; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : July : 14th (Sunday) : Schematic Dimensional ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 14 : 7 : 2024 : Schematic dimensional : Brief Introduction: 21st century & beyond, this DOMAIN 's content (s) development, a part of Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization for changing civilizations, educated/lectured/taught & written by Rakhine American Ace Jaw (a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw); power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil ... ; Approx. 32 symbols available to read;

As Is - No Warranty, e.g. Milky Way As String, And Then, our earth (Anti-Earthquake) Gravity Spots As Hole, because very very very difficult to define HOW Purple Color (Fusion) to Aqua Blue (our earth) in 3,4 dimensional, 2,3 dimensional, ... ;

beyond year 2000s design model (GPS) with 2 (1 mm) gravity spots built-in but in 2020s, As Is - No Warranty WHICH means if you like to have your own gravity spots, you must be thoroughly realize && understood lights;

Also see: Action; Gravity Dimension Computer; Schematic Dimensional;

AI for fresh water or salt water, doko WHERE Akoya pearls prompt ((Circle if Salt-Water), (Oval if Fresh-Water)) ... ;

Origin of Nama;
Also see: Idea Processor; MD; Nama For Humanoid; n G T S U; n Pali; Schematic Dimensional;

2566 _ 03032023 _ sunset time period _ Northern Hemisphere _ Venus and Jupiter as 2 gravity spots in the western sky, also see: Schematic Light; Schematic Symbols;

2566; 2023; Anti-Earthquake : default axis with Navy-Blue Silver gravity pressure; Also see: Algorithm; c Character Extension 1; Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather;

2565; 2022; inside of ribcage life-after-life kaya _Body; Also see: b G T S U; k Pali; Physics Law 1024; Schematic Dimensional; Schematic Symbols;

2565; 2022; Schematic Lipid;

2565; 2021; ZCSH, Zero Curvature Surface Hole ... ;

2565; 2021; YV, Yellowish Variations ... ;

2565; 2021; WWMLLNL, WORMHOLE Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser ... ;

2565; 2021; W6SDB, (Wrap, Wrapped, Wrapping) 6 Surfaced DEE Box ... ;

2565; 2021; VDP, Variable DEE Patterns ... ;

2565; 2021; SRB, Structural Rechargeable Battery ... ; Also see: structural Battery;

2565; 2021; SPL, Sound Pressure Level ... ;

2565; 2021; SBSBP, SPL Based Sound Beam Projectile ... ;

2565; 2021; RZMRC, Restricted Zombie Machine's Regenerated Cells ... ;

2565; 2021; PSTL, Protection Shield To LASER ... ;

2565; 2021; NIDGL, Northbound Indicator Digital Green Line ... ;

2565; 2021; NFC IOT, Near Field Communication Internet Of Things ... ;

2565; 2021; FZLS, Fetching ZCS Light Sheet ... ;

2565; 2021; EWC, Elevating Without Combustion ... ;

2565; 2021; DGS, Directional Gravity Spot ... ;

Also see: Physics Law 888, New Energy, ... ;


Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization ( Gravity Dimension Computer) ... ;

using aqua or cyan as normal gravitation; timeless idea at top, with-momentum (e.g. 2Rings) at bottom;

As Is - No Warranty;
since 03/28/2024, 12:28PM, 18K File, ... also see: Distance; Physics Law 456; Physics Law 567; this DOMAIN; i.e. Anti-Earthquake design model  .  .  .  .  . ;

Gravity Pressure Share Radical;

also see: Radicals;

Mussel _ v s _ Scallop; 108 x 108; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 206; Designing Animal o id; accordance with this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts' Gray Scale Simulation results, the pattern (gray, silver) causes light's intensity (e.g. color); for each ACT3 stage imaginary hyper space craft, for mapping our universes project; 1st to understand idea ♯ 178, Time (Bio Clock) 's Space (e.g. floating points) ... ; 2nd to understand this DOMAIN has been adjusted Time by , 3rd, you're on your own e.g. "Nested Theory" vs. "Big Bang Theory" ... ; (2 * 6) dimensional in our universes ... ; Reminder: 108 (3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 7, 10) in ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7));

I F F ACT2, micro SD 's sides (DEE pattern, straight line) doko WHERE 90° to the straight line (one of the sides of micro SD) forms DEE lines (8, 1) in parallel; after understanding micro SD design (ACT1 space 1D light to the side, also see: Schematic Light), and then, DEE dot to blue (refer to our earth retrospectively from space) forms 2 greens (a.k.a. green vs. green); Remark: in 1970s, my 1st Casio LED watch was 1 green surface with 1 DEE dot, at that time, this DOMAIN developer did not understand 2 greens (e.g. green vs. green);  I F F 60°, e.g. camera (focus) to one & only the sun (a.k.a. 1 way DEE and BF2, the biggest visible gravity spot among 7 (refer to our earth, with seven gravity spots, and please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun), the largest energy) and notice that 6 lights in curvature (in this case, refer to zero curvature surface) from 2,3 dimensional space ... ; Remark: in 2010s, beyond human beings livable moons in our universes with yellowish variations, this schematic symbol was created, and this schematic symbol looks very very very easy and simply; on the other hand, very very very difficult HOW to do reversely in "slow down time" to SYNC no yellowish variation (refer to ACT2 space with yellowish variations);

light INSTINCT upward; light INSTINCT; lights behave like bio cells; this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS law twenty eight; single entity of light joins to be together; "Bold Tie" structural design may begin ... ;
light INSTINCT right; light INSTINCT; lights behave like bio cells; this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS law twenty eight; single entity of light joins to be together; "Bold Tie" structural design may begin ... ;
light INSTINCT left; light INSTINCT; lights behave like bio cells; this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS law twenty eight; single entity of light joins to be together; "Bold Tie" structural design may begin ... ;
light INSTINCT downward; light INSTINCT; lights behave like bio cells; this DOMAIN 's PHYSICS law twenty eight; single entity of light joins to be together; "Bold Tie" structural design may begin ... ;
approx. Time to penetrate 3,4 dimensional bio Physics; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Physics Law 132; Remark: our earth only;

Also see: PHYSICS, law seventy five ... , regarding HOW this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts handle DEE ... ;

((act; carry out; conduct; Radical176), (advance; proceed; progress; promote; Radical796));

Origin of BF2 Black;
Origin of BF2 Gray;
D G P C P, Directional Gravity Pressure Connector Port; Triangle shape; 3+ color codes;
our earth 's normal Yellowish1, for defining "no yellowish variation" in Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE); however, yellowish variations EXIST on many human beings livable moons;
Naturally Exist Cracks In Blue;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 273, HOW to avoid earthquakes;

Naturally Green Ones Because Of Salt;
D R Z C S, Dark Red Zero Curvature Surface;
R Z C S, Red Zero Curvature Surface;
suingu Swing-by Gravity Time ;
ACT3 a.k.a. 3,4 dimensional; think that ACT3 imaginary space is outer side of 2 Rings momentum (our universes); gray scaled simulation; beyond red; 4 gravity spots for each "Bold Tie" ... ;
2LDEE, two (2) Layered Dark Energy Engineering; Also see: PHYSICS law sixty two ... ;
Blue Screen;
Green Screen;
Red Screen;
Yellow Screen;

Air _ Negative; think that DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space (a.k.a. ACT3 level space), maroon (brownish red) color is limitation and its mouth to be capturing greenish (yellowish variation), so called Air _ Negative, esp. designed for interior living environment of imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; Remark: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

prior to BF2; 3,4 dimensional (stem) very very very far away in distance, in our universes, prior to branching factor 2 (a.k.a. brunching factor 2) of C Sequence Number;

Retrospective To Our Solar System; IFF our earth, heat and light are at the same location; on human beings livable moons, heat and light are NOT at the same location; remote heat sensing by C Sequence Number (BF2); Retrospective To Our Solar System;

Two Events Of 90 Degree; (2*6) is a part of ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)); pivot ( 2, a.k.a. very very unique in many ways e.g. Yin and Yang, coexistence) with (5, 6, 7) variations; (2*6) momentum is for measuring our universe's depth a.k.a. Z-index; Also see: 3, e.g. 3 lights are at 90 degree, e.g. 108 configuration's one of the parameters, ... ;
Turquoise Yellow Purple Gray; Space . iro LED;

for both 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space, and 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space;

2 gravity spots based ( GPS) structural;
6 remote heat sensing: IFF 2 @ X, And Then, 4 @ Y; IFF 2 @ Y, And Then, 4 @ X;
DEE _ Mouth; mouth happens naturally because of 2,3 dimensional DEE _ Mouth; 1st to understand parallel DEE on human beings livable moons; 2nd to understand our earth's carbon nano wall (polygons) vs. parallel DEE; 3rd to understand "gray" has been naturally for both 2,3 dimensional and 3,4 dimensional; (("ahara" , "ahaya" ) eat, inhabitance, to be energetic), also see: Idea Processor;
H O E B T V T Z I; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 276, Z-index Heat Sensing;
V O E B T V T Z I;
EDGE _ Board; (45, 60, 72); (90, 180);
USB handled 1 line on ZCS, also see: PHYSICS law sixty one ... ;  Remark: one of the DEE _ Mouth methods & technologies ... ; to avoid earthquake in the defined region, we've started 3 lights of 90° i.e. (2*6) dimensional & directional idea, and DEE _ Mouth methods & technologies ... ;
Another Way To Define 1 Way DEE; IFF location is our earth, this symbol's knowledge is beyond (3 lights, 1 EM Pull, 1 DEE Line); Remark: "dark energy" as a line forms if structural is defined like THAT, so called another way to define 1 way DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ; Remark: 45 degree wormhole must be thoroughly understood, regarding (45, 60, 72) ... ;
Anti Heat Wave;

in summer, using anti heat wave to reduce heat globally;

Manmade Global Weather; Weather;

Remark: using ACT3 imaginary hyper space knowledge to reduce heat wave in summer, on the other hand, using ACT3 imaginary hyper space knowledge to seal heat wave in winter;

Also see: PHYSICS;

Heat Wave;

in winter, using heat wave to reduce excessive snowing globally;

to reduce heat in summer;
to reduce excessive snowing in winter;
D R Z C S N, Dark Red Zero Curvature Surface Negative;
R Z C S N, Red Zero Curvature Surface Negative;
ACT2 a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional; think that ACT2 imaginary space is inner side of 2 Rings momentum (our universe); red is somehow related to heat; many human beings livable moons EXIST ... ; our earth and its nearby human beings livable moons obey blue and green binding INSTINCT ... ;
Mussel_vs_Scallop_2; Also see: DNA _Origami;
Origin of Carbon Nanowalls; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; DNA _Origami; Reforming Myanmar; Walls;
Cold _or _Hot _Universally; (108 x 108) dimensional; within our Solar System only (2,3 directional) ... ;  apply BLINK momentum (If and only if (I F F) location is our earth) ... ; Remark: ACT2 level imaginary hyper space knowledge based;
2DEE boxes representing 2 lungs; Also see: PHYSICS, law eighty five ... ; Gene Therapy System;

Remark: imaginary hyper space crafts' interior design for traveling human beings livable moons ... ;

dubbing 2 or more ZCS holes as heart beats;

64 Aqua Cells;  

Color     Color     Color;

comet ACTION downward; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 251, comet;

WHAT is the diff between comet and neutrino LASER sir ? well trained kids ! I ain't know exactly, this is your time to answer ... ;

hint, known info are: static way LASER (structural dubbing of STRING); wormhole way LASER (kuru kuru of lights); Satellite_DNS_Domain, have you ever be projecting single comet WHEN Our Earth Eclipse moment ? comet method of charging hybrid Automotive 's battery will be another technological invention Remark: another trillion dollar worth of answer, therefore, this is your time to answer ... ;

comet; Radical347;

comet ACTION left;
comet ACTION right;
comet ACTION upward;

98_jutenFilling_roll-able_centric, also see: Physics Law 140, ... ;
DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment X;

Wrapped Symbol is very very important, because, in 21st century and beyond, we human beings are dealing with invisibilities (e.g. unwanted harmful heterodyning directional, e.g. unwanted harmful laser beams), therefore, this wrapped symbol is very very important;

Also see: Physics Law 181, DEE Box vs. DEE Donut, ... ;
Wrapped; i.e. one of the very very important symbols of this DOMAIN, because this symbol can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;
Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot;
  Also see: PHYSICS law seventy four ... ;
Parallel Moon Waves' E3E3E3 Spot;
DEE _ Jitter _ Adjustment Y;

no Yellowish Variation Inbound Massugu Up (BLI (Body Length Index), growth rate (BF1, BF2), HOW our bio genetic organs are), also see: PHYSICS law sixty six ... ;
R Y A P B (Red, Yellow, Aqua, Purple, Black) ... ; 1 way DEE (our earth) ... ; Sunset time period;  

S P L     S P L     S P L;

(e.g. your own melody, your own music, your own sound), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 173, SPL Engineering; Schematic Dimensional; Schematic Light;

Wormhole Way Multi Long Length Neutrino Laser; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 268;

with drone, it can be using for military power e.g. shooting down (illegal missile as focal point) ... ;

2,3 dimensional Laser Pointer; DEE (NCS, PCS, ZCS) modulation based; at the focal point of multi long length neutrino laser, no material can EXIST; laser (medical equipment, military grade) ... ; beyond 4th factor and lines with its defined barcodes (command line parameter) ... ;

Lightning; beyond walls (DEE box in Z-Index) human beings livable moons' lightning; Also see: Weather;

Variable Trajectories; WHILE dealing with (drone-to-drone, missile-to-missile), also see: variable;

String Connector Left;
String Connector Right;

( String Connector Left, String Connector Right ) are 4 fingers (except thumbs) and palms alike, and realize that without the string connectors, lights cannot maintain its (reference, value) WHEN dealing with curves, edges, N C S, and PCS, because of incoming parallel moons waves, directional gravity pressure (e.g. gravity spots) EXIST, And Then, after realizing and understanding those incoming parallel moons waves (Wall Method), it is the time to do NOT to happen earthquake in the defined regions ... ; before developing ( String Connector Left, String Connector Right), the following DEE F M D _ Our Earth, one - by - twenty - four - Green Based, and E B E M L must be understood, regarding Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE) ... ; Remark: in Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, WHEN strings are coming in parallel, there must be holes to be defined; "hole board" has been since approx. 1980s;

DEE F M D _ Our Earth; 4 human beings livable moons are almost tangent to be Full Moon Day (F M D) ... ; our earth;

one - by - twenty - four - Green Based;

Also see: PHYSICS (law thirty nine); Origin of Carbon N an o World;

Earth Based Electro Magnetic Light ( E B E M L);
Earth Bound Electro Magnetic Light ( E B E M L);

NCS Location IFF ZCS based; Also see: b G T S U; Protein;
our earth's approx. location in our universes ... ;

for each ACT2 stage imaginary hyper space craft; yellowish variations exist on human beings livable moons;

variable DEE patterns ... ;

Also see: Anti-Earthquake Algorithm R&D ... ;

108 x 108; Gene Therapy System; using Nippon Syllabary 's ro KATAKANA, Moon Wave, DEE _ lines _ horizontal, and DEE _ lines _ vertical; since electronic green line prompts to north (regarding our earth's electronic compass (EMI, yellow core planet)), and regarding 1 way DEE, 1/2 fish DEE pattern (micro SD) can define good gene patterns' color codes ... ; Also see: MD; IFF ACT3 imaginary hyper space, still in R&D, ... ;

Our Earth Based Tumor Remover; 1st to understand WHY tumor happens naturally e.g. WHEN a comet alike light hits a surface, because of potential diff, natural heat sensing reacts to the comet alike light; 2nd to understand HOW 1 way DEE on human beings livable moons; 3rd to know DEE _ Natural Heat Reducer in directional; after understanding (1st, 2nd, 3rd) And Then, so called this DOMAIN 's Our Earth Based Tumor Remover;

Our Earth Eclipse; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 239, (2*6), a part of ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7));
Directional Gravity Pressure; our earth; our earth (normal yellow, no yellowish variation); in ACT2 imaginary hyper space, some planets are without EMI, because no yellow core;

2,3 dimensional (13 strings; Radical313); 3,4 dimensional;

Directional Gravity Pressure B G L T; B G L T, Blue Gray Light Turquoise; also see: i G T S U;
    Military Grade ... , also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War;

Directional Gravity Pressure Green Yellow; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
Directional Gravity Pressure toward east (our earth) ... ;
Directional Gravity Pressure toward west (our earth) ... ;
Concentration of Protein (our earth), good gene patterns, regenerating community of cells, re-growing tissue, stem cell %, ... ; Also see: Optics; Protein; structural ... ;
Gray Twenty Five Percent Cell Path;
Yellow Background Based Green String Cell Path;
Green Based Blue-gray Cell Path;
Aqua Based Indigo Blue Cell Path;
Dark red Based Lavender Cell Path;
  therapeutic Immune Cells, also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
108 x 108 Nesting Default;
  ZCS _resolution;
C Sequence Number Natural Cell Path Battery ( electrolyte) ... ; using natural structural method;

all-solid-state-cell-path, as opposed to non-solid-state-cell-path, also see: cComputer;

kuru kuru of lights WHILE charging C Sequence Number Natural Cell Path Battery naturally (natural, structural), regarding our earth ( 1 way DEE); IFF Automotive, also see: hybrid system's battery; this (method, procedure, technique) can be using NOT ONLY in battery engineering, BUT ALSO in Gene Therapy System, medical therapeutic ways, and so on ... ;
Light Sheet Storage; based on Directional Gravity Pressure (zero curvature surface), data can be stored on a sheet; 6 zero curvature surfaces based DEE method and technology; fiber glass sheet; transparent glass index; in order to understand this schematic symbol, 1st to understand Our Earth Based 45 Degree Default ZCS;
28-108_Mussel_vs_Scallop; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 261, arc defines gravity spot's sizes ... ;

Our Earth Based 45 Degree Default ZCS;
Our Moon's Protein Bound Toward East; Remark: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 264; Protein Bound;
Tail Alike Momentum (Origin of Disc, Origin of Fish, Origin of (Oval & Sperm)) 2,3 dimensional toward (along with) ... ; because of lights stretch; Remark: on ZCS (yellow as forefront), And Then, yellow disappears naturally IFF ({E3, E3, E3} or silver) as background;

well trained kids! reply: WHY "Tail Alike Momentum" can define "Origin of Disc" , "Origin of Fish" , and "Origin of (Oval & Sperm)" sir ?

i , me , me write: Oh! you need to understand "blue away" event naturally 1st; after understanding "blue away" events, And Then, applying ("maroon" or "red") as limitation (i.e. our universe's constraint in 2,3 dimensional, a.k.a. inner ring of our universe) 2nd; And Then, applying 1 way DEE (e.g. our universe as segment to 3,4 dimensional (2 Rings momentum)) 3rd; And Then, notice that on ZCS WHY yellow disappears naturally, And Then, you will realize e.g. Origin of Disc, Origin of Fish, Origin of (Oval & Sperm), ... ;

well trained kids! reply: Umm! IT 's like Eccentric _ circles;

i , me , me write: mochiron of course; but, with "tail" ... ;

1 String 1 Hole Cause Green Structural Because Of Salt;

salt; Radical698;

salt; Radical235;

Our Earth's Protein Bound Toward East; Remark: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 264; Protein Bound;
  Blue Squared; blue and green are squared to be a pair ... ; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 247, Repair;
  Green Squared;

Origin of Flower, also see: PHYSICS, law eight one ... ; 4 quarters of the square;

for each station, using {FF,CC,99} ... ;

2,3 dimensional Location; our earth based ( location);

yellow represents 1 sided EM based; green is above aqua (light blue) WHICH represents north (green) and south (light blue); white line represents east to west daily (e.g. ecliptic); either silver or gray represents Gray Scaled;

Our _ Earth _ Band _ Antenna; also see: Satellite; Wireless Antenna;

Multi Time Lines Port;

(for each device) using Keyword To Port Number; Remark: this DOMAIN is designed with total of 17 multi time lines (e.g. 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 21mm, 24mm, 27mm, 30mm, 33mm, 36mm, 42mm, 48mm, 54mm, 66mm, 99mm) ... ;


capacitance Dimensional; our earth (normal yellow, no yellowish variation) based capacitance;

dark blue; light blue; in common, pressure to capacitance causes oscillation;


Standard Remote Heat Sensing Structural; ACT1 imaginary hyper space (our earth) only; our earth is doko WHERE heat and light are at the same location, and no yellowish variation; classified data (military top secret) e.g. ACT2 and ACT3 imaginary hyper space e.g. human beings livable moons in our universes' Standard Remote Heat Sensing Structural; this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, world's 1st and the one and only one;

resistance Dimensional and resonance Dimensional; our earth (normal yellow, no yellowish variation) based heat sensing (pattern); after the capacitance Dimensional 's oscillation, green and light blue can be sensed, so called heat sensing ... ; IFF (Particles) electron and light split, light blue (e.g. blue LED) as light, and then green for green vs. green (e.g. SYNC);

1 way DEE ... ; ACT1 imaginary space e.g. 1 side ( 5) based;


WHAT is 4th factor sir ? well trained kids ! after understanding "Black Book" (believe it or not, all kinds of bad ones in the "Black Book") vs. "Red Book" (believe it or not, all kinds of good ones in the "Red Book"), 3+ decades of R&D (Research & Development) still prompt 4th factor WHICH means beyond heat sensing in 2,3 dimensional imaginary space, e.g. ((13 = 8 + 5) our solar system is secant & segment of our universes, in ACT3 imaginary hyper space ... ), and if you do parallel structural 8 and parallel structural 5 together (e.g. (Carbon Nano Wall and parallel DEE as Moon Wave) a.k.a. advanced AI HOW our human beings' brains are ... ), And Then, at the side of 5, 4th factor prompts naturally (think that happening like our palm, only 4 can be parallel alike) i.e. the knowledge beyond "board" so called "wall" ... , and in Numbers in Dhamma, a.k.a. 4 Novel Truths ... , and if you know HOW 4th factor is, please do not abuse the 4th factor (e.g. Motor Way LASER, WORMHOLE Way LASER);

Also see: Monk Happiness, Manmade Global Weather ... , do good weather ... ;

Light Speed Measurement; light can be measured only in this way for 28+ years; ACT2;

IFF our earth (invisibilities1, invisibilities, Laser Shield), also see: Invisibilities; Invisibility; i.e. HOW invisible Automotive can be designed, engineered, and modeled ... ;

this DOMAIN 's (Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, ... ), using Method, Procedure, Technique, ... e.g. (invisibilities1, invisibilities, Laser Shield) ... ;

Light Speed Measurement; light can be measured only in this way for 28+ years; ACT2;
No Excessive Lighting, for peaceful & tranquil living environments ... ;

Directional Natural Water Elevator On Our Earth; 1st to understand above 4 lights in structural ; 2nd to understand normal yellow (no yellowish variation as our earth's location); 3rd to understand Origin of Sound; and then, kuru kuru WHILE aqua frames exist, reversed (yellowish variation) truly does directional natural water elevator on our earth; Gravity Dimension Computer begins (e.g. water's drip drop in kan Weight, and then moons are ... ) ... ;

heat wave can be controlled by this DOMAIN 's AI (Artificial Intelligence) system; reduce heat waves in summer; to do so, for each Time Zone in our earth, mark the location on defined map (e.g. nation name, , , , nation code), And Then, using wormhole way LASER Method, fetching green light as surface into the defined location's south, because naturally yellow light prompts sunset time at west as its residue of heat (i.e. regarding our earth), And Then, notice that fusion in 2,3 dimensional can reduce heat waves in summer; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 218; Heat;

heat Dimensional; our earth (normal yellow, no yellowish variation) based heat; in our earth, in common, heat and light are at the same location, because, somehow blue has been naturally surrounded by yellow; our earth based temperature ... ;

IPC23D, Incubation Period Common (2, 3) Dimensional; Also see: Physics Law 145;

FISH, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, (IR Box, UV Box) based gene pattern (mark, marked, marker, marking); (bio marker, cell marker, FISH Marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker) As Factor, also see: b G T S U; c G T S U; f G T S U; n G T S U; t G T S U; u G T S U;

Avoiding volcanic eruption, also see: PHYSICS law sixty seven ... ;

Jet Stream On Our Earth; 55 x 55; 13 = 8 + 5, doko WHERE 5 is like 1/2 of very very unique 2, in (2 * 5) dimensional ... ; Manmade Global Weather, also see: climate; do good weather conditions globally;

for each cell, do Gene Therapy System, using 8K TV technology; because of 8K TV (Gene Therapy System) , we human beings' life expectancy can be longer, a part of yellowish variations (wormhole length) ... ; problems of infinity (also see: Mathematics) is solved by edges (a.k.a. mantissa point) doko WHERE defined wormhole length is ... ; invisibility deployment e.g.

we human beings can see limitedly approx. 440 nm ~ 650 nm, regarding light's stretch, therefore, beyond < 440 ~ 650 > is invisibility regarding color; solution: using slow-down-time by "Y" shape alike DEE;

approx. 20 c/s or higher refreshing rate is invisibility regarding speed; solution: simulation speed matches to refreshing rate; think that electrodes are on the way and our brain behaves like antenna, and all antennas obey refreshing rate;

if there is no light, and then invisibility also, regarding vision; solution: lighting our universe project;

we can't see our back, because of 1 way DEE and BF2, invisibility regarding natural momentum; solution: 2,3 dimensional; looking at our earth in Day View;

we human beings cannot see if opaque wall exists e.g. other side of surface; solution: 2-sided surface based computing with defined wormhole's length;

we human beings cannot sense HOW water at the mountain top (peak) ... ; solution: Natural Water Elevator, by implementing yellowish variation; naturally means no yellowish variation (our earth);

well trained kids ! , on human beings livable moons, oh, oh, oh, i ain't know and can't explain anymore, solutions would be ... ; I'll definitely have 8K TV because 8K TV (Gene Therapy System) can prolong we human beings' life expectancy ... ;

object, a.k.a. things; item;
normal yellow; 2 * DEE; with yellowish variations;
mapping our universes (EarthBound2DMappingOurUniverses) doko WHERE objects are (asteroid, gas, light, liquid, moon, planet, solid, water, ... ) ... ; human beings livable moons; non-livable planets; ... ;

(2*6) E M lights ... ; human beings livable moons in our universes;

2 moons are on the same orbit; our earth is blue, our moon is green; Moon Wave (E M);

2,3 dimensional 1D light to the side; also see: Schematic Light;

(2*6) E M lights AND Solar DEE without momentum;

DEE began; similar to "8" character; 2 times tidal waves (gray scale simulation);

Analog Clock; for each imaginary hyper space craft, IFF zero curvature (a.k.a. surface), kuru kuru WHILE 2,3 dimensional prompts parallel horizontal lines, WHICH intersection points (motor control) indicate diff color;

DEE _ Aqua _ Horizontal _ Stability;

DEE _ Aqua _ Vertical _ Stability;

A A B P H, Aqua And Blue Parallel Horizontal; 38+ years prior to structural micro SD model;
A A B P V, Aqua And Blue Parallel Vertical; 38+ years prior to structural micro SD model;

One Of The Moons 1, 2,3 dimensional mapping (if aqua is based, yellow vs. yellow can be SYNC), also see: 4mComputer;

SDB1WD, Speed Defined By 1 way DEE; for 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space (including our earth), Gravity Dimension Computer (speed) ... ; as of 2017 / 2561, approx. 20+ years old technology; SDB1WD method is like EM Pull, it is worth more than 1 trillion US dollar;

USB _ SD _ micro SD; using SPL (Sound Pressure Level) run; the location is on this DOMAIN; connected e.g. the device or drive; inserted e.g. disc ( CD, DVD, BD) ... ; the location is on a network, And Then, connected to the network or Internet;

WHAT is USB _ SD _ micro SD sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand DEE motion flow; 2nd to understand left most 4 lines are for USB, middle 9 lines are numerological SD, and right most 8 lines are for micro SD; 3rd, using SPL (Sound Pressure Level) run for each item (e.g. device, disc, drive, ... ) ... ;

WHEN DEE lines are in diagonal, color can be defined; iroColourWaveForm;

Moon Wave Shot; for each imaginary hyper space craft in our universes; (13 dots of yellow, 10 dots of yellow, 8 dots of yellow) EXIST between black and gray, so called moon wave shot;

WHY do we need 23x23 (Moon Wave Shot) sir ? well trained kids ! since human beings livable moons have yellowish variations naturally, we need "constant" alike definition, so called "Moon Wave Shot" kuru kuru WHILE traveling in our universes ... ; BF2 (growth rate) ... ;

DEE FMD _ Our Earth; Also see: 5dComputer; 5fComputer;

Walls; Remark: 1970s physics (hole, string) boards become (holes, strings) walls in 2010s; IFF our universes, 3,4 dimensional (solar system) south e.g. dark energy itself, without light, without moons, without water, without heterodyning of DEE, so Synchronization of Parallel Time is out of this DOMAIN developer's knowledge ... ;

HOW to control heat wave in summer time sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand White Light as zero curvature surface, And Then, apply East and West (e.g. ecliptic line) as 1 Way DEE, And Then, using Rainbow Method (Blue, (Fuchsia or Maroon)) along with 2,3 dimensional DEE pattern; regional heat can be controlled, believe it or not;

1 Way DEE _ Sealing Heat;

IFF our earth AND summer, Manmade Global Weather (sealing heat) i.e. HOW heat wave can be manually adjusted e.g. heat wave can be controlled by this DOMAIN , also see: Weather ... ;

WHY DEE pattern looks alike 1/2 fish sir ? well trained kids ! it is HOW it is, there is neither square nor triangle, regarding natural DEE patterns, so far as WHAT I know ... ; natural DEE patterns are nothing like manmade (e.g. rectangular, square, triangle, ... ) and very basic natural DEE pattern would be: 1/2 fish, believe it or not; well trained kids ! you should be having knowledge beyond surface analysis regarding PHYSICS; do good weather conditions globally ... ;

prior to ZCS _hole; Also see: PHYSICS law sixty two ... ;

ZCS _hole Red Handle; (Maroon color, Red color) are limitation to 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space environment (a.k.a. ACT2 space); Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

ZCS _hole, Zero Curvature Surface _ hole; basic understanding would be: 1st, each GPS device is with embedded 2 gravity spots; 2nd, yellow as core (think that surface area of aqua and pink were yellow IFF 1 gravity spot ({E3,E3,E3}, silver, white) is defined; 3rd, WHEN gray scale simulation (black, gray, silver) is applied, white area behaves EMI alike, and on that side, yellow prompts; so called Z C S _ hole;

Can you explain us a little bit more regarding Z C S _ hole sir ? well trained kids ! in Zen way, true nature and natural way is PHYSICS, so that 1st to understand daily sun (a.k.a. 1 way DEE; here, after defining "heart" shape with 2 hotspots, usage would be 1 way DEE and BF2) regarding 1 gravity spot, think that whenever you see light and shade are, the one and only sun is in distance; 2nd to understand 2 is very very unique in many ways (e.g. calling board in structural way), and think that day sky and night sky behave like Gray Scaled Simulation, regarding our earth; 3rd to understand colors after applying Gray Scaled Simulation on the surface (structural way) that leads to Rainbow Method (one of the techniques of this DOMAIN 's Satellite DNS System ... ; WHAT is the purpose of this schematic dimensional symbol sir ? well trained kids ! believe it or not, this DOMAIN has started its Manmade Global Weather (since April 2017/2561), and schematic dimensional symbols are necessary to do good weather conditions globally ... ;

well trained kids ! after understanding ZCS _ hole, it is the time to develop 6 surfaces (box, cube, dice) e.g. 1 surface as blue, And Then, 90 degree another surface as green, and so on ... , a.k.a. DEE box in Z-index;

Origin Of Sound; IFF Sound bar, also see: 4sComputer;

2Rings; Also see: ring;

2 rings for each ro ( box, frame, pop, screen, window) ... ;


(Air, Blood Flow) method (yellow flows), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 280, Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

Blood Flow;

kuru kuru DEE;

WHY dotted rings are at outer sides sir ? well trained kids ! kuru kuru WHILE mapping, system must be functional contour alike; beyond 2 rings, 3 dotted rings are designed for momentum e.g. 2,3 dimensional, 3,4 dimensional, Lunar Orbit (e.g. 4_Planets_Prediction), 108 configuration (e.g. 2 phase lunar vs. 4 phase lunar), our earth's time zone, Parallel Time ( Synchronization), time, ... ;

Pivot; Radical365;

for each pivot point ... ;

C C W R W, Counter Clock Wise Roll-able Window;

C W R W, Clock Wise Roll-able Window;

C C W R W N, Counter Clock Wise Roll-able Window Negative;
C W R W N, Clock Wise Roll-able Window Negative;

regarding ((C C W R W, C C W R W N), (C W R W, C W R W N)), I F F ACT1 imaginary hyper space, also see: juten filling; filling;

light; Radical400;

Structural Equilibrium Of Light; Also see: PHYSICS, (law twenty five) ... ; Remark: without this law, there is no way to do roll-able window (e.g. C C W R W, C W R W); approx. 34+ years old info, as of 2018/2561;

String Connector;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 256, String Connector; Particles;

Neutrino (our earth's neutrino oscillation) doko WHERE "blue" goes away AND thermal proton-proton (red color) AND thermal proton-photon (green color) ... , measured by ( TeV, (event/binary)), IFF Proton, decay to be neutrinos AND gamma rays (e.g. astrophysical neutrino flux, inhabiting as objects of cosmos) ... ;

as of 2018/2562, this DOMAIN developer's wild guess would be: multi long length neutrino laser can be 10+ km long, 100+ km long, ... , 10+ mm yellowish variation long distance, ... therefore, run boys! run girls! and don't forget to hide if you do development R&D ... ;


since squares are manmade, kuru kuru of lights can be artificial wormholes ... ;

e n s h u Circumpolar , also see: PHYSICS; Number;

Z C S _Camera ((for each flat panel), (for each flat screen), (for each flat surface), (for each Z C S)) ... ;

Z C S _Camera _Sensor ((for each flat panel), (for each flat surface), (for each Z C S)) ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

Earth Based Medical Sensor;

WHY Earth Based Medical Sensor has 8 "black" squares sir ? Oh! they are parts of DEE _ lines _ horizontal and DEE _ lines _ vertical; WHY 2 of 6 "white" dots are diagonally 45 degree sir ? Oh! this DOMAIN has been designed by ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)), and using (2*6) momentum is like that; WHY "green" triangle at top edge, and "blue" triangle is at bottom edge sir ? Oh! since we've been using directional gravity, and green electronic line prompts north naturally, of course "Earth Based" would be like that at the right side; HOW much does it worth sir ? IT is worth billions and billions of dollars, but ACT1 and Z C S based, therefore, you well trained kids! should develop ACT2 and ACT3 medical sensors; WHY 6 "white" dots only sir ? hey! don't forget that you well trained kids! don't need too many holes to sense strings WHEN you design sensors by juten Filling Method; Remember: multi colors coding can only be defined HOW "white" dots' value changes ... i.e. HOW to design sensors ... ;

I F F Green Control (e.g. USA Keyword would be: nothing like you, just a font ... ; another keyword would be: "going to be out" , i.e. "font", approx. since 1980s ... ; Remark: Thailand knows HOW font ... (but, Thai IT people might not know the keyword phrase in front of "font")); in our world's history, Thailand is very very unique nation in Asia (also see: Radical383), never been as colony nation by Western Civilization; this DOMAIN developer ( Rakhine) truly likes Siam (Thai) people, with knowing "Bama" military may be very exclusive;

DEE _ L _ Shape _ With _ 2 Yellow Dots; aqua surface may begin between the 2 Yellow Dots and 90 degree of 3 cyan dots, And Then, Gene Therapy System can cure (GE, Gastroenterology; HEM, Hematology; HMP, Hematology; HO, Hematology and Oncology; ON, Oncology; PCC, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine; PHO, Pediatric Hematology Oncology; U, Urology) disorders ... ;

DEE _ 1 Line _ To Be; our earth based;

for each human beings livable moon:
IFF summer, using "aqua" color to reduce excessive heat;
IFF winter, using "maroon" color to seal heat i.e. to avoid excessive snowing;

directional Light yellow on X;

well trained kids! reply: WHAT kind of structural (directional Light yellow on X) is that ? it is not light INSTINCT; "yellow" is horizontally on X, but WHERE that "yellow" string comes from ?

i , me , me write: Oh! Oh! I forgot to explain doko WHERE ((5&5), (6&6), (7&7)) behave like left-and-right, i.e. HOW both directional can only be defined (into the Z-index); Don't forget that we're somehow related to momentum (Origin of Carbon Nano Wall) and "protein bound" means defining "yellow" ; Don't forget that in our universes (a.k.a. multi-verses) DEE refreshes 2 or 3 times only (e.g. ); therefore, WHILE applying (45, 90) {E3,E3,E3} or silver, and getting/perceiving/receiving yellow on X is like that; think that inside of one of the wormhole way techniques, (structural wall method, structural rainbow method) IFF getting/perceiving/receiving "yellow on X" , you've just solved (arc, speed) on the other hand; ima Now, do you understand a little bit well trained kids!

well trained kids! reply: yes, mochiron of course we'll develop "solar sail" method; explicitly we'll not invent "solar sail" method, and we don't know WHO invented "solar sail" method sir;

i , me , me write: I a i n ' t invent "solar sail" method, and I a i n ' t know WHO either; I'm getting old, and I don't like to explain much; you're on your own ... ; hint: try (2 times, 4 times) twisted (45, 90) {E3,E3,E3} or silver, to get very very unique 2 yellow ... ;

DEE _ lines _ Causing To Left;

DEE _ lines _ Causing To Right;

x y _Ultrasound _Capturing e.g. e n s h u SPL * ( SPL, Sound Pressure Level) based c h o o n p a Ultrasound;

x y _Ultrasound _Default e.g. e n s h u SPL * ( SPL, Sound Pressure Level) based c h o o n p a Ultrasound;

L T B S D (Left To Be Stability DEE);

Also see: Automotive;

R T B S D (Right To Be Stability DEE);

hair Growth Inhibitor, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; hair; (long hair; mane; Radical226);

Z C S _resolution, for every Z C S ... ; 45 degree "white line" represents resolution of the device, Display, TV, Walls, ... ;

Laser Shield; Also see: PHYSICS (law fifty seven) ... ;

1 green Z C S to be;

Also see: DEE; Gene Therapy System; PHYSICS, law ninety four, ... ; Walls;

Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant ; Also see: Nuclear1; Nuclear2;
Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant - ;

2EMIMP, also see: Physics Law 137, remote (chip, chipset, key) N F C, ... ;

R P Y F H N O, Reversed Protein Yellow For Hydrogen (Red ones) Nitrogen (Silver ones) Oxygen (Green ones), also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 146, NMR;
plasma cluster Sensor;


for better understanding, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, because, idea e.g. (2*5), (2*6), (2*7), and then understanding 2 is very very unique in many ways like Yin and Yang concept, and then 5, 6, 7 are variations alike, e.g. SQRT2 with SQRT3 means "both" , "combo" , e.g. numerological Lo Shu magic square and Sudoku algorithm prompt directional numbers, ... ; idea is very very important; logical idea can be gained only through hard works e.g. Eastern Civilization's Nested Theory I F F compare to Western Civilization's Big Bang theory, and notice that idea diff between Eastern Civilization's Nested Theory and Western Civilization's Big Bang theory; readers may have diff idea e.g. attahi ... , you're on your own ... ;

1st to understand Schematic symbols, 2nd to understand UNIT in dimensional, and then do schematic dimensional R&D ... ;

e.g. defined battery's cell can be energized by:
3. directional gravity (i.e. structural (e.g. natural water elevator's way)),
2. sound beam way (i.e. directional (e.g. defined noise's location)),
1. potential diff ( V) 's reversed way (hammer designed edges, e.g. reversed electrical flow to the battery);

therefore, battery's quality (way of energizing battery cells) is more important than quantity (e.g. numbers of section inside the battery, e.g. battery cell' life expectancy) ... ; e.g. 1 nuclear scientist is very important, because 1 regional flood can cause 50+ billions dollar damage and beyond ... ; e.g. 1 microbiologist is very important, because 1 regional virus can cause the defined military generals' villages HOW to cure ... ;

Trapezoid Left; Trapezoid Right;

in our universes, beyond 4 Planets Predication (i.e. very very very far away in distance e.g. ACT3 stage space a.k.a. other side of the Constellations), signals cannot be SYNC (other words would be: no feedback signal, even though this DOMAIN developer has tried with all kinds of imaginary hyper space knowledge sincerely but still don't understand HOW that signal lost happen?), therefore, yellowish variations are truly important, e.g. BLI (Body Length Index) automatic adjustment, e.g. for mapping our universe project, e.g. solar sail method implementations, ... ;

radio is somehow designed by modulation (as of 2015/2559, modulate zero curvature screen's x as variable x would be: X M, and i.e. the most advance technology), same idea should apply for yellowish variations kuru kuru WHILE DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) ... ; DEE modulation has been already proposed by this DOMAIN since 2008;

modulation of radio on our earth with yellow background might be easy, because our earth is assumed to be normal yellowish variation; modulation of radio on all human beings livable moons would be difficult, because of yellowish variations, and then, in our universes, beyond 4 Planets Prediction, DEE modulation ... ;

our earth's approx. location in our universes ... ;

doko WHERE dark blue color at one of the human beings livable moons' night time period,


doko WHERE aqua color at our earth's day time period;

Welcome back home event, for each (this DOMAIN 's) imaginary hyper space craft,

do refuel dry cell, and then send used (old) dry cell to imaginary hyper space lab for its genetic identification changes;
do ion engine maintenance (e.g. refill with holy water, replace solar panel, structural adjustment for dimensional holes);
do materials sample storage transfer (e.g. how big mouse alike animal, e.g. carbon is truly light weight and very hard);

don't forget to pickup some deportation items and migration items from our earth; because, we human beings need migration items;

And Then, good bye, see you again, wishing you to be happy, healthy, wealthy, ... on human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; One day, if you are on one of the moons at night time, and look around into the night sky, then you will find out that ... in constellation seems diff location, then realize THAT this symbolizes our earth's approx. location ...

1D, for example, [ .. / Robotic LCD / 1_gravitational_vector.GIF] a.k.a. X t a l can adjust clock for each IC chip, therefore in any circuit, in common, 2 pins of 1 IC chip is connected to the schematic symbol;   For lighting a LED, 1 LED, 1 battery, 1 resistor are needed, when adding components such as 1 IC chip with certain X t a l, and then the blinking at capacitance condition, ... ; Therefore, for this example 1D rates ... ; Remark: whenever 1 X t a l exists, 1 IC chips' OR 1 microcontroller's 2 pins are connected, whenever 2 X t a l exists ... , whenever 3 X t a l exists, ... , CK clock synchronization to be further ... ;

2D, another dimension to be considered, for example, for basic understanding, C d S photo sensor senses light and then LED blinks, at night time when C d S photo sensor does not sense and then LED changes its stage from blinking to resistor's defined color spectrum, therefore 1D for the LED, 1D for the sensor, thus 2D computing begins ... ;

Symmetries and dimensions are very high tech, therefore physics is harder to understand than engineering.

AC, alternating current

adjust SPL at 3 ... ;

IFF X ,          
this DOMAIN ' s DEE ( Dark Energy Engineering )
audio begin ... ;          

Also see: \\\Desktop\149.149; HOW to use it? also see: Command; Testing;


1st to understand Even number, Odd number, ... ; 2nd to understand base10, strings, ... ; 3rd to understand distances ... ; The following symbol represents 1 barcode, and notice that the bar's thickness and distances make codes. In real business world, some base10 numbers, next to a barcode are designed for numbers key input IFF barcode scanner is broken, or not available to read / to scan the barcode. Do research on barcodes by varying scanner's emitter, range, time, ..., and then do research on printed codes ... ; Also see: U P C vs. R F I D;

After understanding lines in distance in 1D (e.g. window's left pane is barcode alike (i.e. refer to several vertical lines), window's right pane is wall alike (i.e. refer to 1 vertical line alike but depth (Z-index) starts here)), consider the following 2D barcode

   and notice that barcode2D is smaller than 1D in size, but scan lines in distance in 2D ... ; 2D can be seen I F F OEM's original genuine value can be captured/prompted (e.g. several horizontal and vertical red lines); In common, prior to OEM's logo;

Remote Sensing Basic, 34+ years old information (as of 2013/2557),

I F F zero Curvature, Basic Remote Sense Y = L n X;

Gangster usage: you don't want to be "coconut head" WHICH means your head or your body should not be in Y = Ln X 's direction;

Don't be scare! there are many directional methods ... ; This is a basic idea WHAT is remote sensing (old method), base on 2 parallel nodes, WHILE variable 3rd node provides direction;

Nowadays' drone air crafts (i.e. automotive) might be able to sense all blue, yellow, green, ... ;

In the early 21st century, Remote Sensing as DEE line is the highest knowledge & technology, WHICH can measure gravity spots; this DOMAIN developer does not know exactly HOW to design drone; In 2013/2557, in China, approx. 44+ drone air crafts are demonstrated in public;

I F F developing G D C, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement; idea # 136; Gravity as Surfaces;

Blinking a LED

Following blinking LED GIF files *.gif is developed by CoffeeCup GIF Animator.

This is a test. Shortwave Flash, 1s time. This is a test. *.gif only. 1s time. This is a test. User clicks on following interactive button.


This is a test.







Cancer Vaccines, 40+ types of cancer vaccine are available, since 2007, to do so, 1st to understand gravity AND water; 2nd to understand dimensional symbols Water2gravity7.gif, Water7gravity2.gif, because a Myanmar thinks that the sun is not 93 millions miles away, because a Myanmar thinks that out there is very very dark and scary space, because a Myanmar thinks that all space information in English language might be wrong! or not available to public scientifically; Remark: a Myanmar still cannot prove scientifically, therefore a Myanmar way of understanding gravity AND water 2 symbols might not be 100% true; Also see: pressure machine engine;

C d S light sensor and light tracker; Develop fuzzy brunching factor for orbiter machines ... ; In early 1980s, in Myanmar, before IC chip were not available, light sensor schematic were very complex; Also see: Schematic Light;

DEE line, by linear transistors

one of the most difficult engineering techniques, creating a line to display; basic understanding DEE line appears WHEN transistors are in linear; from a dot to a line, from a line to multiple lines [timing begins], from multiple lines to character encoding, from encoding to font, from encoding to pixel value a.k.a. { x , y , color }, from encoding to indexing, from indexing to cell path, ... ; also see: ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE;

THIS eye-glasses looks red is down, green is up, but they are drawn the same; WHICH begins basic understanding of 3D active vs. passive; I F F highlight THIS paragraph, so negative prompts teal is down, purple is up;

DEE lines horizontal ... ; DEE lines vertical ... ;

Even Time Horizontal DEE is 2 ways DEE, and this is not our location in universe ... ; 1 way DEE causes we, human beings don't see our back; 2 ways DEE causes symmetrical of as 2 ... ; A Myanmar's imaginary hyper space craft still cannot find 3 ways DEE yet, until year 2555 ... ;

Fuel Injector, 1D

   1 stick, 4 holes [in this image, to ease visualizing, 1mm * 4 holes have been drawn, approx. 0.1mm * 4 holes], ACT1 stage; 1st to understand nodes, sometimes the same parallel potential, sometimes same type such as A, V, ... , truth is the nodes make stick [red line as SD string/stick direction in this sample], [green line as fuel direction, HD hole direction] WHERE fuel is going to be injected from 3 circles symbol [also see: Gravity Machine symbol], notice that 4 holes are not in full moon day vector AND 4 holes are in no moon day vector;  

LD Laser diodes vs. PD Photodiodes

Laser Photo FPC Taped LED
LD Metal type 3 lines 2s ;

LD Metal type 4 lines c ;

LD Resin type 3 lines ;


PD 3 lines ; Dichromatic LED may also have 3 lines;

PD 4 lines ;

PD 6 lines 3p ;

PD 10 lines ;

PD 10 lines ;

PD 12 lines 6p ;

PD 18 lines ;



システム . Volume . Info (a.k.a. System . Volume . Information) : Manmade Global Weather, using (u a v, U A V, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ... ; world's 1st design modeled, by Rakhine American, in 2566 (2022), for avoiding bad weather conditions ... ; Remark: one of the intellectual properties of USA, all rights reversed;

DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, e.g. when lights exist, DEE also coexists ... ;
Directional Gravity Spots, i.e. enhancing elevating by Gravity Dimension Computer ... ;
Idea Processor based, e.g. remote nama programming ... ;
Invisibility Engineering, e.g. fetching lights sheets to its surfaces ... ;
Rainbow Method, i.e. beyond Walls Method ... ;

because of (( My, My, My, My) DEE + Gravity Dimension Computer + Idea Processor + Invisibility Engineering + Rainbow Method), I don't need entire air force (military) anymore; I'm waiting for the Shakya King's flags ... ;

Also see: Referenced Books;

m A per string, \ /     1st to understand 4 Planets Prediction including no moon day and full moon day, 2nd to understand lunar time and j u n time   including

no moon day and full moon day and

neither no moon day nor full moon day, 3rd to understand m Ampere causes cell level stimulation; And then, try to understand O LED, HOW 1 string can stimulate 1 cell.

The following dimensional schematic is for full moon day design only as:

Remark: Myanmar is non semiconductor level, therefore this full moon day's M Theory based m A per string for O LED design might not be 100% true;

m b Pressure Sensitive

             Also see: ACT3 m b pressure panel, for a Myanmar's imaginary hyper dimensional spacecraft ... ;  

O2 sensor, Oxygen Sensor

based on TiO2, Titanium dioxide material's resistance changes WHEN TiO2 exposes to O2, therefore O2 sensor can be made;

Also see: Material; M e m r i s t o r;  

Remote Sensing, a solution to solve WHEN V _drops, WHEN current I flows WHERE connectors' resistance R c exists, also WHERE wire's resistance R w exists; HOW remote sensing can be engineered, 1st to understand multiple loads, 2nd to understand to avoid impedance of wire by using shielded wire, twisted pair wire, ... , 3rd to understand sensing point chemical capacitor so that capacitance at sensing point can result stable ... ;

    V _drop, because R c resistance at connector, R w resistance at wire, ... are the causes of ...

    to compensate the V _drop, remote sensing has been engineered, also see: www.matsusada.com,

    , notice that 2 point distance D, also see: 1 electro gravitational basic vector, therefore, after the C has been applied/placed, stable characteristic occurs, therefore voltage rating can be precise engineered, a.k.a. remote sensing ... ;   Now is the time to do 2,3 dimensional remote sensing, now is the time to test 24mm natural time and its holes, ... ;  

salt; Radical235;

Single Phase Motor vs. 3 Phase Motor, FPGA array's mixed signals control H T S motors, WHERE F P G A fetches current and voltage to bridge , and the H T S motor returns its current, temperature, and voltage to F P G A; Also see: A c t e l, E E TIMES, July, 2007; H T S; H T S E E R;

M e m FIFOLIFO, O S C, ...    F P G A             F P G A ...

Temperature > room temperature, but very low heat i.e.

AC flows into 2 static resistors, 1st band, 2nd band, 3rd band, ... along with resistor color code values of resistance, in a dark room environment, without yellow line in ACT1 sea level, somehow causes aqua colored core eccentric circle temperature > sea level room temperature;

For ACT2 stage, notice that yellow line is for a full moon day, WHERE representing 4 planet prediction's almost tangent line; For a no moon day, a Myanmar's imaginary hyperspace craft still cannot find a tangent line yet; In addition, adding a JUN time and then ...

Voice generator a.k.a. Speech synthesizer, also see: Biometric voice recognition logic;

WHAT is string sir ? well trained kids! in PHYSICS, string is structural pattern, e.g. band, callout (cloud, oval, rounded rectangular), curve, DEE As String, diamond, down arrow, five point star ( 72), four point star, Energy-In-Way, hexagon, left arrow, line, oval, pentagon, polygon, rectangle, right arrow, right triangle ( 45), rounded rectangle, six point star ( 60), triangle, up arrow, wave (e.g. tidal waves), ... ; regarding Pro g Id (Programming ID) in Computer Science (AI, Artificial Intelligence), any character (e.g. ima nan desu ka? can be as string, e.g. doko desu ka? can be as string) defined by dictionary can include <string> as library e.g. F7;


DEE Density Default; Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering ( Gravity Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol)) ... ;

this DOMAIN 's contents are developed for the purpose of peaceful and tranquil environment; however, regarding 21st century and beyond, this DOMAIN 's powerful guns are: military commander, military general; Radical344;


Z C S: one of the Z C S methods would be 20=5+5+5+5, also see: Physics Law 181, DEE Box vs. DEE Donut, ... ;
