; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : December : 31st (Tuesday) : j Character ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 31 : 12 : 2024 : j : J : j Character;     Also see: j Usage;

jabber      Java ;

jack      jack      jack      jack      jack ;

jade ;

jade ;

January .     January 1 .     January ;

; ; ; ; Japan      Japan; ; ; ; ;

       Japan 's Flag      

avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

Japanese . Syllabary .HTML;

Naturally Weather Log;

Japan a.k.a. NIPPON e.g.

(ancient laws; orders; Radical1010); (harmony; peace; Radical850); Reiwa;

2024 design model, i.e. world (our earth) 's 1st "normal Yellowish Variation" characters ((Also see: Japanese . Syllabary . HTML)), for world (our earth) 's the most advanced (DOMAIN, hyperlink, Network, Remote Nama Reading RDBMS, URL, Web) NHK (((((https://www3.nhk.or.jp))))) programs; Remark: Anti-Earthquake design model, in addition to (approx. "20+ years of using") Maroon Color characters;

Remark: since October, 2019 ~ (in 21st century & beyond) ... , Reiwa time period of Japan, Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako, .  .  . ;

2563; since October, 2019; Reiwa time period of Japan; Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako, Reiwa era of Japan's s o k u i r e i - s e i d e n - n o - g i a.k.a. enthronement ceremony, Imperial Palace, Japan (our earth);

2019/2563; (emperor of Japan; Radial370), Reiwa era of Japan has begun ( Heisei, the prior one to Reiwa); in NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan) history, abdication (renouncing the throne) by Emperor Akihito in 2019 (at the age of 85+ years), and the emperor Akihito will be the 1st living NIPPON monarch; Naruhito, the Emperor of Japan; "Reiwa" means "beautiful harmony."

(Bay of Bengal, East China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Philippine sea, Sea of Japan, South China Sea), also see: 5bComputer; 8cComputer; 1gComputer; 6iComputer; 2pComputer; 6pComputer; 7sComputer; 2sComputer;

day; Japan; sun; Radical94;

entrance to a home; gate; Japanese style door; narrows; Radical85, also see: Radicals;

I F F GPS ( location) is Japan a.k.a. NIPPON, WHEN abnormal echoes exist at volcano, Manmade Global Weather (Artificial Intelligence gravity spots, 1 meter gravity spots only) to be elevated gravity weight at the volcano i.e. to reduce earthquake;

IFF GPS ( location) is Japan a.k.a. NIPPON, chopping plate alike tsunami by launching Manmade Global Weather (parallel world lines, 1 kilo meter long in length only) into the defined tsunami's location in ocean's surface water i.e. to reduce tsunami;

Impossible Earthquake, also see: Physics Law 79, Impossible Earthquake Structural, ... ;

Japan a.k.a. Nippon;     Japan;

Japan , also see: Numerological9;

Japanese food, also see: Sushi;

Japanese language ;

Japanese online (English-Japanese, Japanese-English) dictionary, also see: jisho .org;

Japanese straw floor covering; Radical923;

Japanese zither (13 strings); Radical313;

J C G, Japan Coast Guard, also see: Automotive;

((Ni (place name); Radical94), (book; origin; Radical662));

nippon; Japanese;

nippon Usage;

"Reiwa" means "beautiful harmony."

System File , n i t o t t e For Anti earthquake . s y s; Remark: special time specific compilation on Heisei King's birthday, a.k.a. Christmas Eve Day, a.k.a. December 24, ( Year) ... ;

traditional Japanese reading (Chinese characters); Radical350;

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (Japan), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

yen, Japanese monetary unit; Radical777;

21st century & beyond; Japanese government should install this DOMAIN 's contents into Japanese government systems, regarding Manmade Global Weather, because (no earthquake, no storm, no tsunami, no volcanic eruption, ... ) are defined by this DOMAIN (Method, Procedure, Technique, system), regarding global security, national security, regional security, ... ; e.g., reduce earthquake in Japan; e.g., reduce tsunami in Japan; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 215, Philosophy;

Anti-Earthquake (Japan) ... ;

don't suicide yourself if you're Japaneses (NOT knowing hidden enemies, NOT knowing hidden foes, so life became very difficult and unpleasant) and lives go on e.g. 2nd life, 3rd life, also see: Reforming Myanmar ... ;

( During Summer Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake, During Winter Japan And Taiwan Avoiding Earthquake), also see: Manmade Global Weather; Physics Law 567; Weather; Remark: this DOMAIN is beyond "nuclear power" of civilizations ... , HOW also see: PHYSICS with metta ... ;

Japan And Taiwan In Winter Avoiding Earthquake, also see: t Character; w Manmade Global Weather;

11/1/2018 /2562; NHK news; NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan) : ( M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i) GPS Satellites, globally ( 4) Satellites are peaceful & tranquil (function, functional, functioning) ... ;

April 3, 2018/2561 NHK news; 1st in NIPPON 's history, royal family's rule & regulation changed e.g. in 2018/2562, the emperor royally transferred head of royal family (the emperor a.k.a. king of the peoples) to the 1st son as new emperor of NIPPON;

Also see: Japan External Trade Organization ( J E T R O) www.jetro.go.jp;

Also see: Japan Meteorological Agency, www.jma.go.jp;

another way to avoid earthquakes, i.e. using (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... ; Remark: using this "dubbing 2 or more ZCS holes as heart beats" As (Method, Procedure, Technique) is NOT "L" (Method, Procedure, Technique); within 26 hr (06/23/20 - 06/24/20), we had earthquakes in both East Pacific and West Pacific; another way to be avoiding earthquakes in the East Pacific, creating cloud artificially e.g. cloudy California in summer time period, at the same time, creating cloud artificially e.g. cloudy Japan in summer time period; since artificially 2 cloudy regions i.e. both East Pacific and West Pacific, And Then, we'll have ZCS hole in the middle i.e. neither East Pacific nor West Pacific, so that we're able to avoid earthquakes in both East Pacific and West Pacific, regarding regional ... ; very easy and simple i.e. using (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... a part of ZCS hole, so THAT "dubbing 2 or more ZCS holes as heart beats" can be using NOT ONLY in this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, BUT ALSO in this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather ... ;

no volcanic eruption in Japan;
no volcanic eruption in the defined location (your defined location e.g. active volcano's name);
Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 67, Avoiding volcanic eruption, ... ;

Also see: Japan National Tourism Organization, www.jnto.go.jp;

Also see: this DOMAIN 's IoT via NFC, e.g. (computer) connected to Internet;

cinnamon tree; Japanese Judas tree;

space : Location ( Japan, Taiwan), also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;

this DOMAIN 's Satellite DNS System (lightning method) i.e. to shoot down any illegal missile; HOW ? also see: Weather;



container; jar; tin can; Radical158;

Java      Java ;

jaw; Radical511;

chin ; jaw ;

next to stomach, 1st part of small intestine, to jejunum; i.e. duodenum, also see: C ph T Root Words;

buck; hop; jerk; leap up; prance; splash; spring; sputter; Radical715;

jerk; tug; Radical815;

((( Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet))) ... ;

jewel ;

jewel l e r y setting; Radical754;

Jiao, one tenth of Yuan, China's monetary unit; Radical181;

j i d o s h a Automotive     j i d o s h a Automotive     j i d o s h a Automotive; Also see: Automotive; Physics Law 118 ... ;

Jin dynasty of China; Radical200;

( jishinkatsudo Seismicity, jishinkatsudo Seismicity) ... ;

J I T      J I T ;

J I T, Just In Time (system) invented by NIPPON ... ;

J I T, also see: Biz;

jitter (e.g. 1990s_Style_BlueJitterAdjustment), also see: Schematic Symbols;

job ;  ;     job ; ;

J o d o Shin Shu, a.k.a. Pure Land, a.k.a. S u k h a v a t i;

join; e.g.

abandon; discard; give up; hurl; invest in; join; launch into; sell at a loss; throw;

( adjoin, closely touch, to graft onto a tree, to join a contact, to piece together, to set bones) ... ;

bind; fasten; join; tie; Radical592;

fit; join; suit; Radical692;

to associate with; to join; to mix with; Radical111;

joule; Joule; Also see: Water Clock (thermodynamics) ... ;

going; journey; Radical176;

tui Joyous; also see: Swastika;

j s, Java Script ... ;

( JST, JST, JST, JST), Japan Standard Time ... ;

s u r u : ( to be; to be sensed (noise, smell, etc.); to color; to cost; to decide; to do; to feel; to file; to frost glass; to judge; to lose a match; to pass elapsing time; to pick; to place; to print; to rub; to serve; to think; to transform; to use; to wear ) ... ;

judgment based on something (heard, read);
judge m e n t based on something (heard, read); Radical951;

fluid; juice; liquid; sap; secretion; Radical310;

juice ;

7 July ;

bound; hop; jump; leap; spring; vault; Radical715;

jumper      jumper ;

JUN time ;

1st 10 days ;

2nd 10 days ;

3rd 10 days ;


also see: Lunar time e.g. 2 * 7;

June .     June 6 ;

jungle ;

approx. 103+ moons of the Jupiter, and Complexity Region of ( Moon Wave, Moon Wave, Moon Wave) moon waves ... , also see: Physics Law 234 ... ; Rakhine;

control; wind-instrument; jurisdiction; Radical555;

just; e.g.

Admiral; and again; Commander; from now on; General; just about; Leader; or; Soon;

half * ; just a little; partially; semi * ; somehow; somewhat; vaguely; Radical129;

IFF adverb: just; merely; only; simply; Radical321;

IFF conjunction: again; and; from now on; just about; or; soon; Radical344;

just; natural; reasonable; Radical263;

just      just ; Also see: j Usage;

to handle (just a verb); bic;

arrangement; justice; truth; Radical598;

justice system's greater court ranks; senior; upper; Radical567;


cannabis; flax; hemp fiber; hemp plant; jute; linen; Radical237;

juten (fill, filled, filling) ... , also see: Physics Law 61, ... ;
