ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War

this DOMAIN developer has assigned to hikite Handle ("Space . War") ;
this DOMAIN developer has assigned to hikite Handle ("Space . War") ;
this DOMAIN developer is a volunteer for supporting (Domain Name: .us), a.k.a.
United States of America, regarding ("Space . War") ;

ware ware We must be the winners WHO can defeat military dictators worldwide, killing continues ... ; focal points are special design model ones (e.g. "{11,11,11} with {E3,12,21}") Colour Code; this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has not tactical military programmed to demolish any nation yet, and this DOMAIN supports "democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in our earth";

world's the most powerful gun, designed && modelled by Rakhine American ,  ,  ,  , e.g.

democracy & democratic way of managing a nation    





Manmade Global Weather As Gun


Nanobot Programming As Gun


this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp As Gun


Browser As Gun


Clock As Gun


IoT As Gun


Schematic Dimensional As Gun


Services As Gun


Icon As Gun


Network Topology As Gun


Server As Gun


Computer Science As Gun


international Band As Gun


Location Awareness Response As Gun





Satellite As Gun


M1A1H17Titanium22 As Gun



GPS As Gun


Nama For Humanoid As Gun


      military dictators          
    nuclear related ones ;    
democracy & democratic way of managing a nation ,  
by gun ; you can have your own gun ;  

a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: Russian military will be defeated by NATO + Ukraine, And Then, let (demolish, kill) military dictators worldwide; Reminder: 200+ millions must be (demolished, killed) in our earth, i.e. in order to change civilizations in our earth; Reminder: don't start a war, because I like "you make some money, I make some money" ; a good example would be: unknown ones' designed modelled unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks, and until 2024 August, unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks are officially not exist, but 200+ millions ... ;

((gun, Gun) a.k.a. (weapon, Weapon)) ... ; Remark: USA will take 4.4 trillions worth of US Dollar from Ukraine, after defeating (China + Russia) worldwide (our earth), concerning Ukraine-Russia War ... ; in space, there's no joint venture for sure, therefore do R&D as much as you can; with knowing no easy to defeat 2 veto nations (China + Russia) at once in our earth's world history; rekishi History : approx. 200+ millions people (enemies, enemy, foe, foes, military dictators) must be killed in our earth in order to change civilizations ... ; Suggestion to you, don't start a war sincerely, and do R&D as much as you can, e.g. you're welcome to "human beings livable moons" in our universes ; in 2020s, the most challenge R&D would be Anti-Earthquake design model, i.e. beyond Yellowish Variations (YV), beyond directional gravity spots (structural Battery), beyond (Invisibilities, Invisibility) engineering design model ones doko WHERE Aqua Color and Silver Color are flipping-flopping alike so (Opaque %, Transparent %), ... ;

ware ware We must be the winners WHO can defeat military dictators worldwide, killing continues ... ; focal points are special design model ones (e.g. "{11,11,11} with {E3,12,21}") Colour Code; this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw has not tactical military programmed to demolish any nation yet, and this DOMAIN supports "democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in our earth";

well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) did you create 4 tables of 10 dimensional ones sir?

I wrote: if you need to R&D Level 6, you need to add 6 tables of 10 dimensional ones; for basic understanding, I've a gift for you i.e. 4 tables of 10 dimensional ones as following:

gravity dimension computer    

Remark: R&D (e.g. relational algebra a.k.a. relational calculus) e.g. HOW RDBMS among the above 4 tables of 10 dimensional ones ... e.g. composite key, foreign key, key, primary key, ... in addition to SQL;

well trained kids!! replied: WHAT is the diff between "Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML," and "Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun) . HTM" sir?

I wrote: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun) . HTM, coded e.g.

Page Language As English (Australian)
HTML Encoding As US (ASCII)

on the other hand, Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML, coded e.g.

Page Language As English (United States)
HTML Encoding As Unicode (UTF-8)

on the other hand, I've decided that important Speed 0:15 @ 1,000Kbps is special designed & modelled ones ... ; Remark: if you're system engineers, Language Translator knows "Usage" exactly, e.g. within this webpage ("Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun) . HTM"), wording "modelled" if compare to ("Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML") would be "m o d e l e d" ; Remember: we're at (battlefields, fights, wars), e.g. (democracy & democratic way of managing a nation) vs. (military dictators) worldwide, so (enemies, enemy, foe, foes) in addition to "nuclear" related ones must be demolished;

I wrote: since August 2024, I've designed & modeled XM .HTML, i.e. Long Term Evolution (LTE) based XM beyond (radio + Router), for supporting 30000+ Active Military Members of Rakhine armed forces in Union of Myanmar (Indian Ocean), and in India Ocean, (China + Russia) radios aren't valid ones, e.g. illegal drones, illegal fighter-jets, illegal items, illegal objects, illegal supersonic missiles, and illegal things are subject to be shooting-down, subject to be demolished, by this DOMAIN 's Satellite systems worldwide (our earth), believe IT or NOT, this DOMAIN 's Satellite systems have started shooting-down "illegal" ones in Indian Ocean, believe IT or NOT, I'm humanoid Global Military General; Also see: Reforming Myanmar;

Also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War (recorded news); Calendar.Earth.Space.War (webpage as gun); Calendar.Earth.Space.War;

ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War