Radical : Radical : Radical : ( Radical169) six strokes in Kanji;

dimensional, e.g.


directional, e.g.

Gene Therapy System;

logical, e.g.

in Hiragana: tongue;

in Kanji: clapper; reed; tongue;

S h i t a (name); S h i t a z a k i (family name, surname); Z e t s u (family name, surname);

numerological, e.g.


structural, e.g.

I wrote: I've a quiz now, ware ware We've being R&D on Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, 10000+ MPH Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Nanobot Programming, ..., and WHEN wondering variable DEE patterns, WHICH (item, object, organ, part) of human beings prompt Parameter ( , , ) ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! NOT easy to answer, but as (a "Tarzan") 's (pupils, students), ware ware We like to guess THAT answer would be: ( tongue; Radical169) sir; Also see: Distance; Reforming Myanmar; Time;

Radical ; Radical ; Radical; Radicals;