; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : October : 14th (Saturday) : Shakya : a.k.a. Swastika ;

    Tao     symbol of gate
      s a m s ā r a   way to ...  
  CCW _ Shakya ; symbol of gate
  CW _ Shakya ; way to ;  

All human beings livable moons in our universes are owned by Shakya King;

at the age of (approx. 60+ years), IFF developing imaginary hyper space systems, suggestion to the Shakya King would be : dispatch (( soshin Send; Radical767), ( jushin Receive; Radical417)) "flag" and "keyword" by slow-down-time period (i.e. regarding Synchronization), also see: -time;

e.g. "slow-down-time" period Century;
e.g. "slow-down-time" period Decade;
e.g. "slow-down-time" period Year;
e.g. "slow-down-time" period Month;
e.g. "slow-down-time" period Week;

regarding Water R&D, using ((Green Color, Purple Color) . ( pH, pH)), And Then, also see: Nanobot . Programming . Mapper . HTML ;

Shakya Synchronization; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 154, clocks, ... ;


After reading this page, pagoda should be read ... ;

IFF is solar system orbit, is 2,3 dimensional orbit ... ; IFF is 2,3 dimensional orbit, is solar system orbit; a.k.a. ACT2 ... ; 2 directional shakya; IFF 2 * 6 in 1 dimension, outward of (solar system orbit and 2,3 dimensional orbit) i.e. 3,4 dimensional orbit ... ; a.k.a. ACT3 ... ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( AI ( 5W1H) ) WHEN multi time lines, WHAT kind of space crafts, WHICH directional orbit (i.e. solar system orbit, 2,3 dimensional orbit, 3,4 dimensional orbit) , WHERE UPS (i.e. Universal Positioning System) location, WHO locks or unlocks, HOW multi directional shakya are ... ;

IFF directional gravity, using GPS, also see: G D C ... ; e.g. Normal Gravity and then ... ;

IFF in Pali language (a.k.a. religious script language (by sound only, uttered) in Buddhism), also see: c Pali; in Union of Myanmar's language, cakka, a.k.a. Shakya;

In China, it is pronounced "wan-zi", interpreted as an emblem of immortality;

In India, the character was used in 2500 ~ 1500 B.C., M o h e n j o - D a r o, a good luck symbol;

In Union of Myanmar, pronunciation "Shakya" refers to ( symbol OR symbol ); Pronunciation "m u n i" might be derived from A r a k a n a.k.a. Rakhine [also see: 90,000 pagoda], and suffix "m u n i" to Buddha statue ... ; also see: M a h a m u n i; Shakyamuni;

In Union of Myanmar, there has been "dhamma shakya", a coined usage of "dhamma" and "Shakya" ... ;

regarding shakya (our universe, our universes, universal, universally), for each human beings livable moon, for measuring yellowish variation and its reversed yellowish variation, IFF 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, 24 pisayo must be variable ... ;

a.k.a. TAO symbol, a.k.a. Yin and Yang symbol, also see:

c h i e n Creative,

kun Receptive,

chen Arousing,

sun Gentle,

tui Joyous,

ken Mountain,

kan Abysmal,

l i Clinging;

IFF compass direction, also see: Pa K u a, in the book I C h i n g (a.k.a. Book of Changes);

numerological dimension is induction alike, also see: philosophy; e.g.

IFF numerological dimension ( 6) also see: Lo Shu; any direction; 3 layers; China's invention;
IFF numerological dimension ( 9) also see: 9x9 a.k.a. Sudoku game; directions; 2D (i.e. X, Y); Nippon's invention;
IFF Brunching Factor (e.g. BF2) in 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space, also see: C Sequence Number ( DEE) ; a ("Tarzan") 's invention;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. if you design & model (6, and 9) dimensional mapping (numerological), WHAT would be the another wording?

well trained kids!! replied: (Core, Edge) sir, also see: Physics Law 234;

if Solar System traveling, imaginary hyperspace craft designer must change (3Phase_IC_EM*) 's Color Codes, e.g. Hydrogen means Maroon Red; e.g. Oxygen means Aqua Green;  e.g. Nitrogen means Silver; and so on ... ; (from Hydrogen to Water) i.e. fuel cells (originally invented by Japanese & Korean), And Then, Water to Hydrogen and Oxygen again means 1 Cycle, And Then, potential diff via Oxygen ... ; our earth only (Blue, Red); Also see: Electricity Power Plug; Physic Law 198; Swastika;

(Lao Tsu, a.k.a. L a o - T s e, a.k.a. Lao Tzu, a.k.a. Laozi); Confucius; Taoism;
Lao Tsu, author of Tao Te C h i n g;
Tao Te C h i n g, a.k.a. I C h i n g; The I C h i n g OR BOOK OF CHANGES, also see: Referenced Books;
Taoism, a traditional Chinese religion;
Yi J i n g, a.k.a. I CHING (book of changes, classic of changes) ... ;

One of the oldest characters in both China AND India;

Shakya (DEE) : e.g. CCW _Shakya; e.g. CW _Shakya;

solar system might be moving from GREEN to BLUE; to understand HOW could that be?

1st to under Radical7, also see: Radicals; e.g. WHY written intentionally and precisely as upper horizontal line is shorter than lower horizontal line;

2nd to define GREEN and BLUE, also see: iro LED structural environment;

3rd to develop & prove our solar system might be moving from GREEN to BLUE ... ; to do so, start with DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ;

Swastika is usage "MAHA" alike, found in both Indian Civilization and Eastern Civilization; Also see: , , Rakhine;

The character (shakya) can be angled clock-wise, or counter-clock-wise;

The character (shakya) can be seen, "seal of the heart of Buddha"; also see: BuddhaNamoAmitabhaTaiwan2003;

THIS character can also represent DNA, because the double strands of the DNA ... ; 285 double strand s 66 285 DNA;

THIS symbol (i.e. shakya symbol) can be seen among Buddha statues, shrine compounds, temple entrances, in Japan (i.e. Nippon), in Taiwan, originally in Asia  ... ;

YIN and YANG, cause-and-effect, pros and cons, swastika, ... ; 2;
