P vector Computing Logic for PMD     Last updated on 2018/2562 12 22, a full moon day;

2018/2562, this DOMAIN has started its Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
2018/2562, this DOMAIN has started its Manmade Global Weather, and its Naturally Weather Log;

structural K factor, in addition to A T C G, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 218; Heat;

Artificial Intelligence (

P vector direction, and Biometric P vector computing logic for PMD were developed in 2003.

FOR EACH mutation


    IFF Artificial mutation

        yin-yang ;

/* Computer software engineers and hardware engineers must decide here whether yin-yang should be procedure call, or function call */

    IFF Variant mutation

        yin-yang ;

    IFF Chemical mutation

        yin-yang ;

    IFF Chimera mutation

        yin-yang ;

    IFF Enzymatic mutation

        yin-yang ;

    IFF Synthetic mutation

        yin-yang ;

    IFF Signal mutation

        yin-yang ;

ELSE IF Gene mutation . germline mutation /*PGL SDH*/

yin-yang ;


yin-yang ;

/* If function call, computer experts can adjust its return value here */



    yang ← [- -] OR [-] OR [=] OR [+] OR [+ +] OR [0] ;

/* IFF (([+]ion, [-]ion) airborne water vapor), also see: H+, O2-; Otherwise, skip this line */


    FOR EACH yang

        yin ← ((Bond * (Bond - 1)) /2) ;

/*For Monbusho grant awarded developers only: FOR EACH mutation, at temperature T, develop to recognize mutant patterns of  1mm3 of proteins [kDa · each protein's molecular weight] at given 1 second by 8 synchronized-clock-dimension as "conditional statement" here; Also see: Constraints   */


) ... ;

bound; hop; jump; leap; spring; vault; Radical715;

Remark for software engineer (DB) expert only: engineer a function-call string-compare (yang); decide WHAT kind of key for  P Vector (e.g. Primary Key, Foreign Key) ... ; this DOMAIN 's P Vector is royal free for further scientific research (P M D, Protein Mutant Database); Also see: Gene; Space Gene; Space Medicine . Glucocorticoid;
