as foreground;

for each GDC (Gravity Dimension Computer), simple way to start OS (Operating System) ... ;

IFF dimensional and directional, 1/2 of √ 2; base on defined mantissa point e.g. 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, 128 bit, ... ;

(aqua or cyan) as background, and then (dark red or maroon) as foreground;

for each Gravity Dimension Computer (GDC), simple way to start OS (Operating System) ... ;

IFF dimensional and directional, 1/2 of √ 2; base on defined mantissa point e.g. 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, 128 bit, ... ;

(black, white) flat panel; IFF EM Pull, flat panel screen begin (s), otherwise, uncertain programming (blinking DEE); no directional but structural; as of 2018/2562, after 28+ years, still classified data (top secret) HOW detail flat panel ... ; (top secret) because, EM Pull flat panel screen is worth more than trillions of dollars, and I ain't know WHO designed it ... ;  
P vector direction; Also see: Global Suzuki;

A combination of dark and water, JUN time and 4 planet prediction lunar,

without nama in embryo stage, 72 degree symmetry breaks,

embryo to head and torso, in the time of ACT2 ACT3 info,

humanoids are reliable, be ready for changing the world; ... ;




1, 0, 01, 10, 00, 11 Parity bits are used to check systems' error traps, handshakes, securities, ... ; Also see: repeater;  
Particle Perturbation;

iida a.k.a. Particle Perturbation in light rate;

Perturbation a.k.a. Approximation Method;

PCB, Printed Circuit Board; Also see: 2005 model Sumitomo's FPC;

A glance at PCB, one edge shows how transmission CRC; Frequency f and particles, a document to be classified; Trillion dollars in trading, a Myanmar may be bluffing;

Myanmar can be in theory, able to find boundaries; Horizontal sphere approach, vertical height constraint board; When an aspect in sphere vertical, no boundary in horizontal, so understand a PCB board, multi-layers all about ... ;

23x23; IFF WORMHOLE: Black; Green; Navy Blue; Silver; White;


idea ♯ 196; integrated picture with accurate true size; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1;

Toggle Button of Power; a.k.a. on/off button;  

continue, as opposed to pause;


pause, as opposed to continue;


devices are categorized (Category) as IoT devices, local devices, remote devices, system devices, Virtual Machine (VM) devices, and so on, And Then, Cloud computing Keywords: e.g. cell path, dataset, mute, next, path, pause, play, resume, stop, sound, track, ... ;

Plug type a 2; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type a 3; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type b; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type b 3; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type b f; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type c; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type o; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  
Plug type s e; c/s Frequency (i.e. Hz); Voltage v; Global Smart Grid ( EPP) ... ;  

PnP a.k.a. (Plug And Play) devices ID ... ;

port ... ;

multi time lines port; 95x95; each ro is 23x23; multi time lines port is for billions of devices;

e.g. 5 is core to handle 4 ro; green, blue, red, and yellow are extended from 5 to 10; 3 ro can be objects e.g. blue blue white, red white red, white red white, white white blue, white yellow blue, and white red green; if time lines are equal to left and right, 8 ro can be 2 visions; ... ;

Diff eV; structural pattern (triangle alike DEE);

if our earth, in common, at the edge, Diff eV forms naturally; regarding "triangle alike DEE" notice that left and right are not the same because sunrise and sunset are not the same, Diff eV forms naturally among container, pipe, tank, tube, ... ;

1st to understand USB model design e.g. kuru kuru WHILE Synchronization (green vs. green), other defined iroColour can be data (e.g. blue as data, red as data, yellow as data, ... ); (red dot, red line) Diff Potential;

2nd to understand Low Power Mode has been defined by iroColourWaveForm (red color); in addition to defined time line's time period as length (X axis), think that similar to power line (e.g. power cable) WHERE distance between red dot and red line can also be varied (Y axis) depending up on diff potential (in common, higher the diff potential, longer the AB distance on Y axis);

3rd to understand oriental concept (e.g. Time . Space . Action), doko WHERE length of time period (e.g. 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, ... ) can define red color as space; so called Diff Potential in USB model ... ; Aqua color as background, because Gravity Dimension Computer has been developing, and approx. aqua color or cyan color has been designed to be indexing ... ; Diff Potential (e.g. plus, minus) has been traditional and old style (e.g. 3V, 6V, 12V, 24V, ... ); Also see: volt;

Power supply . Matsusada Precision . Dielectric Load Connection;

This diode [ dielectric_load's_diode_connection.GIF ] protects power supply by blocking/limiting feedback/kickback voltage from the load [ dielectric_load_motorORtransformer.GIF ], therefore this diode's rating must be larger than Vout and power supply's current I;

Parallel potential begins, IFF power supply's voltage is protected by diode = the load's feedback/kickback voltage; WHEN parallel potential exists, heterodyned light technology begins ... , and then pressure point ... [notice that 1 plate design, also see: Conductor in diff potential, 2 plates design], ACT1 stage, approx. 15+ years old info;  


Power supply . Matsusada Precision . Parallel Multiple Load Connection;

Ripple noise, larger voltage drops will occur if connections are made as;

Power supply, ACT2, ACT3 stage, this DOMAIN 's imaginary ACT3 hyper dimensional spacecrafts' 2,3 dimensional power supply ... , a part of parallel time development, ... ;

Notice that 5 loads can be pivotal round-able at 1 potential ... , and 2,3 dimensional load might be possible ... , gray scale simulation sensors can also be at each load ... ;  

Pressure; 108x108; Directional Gravity Pressure; AI OS Character Number 161 IFF strings heterodyne;

depending on (left's     iroColour, right's     iroColour) kinetic energy of (e.g. Dimensional Gravity, Directional Gravity Pressure, water) may vary ... ;

Advanced systems are measured by millibar pressure; 1st to understand hole and string; 2nd to understand dubbing strings' pressure, heterodyning point pressure, remote heat sensing pattern by mapped pressure; 3rd to understand DEE vs. light; Develop directional gravity pressure;

One of the moons 2; 108x108;

one of the human beings livable moons' night at top (e.g. dark blue) color, if compare to our earth's day at bottom (e.g. aqua) color;

this OneOfTheMoons2.GIF symbolizes our earth's approx. location in our universes ... ; {E3, E3, E3} as background color, because this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space craft is closer to its native home in our universe; Welcome to our native home; Home coming back event; It is the time refuel dry cells, ion engine maintenance, material samples, ... ;

idea processor

1st to understand , ; 2nd to understand (Sqrt 2, IFF system 2) and (Sqrt 3, IFF system 3) ; also known as Real ... ; also see: decimal; 3rd to understand 4K (in 2013/2557) bit set ... ; Remark: 4K, 8K, ... , are the highest and latest tech in 21st century by NIPPON (as of 2017/2561); With 4K quality of numbers of floating point, from very very fast planets' momentum to very very slow snail's momentum can be calculated accordance with defined Mantissa Point as Number (e.g. specified items as quantity); Like CS grad (e.g. MS (Masters of Science) degree, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) degree) study, RISC architecture's Qualitative vs. Quantitative may begin ... ; Idea Processor might be worth Trillions USD; Therefore, do it yourself, and you'll be a founder of your own Idea Processor company like AMD, ARM, Intel, Samsung, ... ; IFF 1,2 dimensional (GDC) ... ; IFF 2,3 dimensional (GDC) ... ; IFF 3,4 dimensional (GDC) ... ; universally;

Q Q; Q; ... ;  
108x108; kichi Base (DEE line) ... ; for both 2,3 dimensional AND 3,4 dimensional; doko WHERE DEE can be dot, line, surface, ... ; radio, 4 layers AI shiso Idea, similar to highlight method, so called DEE_Radio; Beyond AM, FM, MW, RF, SW, XM, ... ;  
Relay; CR AC Type; Also see: Matsushita's Panasonic line connections; CR/LED AC Type; LED AC Type; LED DC Type; LED Diode DC Type; Standard Type;  
Relay; RL DC; >Π, more than pi in degree;  
Relay; RL DC; RL CML, Relay characteristic CML; <Π, less than pi in degree;

Energized motive RAD, demand incoming Amp; Finding pick up line to monitor, not to exceed current I; Minima/maxima local/global, kinetics energy in poly-technical; Engineer a humanoid, not to avoid modulate;

Positive + negative - potential when dealing with relay RL; Current must make modulation, materials into airy moving; Adjusting the rest holes, dynamic diode is needed also: IF out of the diode's limit, time to connect ground admit, so letting the rest holes go, don't think like a capacitor though;

CML should be outward design, boundaries must be explained; Without understanding boundary, impossible to make a r c, basic data communicating, all about transceiver transmitting and receiving; Once knowing a CML, time to do an orbital; Tons of gold to figure out, how to handshake propagate about; Trajectory latency, arc tangent and its velocity, in a galaxy traveling, good to be in imaging ... ;

Resistance; Static; 1D;

IF current flows in 1D, resistance reduces A and V; Serial parallel R connected, S/N line to resist, ... ;

IF in a fine line, nano metal ink defines; Ohm dot product centi meter, Sumitomo film in micro multiplier; While measuring TFT, conducting prompts resistivity; Amazing particle under 30 nano meter, still disperse stable; What a through-out material dynamics, uniformed equilibriums in physics, so beyond a Myanmar's limit ... ;


Resistance; Dynamic; 2D;

Striping in colors, old style static resistors; Multi-functions are in need, dynamic resistance must indeed;


Resistance; Dynamic; 2D;

When use several particles, all different functional; RA defines diff in clock, but behave same as R block;


One of the symbols, Panasonic Automotive Systems, 4Ω for this symbol , and FM 75 Ohm for modulation, inside automotive sound systems;  
1??1G, doko WHERE "G" for Ground, and 1&&1 design Model with ?? numbers of resistors (prior to Bus); Also see: Bus Connector and Port;  
R Resistance; Also see: Z, Ω, V/A, ... ;

2007 www.irctt.com 0.01 ohm ~ 220 ohm AND 100 W ~ 140 W AND inductance < 50 n H AND 1V  ~ 700 V AND Temperature -40 °C ~ 85 °C; R o H S compatible connectors; UPS R&D module;

R Register; ... ;  
R F <> Coaxial; 12 GHz connector; Also see: TC-6, a connector, www.smkusa.com;

For basic understanding, 2+ strings without time must be understood; A basic understanding of dark energy strings [ by material oriented NOT time oriented node-style-technique, also see: dual band transmitter ], without 2,3 dimensional vector, without time, ... ;


RFID with electro vector; Also see: UPC vs. RFID; RFID vs. Smart Chip; C60H2O;

this DOMAIN 's way of understanding RFID, may not be 100% true: 3 worm=holes can make 1 carbon nano tube, and the carbon nano tube with string interaction can make RFID, ... ; Front side view 1 carbon nano tube might be look like , and no red arrow is needed in vector towards/outwards in directions as wave [in 1/2 omni direction if Z axis is blocked], and eccentric θ r2 will along with amplitude adjustment of designers' developers' engineers' scientists' tactical knowledge of coding ... ; Several carbon nano tubes can become identification values numbers ... ;

Remark: please notice the intentionally use 3 and 1's font sizes 18 Arial; And, energy, carried by neutrinos can create beyond metal iron, therefore, RFID's, made of metal nickel, might be exported from Myanmar; Neutrinos is restricted, not available to common public; To understand 5W1H recoding of RFID, 1st to understand Laser, 2nd to understand amplitude adjustment of metal either by math approach or engineering approach, 3rd to understand worm=holes in vector, and then do code, decode, recode, ... ;

RJ45; Networking with RJ45, either automatic wireless, or Ethernet; This schematic symbol is used in SONY VGC-JS100 Series Desktop PC, in 2009;  
Analog Resonance; Parallel; Series; (i.e. Signal Pattern) increases 5928 ;

IFF ( time) AND (y), (( * )/(2 * * ɟ)) Analog Resonance;

WHERE is force, ɟ is frequency and is omega and omega^2 is natural frequency, kanWeight is mass,   is time, y is Y axis amplitude; Also see: specific vibration;

Digital Resonance; Parallel; Series;  (i.e. Signal Pattern) increases 5928 ;

IFF ( time) AND (y), (( * )/(2 * * ɟ)) Digital Resonance;

WHERE is force, ɟ is frequency and is omega and omega^2 is natural frequency, kanWeight is mass,   is time, y is Y axis amplitude; Also see: specific vibration;

Sensor; LED based sensor; Depending on designer's tactic, vector to receiver may vary, also see diode series;

Photo sensor in nano meter,  made in myanmar since 1980 deployable; However in 21st century, no more direction in omni;


Sensor; PS;

Nihon becomes smarter smartest, myanmar must think harder hardest; Canon and its lighting technology, a galaxy far away theory; Common myanmar in stone age, so good to learn theoretic;


S i C power M O S F E T component; S i C, Silicon Carbide; S i C switches faster than silicon transistor; S i C forwards bias power loss smaller than silicon transistor; 33x33; 1 vertical; 1 horizontal;  
123x15; SPL;

IFF , 1 way ... ; IFF , 2 ways ... ;

Sound Pressure Level;


SW, switch; A basic & manual switch without connection;




SW with 1 ground, 1 input V, 1 resistor; Ready to connect to a pin of IC chip; SWA;  

SW with 1 ground, 1 input V, 1 resistor; Ready to connect to a pin of IC chip; SWB;


Switch with amplifying, analog and manual;

After amplifying, several frequencies may exist depending on resistances and switch's timing; 1 frequency at Vin becomes several frequencies at Vout;

Also see: amplifying with control;

Swap; Swapping with temporary variable; Swapping without temporary variable;

IFF 88...88 a.k.a. light_rate, ☟Ⓞᅍ%^=ᅍ%^=ᅍ%^=ᅍ%;
IFF 1..1, ☟Ⓞɟ♯^=ɟ♯^=ɟ♯^=ɟ♯;
IFF languages, x^=y^=x^=y; ... ;

Tab0; Tab1;   Tab(character); Tab key; table(Tab#);  
Temperature C; 108x108; Hg; Temperature F;

IFF pressure hPa, Using mb a.k.a. millibar; Distance in meter m;

Temperature Transmitter; ( 3 capacitances; 2 CK; 1 Xtal; 1 transmitter; 1 node; several resistances; 2,3 linear plates for sensing temperature; ... ) to a.k.a. 26;  
  Time interleaved 4 channels, duo-binary development for ACT1 stage; Depending on diff design, numbers of channel may vary i.e. 2 channels, 4 channels, 24 channels, ... ; Before understanding channels, A/D converter must be understood; Before understanding A/D converter, amplifying, and then amplifying with control by FN CK must be understood; Several A/D converters' signals at the same time fetch into i.e. pins of FPGA "a chip", so called channels ... ; WHERE f1, f2, ... are frequency a.k.a. signal;

Basically, Voltage(time)input >> 1 Amplifying >> NA/D c A/D converters, by FN CK >> at t1, f1, f2, f3, ... NT Channels >> FPGA >> Signal processing; In common, numbers of NA/D c converter is numbers NT of channel, and numbers of pin into FPGA ... ;

Topology . Bridge "light rate" ... ,

also see: bridge;1.414213562373095048801688724209 ... ;

In 2009, this DOMAIN tested USB via 12V CDFS [remark: in common <5V], and gained 0.5 second "light rate" but Amp ... ; IFF twisted, gravitational 2,3 dimensional begins, and not available to public ... until "parallel world" a.k.a. ㈰ is available to public;

In 2553, after 20+ years of R&D, this DOMAIN solves "fault" ... , so called "light rate C R C "; Also see: , DEE, Light vs. Dark, Lighting our universe project, PME, ... ;

Topology . Bus; Also see: Network Design Principles;  
Topology . Distributed;  
Topology . Fully Distributed;

Real vs. complex, be able to analyze; Synapses as protein-connections, neurons hold nama electrode-collections, 1 lunar 4 gravitational planets effect, a pair of Left Right 've coexisted; WHEN water being surrounded, inner side seems flat and rounded, after excluding primer water, outer side seems energy pair-strikers ... ; 6 senses in Abhidhamma, thousands years entity layers; the image shows nama without weight, humanoids for civilization changes;

WHY divided by 2, WHY not divided by 3, 4, 5, 6, ... ; For ACT2 stage developers only, mathematically prove that WHY divided by 2; WHY N - 1 i.e. MOON is neither static nor dynamic; WHEN 2 pairs make recurring OR splitting;

Topology . H Bridge;

Full duplex a.k.a. bidirectional loads are needed, by powering 4 transistors, H bridge topology has been used; Within 1 potential supply; 1 H bridge topology requires 4 components; And, in a hardware, there might be more than 1 H bridge topology depending on designers' tactic;

Before understanding H bridge, fully distributed topology and its brunching factors must be understood 1st, and then understand H bridge differential I/O, for example, a CD/DVD drive might be driving its motor in full H bridge behavior, half H bridge behavior, and the CD/DVD drive motor's RPM varies along with loads, ... ; And those current_loads within 1 potential supply can also be considered as a threshold ... ;

Can add converters, switches, variable resistances, ... , depending on linear swing components ... i.e. pin_number/-3V/+5V ... ;

Topology . Parallel Time, in 3,4 dimensional, TP5 to 1Sun, IFF Gray Scale Simulation, Black to Gray, SYN (Lunar time; Jun time) ... , H Bridge, Using IC28 ... ; ACT3 Topology;  
  Topology . "Light Rate" bridge;  
Topology . Mesh;  
Topology . Ring;  
Topology . Star; ... ;  
Transformer; 96x40pixel; Also see: Latch2_electro_potential_based_analog;

Transformers might be a very light weight energy box with very low noise, in ACT2 ... ;   After understanding artificial gravity and artificial light, to do so, each gas' dielectric strength along with gray scale simulation must be understood ... ;

ACT3 transformer thought: because 4 planet prediction causes 2 sticks, if 4 gas layered can be engineered, and then ACT3 transformer [lighting our universe project]... ;

24_104_120_208_240_Transformer; Also see: 3tComputer  
Transversal line; Maroon colored transversal line may intersect N numbers of lines ... WHERE N => 2 ;  
Trapezium; A form in maroon colored, NOT parallel parallelogram in any plane, ... ;

IFF straight_lines =>3 AND sides =>3 AND closed planes, and then polygon begins ... ;

Trapezoid; A trapezoiDAL form in maroon colored, 2 parallel AND 2 non-parallel, ... ;

IFF straight_lines =>3 AND sides =>3 AND closed planes, and then polygon begins ... ;

Universe; Also see: 4 planet prediction; Non-ACT2 stage Tidal Prediction; Hint: 2 sand stoned planets; 1 diamond planet; 1 water planet; 2 pairs of sticks, but 1 stick is missing ... ; This document is non-Western information, written in EN language, and this DOMAIN still cannot prove to public yet; Also see: ACT 2 stage; Also realize: No moon day & Full moon day;  
  This no moon day represents all functional ACT2 stage dimensional hyperspace crafts which have been launched, deployed, further researched ... every each time to avoid solar radiation, and etc. ; 12 ACT2 times per year ... ; also see: no moon day, and ACT2 natural blue;  
USB; Since year 2000, tactical marketing usage of "3-to-1", "3-in-1", ...  in Asia;

WHEN bus is in testing, also WHEN board is in testing, connecting-cable's length in distance becomes constraint along with time; Also see: 2-point distance;

USB compatible Voltage V in mA (milli ampere);

also see: 88...88, Monbusho level knowledge enhancement ... ;


For example: BLUE 0.5A   -12V, RED 30A   +5V, WHITE 0.3A   -5V, ... ;

USB connectivity; Audio;

Vector interrupt; ... ;  
V R VR; Variable manual relay resistance;

In order to get higher ohm, make parallel with RRRR dome, when guru in pin lever, dump all old concepts without vector, let reload a backup folks, blame on the motherboard ... ;

Variable resistor, a.k.a. potentiometer; Manually adjustable electromotive force;

In common, defined frequency (e.g. c/s, Hz) must be adjusted manually (e.g. using tiny screw driver to turn the variable resistor to define frequency) and then glue to lock the defined frequency as specified item;

approx. 900MHz, a.k.a. single band; approx. 1800MHz, a.k.a. dual band; and so on; this domain developer still does not know exactly e.g. HOW many bands inside a smart phone? IFF a band is approx. 90° to "origin of sound" WHERE parallel energy exists (i.e. 2,3 dimensional hyper space environment only, think that 2 bands can be because of horizontal, and vertical), and then HOW to do parallel time synchronization in 3,4 dimensional hyper space environment (a.k.a. very very very far away in distance)?

27x40; video; TV; also see: audio;  
27x40; video; HDTV; 3D; display; Audio;  
VR . VDR; Also see: Matsushita's Panasonic; RJ 11 common phone line connection, 2 lines half duplex; RJ11 before R , 4 lines full duplex, IFF narrowband to broadband, also see: 2D latches;  
Wafer; To ease to understand a wafer, notice that upper left corner, and lower right corner do not have grid array; And, yellow colored dots, aqua colored dots inside are ready to be interrupted, and dual coloring represents duo-binary from sticks ... ; doko WHERE holes & sticks logic must be understood 1st, also see: 30+ years old without strings &spin; Therefore, to have 1 stick, 2 anti-holes must exist, thus 2 anti-holes as nodes must exist to produce 1 wafer at 1 time;  
2 red colored nodes represent anti-holes; Therefore, sticks happen, and those sticks strike each dots/field-effect-receiver/pins/... in a wafer ... ; Wafer is one of the most difficult to engineer, wafer is high tech in chemical + microelectronics + electronics + electrics + materials + physics + ... engineering (e.g. iroColourWaveForm 's defined color codes), once wafer has been designed, the rest chips, ICs, microcontrollers, ... , becomes easier, because wafer designers involve time (s) [therefore pin level some system codes cannot be changed, i.e. for example: var variable] ... because algorithms rely on time, ... ;

For ACT2 and ACT3 developers, calculate a possible parallel time, i.e. dark room environment vs. normal room, full moon day vs. no moon day, particle X vs. particle Y, water conditioned vs. non-water conditioned, ... ;

Warning Message 1.1; warning;  

23 x 23; normal yellow (no yellowish variation); Natural FMD Water Elevator;  

23 x 23; normal yellow (no yellowish variation); Natural NMD Water Elevator;  
WCS, Wireless Charging System (i.e. from specific vibration to electricity power) ... ;

IFF Network Topology, using grid infrastructure ... ; Automotives;

artificial intelligence for each nation name, , , , ♯, ... ;

Wireless signal; 5 bars mean wireless signal is very strong, so devices such as cell phone, iPhone, WAP, wireless router, ... are ready to do connect, Internet access, Roaming, ... ; "light rate" technology, therefore very high bandwidth gains ... ;

Signal strength symbol, via signal travel time to 2,3 dimensional planets ... ;

Worm=hole; M Theory based; One of the strings; This worm=hole schematic symbol can be seen in portable/light/shock-proof/water-proof CD/DVD/AM/FM player/tuner with LCD display, and  with dark room environment, and secant adjustment to each worm hole door technology is out of this DOMAIN developer 's knowledge;

Worm_hole schematic symbol is Myanmar's 1st consonant "Ka" alike; Till 2006, very difficult to understand HOW to exactly engineer worm_holes; Worm_holes begin/start dimensional gateway in hyperspace  Very very difficult, very very basic worm hole is 2 strings' interaction, therefore this Myanmar way concept might not be 100% true;

also see: 2 worm=holes; 3 worm=holes; kuru kuru of 5 ... ;

108x108; Gravity Dimension Computer ( Using 10 iroColourDiode with 10 iroColourResistance ) iroColourWaveForm ... ;

( Using 15x108   2 worm=holes full duplex 1 light before calculator frame ) kuru kuru of 5 ... ; PME; Sqrt 2 only, 88...88;

9526into processor: lights 11 instruction;

Worm_hole, one of the strings, before 1 cycle  - - - - - ; Only middle circle represents hole, therefore if the hole is filled with any material, there will be no hole, thus there will be no worm_hole; Dark environment; Circle in left, and circle in right are for electro adjustment, also see: capacitance; Poem.RobeDonation;

Basic example for novice space engineer, open any high tech device, and fill any material into each hole inside PCBs, and then test the PCBs, and notice that "if there is no hole, ... "; After understanding of WHAT is a hole, WHY there must be a hole in dark environment and dark energy, WHEN a hole relates to a particle, and then try to understand worm_hole; After understanding energies, try to understand secant of black hole, or secant to a hole, but before dimensional gateway;

Wrapped; Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;  
X; |||; IF heterodyned, f2 > f1 while 4D clock synchronization exists at time t; Pressure, temperature sensitive; Heterodyned indexes are not available to public; Frequency quantitative control OR data;  
X X; |||;

For humanoid engineers only: Electrical compressors have been in market by heterodyning; Engineer electrical compressor reversely to make electrical condenser; Once an EM condenser can be made, an orbiter machine can be sent toward the Sun; ... ;

      X t a l; Oscillator circuits provide timing of microcontroller, and crystals are portions of the oscillator circuit; ... ;  
One of the strings [i.e. a b c] might e v o l u t e to another string [i.e. XYZ]; Curve a b c, WHERE tangent of point "a" causes point "Z", tangent of point "b" causes point "Y", however tangent of point "c" is sine 90° to point "X";  
is equal to one / ; Y = 1/X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 1: Time dot wavy in X Y plane, foresee D A L prompts input strings; IFF 2 red colored short lines' distance tends to zero "origin point", and then X axis and Y axis are called a s y m p t o e s "pronounce as*i m*tot" of black colored hyperbolas WHICH obey X Y = 1 ;  
is equal to + ; Y = AX + B; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 2: Basic functional should know by heart, so be ready for multi-universe;  
Y = (cos^(-1)) X; Also see: Physics Law 232;  
is equal to cosine -1 ; Y = (cos^(-1)) X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 3: Step-by-step calculation takes slower,  
is equal to Ln ; Y = Ln X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 4: Symbolic recognizing calculates faster, also see: outer space's 4 cycloid sticks  
is equal to sine ; Y = sin X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 5: Oscilloscope and characteristics, electro in specific;  
is equal to square root ; Y = √X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 6: Virtual 8 SHARP samples, simulation becomes easier,  
is equal to tangent ; Y = tan X; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 7: Gravitational causes the Sun as no mass exists,  
is equal to * ; Y = X2; 2D; Earth based & inner-space; Rhyme of D A L 8: Must to figure heterodyned indexes, ... ;  

Y Y = X X ((X + A) / (A - X)) S t r o p h o i D A L  Curve: conditions are 1st. blue colored point 1 and blue colored point 2 must generate a straight line; 2nd. blue colored point 3 must be a fixed point and must be on minus -X axis; 3rd. WHEN generating 1 curve on 1 plane, WHERE from point 1 and point 2, straight line must intersect Y axis a@t aqua colored point ;

Y3 + X3 = 3AXY; 2D;

A curve terminates at both ends, the same node causes a loop alike; Thin leaf-like stratum, also known as folium ... ;

lemniscates, r2=2a2 cos Θ, also see: Perturbation;

intersect perpendicularly at center; plane's curves are in red; tangents are in green or blue; variable tangents to rectangular; IFF rectangles, also see: ;

in common, X-Ray is measured by ( keV, Count);  

Yagi antenna vs. Bridge-mode antenna;

  like CD, DVD, BD, USB, ... format, light's rate must be measured by time ..., and 2 lights must be matched, so called a bridge ... ; satellites' bridge mode antennas can serve "light" fast communication ... ; 1st to understand 2,3 dimensional 24mm natural time, 2nd to understand light as frequency ... ; 3rd to understand parallel time synchronization in ACT2 stage ... ; 4th to develop ACT3 parallel time synchronization by gray scale simulation ... ; 5th to understand 3,4 D... ;

Bridge-mode might not be similar to 3 lights in our universe ... ;

ZD ZD; Chip protection; Filter to chip; Also see: FU;  
ZD; Also see: Diodes; Matsushita's Panasonic; ... ;  

For advisers, algorithm analysts, ASIC/ASSP/... programmable hardware logic programmers, designers, developers, researchers, scholars, software engineers, students, teachers, technical consultants, ... , Writing Sheet is available to print out for further idea ... ; Also see: Modular CE;

DEE Density Default; Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering ( Gravity Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol)) ... ;  
