; Updated in
2024 :
December :
16th (Monday) :
a.k.a. atom
Gravity Pressure Share Radical;
Radical ;
Radical ;
Radical ;
28 particles available to read; Find your own particles, sub-particles, ... , e.g. discovery of 1 new effect, e.g. discovery of 1 new particle, ... ;
jinko chino
Intelligence (smart
IoT (zcs)),
DEE _ Radio
(i.e. to define its (center, central) 's (balance, level))
... ;
in addition, gene therapy ... ;
String Connector; can you explain
WHY String Connector
symbol looks alike this sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand light's
instinct in
imaginary hyper space e.g. in
imaginary hyper space, WHEN particle travels through inside a pipe, think that
the traveling particle is string, therefore, a hole to be connector like this
(in this symbol, white area is representing hole); since this
String Connector symbol is
intended for our earth, regarding Linear Collide r (ACT2
imaginary hyper space's the traveling particle
e.g. 234 G eV particle in 23 km),
aqua will continue as aqua, so called
String Connector;
Remember: in
Theory of Eastern Civilization, 2 is very very unique in many ways (e.g.
hole and string) for each particle ... ;
the heaviest elements (Periodic Table), created by beam of Calcium atoms, a.k.a. super-heavy elements beyond Element Number 118; Also see: Calcium; Chemical _Elements; Particles;
news in August
2016/2560, electron and light
this DOMAIN developer's self remark:
WHEN electron and light split, they obey BF2 (Brunching Factor 2)
in 1 way (1 way because of 2,3 dimensional momentum), and
their origin might be normal yellow e.g.
(no yellowish variation);
doko WHERE magnet is somehow related to heat (temperature)
e.g. magnet becomes weak IFF temperature becomes either higher or lower;
since, heat and light are at the same location (refer to our earth only),
kuru kuru WHILE splitting, there must be angle (degree) constraint;
since, heat and light are NOT at the same location (refer to human beings
livable moons in our universes), and then, doko
WHERE that our earth's normal yellow goes (i.e. 2,3 dimensional momentum)
... ; i
ain't know: do yellowish variations cause Body Length Index (
BLI) ? , and then,
automatic adjustment must be developed ... ;
this DOMAIN developer's self remark:
HOW to design
DEE Box ? directional gravity must be understood; to understand directional
gravity, gravity spots e.g. 2 gravity spots (1 mm ones) in GPS must be
understood; to understand GPS, built-in Atomic Radio Antenna must be understood;
to understand "Atomic" , time as bit must be understood (e.g. not this time,
second, this time, ... ); to understand "Radio" ,
modulations must be understood (e.g. AM
i, FM
i, XM
i, ...
; to understand "Antenna"
, amplitude as
Distance must be understood; larger the gravity spot,
bigger the energy is
(e.g. my computer becomes
lighter weight, e.g. my automotives become lighter weight);
in our earth, the SUN (a.k.a. 1 Way DEE and BF2) is the largest gravity spot,
and please do not create Gravity Spot bigger the sun;
this DOMAIN limits all gravity spots NOT to be bigger than 1 m;
GDC | ( |
![]() |
blue | gravity | ) | . | . | . | ; |
G D C | ( |
![]() |
green | gravity | ) | . | . | . | ; |
G D C | ( |
![]() |
olive | gravity | ) | . | . | . | ; |
G D C | ( |
![]() |
red | gravity | ) | . | . | . | ; |
G D C | ( |
![]() |
yellow | gravity | ) | . | . | . | ; |
for gravity waves, because
light varies WHEN gravity is applied ... ;
Gravity Dimension Computer ... ; IFF
from 2,3 dimensional to 3,4 dimensional,
this DOMAIN 's
imaginary hyper dimensional space craft is now teleporting,
using (2 * 6) time line only
... ; IFF from 3,4 dimensional to 2,3
this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper dimensional space craft is now teleporting,
using (2 * 6) time line only
... ;
this DOMAIN still does not understand HOW light was at the beginning of our
universe, question is from green to blue, or from blue to green, ... ;
Do it yourself, very basic gravity, e.g. DATE XX Mobile Power Kit is USB OUT power by 4 x AA rechargeable batteries WHICH can be purchased at F e x E x stores, USB power 5 LED lights WHICH can be purchased at 99 Cent stores, 3M 3x3 Post-it Notes WHICH can be purchased at any office supply stores, green plastic C SHELL WHICH is a green color plastic CD jewel box a.k.a. "Clam Shell" US PAT # 5713463 WHICH can be purchased from U LINE .com; Made in Japan solar powered Takara brand swaying toy and cut the green stem; Put 1 yellow paper note pad i.e. 3M 3x3 Post-it Note in triangle direction "yellow as power behaves like a key" toward the "Clam Shell" center hole, since "Clam Shell" is a green color plastic "like 2 palms" i.e. bottom and top as 2, to hold the 5 LED lights, place the USB power 5 LED lights next to center hole, approx. 24mm distance toward solar panel to perceive "green" filtered lights, At night time, let swaying toy sways in 0.5 second momentum naturally within a room temperature, look at the top tip of the green stem with normal human being's natural eyes through the "Clam Shall" hole from the above, you have just notice the green gravity, blue gravity, and then think the cover page of the book i.e. PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008, the cover page has been DEE in triangles, center with orange gravity, yellow gravity, ... WHICH is very meaningful momentum of gravity in our universe ... ;
Now is the time to build your own momentum, like a "Made in Japan" Takara swaying toy, WHICH means, horizontally at the bottom there is a coil for EM "C shape alike ring", a hammer alike metal block are in fork alike yellow plastic to sway i.e. a momentum of our universe, by naturally by solar power within 0.5 second, run by X position capacitance and Y position capacitance, since Time (2 capacitances' natural time) ... , Space (3 spaces are green light, blue light, ... ) lights at top of the green stem ... , Action (do very basic green gravity by yourself) approx. 12mm natural time ... ;
You don't need billions of dollars to build gravity, you might need hundreds of dollars to build gravity, so do test and build gravity yourself, also see: Fusion; Once you know WHAT is gravity, build your own flying automotives (i.e. buses, cars, ships, trains, ... ) so called gravitational automotives, by applying advance directional gravity by using 0.5 second with momentum ... ;
Remark: Time is 0.5 second; Space with hammer alike metal in momentum by 2 capacitances only; Action of 3 lights vary WHEN gravity is applied; 2,3 dimensional oriental concept, therefore, without (2 * 6) time line, and this is not 3,4 dimensional oriental concept; IFF 3,4 dimensional, worm=holes must be thoroughly understood, DEE must be thoroughly understood, time lines with variable time line surfaces must be thoroughly understood with iro C o l o u r s ... ;
Cannot be heard, cannot be seem, cannot be tasted, cannot be touched, but 2 senses of 6 in Abhidhamma can explain ... ; Only yin-yang effects exist i.e. laser beam can be seem if and only if IFF certain environment and condition exist; A timeless idea; Reduce designed particles are very valuable and usable especially WHEN a particle interacts with natural organic chemicals i.e. O LED, ... ; WHEN a particle causes symmetric "break," "crack" to a structure, ... i.e. inhibitors; In WHAT condition must be needed i.e. dark room condition, normal room condition, ... ; WHICH symmetry must be true, WHICH symmetry must be false, ... ;
Particles are algorithms alike, in which mean 1 particle can be worth tons of gold or free to public; The following are commonly known names and usages, however, there are so many unknown, unpublished particles ... ; this DOMAIN 'S developer still cannot classify HEAT vs. LIGHT explicitly yet, because Myanmar's civilization type is lower due to decades of un-developing time period in late 20th century; Nevertheless, in every society, WHO only restricted people know exactly 5W1H of particles ... ;
IFF you can prove 4 e.g.
light as surface, doko WHERE edges represent
4 in quantity;
and then, if you can
define 4 based on either 2
or 3,
you should keep it for yourself ... ; Also see:
Space ;
IFF you can prove
3 e.g. triangulation, if you can
define 3 as a part of 108 configuration of
your newly found particle (because of 2) i.e. depending
on 2
but based on 3, you should create your own
model yourself; Also see:
global network with
Network Topology;
IFF you can define
2 (co-existence)
of your newly found particle and if you're working on co-existence as specified
items (the particle) i.e.
based on 2, you should
do extension of .. Superstring Theory;
IFF you don't define elementary
particles and if you're working on infinite numbers of particles as
detail specified
items i.e. based on infinite numbers, you should
do extension of .. S-matrix Theory;
IFF you define your newly found
particle and if you're working on
particular items (the particle) i.e.
based on the
elementary particle, you should do extension of
.. Quantum Field Theory (elementary particles);
Subatomic particles spin, IFF spin
66 285
electron, e.g.
flow 66 electrons
95 (transistor
... ; Because of 2,
"anti" does not exist self, "anti" means reversely charge, "anti" means diff
characteristic of, "anti" means C Sequence Number's
BF2 within, "anti" means
1 factor to be symmetry e.g.
balance, i.e. within because of 2
... ; IFF because of
3, ... ;
250+ years of Newton's laws were overthrown by quantum theory in 1925, i.e. idea such as: matter is ball alike, objects don't move until the objects are pushed, objects don't disappear suddenly, objects don't reappear suddenly, ... , were overthrown; In quantum theory, particles can do totally diff to the Newton's laws, i.e. idea such as: matter with properties ... ,
characteristics of ... ,
as static
characteristics of ... ,
objects disappear vs. objects reappear, ... ;
2, also see: rejoining interaction ... , splitting interaction ... , WHERE objects disappear vs. objects reappear can be understood as nuclear vs. fusion;
A3MP magnetic particles, 60+ years of
magnetic tape, SONY; IFF beyond A3MP magnetic particles, also see: chemical
binder and high-strength
base film
L T O, in 2010
OR 2554;
Aqua and/or
WHEN a term "Mass," "Massive",
affected only by Gravitational,
HOW i.e.
eccentric cycles for basic
simulation, S t r o p h o i D A L
curve for 2 layered, ... ; 5W1H may consist of Charge, Invisible, Visible,
... ; In ACT 1, Aqua and
Gravitational, in ACT 2, Aqua and
Gravitational, Aqua or
Gravitational, ... , in ACT 3 ... ; Also see: ACT1
Hole and stick, strings in M[ka
is the 1st consonant in Myanmar language] theory, strings images in
this DOMAIN are: /IT/Symbol/Water2gravity7.gif,
/IT/Symbol/Water7gravity2.gif, /Myanmar/Lunar _gravitational .bmp, ... , to
understand strings, essential to understand
4 planets prediction,
time such as lunar time and j u n time, numbers
such as 2*7
water, and then gravity ...
Atom AND anti-atom;
Pg. 122, Pg. 123, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008, wrote:
"The Pentium chip in your laptop computer has a layer about twenty atoms across. By 2020 that Pentium chip might consist of a layer only five atoms across. At that point the Heisenberg uncertainty principle kicks in, and you no longer know where the electron is; Electricity will then leak out of the chip and the computer will short circuit; At that point, the computer revolution and Moore's law will hit a dead end because of the laws of the quantum theory. "
also see: ultraviolet beam radiation ... IFF silicon ... ;
of anti-matter, can be created by
smash e r ... ;
For limiting time ... , eclipse alike;
artificial intelligence (off 285 wall i.e. to avoid annihilating, by using magnetic field e.g. magnetic bottle, ionize (anti-matter) 9526 1 gas 66 ions, building 15 anti-matter engine, 1 steady flow of anti-matter 9526 1 reaction chamber, combining common matter, creating explosion i.e. converting matter into energy by using anti-matter engine) ... ;
IFF nuclear power
... , this DOMAIN
web, using
artificial intelligence,
with global network <
5 seconds
a.k.a. 24mm Natural Time,
worm hole
Baryons; Can be unified with Fermions;
Boson; Also see: photons; Conjectured graviton;
All particles can be categorized into Boson AND/OR F e r m i o n; Also see: pairs of sticks ... ;
Think that boson and f e r m i o n are (closed string vs. open string) alike; electron, neutrino, neutron, proton, quark, ... are f e r m i o n type super symmetry; graviton, photon, pi meson, W-particle, ... are boson type super symmetry;
Dark energy; Also see: Matter/energy; In Western theories, amount of dark energy in universe is measured by Lambda, WHERE Omega + L a m b h a = I; Notice that right pane's directory/file data, along with Left pane's time, and menu's documents, WHICH predicts inflation of flat universe; Some physicists define Omega as infinity;
Dark matter = Super symmetric = S U S Y = ... ; 23% of matter/energy is dark matter, WHEN comparing 4% H + He;
this DOMAIN developer's blah blah blah guess: dark matter, black holes in galaxies, ... are non-reflective-energy particles, particles which do not release energies; Another guess is: the black hole in Milky Way galaxy also is a location of non-reflective-hydro-energy particles' heterodyning allocation, or obvious gravitational push waves' heterodyned location from outer space, or ... ;
Hole and stick coexist, likewise light and dark energy coexist; After understanding lights thoroughly [ light vs. heat; light vs. gravity, light vs. water, ... ], and then dark energy can also be engineered; After Buddhist 2552, humanoids can be invisible by human beings, because dark energy has been deployed ... ;
Also see: DEE;
2,3 dimensional only, also see:
Even Time Horizontal DEE;
DEE ( green
) stretching
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ;
as 2,
) DEE (
blue ) ripping
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ;
11 2,
IFF ( =
DEE ( blue
) ripping
space ... ;
= (2*5)y, (2*6)z, (2*7)x)
universal ... ;
3,4 dimensional
||| |||| ,
shakya ...
( 2,3 dimensional
3,4 dimensional ) using SQRT2 only,
Positioning System, ... ;
, adjust time with
... ; for this DOMAIN 's ACT3 imaginary hyper space
crafts in our universe ... ;
also see: Lithium D e u t e r i d e in Fusion . h t m ;
DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (Electrons) for demolishing (enemies,
also see: DEE;
Remark: Yagi antenna configuration alike, but diff is Electrons
behave (Aqua, Water) lines: special design model to shoot down any illegal
missiles, illegal ICBM (Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles), illegal UAV (Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles), ...
humanoid Global Military General (
ware ware We) must be winners by defeating (China
+ Russia) militaries worldwide (our
earth); in World History (our
earth), winners take all, e.g. (Germany,
Japan, USA) will take 4.4 trillions US Dollar from Russia,
also will take 3.3 trillions US Dollar from China, concerning
Ukraine-Russia War;
Space War;
the Shakya King's punishments are severe e.g. since 2024, ;
electron (subatomic particle with negative);
A pair of electron and anti-electron, a.k.a. virtual particles; To understand a term: annihilating, also see: E M F; Also see: F e r m i o n;
Anti electron orbits around the anti proton ... , creating anti hydrogen ... ; Hydrogen = 1 Electron and 1 Proton;
+ charge, - charge WHEN potential makes electrons flow,
and those electrons AND O gas
make heat in ACT 1 stage; Heat energy product light;
developer's blah
blah blah guess: try to test all gas (e s) with all listed
particle (s), i.e. WHEN laser pass through
A r gas, WHY strings
vibrations exist
Reminder: don't forget that potentials can be ((higher minus, lower minus),
(higher plus, lower plus), (outer-ring minus, inner-ring minus), (plus, minus)),
regarding "+ charge, - charge WHEN" ... ; 2 is very very unique in many ways ...
... , also see: c Character Extension1;
Electron is not a point particle; Electron is a vibrating string; If plunk, it might become Neutrino, plunk it again and again might become Quark;
Electrons absorb oxygen from air, also see: 2 e- ;
Electron exhibits wavelike behavior, by Louis de B r o g l i e, by S c h r o d i n g e r, in 1920s; Fire electrons, inside CRT; Later in 1970s, after inventing "donut alike" yoke, so called electron gun to fire electron with intensity onto specific location on a screen so called "raster by line by line", as a result, color TV ... ;
elementary | particle |
![]() |
i | . |
e | . |
![]() |
physics |
term | ; |
Hole and stick concept in a dark room environment was approx. 42+ years old, e m f concept of an electro-interrupt as a stick into a hole WHICH later deployed as digital quartz CK, after Buddhist year 2544, those concept were thoroughly understood, and carbon nano wall and reversely engineered those electro hole and stick reach pressure gravitational devices, machine engines, superman alike flying humanoids, ... ;
Idea such as electrons orbiting around nucleus of atom
was wrong; Correct idea should be, i.e. "waves are surrounding nucleus", and
then specific wave itself with its electron shells ...
; Similar to old idea, i.e. energy
levels of hydrogen can be catalogued,
so, electron shells should also be ... ; In order
to know exactly 1 particle at 1 point, oriental concept must be, i.e. Time .
Space . Action, e.g. molecules inside live body;
Please read Pg. 59, Teleportation and
the Quantum Theory, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M i c h i o K a k u, 2008;
Old idea of WHAT is molecule? i.e. WHEN atoms collide, form molecule WHICH is stable, WHICH share electrons;
In Buddha Dhamma documents, questions the Buddha did not answer, e.g. origin of human being? where is the end of universe? ... Because, focus on present, keep middle path, do good kharma;
In 21st century, roll able, flexible, made of organic, thin & flat panel display, as a result of fusion research with thin film, one of the nanotechnologies, so called "layered display"... ; WHERE text as font, fore color vs. back color, graphics vs. hyper graphics, opaque vs. transparency, within application's aspect ratio, OS independent browser, ... ; also see: photon;
On earth, the electron flows from
hot end to
cool end, and
is a unit WHICH
measures and
WHILE the electrons flow;
1 electron, a.k.a. one electron ... ; Also see:
Physics Law 234,
(core, edge) ... ;
on the moving electron (electron's mass, exerted force, external magnetic field, polarization of the medium, ... ); Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point, ... ;
(anti-electron AND
electron) annihilating 9526
gamma ray, energy > 1.02 M
naturally, 0.5 second momentum ... ;
X-ray (ionic molecule), And Then, (count, counted, counting) missing electrons; Also see: Battery;
ACT1 electromagnetic force spin
All particles can be categorized into Boson AND/OR F e r m i o n;
Can be together with Baryons;
Pairs of sticks:
Electron + F e r m i o n + Neutrino + Quark, and this DOMAIN developer still cannot categorized
at parallel time
WHICH pair by
WHICH pair of planets;
Think that boson and f e r m i o n are (closed string vs. open string) alike; electron, neutrino, neutron, proton, quark, ... are f e r m i o n type super symmetry; graviton, photon, pi meson, W-particle, ... are boson type super symmetry;
Gluon AND W-boson ACT1
electromagnetic force spin
ACT1 electromagnetic force spin
Also see:
Gravity wave detector;
Timeless graviton
in this
DOMAIN developer's aspect;
IFF populating graviton, also see: perturbation ... ;
Graviton is a particle of gravity; Never question: whether timeless OR Time . Space . Action?
this symbol has been used for
C60H20, carbon nano
wall, graviton, gravitational machine,
water, ... ; Self imagination
& understanding water make this ACT 2 stage symbol which has not been named in
EN language yet, so name as you like ... ; In 21st century, reality is very
difficult to understand new
components, devices, items, products, technologies,
... , so many
undocumented unknown unpublished particles make complexities in information
technology; After inventing electricity, a few decades later, electrical
engineering and electronic engineering were a must to categorize, and then so
called poly technical engineering, a combination of poly plastic +
mechanical engineering + electrical engineering + electronic engineering +
computing algorithms has been very popular in Asia in late 20th century,
the same situation may happen, after inventing artificial gravity, artificial
lights, artificial pressure, water, ...
, there will be several engineering
categories a must to be ...
in the near future;
Gravity, also see: boundary in Schematic Symbols for basic understanding; boundaries in Schematic Light for ACT2 stage o p t o isolators/optoelectronic development; And then, do your own ACT3 stage Artificial Light; Because gravity makes light in 5 gray sections dimensional boundaries, IFF direction toward our Earth, inside of this DOMAIN developer's imaginary fish type space craft in ACT3 stage;
Also see:
cancer vaccine;
gravity AND
Water2gravity7.GIF, and Water7gravity2.GIF; To simulate G system strings, also
see: Artificial light,
Natural time,
Pressure machine engine, ... ;
4 Planets Prediction . Gravity, JUN time .
Gravity, Gravity . Magnet, Gravity . Water, ... also see:
Magnet Gravity Water.GIF
105x105 pixel and ... ;
by DEE and light may vary ... ;
IFF gravity dimension computer engineering, also see: +88...88- vice versa -88...88+;
clockwise vibration
counterclockwise vibration
IFF field can be labeled by h (also read: page 138,
Chapter 6 (Einstein's Revenge), HYPERSPACE, M I C H I O K A K U, 1994) e.g.
of the metric tensor as g111 = 1 + h 111
doko WHERE 1 is graviton
Einstein's theory, and this is somehow related to professor M i c h i o
K a k u 's theory),
notice THAT (3,3,3,3) as heat sensing
WHICH is breaking up the Einstein's metric tensor; Since
(3,3,3,3), this is a part of 108 configuration
in 21st century and beyond ... ; Also see:
Schematic Symbols '
2 Heat Sensing
2012/7/4 (Independence Day, USA) NHK News, i.e. after proton-proton head-on collision (e.g. collision at speed of light; e.g. head-on WHERE 2 protons are in opposite direction at sine 90 to sine 90) , subatomic particle (e.g. Higgs) go on, and approx. 2000 Higgs exist; Also read: Pg. 83, PARALLEL WORLDS, M I C H I O K A K U, 2005;
WHY head-on collision, because "unified theory" can be further studied, e.g. mask of (matter, anti-matter);
Higgs Boson restrains other particles to slow down, NHK news on 2012/2556 July 24; Higgs Boson is one of the particles among standard 17 particles;
ion (e.g.
negative ion a.k.a. minus ion,
positive ion a.k.a. plus ion)
WHEN 5 types of quark AND lepton are arranged, SU5 symmetry exists;
lepton i.e. electrons and neutrinos;
Matter AND anti-matter; Also see: Exotic matter; Negative matter;
Matter becomes stable WHEN after our universe cooled itself enough; The same calculation can be used WHILE calculating n e u t r a l i n o s;
this DOMAIN developer's blah blah blah guess:
shortly after the big bang,
pairs of sticks
remain, and those pairs of sticks become natural
time in ACT 1, and then string interactions in ACT2 must learn
Chinese language, ...
, 1 hidden stick might be an unknown object, might be a planet too ...
, but
very very very far away distance in Time period in outward directional
Space in non-static Action, ..., and the problem is in WHICH
direction of our universe
There might be somehow this DOMAIN developer's blah blah blah guess of WHY dark matter can be found all over in our universe, ACT 2 stage orbiters might be able to test, and then report to human beings, and IF someone, one day realizes that dark matters' density in our universe are not the same, at that time, another ka theory (i.e. M Theory) will be needed for further re-consideration of WHERE the hidden stick might be ... WHERE the direction of hidden stick, HOW dark matters have been spreading in our universe, and ... ;
23% of matter/energy is dark matter, WHEN comparing 4% H + He;
IFF anti-matter, Satellite detects
(3 spheres 11 anti-matter harvester, anti-matter 11 star lights, anti-matter from floating meteor, anti-helium 11 anti-star, anti-proton 11 negative charge, cosmic ray from supernovae, ... ) data from anti-matter collector ... ;
IFF ACT2, 27 using 3 spheres 11 anti-matter harvester collects anti-proton 9526 1 magnetic bottle, inject anti-electron, i.e. creating anti-hydrogen ... ;
anti-matter, IFF 2 strings,
also see:
Meson; Also see: Quark;
2023 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (F e r m i lab), Chicago, USA : M u o n g-2 (g minus 2) magnetic moment; M u o n, sub-atomic particles (similar to electrons) but greater mass than Electron;
IFF m u o n neutrinos can be changed into electron neutrinos, also see: neutrino transformation;
Nanobots: within 1 object, rearranging the atoms,
programmable atomic machines
(self replicate) nanobots ... ; e.g. move
xenon atom, on
(platinum or
... ;
Nano particle: nano particles, like ion engine, i.e. energize e.g. "steady flow of lights" WHEN pass through electric field; nano particle's weight > ion's weight, i.e. nano particle is approx. 1000 times heavier than ion; By using etching method of semiconductor tech, e.g. 30 nm component or 150 atoms across, ... ;
IFF designing an ion engine or nano particles by yourself, do not forget paper thin CD plastic, paper thin sheet, paper thin square notepad, ... WHEN testing lights within natural momentum, because for example, cutting 1mm around of Sanyo's e n e l o o p brand rechargeable battery's white color cover sheet at its bottom might be 0.5 second lighting ... ; Good luck with testing "steady flow of lights" ... ; time must slow down 1st, and then increase to 60 c/s at least, because all OS software must match hardware's functional pattern by < 20 c/s 1st, and then increase to 60 c/s for purpose to be unseen by human beings as users ... ;
Negative matter; Also see: Antigravity;
N e u t r a l i n o, a dart matter, at Time t . Space of super symmetric photon . Action of n e u t r a l i n o ... ;
In computer, n e u t r a l i n o s act right pane, data;
In space, n e u t r a l i n o s might solve dark matter;
name (Neutrinos)
Specified Items;
surface, also see:
level knowledge enhancement 1,
idea ♯ 184, DEE Box;
IFF this DOMAIN 's Satellite DNS System from 2,3 dimensional
many seconds are needed to pinpoint and lock any location in our earth? answer
would be
i, don't know ... ; h e e,
h e e, h e e, impossible,
impossible, if it takes only half second; another example would be: send a
signal from 1 Satellite in orbit to workstation (e.g. PC) user, and the computer
(e.g. PC) has been designed to pop a message "Hello World" with a box, and then
the computer (e.g. PC) knows HOW to fetch previously (pre-defined)
sound patterns to its speaker system, notice that
Neutrinos can be very useful
(e.g. redesigning
C) ... ;
dimensional: 2,3 dimensional;
structural: wormhole method
means beginning
Teleportation because Neutrinos can carry energy as
INFO ... ;
IFF reverse engineering
of neutrinos,
Solar Sail can be without
combustion, without rocket fuel, ... ; defined
WORMHOLE must SYNC (a.k.a.
Synchronization) to 2,3
dimensional ... ;
like electrodes, light's length
is in very short period of time; sound needs medium (e.g. air);
unlike electrodes, neutrinos are coming toward one of the human beings livable
moons from our universes
... ;
since Neutrinos can carry energy, its
and then be functional via defined
keywords are: focus, pinpoint, lock, launch, target, ... , to be utilizing
functional ... ;
news, neutrino transformation,
can be indicated, can be observed, therefore, neutrino can be types ... ; At
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex,
large amount of neutrinos are generated and aimed, 300 Kilo meters in distance,
neutrino oscillation, therefore, as a result, m u o n neutrinos can be changed into
electron neutrinos; After the neutrino transformation,
types are electron,
m u o n, and t a u; Invented by Prof.
Takashi Kobayashi and the
Neutrino, 0.5 G e V ~ 1.5 G e V;
Neutrino radiation, within seconds, for detecting big bang; Might be better than microwave radiation, for detecting big bang;
Neutrinos AND antineutrinos; Neutrinos act through weak
nuclear force, and
WHEN neutrinos in action, an energy is carried by neutrinos
outward from supernova explosion; Beyond iron, all higher elements must be
created by neutrinos' carried-energy;
and then, neutrinos define
5W1H of iron;
In Italian language, neutrino means little neural one;
Neutrons; Also see: F e r m i o n;
Nuclear1; from high power (e.g. 8800, 4400) to low power (e.g. 220, 110); Nuclear2;
Within a few days (time), within a structural limited space (space), radio activity (action) e.g. 2fold increase particles; 4fold increase particles; 8fold increase particles;
chemically poison a.k.a. toxic; physically unstable particles; radio active isotopes;
nuclear power is resource and economical power, because electricity can be free (living standard can be higher because of); nuclear is global environmental risk, if aging, if explosion;
industrial electricity power lines, e.g. high voltage (4400, 440), also see: Electricity Power Plug;
k o s h i Photon (Assembly of photons), photon's quantum b e h a v i o u r, (photo-electric effect a.k.a. photon with matter) ... ; Also see: Optics;
Neutrino, also see:
Periodic Table, also see:
Chemical Elements;
teleportation: photons of ultraviolet light
can be teleported;
Quantum of light is Photon; Quantum of strong force is Gluon, quantum of strong force is Graviton; On the other hand, quanta of weak force are W-boson, and Z-boson; photon, a.k.a. quanta, tiny packets of energy;
Computer, ର (
ACT1 electromagnetic force spin
interaction of electron and photon is called QED, Quantum Electro
Dynamic; Also see: electron; Photon is a particle of light; Waves of light,
particle properties, packets of energy is called photon, defined by Einstein in
Positron, a.k.a. anti electron ... ;
WHEN particle and antiparticle unite, a.k.a. pair annihilation; In pair annihilation, WHILE annihilating each other, ACT1 produces protons; In EM radiation, as a form, after pair annihilation, the rest mass [left over/remaining mass] 's conversion into energy so called p o s i t r o n i u m;
In 1960s, mega [millions of ...] electron volts could be produced by pair annihilation of positron and electron; Mutual pair annihilation of positron and electron is called annihilation radiation;
(PM 2.5, PM 10) a.k.a. particle pollution a.k.a.
particulate matter; Also see:
level knowledge enhancement,
idea ♯ 165; Directional Plasma Cluster;
Neutrino, also see:
Protons; Also see: F e r m i o n;
Also see: Europe's Western civilization type development after year 2000, by 27 km diameter, circular L H C machine to measure very small distance 10-19 m, and temperature? By circulating proton inside the tubing might reach electron V > trillion;
IFF proton-proton head-on collision, also see: h i g g s;
IFF proton-proton reaction, also see: Fusion;
anti-proton, using particle accelerator, anti-proton can be created;
p l a s m o n
quasi particle can be found, as a result of quantization of plasma
1st to understand
holes and sticks
[ 40+ years old
info ],
2nd to understand dB of, FN CK, IN CK, ... ,
3rd to understand capacitance, its remote sensing, its release time of, dubbing technique, ... ;
I wrote: whenever you're dealing with usage (quantum,
should you think of?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!!
Distance among electrons, or potential
diff (of the defined ring) among electrons; in (
bio, biomedical,
Nanobot Programming), membranes, outer side (edge) should be lesser
WHICH means "negative" charged ones also;
I wrote:
of course; smart enough already with correct answer; one more quiz would be:
Layer4) designer can be captured by ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!!
Layer5) designer sir;
ware ware We links to
with good reasons sir; we're beyond
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration,
Electron configuration) and its Electron Pairs, are we?
Hmm!! Umm!! We've already learnt kuru kuru
Navy Blue Color and Silver Color are flip-flopping, Yellow Color goes away
I wrote: Judo Method is
recommended for "Electron Pairs," because we don't practice
Judo with animals;
Judo Method of pairing (edges, electrons, membranes),
mapped & matched ones
should be, e.g. (biopsy, pathogen, sample) should be
mapped & matched, And
Then, from bad ones to good ones means you're on ... ;
Did you try unwanted Nitrogen at Level5 (gas) during battling with Sar-Covid-2
pathogen to defeat unwanted virus? Remark:
and USA
are winners of antiviral
pandemic worldwide (2019-2020-2021) biomedical ...
; Also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War . HTML, and we need to be ready for another
round, we need to be readiness for another round,
so R&D as much as you can ... ; "out-of-text-book" 2 difficult
Walls are from GI (oral route) to blood,
and from tissue (via infusion) to spinal cord
, may be Level6,7,8,9, ...
Pulsar; Irregularity with neutron star;
Quark AND anti-quark;
3 small constituents inside 1 proton are also known as quarks; Also see: F e r m i o n; Meson;
WHEN 3 types of quark are arranged, SU3 symmetry exists; Also see: laser;
Q u bit
Q u bit
Q u bit; e.g.
Q u bit As Block;
_ _ _ |
superstrings, since 1960s;
open strings are with ends e.g. window's right pane
(think that SQRT2's floating numbers on X axis must be
truncated at defined mantissa point ... , 2^number on Y axis must also be
truncated at defined model
(e.g. 4K model is highest tech in 2010s),
Z distribution on layers must also be truncated at defined level
(e.g. level 6
display factories (designed & built already), level 7 display factories
(designed & building), level 31 display factory should be built in Union of Myanmar in
the near future however this DOMAIN still cannot capture all 17 into 1 aspect
ratio yet e.g. the whole shakya universe cannot be photo taken WHICH means 1 way
DEE alike, 1 side 180 degree alike,
IFF multi touch
interface with DEE density can prompt
numbers of pinch
and then 360 degree might be into 1 aspect ratio ...
; closed strings are circular (think
that after year 2010, window's edges are designed to be curved WHICH obey
light as surface's
characteristics); both strings (closed string, open string) obey year 2000s'
C Sequence Number
(BF2) i.e. 2,3 dimensional gravity (if user defines directional,
and then starts (heavier weight, lighter weight) with
directions ...
); However, BF2 is no longer valid IFF 3,4
dimensional environment (e.g. parallel time NOT able to SYN
24mm Natural Time slow down problem in space engineering),
Space BLI problems begin (e.g. AI Gene Therapy System is required to solve
growth rate), this DOMAIN 's imaginary space crafts are very very far away in
our universes e.g. all human livable 6
planets are ...
... );
superstring is beyond both Quantum Field Theory (defined elementary particles) and S-matrix Theory (infinite numbers of particles; NOT defined elementary particles);
10 dimension might be referring to
JUN time, 10 directions of
transmitting metta
in Buddhism; Literally,
dimension might be referring to a ~ z if you count English letters
... ;
Notice that this DOMAIN has implemented both ... ;
superstrings are coexistence like 2 e.g. 2
claps to worship (Nippon's thousands of years
tradition), e.g.
Yin and Yang symbol,
... ;
Retrospectively 100+ years in physics,
dimensions mean length, depth, breadth, and time; Notice that time can go
wrong because of 24mm Natural Time slow down problem; Notice that length also
can go wrong e.g. yellowish color's 5mm variation, ...
; Notice that breadth (e.g. radius of gravity spot) also can go wrong
because of monopole affects, ... ; Notice that
depth also can go wrong because rainfall water drop shapes are NOT the same,
because space directional gravity, ... ; IFF all
wrongful info exist for thousands of years, and then start with your own defined
factors and numbers only
(e.g. mm bar pressure, SPL, ... )
... ; Therefore, if you are spacecraft designer
(e.g. 1 Satellite
Engineer), be careful to avoid
fallacy and
If you are
space system software engineer, install
this DOMAIN and then test the system
AI (smart) can auto adjust
4 dimensions (measurements) in space
... ;
If super strings were known as 1 word "spin" (also known as 0, 1/2, 1, 2, ... ), and then, super symmetry was known as 1 word "spin-off" (mathematically somehow constants are gone in calculation e.g. 1=1+1), and then, super gravity theory in 1980s was known as 1 word "higher-dimension-theories"; after 2010s in 21st century, light as surface should be called e.g. Gravity & IT (and notice that it will also be wrong in the near future, e.g. multi time lines can no longer prove universal momentum, e.g. surface gravity pressure can no longer obey iroColourWaveForm, e.g. SPL on a surface can no longer obey directional gravity, e.g. ("rainbow" vs. "wormhole") can no longer define surface's energy mapping value, ... ) ... ; If anomalies, also see: uncertain programming (e.g. dark dots are blinking on screen (dimensional gravity's momentum, monopole affects); e.g. WHILE device's weight becomes lighter and lighter on our earth if this DOMAIN installed computer but system cannot reach Idea Processor level 128 bit mantissa and beyond; e.g. projecting either "rainbow" or "wormhole" into light as surface; ... also read the book: UNCERTAIN PROGRAMMING, BAODING LIU, 2000, ISBN 0-471-35994-7) ... ;
If you are uncertain programming programmer, for each superstring, 5W1H of Time . Space . Action 1st; Because diff time prompts diff momentum, diff gravity effect, ... ; (1 side approach on 1 surface) measure gravity spots, or discover (find) or invent superstrings 2nd; Because radius of gravity spots may vary e.g. 1mm, 1cm, 1m, ... ; If you can balance (finding your own symmetry) i.e. directional gravity begins and you'll be having your own "flying" automotives, 3rd;
Remark: in
2014/2558, this DOMAIN
(Idea Processor
software) installed USB stick (i.e. FAT32,
USB drive) into 2011
Model My Sequoia 4/4 is still
testing ...
and notice that NOT "flying" yet;
However, better 23+ miles/gallon, and still do not know because of elevating
within (5A ~ 50A) or variable valves (V8, multi valves) or structural gravity
with 4 gravity spots, or MPG is no longer depending on engine size & horse power
e.g. 5.7L engine 4/4 car can go beyond 23+ MPG, or ... ;
super symmetry: 1st to understand C Sequence Number (super symmetry);
|||||||||| ||||||||||
T a u, one of the elementary particles, after neutrino transformation;
Uncertain, the usage "uncertain" belongs to:
WHEN you no longer know WHERE the (particles) ... ;
steady flow of anti-matter ... ;
steady flow of light ... ;
W particle, a.k.a. Yang-Mills field, discovered by C . N . Yang & R. L. Mills, in 1954; [HYPERSPACE; M I C H I O K A K U; 1994];
1950s | W particle can have charge: -1, 0, +1; also see: co-existence 2; | ![]() |
1970s | Perturbation theory; IFF quantum theory, also see: 1994, Pg. 139, Hyperspace, M i c h i o K a k u, for populating graviton ... ; | ![]() |
1990s |
Perturbation ![]() IFF L
AND IFF r2=2a2 cos Θ, also see: water (l e m n i s c a t e) ... ; |
![]() |
2000s | C Sequence Number | |
2010s | 2*6; 7;
2,3 dimensional
iida; Particle
Perturbation in light rate; IFF gravity dimension processor (light _rate) testing reliability; |
![]() |
W-bosons; Also see: Bosons;
Quanta of weak force are W-boson, and Z-boson; On the other hand, quantum of strong force is Gluon, quantum of strong force is Graviton;
W-boson AND Gluon ACT1
electromagnetic force spin
X-ray; Also see: Black hole OR Neutron star;
1st to understand
Ion Engine
... ; 2nd to understand 0.5 second momentum
... ; 3rd, do it yourself gravity dimension
computer to develop UPS
(i.e. universal positioning system)
in our universe, 5928 iroColourWaveForm,
lines surfaces, ... ;
H a y a b u s a, powered by 4 xenon ion engines ... ; Also read, Pg. 157 ~ 158, Ion and Plasma Engines, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, M I C H I O K A K U, 2008;
z ... ;
Z-bosons; Also see: Bosons;
Quanta of weak force are W-boson, and Z-boson; On the other hand, quantum of strong force is Gluon, quantum of strong force is Graviton;
For Monbusho level
developers only: For each particle, define exactly 5W1H of
For ACT2 and ACT3 stages developers only, must understand conditional variable
logic before analyzing particles because strings are in spin, for each string's
spins in Mtheory
are all in nested layered of conditional variables in computing, therefore logic
of defined,
..., ..., must be understood, ... ;
... 。
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