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(( 29 Days, 29 Days, 29 Days, 29 Days), ( 30 Days, 30 Days, 30 Days, 30 Days)) : Longitude 30 degree (P y e i t t h a in Myanmar, V r i s a b h a in Sanskrit, Taurus in Latin, observed planet Venus), Longitude 210 degree (B y e i s s a in Myanmar, V r s c i k a in Sanskrit, Scorpio in Latin, observed planet Mars), also see: Time;

( My, My, My, My) CASIO fx-300ES PLUS, NATURAL - V. P. A. M., TWO WAY POWER prompts (15 / √2) is like ((15 * √2) / 2) is like 10.60660172, i.e. n i t o t t e For k a k u Each 15 degree longitude, for each structural Battery (Internet of Things (IoT), kadosei Mobility, Location Awareness Response, Near Field Communication (NFC)) ... ; if Nama For Humanoid, also see: d Pali; k Pali; m Pali; s Pali; t Pali; v Pali; Remark: Nama for humanoids is R&D only in holy language of Buddhism (transcript Pali in English), because our earth is not simple like what I think e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS ... ;

Mūla sarvāsti vada vinaya; Saṅgha bheda vastu;

Siṅgālo vāda sutta;

accordance with mahā-padesa, 4 principles, mentioned in Pāli text, (vada, vāda) is allowed and commonly created by senior monks; e.g. meditation methods, ways of attainments (e.g. jhāna), ... ;

vagga; cantos, a.k.a. chapters; also see: dhammapada, e.g. 26 cantos (a.k.a. 26 chapters);

www.budaedu.org, 26 vagga in its dhammapada book (The Dhammapada; K. Sri Dhammananda; ISBN (1992) 983-99523-1-5) are:


vaibhasika [ THE JOY OF LIVING ]; An early school of Buddhism;

Vaipulya sūtra;

vaishya, farmer, merchant, 1 of the 4 castes in ancient India; also see: brahmana; kshatriya; shudra;

(Esoteric, Mantrayana, Vajrayana, Tantrayana, Tantric) Buddhism ... ;

vajrayana; Also see: Mahayana;

Vammīka sutta;

vanta āso; vomit;

Varanasi, a name of holy city [ nowadays in India ], in BC; [ nation name such as India, Burma, ... have been defined by British, a few centuries ago ... , in Asia, so many dynasties and kingdoms disappear in thousands of years ... ];

Varanasi, an ancient city; Buddha traveled from Bodhgaya to Varanasi, [2009; Joyful Wisdom];

Varuna, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

Vasala Sutta;

Mūla sarvāsti vada vinaya; Saṅgha bheda vastu; (vastu, a.k.a. novel, story);

Abhidharma kosha, by Vasubandhu (5th century A.D.), Vaibhasikas in Kashmir, in Sanskrit, documented by China and Tibetan Tanjur as versions;

Laṅkā vatāra sutra;

Vattaka a.k.a. Wat;

vatthu-kāma, sensual objects; desirable objects;

vayo a.k.a. vāyo, air; gas; wind;  (pathavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo) have been known for thousands of years in Pali; Also see: 5 elements in your life;

pathavi, tejo, apo, and vayo (4); one of the forms in Idea Processor;

vāyo-dhātu, the element of motion;

vedana, feeling; IFF verb, also see: vedeti; vedanā, sensations; 1st object yogi will observe WHEN meditating;

vedanānupassanā, contemplation of the feelings;

4 foundations of mindfulness (kāyānupassanā, vedanānupassanā, cittānupassanā, dhammanupassanā); also see: 37 Factors of Enlightenment, Bodhipakkhiyadhamma = 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 8;

vedeti, feel and know;

vera, literally enemy, or literally enmity;

vera sutta, the discourse on enemy, defined in anguttara nikāya, pañcaka nipāta; also see: bhaya-vera;

veri-puggalato sattānam bhaye paccupatthite, tato parittāna-bhāvena veditabbam, when danger arises from a hostile person, protecting people from that danger is known as abhaya-dana;

Vesali, a city's name, in 2500+ years ago, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

Vessabhu Buddha, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

( vi (pronounce "we" in Pali)) 9th life, ... ; Also see: Numbers _in _Dhamma; Stock;

vibhanga, Book of divisions; a.k.a. 2nd of abhidhamma pitaka;

Sacca vibhanga sutta;

vibhavatanhā, annihilation; also see: tanhā;   IFF Physics, also see: pair annihilation;

vicāra, sustained attention a.k.a. full attention, one of the 5 jhāna factors;

vicara, sustained mental application (vicara) and initial mental application (vitakka) ... ;

vici-kicchā, doubts, a.k.a. one of the fetters ; vicikicchā, doubt or uncertainty;

vicikicchā, indecision; Also see: nivaraṇa;

vicikicchā, doubt;

māra, 10 kinds of kilesa are:

1. kāma (material pleasures);
2. arati (aversion for the holy life);
3. khuppipāsā (hunger and thirst);
taṇhā (craving);
5. thina middha (sloth and torpor);
6. bhaya (fear);
7. vicikicchā (doubt);
8. makkha thambha (detraction and obstinacy);
9. labha (gain); sakkāra (honor); siloka (praise); yasa (fame);
10. attukkaṁsana para vambhana (extolling oneself that contempt others);

Remark: notice that both good and bad can cause kilesa, and 10 kinds of kilesa (mental defilements) are a.k.a. māra (sense of passions); after meditation (Also see: Radical333), those 10 kinds of kilesa can be realized; for common people (refer to puthujjana), Middle Path should be ... ; notice that sotāpanna level people can control and reduce those 10 kinds of kilesa, And Then, sakadāgāmi level people, And Then, anāgāmi level people, ... ;

viddhansana, to destroy;

vihara, a.k.a. monastery; Also see: Monastery;

vihara, a dwelling place for monks, donated by king, 2500+ years ago; approx. 6000+ vihara exist for monks and nuns in Myanmar, in 1990s; monastery; a.k.a. vihaan; IFF Khmer, vihear; wihan;

vihiṁsā, harmfulness;

vihiṁsā (harmfulness), as opposed to avihiṁsā (harmlessness);


vijja, transmutation into knowingness; also see: avijja;

vijjā caraṇa (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);

8 kinds of knowledge: 1. iddhi vidha (psychic power), 2. dibba sota (divine ear), 3. ceto pariya ñāṇa (penetrating to others' minds), 4. dibba cakkhu (divine eye), 5. pubbe nivāsa nus sati (remembrance of formerly births), 6. asavak khaya (extinction of corruptions), 7. vipassanā (insight), 8. manomayiddhi (creation of mental images);

15 kinds of conduct: 1. moral restraint, 2. sense restraint, 3. moderation in eating, 4. wakefulness, 5. faith, 6. moral shame, 7. moral dread, 8. great learning, 9. energy, 10. mindfulness, 11. wisdom, and twelve is 4 kinds of jhāna;

vikkhambhana-vimutta, lasting liberation, a category of liberation;

Vimala, name in meaningful Pali;

Amitāyur-dhyāna & vimalakīrtinirdeśa sūtra;

Vimalakīrtinirdeśa & Mahā parinirvāņa sutra;

Vimalakīrtinirdeśa sūtra;

vimaṁsā, wisdom; Also see: iddhipāda, 4 means of accomplishment;

vīmamsā-dhipati, reasoning power; ambition, moral courage, willpower, and reasoning power are 4 factors of accomplishments, prior to 3 types of sīla; visudhimagga classifies sīla into 3 types as hīna-sīla, majjhima-sīla, and panita-sīla;

Vimāna vatthu, Stories of celestial mansions; also see: Khuddaka nikāya is subdivided into 15 books;  5.*;

vimokkha; vimokṣa in Sanskrit means deliverance, and liberation;

Vimokkha, meditation center's name; Vimokkha, monk name; Also see: vimutta;

Remark: defined keyword as definition, by years-after-years time, can be adapted as domain name, monk name, ... ; e.g. wimeka;

vimutta, liberated, ceto vimutta, freedom of the mind; Also see: Satipatthana meditation; vimutti: ceto vimutti; panna vimutti; ... ;

vinaya, Buddhist monks' rules and regulations, in monastic community; Radical513;

vinaya pitaka, a.k.a. discipline books for monks and nuns; 1st of tripitaka; in common and basically, "vinaya" means disciplines & rules and regulations HOW to live under religious order;

Vinaya pitaka, consist of 5 books

1. Pārājika pali

a.k.a. major offences

a.k.a. Vibhanga

2. Pācittiya pali

a.k.a. minor offences

3. Mahāvagga pali

a.k.a. greater section

a.k.a. Khandaka

4. Cullavagga pali

a.k.a. shorter section

5. Parivāra pali

a.k.a. epitome of Vinaya

Vinaya, Cūḷavagga;

Vinaya, Mahāvagga; Vinaya, Mahāvagga 1;

Vinayanuggaha Dhammacariya, academic degree in Pali; also see: \..\..\..\ Monastery \ Mettananda \ About;

approx. 2 years to earn the Vinayanuggaha Dhammacariya degree;

vineyya abhijjha domanassa, free from desire and discontent;

vineyya loke abhijjhā-domanassam, seeing the mind with its associate kilesa led by covetousness [wrongfully desire] and aversion;

viññā nañcā yatana, the base of boundless consciousness; Also see: ākāsa nañcā yatana, ākiñcaññā yatana, nevasaññānāsañña yatana;

vinnana, arising of consciousness;

vinnana, consciousness; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;

vipallasa, specific distortion; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;

jhana, both samatha (concentration), and vipassana (insight);

vipassana, vipassanā, levels of insight, can only be attained by practice self; Have confidence and faith, to practice vipassana meditation; vipassana mental states are free from sensual desire, because understanding of mind and matter (nama and rupa) distinctly, because understanding of impermanence, because understanding of suffering, because understanding of non-self, ... are stages of insight knowledge renunciation; vipassanā, insight;

vipassanā, insight; vijjā caraṇa (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct);

vipassanā-jhāna, vipassana insights;

vipassanā-ñāna and magga phala enlightenment, also see: jhāna;

vipassanā bhāvanā, insight meditation;

vipassanā paññā, Insight;

Vipassi Buddha, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

viraga nupassi, ... ; Also see: Satipatthana meditation;

viriya, energy; Also see: bojjhaṅga, 7 constituents of enlightenment;

viriya, energy; Also see: iddhipāda, 4 means of accomplishment; viriya, effort; energy;

viriya, energy; Also see: indriya, 5 faculties;

vīriyā-dhipati, moral courage; ambition, moral courage, willpower, and reasoning power are 4 factors of accomplishments, prior to 3 types of sīla; visudhimagga classifies sīla into 3 types as hīna-sīla, majjhima-sīla, and panita-sīla;

Virudaka of Kosala; * daka (* donator) of a king;

Virulhaka, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

Virupakkha, also see: 2008 Ashin Pyinnya Thiha taught suttas .htm;

visuddhi magga “the body is frequently contemplated, and then the consciousness would be transparent itself” ; Also see: A Study of First MulaMinGoneZetawonSayadaw’s Insight Meditation Technique in Burma, Ashin Panyacekka, Alodawpyie Meditation Monastery, Newark, CA 94560, U.S.A. (This research paper, submitted to United Nation Day of Vassak, the International Association of Buddhist University, MC University, Bangkok, Thailand), on January 13, 2016;

Visuddhimagga; e.g. a book's name, written by SĪLĀNANDĀBHIVAṀSA (also see: TBSA.org);

vitakka, do aiming and initial attention toward physical phenomena, one of the 5 jhāna factors;

vitakka, initial mental application (vitakka) AND sustained mental application (vicara) ... ;

vitekama kilesa, transgressive form that manifests in body and speech;

("vi thi" , "wa i ji") sequence of brain a.k.a. mind;

IFF vision based, 46 ("vi thi" , "wa i ji") EXIST; Also see: Idea Processor;

("vi thi" , "wa i ji") definition, meaning : level; stage;
"vi thi" , "wa i ji") definition, meaning : path;

viveka, detachment, separation;

3 folds are: kaya viveka (bodily separation from crowd), citta viveka (mental separation from passions), upadhi viveka (a.k.a. nibbāna, complete detachment from all conditions of things);

Vyagghapajja Sutta;

vyāpāda, ill will; Also see: nivaraṇa;

4 kinds of ganthas (ties) are abhijjhā (covetousness), vyā-pāda (ill will), silabbataparāmāsa (indulgence in wrongful rites and ceremonies), and idaṁ saccābhinivesa (adherence to preconceptions as truth);

sukhāvati vyūha sutra;
