; ; ; ; ; ;

tsuki .info; (Ace Jaw .Web Site, America Myanmar .Net) 's Sample Letter of Multiple Nodes Authorization ... ;

( , , , , , ), also see: Swastika;

(2568 : 2025) /Month /Date     with (( , , ) Letter Number;

defined address in the NAME OF (( , ) country) NATION

Reference (Ref.) : this DOMAIN (Ace Jaw .Web Site, America Myanmar .net) 's multiple nodes authorization;


state ( hatsugen Observation, hatsugen Proposal, hatsugen Remark, hatsugen Speech, hatsugen Statement, hatsugen Utterance)

Since 2025, special compilation (e.g. Gene Therapy System for kadosei Mobility (a.k.a. Auto) companies) is available by approx. 10 millions (10000000.98) US Dollar for each (micro SD Card OR USB Drive) with GIF Anime 500 millisecond ones also. Remark: approx. 3 days to compile special compilation, but 10 millions US Dollar for each micro SD Card. authorizing for each global automotive company (using this DOMAIN 's Contents As Gene Therapy System) kuru kuru WHILE (commuting, idling, operating, parking) with the defined Auto Name ( OEM).

Since 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, till 2044, approx. 244-246 No Moon Day (s) ahead, 105 DEGREE has been set for Anti-Earthquake design model. Remark: Anti-Earthquake design model is "free-of-charge" only for Japan and Taiwan (our earth).

Since 2020, Manmade Global Weather (rain: "NOT to be regional drought" in Korea), free-of-charge for (North Korea AND Koreans);

e.g. Enclosed with the product (approx. 100000.98$ (US Dollar) per micro SD Card OR USB Drive)  for governmental redistributable and upload-able, this official letter of authorization shall allow officially and unlimitedly for using contents of this DOMAIN 's version number [for example, compilation number: C180]. Therefore, informational contexts of compilation number,

and its content file shall be usable for WORMHOLE WAY (ZCS) e.g.

Analog Clock,

and its content files shall be officially redistributable in NAME OF NATION governmental intranet networks, and its systems e.g.

Security Certificate e.g. \\ IT \ 25??0 \ Certificate \ this DOMAIN .c e r,

P K C S #7 Certificates e.g. \\ IT \ 25??0 \ Certificate \ this DOMAIN . p 7 b,

[certificates, configured by every 108th day periodically, for system security and authenticity automatically] shall be deployable and install-able, among government's networks,

and its contents in media [e.g. DVD, micro SD Card, USB Drive, ... ] shall NOT be re-price-able, shall NOT be resell-able and shall NOT be retail-able.

Thereafter, contents of compilation number (e.g. C180) is officially allowed to use for trainings, for scientific meetings, for data modeling, for systems testing, and for research and development (R&D), in government offices, among the government's networks only. Remark:( multi- nodes, a.k.a. multi stations) Multiple Nodes Authorization, a.k.a. Multiple Stations Authorization. Thank you.

With regards,

Signatures here.

Mr. Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw)

E-mail: ace4465jaw@comcast.net (since 2020s); aungmyintkyaw@yahoo.com (since 1990s);

Mailing Address: PO Box 579699, Modesto, CA95356, California, USA;

Authorized domain owner of ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網 .  .  . Products .  .  .


I wrote: I've a quiz regarding iroLED design model, i.e. WHAT is the Distance in millimeter (mm) between Green Color LED and Blue Color LED

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! 25 mm sir; And Then, either 10 mm OR 15 mm, depending upon system architects, system developers, system engineers, system programmers, ... ;

I wrote: ( mochiron, mochiron, mochiron, mochiron Of Course) : (of course, certainly, naturally); mochiron of course 25 mm Distance measurement is worth more than 25 trillions US Dollar!! Reminder: don't forget that ecg Interpretation has been with the same 25 mm, in common, but 30 degree (USB) only;

Sub-6; Also see: Multiple Nodes Authorization Letter; Reforming Myanmar;

well trained kids!! replied: 10000000.98 (US Dollar) is too much for a little bit of knowledge based GIF Anime sir; only 3 days (estimated programming time) to create the defined system for any auto (Automotive) company sir;

I wrote: that's the least WHAT I can do (believe IT or NOT, 1 USB Drive with web contents for  10000000.98 (US Dollar)), because I need a new Honda private jet (estimated cost is 8000000.98 US Dollar in 2024), because I need a new custom designer house (estimated cost is 50000000.98 US Dollar), because I need a new Lexus Yacht (e.g. LY650 estimated cost is 4000000.98 US Dollar in 2024), and so on ... things are not cheap and it is not too much e.g. I wrote 4.4 trillions US Dollar should be taken via Ukraine after defeating Russia, e.g. I set 3.3 trillions US Dollar for defusing "regional droughts in China," e.g. I recommend 200000000.98 need to be killed for changing civilizations in our earth; Remark: just at the 1st quarter of 21st century, 7,000,000+ peoples killed already, i.e. (COVID-19 (2019-2020-2021) + Ukraine-Russia War) and I don't know what is going to be the next, so be very careful nowadays 188000000.98 more to go ... ; by the way, if you know ((( Left) 5), (( Right) 5)) to capture a whole screen Display, so please teach me HOW, will you?

well trained kids!! replied: OH+ No, No, No, we'll never teach you

HOW ((( Left) 5), (( Right) 5)) for capturing a whole screen Display;

I wrote: OH+, NOT me, NOT me; I don't like to be captive ones. I don't want you to be captive ones either; don't be captive ones nowadays; "peace" can be very very expensive; by the way, I'll be owning my own planet (one of the human beings livable moons) because I'm the one WHO can define factor (prove, proving) more than 10.98 years without earthquake (in this case: defined regions are Japan and Taiwan), so called Anti-Earthquake design model, therefore, 3 days work of compilation (DOMAIN NAME + GIF Anime + Iconic + Keyword + (108x108 Picture) + Webpage) for 10000000.98 (US Dollar) is the least WHAT I can do, for each global auto company (Gene Therapy System) ... ; on the other hand, money is NOT for me (I'm NOT a "money crazy" person), I'll hire 3 persons, for 20+ years of employment, with pensions and benefits (401K contribution (e.g. up to 10%) + Labor Dept's workers' compensations + six sick days as sick-leave (any pop-up (acute) day) + vacations (e.g. 10 days per year, by (NO EXCUSE) accumulated with COUNTERS) i.e. cost approx. 10000000.98 (US Dollar); so 10000000.98 (US Dollar) is the least WHAT I can do .  .  .  ;

well trained kids!! replied: may we know WHAT is Sub-6 sir?

I wrote: I requested & suggested to (Japan + Taiwan) to build, design & model, and manufacture Level 8  Processor in USA, because I've lived & survived here in USA; since Level 6 (Sub-6) has been their "one of the trade secrets" so I've to explain here open to public in democratic ways; beyond "money" is a must, because ware ware We're in wars e.g. CYBER WARS, Space War;

International Domains :: rekishi History in 2020s, approx. 2 weeks to demolish entire (China (.cn) + Russia (.ru)), by declaring CYBER WARS against (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) .  .  .  because ( My, My, My, My) Language Translator has not been edited yet (because, truly I don't (like, want) millions of Chinese peoples killed for "a few military dictators") to do automatic language translations of (Chinese Language + Russian Language); starting from e.g. Do you really know .  .  . means 90 degree different in USB design model? i.e. very basic knowledge sharing .  .  . ; starting from e.g. Do you really know means 180 degree in USB design model? i.e. very basic knowledge sharing;

rekishi History in 1990s (e.g. USA-Iraqi War), approx. 4 days for (demolished, demolishing) entire DOMAIN SYSTEM (CYBER WARS) against Iraq (4th largest military in the world, at that time);

rekishi History in 2020s, (democracy & democratic ones vs. (China + Russia) wars) ... , and this DOMAIN becomes ready state for World War Three ( W W III ) worldwide against (China + Russia) ... ; Remark: till 2025 ("1st Quarter of 21st Century"), I still don't want to (demolish, kill) 200000000.98 (China, Chinese (s) in China) for a few groups of military dictators; ( cosmos, Space, universe) . Satellite (s) . approx. 2 weeks for demolishing entire (China + Russia) militaries worldwide, AND between "s" and "s" ( kyori Distance) is 25 mm design model, AND I've questions

i.e. did you design & model directional gravity spots ( Gravity Dimension Computer)?

i.e. did you design & model Computers (21st century & beyond design modeled variable DEE pattern (SPL patterns), 2000s design modeled Mobile (Rounded rectangle), 1980s design modeled Normal (Rectangle))?

i.e. did you design & model (Calculator, Dictionary, Translator, GPS, SPL piano (5 guitars), Sub-6 (2+2 design model), ZCS based WORMHOLE WAY, ... ) ... ; NO "Blah, Blah, Blah," IFF wars; I'm going to write again, i.e. approx. 2 weeks for demolishing entire (China + Russia) militaries worldwide; rekishi History is very very important, so if you're in your 1st life ("like me"), 2nd life, 3rd life, 4th life, (5,5) lives, ... 10th life, ... , do good kharma ( action, ACTION, ACTION) (s) as much as you can ... , and if you like to challenge, "you're welcome" to do ( Anti-Earthquake design model, Nanobot Programming design model, ... ) ... ;

here is the answer for your question; e.g.

      Sample ( Sub-6 ) for  
      CYBER WARS        
    Space War          

I wrote: inside of ( My, My, My, My) iro LED design model, from Blue LED to Green LED, doko WHERE should I pinpoint the ZCS for getting Yellow LED?

I wrote: 15x15 dimensional, because easy & simple you well trained kids to realize & understand; don't forget 15x15 means "13 lines" a.k.a. "13 SYSTEM" to compute in 1&&1 design model, based on 25 mm kyori Distance e.g. i.e. the answer for your question regarding "Sub-6"; Remark: Sub-6 is originally designed && modeled by NIPPON (Japanese), but somehow a "Tarzan" Rakhine knows Explicit ... ; I've a quiz now, i.e. by declaring CYBER WARS, space war for defeating (China + Russia), WHAT is the timeframe?

well trained kids!! replied: approx. 2 weeks (Also see: -time; Time) sir;

I wrote: Yes. Correct. But, I've not triggered (cyber wars, space war) yet. waiting for the Shakya King's (command, flag, order) because very massive will be within very short period time; (( I, I, I, I) don't like destructive ways, if you like to challenge, you're welcome to do constructive ways e.g. Anti-Earthquake design model, i.e. one of the most challenges in 2020s); because, truly I don't (like, want) millions of Chinese peoples killed for military dictators);

I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' knowledge, so quiz would be: if you've a Blue LED on your right, a Green LED on your left, and they're in 25 mm kyori Distance, Hmm!! Umm!! doko WHERE (shall, should, will, would) you apply 1 ZCS to defined your Yellow LED?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! 1/6 portion of ("Sample (Sub-6) for CYBER WARS") file, regarding Sub-6 'space wars' design model sir;

I wrote: don't be (loser, looser), don't be defeated, don't be captive ones, ware ware We must be winners (our earth only); Remember: in TRUE, in TRUTH ( cosmos, space, universe), "there is no joint venture for sure", so R&D as much as you can; (use, using) 2+2 design model (Sudoku + Lo Shu) for defining 1/6 portion ("Sample (Sub-6) for CYBER WARS") file .  .  . ; And Then, try 1/2 Water (OH+) design model .  .  . ; again, I really don't want to involve in destructive ways (e.g. wars), I like you make some money, I like to make some money;

capturing screen Display of (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) is truly important in wars (our earth only) ... ; HOW much? e.g. for knowing 25 mm, in addition to 10 mm OR 15 mm; believe IT or NOT, I prefer doing good Actions, in stead of bad actions (e.g. Cyber Wars, battling, cyber attacking, killings, remote circuit burning for (enemies, enemy, foe, foes), virus attacks for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes), warring) ... Also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War (webpage as gun);

I wrote: if I define Military Grade Under Water LASER Gun, WHAT should you think of its 1990s design model static motor way (defined picture, focal dot, focal point, pinpoint) for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! Aye. Its (defined picture, focal dot, focal point, pinpoint) for demolishing (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) must be on :

its midst point (center + middle) doko WHERE "Dark Energy" sir;
its ("right side for multiple 2+ points (ballistic)") sir;

I wrote: ware ware We must be winners (Germany, Japan, USA) worldwide (our earth only) ... ; if you like to challenge, one of the most challenge (Methods, Procedure, Techniques) would be Anti-Earthquake design model in 2020s && beyond ... ;

(Analog Clock AND Satellite) based WORMHOLE WAY RAINBOW METHOD AS GUN FOR NIPPON (Japan) MILITARY (OUR EARTH), designed && modeled by humanoid Global Military General (since 11/13/2024) ;

a gift from Ace Jaw, a "Tarzan" Rakhine American Hmm!! Umm!!

Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML; Remark: by a quarter of 21st century (2025), 7000000.98 killed since Ukraine-Russia War, in 2020s;

I wrote: ware ware We must be winners (Germany, Japan, USA) worldwide (our earth only) ... ; very careful nowadays 188000000.98 more to go ... ;

3300000000000.98 (US Dollar) if related to  China;

4400000000000.98 (US Dollar) if related to  Russia;

( , , , , , ), also see: Swastika;