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pabba, e.g.
IriyapathaPabba (posture section);
pabbaja, an
ascetic, a person who gives up all worldly affairs, and
approaches to a meditation center
WHERE the person can extinguish internal fires
[raga, dosa, moha,
...]; WHY a person needs to extinguish raga,
dosa, moha, ...
because they are the root cause of suffering; By practicing
sila, samadhi, and
paññā, the ascetic can overcome;
pabbajito, the one WHO casts impurities aside (out of the way, to one side), and left the world;
pabbajja, e.g. 10 pabbajja precepts (dassa-pabbajji-sila), Theravada nuns practice;
paccakkha-vipassanā, empirical knowledge;
pacca ya sannis sita sīla, requisites related morality;
paccaya parigga hanñāṇa, cause apprehending knowledge;
pācittiya pali, a.k.a. minor offences, a.k.a. vibhanga part II, one of the discipline books for monks and nuns;
pada, track;
e.g. devoid tracks of delusion, hatred, and lust;
Padhāna sutta;
padhāna-kkhamo, stamina for hard practice, one of the 5 benefits of
Padmakara Translation Group, Tibetan Buddhism, [2009; Joyful Wisdom];
Padmasambhava, lotus-born, in Sanskrit; also see: Tantric Buddhism's pioneer guru Rinpoche;
paggahita-vīriya, persistent effort;
pahāna pariñña, abandonment full knowledge;
pahatabba, shun (get away from something, keep away from something);
pahātave, also see: pahatabba;
pajanati, instruction to know;
Pajapati, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
PAKIṆṆAKA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
bodhi pakkhiya dhamma; also see: ariya;
the original language of the piṭaka; Sermon of
Holy religious language in Buddhism;
Think that paper was not invented yet (e.g. 2500+ years ago), and bhikkhu
(monks) by generation after generation maintains orally (i.e. by heart by
chanting) and then those voice (s) are documented as a language ... ;
Pali canon, a.k.a.
tipitaka, a.k.a.
tripitaka; including
Buddhist sacred texts,
mahayana sutras, scriptures,
suttas, Tibetan Buddhism books, words of Buddha,
... ; also see:
Pāli Cannon, canonical texts, also see: aṭṭhakathā
(commentary), and ṭīkā (sub-commentary);
In Buddha nations, there are many Pali derived usages ... ;
pamojja, presence of delight; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
the parts of body (kaya) are concepts (Paňňati) and insight is of object of realities, also see: A Study of First MulaMinGoneZetawonSayadaw ’s Insight Meditation Technique in Burma, Ashin Panyacekka, Alodawpyie Meditation Monastery, Newark, CA 94560, U.S.A. This research paper, submitted to United Nation Day of Vassak, the International Association of Buddhist University, MC University, Bangkok, Thailand. January 13, 2016;
pañca-sila, 5 precept; lay devotees practice 5 precept; also see: sila;
Pañca viṃ śati sāha srikāprajñā pāramitā sūtra;
Pandita, monk (bhikkhu) 's name in meaningful Pali;
PAṆḌITA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
panidhaya bhavana, direct form of meditation (panidhaya bhavana) vs. un-direct mode of meditation (ap panidhaya bhavana) ... ;
high class morality, because observing with appreciation of its value
that sīla is something worthy to observe, because
it helps purify one's bodily and verbal behaviors;
paññā, wisdom; Also see: indriya, 5 faculties;
paññā, wisdom; meritorious deeds, as they help fulfill one's wishes;
paññatti, conceptual objects; also see: 2 kinds of jhāna are samatha-jhāna and vipassanā-jhāna;
panna vimutti, freedom of wisdom, ceto vimutti, freedom of mind; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
paññatti, something conceptual;
pāpa, mind's defilement (e.g. evil);
immoral roots e.g. dosa, moha, and raga are also evil;
ten kinds of evil are: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, slandering (make false statement about someone), harsh (cruel) speech, frivolous (carefree, not serious) talk, covetousness (greedy, strong desire for another's possession), ill will, false view;
PᾹPA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
papanca, conceptual proliferation; conceptually producing another, by budding;
pāpicchā, sinfully selfish;
para-citta vijā-nana,
thought reading, a.k.a. one of the supernormal powers
Parabhava Sutta;
pārājika pali, a.k.a. major offences, a.k.a. vibhanga part I, one of the discipline books for monks and nuns;
parakkama-dhātu, culminating effort;
parama, noble person;
paramā sakhā, best friend;
parama-atta, supreme soul, or God;
paramattha, the individual and common characteristics of psycho-physical phenomena that are really happening; also see: 2 kinds of jhāna are samatha-jhāna and vipassanā-jhāna; paramattha, for example: body and mind are really real, therefore body and mind are paramattha WHAT to be observed;
pāramī, fulfilling perfection; for example: his or her wholesome deeds are pāramī noble works; paramī, perfection or virtue;
Paramita, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
Catummahārājika; Tāvatimsa; Tusita; Nimmānarati; Paranimmitta Vasatti; Yāma; a.k.a. 6 heavenly ones, also see: loka;
human beings livable moons, Body Length Index (
BLI) automatic adjustment begins
... , e.g.
Gene Therapy System
to be computing, to compute, ... , (this DOMAIN), (this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace craft), computational for each human beings livable moon, ... (e.g. 5 mm yellowish variation diff Distance, e.g. 5 mm yellowish variation diff growth rate (BF2), ... ) Remember: Shakya King owns all human beings livable moons in our universes ... , also see: Computers;
parānuvāda-bhaya, being blamed by others; misdeeds;
paricāga, deeds of giving; to give;
pariggaha, to take;
pārihāriya-paññā, awareness of what to do and what not to do; reasoning power;
Mahāyāna jātaka citta bhūmi parīkṣa sūtra;
parinibbāna, no more in cycle of rebirth, and not being in samsāra (life-and-life); e.g. arahanta WHO can attain parinibbāna after death;
parinibbana sutta [Buddhism in a Nutshell]; parinibbāna sutta;
fully developed effort;
paritta, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
parivāra pali, a.k.a. epitome of vinaya, one of the discipline books for monks and nuns;
Ariya pariyesana sutta;
pariyuthāna kilesa, active form that manifests in the mind;
passaddhi, serenity; Also see: bojjhaṅga, 7 constituents of enlightenment;
passanā, seeing; also see: kāya-nu-passanā;
passati, seeing, anu passati, contemplating, naya, method; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
pathavi; pathavī, earth; mass; (pathavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo) have been known for thousands of years in Pali; Also see: 5 elements in your life;
pathavi, tejo, apo, and vayo (4); one of the forms in Idea Processor;
pathavī-kasina, a disk of soil, one of the 10 meditative devices; also see: jhāna;
paticca, because of, or dependent upon;
paticca samuppada, realization of dependent co-arising; Also see: Satipatthana meditation; paticca samuppāda, dependant origination, the 1st/5th method; paticca samuppāda, because of, or dependent upon arising or origination; paticca samuppāda is a discourse on process of birth and death, and it is NOT a theory of ultimate origin of life; IFF in genetic engineering, understand paticca samuppāda so that HOW cell can be stimulated to be arising because of ... 2500+ years old info ... cell at WHICH stage can be understood as a death; Paticcasamuppada, a book's name, written by SĪLĀNANDĀBHIVAṀSA (also see: TBSA.org);
paticca samuppanna, arising at any of the 6 senses, a dependently arisen (pleasure AND displeasure) ... ; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
patigha, ill-will, a fetter to be weakened at 2nd stage enlightenment, also see: sakadāgāmi;
patikkula or appatikkula, agreeable or disagreeable;
patikūla manasikāra, repulsiveness attention; skeleton, 1st jhāna or access concentration;
pātimokkha, restraint morality;
pātimokkha samvara sīla, 227 rules for bhikkhu (monk); Also see: sīla;
patiniss agganupassi, ... ; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
patiniss-agganupassi, something to let go of ... ; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;
patipassaddhi-vimutta, peaceful liberation, a
category of liberation;
Patisambhidā, Analytical knowledge; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; 5.*
patisankhāna-bala, reasoning power, a mental
patthāna, Book of relations, a.k.a. 7th of abhidhamma pitaka; (mātikā of Dhammasaṅganī, Dhātukathā, Yamaka and Paṭṭhāna) a.k.a. Night Lessons, a.k.a. Ayakok books;
Dhammacakka pavattana sutta;
pavivekasukha, pleasure of seclusion;
Peta vatthu, Stories of petas; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books; 5.*
4 kinds of niraya: apāya (woeful state), asurayoni (plane (refer to plane as realm) of Asura-demons), petayoni (plane (refer to plane as realm) of Petas), and tiracchānayoni (animal kingdom (refer to kingdom as realm));
phala, the fruit of that path;
phala-ñāṇa, knowledge of the fruition of the path; Also see: magga-ñāṇa, one of the attainments in Satipatthana path;
phassa, 6 senses, by the way of contact (phassa) stimulation; phassa, contact; phassa (text book) in Union of Myanmar might have been derived from Pali, because long long time ago, there were no paper ... ;
(pronounce "pyit-sa-yaw" in Myanmar)
meaning : good action (please), good kharma (a.k.a. khamma) ACTION (
go Karma), good will helpful, to be thankful, ...
pisayo, a.k.a.
pisayo, and it is recommended to learn only after
Abhidhamma lectures, because changes are
variables alike, also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index;
we (Mahayana, Theravada)
believe THAT chanting, meditating, reading, realizing, speaking, thinking,
... of (24
pisayo, 24
pisayo, 24
pisayo) will be
anzensei Safety of
, also see: s
(safe; safety) NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO environmental
... ;
pīta, yellow;
pitaka, texts in Pali, holy documents, including commentaries, also including sub-commentaries; 3 kinds of Piṭaka are: Vinaya Piṭaka, Sutra OR Sutta OR Suttanta Piṭaka, and Abhidhamma Piṭaka; Also see: Tripitaka;
piti, joy; Also see: bojjhaṅga, 7 constituents of enlightenment;
joy, one of the jhāna factors;
piti, zest; [Buddhism in a Nutshell] ;
PIYA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
Suvarṇa prabhā sottamarāja sutra;
Mahā prajñāpāramitā upadeśaśāstra;
Pubbanha Sutta, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;
pubbe nivāsa nus sati, remembrance of formerly births; vijjā caraṇa (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);
e.g. he was a security guard in his previous life, but at the present, he is a medical doctor; e.g. she was a princess in her previous life, but at the present, she is a nurse;
Remark: keeping the middle path, and focus on present, i.e. HOW to live;
pubbeni-vāsā-nussati nāna,
reminiscence of past births, a.k.a. one of the supernormal powers
pubbenivasanussati, recollection of 1's past lives;
pucchaka, questioner; also see: osāna, final editor;
puñña, merit, also see: kusala;
puñña-kiriya-vatthu; punna can be defined in 2 ways -
WHAT purifies
one's mind
attano satānam punāti sodetīti puññam, and
WHAT fulfills one's wish
kārakassa manoratham pūretīti puññam; Nothing but
wholesome deeds can purity one's life and fulfill one's wishes;
puggala paññatti, Description of individuals, a.k.a. 4th of abhidhamma pitaka;
puggala-vera, enemy in the form of person, external enemy, also see: the discourse on enemy; 2 kinds of enemy are internal enemy and external enemy; also see: 5 fearful enemies, defined in suttanta sutta;
puggalavera, personal enmity;
punna, good;
puñña, merit WHICH cleanses the mind; kusala is another usage for puñña;
PUPPHA VAGGA; also see: vagga;
purusha [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; something literally possesses power, refer to a human being; remark: compare and contrast among beings;
puthujjana, many people, literally its meaning is, e.g. majority of people WHO are NOT enlightened ones; intentionally not using the word "common" people;
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