; year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2022 :
11 :
15 : Updated :
Numbers in
Dhamma a.k.a. Dharma;
Brief Introduction:
years of
tipitaka (holy
document in Buddhism) is approx.
11 times larger than common bible (holy
document in Christian); the following numbers are for very basic
understanding of Pali language,
holy language, a part of Union of Myanmar's language, originally northern of
India including "M a g a d a" region and "M o u k"
people (I n d i people (a.k.a. Indian) calls "m o u k" to
Rakhine), and Buddha's
Dhamma and modified (accordance with Maha P a d e s a
4 principles) Buddha Dharma are in
Pali into peoples' languages; In common, monks and nuns are elite and
having high level knowledge in Pali;
1980s, Nippon (Japan) government invited a few
professors from Union of Myanmar as visiting professors in Japan for 5+ years,
i.e. to do translations of Pali and compilation of
religious contents (e.g. tipitaka); in
1980s, USA government (Library of Congress) collected all possible global
(writing) characters via libraries around the globe; notice THAT
info has been e.g.
MB diskette (approx. 500 letter size papers, font size approx. 11 pt) in
1980s became CD disc (approx. 700+ MB info; approx. 80 minutes of data;
2.01) in 1990s,
and then
2000s' DVD disc (approx. 4+ GB info; approx. 4 hours of data;
may be 3 based on 2),
and then
2010s' BD disc (in numerological dimension, B is 2, D is 4, and "dot" may
be either 2.?
or 4.?,
notice THAT number
... literally ref.
layer; approx. 17 hours of data)
... ; 2020s prediction:
5 ... (think HOW (SQRT2) may be with
5 diff sections (latches) of floating
points with mantissa points (think THAT
tunnel becomes longer and longer) at defined mantissa points
beyond 4K
... ; think
that camera's resolution in layers); Because of infinity must
exist in mathematics, similar
to crack of symmetry (also see:
particles' super symmetries; notice that symmetry
obeys time period e.g. to be human beings, either
23lunar weeks or 32JUN
time period is required,
e.g. to be using beyond 4K quantity of floating points,
user might need 5 seconds
time period to initialize ...),
therefore, start with Sqrt2 and then develop system 3 base on Sqrt3 with Sqrt2;
this paragraph is written intentionally " Timeless Idea " , instead of writing
CD-R in minutes, DVD in hours, BD in days, ... ;
2 kinds of enemy: mental defilements and brutal people;
2 kinds of k ā m a: desirable objects v a t t h u - k ā m a, and desire for them kilesa-k ā m a;
2 kinds of j h ā n a: high-level concentrations s a m a t h a - j h ā n a, and vipassana insights vipassana - j h a n a; To loosen and uproot clinging mental defilements [including d i t t h i, m ā n a, t a n h ā, ... ], 2 kinds of higher wholesomeness must be developed which are called j h ā n a;
J h ā n a is defined as the mind fully focused on a meditative object āramanam jhāyati upanijjhāyatīti jhānam. It is of 2 kinds: contemplation on a meditative object āramman-ūpanijjhāna and contemplation on the characteristics of psycho-physical phenomena, or ultimate peacefulness of nibbāna, lakkhan-ūpanijjhāna; 1st to develop a high-level of concentration by contemplating one of the 40 kinds of conceptual objects; For example, contemplate on a living being as an object to develop the absorption in loving kindness metta-jhāna, or on one of the 10 meditative devices, such as a disk of soil pathavī-kasina, to develop well-established concentration. This practice brings about 2 kinds of high-level concentration, such as access concentration upacāra-jhāna and ultimate concentration appanā-jhāna. They are called samatha-jhāna because they make the mind calm and tranquil and also called lokiya-jhāna, because they are mundane;
2nd type of jhāna, called lakkhan-ūpanijjhana, consists of insight knowledge vipassanā-ñāna and magga phala enlightenment magga-ñāna, phala-ñāna; The insight knowledge contemplates on the individual and common characteristics of psycho-physical phenomena, called sabhāva-lakkhanā and sāmañña-lakkhanā, respectively; magga-phala enlightenment contemplates on the uniqueness or peacefulness of nibbāna called tatha-lakkhana and santi-lakkhana, respectively;
In brief, 2 kinds of jhāna are samatha-jhāna and vipassanā-jhāna; The diff is that samatha-jhāna contemplates on conceptual objects paññatti WHILE vipassanā-jhāna contemplates on the individual and common characteristics of psycho-physical phenomena that are really happening paramattha; also see: 5 jhāna factors; absorption (Jhāna);
2 kinds of mental power: reasoning power patisankhāna-bala, and developing power bhāvanā-bala; 2 kinds of mental power can be strengthen, by practicing meditation;
2 kinds of vehicle to nibbāna:
─ develop samatha jhāna, by observing jhāna to attain, practice vipassanā on the foundation of samatha jhāna, to WHOM a.k.a. samatha-yānika, WHO practice samatha as a vehicle to nibbāna;
─ develop enlightenment, by observing mental and physical phenomena, practice NOT samatha, practice vipassanā by observing mental and physical phenomena from moment to moment, to WHOM a.k.a. suddha-vipassanā-yānika, WHO practice vipassanā as a vehicle to nibbāna;
2 kinds of vipassanā knowledge: 2 kinds of vipassanā insights can be gained by observing; 1st, yogi must know WHAT to observe, and yogi must also know WHAT not to observe; Ultimate reality is classified into mundane and supramundane; To gain vipassanā insight [ WHICH refers the path to nibbāna ], yogi observes mundane only, NOT supramundane;
WHY not to observe supramundane? 1st, yogis have not attained them yet; 2nd, vipassanā objects are to remove mental defilements, therefore, even if yogis can attain vipassanā objects, there would be no purpose to observe them [ mental defilements ], because at this stage yogis become no longer having attachment to them [ mental defilements ]; 3rd, if yogis fail to observe mental defilements "them", yogis will be attached to them [ mental defilements ] a.k.a. yogi is being under illusion, so that they are permanent, personal belongings, pleasant, ... ;
A quote in Itivuttaka, bhūtam bhūtato passati, one should observe what are happening as they [ mental defilements "them" ] really are; Yogis can observe the phenomena at present; By observing them, by being aware of them, yogis can gain insight knowledge, a.k.a. empirical knowledge paccakkha-ñāna; WHEN this empirical knowledge becomes mature, yogis can realize all other phenomena by inference a.k.a. a process of deriving logical consequences of assumed premises strictly, yogis can also realize whether they are past or they are future, yogis can also realize whether they are internal or they are external;
2 kinds of vipassanā knowledge are empirical knowledge paccakkha-vipassanā, and inference knowledge anumāna-vipassanā;
2 kinds of yogi: to WHOM samatha as a vehicle to nibbāna, called samatha-yānika, and to WHOM vipassanā as a vehicle to nibbāna, called suddha-vipassanā-yānika;
samatha-yānika yogis who focus mind on a particular object until they attain access concentration, or ultimate concentration; And then contemplate on mind vs. physical phenomena, to develop vipassanā insight stage by stage until magga-phala enlightenment is reached;
also see: 5 qualities of a successful yogi;
2 objects to be aware of: mind nāma and matter rūpa [ also see: kāya ];
3 characteristics of standing out in bold relief [a life in samsara, whenever nought ...]: anicca, dukkha, and anatta; also see: The path to nibbāna;
3 bodies of Buddha, a.k.a.
triple body of Buddha, a.k.a.
Trikaya are
dhamma kaya
sambhoga kaya
, and
nirmana kaya
; also see:
5 aggregates;
3 fetters are: self illusion (sakkāya-ditthi), doubts (vici-kicchā), indulgence in (wrongful) rites and ceremonies (silabbata-parāmāsa); After destroying 3 fetters, a stage can be attained a.k.a. sotāpanna; There are so many other fetters exist ... along with stages ... ;
3 forms of kilesa: transgressive form vitekama kilesa that manifests in body and speech; active form pariyuthāna kilesa that manifests in the mind; and dormant form anusaya kilesa that would manifest when conditions are met;
3 jewels, a.k.a. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha;
3 kinds of books are a.k.a. tipitaka, approximately contents are 11 times larger than bible; Buddha dhamma and pali canon are derived/modified/... accordance with tipitaka ... ; Tipitaka WHERE ti means 3, pitaka means basket, and Tipitaka is consisted of Sutra (Sutta, a kind of mandra), Vinaya (Vi pronounces Wi, and vi means special; methods), Abhidhamma (Abi dharma; Abi means deep/special understandable dhamma means teachings);
Tipitaka = Sutra + Vinaya + Abhidharma;
) remember, this DOMAIN 's
Idea Processor is
Abhidharma based, and Nama For
Humanoid, programmed & written, using transcript words (originally from
Pali, holy language in Buddhism) in English (EN) language;
3 kinds of dāna: offering material things āmisa-dāna, offering safety or protection abhaya-dāna, and offering the method of practice that can the uplift quality of life dhamma-dāna;
1. one gained from learning suta-maya-ñāna,
2. one gained from logical thinking cintā-maya-ñāna,
3. one gained from practice bhāvanā-maya-ñāna;
The 1. & 2. have nothing to do with the awareness of mind. Regarding 3. bhāvanā-maya-ñāna, for having the knowledge gained by practicing vipassana, and able to observe the mind WHEN the moment it becomes obvious; And then the true nature of mind can be observed, this achievement WHO earned from practice, a.k.a. awareness of mind cittā-nupassanā;
3 kinds of Law Ka; square terrace; 8 1 head, doubled-bodied guinea-pigs; Lawka Maraung pagoda, AD1652; worldly life a.k.a. natural life; 6 years in the forest, mostly by himself, practicing austerities, and then discovered 4 Nobel Truths, and attained Buddha hood;
3 kinds of samādhi (concentration); e.g. short time period of samādhi (novice may realize that mind can be very difficult to do concentration e.g. itchy feeling, hurt feeling, STM, LTM, ... ), longer time period of samādhi (chanting level), and very high level samādhi (including chanting, meditation, sila, ... ) WHICH attains jhana ... ;
3 kinds of training sikkhā, to cure 3 forms of mental defilements kilesa: morality sīla, concentration samādhi, and wisdom paññā;
3 objects to observe, WHILE meditating, yogis have to observe 1. sensations vedanā [ beginner yogi may notice that itchy feeling, hot feeling, ... which make yogi to be unstable ... ], 2. thoughts citta [ beginner yogi may notice that how fast yogi's thoughts are unstable ... ], 3. general objects dhamma [ beginner yogi may not understand WHAT objects ... ], with the help of ardent effort, mindfulness, and concentration [ also see: 3 stages of effort ]; also see: 5 aggregates;
3 stages of effort, to gain benefit from the practice is the purification of body, speech, and mind. In order to remove impurities, yogi makes 3 stages of effort, 1. start up effort ārambha-dhātu a.k.a. ardent effort āraddha-vīriya, 2. boost up effort nikkamma-dhātu a.k.a. persistent effort paggahita-vīriya, 3. culminating effort parakkama-dhātu a.k.a. fully developed effort paripunna-vīriya; such as morality, concentration, and wisdom; Without practicing satipatthāna meditation, yogi will not be seeing the truth and yogi will not be able to purify yogi's mind of mental defilements; By exerting ardent effort āraddha-vīriya, yogi can develop mindfulness and momentary concentration khanika-samādhi; 3 factors such as effort, mindfulness, and concentration are called concentration led group samādhi-kkhanda;
3 The Three Refuges; Three Treasures;
Buddham Saranam Gacchami, faith
in the Buddha;
Dhammam Saranam Gacchami, faith in the teachings (Dharma);
Sangham Saranam Gacchami, faith in the Order (Sangha);
If you chant above 3 (,
you're Buddhist person and good deities will bless you; Good deities are
everywhere in our universes, therefore, chant (also known as one of the mandra
s) and good luck to you;
3 times chanting e.g.
namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhasa, homage to him, the exalted
one, the fully enlightened one, ... ;
3 types of sīla: low class morality hīna-sīla, medium class morality majjhima-sīla, and high class morality panita-sīla;
3, 8, 15, also see: 9 holinesses of Buddha (3rd holiness can be classified into 3, 8, 15);
4 Asankheyya (incalculable) periods; also see: Paying Reverence to 28 Buddha;
4 great principles: whatever work to do, a must to have certain principles. If beings in wrong principles, so do wrong things and suffer great loss will be; Thus, correct principles are essential in life; WHEN practicing satipatthāna meditation, correct principles are needed so that yogi can enjoy its full benefits without much difficulty;
Pāli text mentions 4 principles mahā-padesa:
1. principles that comes directly from pāli canon sutta,
2. principles from commentaries or sub-commentaries that are in harmony with pāli canon suttā-nuloma,
3. principles given by teachers in accordance with 1. & 2. ācariya-vāda,
4. principles based on one's own idea attano-mati.
Among them, 4th principle is the weakest and the first two are the strongest; Regarding 3rd principle, it is important to have a teacher who gives guidance based on the first two principles, but avoid misled; There are some people who create new principles based on their own idea after having practiced just a little bit of this and that method, therefore great care is needed to avoid fatal mistake when practicing 4th principle; also see: Theravada vs Mahayana.htm;
4 kinds of blessings: wealth, high social status, happiness, and a tranquil mind; and these 4 are interrelated;
4 kinds of blessings are wealth, high social status, happiness, and tranquil mind; also see: Morality sīla, Spiritual Cultivation, www tathagata org;
4 kinds of pagoda;
4 kinds of suffering (birth; old age; disease;
death) ;
4 mudras of Shakyamuni Buddha;
4 Planets
Prediction (4PP)
2555+ years old document in Eastern Civilization, it explains HOW
Carbon Nano Wall begins i.e. by
Day's configuration of space
(IFF iroColourWaveForm,
also see: aqua,
blue, ...
), i.e. not
Night's configuration of space;
For better understanding, also see:
Gravity Dimension Computer
Space Gene,
P vector direction);
each biological cell forms, accordance with planets'
dimensional and directional gravity, in Day's configuration of space
and then as
DNA doko WHERE (2 ends of chromosome, telomeres of
cell) are genetically engineered as
Code, and
then ... ; On the other
hand, easy to say e.g. WHEN light exists, bio beings
As a result, many bio labs are using
several colorful lights as filters;
4 types of
in Shingon; 4 types
of mandala
in Shingon;
4, cultivation of the four sublime states:
1. loving kindness (mettā), e.g. charity and gift, e.g. instead of robotic productions, using HR,
2. compassion (karunā), e.g. having similar feeling regarding condolence, e.g. foods via salvation,
3. sympathetic joy (muditā), e.g. having glad feeling to someone WHO wins lotto jackpot,
4. equanimity (upekkhā), e.g. mental defilements can be voided.
4, directional, also see: Ashura; Swastika; WHEN 1 way around (i.e. orbital alike) kinetic momentum (2) WHILE 4 directional DEE exist ... ;
Also see: Schematic Dimensional (resistance Dimensional and resonance Dimensional) and notice that "DARK" area has been intentionally designed to sense heat by 4 structural "Gray Scale" , in common physics (motor way laser) method; e.g. retrospectively 2010s Homemade Green Gravity ~ 1980s Homemade Motorway LASER; est. 2020s and beyond, Wormhole Way LASER, doko WHERE defined string's length as distance can be structural understanding of HOW "yellowish variations" for each human beings livable moon ... ;
4, four Truth, a.k.a. 4 Noble Truths;
Schematic Dimensional (4th factor), Also see: Schematic Dimensional;
4, The Four Celestial Kings;
5 aggregates;also see: Stages of Holiness.htm;
5 benefits of cankama: walking meditation cankama, is walking to and fro with mindfulness; stamina for long journeys addhāna-kkhamo, stamina for hard practice padhāna-kkhamo, fewer diseases appābādo, better digestion suparināmāhāra, and durable concentration cirathitika-samādhi;
5 Dhyani Buddha(s), a.k.a. 5 Buddha wisdoms; also see: Buddha Shakyamuni; Thikse Gompa of Ladakh;
yogi should know the moment WHEN rising and falling; be aware of physical phenomena involved in, such as movement, stiffness, tension, ... , do aiming and initial attention toward it a.k.a. vitakka WHICH is one of the jhāna factors; vitakka should be sustained as if it were rubbing the object repeatedly,
THIS sustained attention is called vicāra [ vicāra, full attention ] WHICH is another jhāna factor;
if yogi cannot note/observe present objects with aiming vitakka and full attention vicāra, ardent effort ātāpa-viriya and mindfulness sati will take place, THIS mindfulness contributes to momentary concentration khanika-samādhi, WHICH is one of the jhāna factors;
khanika-samādhi concentration protects yogi's mind from mental hindrances including thoughts of sensual pleasure, thoughts of aversion, ... , and also protects yogi's mind away from mental defilements kilesa; such khanika-samādhi concentration is naturally accompanied by joy pīti and happiness sukha, WHICH are two jhāna factors;
therefore, 5 jhāna factors are aiming and initial attention vitakka, sustained attention vicāra, concentration samādhi or ekaggatā, joy pīti, and happiness sukha;
5 kinds of liberation: the liberation, consists of 5 categories: momentary liberation tadanga-vimutta, lasting liberation vikkhambhana-vimutta, complete liberation samuccheda-vimutta, peaceful liberation patipassaddhi-vimutta, and ultimate liberation nissarana-vimutta; As for awareness of mind cittā-nupassanā, yogi can observe only the 1st two, because the 3rd one refers to magga-enlightenment, and the 4th to phala-enlightenment, and the last to nibbāna.
5 orders of niyāma, a.k.a. 5 processes of niyāma: 1. kamma niyāma; 2. utu niyāma; 3. bija niyāma; 4. citta niyāma; 5. dhamma niyāma; Concerning kamma, karma is one of the five orders that prevail in our universe;
5 qualities of a successful yogi:
1. faith,
2. good health,
3. honesty,
4. effort,
5. insight into the rising and passing away;
5 supernormal powers a.k.a. abhiññā:
1. divine eye,
2. divine ear, dibba-sota;
3. reminiscence of past births, pubbenivāsānussati nāna;
4. thought reading, paracitta vijānana;
5. different psychic powers, iddhividha;
5 Precepts; a.k.a. 5 sila; Remark: numbers are 5, 8, 10, WHEN on Sabbath days, some people practice 8 sila or 10 sila;
1. Not to
take life;
2. Not to steal other's belongings;
3. Not to commit adultery;
4. Not to lie;
5. Not to drink intoxicants;
sīla (precept), 8
sīla (precept), 10
sīla (precept);
Also see:
U. Jotalankara;
6 ascetic years; 6 senses in Abhidhamma (a.k.a. ultimate doctrine books, also see: aPali) if compare to 5 senses in Western Civilization's documentation;
7 books, abhidhamma pitaka, 3rd of tipitaka; ACT1 2*7, ACT2 5.*, ACT3 7 [ concerning hyperspace, 3,4 hyperdimensional dimensions, vectors, ... in ACT3 stage are out of a Myanmar knowledge ];
7 headed serpent Naga, protection structure/symbol/... to a Buddha, Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;
7, The Seven Lucky Gods;
8, Noble Eightfold Path: a.k.a. the path to nibbāna ... ;
- correctness of understanding,
- correctness of thought, a.k.a.
- correctness of speech, a.k.a.
- correctness of action, a.k.a.
- correctness of livelihood, a.k.a.
- correctness of effort, a.k.a.
- correctness of mindfulness, a.k.a.
- correctness of concentration, a.k.a.
Referenced Books (THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA) defines Noble Eightfold Path as: right view; right thought; right speech; right behavior; right livelihood; right effort; right mindfulness; right meditation;
Also see: aṭṭhangikamagga, 8 (The Eightfold Path);
8 preliminary factors of the noble path;
9 Buddhas ceremony, Buddha and 8 arahants; 8 arahat are Ananda, Gavampati, Kodañña, Moggallana, Revata, Sariputta, Upagutta, and Upali; [ The Buddha's Prescription ]; also see: prefix shin;
9 forms: mudras of the 9 forms of Amitabhas Buddha;
9 holinesses of Buddha: 1. arahan, 2. ... , 3. ... (e.g. 3 "expert nama", 8 "super nama", 15 "basic moralities"), 4. ... , 5. ... , 6. ... , 7. ... , 8. ... , 9. ... ; In Myanmar, almost all children know 9 holinesses of Buddha by heart, and 9 holinesses of Buddha is also chanted in mediation;
9 levels of
Amitabha's Pure Land
9 levels of
Amitabha's Pure Land
also see: 9 holinesses;
9, 24, 32, 37, 108; i.e. beads count; Also see:
U. J o t a l a n k a r a;
10 e.g.
WHILE transmitting
metta e.g.
toward E,
toward W,
toward S,
toward N,
toward E-N (a.k.a. NE in Western Civilization's documentation),
toward E-S (a.k.a. SE in Western Civilization's documentation),
toward W-N (a.k.a. NW in Western Civilization's documentation),
toward W-S (a.k.a. SW in Western Civilization's documentation),
toward UP,
toward DOWN;
wishing all
beings to be healthy, wealthy, ... , i.e. 10
directional dimension
might have derived from transmitting metta,
thousands of years, since then ... ;
Remark: because of 10
dimensional transmitting of metta (loving
kindness), 3,4 dimensional
, created in 2022/2565; read & understand HOW, also see:
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
10 kinds of merit (kusala); 10 kinds of demerit (akusala);
10 lives of beings in samsara
(life-after-life) e.g. (
te) 1st life, (
za) 2nd life, (
tsu) 3rd life, (
ne) 4th life, (
ma) 5th life, (
bu) 6th life, (
san) 7th life, (
na) 8th life, (
(pronounce "we" in Pali)) 9th life, (
(pronounce "way" in Pali)) 10th life, ... ; Also see:
10 perfections of Sammasambuddha, also see: The Ten Perfections of Sammasambuddha.htm;
10 terraced miniature, 103 Buddhas,
symbolizing 103 moral codes of
Waythali Buddha; Phara Paw
Buddha; Wathali, AD327;
Sak Kya Muni Buddha; from
Kapilawatt, India to Vesali, Rakhine; 1276
years under water, therefore, known as Phara Paw
Buddha, later known as Paw Taw Mu Phara Gree
Buddha, later known as Phara Paw pagoda;
11 books of
paritta; also see:
Myanmar, learning curve among monks might take several years to know
paritta by heart; Dhamma
exams in Pali language are only available by
Myanmar government; The most difficult dharma exam
is tipitika exam, and only a
few brightest and smartest monks can be able to pass the exam by heart in
voice only [
to carry on for 2500+ years of generation ... a.k.a.
sasana ... ];
11 kinds of fire; also see:
U. Jotalankara;
14 kinds of akusala (demerit, unwholesomeness) can be caused by ditthi, dosa, kukkucca, lobha, mana, miccha*, moha, ... ;
If kusala happens, it happens 7 times consecutively; If akusala happens, it happens 7 times consecutively; kusala (merit, wholesomeness) will cause good future, wealth, ... ;
vijjā caraṇa (8 kinds of knowledge, 15 kinds of conduct), also see: v Pali;
17 surrounding smaller s t u p a s; P u p a k a r a architecture, similar to S a n c h i H t u p a in southern India; R a t a n a P o n s t u p a a.k.a. R a t a n a p o n s t u p a; AD1612;
20; twenty; e.g.
20 books, 5+ 15, also see:
s u t t a p i t a k a, 2nd of
WHERE number > 5 ...
; 2 JUN in ACT2, 5.* ... ;
s u t t a, a.k.a. sutra;
citta things (a.k.a. "citta z a y o k")
means adding (1 citta, 19
cause-to-citta) to be together,
also see: Idea Processor;
20 might also be
for middle
JUN ... for
middle path (a.k.a.
Majjhima way) ...
; 20
water drops alike writing characters in
primary voices, also see, Nippon Syllabary;
WHEN worshiping or praying, in Mahayana Buddhism, 2 times of clapping might be for co-existence ...
and YANG alike; (8 + 5 + 7) is
20, also see:
24 a.k.a. ... ;
samsara is like rebirth again and again; common wheel symbol are:
5, 8, and 24; and literally (indirect expression) meaning of wheel symbol is
samsara (life after life, rebirth again and again);
According to Buddha & Buddhism,
circle with (5, 8, 24) sections
refer to beings in samsara ... ;
pisayo), also see:
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; PHYSICS;
p Pali;
28 Buddha, also see: Paying Reverence to 28 Buddha;
31 planes; 31 realms; e.g.
31, also see:
number 31, a.k.a. 24+7; (as of
2021), a
Rakhine American still cannot understand
ACT3 number 7 yet ...
(3 * 3 * 3 * 3 and 10,7,10 can be 108, also see:
108 configuration,
and (as of 2565,
2021) this DOMAIN developer still doesn't understand completely
yet HOW (10 As
7 at the midst,
10 As Right);
universe and parallel time is not easy to do regarding "universes"); IFF
ACT3, also see:
1 mm
hole in 24 mm natural time;
Remark: I need a Japanese
physicist to work together with me, i.e. to solve HOW (10
As Left,
7 at the midst,
10 As Right);
regarding parallel universe and parallel time development;
I (Aung Myint Kyaw) applied Monbusho
scholarship, but not accepted;
31, also see: Numbers _in _Dhamma,
growth rate, different size of beings in
Remark: detailed info of 31 diff classes can be further studied IFF Dharma study),
also see: Physics Law 789;
biome (with living lives, mountains, rivers, trees, Water, ...
i.e. human beings livable moons), a.k.a. 31 realms of beings in Buddhism;
DNA Origami, and HOW BLI (Body Length Index) varies,
naturally HOW structural formations of (beings, lives, livings) vary, and so on
... a.k.a. 31 realms of beings in Buddhism, also see:
DNA _Origami; Numbers in Dharma;
Physics Law
Remark: according to Buddha's dhamma,
(human beings (Also see:
Idea Processor, e.g.
((89, 52), 28))),
(deities), (The Four Celestial
Kings alike beings), ("ariya"),
("v i n a y a" i.e. beings but without specific body),
("t h a t t a w a" i.e. beings with body but nama may
vary), (...), EXIST within 31 realms of beings
... ; Buddhism and Hinduism may vary WHEN concerning ((89, 52),
28) e.g. in Hinduism, every Kaya (Body) is with its
Nama (gods); because of 4 great principles (e.g.
m a h ā - p a d e s a), in Buddhism (diff groups, diff
numbers) ... ;
in Nanobot Programming, if I
say e.g. because of "Chiral
by Water Elevator" we've diff intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA: IQ)
among 31 realms of beings in samsara ...
, also see:
Rakhine ... ;
Remark: military top restricted info;
31 planes: Myanmar Buddhist
believe that Buddha went to heaven plane (e.g.
T ā v a t i m s a,
celestial world, also see:
t Pali), taught
dhamma, and then came back to Earth, since then
people celebrate homecoming event with lighting candles on a full moon day, also
see: Abhidhamma Day
28, 29, 30, and 31, also see:
Julian calendar;
Remark: in Pali language (a part of
Myanmar (Burma) language), "abhi"
means in depth, ("dhamma" a.k.a. "dharma")
means Buddha's teaching;
idea ♯ 213; BF1 Analysis; Also see:
level knowledge enhancement 2;
IFF constellation is 1 planet and 30 times bigger than our earth, 31 realms might be solved scientifically, also see: BLI problem of Space BMI;
(20 realms of NOT dying ones), (6 realms of deity ones), (4 realms of "hell" alike ones), ... ; 31 realms ... ;
Until year 2555, IFF ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)) objects in our universe, not yet in history, invisibility ... ;
32; 80;
33, also see: 108 configuration ... ; WHERE 3,3,3,3 forms accordance with swastika 4 ... ;
37 Factors of Enlightenment, also see: b Pali (B o d h i p a k k h i y a dhamma) ... ;
37 kinds of b o d h i; Remark: either 137 or 37? ; also see: 1000 b o d h i;
37 Nat ("nat" in Myanmar, meaning "deity", "gods"), also see: THE ORDINATION PROCEDURE & SOME V I N A Y A RULES .htm; also see: 36 n a t s, the God and Goddesses;
40 kinds of conceptual objects: also see: jhāna;
48 mettā; 132 karunā; 132 mudita; 132 upekkhā;
original 5 * 4 = 20; co-existence 2 + 2 = 4; 4 + (3 categories (e.g. physical, verbal, mental)) = 7; 7 * 4 = 28; 20 + 28 = 48;
48 * 10 directions = 480; 480 + 48 = 528;
66 copies of Lotus
Buddhist pilgrim left in Japan;
96, challenge of maintaining faith, originally from a sutra; 96 stone steps at a temple;
103 moral codes of
Rakhine people, since
W a t h a l i
AD327, also see: 80000, 90,000 pagoda; Pronunciation "r a
k h i t a" in Pali means the people WHO
maintain & protect race, religion, and sasana;
Rakhine might have been derived from "r a
k h i t a" ... ; Myanmar has adapted languages
(including writing char, Syllabary, ... ), culture,
tradition, tools, measurements, ... , from
Mon-K h a m e r people, from
Rakhine people, from P y u people (i.e.
ancient Chinese), from Shan people, from ... for
thousands of years already, therefore, Union of Myanmar ...
3 objects of veneration, i.e. Buddha, Dharma,
2. 5 Precepts (5
s i l a); once awhile, common people practice 5
s i l a;
3. 8 Precepts (8 s i l a);
yogis practice 8 s i l a;
4. 10 Precepts (10 s i l a);
(nuns, young monks) practice 10 s i l a;
5. 10 Principles virtues;
6. 10 Meritorious deeds;
7. 10 Good deeds;
8. 38 Blessing;
also see: 38 mingala;
mingala s u t t a;
9. 5 Kinds of charity for upright person;
10. 4 Prays;
also see: 4
types of m a n d a l a;
liability; moral responsibility; onus;
103 = 3 + 5 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 38 + 5 + 4;
level imaginary hyperspace (i.e. beyond our solar system (ACT2),
in addition to our earth (ACT1)),
also see: Physics Law 234) Here, think that there are left side, equation sign, and right side; In
programming, left side is more likely to be Val
(value) syntax alike, and right side is more
likely to be Ref (reference)
semantics alike, also read and understand:
Syntax vs. Semantics;
and then,
read and understand:
Monbusho level
knowledge enhancement (
idea # 126; Quantity 26 as a ~ z; Calculator Key) doko
(Artificial Intelligence) to be better computing
then, prove THAT
minus is more likely to be on right
side, if compare to
plus (e.g. concerning minus vs.
plus, realize that idea is similar to a part of relativity theory);
Therefore, this DOMAIN developer wrote 103 = ... ; 103 might have been somehow related to
108, WHERE 3*3*3*3 with JUN(10), Lunar(7), JUN(10) ... ; 10 and 3 might have
been referred to JUN with 3 lights in our universe ... ; And then, 2 events of
of 3 lights in ACT2 stage space ... ; And then 3,4 dimensional hyper
space in ACT3 stage ... by 2*6 momentum ... ; this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space
crafts went very very very far in distance, but still cannot solve Parallel Time
yet, but still cannot prove 17 as "whole books in tipitaka" yet, but still
cannot find 31 realms yet ... until year 2555;
Concerning 3, WHILE relaxing at Nga-pa-li beach in Union of Myanmar, this DOMAIN
recommends visiting to 3 pagodas at 3 diff hills, built (prior to Pagan era) by
one of the Rakhine kings, for synchronization purpose;
... ; Also read the book
(Religious Problem
- Questions & Answers)
number 3, 1st Edition, 2012, U.Jotalankara;
IFF Mahayana Buddhism, 108 = (3 * 6 * 3 * 2); kilesa, mental defilements; Hyakuhachi Bonnou; i.e. tanha (crave) 3, ayatana 6, kala (time period e.g. era) 3, thandan (appearance existing) 2;
IFF Theravada Buddhism, 108 = (56 + 38 + 14); After counting Pali Syllabary letters e.g. (Buddha 56, Dhamma 38, Sangha 14) are symbolized and aggregated whole sum as one hundred and eight;
ACT3 imaginary hyper
space, IFF
Parallel Time
(i.e. this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper
dimensional space)
Synchronization e.g. (3 *
3 * 3 * 3) + (10 + 7 + 10) = 108 doko
WHERE (10 is JUN, 7 is Lunar, 10 is JUN) i.e.
Lunar) are
SYNC each other e.g. (10,7,10) in (2*6) numerological
dimension ... ;
108, also see: PrayingBeads1.htm;
symbols, in Buddha's foot print;
Thet Kya Mjinzu a.k.a. Thet Kya
Maraung pagoda; AD1629; parapets & niches of the pagoda;
Mjin Zu Tha Ka; flower of god; lotus flower;
Gautama Buddha; 2 huge ogres as guards;
116 kinds of d i t t h i;
48 mettā; 132 karunā; 132 mudita; 132 upekkhā;
7 + 5 = 12; 12 * 10 directions = 120; 12 + 120 = 132;
146 Buddhas in niches; Htut Kant Thein Temple; AD1571; 1 main stupa & 4 smaller stupas at corner; miniature stone stupas of vesali period; Sabbath days;
175 seated Buddhas, in 2 inner passageways; octagonal central pillar; 8 porches; surrounded by 8 stupas; and then, surrounded by 15 stupas; The holy molar relic of Buddha & Ann Daw Temple; religious connection with Sri Lanka; AD1521; 8 seated Bhumisparsha Buddha; 6 standing Buddha with 6 mudras:
Abhaya mudra right hand, for fear-dispelling attitude, Varada mudra left hand for giving charity;
Dhama Cha Kra mudra for preaching the 1st sermon to the 5 disciples at the deer park;
Dhyana [pronounce Zenna] mudra for meditation;
also see: Sanda Muni monastery, a.k.a. Bandoola monastery, in Mrauk-U, Rakhine State;
208 marble slabs, engraved by Bama Kingdom, a.k.a. Abhidhamma Pitaka, in Mandalay, in Union of Myanmar;
372 regulation and principle,
Theravada monk practices; Also see:
p Pali, 227 rules (also see:
p ā t i m o k k h a
s a m v a r a s ī l a);
2022 November 8,
F M D, Full Moon Day, and
Blood Moon, and full moon lunar eclipse;
600; 50 = (100 / 2)
= (600 / 12), and don't forget THAT NIS (National Information System) starts
with 50 ... ;
Remark: 600 is originally from Eastern Civilization;
400; (400 / 12) =
(100 / 3) = 33.333, and don't forget THAT "three ones" are a part of
108 configuration;
Remark: 400 is originally from Western Civilization;
civilization's documentation: a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American's wild
guess would be: flying dragon
(4 eyes creature, mythical ones on the
Sun Planet, and look likes a snake) 's head is (heading, moving)
in Distance (e.g. Number *
NM (Nanometer)) ... ;
e.g. doko
372 Years belong to (
Blood Moon, full moon day (F M D) eclipse, lunar eclipse total, the
winter solstice (northern hemisphere) of our earth),
372 Days (1.019 years) belong to approx. 1.01 AU (as same mass
as (1% of) our
earth's one and only the sun)) ... , And Then, question to myself,
i.e. in our earth's (
rekishi History;
is there any visible ("Blood Moon", Full Moon Day (F M D) eclipse, and lunar
eclipse total) in the time of "winter solstice" from (southern hemisphere) of
our earth? I need to ask to the Shakya King the
same question, because he (Shakya King) has many
curators, and Why? ; is there scientific proven
(factoring Number) for Gene Therapy
System (tongue) in our earth's history? genetic codes for tongue
should be related to 0.084916 = ((1.019 years) / 12), And Then, 0.84916 is the
Number for approx. 10 months of
pregnancy to be born (regarding
(factoring Number) for Gene Therapy
System (tongue)) ... ;
dear Shakya King, I need R&D on (human being's tongue vs. kangaroo's tongue) regarding (factoring Number) for Gene Therapy System (tongue) because in our earth, naturally & originally kangaroo is southern hemisphere based ones sir;
full moon
lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022, (
Blood Moon) a full moon day, a.k.a.
F M D ;
DNA _Origami, 0.01
= 10 ^-10
NIPPON . Toyota has been using color code (Red
and Silver),
i.e. implicit meaningful "
Blood Moon" for several decades already since
1990s ... ;
Remark: a "Tarzan"
Rakhine has been loyal customer
(1989 - 2020s:
e.g. 5 Corolla, 1 Hi Ace (10 Seat), 2 Lexus (V6, Hybrid), 3 Pro Box (1.3L), 1 Sequoia
(5.7L), ... );
visible e.g. visible from the middle of the Pacific Ocean; visible across (USA (approx. 10 PM if location is Honolulu), (approx. EST 3-7 AM if location is the East Coast)), ... ;
civilization's documentation: a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American's wild guess would
be: inseam (the seam in a pair of the length ... ),
in this case, "a pair" of 2 diff locations of the same moon (our earth) ...
Also see:
Reforming Myanmar; Time (e.g.
F M D, Full Moon Day,
Blood Moon);
Remark: if you're ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace crafts' architects, designers,
engineers, and developers, R&D on NOT ONLY 0.01 nm counters for
your DNA _Origami (Nanobot Programming), BUT ALSO reversed of ((^-) to (^+)) to
Anti-Earthquake Programming worldwide (our earth only) ... ; in
ACT2, you must apply diff directional gravity spots,
variable DEE patterns, yellowish variations, ... and good health &
good luck to you !! and in
ACT3 level imaginary
hyperspace, you're on your own
(because in space, there is no joint
venture) and remember all human beings livable moons are owned
by the Shakya King ;
I wrote: I've a
quiz now,
ware ware We've been being R&D on
Gene Therapy
Global Weather, 10000+ MPH
Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle, Nanobot Programming, ..., and
wondering variable DEE patterns,
WHICH (item, object, organ, part) of human beings prompt Parameter (
well trained
kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! NOT easy to answer, but as (a "Tarzan") 's (pupils,
ware ware We like to guess THAT answer would be: (
Radical169) sir;
I wrote:
of course; keep
your promise (Promissory Note) i.e. NOT to attach viral pathogen to human
beings' Protein, and it took approx. 3+ years to figure-out "Nitrogen" bound
for antiviral COVID-19 ((2019, 2020, 2021) pandemic worldwide), Umm!! Umm!! I
still don't know who created ("unwanted airborne virus") ;
well trained
kids!! replied:
ware ware We'll be Nanobot Programmers sir ... ;
I wrote: OH!!
h o h o (way);
e.g. way should be (correct, proper) with metta (loving kindness) ... ;
500 beads, also see: Nippon; approx. 10 minutes to walk around 500 beads;
528 metta, loving kindness, 528 metta, 1500 metta, ... are commonly known, WHERE 528 is referred to parents' loving kindness to children, WHERE 1500 is referred to sexual related loving kindness; Lower the number, lesser the kilesa; Lesser the kilesa, higher chance to attain bhāvanā; More and more practicing bhāvanā, closer and closer to magga ... ;
1st to understand 48 mettā; 132 karunā; 132 mudita; 132 upekkhā; 2nd to understand 48 * 10 directions = 480; And then, 480 + 48 = 528;
550 stories, for children;
1000 bo-tree Buddha (s), also see: 1000 bodhi; also see: sen;
1500 metta, a.k.a. 1500 kilesa;
1000 of Buddha s; Bodhi 1000 monastery is in upper Myanmar, approx. 150+ km north west of Mandalay;
2500+ a.k.a. nowadays, a.k.a. post Sasana year 2,500;
2500+ relief panels, 1400+ narrative relief panels, 70+ Buddha statues, also see: Borobudur, Central Java, Indonesia;
5000 silver tiles, a floor covering, in the Silver Pagoda, in Cambodia;
80000 pagoda, a.k.a. Shite Thoung buddha statues; also see: 90,000; Ancient Pagodas Land; also see: man;
81258 wood blocks a.k.a. Tripitaka, at Haein-sa temple, in Korea;
84,000 teachings; canon;
90,000 pagoda, a.k.a.
Koo-Thoung Shrine, a.k.a. Koe Thaung Temple, AD1553;
square site-plan; based on 9; 84,000 future Buddhas; also see:
Mrouk a.k.a. Mrtouk a.k.a. Arakan a.k.a. Arakanese
a.k.a. Arracanese
a.k.a. Rakhaing a.k.a.
ancient Buddhist kingdom,
after paper invention documentation, in Mahayana Buddhism, Order began 1st, and then Schools were founded;
the Magadha, Ashoka, Maurya [Mrouk a.k.a. Mrtouk]; Mauryan dynasty (c.321-185 B.C.) in Mahayana documentation, approx. 300+ years after Buddha;
Mrouk, origin of The Spread of Buddhism to south and southeast Asia;
Indian called the people "Mrouk" at that time; Therefore, ancient city name "Mrauk-U" might be referred to not only "Northern", but also the people WHO, living in the northern India; Myanmar name "U" might derive from "U", meaning "early", "edge", nowadays common prefix to adult male name;
206BC ~ AD24 Han dynasty's "clay" work were popular; the "Mrouk" people called "Chi" = "clay", "na" = "place" in the ancient language, later British defined "China", WHERE origin of the name "Chi" "na", in Magadha;
the "Mrouk" people's kingdom was defeated and occupied by Burma's kingdom in AD1784, after that time, Burma people's kingdom was defeated by British in AD1820; Lucky to survive as "Myanmar people", origin of civilization of language & religion has been a combination of "Mrouk people", "Pyu people", "Mon people", ... ; For example: some civilizations i.e. ACTEC, INCA, MAYA, were disappeared in Latin America; Buddhism state religion and language in Indonesia were disappeared;
at present, there is no Mrouk-U nation, there is no Pyu nation, there is no Mon nation, ... and civilization type is lower if compare to well developed nations i.e. electricity usage, heath care, telecommunication systems, transportation systems, and etc., the "Mrouk" people exist as Rakhine State in Myanmar; the "Pyu" people no longer exist as "Pyu" State in Myanmar [very few "Pyu" people still exist, they are more likely to be one of the ancient Chinese], the "Mon" people exist as Mon State in Myanmar [Mon spoken dialog still can communicate to some people in Thailand, and Cambodia; Cambodian has called "Phu-mi" to "Mon" people]; another "Han" related pure Buddhist "Shan" people exist as Shan State in Myanmar [Shan people's traditional food are similar to Korea in 2500+ km away; spoken dialog is similar to northern Thai people; written characters are in Myanmar]; and, so many respectable small minority peoples exist ... therefore, "Union" of Myanmar ... , so, if you were a mixed, you are a Myanmar; In philosophy, "might is always right", on the other hand, living peacefully is having metta, mudita, ... ;
after paper invention documentation, in Mahayana Buddhism, Order began 1st, and then Schools were founded; also see: man;
100,000 world cycles; also see: Paying Reverence to 28 Buddha.htm;
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