; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : May : 19 (Thursday) : Updated : 5 elements in your life;

Regarding Buddha's Pali (also see: index) language, 4 elements (e.g. item, object) are: p a t h a v ī, t e j o, ā p o, v ā y o; 5 elements is one of the philosophy's thoughts of Eastern Civilization; Western Civilization's Periodic Table WHICH defines Chemical _Elements;

gold     Gold

fire     Fire

one of the five elements (earth, soil); Radical519;

soil     Soil

water     Water

wood     Wood

5 elements i.e. Gold, Fire, Soil, Water, and Wood;

IFF Water, also see: Natural F M D Water Elevator, and Natural N M D Water Elevator, WHILE Gravity Dimension Computer (directional, level, measure, weight) ... ;

1 gram of soil, approx. 40+ million of bacterial cells (our earth); healthy soil i.e. (breathing, living) and packed with microbes, And Then, breakdown pathogens; (Air + Microbes + Soil Particles + Water), And Then, intentionally avoid disease-causing-organisms; Also see: 5_elements_in_your_life; Energy & Geometry;

gold; Radical200;

soil; Radical40;

For ACT3 parallel time calculation development, also see: 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 and 10,7,10 can be 108; can be further developed, by understanding 4 vectors as SUN, and JUN Lunar JUN as 108, so that instead of ACT1 stage 22, ACT3 stage 108 can be further studied ... ; in 21st century, DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) 5W1H results gravity spots as surface in the Internet (e.g. imaginary hyper space crafts, manmade global weather, WORMHOLE), and then, controlled by Gravity Dimension Computer (i.e. the highest technology as of early 21st Century) ... ;

For ACT2 and ACT3 stage developers, notice that 5 elements belong to Space, therefore according to Eastern Thought, Time must be understood 1st. Remark: to understand ACT1 stage 24 mm natural time, 1st to print out 24 mm designed table, And Then, 2nd to understand coexistence of hole and stick (a.k.a. holes and strings), And Then, 3rd to do research elements (e.g. item, object) along with iro LED/noise/sound/dB, And Then, 4th to understand 4 planet prediction and JUN time, 5th to develop ... ACT2, ACT3 stage 3 in 1 dimension, parallel time, gravitational hyperspace hyper craft, explorer's water based arm, artificial energy and artificial light, and so on ... ; IFF Pali, also see:          (pathavī, tejo, āpo, vāyo)          ... ; 4;

koseiyoso Constituent (being a part of whole), also see: Physics Law 567, Manmade Global Weather ... ;

( SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA), Systems Network Architecture ... ;

Soil; 5_elements.SOIL; Also see: 5_elements_in_your_life; minerals inside of the soil provides Protein, and other bio-molecules (Optics: photosynthesis: CO2, New Tissue, O2, Sunlight, Water, ... ) ... ;
