; ; ; ; Updated in 2565 : on 2022 : 3 : 26 : : P vector ;

power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;


e.g. ((4 . Adenine (A)) = (3 . Thymine (T))) ;

e.g. ((4 . Cytosine (C)) = (3 . Guanine (G))) ;

e.g. ((4 . Guanine (G) = (3 . Cytosine (C))) ;

e.g. ((4 . Thymine (T)) = (3 . Adenine (A))) ;

), also see: DNA _Origami;

( I g A I so type, I g D I so type, I g E I so type, I g G I so type, I g M I so type), also see: a G T S U; d G T S U; e G T S U; g G T S U; m G T S U;

Remark: (aqua color with {11,11,11} color) band (definition) for Gene Therapy System;
Remark: ({E3,E3,E3} color with navy color) band (definition) for Gene Therapy System;
Also see: band; band;

Protein; Protein's vector (a.k.a. P vector);
UDNGS, Ultra Deep Next Generation Sequencing;
NGS, Next Gene Sequencing; Protein's vector (a.k.a. P vector);

      Our Earth's Good Protein Wrapper ;
      Our Moon's Good Protein Wrapper ;
      Fukusa Protein ;        
      good protein shielded coat ;    
      good protein coating ;      
      protective protein coating ;      
      protein wrapper ;        
      Also see: Physics Law 789; Plus One (Algorithm);    

Remark: above table is modelled by Maroon Color Borders, with Yellow Color Background, and using (Bio Clock, Gene Therapy System, Pro g Id, z c s Black), and 98 In percent; Please don't change or modify the above table, because designed & modelled for Antiviral (inhibitor, medicine, protein shielded coat, protein wrapper, vaccine, ... ) ... ; using ( Our Earth's Good Protein Wrapper, Our Moon's Good Protein Wrapper) ... ; Also see: c G T S U;

Also see: Physics Law 142, Vector, ... ;

Good Protein Booster; Also see: p G T S U; Physics Law 789; P vector direction;

to understand WHAT is P vector, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing Green Default;

using ( QR Code, QR Code, QR Code), also see: q G T S U; 。ꌁCOVID-19ꌁ。virological viruses (diseases), in 2020。(globally, our earth, worldwide) ... ;

protein; 7pComputer;
bound; 2bComputer;

regarding compound (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 253, Remote Heat Sensing;

setsudo Perturbation, deviation of the defined system, e.g. external magnetic induction vector; e.g. ((process, processed, processing) from its normal (state, stated, stating), (process, processed, processing) from its regular (state, stated, stating)) of moving (item, object, thing) 's path;

structural K factor, in addition to A T C G, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 218; Heat;

ability to cope; Radical86;
base pair (♯, ♯, ♯) ... ;
base pair (♯, ♯, ♯) ... ;

IgA     IgA     IgA;

IgG     IgG     IgG;

IgM     IgM     IgM;

IgA, Immunoglobulin A;
IgG, Immunoglobulin G;
IgM, Immunoglobulin M;

Also see: a G T S U; g G T S U; m G T S U; Physics Law 169, immunological, ... ;

Mendel, Austrian Monk G r e g o r Mendel (1865); e.g.

1/3 , a.k.a. 0.3 , a.k.a. 0.33333 33333  ... ;
Blue-gray _ Incubation Period Inheritance ;      

1st: (1.Blue-gray, 1.Blue-gray) X (1.Brown, 1.Brown); ( induction logic, also see: philosophy) induction logical (2 X 2); Remark: among 46 (total chromosome pairs), excluding (Female (x, x) , Male (x, y)) As 2, so 46 - 2 is 44, And Then, 22 x 22 Chromosome As Pair;
2nd: Parameter: (2.Brown, 2.Blue-gray), (2.Brown, 2.Blue-gray), (2.Brown, 2.Blue-gray), (2.Brown, 2.Blue-gray);
3rd: Parameter: (1/3 : (3.Blue-gray, 1.Brown)) As Blue-gray _Incubation Period Inheritance; a.k.a. always 3:1;

Mendel _ Inheritance ;          

Parent: (1.Purple, 1.Purple) X (1.White, 1.White); ( induction logic, also see: philosophy) induction logical (2 X 2); Remark: among 46 (total chromosome pairs), excluding (Female (x, x) , Male (x, y)) As 2, so 46 - 2 is 44, And Then, 22 x 22 Chromosome As Pair;
1st Generation: Parameter: (2.White, 2.Purple), (2.White, 2.Purple), (2.White, 2.Purple), (2.White, 2.Purple);
2nd Generation: Parameter: (1/3 : (3.Purple, 1.White)) As Mendel _Inheritance; a.k.a. always 3:1;

this DOMAIN _ Protein Inheritance ;      

Gene Therapy System User: (1.Green, 1.Green) X (1.Yellow, 1.Yellow); ( induction logic, also see: philosophy) induction logical (2 X 2); Remark: among 46 (total chromosome pairs), excluding (Female (x, x) , Male (x, y)) As 2, so 46 - 2 is 44, And Then, 22 x 22 Chromosome As Pair;
1st Protein Wrapping Sequence: Parameter: (2.Yellow, 2.Green), (2.Yellow, 2.Green), (2.Yellow, 2.Green), (2.Yellow, 2.Green);
2nd Protein Wrapping Sequence: Parameter: (1/3 : (3.Green, 1.Yellow)) As this DOMAIN _Protein Inheritance; a.k.a. always 3:1;

I wrote: there're many mutations, and Medical Services Provider's cost of defining approx. 500+ mutations would be $2000 United States Dollar, in 2022; I've a quiz regarding (dot, pixel, point) mutation, e.g. ware ware We've a Gene Code of (( A, U), ( C, G)) to be functional protein (RNA Level R&D), and kuru kuru WHILE developing Antiviral Schematic, a Gene Code prompted THAT ((A, C), (C, G)), therefore, doko WHERE (dot, pixel, point) mutation would be?

well trained kids! replied: at the pair of (A, U) sir, regarding (dot, pixel, point) mutation (defined RNA);

I wrote: there're many mutations, and Medical Services Provider's cost of defining approx. 500+ mutations would be $2000 United States Dollar, in 2022; I've a quiz regarding (dot, pixel, point) mutation, e.g. ware ware We've a Gene Code of (( A, T), ( C, G)) to be functional protein (DNA Level R&D), and kuru kuru WHILE developing Antiviral Schematic, a Gene Code prompted THAT ((A, T), (C, A)), therefore, doko WHERE (dot, pixel, point) mutation would be?

well trained kids! replied: at the pair of (C, G) sir, regarding (dot, pixel, point) mutation (defined DNA);

I wrote: regarding (Blue-gray _Incubation Period Inheritance, Mendel _Inheritance, this DOMAIN _ Protein Inheritance), Location (s) . doko WHERE would you like to pinpoint 1/3 (mutations) ?

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We'll focus on 1 (variable), by using 3, so called 1/3 sir, because "Inheritance" prompts (mutate, mutated, mutating, mutation) ... ;

I wrote: inside of Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol, how many of (3 * square ones) files are?

well trained kids! replied: 20 a.k.a. "Mid Jun" sir; 1st 10 days ; 2nd 10 days ; 3rd 10 days ; Also see: JUN _time;

I wrote: circumstances, those (3 * square ones) files are for your own R&D ... ;

well trained kids! replied: arigatoh gozaimasu, thank you;

Also see: i G T S U; Physics Law 145; Protein; P vector direction;

Remark: during COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, (Blue-gray _Incubation Period Inheritance, Mendel _Inheritance, this DOMAIN _ Protein Inheritance), developed for Antiviral Schematic, to define (mutate, mutated, mutating, mutation); ware ware We must be the winners WHO can (defeat, demolish) COVID-19;

M P S P M, Mendel's Punnett Square Probability Model; Based on Mendel's Punnett Square probability model, while binding, 1RR:2Rr:1rr ratio provides 3 good gene with 1 bad gene. In 8 synchronized \ / \ /   clock design, mutation occurs kuru kuru WHILE binding, AND with constraints;

2565; 7/20/2021; NHK News; ( DNA Origami, DNA Origami, DNA Origami) : ( DNA, DNA, DNA) : since (A && T), (C && G) are pairs alike, DNA Origami can be created; Remark: time period of incubation is the key;

as result, DNA Origami As Bio-sensors;
as result, DNA Origami As nanobots;
as result, DNA Origami can be for each cancer screening;
as result, DNA Origami can be (guiding, marking, targeting) materials;
as result, DNA Origami can be used NOT ONLY biological, biomedical, ... , BUT ALSO agricultural ... ;

Also see: DNA Origami;

  Mutation  C  G            
   A AC   OR   CA AG   OR   GA            
   T TC   OR   CT TG   OR   GT            


e.g. regarding (genotype vs. phenotype), genotype (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)) are more likely to be by (black-and-white, gray-scaled), if compare to phenotype (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)) are more likely to be with iroColourWaveForm based color codes e.g. (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)), (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)), (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)), (( A), ( C), ( G), ( T)), ... ; Also see: g G T S U; p G T S U;

Remark: for basic understanding of WHAT is M P S P M, 1st to understand (( Structural G Y R, Structural R Y G) no yellowish variation for our earth only, yellowish variations for human beings livable moons); 2nd to understand HOW directional ("Y" , yellow) based on wormhole parameter (45, 60, 72); 3rd to understand THAT adding "good ones" as Gene Therapy System, and marking "bad ones" (e.g. Tumor Marker) to be targeted (i.e. to be cured), and so on (e.g. M P S P M) ... ; notice and realize that Structural (G Y R, R Y G) is NOT rainbow (spectrum based) method, and since Origin of Sound (approx. 44+ years old technology as of 2019/2563) has been yellow strings (regarding our earth, think of yellow comets hitting a wall of aqua, and then, forming Eccentric _circles alike but carbon nano wall), so we've very very unique 2 patterns (center oriented (nucleolus), circumference oriented (membrane)) only;

bound; hop; jump; leap; spring; vault; Radical715;

notice that READ 2 lines, because 2 is very very unique e.g. navy blue at moon's night and aqua blue at our earth's day are naturally, e.g. high tidal mark and low tidal mark prompts 2 point distance; Remark: very easy to do so, just simply add K factor into your research and development, and instead of reading 1 line, READ 2 lines; quality may increase, regarding mutant patterns; don't forget to have your own patent and your own trade mark; i.e. regarding ACT1 stage; in ACT2 stage, patents and trade marks are owned by organizations; in ACT3 stage imaginary hyper space, all human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by Shakya King;

Artificial Intelligence Gene Therapy System ( protein sensor) ... ;

1 Arc minute As Distance; Also see: Physics Law 234; Physics Law 789; Time;

For each clock, tangent of P vector direction changes upon OR; Regardless of whether [convex lens or concave lens], or [spherical lens or parabolic lens] tangent of P vector direction changes upon OR; kuru kuru WHILE mutating, one of the codes (e.g. A, C, G, T) vary; AND, P vector vary too;

2555+ years old document e.g. 4 Planets Prediction explains HOW Carbon Nano Wall forms (e.g. variable shapes of polygons as surface, because of our earth's Day Time Configuration) ... ;

HMM provides model in linear statistics. In binding world, in the Sun solar system, Markov Chain's state A, state B, and state C can be placed along with 3D xyz coordinates. And then, notice that transitions become in vectors. P vector direction changes upon OR , if HMM in 3D.

IFF Gravity Dimension Computer () a, c, g, t, ... ; 5W1H; Organic Logic Devices;

            4a ;  


;                 5t




        5c ;      
        9t ;      

Because of 4PP (4 Planets Prediction), Carbon Nano Wall happens, biological cell patterns form accordance with planets' dimensional and directional gravity, those biological cells (2 ends of chromosome, telomere of cell) as DNA (Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement idea#130 i.e. Bio Clock vs. Life Span), and then, sequence as gene code; this DOMAIN selects (Good Gene) in numerological dimension, and then, kuru kuru WHILE, do plus one algorithm to increase Life Span, so called 21st century's Gene Therapy System ... ; Until 2013/2557, humanoid assisted gene teleportation system is not done yet; Space BLI auto adjustment system is not done yet; regarding 4PP (4 Planets Prediction),

Plus One algorithm, using good gene to do e.g. cure diseases (Clinical 1st, Specialties 2nd) also see: Knowledge overview of bioinformatics biometrics artificial intelligently globally ... ;

A; C; G; T; immunological cell marker; Also see: Physics Law 169, immunological, ... ;

living organism's constituent of chromosomes (self replicating), carrier of genetic info, also see: DNA;

mRNA e.g.
mRNA-based vaccine program: single nucleoside-modified messenger RNA WHICH included 1 piece of the genetic code of Coronavirus, of COVID-19, of SARS-CoV-2; vaccine trial: investigating efficacy data, immune response, and side effects of the vaccine; Also see: Anti Virus;

Note: P vector, only for PMD, AIDS vaccine, embryos cloning, synthetic tissue, and etc. Also see: Gene; www.canon.com/technology/future/07.html; Space Medicine . Glucocorticoid;

One of the symmetry breaking stages, also read: Pg. 98, [Parallel World, Michio Kaku, 2005];
From O(3) symmetry to O(5) symmetry, WHICH lunar gravitational causes embryo to be ... , from the O(3) to O(5) stage, therefore, so called head and torso, approx. symmetry breaks at 72° to lunar, WHERE in dark room condition + surrounded water condition + ... ; WHEN at the time, 4 planet prediction & JUN time, and then predict rejoining interaction and splitting interaction to begin ... ; M Theory based basic understanding 72°, one of the symmetry cracks, for further research and development of A C G T ... ;

meta analysis, 1st to understand not only holes and sticks , but also meta; 2nd to understand dimension in diff such as numerological dimension in Jun time AND Lunar time [ because light can stimulate cells ... ]; 3rd to classify not only A C G T 's mutant patterns, but also ACT1, ACT2, ACT3 info, [ because 2*6 diff, 3 lights diff, ... ] ;

IFF ( hyper vs. hypo):

doko WHERE hyper is higher than ( >) normal,

doko WHERE hypo is lower than ( <) normal,

using AI to be NORMAL, e.g. Buddha's majjhimā patipadā (i.e. middle path), also see: Numbers in Dhamma ... ;

Remark: P vector direction, and P vector computing logic for PMD, developed in 2003;

Remark: since 2018/2562, this DOMAIN has started Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

vector     vector     vector;

well trained kids! replied: WHY "pair" happened naturally sir ?

I wrote: Umm!!! because of leading 3 naturally, also see: Physics Law 170, ... ; think THAT 3 DEE naturally causes 2 holes ... ; on the 2 holes, strings formed naturally, therefore, "pair" happened naturally; you well trained kids!! need to realize & understand 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space 1st; and then, try to realize & understand (slow-down-time period, slow-down-time period) in -time 2nd; and then, you're own your own ... 3rd, e.g. developing our earth's the most advance ones ... ;

well trained kids! replied: arigatoh gozaimasu, thank you sir; ware ware We've realized & understood THAT carbon nano wall a.k.a. carbon nano world happened naturally in 2,3 dimensional;

I wrote: Aye . mochiron of course;

biological, biomedical, genetic engineering structural, pathological, ... ),  

IFF (without medicine, without vaccine), do NOT attach (bio, biogenetic engineered, biological, biomedical, genetic, genetic engineering structural, pathological) virus to human beings' protein (P) ; virus patterns must NOT be attached to human beings' protein patterns; protein bounds are somehow related to yellow ... , also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 280; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

(pairs of (1&1), pairs of angles, pairs of Bluetooth speakers, pairs of chromosomes, pairs of complementary colors, pairs of corresponding angles, pairs of digits, pairs of directional gravity pressures, pairs of (DNA, RNA), pairs of electrons, pairs of elements, pairs of entities, pairs of eyes, pairs of factors, pairs of floating points, pairs of functions, pairs of genes, pairs of headphones, pairs of homographs, pairs of household items, pairs of instructions, pairs of integers, pairs of ionic bonds, pairs of isomers, pairs of isotopes, pairs of items, pairs of jacks, pairs of kings, pairs of lamps, pairs of linear angles, pairs of lips, pairs of lungs, pairs of mirrors, pairs of names, pairs of numbers, pairs of objects, pairs of (one and one), pairs of opposites, pairs of parallel lines, pairs of parts, pairs of perpendicular lines, pairs of plugs, pairs of quadratic dimensions, pairs of quantities, pairs of resonances, pairs of rings, pairs of shorts, pairs of supplementary, pairs of tickets, pairs of things, pairs of boots, pairs of used jets, pairs of vectors, pairs of vertical angles, pairs of vertical lines, pairs of walls, pairs of wings, pairs of words, pairs of x y, pair of you, pair of zero, pairs of zodiac signs) IFF pin dropped ... ; Also see: very very unique 2;

2564; 2020; our earth; ware ware We were at war against ꌁCOVID-19 virusꌁ pandemic;

WHICH vector to cureCOVID-19ꌁ;
