; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : February : 12th (Wednesday) : g Character ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 12 : 2 : 2025 : g : G : g Character;     Also see: g Usage;

gadget      gadgets      gadget ;

gain or loss, fame or defame, praise or blame, and pleasure or pain; Also see: mature knowledge;

g a i r a i g o, one of the 3 types of word in Nippon;

(gallbladder, liver), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 252, Gene Therapy System;

game; gaming; games; e.g.


gaming e.g. WHO control our earth;

gamma i.e. Γ, γ;

Ganges River a.k.a. G a n g a River [Buddhism] ;

gap; e.g.

fail; gap; lack; yawning; Radical98;

gap ;

range of voice; gap; difference in price; Radical717;

garbage; garbage collection; e.g.

dirt; dump; garbage; litter; refuse; trash; Radical956;

in computing (garbage collection (GC)) : automatic process of freeing-up space, by removing (no-longer required data, not-in-use data) computer's memory;

g a r i , also see: Sushi;

be awarded; be given; be presented with; collect; garner; Radical417;

(noun) garner, i.e. (granary) storehouse;
(verb) garner, e.g. collecting approval information;

gas; e.g.

((( Gas, Gas, Gas))) ; gas ;  ;

Sodium vapor lamp, e.g. gas discharge lamp;

using Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway traffic, commuting traffic, fluid flow traffic, gas traffic, manufacturing logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic, public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow traffic, R F C protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic, waterway traffic, ... ) ... ; Also see: PHYSICS; Physics Law 184, G D C Gas Exchange (DEE _Mouth) ... ;

gasoline (a.k.a. petrol);

short dialog form (usage) gas a.k.a. gasoline;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (g a s t r a.k.a. stomach)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

therapeutic Gastroenterological, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

gastrointestinal, also see: MD;

gate; gated; gates; e.g.

Artificial Intelligence gate e.g. knowing Comorbidity WHILE Tx Anti Virus (COVID-19, Specialties ID) ... ;

entrance to a home; gate; Japanese style door; narrows; Radical85;

gate a.k.a. door;

gate;     gate     gate     gate      gate     gate     gate     gate      gate ;     gate;

gate; Radical202;

gate ;

gather ;

control; gauge; law; regulation; rhythm; Radical513;

gauge      gauge      gauge ;

gaze at ; ;

gear      gear      gear ;


gem ;

gender; e.g.

((female, male), (man, woman)) i.e. gender;

( gender, nature, sex);

gender; nature; sex; Radical755;

( Gene, Gene, Gene) ... ; gene; genetic; genetically; e.g.

embedded; Radical693 (gene therapy system, GPS, gravity dimension computer) ... ;

  gene     gene     gene      gene ;

every part of we human beings has its own meaningful definition : e.g. we cannot see our back because of 1 way DEE; e.g. we have 2 eyes because of 2 human beings livable moons are on the same orbit; e.g. we have 3 holes in our skull because of 2 events of 3 lights are in 90 degree (a.k.a. (2*6) momentum); Also see: Physics Law 170, leading 3 naturally, ... ; e.g. we have limited growth rate (C Sequence Number (BF1)) because of DEE 's refreshing rate, planets (human beings livable moons)' size, yellowish variations, and so on; after understanding Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE) in ACT1, ACT2, and ACT3, we're having different way of thinking HOW (items, objects, things) are naturally ( PHYSICS) ... Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

(good gene pattern (A, C, G, T)) to be adding ... ;
(good gene pattern (A, C, G, T)) to be adding ... ;

reduce oncological gene growth; Also see: vitamin D;

water flow gene therapy system, also see: Physics Law 789 ... ;

y o k e r u Avoid; Radical981 i.e. avoiding bad ones (e.g. bad gene patterns, bad weather conditions, category 4+ storm, magnitude 4+ earthquake, meter height tsunami, unwanted ones, volcanic eruption) ;

general; generally; e.g.

Admiral; and again; Commander; from now on; General; just about; Leader; or; Soon;

CG (Commanding General);

everywhere; generally; Radical331;

general ;


general principle; sense; way of things naturally; Radical598;

humanoid Global Military General; Also see: Nama For Humanoid;

military commander, military general; Radical344;

generation; generations; e.g.

age; generation; society; world; Radical148;

generation ;

Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant; Also see: Nuclear1; Nuclear2;
Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant-;

genetic      genetic

IFF correct genetic, also see: Gene Therapy System index; for each (individual, patient, person, Pt (Patient), user), for each human beings livable moon ... ;


* g e n i c ;

anus (genitalia, GI, rectum); Also see: a G T S U; g G T S U; r G T S U;

ability; accomplishment; adeptness; aptitude; capability; capacity; competence; deftness; dexterity; expertise; facility; finesse; genius; informally know HOW; mastery; proficiency; prowess; savoir faire; skill; talent;

genocide; massacre; slaughter;

(genotype, phenotype), also see: g G T S U; p G T S U;

gentle ;

sun Gentle; also see: Swastika;

gentleman; samurai; Radical41;

birth; genuine; life; Radical129;

genuineness ; ;

genus; e.g.

class; genus; kind; sort; variety;

genus ; ;

geo; geology; geological; geologically; e.g.

geological age (term); Radical919;

geometrical surface; Radical212;


s o n o Its (context, geo location, producer, unit, URI) ... ;

geometry; e.g.

CT _X-ray _Geometry, also see: CT, Computing Tomography ... ;

Bearing; course of action; Direction; geometry directional; Orientation; Way;

( geometry, geometry, geometry, geometry, geometry), property & relation of (Dimensional, Line, Point, Solid, Surface) ... ;

geriatric; geriatrics; Geriatrics; e.g.

geriatric strengthening muscle, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System; m G T S U;

( ronenigaku Geriatrics, ronenigaku Geriatrics, ronenigaku Geriatrics, ronenigaku Geriatrics, ronenigaku Geriatrics);

(gerund OR present participle) e.g. * i n g; Remark: verb + i n g;

gesture ; ;

accept; comply; get; have; take; Radical417;

get      got      gotten ;

get in ; ;

get in disorder ; ;

get into

get off from a train;

get pay; income; obtain; reap; to receive supply; to store; Radical622;

get up; recover; rise; stand up; to make initial charge; to start (e.g. to boot up); to take action; Radical146;

getting punished by authority;

getting ready, a.k.a. laying out;      getting ready;

getting reborn in woeful existences as a result of misconducts ;

consisting of; getting to be; growing to be; proving to be; reaching to be; to be composed of; to be promoted; to become; to complete; to play a role; to succeed; Radical752;

t a m a s h i Anima; t a m a s h i Apparition; t a m a s h i Ghost; t a m a s h i Shadow; t a m a s h i Soul; t a m a s h i Spirit;

anus (genitalia, GI, rectum); Also see: a G T S U;

giant ; ;

gift; gifted; gifts; e.g.

congratulatory gift; Radical460;

function; gift; talent; Noh (traditional Japanese art theatre); Radical388;

gifted ; ;

giga-      giga- ;

enormous; gigantic; huge; Radical149;

gild      gilt      gilt ;

ginger; Also see: Protein; Radical597;

gird      girt      girt ;

daughter; girl; woman; Radical45;

girl ; coexistence, also see: boy;

GIS , Global Information System; IFF ACT1 imaginary hyper space, also see: our earth;

give; e.g.

abandon; discard; give up; hurl; invest in; join; launch into; sell at a loss; throw;

cast; extend; give; Radical203;

be awarded; be given; be presented with; collect; garner; Radical417;

discontinue; except; give up ; lay aside; set aside; suspend;

give birth to ;

give      gave      given ;

give me kudasai;

give up ;

to give;

scorch-free Yakitori chicken gizzard skewer, also see: Sushi;

glance; e.g.

a glance ;

glance ;

endocrine system (gland, glands, ovaries, ovary, pancreas, testes, ... ) ... ; Also see: e G T S U;

gland     gland     gland; Also see: g G T S U;

glass; Glass; e.g.

glasses' strength; glasses' prescription (Rx); Radical653;

( glass, glass, glass, glass) ... ; glass ; ;

gleam (reflected light shines brightly); glow (light without flame); Radical400;

glaucoma; GLAUCOMA; e.g.

Using chiryoyaku Therapeutic GLAUCOMA ... , also see: g G T S U; Inhibitor Acronym;

global; GLOBAL; globe; e.g.

( global, global, global, global)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ; ( global, global, global, GLOBAL, global) ... ; our earth only, if universal, the Shakya King's permit is a must; Also see: Action; Services;

Manmade Global Weather, as opposed to natural disaster happens;

our (earth, globe, l o k a, planet, world) ... ;

our earth only, if universal, the Shakya King's permit is a must ; ( ball, bulb, counter for baseball pitches, globe, sphere) ... ;

Remark: in SQRT2 design model, ("GLOBAL") means 1000 of its Engineering Notation (s) 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... doko WHERE ("10") means Local, ("100") means Remote, ("1000") means Global, ... ; SQRT3 design model is one of the military top secrets e.g. in Space, there is no joint venture for sure, so R&D as much as you can ... ; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;

Gene Therapy System (globulins) also see: 5lComputer;

( Glomerulus, Glomerulus, Glomerulus, Glomerulus, i t o k y u t a i Glomerulus), also see: g G T S U;

glow; e.g.

be bright; glow; Radical646;

gleam (reflected light shines brightly); glow (light without flame); Radical400; Also see: Radicals;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (g l y c a.k.a. sugar)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

glyph      glyph ;

star glyph; star shape; star symbol; Radical462;

Gene Therapy System (glycoprotein) also see: 9aComputer;

go; goes; going; gone; e.g.

exceed; go beyond; overdo; Radical759;

from; going; Radical268;

go around; goes around;

go, as opposed to come;

go back (a.k.a. return);

go backwards (a.k.a. revert);

go       go ; ;

go;     go     went     gone;

going; journey; Radical176;

going man; linger; loiter; stop; Radical70;

go in ( + ) ;  ;     go out ( +  ) ; ;

go Karma (ACTION) e.g. Ref. to floating points ... ; Remark: IFF ZCS, on screen, regarding keywords, end of the line is action;

gone; leave (left); past; Radical549;

go through ;

go up ( + , level + ) ;

in Hiragana, (pronounce "go"); in Katakana, (pronounce "go");

to go along; to go by; to go indoors; to go into rooms; to go pass through; to go via; Radical711;

goal; goals; e.g.

goal goal a.k.a. purpose;

goal logic, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 265; Logic;

goat; goats; e.g.

goat; also see: sheep;

Goat (zodiac); Radical828;

god; God; gods; e.g.

deity; god; spirit; Radical370;

God      God ; ;

gold; e.g.

5 elements in your life;

BF2 Gold, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

diode Gold, also see: iro LED;

gold      gold ;

gold; gold coin (i.e. valuable money), highest value; Radical200;

gold; Radical240;

gold ;

good; e.g.

abiding; deep-rooted; durable; enduring; everlasting; good resistant ( j o b u Good Resistant); firm; hardwearing; heavy-duty; imperishable; indestructible; industrial-strength; long-lasting; long-term; permanent; persistent; secure-and-stable; strong and sturdy; tough; undying;

Conciliation; Harmony; kindly; Mild; Peace; to be with good terms; Radical850;

excellent; fine; good; Radical735;

good; ;

good and bad;

good, as opposed to bad;

good; better; best;

good fortune; Radical332;

(good gene pattern (A, C, G, T)) to be adding ... ;
(good gene pattern (A, C, G, T)) to be adding ... ;

good      good      good ;

goodness (gratitude);

good; pleasing; Radical735;

good quality; ;

good result; Radical791;


prefix: good; Radical665;

good ;

goodbye, goodnight, thank you; Radical5;

article; goods; Radical222;

goods  ; ;

goods a.k.a. freight;

chasm; dell; gorge; ravine; slum; valley; Radical183;

gorge ;

gossip; hearsay; rumor; r u m o u r; Radical1002;

gourd; melon; Radical154;

govern; governed; governing; government; e.g.

government  ;

governmental office, a.k.a. agency;

govern; rule; Radical959;

GPS GPS     GPS     GPS ;

G P U; e.g.

G P U     G P U     G P U, e.g. generate code for G P U;

grade e.g.

about; crown; grade; rank; some; throne;

carapace; grade A; instep; shell; the 1st party; Radical256, also see: Radicals;



military grade (invisible to radar), also see: PHYSICS, (law fifty seven): Laser Shield;

graffiti i.e. illegal painting,     graffiti ;

graft; e.g.

( adjoin, closely touch, to graft onto a tree, to join a contact, to piece together, to set bones) ... ;

gram; Gram; e.g.


 (  (  ( Gram negative, Gram negative), ( Gram positive, Gram positive )  ) doko WHERE rods look alike Bacilla AND spherical Cocci are ) ; in common, ZCS (Alcohol %, Water pH Number), charged by diff potential, similar to ions; Also see: g Character; Location Awareness Response; n Character; p Character;

gram; Radical127;

metric system unit of mass (g, gram);

grandfather ;



graphics      graphics      graphics ;


* g r a p h y;

assemble; association; braid; construct; cooperate; grapple; plait; unite; Radical366;

Blade; blade of grass; counter for flat things; counter for leaves; counter for pieces of paper; fragment; Leaf; lobe; pine needle; Plane; spear;

grass  ;  ;    grass  ; ;

gratitude (kindness);

similar to grave accent character in programming e.g. ASCII (96); Radical3, also see: Radicals;

grave accent ( ` );

gravitation; gravitational; gravity; e.g.

approx. iroColourWaveForm (Aqua) i.e. Normal Gravity;

IFF 3 gravity pressure area (refer to each surface) , Gravity Pressure Share Radical, also see: Radicals;

gravitation  ;     gravity      gravity ; Also see: Automotive;

gravity; Radical360;

gravity      gravity      gravity      gravity ;

Gravity Dimension Computer;

Gravity Harvest Power Antenna, step-by-step HOW, also see: Physics Law 151, ... ;

( our Earth Only _Gravity Spot _structural Battery), also see: Physics Law 179 ... ;

suingu Swing-by Gravity Time, also see: Physics Law 132; Schematic Dimensional;

well trained kids! replied : HOW to design & engineer Gravity Dimension Computer sir ?

counter for circuits; Radical510;

I wrote : 1st, using resistors, "short" circuit board must be understood; 2nd, be able to define inductances, by using resistors (directional): adjustable | configurable (4th factor, C Sequence Number, Lo Shu algorithm, Rainbow Method, remote heat sensing, Sudoku algorithm, Wall Method) WHILE whole circuit as capacitance (oscillating, oscillation, oscillator) WHICH obeys counter for circuits; 3rd, be able to define structural (e.g. static way, wormhole way), e.g. EM Pull (be able to do from CRT screen to "flat panel" to ZCS), e.g. one way DEE (slow down time period only), e.g. SPL, And Then, you will be able to do your own Gravity Dimension Computer; if you're still needing help, you need to consult or hire peoples as "Technical Consultant" ... ; Remember: in space, there is no joint venture (you do it therefore you own it , or you don't do it therefore you don't own it); you're welcome to many human beings livable moons in our universes;

well trained kids! replied : HOW to understand "EM Pull" sir ?

Umm! you need to know (A W G 10/1 and 10/2) 's EM pattern 1st (doko WHERE electromagnet patterns are NOT the same), And Then, apply lesser and lesser resistance e.g. 16/1 and 16/2, ... and so on i.e. HOW "EM Pull" begins in basic common; think that in our earth (a.k.a. ACT1 imaginary hyper space) WHEN you have diff potential (V, volt, voltage), you also have capacitance, inductance, resistance, ... ; another good example would be CT, MRI, ... , regarding ACT1 (EM, EMI) ... ; but, in ACT2 imaginary hyper space, way of thinking should be different regarding Gravity Dimension Computer, because, momentums (e.g. 2,3 dimensional, e.g. 3,4 dimensional) are somehow different; if you're dealing with e.g. designing & engineering ACT3 imaginary hyper space crafts, you need to understand 3rd wave of our universe (this DOMAIN has used " a.k.a. 3rd wave of our universe" for reducing "heat wave" in summer in our earth since 2018/2562), reversed yellowish variation and yellowish variation to perceive energy to be alive, proactive, prospering, ... ; Remark: please don't be surprised and please act like "I a i n ' t know" that my smart devices (e.g. smart IoT, e.g. smart phone) may become "lighter" weights; and realize and be beyond "money" (things can be bought | purchased : e.g. Gravity Dimension Computer ... ); be beyond 2 nodes radio, 3 nodes radio, AM, FM, XM, ... ;

in ACT2 and ACT3 imaginary hyper space R&D (Dark Energy Engineering ( DEE)), regarding jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (Idea Processor (Gravity Dimension Computer (Gene Therapy System))), depending upon human beings livable moons, e.g. for each human beings livable moon, Body Length Index (BLI), (hard | soft) of beings in 31 realms, ... vary because of DEE 's refreshing pattern, rate, ... ;

gray; Gray; e.g.

BF2 Blue gray, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

diode Gray, also see: iro LED;

Origin of BF2 Black; Origin of BF2 Gray;

big; great; large; Radical44;

great   ;

great skill ; ;


green e.g.

2,3 dimensional Default Green and Brown, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

also see: Cold Boot . i n i; also see: R G B (Red, Green, Blue) system; also see: warm _ boot;

BF2 Green, also see: PHYSICS, law eighty two; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

Blood Flow; inhale (breath in) as air; vein is green; vessel is blue; doko WHERE (CO (Carbon Monoxide) AND hemoglobin (H e m e group) formation prompts as (blue, green)), and output as CO2 (Carbon Dioxide from our nose as exhale (breath out)), meditation (meditation; Radical333) is recommended because our body is adding Oxygen as output naturally, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol (Blood Flow) ... ; Remark: in our earth, WHY our vein and vessel look alike aqua color, on the other hand, blood look alike "red" ? (we've already realized and understood THAT "red" is a limitation to 2,3 dimensional imaginary space); e.g. regarding planet Mars, neither blue nor green prompts THAT "germs free" (Is it because of yellow color as light sheet ? ) ... ; naturally, our blood is like "germ free" ? ; Does really "Yellow Flows" prompt "germ free" in our universes ?  knowing this kind of knowledge can design Gene Therapy System ? ; Does NOT matter whether water exists on Mars (retrospectively to my 1997 Masters Project (Western Illinois University) WIU-NASA JOVE Masters Project) or NOT, but I'm sure that "germ free" because of yellow i.e. an ethnic tribe's wild guess;

blue; green; Radical206;

diode Green, also see: iro LED;

Green Default (doko WHERE yellow (protein) would be twisted like based pairs), also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

     green      green      green      green      green

green frog, Radical246;

green       green, Radical129;

green light;      green light;      green light;

green Rounded rectangular callout Heat Sensor, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 258, Heat Sensor;

Green Screen; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;

Parallel Moon Waves' Green Spot, also see: PHYSICS law seventy four ... ;

to be handling green, also see: PHYSICS, law one hundred and nine, ... ;

Yellow Green Either Way;

green ;

apartment; cellar; chamber; greenhouse; room; Radical966;

greeting      greetings ;  ;     greeting t a d a i m a ;

grid     grid ;

also see: Network Topology;

grind      ground      ground ;

Gene Therapy System : (Abdomen (belly), Armpit, Chest, Groin, Neck) doko WHERE 100+ Lymph Nodes ... ;

darn; fix; groom ; mend; patch-up; repair; tidy-up; trim;

ground; e.g.

ground;     ground;     ground;     ground; Also see: Background;

ground; land; soil; Radical519;

grounds ; ;

group; grouped; grouping; groups; e.g.

Bio-cells (strand, sheet, cluster) group ... ; Also see: Protein;

chorus group ... ;

divalent group (O S O 2) salt or ester of sulfuric acid; divalent elements may vary;

group ;     group ;     group ;     Group;

group e.g. people together (flock);

groups; eight groups of 16 bit each (i.e. IPv6) ... ; Also see: Naturally Weather Log;

multiplexer group (3,3,3,3) and adder group (10,7,10); Also see: 108 configuration;

relationship of Group ( 3 ones), and Group ( 4 ones) should be a.k.a. (3,4 dimensional), also see: Physics Law 567;

subsidiaries (companies are controlled by 1 company) a.k.a. group, also see: Biz;

(team, set, group, class) ... ; Radical366;

grow; grow-able; growing; e.g.

Auto Grow; IFF (our earth), bio cell ... ; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Physics Law 131;

fragrant herb; grow; spiced liqueur; spread; Radical228;

grow ; ;     grew     grown ;

consisting of; getting to be; growing to be; proving to be; reaching to be; to be composed of; to be promoted; to become; to complete; to play a role; to succeed; Radical752;

Guan yin, a god, a.k.a. the B o d d h i s a t t v a of Mercy, a.k.a. A v a l o k i t e s v a r a ;

22m, the largest wooden statue in the world is in P u n i n g Temple, P u n i n g Si, C h e n g d e, H e b e i Province, China;

Guan yin, a.k.a. Lady Deity;

also see: Who are the Buddhist Deities html;

guarded ; safe; safeguard; secure; shielded; unharmed;

face; face guard; Radical212;

guardian      guardian      guardian      guardian      guardian ;

guardian of universe;

guess; speculation; Radical54;

assumption; conclusion; conjecture; deduction; extrapolation; guess; presumption; reasoning; reckoning; speculation; supposition;

GUI, Graphical User Interface; e.g.

( 3x3 GUI, 4x4 GUI), also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 276; Z-index Heat Sensing;

99% transparency plastic, GUI, Window, ... , also see: Radical882; Radical881; Radical883; Radical880;

GUI, Graphical User Interface;

guide      guide ;

guiding teacher;

guilt ; ;

guilty conscience;

gun e.g.

21st century and beyond, accordance with ("Black Book" vs. "Red Book") tactic, "Black Book" implementation is essential, therefore, this DOMAIN 's powerful guns are ... , IFF military commander, military general, also see: Radical344, and notice that "no need to declare war" ... ; Remark: start with system capturing technique e.g. if opponent is 2 layered computing, do 3 layered computing to capture the opponent, e.g. if opponent is 3 layered computing, do 4 layered computing to capture the opponent, e.g. if opponent is 4 layered computing, do 5 layered computing to capture the opponent, and so on ... ; i.e. one of the powerful guns;

bear a burden; shoulder a gun; Radical416;

benefit; chemical; enamel; gun powder; Radical377;

counter for gun; Radical260;

the most powerful gun in 21st century and beyond : DEE As Gun;
the most powerful gun in 21st century and beyond : 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS destinations can be destroying 200+ years of constructing works;

B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; Mx, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

g y n e c o m a s t i a, also see: a G T S U;

g y o z a , also see: Sushi ;
