; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 7th (Saturday) : Reforming Myanmar ;
; ; ; ; Updated on 7 : 9 : 2024 : Reforming Myanmar;
Reforming Myanmar, to be living 2nd life, 3rd life, ... i.e. beings in samsara . . . . . ;
Reforming Myanmar, to be traveling & visiting human beings livable moons . . . . . ;
regarding zodiac, Burmese (a.k.a. Myanmar) signs, Indian signs, and Western signs are identical ones, also see: ( 29, 30, Time, Longitude Number degree) ... ;
Year of the Dragon (e.g. 2024-2025) . . . . . ;
Union of Myanmar is only
one (ASEAN member, country, nation) with rebels, approx. 77+ years already
(counted from
WWII); no one can solve the TRUE LIES
EXIST problems in Myanmar,
and don't blame on "B a m a," blame on yourselves
... ; because of
dictatorship system
many investors have moved out of Myanmar; I've a bad psychology i.e. I (Ace Jaw)
like to be "the
global military commander" WHO can
demolish 200+ millions (enemies,
also, WHEN I became 60+ years old
because I brought-up (1-24 years) under the military dictatorship system ...
1st. if you're ethnic tribe, don't be captives because I like "hotdog & soda" ; in this expression, hotdog should be made of terrorist as meat;
2nd. if you're ethnic tribe and not having (awards, civil rights, deeds, land-use rights, opportunity, Position As Chief, voting rights, Title As Head, Wealth (revenue generating), ... Remark: our earth is not simple like WHAT I think), you should have plan (e.g. learn English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, ... ) to be abroad, and don't lose your root ... ;
3rd. if you're ethnic tribe, don't be destructive, don't insult others, don't vandalize others, ... and find your own way to be (constructive, good, proper, thrive), ... ;
4th. if you're ethnic tribe, TRUE LIE can be acceptable, e.g. I earned a MS degree in USA, e.g. one of my sisters' TRUE LIE as not passing 9th grade (not having high school record) to be a MD in USA, ... ;
5th. if you're ethnic tribe, you don't know "B a m a" military generals obey the Shakya King's Satellite phone calls (military commands) ... ;
6th. be able to do generation and generation fights e.g. for creating a new formula, it will take more than decades . . . e.g. structural pinpointing method of Yellowish Variation took more than decades ... ;
7th. learn from others e.g. I learnt Buddha's Abhidharma from "B a m a" Buddhist monk, e.g. I learnt CS from American (White kind) professors, e.g. I learnt English language from Karen Christian professor, e.g. I learnt many from NHK news, e.g. I learnt RDBMS from American Chinese, e.g. we ethnic tribes (male kind) should adapt global dress codes by wearing pants (long pants), ... ;
8th. there're many unwritten laws exist, so be good ones, don't be bad ones, e.g. I must pay taxes (annually, itemized) ... ;
9th. be healthy (eating habit, having money to spend for healthcare cost, sleeping habit (e.g. I've never slept in front of "Flat Panel Display is on")), be hygiene (self cleansing), ... ;
10th. be (goodwill, honest, sincere, straight forward to be good) person e.g. I've never scumbag to others in my life;
11th. don't be victim as much as you can because (falsifying, lying, killing, misconduct i n g, poisoning, scumbag i n g, spreading bad rumors, stealing, vandalizing, ... ) exist , and our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think ;
12th. take IT to the limit, e.g. I'll never be a President of USA, similar to I'll never be a President of Myanmar; I truly realize and understand that our earth's prestige Mercedes (German Made) has named "an auto" called "MAY BASH" is not for commoner ... ;
13th. be R&D e.g. how 15 lines of raster resolutions prompt (Top Line As 1, Bottom Line As 1), And Then, 13 lines (a.k.a. 1&&1 design model) should be the utmost computing (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... e.g. I wrote: I need to QA well trained kids' Processor (side-by-side) design model knowledge, so quiz would be: regarding Triangles, a.k.a. Polygon, WHICH side belong to Instruction, And Then, WHICH side belong to Data? Also see: Numbers in Computing ... ;
14th. don't have "too much hate," and don't promote "hate" because my father taught me "appreciate the different" ... (don't think that others think the same like you're if ethnic tribe) ;
15th. be smart enough to generate 5+ chicken revenue per day, and don't forget i.e. ware ware We've 20+ levels of living standard in our earth... ;
16th. don't be perpetrator, don't be perpetrated, unless you're special trained to kill 200+ millions (enemies, foes) for changing civilizations in our earth;
17th. knowing, realizing, and understanding (Upper House, And Then, Lower House), doko WHERE Upper House (groups, members) belong to 7 royal families of Asia, And Then, Lower House, belong to the common peoples with est. APR% between +4 and +20 APR% living standard ones, and Upper House (groups, members) may have several IDs, and most of them are in minus APR% living standard with deeds, generation fights, patents, ... (e.g. with this ID, I know the Shakya King as a Medical Doctor, with that ID, I don't know the Shakya King as trillionaire, so H e e H e e (TRUE LIES) EXIST ), (e.g. with this ID, I know the Shakya King as a small business owner, with that ID, I don't know the Shakya King as Satellite Designer, so H e e H e e (TRUE LIES) EXIST ), and if he likes you, you'll be living peacefully 300+ years, you'll be military generals, you'll be rich like 0% APR, on the other hand, if he doesn't know you, And Then, this DOMAIN developer ("a Tarzan Rakhine American") 's suggestion would be: "don't be rebellious ones," and start with "5+ chickens per day revenue" 1st (referring to +10 APR% living standard ones, And Then, try to be +9 APR%, And Then, try to be +8 APR%, And Then, try to be +7 APR%, And Then, try to be +6 APR%, And Then, try to be +5 APR%, And Then, try to be +4 APR%, And Then, try to be +3 APR%, And Then, try to be +2 APR%, And Then, try to be +1 APR%, ... ; Remark: I've tried my whole life, to own (a new Mercedes "MAY BASH" CAR + a new Lexus yacht + a new HONDA private jet + a new custom made designer house) but not yet, not yet, to be in 0% APR% ) ... ;
WHY ancient land (Pagan, Union of Myanmar) wasn't been Air Force bombed in WWII; Answer would be: P y u peoples are look alike Chinese people with lighter skin complexion, who went to England, and had a deal;
WHY approx. 500,000+ Russian military persons had been killed (during 2023-24); Answer would be: democratic way of living vs. Veto Power of United Nations;
WHY Calendar . Earth . Space . War, with color codes; Answer would be: civilizations changing WHICH requires revolutions, wars, ... ;
WHY in history, CHINA has never declared war against any nation in our earth; Answer would be: China will not change the World History;
WHY M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks' specification is like phantom (ghost) ; Answer would be: unknown ones;
WHY military dictators support pirates, rebels, terrorists, ... worldwide; Answer would be: easy to recruit;
WHY my all siblings are DNA mismatched ones ; Answer would be: infant swapped ones mean violating human rights;
WHY peaceful standing Buddha Statue was demolished by Muslin people in 1990s; Answer would be: no respect to Buddhist peoples around the globe;
WHY 5,000,000+ peoples were killed by COVID-19 (2019-2020-2021-2022); Answer would be: don't mess your boss; medicines can be military weapons also;
WHY regional earthquake happened on the New Year Day of 2024, in Japan; Answer would be: exactly J I T (Just In Time) Manmade Global Weather ;
WHY Space Mission, related to our "moon" means TRUE LIES; Answer would be: media info is just propaganda;
WHY 911 Terrorists' Attack happened in USA; Answer would be: 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS;
WHY 311 (the 1st nuclear explosion disaster in 21st century) happened in Japan; Answer would be: Manmade Global Weather;
WHY US Military has declared many wars in history; Answer would be: don't mess your boss;
WHY US Military nuclear bombed in Japan (WWII); Answer would be: Japanese never give-up, i.e. one of the Japanese's mentalities ;
WHY US Military bombed approx. 2+ times "total ton weight of WWII" in Vietnam War; Answer would be: 11 royal families of Europe own USA;
WHY US Senators are all in their 2nd life, 3rd life, ... peoples already; Answer would be: captured already;
WHY 98+ years old the Shakya King is 22+ years old look alike; Answer would be: time gained clone;
WHY 77+ years of without voting rights in Union of Myanmar (since Independent Day in 1948); Answer would be: not really independent;
Suggestion: don't be captive ones; killings continue; if you're still alive, be healthy and wealthy, don't be captive ones; approx. 60+ years of age (this DOMAIN developer) Rakhine American's wild guess would be: our earth is not simple like WHAT I think, e.g. this DOMAIN developer recommends to kill 200+ million of peoples, in order to change civilizations in our earth, believe IT or NOT, in addition, this DOMAIN developer has bad psychology i.e. to be the global military commander; good luck to you !!!
19th. if you're originally from Union of Myanmar and one of the ethnic tribes, and believe in Buddhism, be (ready, readiness) for generation by generation fights (e.g. time gained clones in their 2nd life, 3rd life, ... ), global fights (e.g. 77+ years of (democratic way vs. military dictatorship)), and you should be wise enough to build your own Company Name by using Pali language, because Pali language is a holy language in Buddhism, and nowadays humanoids are programmed in Pali language only;
20th. if you're originally from Union of Myanmar and one of the ethnic tribes, and believe in Buddhism, And Then, R&D (insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoid) in our earth e.g. this DOMAIN developer likes to be the global military commander, who can (demolish, kill) 200+ millions of (enemies, foes) worldwide (our earth) . . . in order to change civilizations in our earth; Suggestion: don't be captive ones; killings continue; in this DOMAIN 's contents, I've intentionally named my humanoids, by using Pali language e.g. humanoid Argha, e.g. humanoid Jiwaka, ... ; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML ;
21st. this DOMAIN supports (gun, weapon), and realized & understood that democracy and democratic way of living has been built by gun (NOT by public boycotting, NOT by public demonstration, NOT by talking), on the other hand, military dictatorship way of living has been built by gun also; so, this DOMAIN developer supports ethnic tribes with (gun, weapon), and this DOMAIN supports democracy and democratic way of living; this DOMAIN supports (licensed hand-guns, licensed semi-automatic rifles) in USA; there is no other way to (deploy, implement) functional democracy and democratic way of living without gun and weapon; Remark: it is not easy to get votes from public who don't know personally; it is not easy to keep and maintain Public Record (s); it is not easy to counter checking, counter QA among (Republican vs. Democrats), (royal family's house maids (lowest ones would be cabinet member, high ranking military official) vs. common civilians), (Upper House vs. Lower House), therefore, I fully support democracy and democratic way of living, on the other hand, I like to be the global military commander who can demolish && kill 200+ million (enemies, foes) ... e.g. (at the focal dot, at the focal pixel, at the focal point) of multi long range (WORMHOLE WAY LASER, Yellowish Variation), no material can exist; I should be working for (Japanese + South Korean + Taiwanese) militaries HOW specifications are ... ; 21st century (2019-2020-2021) 's Big Gun e.g. COVID-19; 21st century's Big Gun, e.g. unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks (Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML); 21st century's Big Gun, e.g. ((Invisibilities, Invisibility): sliding lights sheets to its body can be "invisible" ones) UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; 21st century's Big Gun e.g. governments' restriction on (imports, exports) tariffs, restriction on Stock Exchange's depositories, restriction on trade exchange, Trade War, ... ; OH!! OH!! I almost forgot to mention & write, i.e. (at the focal dot, at the focal pixel, at the focal point) of Satellite (((Rainbow Method))), no material can exist either; therefore, I should (apply, submit) my resume to (Japanese + South Korean + Taiwanese) militaries ; Hmm!! Umm!! I need to run-and-hide now, because the Shakya King informed me run boy, run, nobody likes to be bastard ones, big-mouth blah blah blah person, child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched ones, falsified ones, rebellious ones, serial killer ones, thief (including defined canvas ones, hacker ones, higher level layered ones), undisciplined ones, unknown ghost alike ones, vandalized ones, x-sex video recorded ones, ... ; with guns and weapons (e.g. antiaircraft missiles, long range rifles, ... ), we ethnic tribes might be having "civil rights" , "educational opportunities" , "human rights" , "land use rights" , "Public Record" , "voting rights" , ... and so on ... , on the other hand, without gun and weapon, don't be captives because I like "hotdog & soda" ; in this expression, hotdog should be made of terrorist as meat;
22nd. military generals and their command followers are very useful for the Shakya King, and the Shakya King has many awards and prizes for them; for example, high ranking military officials are the richest ones in Myanmar; neighbor (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) nations' leaders are truly NOT on public's side, because military dictatorship system means billions of US Dollar worth of (advantage, benefit, net profit, saving) to the neighbor (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) nations; therefore, if you don't like to be under the 77+ years of "B a m a" military dictatorship system, don't live there and try to (migrate, move-out) peacefully, and don't lose your root; Remark: some "B a m a" military generals' 2nd generations, 3rd generations are peacefully living abroad (out-of-Myanmar) also, because they used to work for other nations' intelligent agencies for generations; therefore, at the age of 60+ years, I don't see any solution for "we" ethnic tribes to be in democratic way of living i.e. very sad, very unfortunately, but we (ethnic tribes) should start learning this DOMAIN 's Mini Dictionary at least; the Shakya King and military generals hate my webpage ("Reforming Myanmar") 's contents, but I've practiced an eye for all eyes military tactic also ... they (military generals) might call me a snake, And Then, I would reply I'm NOT a snake, I'm a dragon ones who will demolish & kill 200+ million (enemies, foes) ; don't worry about me, because I've been the worst of the worse kinds starting from child-swapped, DNA mismatched siblings, falsified ones, vandalized ones, ... ; sincerely, I still cannot pinpoint the Shakya King's Location via remote nama reading RDBMS ... ; Suggestion: don't be captive ones; killings continue;
23rd. Font, e.g. True Type Font (. T T F) files are very important for civilizations, so I typed in the Google Search e.g. "Myanmar font," and Google prompted several online text generators:
https://fontmeme.com/burmese/ ;
https://myordbok.com/myanmar-fonts/ ;
https://www.branah.com/myanmar ;
Remark: We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems : e.g. NOT having electricity; e.g. NOT having Health Insurance; e.g. NOT having proper infrastructure; e.g. NOT having Public Record; e.g. NOT paying Income Tax; e.g. NOT paying Property Tax; . . . ;
24th. if you're ethnic tribes from Union of Myanmar, and working for BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai), RFA (), VOA (), ... , you should R&D Myanmar Font, because we (ethnic tribes) have civilization gap problems (reminder: don't lose your root), and we've been under military dictatorship for more than 77+ years already; be constructive ones instead of destructive ones, if you're ethnic tribes of Union of Myanmar; don't blame on "B a m a" military, blame on yourself; Remark: you should know "killings continue" ... ;
with , also see: Mini Dictionary, English - Myanmar dictionary . . . ; Remark: someone must be with knowledge beyond (GPS : Translator) Level, and TRUE AI may begin ... , and I don't know who designed & programmed ... ; Also see: Time;
25th. in USA, insurance companies cannot write HOME INSURANCE POLICY (a.k.a. Policy Declaration), if you like to purchase 5+ houses (e.g. 1 Primary Home Plus 4+ Rental Houses), i.e. a (proof, prove) of Wealth Distribution, so if you're owning 5+ (lots, houses, parcels) you need to purchase Insurance from several insurance companies; USA practices Wealth Distribution, not only in real estates, but also in Healthcare, International Policy, Social Security, Welfare, ... ; many rich peoples have several LLC companies with good reasons, i.e. Safety of Wealth; Also see: Ace Jaw (Insurance) ... ; in USA, LLC requires to issue W2 Form (Tax Holding may start) for each employee (worker), and QA by Labor Dept. e.g. Workers' compensation, disabilities, unemployment benefits, ... ; Remark: in common, bi-weekly (quantities of 26 bi-weekly = 52/2 annually qualities) Tax Holding, for each employee (worker), also see: Biz; Reforming Myanmar; Time;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, to my relative brothers 5+ military generals, e.g. have you ever paid taxes? and they replied "no" never paid taxes; never heard of, never known of "tax holding" ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, to my relative bankers who own banks, real estate builder and developer (more than 50+ houses), the same question, e.g. have you ever paid taxes? and they replied "no" never paid taxes; never heard of, never known of "tax holding" ;
I wrote: no wonder myself, been a bastard ones, child-swapped ones, war survival ones, ... , and I don't see any solution for my native land called "Union of Myanmar" and I will never be a commissioner in my life; therefore, I've never involved in any rebellious ones, I've never been a member of any party ones, in my whole life, because I know the Shakya King, who is 22+ years look alike, at the age of 98+ years old;
I wrote: how many (lots, houses, parcels) do you own in
well trained kids!! replied: We've own more than Lakh of Lakh, and never paid
taxes sir;
I wrote: I asked a quiz, e.g. can I purchase 5+ HOME
INSURANCE Policy Declaration from your Insurance Company in Myanmar (Burma)?
relative bankers replied: Yes, you can;
I wrote: I've just realized that we don't have Wealth
Distribution in Myanmar; "Yes, you can" answered was similar to
military dictatorship system;
"Policy Declaration" means a "Public Record," if you don't know WHAT is Public
Record; Remark:
TRUE is: I don't own any (lot, house, parcel, property) in Myanmar;
I wrote: I see through very very wrong, and no wonder we ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems; I know a Myanmar (Burmese) slang usage called "j i n - g a - l i" who don't pay taxes, and own millions of US Dollar worth of assets, ... ; 1 phrase would be enough, i.e. TRUE LIES EXIST in Myanmar (Burma); my sincere suggestion would be: don't be captive ones, because I like hotdog + soda;
well trained kids!! replied: WHAT is "commissioner" sir?
I wrote: OH!! OH!! "j i n - g a - l i" who don't pay taxes and cash-only (counter deposits) don't realize and understand (GDP, GNP) based International Exchanges, Public Records, Stock Exchanges, ... ; should I teach spoon-feed style how civilizations should be? i.e. NOT to bypass commission, commissioner, ... ; Should I (arrest, law enforce, order, seize, sentence) all "B a m a" + ethnic tribes to be jailed in prisons for not paying any tax (Income Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Property Gain Tax, Sale Tax, Supplemental Property Tax), or falsifying tax payments is "big crime" can be judged by jurisdiction?
well trained kids!! replied: don't come back & visit to your native land sir; we know you have been child-swapped since 4+ years old ones, no wondered your siblings are all DNA mismatched ones sir; We're scare of "dead sentence" if you apply "j i n - g a - l i" laws and regulations sir, so don't come back & visit to your native land; after 77+ years of military dictatorship system, we don't have jurisdiction sir, we only have the Shakya King's commands sir;
I wrote: mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Tarzans are Tarzan (Origin of Directional Gravity Spot, Origin of human beings livable moons, Origin of Natural Water Elevator, Origin of Satellite Rainbow Method, Origin of Sound, Origin of Yellowish Variation, ... ), . . . ; "j i n - g a - l i" knows cash flow means bypassing commission and commissioner; don't worry, no "dead sentence" , no "dead sentence" , and don't be captive ones ... , and I've realized & understood that you well trained kids might have been (2nd generations, 3rd generations) already captured for 77+ years ... ; I've not formulated yet (cancer causing medicine), ("H" bound airborne virus), (invisible UAV), (unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks), (WORMHOLE Way LASER), ... , instead, I try to formulate Anti-Earthquake design model, by Japanese . Syllabary . HTML (normal Yellowish Variation) since 2024, and knowing that ("j i n - g a - l i" are "j i n - g a - l i"), mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Tarzans are Tarzan, ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: we don't believe in (Origin of Directional Gravity Spot, Origin of human beings livable moons, Origin of Natural Water Elevator, Origin of Satellite Rainbow Method, Origin of Sound, Origin of Yellowish Variation, ... ) sir, we believe military means with air force flights, guns, military radio, military UAV, military vehicles, naval ships, police radio, weapons, ... , military means we must follow the Shakya King's commands exactly sir; you better be not having "Big Mouth" Blah Blah Blah sir;
at the age of 60+ years, this DOMAIN developer's remark: after 77+ years of "B a m a" military dictatorship system, the Shakya King and his royal families will continue ... with documentations, generations, specifications, ... ; my sincere suggestion would be: don't be at a focal point of nodes based LASER (nowadays, those harmful devices are installed by gangsters, terrorists, and undercover agents), don't be captive ones, don't be victims, ... and our earth is not simple like WHAT I think ... , don't suicide yourself if you're Japaneses (NOT knowing hidden enemies, NOT knowing hidden foes, so life became very difficult and unpleasant) and lives go on e.g. 2nd life, 3rd life, ... being in samsara means being in life-after-life in Buddhism; I'll visit to my native land, just for donations and wealth distributions, because wrong-after-wrong prompted that I've many poor relatives;
26th. in 2024 (our earth), I've surprised concerning (guns, weapons), e.g. in Union of Myanmar, ethnic tribes are receiving (anti-naval-destroyer missiles, anti-tank missiles, military grade canned foods, military grade clothing, military grade medical supplies, military grade radio equipments, long range rifles, portable ground-to-air missiles) from unknown ones who believe democracy and democratic way of managing a nation; this 26th info might not be a good news to military dictators worldwide; I like to be the global military commander, who owns our earth;
approx. (123+ anti-naval-destroyer missiles, 123+ anti-tank missiles, 123+ portable ground-to-air missiles) will change military dictatorship systems' killing games;
"NO WAR HOSTAGE EXCHANGE" means whole military members are gone with the wind, or whole military members are gone with the tide; killings continue, don't be captive ones;
"NO BEHEADED HEAD COLLECTION" means whole military members are gone with the wind, or whole military members are gone with the tide; killings continue, don't be captive ones;
Number "26" is a good number,
e.g. 2*6 dimensional, a part of
2 (5,
7) ... ;
Number "26" is a
good number, e.g. 26 letters in English (
. .
Number "26" is a
good number, e.g. 4 phase lunar calendar of Chinese
zodiac signs;
in 2024 (our earth);
USA, unknown ones' specification of
Products are not available in text
books to learn
(WHEN lights exist, DEE also coexist) Specification,
Gene Therapy System
Gene Patterns As INDEX)
normal Yellowish Variation (Japanese
. Syllabary) Specification,
Manmade Global Weather (our earth only) Specification,
Nama For Humanoid (humanoids
are smarter than me) Specification,
Nanobot Programming (IFF
adult 44+ years age: not to be hard ones)
Natural Water Elevator (directional gravity spot (structural
Battery)) Specification,
ZCS based sliding Lights As Sheet
onto its surface (Invisibilities,
a "Tarzan"
Rakhine American's approx. 55+ years of
learning other peoples are; Also see: unknown ones'
unbeatable && unbreakable
tanks (e.g. fusion powered (Using
for multi purposes), (hovering + underwater) functional, invisible ones,
Satellite links, self defense Motor Way LASER (Nodes based),
shots (0.23 second
apart 1,2,3,4,5,6) toward focal point (specific killing method (programmed
to shoot-down only at left side of the defined (enemy,
very quiet AWD eV
(Using noise cancellation Method of Hyperbola), very quiet AWD eV
(Max. 1000+ km Speed:
???MPH, can be upgraded to 2345 MPH by adding more directional gravity spots,
from structural Battery), WORMHOLE Way LASER (ZCS
at the focal point of WORMHOLE Way
no material can exist)),
(approx. 2+ weeks
to demolish the defined
nation's entire military),
also see:
Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML ;
a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: Russia will be defeated soon;
in 2024 (our earth)
Made in USA
. .
Rakhine, a.k.a. Arakan (Arakanese People) WHO have lived in Indian ocean's coastal area for thousands of year, and WHO have believed in Buddhism As Religion for thousands of year also, so this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, a Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered, programmed, sent) functional 2 humanoids + 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to protect (Bangladesh's coastal area in Indian ocean, India's coastal area in Indian ocean, Rakhine State's coastal area in Indian ocean), on the other hand, for demolishing (enemy military dictators, foe military dictators) in Indian Ocean . . . ; Remark: by race, Rakhine peoples look alike either Chinese or Indian; Rakhine peoples don't look alike neither African race nor white race; the meaning of "Arakan" : receiving (( , ), ( , )) As Kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) "Kan" ;
Suggestion: be "unknown ones" well trained kids!! and IT is good to be "unknown ones" . . . ; OH!! OH!! I need to run and hide at a cave nowadays, doko WHERE mountains are mountain, rivers are river, Tarzans are Tarzan, ... because of too much Blah Blah Blah web contents;
27. the Shakya King has (allowed, endorsed, permitted) a new law & regulation to "B a m a" + ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar, Just In Time (J I T) i.e. since Year of the Dragon, e.g. Chinese New Year 2024, February 10th (Saturday), mandate Military Services (5 years) is required for each citizen of Myanmar (Burma);
if female, age between 18 and 27: a must to do
military services (5 years);
if male, age between 18 and 35: a must to do
military services (5 years);
(definition, meaning): a person who owns all human beings livable moons in our universes is called Shakya King and HE> i i i i i i i i ; believe IT or NOT, Shakya King is 22+ years old look alike, at the age of 98+ years old ones;
I wrote: can you explain ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) the "Dragon" is so colorful?
well trained kids!! replied: 4 parallel Navy Blue lines belong to human beings livable moons, and Water's reflection (Parallel Form) is not similar to our earth (Carbon Nano Form), circles on the moon (of our earth) prompt Yellow Color spots caused by Navy Blue lines, i.e. in addition to "Origin of Sound" has been defined by Yellow Color lines NOT being parallel ones, Hmm!! Umm!! Black, Gray, and Silver are consecutively next to each other means USB design model ones sir;
I wrote: lucky to "B a m a" + ethnic tribes who don't pay any taxes in their life, instead of jail sentence, lucky to do military services ... ; I've a quiz now, Civil War (e.g. 1590s Samurai Japan), (1860s American Civil War), ... civil wars (caused, resulted) many people were killed, therefore, "B a m a" + ethnic tribes are lucky to be alive, so do military services ... ;
I would say excellent, and very good strategic plan, by the Shakya King, for Reforming Myanmar, and I (bastard ones, child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched sibling ones, war survival ones) thank to the Shakya King for announcing, declaring and law enforcing "MANDATORY MILITARY SERVICES" because:
e.g. if you break-up with your 1st lover (so
sex), it is the time to join
military services ... ;
e.g. if your parent passed away, and having no income (financial), it is the
time to join
military services ... ;
e.g. if you're a graduate but can't find employment, it is the time to join
military services ... ;
e.g. if you're broke (without money, no income, bankruptcy), it is the time to
join military
services ... ;
e.g. if you're rich and being abroad but coming back to your native land, it is
the time to join
military services ... ;
world's 1st Buddhist military has been started to build-up by implementing the Shakya King's military systems worldwide (since 1990s designed modeled beheaded ones, a.k.a. samsara machine, to imaginary hyperspace crafts e.g. unbeatable && unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks (unknown ones designed modeled, deployed in Ukraine-Russia War (2022-20??)), e.g. invisible Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML), and approx. 22+ millions military trained persons will be in Union of Myanmar (est. approx. time period is 2024-2046), And Then, Myanmar will be like Israeli, Korean, Singaporean, ... who know military (command, management, operational, R&D, strategic, tactical, ... better knowledge based like firefighters, , marshals, , sheriffs, special agents, ) ; Buddha Military is a must to survive in our earth, like others, religion is very important factor; very good and excellent Walls strategy of the Shakya King to secure (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) concerning Buddhism As Religion; the most challenge in 21st century would be: Anti-Earthquake design model, WHICH is beyond (
BLI automatic adjustment medical formulary,
directional gravity spots,
invisible UAV,
Nanobot Programming,
Yellowish Variation)
. . . . . ; killings continue, so don't be captive ones;
Remark: civil war is not a solution; civilizations should be peaceful, tranquil, and constructive ways; believe IT or NOT, I've never done destructive way in my life to anyone, because I believe in Zen Buddhism, and mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... and try to be good ones; if you do good kharma Action, good results will ... ;
28. surface inductance; e.g.
nowadays in 2020s, smart phones are designed & modeled with 1+ camera, 2+ camera, 3+ camera, and WHAT would you like to (choose, pick, select) among 2 is very very unique in many ways (in this case: whether , or )?
( , ) We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problem in our earth, also see: (Inductance, Reforming Myanmar), e.g. we don't know HOW to design model from CRT to Flat Panel in 1990s, e.g. we also don't know HOW to design model from Flat Panel to ZCS in 2020s, and this DOMAIN developer's suggestion would be:
don't be at the focal point of WORMHOLE Way LASER, i.e. either PCS based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);
don't be at the focal point of Yellowish Variation, i.e. either Walls based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);
another suggestion would be: if you're ethnic tribes, be "unknown ones" because you don't want to be like me WHO went through many (bad-rumoring, captive tactic (e.g. military generals' children must be as deposited captives), dictatorship, falsifying, killings, swapping, terrorist attacks, vandalizing, violating of rights) ;
Fusion of Lights for charging structural Battery . Negative; Also see: Inductance; structural Battery;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! sir, because for each OEM, they've their own fixed (Volt (V) e.g. 3.3V) sir;
I wrote: can you do 1.1V * 3 mutual-Inductance for 3+ Camera? Remark: at 500/2 ms, at 500/2 mA;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! another trillions US Dollar worth sir;
I wrote: do good kharma Action, good results will . . . . . and I believe in Zen Buddhism: mountains are mountain, rivers are river, and don't be captive ones (because killings continue), e.g. unknown ones' M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks, e.g. unknown ones' imaginary hyperspace crafts ( Elevating, Landing) among human beings livable moons in our universes;
Since 02/02/2021 Military Coup in Union of Myanmar, ( I, I, I, I) have changed my mind NOT to be global commander sir, I like to be the Indian Ocean's Super Pirate WHO can chop and collect military generals' beheaded heads; Also see: Ace Jaw; Reforming Myanmar; ware ware We need to implement "chop & collect military generals' beheaded heads", to do so, military tactical plans should be starting, regarding 02/02/2021 military coup in Union of Myanmar; the next step, Global Military Coup ... ;
since 2024, this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw, an ethnic tribe of Union of Myanmar, a Rakhine American has (assigned, deployed, dispatched, ordered, programmed, sent) functional 2 humanoids + 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks to Indian Ocean (Regional Security), i.e. to make sure Rakhine ethnic tribes survive, AND for demolishing (enemy military dictators, foe military dictators) in Indian Ocean . . . ; Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Inductance; Rakhine; Remark: killings continue, don't be captive ones;
since 1948 Independent Day, in Union of Myanmar history, many military coups happened; IT means we "B a m a" + ethnic tribes have been "not really independent" for more than 77+ years already; don't blame on other peoples, don't blame on individual military general, and blame on yourself, because if you still don't know 77+ years of "not really independent" ;
29. Number (29, 30) belongs to sidereal calendar; also see: Reforming Myanmar; Time;
by calendar years of history, Union of Myanmar's "B a m a" military defeated Thailand's kingdom, Rakhine kingdom, Mon kingdom, and other ethnic tribes in Myanmar (Burma); so, I (this DOMAIN developer, a "Tarzan" Rakhine American) personally believe that "B a m a" military will win; after 77+ years of "not really independent" ; Prediction: if and only if Russia military is defeated by NATO + Allies, for democracy and democratic way of managing nations in our earth, And Then, our earth's World History will be changing e.g. vote peoples, vote, vote, ... ; otherwise military dictatorship will continue ... and you decide ... NOT Me to decide ... ; because, military dictatorship means group-wised, not by individual; 11 royal families of Europe, 7 royal families of Asia, royal families of Middle East, ... will decide;
because, local system is a part of global system, and if and only if Russia military is defeated by NATO + Allies, for democracy and democratic way of managing nations in our earth, And Then, our earth's World History will be changing e.g. democratic way of managing Myanmar, a.k.a. Burma, otherwise, you should know the meaning of 77+ years of "not really independent" (written in 2024 February) ;
30. a.k.a. down Jun; e.g.
the Shakya King's message: he sexed 100+ virgins in Myanmar (Burma), And Then, he moved into USA, because he thinks that he can bypass 11 royal families of Europe, and he became MD, Medical Doctor in USA, and he has a son; Remark: one of the "Black Book" tactics of "You cannot say NO to him" ;
I wrote: WHAT do you think of this scenarios, or counter-to-counter record?
well trained kids!! replied: we need to kill him, or we need to kill his son;
I wrote: I believe in democracy, and democratic way of managing civilizations before "too extreme" ... ; after 77+ years (retrospective to WWII), many "B a m a" (inside is not really "B a m a"), became prison heads in USA, believe IT or NOT (because of 1990s designed modeled samsara (life-after-life) machine); be very very careful nowadays, because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; I'll not kill him, I'll not kill his son, because they converted their religion to Christian, and they believe in the God; another reason is that Shakya King assigned his Prime Ministers and Military Generals to do "Black Book" implementations, and they all believe in the God; Remark: I'll not blame on the Shakya King either, because ("his confession") he cannot defeat his mother, and WHAT do you really, seriously think about? OH!! My God.
Excuse me, if my expression and statement are "too extreme" ... ; TRUE, TRUE, but I will not kill him or his son, because Japanese Prime Minister's daughter has the same DNA matched ones like me, because the last emperor of China's daughter has the same DNA matched ones like me, and I've many DNA matched ones, (Remark: I cannot explain my condom) OH!! OH!! in "O" <> "H" Distance in Water, and I prefer H2O2, doshite Why?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! in Distance, longer Distance between "O" and "H" in H2O2 sir, if-and-only-if H2O vs. H2O2;
I wrote: Wow, well trained kids!! are very very smart ones already, so be good programmers of Nanobot Programming ..., and don't forget NOT to be "hard ones" . . . kuru kuru WHILE dealing with (oncological + pathological) ones, WHEN dealing with silver lining (e.g. atypical cells exist) ones;
I wrote: believe IT or NOT, only in Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma), no ("B a m a" + ethnic tribes) are NOT allowed to be at "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station, including high ranking "B a m a" military persons are NOT allowed to be at "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station; complexion must be lighter ones to be at "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station, and "Brown Color" skin ones are NOT allowed to be at "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station; do you realize and understand this paragraph's meaning?
if you're "Brown Color (complexion, hada Skin, skin) person, you've never been there ("ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station) for sure, because you don't know the word "FEDERALLY RESTRICTED & SELECTED" among civilizations in our earth; I told you several times already, our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; FEDERAL starts with Chinese + Japanese + Korean + Hmm!! Umm!! Rakhita, a.k.a. Arakanese, a.k.a. Rakhine; the most challenge in 2024 and beyond would be "Anti-Earthquake" design model, Nanobot Programming (doko WHERE surface Inductance would be basic knowledge to realize & understand, on the other hand, we ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems in Union of Myanmar), ... ; therefore, I don't support rebels, rebellious, ... uneducated peoples who don't know (English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana), and I recommend 200+ millions to be killed in order to change civilizations in our earth; Reminder: don't be captive ones, because killings continue; TRUE LIES EXIST in Myanmar (Burma), since Independent Day in 1948, and do you think that you're already independent ("B a m a" + ethnic tribes) ? May I know your answer?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! have you been there ("ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station) before?
I wrote: my TRUE LIES would be: I don't need to be there, because insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, and my humanoids are very reliable and smarter than me;
therefore, I've mentioned several times already, i.e. don't be rebellious, don't blame on military generals, and blame on yourself; do your own R&D, do your own real estate developments, do your own "revenue generating" sincere livings e.g. start with 5+ chickens per day revenue; OH!! OH!! don't forget to pay taxes, like globally everywhere, every nation's citizens must pay taxes, don't challenge (China military, German military, Japanese military, Russia military, Taiwanese military, UK military, USA military), ... unless you've your own Space Station with Satellite linked AWD eV Fusion Powered world's the most advanced (unbeatable && unbreakable) multi long length neutrino LASER in WORMHOLE Way equipped M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks (WHICH is designed for demolishing whole (enemies, foes) 's military within 2+ weeks) and this DOMAIN developer has endorsed 200+ millions (enemies, foes) must be killed in order to change civilizations in our earth, and WHAT do you think of WHAT? e.g. "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station, and do you know samsara (life-after-life) machines have been since 1990s? do you know directional gravity spots? do you know DEE, Dark Energy Engineering? if answer is e.g. if you don't know any of basic information of this DOMAIN, as I mentioned several times i.e. We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems;
well trained kids!! replied: we're grand children of military generals sir, and we show you our teeth for a glance;
I wrote: OH!! OH!! you need to learn how Dental Implant;
well trained kids!! replied: we're grand children of military generals sir, and we're COVID-19 infected sir;
I wrote: OH!! OH!! you need to learn how unwanted "N" bound, and be immune with coconut water + Protein powder;
well trained kids!! replied: we're grand children of military generals sir, and we're trying to bypass the Shakya King's Satellite PHONE calls (commands) sir;
I wrote: OH!! OH!! you need to learn (2+2) design model ones, also see: surface Inductance;
don't be at the focal point of WORMHOLE Way LASER, i.e. either PCS based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);
don't be at the focal point of Yellowish Variation, i.e. either Walls based, or ZCS based, WHICH has been one of the top military secrets (military grade);
well trained kids!! replied: we're grand children of military generals sir, and we like to be MD, Medical Doctors sir;
I wrote: if you're like me, your rights might have been violated e.g. NOT qualify to be selected to enroll in a medical (college, university) in Myanmar because your skin is Brown Color, And Then, after having a degree (any degree), prepare and take "M CAP" exam, and try to pass IT, And Then, apply medical universities either in Caribbean, or Philippines, And Then, be WHAT you want to be;
well trained kids!! replied: we're grand children of military generals sir, and we like to be spacecraft engineers sir;
I wrote: you might need more than 2 or 3 generations of books, documents, so called really independent "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station, in Rakhine State, Union of Myanmar (Burma)?
well trained kids!! replied: No. Never been, and never heard of such info sir;
I wrote: Brown Color skin ones are not allowed, maybe you might not like WHAT I wrote, but TRUE, TRUE, ... ; another "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station might be in Lao, doko WHERE you may be travelling to human beings livable moons by ("unknown ones")' designed modeled spacecrafts, and those spacecrafts are very huge size like football arena (without jet engines, without wings), only (dispatched, elevated, launched, sent) by "no moon day" only because our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; since I've been a "Tarzan" Rakhine American, without my own lab, this Blah Blah Blah webpage's contents, and I don't blame on anybody for any reasons; you should do the same ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: No. No. impossible, impossible;
I wrote: "possible" would be: start with 5+ chickens per day revenue honestly & sincerely;
31. earnest money;
licensed underwriters QA whether money is "earnest money" or not; in addition to GOOD FAITH, underwriters QA (commission + taxation); if banking accounts are not auditable ( is a must in democratic way), And Then, Trade War (e.g. USA vs. China) has started since U.S. President Trump's administration in USA's history (approx. since year 2020), also our earth's World History; because, we shouldn't promote military dictatorship worldwide, and I will never support military dictatorship worldwide;
let me write a business investment R&D here (beyond 5+ chickens per day revenue honestly & sincerely) : in a real estate listing, a local and small hotel, 8 story, 24+ rooms for occupancy, and listed for sale (Seller's asking price: 350000 US Dollar), in Yangon, Union of Myanmar;
so I hired an licensed inspector, and got a report of all appliances, Builder's Info & Name, ceilings, counter tops, doors, door ways, electricity system, fire safety, fixtures, floors, furniture, interior, exterior, roof, sewer, water supply system, walls, windows, ... ;
so I hired a licensed appraiser, and got a report of appraised value, property history, ... ;
so I calculated in my mind (like "Tarzan" method), if I've max. 20 occupancies, est. $100 / month for each room, I might be earning 2000 US Dollar per month, and 1/2 (win-win biz tactic) for employees who work for the property;
so I've decided NOT to purchase the hotel, because, the earnest money is very less amount for 350000 US Dollar investment; inside of (a "Tarzan") 's knowledge based, Biz (a.k.a. Business, a.k.a. commercial) starts with keyword "OCCUPANCY" and appraised values should be based on net profit (should not be based on revenue); by the way, keyword "Occupancy" is law enforced by Fire Marshall worldwide;
if I really like to make money, I'll convert the hotel to clinic, or community based small hospital, or medical related facility; Do you really realize and understand WHAT I write here? I wish, I should have 350000 US Dollar donation as non-profit ones;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! earnest money must be with proven commission + taxation sir; you should have "permit" from military generals, and they are scare of your TRUE LIES ; you might be getting "permit" from military generals;
I wrote: I don't need permit from military generals, on the other hand, they might need my permits (they don't like to be a part of 200+ millions killings project, e.g. COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, e.g. military wars); because the Shakya King has assigned Aung Myint Kyaw planet (one of the human beings livable moons) for his imaginary hyperspace systems ... Umm!! Hmm!! start with 5+ chickens per day revenue honestly & sincerely, and if you're smart enough to become Lakh-of-Lakh Level, you may realize that knowledge is truly power, And Then, start with your own labs (formula, Spacecrafts, Space Stations) with directional gravity spots (e.g. imaginary hyperspace crafts), Nanobots (e.g. antiviral + curing oncological atypical cells), very quiet & smooth eV (e.g. structural Battery), Water elevators (e.g. Bamboo Stem Factor R&D), ... OH!! OH!! don't forget me, a person without own lab is called a "Tarzan" and we ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems ; in USA, many peoples who own >5+ million US Dollar assets, to whom working at home, to whom knowledge is truly power, to whom who don't need wages for 9-5 works, ... ; Good luck!! & good health to you;
I wrote: in common, commercial properties are NOT FOR SALE, because making money in their own Biz ... ; somehow, commercial properties are "for sale" means either delinquency exists, or not in business anymore (because of not making money, because of political conditions, because of unstable government managements, because of unwanted war, ... ); I've a quiz now, i.e. WHAT is the most important fact in real estate investments?
well trained kids!! replied: location sir;
I wrote: Yes. correct; if location is G7 nations (our earth), you can make money depending upon Federal Interest Rate, doko WHERE banks' rates are higher than federal ("federal" means national in this case) interest rate in common; my motherland (Myanmar, a.k.a. Burma) is one of the least developing nations in our earth, and maybe more than 77% rely on imports, on the other hand, inflation cannot be controlled by military generals since more than 77% rely on imports e.g. agricultural products, communication devices, construction products, infrastructural development products, medical products, medicines, telecommunication, transportation products, ... ; don't blame on "B a m a" , don't blame on Chinese, don't blame on ethnic tribes, don't blame on Indian, don't blame on military generals, ... , and don't blame on others, and remember: blame on yourself; Remember: "B a m a" military defeated Mon kingdom, Rakhine kingdom, Siam kingdom (Thailand), and many ethnic rebels in history; therefore, "B a m a" military will win, because fully supported by (China + Russia), i.e. global politics and tactics WHAT I've learnt, and don't underestimate "B a m a" starting from prison heads are "B a m a" in USA, believe IT or NOT; suggestion: don't be captive ones, killings continue ... ; our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think; there might be good reasons for military coups (Shakya King's military commands & orders, via Satellite PHONE) ... ; Have you ever been at "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station in Rakhine State, Union of Myanmar (Burma)? if your answer is NO, And Then, you'll never ever know directional gravity spots elevated imaginary hyperspace crafts for sure; I question to myself, i.e. are we really independent yet? suggestion: don't be captive ones, killings continue ... ; Business (a.k.a. Biz) means you make your own products (including services) yourselves, And Then, 10+ times profit, 100+ times profit, 1000+ times profit, ... , on the other hand, very very rich peoples do "non-profit" for sharing and wealth distributions; 1/10 of profit for sharing is a.k.a. "wage" (mostly for trainees and unskilled, and without benefits), And Then, 2/10 of profit for sharing (with benefits), 3/10 of profit for sharing (with benefits), ... , on the other hand, 1/2 of profit for sharing (with benefits) would be elites' "salaries" ... ; earnest money can be made either by payrolls, or investments; if a business is no longer making money (maybe cost > net profit), And Then, we see listing e.g. commercial properties for sale, otherwise, never been "commercial properties for sale" ; if a business is making money (cost < net profit), And Then, we see listing e.g. "commercial properties for sale" also (reminder: if you're seller, don't forget Property Gain Tax), so you decide because knowledge is power; be careful, because TRUE LIES EXIST in Union of Myanmar (Burma) for 77+ years already, and I question to myself i.e. Are we really independent ones? retrospectively speaking since Independent Day in 1948, because military coup after military coup after military coup ... and "B a m a" military continue ... , generation fights continue ... ; Remark: every 20+ years, Union of Myanmar's flag had changed in 20th century, and did we learn history? I learnt history, but I didn't receive any (A, B+, B) grade in my academic records in Myanmar, and you might think that violation of rights exist for NOT REALLY INDEPENDENT ONES; suggestion: don't be captive ones, killings continue ... , in this case: academic killings (e.g. falsifying (my, your) correct answers and grades), killing NAME (e.g. with this name, cannot be good; good example would be: Ma Aung Myint Kyaw, so I need to change my name to male NAME), manhunt killings (e.g. she cannot say "no" to him), professional killings (e.g. "X" rated video taping), undercover agents' attacks as killings (e.g. you will not know "hub" based phone calls), without consents mean killings also (e.g. many homeless persons are legally bank owners), ... OH OH many killing methods exist, so be very careful in your life ... ; I wonder GOOD FAITH and TRUST can be realized and understood by learning (a Keyword, an Usage) called "earnest money" worldwide (our earth); in USA, good credit scores (Public Data) can be measured "earnest money" by levels of +1% APR, +2% APR, +3% APR, +4% APR, +5% APR, ... and I've tried to be "zero" in my life but NOT YET, NOT YET, ... ; in Myanmar (Burma), my sincerely suggestion would be: start with 5+ chicken per day revenue, ... and try to bypass PLUS APR livings ... ; be afraid of WHAT I mentioned before, i.e. inside of Myanmar, no one is Myanmar, and question to myself, i.e. Are we really independent ones? retrospectively speaking since Independent Day in 1948 ... ; so be very careful in your life . . . . . ;
Myanmar (Burma) 's military will win, and "B a m a" military have been military-coup after military coups, for more than 77+ years already (since Independent Day in 1948) with good reasons;
Reason 1: neighbor nations (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) like to gain billions of US Dollar worth from Myanmar, if "B a m a" military continues military dictatorship;
Reason 2: Federal (China + Japan + Korea) likes "B a m a" military As Regional Security Guard, for protecting "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station in Rakhine State, and "ELEPHANT HUT" Space Station in Lao, doko WHERE "brown skin peoples" are NOT allow; Federal peoples know Kanji in common and Federal peoples can be any ID e.g. a person can be Chinese, the same person can be a Korean, and the same person can be a Japanese, so called FEDERAL PEOPLES EXIST; KNOWLEDGE IS POWER;
Reason 3: I brought-up under military dictatorship, and WHEN I become >60+ years old I've a bad psychology i.e. I like to be military dictator also; this DOMAIN developer recommends 200+ millions to be (demolished, killed), in order to change civilizations in our earth;
Reason 4: gangsters support gangsters (e.g. <1000 persons killed level), military dictators support military dictators (e.g. <1,000,000 persons killed level), Shakya King (a.k.a. King of the our universes) supports (bastard ones, child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched sibling ones) like me (e.g. a "Tarzan" method of coconut water + protein powder to be antiviral); Shakya King doesn't believe in democracy and democratic way of managing a nation (e.g. mighty power);
Reason 5: if you like to be "independent" then you need your own lab:
how generations fight (NOT physical fights), "generations fight" means knowledge of knowing how to be TRUE manufacturer, and how to be TRUE craftsmanship; "generations fight" refers to KNOWLEDGE IS POWER; if you cannot do "generations fight" then be peaceful, and don't be rebellious;
how M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks are (2+2) designed & modeled, also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (our earth is not simple like what I think); how to manufacture bullets and rifles; reminder (without guns and weapons, there is no democracy and democratic way); how to create 1 km Distance WORMHOLE way LASER (light sheets to be triangle ones, and I (Big Mouth person) need to run-and-hide nowadays, because "Cold Heart Persons" are everywhere to trigger those LASER WEAPONS very cold heartedly); KNOWLEDGE IS POWER;
how to have your own formulary medicines (e.g. airborne unwanted COVID-19 pandemic worldwide); KNOWLEDGE IS POWER;
if you've your own lab, don't be Blah Blah Blah like me because, Blah Blah Blah web pages are useless; if you don't have your own lab, Ha Ha, you're "Tarzan" like me; if you're "Tarzan" then be constructive, be good wills, be with good Action (s), ... ; TRY TO BE " knowledge is power " if you're "Tarzan" ... ;
this DOMAIN developer ("a Tarzan Rakhine American) 's the most challenge in 2020s (at the age of approx. 60+ years old) would be: (Anti-Earthquake (DEE . Big Band) + Nanobot Programming (DEE . Small Bang)) AND, I believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g. bands are band, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, and if you do good Kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) actions, good results will . . . . . ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, WHAT would be "structural KNOWLEDGE IS POWER," concerning "Big Band" vs. "Small Band" ?
well trained kids!! replied: kuru kuru WHILE Navy blue and Silver are flip-flopping, Yellow Color goes through sir, it is like "bands are band" sir; Hmm!! Umm!! aesthetic, philosophy sir;
I wrote: you've learnt very much, very good, very very good; don't forget that WHAT I said, i.e. (2+2) designed modeled "surface Inductance" is a must to realize & understand, i.e. prior to realize & understand "reflection" And Then, you will be able to do (Anti-Earthquake, Nanobot Programming) yourself, and if you do good Kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) actions, good results will . . . . . ;
regarding "FEDERAL PEOPLES" to whom: I still cannot read, speak conversational dialog, write like FEDERAL PEOPLES, and I need teachers who can teach (English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, Korean) to me, so a "Tarzan" can adjust civilization gap problems; Hmm!! Umm!! my a t t a, lobha, ... kilesa ... , I need brand new Honda Private Jets for 3+ years, I need Lexus RFA Sport car and luxury yacht for 3+ years, I need newly built sky high buildings for 33+ years, ... OH OH I, III, III II, ... ;
33. AI Keyword (s) may begin;
in (2+2) design model, in addition to (integer, numerical, numerological) Number, if using (3+ Kanji words, or meaningful 3+ letters in English Language (EN)), so you need to realize and understand (Lo Shu + Sudoku) Algorithm (s) i.e. jinko chino Artificial Intelligence, jinko chino Artificial Intelligence, jinko chino Artificial Intelligence . . . ; this DOMAIN developer (prefers, recommends, refers) 15x15 dimensional Kanji words in GIF with many good reasons, because 1&&1 design model can prompt 13 lines, and many peoples around the globe (our earth) has been using (2,3,4) lines the most, and IT is worth more than trillions of US Dollar; for better understanding HOW, also see: surface Inductance;
regarding 11 royal families of Europe, real military wars' tactical TRUE FIGHTS are with "3" ... ; so, SQRT3 design model must be Top Military Classified document, i.e. NOT (to share, to be shared, for sharing) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER HOW;
since Year of the Dragon (February, 2024), this DOMAIN developer has assigned for regional security of Indian Ocean in our earth, with (2 humanoids + 2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks) i.e. unbreakable && unbeatable . . . ; because, Rakhine (a.k.a. , a.k.a. M y a u k (M r a u k)) peoples have lived on the coastal area of Indian Ocean (India + Bangladesh + Myanmar (Burma)) for thousands of year, and 1st priority is safety of Rakhine peoples, because this DOMAIN developer is a Rakhine (a.k.a. , a.k.a. M y a u k (M r a u k)) American;
Year of the Dragon (02/29/2024; Internet News; 2024 (January-March 1st)) : "B a m a" military has lost ((3+ air force fighter jets (Russian Military Made)), (4+ helicopters), (5+ naval ships), (several brigades (infantry battalions of army))) to democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in our earth; news are news, no one can change historical data, documents, and records, so do good actions as much as you can; this DOMAIN developer supports guns and weapons, because democracy and democratic way of managing a nation starts with "guns and weapons," also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Reminder: don't be captive ones, killings continue; You don't want to be at the focal point of Yellowish Variation in WORMHOLE WAY LASER i.e. surface based; civilians of Myanmar (including "B a m a" civilians + ethnic tribes) have lost more than "B a m a" military, and in history, "B a m a" military defeated Mon (Khmer) kingdom, Rakhine kingdom, Siam (Thailand) kingdom, and ethnic tribes, therefore, I've a quiz i.e. are you really "Independent" yet? retrospectively speaking since 1948 Independent Day (approx. 77+ years of military dictatorship system), and I like to be the military global commander also WHO can demolish 200+ millions (enemies, enemy, foe, foes);
well trained kids!! replied: you said that you had never had grade (A or B) in your academic records in Myanmar, so we wonder how come you earned a masters degree in Computer Science, from Western Illinois University sir?
I wrote: I went to the dean office in 1995, and dean asked me a few questions e.g. ("do you have enough budget to pay for tuition fees"), e.g. ("will you study seriously to earn a degree"), e.g. ("can you take some remedial classes, i.e. prior to take graduate courses (400s number classes, 500s number classes)"); I replied and answered the questions "Yes" And Then did exactly as promised; in USA, you've many opportunities, be WHAT you want to be, on the other hand, I've a doubt in Union of Myanmar, concerning we ethic tribes (e.g. this DOMAIN developer is a Rakhine) don't have such civilized human rights, civilized international banking exchanges, civilized opportunities, civilized public records, civilized taxation records, civilized voting rights, ... ; shame on me, ware ware We ethnic tribes have civilization gap problems, and I cannot solve the civilization gap problems without the Shakya King's helps but (Black Book vs. Red Book) ... ; Remark: don't blame on "B a m a," don't blame on military generals, if you don't receive grade (A or B), so you must be on your own ... , in Buddhism Usage, "Attahi Attano Nahto" means you're on your own Action, meaning if you do good actions, good results will, on the other hand, if you do bad actions, bad results will; suggestion to ethnic tribes, including "B a m a" i.e. do good actions as much as you can, with metta (loving kindness) e.g. human beings livable moons in our universes, for 2nd life, 3rd life, 4th life, ... ; Reminder: if you're at +10APR living of <5 chicken per day revenue generating, you need to reset your life style back to agricultural related ones, "instead of beings salvation in cities" ... ; don't blame on "B a m a" military generals, because our earth is not simple like what I think; Do you know global intelligence agencies recruit "female" kinds only for generations? Do you know the Shakya King's commands via Satellite phones? Do you know who is your night security guards? if you cannot answer many questions, then don't blame on "B a m a" military generals, because our earth is not simple like what I think; another good reasons, why ware ware We ethnic tribes cannot be "democratic way of living" is that neighbor nations (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) like to have natural resources (illegally) from Myanmar if-and-only-if military dictatorship continue, i.e. approx. 77+ years already and beyond billions of US Dollar businesses ... ; suggestion to global China, global India, global Japan, global Korea: if you cannot be legal, then be illegal ones, regarding "Reforming Myanmar" ... knowing & starting with "killings" continue (e.g. COVID-19), (e.g. Calendar .Earth .Space .War), ... ;
Also see: Dental Implant; believe it or not, in Union of Myanmar, dental schools are NOT for ethnic tribes ... ; for example, I had never received grade (A or B) WHEN I was in (High School + College + University) in Myanmar (1970-1986), so suggestion would be: if you're ethnic tribes, you need to do "Flag Exchange" to "B a m a" kind (because Military General means killings ... ) ... or being abroad to develop by your own ... AND don't (lose, loose) your root; Remark: since I've been a survival of wars, the Shakya King has saved me from the beginning (4-5 years old ones) to the present (60 years old ones), AND there is no (equal opportunities, equal rights) in our earth, AND who you know is more important than what you know ... , AND please realize & understand Military Dictators means NOT allow Public Records AND killings continue (e.g. unwanted Category 5+ Storm (nothing left in 44+ miles radius), unwanted COVID-19, Nuclear Explosions, Wars (e.g. Calendar . Earth . Space . War), (unwanted 311, unwanted 911), ... ) ... ; Also see: this DOMAIN;
Remark: if you like to challenge "Military Dictators" worldwide, start your own ((Anti-Earthquake, Anti-Volcanic Eruption) Manmade Global Weather, biomedical airborne Anti Virus, Fusion (Motor Way LASER (Nodes based), Wormhole Way LASER (ZCS based), Remote Nama Reading RDBMS via Satellite system), And Then, don't forget to "run" because (gangsters, terrorists, undercover agents) will be next to you for sure ..., AND the Shakya King's message: "run boy run" ... ;
Remark: if you're ethnic tribes (e.g. a "Tarzan" Rakhine) of Union of Myanmar, this DOMAIN recommends ASAP after (eating, having a meal), 1st tooth brushing with toothpaste, 2nd gargling with mouthwash, 3rd using a clean & disinfected stainless steel tooth pick set, 4th using a clean & disinfected dental floss, 5th (exceptional option at last) using Water F l o s s e r, so keep your (gum, jaw bone, mouth, teeth) clean, healthy, hygiene, ... ; don't be lazy, approx. 10 minutes for each dental cleansing self if age > 55+ years old ones ; Also see: d G T S U; Rakhine; this DOMAIN;
34. 37 millions US Dollar worth of humanity supply;
March 8, 2024 NHK news announced that Japanese (a.k.a. NIPPON) government will do humanity supply (37 millions US Dollar worth) to Union of Myanmar (Burma);
Why regional earthquakes e.g.
Gregorian Calendar (365 + Adjustment) . New Year Day;
Sidereal Calendar ((29, 30) + Adjustment) . (No Moon Day + Total Solar
Eclipse) . New Year Day;
this DOMAIN developer (a "Tarzan" Rakhine American) 's wild guess would be: Japan likes to keep Myanmar (Burma) "B a m a" military as regional Security Guard, so "B a m a" military will continue (e.g. 77+ years of military coup after military coups), and 2+ Elephant Hut Space Stations (one in Rakhine State, another one in Lao) will be safe and secured by regional Security Guard; one of the internal military orders from China to Japan, and ethnic tribes will never ever know, e.g. "brown skin peoples are NOT allow" ; ethnic tribes will never ever know e.g. 1990s designed modeled samsara machine (life-after-life), dealing with behead heads; generations fights continue ... e.g. the most challenge in 2020s would be: Anti-Earthquake + Nanobot Programming; for Basic understanding, also see: (Hexaxial Reference System + Nanobot . Programming . Mapper) because of China + Japan, "B a m a" military dictatorship system will continue for sure; another wild guess would be: Japan likes to gain billions of US Dollar worth from Myanmar (Burma) also, like its neighbor nations (Bangladesh, China, India, Lao, Thailand) ... ; be very careful nowadays, and don't be captive ones, because 200+ millions killing project is going on, so be very careful nowadays; because of 2nd life, 3rd life, ... beheaded ones, peoples don't think like ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar (Burma), do you think that I'm crazy (my head has been a focal point of multi long length neutrino LASER in wormhole way (ZCS based))? in this case study, Japan likes to gain billions of US Dollar worth from Myanmar (Burma);
by the way, my childhood neighbors, "B a m a" kingdom royal family's 2nd generations and 3rd generations are working for NHK (((((https://www3.nhk.or.jp))))) programs (several decades already) in Japan (NHK headquarter), believe IT or NOT (10+ persons); so, don't be (rebel, rebellious) because you might not know the other side, e.g. our earth's moon has many (circles, spots) on the other side; (rebel, rebellious) don't result any good; my quiz would be: are you really independent? retrospectively speaking to 1948 Independent Day; Remark: you don't want to be like me e.g. bastard ones, child-swapped ones, DNA mismatched sibling ones (I'm the eldest ones among 6 siblings and we're all DNA mismatched ones), falsified ones, no voting rights, swapped ones, vandalized ones, ... ;
35. "sold out" ones;
e.g. many "B a m a" military generals are undercover agents of foreign nations; Do you think that it is easy to get promotion in military ranking? similar to matriculation exam results; Remark: (I had never had correct exam results in Myanmar);
e.g. K a c h i n State has been sold-out to one of the western nations in Europe; billions of US Dollar worth;
e.g. Rakhine State, and Chin State have been sold-out to China; billions of US Dollar worth;
e.g. (second generation, third generation) of "B a m a" royal family members have been immigrated to USA; Remark: Rakhine Kingdom's grandson and his family also immigrated to USA, since 2000s;
e.g. Shan State, Karen State, and Kaya State have been sold-out to Thailand; billions of US Dollar worth;
e.g. sold-out your virginities for 30000 US Dollar in 1980s; same-same, but different inflated money, to the present; Remark: WHAT do you think of my 6 brothers and sisters (siblings) are all DNA mismatched ones;
e.g. this DOMAIN developer has been sold-out to Japan; Hmm!! Umm!! trillions of US Dollar worth; "B a m a" royal family members like Rakhine male kind to be male whore, believe IT or NOT; I like to be fulfilling "B a m a" royal family members' tactics, since trillions of US Dollar worth, e.g. starting from antiviral COVID-19, e.g. starting from Calendar . Earth . Space . War (knowing in TRUE SPACE, there is no joint-venture for sure, therefore R&D as much as you can, And Then, you'll be welcome to "generations fight," on the other hand, after "open house" search, after searches, nothing found like unknown "M1A1H17Titanium22" tanks' specification); Reminder: don't mess with your bosses (Germany, Japan, USA) in our earth;
e.g. two Thailand male persons must sex ("B a m a" kind female ones), i.e. to pass US M L E exams in Thailand (doko WHERE United States military bases exist) i.e. to be trained as MD in USA;
I wrote: do you have your own medicine, or are you rely on other peoples' medicine?
I wrote: I've a quiz now, are you really independent ones? retrospectively speaking since 1948 Independent Day e.g. have you ever voted for your rights before?
I wrote: May I know what you do learn TRUE facts as of "Reforming Myanmar 35." ?
I wrote: Have you invented any formula for art & science? Have you ever been a member of generation fights? Reminder: don't blame on "B a m a," blame on yourself; do good kharma (a.k.a. Khamma) Action as much as you can;
I wrote: since 2010s, I've recommended to kill 200+ millions, in order to change civilizations in our earth; on the other hand, if you're generation fights "Rakhine" then keep and practice 103 ethical codes of Rakhine Kingdom, and should know that Rakhine Kingdom is no longer exist like others e.g. "B a m a" kingdom, China (Chinese Kingdom) kingdom, Mon-Khmer kingdom, ... starting from farmers and fishermen were replaced as kingdom (Japan), because our earth is not simple like what I think, and generations fight continue ... ; don't be captive ones, because killings continue also;
Remark: I've survived more than 60+ years without Disease Disorder Acronym, and special thanks to the Shakya King; because, I've practiced 103 moral codes of Rakhine Kingdom as much as I can; on the other hand, you can call me assaulted ones, "child-swapped ones" , "Bastard" , "Big Mouth" , disable ones, falsified ones, insulted ones, (insurance vs. exchange ones), male whore, mentally crazy ones, NOT a well trained ones, "Serial Killer" , oppressed ones (peoples who are not having freedom is called oppressed ones), suppress ones (freedom of expression: e.g. if you don't have your own webpage, you might be one of the suppressed ones; e.g. if you don't have access to the Internet, you might be one of the suppressed ones), "thief" who steals spec. ones, "ticket ones" (in English language expression: "ticket" means I've to pay), "TRUE LIES" ones, unemployed ones, vandalized ones, ... ; OH!! OH!! I forgot to mention, i.e. "B A M A" military's DIPLOMATS & DIPLOMACY worldwide ... doko WHERE Myanmar (Burma) embassies are ... (think that if you're ethnic tribes, you're out for sure);
Number "3" may belong to (Chinese + Japanese + Korean), and "5" sounds similar to generation fights, so Federal Peoples exist in Myanmar (Burma); if Rakhine have been (colonized, conquered, occupied) whole Myanmar (Burma), And Then, if I'm in power to do DIPLOMATS & DIPLOMACY worldwide, And Then, I'll assign duties
e.g. Karen Christian high school teacher and family as ambassador to UK, because English language name "Karen" and Christian match to the United Kingdom;
e.g. Mon Buddhist high school teacher and family as ambassador to Cambodia, because Mon and Khmer are very very similar to each other;
e.g. Rakhine Buddhist high school teacher and family as ambassador to India, because "Indian look alike" Rakhine peoples have lived in Indian Ocean for thousands of year;
e.g. Shan Buddhist high school teacher and family as ambassador to Thailand, because Siam and Shan are very very similar to each other;
e.g. Wa high school teacher and family as ambassador to China, because Wa peoples are Mandarin speaking;
Remark: like USA, I'll practice "you're on your own" ... within civilized laws and regulations, take IT to the limit; I've many examples e.g. Anti-Earthquake (defined region in our earth), directional gravity spots (structural Battery), Gene Therapy System (to be good gene patterns), Manmade Global Weather (to be good weather conditions), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Invisibilities, Invisibility), WORMHOLE Way LASER (in addition to 4 nodes based static Motor Way LASER), ... ; with knowing "B a m a" military dictators like to own everything (they are similar to my mentality, e.g. I like to own whole Myanmar (Burma) with 101+ special trained Ninja WHO can (demolish, kill, wipe-out (completely eliminate)) my (enemies, foes)), in this case "B a m a" military dictators like to own all states by military dictatorship for more than 77+ years (retrospectively since 1940s), and generations fights continue, so don't be captive ones, because killings continue ... ;
a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's suggestion: remember, don't forget that we've civilization gap problem; a good example: without understanding surface Inductance, there is no way to realize and understand "Reflection" in Anti-Earthquake design model (a "Tarzan" still cannot prove to be avoiding earthquakes); a good example: without understanding ZCS light sheet fetching, there is no way to realize and understand (Invisibilities, Invisibility), WHICH is very very similar to nowadays Toyota's interior (moon roof, partition: Opaque ON, Opaque OFF); a good example: without understanding "NOT TO BE HARD ONES" for formulating (antiviral medicine, oncological medicine) in Nanobot Programming, there is no way to do antiviral retro (regenerated to be good gene patterns) medicines; a "Tarzan" still cannot solve doshite Why bamboo stems are ... for BLI automatic adjustment medicines for human beings livable moons, doko WHERE we've BLI problems ... ; remember, don't forget that we've civilization gap problem;
for regional
anzensei Security,
developer (a "Tarzan" Rakhine American) has assigned (2+2) designed modeled
unbeatable && unbreakable
tanks to protect
Rakhine State,
and coastal area of
Myanmar (Burma), doko WHERE
Rakhine peoples
(some are brown skin peoples, some
are look alike Chinese, some are look alike Indians, some are look alike
Latin Americans, but Rakhine peoples don't look alike neither African nor
White) have been living on the coastal area of the Indian
Ocean for thousands of years; if
your naval ships are sinking, because of "hole" at the surface
of your naval ships, think that
military grade WORMHOLE WAY LASER works very well, shot
by unknown military vehicle called
tanks (e.g. AWD eV + directional gravity spots (structural Battery) for
Landing), very quiet operating noise), special designed modeled
for (hovering
+ underwater); for humanity, this DOMAIN has not released "H" (bond, bound) airborne
(beyond "N" (bond, bound)) yet, and accepting challenges e.g.
Anti-Earthquake (e.g. you don't want regional earthquake on
New Year Day, e.g. you don't want nuclear explosion on 311 Event),
e.g. you don't
want 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS destinations
(911 Event), e.g. you don't want millions of acres burnt
down by forest fire with unknown reasons,
Nanobot Programming,
... ; don't forget that
and don't mess with your bosses (Germany,
good luck with your own lab, good luck in your own R&D, ... ; there are many
reasons why Union of Myanmar (Burma) has been one of the least developing
nations in our earth, and the least developed nation among ASEAN
(reminder: don't blame on others, blame on yourself, if you're ethnic tribes
including "B a m a" also) and don't
think that FEDERAL (China + Japan + Korea) PEOPLE don't know this website;
if you like to challenge, then start with Anti-Earthquake design model,
... and I've many examples ... e.g. you don't want your head at the focal
point of WORMHOLE WAY LASER; by the way, I believe in Zen Buddhism, e.g.
mountains are mountain, rivers are river, if you do good actions, good
results will ... ;
36. energy goes through;
energy goes through, e.g. DEE (gun, weapon) focal point
goes through the layers;
energy goes through, e.g. LASER goes through the (layers, walls);
energy goes through, e.g. sound beam goes through the walls;
therefore, nowadays, be very careful WHERE you live; unlike this DOMAIN developer (a "Tarzan" Rakhine) 's native land, harmful energy goes through ... ; choose WHERE to live, and be with good neighbors are recommended, and be with good employers are recommended also;
37. this DOMAIN developer created Radio ID . Near Field Communication (NFC) . Embedded . Devices, i.e. to avoid "friendly fire" ... ;
38. 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB) doko WHERE
(Opaque %, Transparent %) of ZCS,
USB (A, B, C) Types,
(Wormhole Way ((5+5) side-by-side based)) vs. (Motor Way ((2+2) nodes based)),
(wrapping for you, wrapping for healthy living environments),
... can be R&D ... ;
39. China's last emperor (Pew Yee, a.k.a. Pew Yi, a.k.a. P u y i, a.k.a. P y u Yi (1906-1967)) and his family members have already settled in the United States of America (USA), and generations continue ... ; Remark: I know them personally, they're well educated elites ... ;
similar to "B a m a" Kingdom's families, many grandsons and grand daughters have already settled in the United States of America (USA), and generations continue ... ; Remark: I know them personally, they're well educated elites ... ;
similar to Rakhine Kingdom's grandson and his family members have already settled in the United States of America (USA), and generations continue ... ; Remark: I know them personally, they're well educated elites ... ;
many royal families of Asia came to Myanmar (Burma), and unofficially established many properties in Myanmar (Burma), and common slaved "B a m a" don't know and realize WHAT is civil-rights, WHAT is copyrights, WHAT is human-rights, WHAT is land-use rights, WHAT is voting-rights, ... ;
this DOMAIN (encourages, promotes, supports) ethnic tribes' reconstructions of self independence, e.g. rebuilding Rakhita ("Rakhine") independence nation (e.g. in 2024, 30000+ active military members of Rakhita ("Rakhine") independence nation); because, Rakhine people don't want to deal with slaved (without rights) "B a m a" military dictators; bad example would be: in 2024, 5+ millions "B a m a" refugees in Thailand, on the other hand, nowadays (2020s) ethnic tribes are fighting for their INDEPENDENT && LIBERTY && RIGHTS; in our earth's World History, if you need to be having independent && liberty && rights, you must (battle, fight, war) for it, and good example would be: "July 4th" is Independence Day in USA and US citizens (battled, fought, warred) for IT; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
40. WHEN I become "retired ones" ; e.g.
WHEN I (Rakhine American) become a retiree (approx. age > 60+ year), because of newly born nations: e.g. (Chin independent nation in Southeast Asia, Kachin independent nation in Southeast Asia, Kaya independent nation in Southeast Asia, Mon independent nation in Southeast Asia, Rakhita Rakhine independent nation in Southeast Asia, reconstructed "B a m a" democracy & democratic nation of Southeast Asia, Shan independent nation in Southeast Asia, Wa (Chinese) independent nation in Southeast Asia), I'll need to apply VISA if I like to visit to Rakhita Rakhine independent nation, I'll need to apply VISA if I like to visit to reconstructed "B a m a" democracy & democratic nation;
well trained kids!! replied: you've never been employed (by any company, by any organization) and how come you're using "retiree" usage sir?
I wrote: in USA, Social Security Dept. counts annually W2 Form's tax payments with spouse, so both husband-and-wife are entitled for getting benefits but diff %; Suggestion: self employment 1040 Form (annually expenses) should be itemized to Internal Revenue Services (for each fiscal year);
Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
41. IPv6 in addition to IPv4; e.g.
only the Shakya King knows HOW to (compile, set) to be one (1);
01:01:01:01:01: ... ; i.e.
IPv6 ;; i.e.
IPv4 ;
I wrote: dear Shakya King, you're the only one WHO taught me 5 is 1+1+1+1+1 for each (Bottom, Left, Right, Top) side long long time ago sir, doko WHERE "1" is for each SESSION of defined (X, Y) raster-CRT lines (e.g. 13 lines, 21 lines, 108 lines, ... ) sir; I've realized that IT is worth more than money sir;
I wrote: do you want me to defuse regional droughts in China since 2024 sir?
I wrote: do you need me to set "2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS" sir? because, nowadays in 2020s, we're in wars (democracy and democratic ways vs. military dictatorship) system in our earth worldwide sir;
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! i.e. Manmade Global Weather sir; suggestion: to defuse regional droughts in China, you need to think of "crab shell" sir; Umm!! Hmm!!
I wrote: Yes. I'll think about IT; HOW "crab shell" as directional gravity spot; Hmm!! Umm!! after Rakhita Rakhine independent nation in Southeast Asia officially; nowadays (2020s), I've been R&D MLC USB chips, other wording would be , ... , also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ... ; (wrap, wrapped, wrapping) ZCS surfaces for you to be in safe living environment by flip-flopping (Aqua, Silver) for "invisible" R&D Products ... i.e. beyond 1/2 fish design model of Green ZCS for defining 1 out of 2 holes, also beyond 2 holes of "Auto Grow" design model (Green ZCS);
However, , because DEE radio (NFC IoT chips) work very well; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
42. Statue of Liberty; e.g.
in USA, the STATUE OF LIBERTY, established in 1886;
I wrote: WHAT does IT means to you, and WHAT should we learn from IT?
well trained kids!! replied: at that time, (battled, fought, warred) to be United States of America (USA) As INDEPENDENT NATION, we had (supply, support) from France sir, e.g. the STATUE OF LIBERTY, a gift from French Military sir;
I wrote: Yes. you need (supply, support) from other peoples for democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (this case: in ), you need (supply, support) from other peoples (in our earth); e.g. for shooting-down illegal missiles, you need RAINBOW METHOD (Satellite);
this DOMAIN 's Satellite ("Space . War"), shooting-down illegal missiles in Indian Ocean AND Pacific Ocean (our earth); this DOMAIN (supply, support) for INDEPENDENT && LIBERTY && RIGHTS of the peoples ... ; Remark: "Space . War" has initialized e.g. regional droughts in China; notice, realize, and understand THAT it is not easy to set-up e.g. "defusing regional droughts in China" ;
July 4th, Independence Day in USA; Also see: Photo Album; Reforming Myanmar; Time; With Metta _Released Photos;
Reminder: TRUTH is royal families of Asia don't like democracy and democratic way of managing a nation ... , in addition to TRUE ELITES (eccentric level ones) are (faithful to, loyal to, obedient to, obey to) the royal families of Asia (e.g.
Shakya King responses: WHAT is your name?
I wrote: I'm a "B a m a," illegal grandson
of Military General sir;
Shakya King responses: never happened in
world history, with that name; by the way, 2 names happened, they're (U
T h a n t
(1970s: sex exchange
and establishment via United Nations),
Aung San Su Kyi
(2020s: one of the counters of
China's Last Emperor)) but both caused boycotts and
demonstrations in Myanmar (Burma);
Shakya King responses: in your
With Metta _Released Photos' 1984-85-86 JPG file ("1987
Yangon Uni. convocation hall"), on your left, WHO do you think "K
o K o G y i" is?
I wrote: I don't know his background (graphene)
sir; U T h a n t
(United Nations Secretary General)
's grand daughter has married a Chinese-Myanmar, and they're well educated
and they've settled in USA as good citizens sir;
I know them personally sir;
Shakya King responses: "K
o K o G y i," illegal son of
Military General Aung San
(father of
Aung San Su Kyi), if retrospective DNA testing available,
mismatched DNA Aung San Su Kyi (to her father
military general Aung San) like your siblings;
I wrote: our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think; Hmm!! Umm!! Shakya King's information (s) are CORRECT, TRUTH, ... ; I should NOT be a "big mouth" person; I've realized & understood a bit of the Shakya King's meaningful info e.g. "never happened in world history, with that name" ; Remark: OH!! My goodness, (I need to be a "Tarzan" , I need to hide nowadays), because the Shakya King knows NOT ONLY history ( rekishi History), BUT ALSO Space Book;
); so, be very careful nowadays, and don't be captive ones; it is not easy military tactic, for example: (captives, inmates, slaves) are for escalating at the front-line (battle, fight, war), in this case,
democracy & democratic way of managing a nation vs. military dictators;
it is not easy military tactic, for example: captives are broadcasting international news worldwide (5+5 reversed engineering of their ZCS based hidden cameras are mind sir (NOT "mine") Hmm!! Umm!!) so I need to write again-and-again e.g. our earth is NOT simple like WHAT I think, regarding STATUE OF LIBERTY;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! we're not having DNA mismatched ones like you + your siblings sir; (falsified ones, falsify ones, falsifying ones) are NOT allowed in our country sir; Shakya King might be right i.e. never happened in world history, with that name;
I wrote: shame on me; I don't want to cry anymore e.g. approx. 5+ million "B a m a" peoples become refugees in Thailand (2020s); in 1980s, I & my sister went to visit Thailand (one of the United Nations' programs my father was working on), and I & my sister met a Thai prince (WHO was serving his nation as a professor at that time), and he presented-and-showed (Shan peoples' military, military supply, military support) by video presentation, and he mentioned that "B a m a" kingdom's history has been very bad by facts and figures in documentation; I agree with well trained kids, i.e. never happened in world history, with that name because many bad reasons ... ; shame on me; I don't want to cry anymore; so I'll do my own R&D how directional gravity spots (structural Battery), R&D how Nanobot Programming (DNA Origami) should be, R&D how 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (MLC USB with beyond 2 holes), ... ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, if I need only 1 eye, WHAT kind of structural should I have?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! 1/2 Fish sir;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, if I need 2 eyes, WHAT kind of structural should I have?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! "Auto Grow" structural sir;
I wrote: I need to enhance well trained kids' knowledge about "1/2 Fish," so ware ware We human beings have diaphragm, and just above the diaphragm, (Left-Lung <Heart> Right-Lung), And Then, seem to me "Left-Lung" looks alike 1/2 Fish, on the other hand, "Right-Lung" looks alike 1/2 Fish also, And Then, whenever we've structural 1/2 Fish (e.g. Aqua Color ZCS (1/2 Fish), Green Color ZCS (1/2 Fish), Navy Blue Color ZCS (1/2 Fish), Silver Color ZCS (1/2 Fish)), there must be a hole (associated with, related to) its color codes, so 2+ holes in our "<Heart>" because of very very unique 2 e.g. ( left, right) ... also see: Cardiovascular Dx; Reforming Myanmar; well trained kids are very very smart ones already; so be INDEPENDENT && LIBERTY && RIGHTS of the peoples ... ; nowadays (since July 4th, 2024), I've been very busy with how to defuse "regional droughts in China" algorithm ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! "Crab Shell" sir; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Suggestion: please use your Gravity Dimension Computer (2 holes) ... sir; ware ware We realize & understand that "Crab Shell" directional gravity spots Algorithm isn't easy sir;
43. Firearms; e.g.
in 2024 USA, approx. 5.5+ million firearms, purchased by US citizens (good civilians) legally & officially;
I wrote: WHAT does IT mean to you?
well trained kids!! replied: democracy & democratic way has been built by
"guns" sir, NOT by "Blah, Blah, Blah" talking sir;
I wrote: Yes. you need more "guns" for (democracy
& democratic way of managing a nation vs.
dictators) worldwide (our earth);
this DOMAIN supports Rakhita Rakhine nation's good civilians to be with licensed guns legally in Indian ocean's coastal area ("Reforming Myanmar") because, without guns, there is no way to (build, rebuild) democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in our (( , ) earth); Remark: "Blah, Blah, Blah" talking like this webpage cannot make military dictatorship worldwide, and approx. 200+ million must be killed in order to change civilizations in our earth;
Gene Therapy System As Gun;
GPS As Gun;
Idea Processor (Artificial Intelligence) As Gun;
Language Code (Translator) As Gun;
M1A1H17Titanium22 As Gun;
Manmade Global Weather As Gun;
Multi- Long Length Neutrino LASER As Gun;
Nanobot Programming As Gun;
NFC IoT As Gun;
Remote Nama Reading RDBMS As Gun;
Satellite As Gun;
SQRT3 with SQRT2 As Gun;
Trade War As Gun;
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle As Gun;
Gene Therapy System As Gun;
GPS As Gun;
Idea Processor (Artificial
Intelligence) As Gun;
Language Code (Translator) As Gun;
M1A1H17Titanium22 As Gun;
Manmade Global Weather As Gun;
Multi- Long Length Neutrino LASER As Gun;
Nanobot Programming As Gun;
NFC IoT As Gun;
Remote Nama Reading RDBMS As Gun;
Satellite As Gun;
SQRT3 with SQRT2 As Gun;
Trade War As Gun;
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle As Gun;
depending upon the Shakya King's (code, flag, identification (ID), permit, verification), reading OEM Logo, loading device drivers, interfacing GUI, (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) may vary ... ; you need (supply, support) from other peoples for democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (this case: in ) ... ; Language Translator;
45. July 3rd, 2024; NHK news; within 20+ years, since July 3rd, 2024, Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) . Bank of Japan (BofJ) . New (Cash, Currency Note, Money) have been started officially worldwide (our earth), until the next new (cash, currency note, money) officially worldwide (our earth);
yen, Japanese monetary unit; Radical777;
Shibusawa Eiichi, 10000
yen, Japanese monetary unit; Also see:
s Usage;
Tsuda Umeko, 5000 yen,
Japanese monetary unit; Also see:
t Usage;
Kitasato Shibasaburo, 1000
yen, Japanese monetary unit; Also see:
k Usage;
Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: hologram ("Holographic"), in addition to (3D Printer, offset printing, UV verification), so each note's serial Number can be IPv6 based embedded RFID ( ( ( ₪))) for NFC IoT ... (so, verification e.g. WHEN was its last transaction, WHICH ATM site (e.g. Location Awareness Response), Personal (counter) deposited, Personal (counter) withdrew, and so on Japanese Standard ... ); Also see: ア メ リ カ 緬 甸 .網 Biometric recognition and RFID based systems; IoT; y Character;
BofA, Bank of America; BofJ, Bank of Japan; The Deutsche Bundesbank (Bank of Germany); ... ; Also see: Biz; Reforming Myanmar;
46. Don't go for "look" ; e.g.
believe IT or NOT, 98+ years old (the Shakya King) looks alike 22+ years old; Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) has been approx. since 1999 (our earth); therefore, do keep 103+ moral codes of Rakhine kingdom, go for money (earnest money should be, e.g. "earnest money" is (analyzed, judged, reported) by licensed professionals (escrow officers + loan officers) by official banking systems), don't vandalize others, and so on life-after-life in Buddhism; in military dictators' systems (our earth), international banking systems can no longer verify whether money is "earnest money" or not, as results, NO EXCHANGE to that money (approx. 30 years, during 1960s-1980s, many neighboring nations didn't officially exchange money to Kyat (Union of Myanmar's currency history, because international banking systems can no longer verify whether money is "earnest money" or not ), Trade War happened; if military dictators continue in Myanmar (Burma), "Kyat" currency will be no longer valid exchange (sooner of later) in our earth, i.e. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's comment, guess and remark; believe IT or NOT, 98+ years old (the Shakya King) looks alike 22+ years old; Also see: Physics Law 1024;
Remark: in 2020s, (democracy and democratic way of managing a nation vs. military dictators), so wars continue e.g. Military War, Nanobot War (medical supply & medicines), Space War (Satellite & GPS based devices), Trade War, ... ; many military dictators' families have settled in USA, and our earth is not simple like WHAT I think; Don't go for "look" ;
47. world (our earth) 's 1st variable real time; e.g.
Remark: world (our earth) 's 1st variable real time Nanobot Programming ... , designed && modeled by a "Tarzan" Rakhita Rakhine American, since 2024; Also see: Physics Law 113 ... ;
since July 4, 2024, USA . Space War, our earth . ... ; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Reforming Myanmar; u Character;
48. ID Swap; e.g.
e.g. ACT2 Level (imaginary hyperspace environment) hospitals worldwide (our earth), officially dead body after medical operations, And Then, kuru kuru WHILE "real person" comes in, And Then, (MD, Medical Doctors) of the company, corporation, organization, ... must be "take-a-hide" i.e. THAT "officially dead body" to be alive again, defined by WHAT is your rank in global military power; "unlike civilians, " military personnel must (deploy, follow, obey) commands; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
e.g. at many data centers, kuru kuru WHILE "real person" comes in, And Then, (CEO, Directors, Managers) of the company, corporation, organization, ... must be "take-a-hide" i.e. computer systems to be up-to-date; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
e.g. in many nations, your DL ID (Driver License As ID) can be swapped by unknown agents, therefore, WHEN police stations' radio call "Code3" message is for "in person must be at the defined location" ... ; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
e.g. in military dictators' nations (our earth), your children (infants) are swapped, i.e. violation of human rights (good example: my siblings are DNA mismatched ones); our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
e.g. don't be captive ones: (US senators, United States' senators) are captive ones already at underground stories of the U.S. Capitol building (in Washington DC, USA), since year 2000s; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
e.g. don't go for "looks" because nowadays Indians can be look alike Chinese, Chinese can be look alike Indians; our earth is not simple like WHAT I think;
( I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I) prefers democratic ways of managing a nation in our earth, so I voted for the presidents of USA WHO I don't know them, i.e. HOW their "Public Presentations" works ... ; if you like a name "Ace Jaw," you can be Ace Jaw also ... ; if I ask a few questions, I know whether he or she is TRUE Myanmar or not, believe IT or NOT, many (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) become Myanmar ... ; Genuine ones, Time Gained ones, Time Lost ones, ... usage "samsara" in Buddhism (meaning: life-after-life) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 1024, Samsara Machine (Military Restricted) ... ; long long time ago, Buddha said "focus on present" And Then, if you do good kharma Action (s), good results will ... i.e. very TRUE in 21st century retrospectively;
49. ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); e.g.
in August, 2024, I've decided THAT roaming shouldn't be essential ("Roaming" is metered by telecommunication companies in common and billions of US Dollar worth), because many ethnic tribes have been in (countryside, remote region, rural area) WHO must bypass roaming, also WHO don't know WHAT is roaming (metered networks), And Then, get functional Gene Therapy System in addition to Manmade Global Weather up-and-running worldwide, so I've programmed ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)); Remark: some telecommunication companies might not like WHAT I've programmed, i.e. ((LTE + XM), (XM + LTE)) has been programmed to be with (312 millisecond) Speed because "USB" means "312" in numerological (our earth);
Remark: another good example would be: in Anti-Earthquake design model (avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan), you (referring to Japanese and Taiwanese) will NOT need metered networks of other nations' telecommunication companies' roaming, roaming, roaming, roaming, roaming, ... ; Also see: Rakhine; Reforming Myanmar; this DOMAIN; XM .HTML; this DOMAIN supports democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (our earth);
50. Calendar.Earth.Space.War (webpage as gun); e.g.
I wrote: by reforming number 43, we've learnt that "in 2024 USA, approx. 5.5+ million firearms, purchased by US citizens (good civilians) legally & officially," because without guns, there is no way to (build, construct, establish, implement) democratic way of managing a nation;
Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun) ... i.e. this DOMAIN developer's guns, and this DOMAIN developer supports democracy & democratic way of managing a nation (our earth); in addition for supporting NATO + Ukraine worldwide also,
so I (allow, endorse, permit) my own design model i.e. tanks to defeat military dictators worldwide (our earth);
so I (allow, endorse, permit) my own design model i.e. durable && reliable humanoids (insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoid ( RDBMS)) worldwide, for hunting down military dictators' beheaded heads worldwide (our earth);
so I (allow, endorse, permit) to demolish & kill 200+ millions of (foe, foes, enemy, enemies) worldwide (our earth);
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! imaginary sir;
I wrote: I've my own reasons to support i.e. "in 2024 USA, approx. 5.5+ million firearms, purchased by US citizens (good civilians) legally & officially," also see: Calendar.Earth.Space.War;
I wrote: since August 2024, I've designed & modeled XM .HTML, i.e. (LTE) based XM beyond (radio + Router), for supporting 30000+ Active Military Members of Rakhine armed forces in Union of Myanmar (Indian Ocean), and in India Ocean, (China + Russia) radios aren't valid ones, e.g. , , , , , and are subject to be shooting-down, subject to be demolished, by this DOMAIN 's Satellite systems worldwide (our earth), believe IT or NOT, this DOMAIN 's Satellite systems have started shooting-down "illegal" ones in Indian Ocean, believe IT or NOT, I'm humanoid Global Military General; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun); Remark: the most challenge in 2020s is (Gene Therapy System (small bands), Manmade Global Weather (e.g. Anti-Earthquake) big bands) design model;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! imaginary sir; impossible to shoot-down supersonic missiles;
I wrote: did I teach you my Rainbow Method (Satellite) before?
well trained kids!! replied: No. Sir.
I wrote: I do smile for you free, because true smile make you happy, peaceful, pleasant, ... ; WHEN not a joke like wars happen in our earth, you can no longer be neutral (in the middle), you need to be on 1 side
I support (Taiwan,
Taiwanese) military, and I don't support China military;
I support (NATO
+ Ukraine) military, and I don't support Russian military;
I support democracy & democratic way of managing a nation
in our earth,
by demolishing
I support "in 2024
USA, approx. 5.5+
million firearms, purchased by
US citizens (good civilians) legally & officially," because
guns truly provide democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in
our earth;
51. 3.3 trillions of US Dollar is set, for supporting Rakhine military; e.g.
I wrote: 1st. to realize and understand that since 2024, (CHINA, CHINA, CHINA) has been (facing, dealing) with regional droughts (e.g. Gansu, Henan, northern China, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi) in China;
I wrote: 2nd. you need to know my childhood neighbor ones were sexed (other wording would be rope tied and raped) for 30,000 US Dollar for their virginities in China, in 1980s; so I set with "interest" i.e. 3.3 trillions of US Dollar for defusing "regional droughts" in China;
I wrote: "no money, no honey," so if China (payable, remittance, remits) 3.3 trillions of US Dollar officially for Rakhine military, I'll start my (Idea Processor based, knowledge based) i.e. beyond Artificial Intelligence, to defuse "regional droughts" in China, otherwise, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, I've nothing to do with China;
well trained kids!! replied: (crazy, insane) sir, are you (crazy, insane) sir? impossible someone is able to set "regional droughts" in China, impossible, impossible sir;
I wrote: Space Wars might have been initialized against China, i.e. our earth's regional droughts; on the other hand, we've USA-China Trade War, (2019-20??), ... , also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War, and military "wars" mean winners take all, believe IT or NOT; military wars should be the last option e.g. (Russian + China) shouldn't behave like military dictators; My (2+2) designed modeled (2 M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks + 2 humanoids) can demolish entire China military within 2+ weeks, believe IT or NOT;
well trained kids!! replied: don't be crazy sir; We (top ranking military officials of China) don't accept your remarks and written expression;
I wrote: I don't need your (acceptance, agreement, allowance, permit, verification), and I'm not a crazy ones; I'm going write again, i.e. since 2024, , and I've set 3.3 trillions of US Dollar for defusing IT; if (you cannot pay, you cannot afford, you cannot remit) 3.3 trillions of US Dollar (given away, payable, remittance) to Rakhine military in Union of Myanmar (Burma), I'll say mountains are mountain, rivers are river, I've nothing to do with China; I don't like 77+ years of military dictatorship in Myanmar (Burma), and nowadays rumor has IT i.e. IFF (if-and-only-if) 3 brothers (PDF, Peoples' Democratic Force military + Rakhine military + "WA" military) become winners (other wording would be: after defeating military dictators), And Then, my motherland Myanmar (Burma) will be purely && truly with (Federal Tax + State Tax) for sure, And Then, each state (
hatsugen Stating; hatsugen Stating; hatsugen Stating
) has its own laws & regulations, self education systems, self healthcare systems, self land-use rights, self managements, self telecommunication systems, ... i.e. like USA, United States of America since its Independence Day (July 4th) ... a good example would be: among 50 states in USA, California pays the highest minimum wages (approx. 15.50$ per hour in 2024), and California State taxes (e.g. city taxes, gasoline tax, income taxes, profit-gain taxes (especially for landlords), property taxes (once annually (every year)), sales tax (some states in USA don't have sales tax, but in California is approx. 10% sales tax), social security taxes, utility taxes, ... ) are the highest ones also, because only in California, 2nd generation Chinese Americans, 2nd generation Japanese Americans, 3rd generation Chinese Americans, 3rd generation Japanese Americans, living along with 2nd generation Mexican Americans, 3rd generation Mexican Americans, ... and democracy works!!! e.g. I voted many times without knowing them (candidates) personally i.e. HOW do you present to public is another knowledge based ... with knowing that we ethnic tribes + "B a m a" peoples don't know & don't have WHAT is voting "rights" since 1947-1948 ... ; We ethnic tribes + "B a m a" peoples might have been NOT independent ones yet since 1947-1948; 3.3 trillions of US Dollar is not cheap, similar to 30000 US Dollar in 1980s wasn't cheap;
I'm counting how many years ahead in CHINA with "regional droughts" sir;
I don't know WHO program & set-up Space War ("regional droughts") in our earth sir;
I don't know WHO formulated COVID-19 pandemic worldwide sir;
since 2024, (more than five millions peoples) 5,000,000+ Myanmar (Burma) peoples have been professionally killed, i.e. refugees in Thailand, because of military coup after military coup (military dictators), since 1947-1948, ... ;
52. I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma); I've not owned any property in Myanmar (Burma); e.g.
well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) you've nothing in Myanmar (Burma) sir?
I wrote: truly, I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma), one of the reasons I asked them (military dictators) to issue grant deed (100 ft x 100 ft land in Yangon) for me, other wording would be "a quarter of acre" land in Yangon for me, but they (military dictators) ignored and neglected WHAT I asked; politely speaking e.g. "no money, no honey" I don't do anything for free, and I assure Wealth Distribution of the powerful peoples, in this case powerful peoples have been military dictators in Union of Myanmar (Burma), since 1947-1948 to the present (nowadays 2020s);
I wrote: I've something in Myanmar (Burma) i.e. relatives, childhood friends, ex-classmates, ... , so I didn't write "I've nothing in Myanmar (Burma)" explicitly; since they (military dictators) don't issue grant deeds for me, I need to own whole Myanmar (Burma) doko WHERE I was born (hopefully I wasn't born in some other nations, because very bad peoples practice "direct flights" in wrong ways); NOT cheap, NOT cheap, starting from 3.3 trillions of US Dollar is set, for supporting Rakhine military;
on September 5th, 2024, global NHK news announced that in Myanmar (Burma), population-wised 18.5+ millions have faced salvation problems (humanity supplies needed), and 5.5+ millions have faced urgent medical cares (in addition to humanity supplies), confirmed & Public Report by United Nations i.e. in addition to 5+ millions refugees in Thailand;
I wrote: very sorry for civilians in Myanmar (Burma), and defeating (other wording would be killing) military dictators is not easy, good example would be: International Criminal Court (ICC) cannot law enforce many military dictators worldwide, starting from bastard, children of whore, child swapped, infant swapped (DNA mismatched siblings), falsified exam results (violating of rights), searched & swapped by undercover agents' tactics, systematic robbery (national resources as illegal prices), "true lies" exist, under-table cash (bribery, illegal trade-off), whore lover, virginal sold-out neighbors, ... , wrong ways after wrong ways, ... ; I write again, i.e. very sorry for civilians in Myanmar (Burma), and truly, I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma); therefore, I support 30000+ active military members of Rakhine (an ethnic tribe in Myanmar (Burma)) military with my own reasons e.g. for democracy and democratic way of managing a nation in our earth; Reminder: don't be captive ones: e.g. senators have been captive ones in Washington D.C., USA; e.g. many agents have been captive ones in many dens (our earth); e.g. if you're a truck driver, you don't want sniper shots (don't be captive ones: in this case, trapped already); e.g. if you're a medical doctor, you don't want law sue against you (don't be captive ones, in this case, caught-up malpractice); e.g. if you're a "space" related ones, you don't want regional category 5+ storm toward your hometown (don't be captive ones: in this case, be out of a focal point); e.g. if you're a "space" related ones, you don't want regional droughts in your nation (don't be captive ones: in this case, plasma cluster "open air" should be with H2O, and your satellites might have captured already); Hmm!! Umm!! I don't turn on "old tech AC (condenser based)" inside of my 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser (kadosei Mobility), with knowing plasma cluster "open air" works and functional; I write intentionally here, because "Tarzan" Rakhine people + ethnic tribe peoples + "B a m a" peoples should know THAT We've civilization gap problems (in this case, Aqua Color with Navy Blue Color can be "plasma cluster" also, believe IT or NOT);
well trained kids!! replied: everyday, can you sound-sleep very well sir?
I wrote: Yes. I turn-off electrical plugs of appliances and TV, before bed; I place (covers, layers) at windows (glasses + blinds + shades but NOT enough for protection) before bed WHERE I sleep, with good reasons because LASER lights' resonance can go through, Sound Beam's resonance can go though also, ... , so let me write here again, I sound-sleep very well because I turn-off electrical plugs of appliances and TV, before bed;
I wrote: you can call me a (crazy, insane) person, I don't mind; but, I must turn-off electrical plugs of appliances and TV, before bed;
September 2024, I wrote: civilians of Myanmar (Burma), ethnic tribes + "B a m a" have been captive ones since "NOT really Independent Day (since 1947-1948 to the present 2020s)" ... ; so, I'm very sorry for 5+ millions refugees in Thailand (because of military coups after military coups since 1947-1948), I'm very sorry for domestic 18.5+ millions become having salvation problems, I'm very sorry for 5.5+ millions need urgent healthcare, ... ; I'm very sorry for myself i.e. I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma) even though I've more than "Lakh" of "Lakh" earnest money; earnest money is a financial term, verified by banks' (escrow officers, loan officers, ... ) with licenses, and credit score is exceptional 838+ for decades (NOT for century) already, and a good example would be: Toyota's authorized dealerships might be smiling at me, because they don't sell their brand new Land Cruiser (kadosei Mobility) if credit score report is less than 825, and do you realize and understand this webpage's contents? And Then, can you correct yourself to be in correct way, good way, proper way, i.e. democracy & democratic way of managing a nation in our earth;
Remark: ( I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I) prefers "democracy and democratic way to managing a nation," because civilians are having rights to own guns, therefore, this DOMAIN developer supports to have your own guns; this DOMAIN developer supports civilians have rights to own guns in USA, with good reasons; this DOMAIN developer supports Rakhine civilians have rights to own guns in Myanmar (Burma); this DOMAIN developer's guns, also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun);
earnest money is very important financial term;
Jury Duty service is very important for courts to be making correct court orders (randomly or selectively jury duty services are summoned (by postal mail) to civilians to be in person at court, so every civilians should be at court in person);
land use rights is very important for proper civilizations;
legislature is very important for proper laws & regulations enforcement;
notary public is very important for Public Record;
this DOMAIN developer (Ace Jaw) is very dull person WHO has only driver license;
(TRUE, TRUTH, un-falsify) exams are very important knowledge levels & classes;
(TRUE, TRUTH, un-falsify) licenses are very important for professional earnings;
voting rights is very important political term;
Wealth Distribution is really important, and I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma);
I wrote: FICO SCORE : e.g. (850-800, exceptional ones), (800-750, very good ones), (750-700, good ones), (700-500, fair ones), (500-300, poor ones), ... and having salvation problems mean WHAT kind of "level" in FICO SCORE globally?
well trained kids!! replied: lower than 300 might be sir; shame on you sir, because you (24 years in Myanmar (Burma)) are originally from Myanmar (Burma);
I wrote: Yes. Shame on me. I need to contact to the Shakya King, for help, help, help, ... ; dear Shakya King, I like to own whole Myanmar (Burma), because I've not owned any property in Myanmar (Burma), and because I was born there, and they (ethnic tribe + "B a m a") are in salvation problems (root cause of military coups after military coups, since 1947-1948) ; Shame on me, i.e. I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma); I need free lands, free lots, free deeds, like my relative 5+ military generals;
well trained kids!! replied: you should be "double sword agent" sir;
I wrote: OH+ OH+ I need to run away now, with good reasons e.g. wrong ways after wrong ways cannot be good way; suggestion: start with (good wills, honest, sincere, straight forward) require NO LIES, NOT LIE, ... i.e. very basic moral, morality, ... , And Then, require "never vandalize others," And Then, require "be constructive way" i.e. NOT to promote destructive e.g. (battles, guiding toward wrong way, wars, ... ), And Then, NOT having "falsify" living (e.g. falsified bank accounts, falsified exam results, falsified DNA mismatched siblings, falsified ID) means very good ways, And Then, require "be Wealth Distribution (e.g. I donate 5% of my income, kuru kuru WHILE ((driving taxis, trucks, vans), (R&D web pages), (ROI of Investments))," And Then, be with "Lakh" of "Lakh" earnest money, And Then, be metta (loving kindness), And Then, knowing & understanding 20+ levels of financial status ones in our earth (you may apply Pali language knowledge based "attahi attano nahto" meaning you're on your own), And Then, with the Shakya King's helps HOW rescuing 20+ levels of financial status ones (e.g. from +10 to +8, doko WHERE salvation means +10 financial status ones), And Then, political stability (without political stability, there is no way to do investments), ... ; Remark: I've never received nor granted deeds (land, lot) like some of my relatives (e.g. 5+ military generals) from Myanmar (Burma) military dictators in my life; Yes. Shame on me, i.e. I don't have any property in Myanmar (Burma); written in September, 2024;
( I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I) prefers democratic ways of managing a nation in our earth; democracy & democratic way means with guns, so every Rakhine should have own guns; Remark: "democracy and democratic way to managing a nation," because civilians are having rights to own guns, therefore, this DOMAIN developer supports to have your own guns; this DOMAIN developer supports civilians have rights to own guns in USA, with good reasons; this DOMAIN developer supports Rakhine civilians have rights to own guns in Myanmar (Burma); this DOMAIN developer's guns, also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (webpage as gun);
November 2023; Internet news; Toyota has started its ichiman 10 Thousand US Dollar worth 2024 IMV0 pickup truck (2.4L (130+ horsepower, 130+ lb-ft), Made in Thailand, rear wheel drive, 5 speed manual transmission) globally ... ;
this DOMAIN developer likes & supports Toyota's $10000 US Dollar pickup truck, because affordable to ethnic tribes in Union of Myanmar and others ... ;
this DOMAIN developer doesn't like (motor way LASER (nodes based), remote heat sensing by electrical wires, sound beams, wormhole way LASER (ZCS based), ... , and those (method, procedure, technique) are very harmful to human beings by (gangsters' , terrorists' , undercover agents' ) illegal installation inside of commuting living environments, inside of public places (e.g. religious buildings' halls, school's rooms), inside of residential living environments, ... ;
you don't want to
be at the focal
point of multi long length neutrino LASER,
you don't want to be
at the focal point of "nodes based" strings,
you don't want to be
at the focal point of Yellowish Variation (YV),
you don't want to be
at the pressure point of structural Battery's heterodyning,
... ; Also see:
kadosei Mobility;
Reforming Myanmar;
Remark: Usage "i chi" means one ("1"), "man" means ten thousand ("10000");
I wrote: if you're designing & modeling Synchronization 188cm length of (Black Color, Gray Color, Silver Color), based on your USB lights, doko WHERE should be the defined location?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! at the Blue Color area sir, and become a part of ( Invisibilities, Invisibility) design model;
I wrote: should I teach Rainbow Method,
for shooting down supersonic speed illegal missiles?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! No. Thank you. We don't believe in your
M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks
sir, also see:
Calendar .
Earth . Space . War;
in military dictatorship system, the Shakya King's punishments are severe ... ;
e.g. October 10, 2023; Union of Myanmar news; "B a m a" military generals, arrested and sentenced "life in prison" ; they're M o e M y i n t T u n, and Y a n N a u n g S o e;
if you're military generals in military dictatorship nations (globally : our earth), must exactly follow your boss' (commands, orders) i.e. law ; don't forget that "NOT publicly elected ones" mean military dictatorship; similar to gangsters' policy and agenda; I've 1st cousin brothers & relatives As (5+) Military Generals, and they're not allowed to (chat with me, meet me in person), and they've obeyed the Shakya King's (commands, orders), as results they survive without punishments ... Hmm!! Umm!! I realized & understood "TRUST" in different ways ... ; Remark: I don't know nowadays Myanmar news are true or falsified ones, therefore, believe it or not ... , I don't know WHO designed & modeled Samsara Machine (Military Restricted), i.e. since 1999s, also see: Physics Law 1024 (Remark: nowadays 2020s, medical professionals are demanding "super glue" (sealing the bleeding blood, at the same time, connecting among electron paired ones (e.g. bone, tissue, ... )) for spinal works) and that "super glue" medicine is military top secret, not in a textbook to learn how ... believe it or not ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: seem like you don't have "rights" sir?
you don't know
how to engineer your own products,
you don't know how to generate your own revenue (based on your own assets),
you don't know how to make your own medicines,
you don't know how to negotiate international exchanges,
... And Then, you shouldn't have "rights" ... ;
neither "democratic by public voting system" nor "military dictatorship system" has correct solutions because e.g. do you practice 5+ Sila (precepts) similar to "do you practice 10 commandments" ... ; human beings' natures are same same, whether you've been in USA, or you've been in Myanmar; for example: there is no Asian American President of USA in United States' history, but I do support (.us), also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML; Remember: 11 royal family members of Europe, 7 royal family members of Asia, royal family members of Middle East, ... are much (healthier, smarter, wealthier) than commoners like me, and I guess no one of royal family members likes to be Military General ... because, TRUE fighters aren't military generals for sure;
I wrote: they (royal families) dub Military Generals, why? Remark: all I know is military is totally different than civilian;
well trained kids!! replied: it means "old style" , "traditional style" , here is the sword for beheading or follow the (commands, orders) exactly & explicitly ... ; if you're military general, you're surrounded by many counters, counter offensives, ... sir and nowadays, LASER (blades, sheets, swords) are for beheading; Reminder: you ("a Tarzan") don't want to be at the focal point of Yellowish Variation (YV), i.e. one of the invisibility engineering products of ours ... ;
I wrote: if you're sons and daughters of military generals, you should have 2 different ID, one for your family and legitimate (legally), on the other hand, one for your own hide-outs (falsified ID); globally, many royal families have 5+ different ID, believe it or not, depending upon
e.g. for cabinet
members (diff Name, diff ID) ... ;
e.g. for dealing with other intercommunity royal members ID (diff Name, diff ID)
... ;
e.g. for international exchange ID (diff Name, diff ID) ... ;
e.g. for military generals (diff Name, diff ID) ... ;
e.g. for "nutty" elites (diff Name, diff ID) including house maids ... ;
i.e. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess ... ;
September, 2023; Q1-11; Talent For Humanoid; ware ware We're beyond "Directional Gravity Spot" , "Nanobot Programming" , "Water Elevators" , ... and this "Talent For Humanoid" symbolizes Idea Processor (Level (s)) among human beings livable moons' (life-ones, talented lives, living ones) in our universes ... ; Remark: don't change its color code;
Q11: in samsara (life-after-life), also see: Physics Law 1024, may I know WHICH one (( te), ( za), ( tsu), ( ne), ( ma), ( bu), ( san), ( na), ( vi), ( wai)) are you in ?
Q10: Can you read, speak, and write Japanese language (Yes or No) ?
Q09: Do you have your own formulary medicine, your own OEM, your own patent, your own craftsmanship (Yes or No) ?
Q08: How many years do you pay Property Tax (Yes or No) ? if Yes, write your number of years;
Q07: Do you practice 103 moral codes of Rakhine kingdom (Yes or No) ?
Q06: Did you vandalize other people's properties (Yes or No) ?
Q05: Can you read, speak, and write English language (Yes or No) ?
Q04: Are you having 1 or more academic degree (Yes or No) ?
Q03: Can you read, speak, and write Buddhism language Pali script (Yes or No) ?
Q02: Can you read, speak, and write Myanmar (Burmese) language (Yes or No) ?
Q01: Do you have 1 or more public record, e.g. Credit Report, e.g. Deed, e.g. License, ... (Yes or No) ?
since "B a m a" military general Aung San, "B a m a" military general Ne Win, ... in 1940s, to the present 2020s of approx. 77+ years, how many times do you vote for your voting rights?
Q01-11 will judge you (ethnic tribes + "B a m a") whether you like it or not, i.e. how military dictatorship for generations by generations, ... ; be constructive, be educated, be healthy, be wise, ... ; you might have been not knowing all "Black Book" implementations in Myanmar (Burma) since 1940s ... , and all bad ones are inside of "Black Book" and "Black Book" works very well in common; the Shakya King (22+ years old looks alike at the age of 98+ years) & his loyal ones are the smartest ones in our universes, and don't be destructive ways, don't be rebellious, try to keep 103 moral codes of Rakhine kingdom, ... ; depending upon correct answers of Q01-11, APR% zero level to APR% +10, i.e. how levels of common civilians in Myanmar (Burma) ... ; Remember: in United States of America ( USA), many peoples are having (asset, money, wealth) > $5+ millions to WHOM work at home e.g. (investments, Public Record (e.g. Credit Score 789+), R&D, ... ) a.k.a. "unknown ones" WHO designed & modeled M1A1Titanium22 tanks, ... ;
if you've 1 or more license, every government promotes HR knowledge by conferences, training courses, ... and so on ... ; Remark: my father was dismissed by "B a m a" military high ranking officer ("military dictator") in 1980s, And Then, my whole family struggled to survive, and some went disable ones, and as a Rakhine American, my suggestion would be: be constructive, be educated, be healthy, be wise, study self, ... ; don't be rebellious unless you can create antiviral medicine against COVID-19, unless you can create Anti-Earthquake, unless you can create "multi long length neutrino LASER (WORMHOLE WAY)" from Satellite to shoot down illegal ICBM (Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War), ... ; Remark: many royal families have rooted in Myanmar (Burma) for (an eye for all eyes revenge), (Buddhist vs. others), (East vs. West), TRUE FIGHTS EXIST (since Roman Legend military disappeared in this region), ... believe it or not; by 2023, Union of Myanmar (Burma) has been the least developed nation of ASEAN member, and please don't blame on anyone, i.e. my suggestion;
July 24th, 2023: Myanmar Central Bank (Central Bank of Myanmar, https://myanmar.gov.mm/central-bank ) has issued a new banknote, the highest denomination i.e. 7x15 cm dimensional, 20000 Kyat banknote;
the 1st Theravada Buddhism related banknote;
a "Tarzan" Rakhine American is learning e.g. ("Royal White Elephant" a.k.a. "R a t h a N a n d a k a") Symbol ... ;
approx. 1 whole chicken's wholesale cost is 20000 Kyat in the cities of Myanmar, and internationally est. official Currency Exchange is (10 US Dollar = 20000 Kyat) in 2023; Also see: Reforming Myanmar;
I wrote: in 1980-1981, 1 whole chicken cost approx. 20 Kyat, at that time 1 gallon of gasoline was approx. 20 Kyat also; running a taxi cab (self employment, owner operator) in Yangon earned approx. 100 Kyat per day; I've a quiz now, i.e. how much should a taxi cab (self employment, owner operator) earn nowadays?
well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! if 5% APR living (domestic Myanmar), you should be able to earn approx. 5+ chickens / day; if 5% APR living (international Myanmar), you should be able to earn approx. 10+ chickens / day; if you're not earning 5+ chickens / day, then you should be farming (resetting your life style, back to agriculture productivities ... ) ... ; Remark: approx. 345,678 immigrants (H1 visa to PR, political asylum, R1 visa to PR, refugee, U S C I S Annual Lotto Winner), originally from Myanmar, living in the USA nowadays (July, 2023) ... ;
I wrote: let me refresh your memory i.e. what's the Shakya King's living standard % would be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Hmm!! we don't forget, and answer would be -10% APR living standard means dividends' reinvestments alike sir, and you said that common local banks are making money between -1% APR and +1% APR sir; ware ware We're Lakh-of-Lakh rich ones ... ;
I wrote: lesser kilesa means better and more peacefulness ... ; the Shakya King owns many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ; he is the one who will set 5+ chickens / day standard for basic & common ones ; kilesa e.g. no, no, I don't have my own private jet (Honda ones) yet, no, no, I don't have my own private yacht (Lexus ones) yet, no, no, I don't have my own sky high building and penthouse yet, ... therefore, lesser kilesa (mental defilements) means better and more peacefulness ... ; sincerely, real estate works, but not easy i.e. you need to know many knowledge based ones, e.g. accounting basic, engineering & technical knowledge (construction, maintenance, plan, repair), investment (Procedure, Method, Technique), language skill, (Licenses, Permits), RDBMS, renovation (Procedure, Method, Technique), result oriented, spreadsheet functional, taxation (e.g. knowing "Uncle Sam owns all properties" after 100 years) annually, TRUST, win-win strategic (e.g. "you make some money, I make some some money" tactic), ... ; the most important is healthcare, I wish you to be healthy ones (e.g. I've never taken any medication yet, at the age approx. 60+ years old, and knowing that 98+ years old Shakya King looks alike 22+ years old ones) ... ;
so, suggestion to the Shakya King would be: Dear Sir, I need you to be setting up 5+ chickens / day, with healthcare for basic + common Myanmar, at the level of 5+ APR living standard ones sir; so, if they're smart & wise enough, they may be owning 1 housing + 1 car, for their families ... ; and I need to learn HOW minus percentage living standard ones :
e.g. owning a
(Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) financial system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) healthcare system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) IT system,
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) real estate development
e.g. owning a (Copyright + Logo + OEM + Trademark) service system, ... ;
I wrote: 2023 in USA, if you (asset, have, own) 5+ million US Dollar, how much monthly revenue should you generate?
well trained kids!! replied: if residential real estate, approx. 20000 US Dollar per month (revenue) sir; if commercial, depending upon (Location, Type), revenue generating should be more than 20000+ US Dollar a month, because commercial means more HR (Human Resources), more HR means more money sir;
I wrote: I wish & hope that you can do the same in Myanmar ... doko WHERE cost of living vs. living standard, GDP vs. GNP, nation' APR% of banks, policy (political stability), ... more knowledge based ones (be beyond foods e.g. 5+ chickens) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We're poor ones WHO (asset, have, own) < 50000 US Dollar sir;
I wrote: if (domestic Myanmar), start doing your own revenue generating (5+ chickens / day), on the other hand, if (international Myanmar), start finding employment (salaries, wages) or to earn approx. 10+ chickens / day ;
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We're ethnic tribes WHO have survived in Myanmar, and est. (asset, have, own) < 5000 US Dollar sir;
I wrote: regarding ethnic tribes (domestic Myanmar), if truly surviving by est. (asset, have, own) < 5000 US Dollar, this DOMAIN developer (a.k.a. a "Tarzan" Rakhine American) 's wild guess would be: +10% APR Living Standard, And Then, suggestion would be: don't be bad record in Public Record (e.g. bad credit recorded, e.g. bankruptcy recorded), don't be delinquent (not paying debt, other wordings would be: having Default Debt), try to be "Outstanding" (Principal Balance with Interest e.g. monthly mortgage), try to keep 103+ moral codes of Rakhine Kingdom ... ; believe IT or NOT, I've donated as much as I can ... e.g. WHEN I was driving Taxi Cab, Trucks, ... I donated 5% of Gross Income, And Then, WHEN reaching into an age of 60+ years, still donating 5% ... ; Remark: there must be a way to own private (New Honda) jets, private (New Lexus) yachts, solely own sky-rise-high (newly built) downtown buildings, ... , And Then, "dividends based investments" means getting into -1% APR, ... Hmm!! Umm!! the Shakya King informed me that many peoples have been rescued (including (bastard, child-swapped, war survival) kind Ace Jaw a.k.a. Aung Myint Kyaw) ... and do you realize & understand ?
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We'll try i.e. from +10% APR Living Standard to 0% APR Living Standard sir, and knowing knowledge means power ... ; ware ware We'll try i.e. from +5% APR Living Standard to 0% APR Living Standard sir;
I wrote: OH+ OH+ revenue generating (5+ chickens / day) works ... ; good luck!! Remark: only the Shakya King can (adjust, change) e.g. revenue generating (5+ chickens / day) @ +5% APR Living Standard to (+6% APR Living Standard, +7% APR Living Standard, +8% APR Living Standard, +9% APR Living Standard) WHICH leads to solve civilization gap problems worldwide ... ;
humanoid Global Military General; SymboticAsimoRadical344;
the highest level of military power
e.g. Using
IFF our earth only: Using Satellite
would be very high tech military, e.g.
engineering products (other wording would be:
sliding light sheets onto its surfaces) ... ; another example
would be: Using
Yellowish Variation (YV) As Focal Point
of multi long length
neutrino LASER (no
object can exist at the focal point) ;
(language code mapping (Translator
Level), setting destinations (GPS
Level), zooming (dot, pixel, spot) to be
colorful Circle ones (Camera
Level) ;
structural Battery based directional gravity spots are this DOMAIN
's one of the military top secrets because our earth is not simple like WHAT I
think; Reminder,
i.e. (avoid, avoiding) civilians' locations e.g. hospitals, religious buildings,
and meaning of (battle, embattle, military war, missile strikes) mean a.k.a.
refer to military locations only;
e.g. 1 manageable 543+ ;
Casualty Sensitivity e.g. Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (Drone, 1-to-N);
Plausible Deniability e.g. NOT Me tactic,
Coup Proofing e.g. distributed flags;
Internal Competition e.g. contest for (manageable power, wealth);
humanoid Global Military General;
in history, bad ones happened, AND don't focus on "bad ones happened" i.e. HOW peaceful & tranquil life to be with developing self, R&D, thrive, ... ; report from medical record history (Dx) may prompt (either abnormal or normal), AND (curing, healing, health caring, recovering) from abnormal to normal means worth of (Dx, Rx, Tx, ... ); in Biz a.k.a. Business, after 7 years in Public Record, waiving the bad ones (in this case, bad credit);
to be a medical physician WHEN you become (mature, older), all you need to do is 1st be graduated with "any degree," (Remark: during your undergrad study, prepare & practice M CAT exam tests), And Then, after passing the M CAT (USA . Association of American Medical Colleges for standardization) exam, apply medical school in Philippines or Caribbean Medical Schools (e.g. https://www.sjsm.org), because affordable "cost" for ethnic tribes, And Then, be a medical physician anywhere around the globe ... ; I did not get any distinction in Myanmar exams, because rights have been violated against many ethnic tribes ... ; don't be a fool by TRUE LIES; to be an engineer ... ; exceptionally, to be computer system programmer, you must have permit & trained by Shakya King directly, otherwise, be good computer users ... because ("Idea Processor") : ("Artificial Intelligence") : ("Computers" : "Electronic" : "Device" : NFC "IoT") : ("Hardware" , "Software") truly belong to military power (civilization level) ... ; Remark: many peoples may become foolish (including myself), after kuru kuru of (3 keywords, 3 layers, 3 rounds, 3 TTL Routers) regarding computer system ... ;
I wrote: like NINJA TRIANGLE THROWING STAR, kuru kuru WHILE using each Lipid (to penetrate hada Skin (Also see: Physics Law 89) and tissues), for our earth only, inside of (DNA _Origami : Origin of Carbon Nanowalls, Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot) 's edges of the Yellow Color ( WHILE flip-flopping Silver Color and Navy Blue Color: at the Green Color area), at the (4-ones) 's, WHAT should you do?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very easy sir, ware ware We need to rotate the Lipid to 180 degree, because the Yellow Color edge of (4-ones) 's side must obey C Sequence Number (BF2) sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course; correct, right, so desu, ... and I've to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. unlike ninja triangle throwing star, the Lipid's 3 edges are not in the same size, ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very easy sir, Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot 's Yellow Color (between Silver Color and Navy Blue Color) must grow, And Then, obey Physics Law 1, C Sequence Number (BF2), during the Physics Law 145, Incubation Period, so growing side's 2 sizes are bigger than its source sir; OH!! OH!! ware ware We've already read Physics Law 131, Auto Grow sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course; correct, right, so desu, ... so be good Nanobot Programmers ... ; if you need help, let me know, otherwise, I've something more important things to do ... ; Also see: Schematic Lipid;
in Nanobot Programming, if I say e.g. because of "Chiral by Water Elevator" we've diff intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA: IQ) among 31 realms of beings in samsara ... , also see: Rakhine ... ; Remark: military top restricted info;
Chiral, Chiral by Water Elevator, ... , also see: DNA _Origami ... , doko WHERE you may start your own Nanobot Programming R&D ... ; Remark: our earth only (ACT1 level); if ACT2 level, you must apply many additional parameters e.g. Dark Energy Engineering (DEE), Yellowish Variation (YV), ... ; if ACT3 level, there is no joint venture in true space (universes) ... so you must be on your own ... ; this DOMAIN recommends numerological (map, mapped, mapping, maps) e.g. Lo Shu, Sudoku, ... 1st to realize & understand world's 1st algorithm e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan HOW step-by-step explicit explanation, And Then, 2nd. to realize & understand dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural, And Then, 3rd. HOW biophysics (hole, string) ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: regarding "stem" cells, your Chiral 's 4 consecutive ones looks alike "stem" sir, and we've question i.e. inside of 108 configuration, there is no numerical 8 sir, ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) ?
I wrote: OH!! 1st. you need to realize & understand Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, so biological cells can be represented by either hole or string, 2nd. I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids!! knowledge i.e. HOW do you define ( Origin of Carbon Nanowalls)' directional ? because you need to realize & understand usage "kuru kuru WHILE flip-flopping (Navy Blue Color, Silver Color)," Yellow Color As String in between, WHEN Green Color is surrounded;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! 2 sided Yellow Color string's directional WHAT you're talking about;
I wrote: Yes. you've got it WHAT I'm explaining; either hole or string is OK (I've mentioned several times THAT 2 is very very unique in many ways) e.g. inside of DNA _Origami ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! both sides (4-ones' side) and (3-ones' side) must obey your Physics Law 1, C Sequence Number (BF2) at their end-points, and we've read, realized & understood your Algorithm (3,4 dimensional) e.g. avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course; I've a quiz now for your Nanobot Programming R&D, inside of "DNA _Origami", WHICH picture represents directional (define, indicate, prompt) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, ( Chiral by Water Elevator) 's Aqua Color will guide its ( Bearing, course of action, Direction, geometry directional, Orientation, Way) Directions sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course, correct, right, sure, thrive, ... ; 3rd. I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. regarding to match 108 configuration (numerical Number 7) to be 7 biological cells together of ( Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot), Green Color and Red Color must be flip-flopping at doko WHERE ? very very difficult question because very very unique 2 kinds (Male kind, Female kind) are going to be realized & understood;
well trained kids!! replied: arigatoh g o z a i m a s u, thank you; ware ware We've realized & understood THAT ( Chiral) 's middle + bottom, (1 Silver Color and 1 White Color) should be off, IFF flip-flopping (Green Color and Red Color) sir, so we've just realized & understood that WHAT is (numerical Number 7) inside of 108 configuration sir;
I wrote: I've to be ready for another round e.g. instead of "N" bound, "H" bound, concerning global airborne antiviral COVID-19 pandemic worldwide ... ; Umm!! Umm!! it took me 3+ years to find-out, and remember I don't have any medical academic degree in my 1st life;
2566; 2022; design model;
I wrote: Origin of Carbon Nanowalls, And Then, I've a quiz now, i.e. as a result of "Origin of Carbon Nanowalls," doko WHERE ((Yellow Color) . (4 ones' side vs. 3 ones' side)) in 3,4 dimensional, WHAT is going to be look alike ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! ware ware We've already learnt THAT IT would be look alike cantaloupe's (husk, skin) sir; "cantaloupe melon vs. honeydew melon," also see: Sushi;
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! ware ware We've already learnt IT because of Yellow Color Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot, kuru kuru WHILE flip-flopping Silver Color and Navy Color (surrounded by Green Color) sir;
I wrote: Also see: Teleportation; Anti Virus; Yes. correct, proper, sure, thrive, ... and be good Nanobot Programmers ... and do good Kharma a.k.a. Khamma Action, good results will; I believe in Zen Buddhism e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ; You can make "tons of money" with your formula (Nanobots) ... ; Also see: Water Clock;
2566; 2022 November 8, F M D, Full Moon Day, and Blood Moon, and full moon lunar eclipse;
600; 50 = (100 / 2) = (600 / 12), and don't forget THAT NIS (National Information System) starts with 50 ... ; Remark: 600 is originally from Eastern Civilization;
400; (400 / 12) = (100 / 3) = 33.333, and don't forget THAT "three ones" are a part of 108 configuration; Remark: 400 is originally from Western Civilization;
Eastern civilization's documentation: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: flying dragon (4 eyes creature, mythical ones on the Sun Planet, and look likes a snake) 's head is (heading, moving) in Distance (e.g. Number * NM (Nanometer)) ... ;
full moon lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022, ( Blood Moon) a full moon day, a.k.a. F M D ;
IFF COUNTERS for DNA _Origami, 0.01 = 10 ^-10 meter;
NIPPON . Toyota has been using color code (Red and Silver), i.e. implicit meaningful " Blood Moon" for several decades already since 1990s ... ; Remark: a "Tarzan" Rakhine has been loyal customer (1989 - 2020s: e.g. 5 Corolla, 1 Hi Ace (10 Seat), 2 Lexus (V6, Hybrid), 3 Pro Box (1.3L), 1 Sequoia (5.7L), ... );
visible e.g. visible from the middle of the Pacific Ocean; visible across (USA (approx. 10 PM if location is Honolulu), (approx. EST 3-7 AM if location is the East Coast)), ... ;
Western civilization's documentation: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's wild guess would be: inseam (the seam in a pair of the length ... ), in this case, "a pair" of 2 diff locations of the same moon (our earth) ... ;
Also see: Reforming Myanmar; Time (e.g. F M D, Full Moon Day, AND, Blood Moon); Remark: if you're ACT2 level imaginary hyperspace crafts' architects, designers, engineers, and developers, R&D on NOT ONLY 0.01 nm counters for your DNA _Origami (Nanobot Programming), BUT ALSO reversed of ((^-) to (^+)) to prove Anti-Earthquake Programming worldwide (our earth only) ... ; in ACT2, you must apply diff directional gravity spots, variable DEE patterns, yellowish variations, ... and good health & good luck to you !! and in ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace, you're on your own (because in space, there is no joint venture) and remember all human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King ;
I wrote: I've a quiz now, ware ware We've been being R&D on Gene Therapy System, Manmade Global Weather, 10000+ MPH Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Nanobot Programming, ..., and WHEN wondering variable DEE patterns, WHICH (item, object, organ, part) of human beings prompt Parameter ( , , ) ?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! NOT easy to answer, but as (a "Tarzan") 's (pupils, students), ware ware We like to guess THAT answer would be: ( tongue; Radical169) sir;
I wrote: mochiron of course; keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e. NOT to attach viral pathogen to human beings' Protein, and it took approx. 3+ years to figure-out "Nitrogen" bound for antiviral COVID-19 ((2019, 2020, 2021) pandemic worldwide), Umm!! Umm!! I still don't know who created ("unwanted airborne virus") ;
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We'll be Nanobot Programmers sir ... ;
I wrote: OH!! OH!! way; h o h o (way); way; e.g. way should be (correct, proper) with metta (loving kindness) ... ;
2566; 2022; 2022October25_SolarEclipse_new moon continues its orbit between the Sun and our earth (our moon's DEE-scrapes the northern polar regions of our earth, partial eclipse of the sun (a.k.a. solar eclipse partial)), the 2022October25 solar eclipse partial, visible from central Asia, Europe (except Portugal (. p t) and southern Spain (. e s)), and western Asia; new moon continues its orbit between the Sun and our Earth ... ; N M D, No Moon Day (2022 October 25) if location is Myanmar ... ; Remark: Yellow Color is from Jupiter's side, Gray Color is (Silver + DEE) from our moon, and (left (4) and right (4)) Yellow Color Distribution but our fingers are not (equally, evenly) in Distance Why?
I wrote: a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's way of thinking would be: in 31 realms of beings (i.e. one of the numbers inside of Numbers in Dharma), Distance between (Arm, Leg) of insects, animals, and human beings happened naturally because of (solar eclipse partial vs. solar eclipse total), variable distance of (Arm, Leg) of beings, and 4 eyes beings may happen also, but I've not seem any 4 eyes beings in our earth, and our rib cage happens naturally because of parallel moon waves are coming from Jupiter (i.e. beyond carbon nano walls) WHICH leads to this DOMAIN 's world's 1st Gene Therapy System ... ; I told you long long time ago, every (organ, item, part, things) of our body (i.e. 1/2 of (Kaya & Nama) in this case, refer to "Kaya" body only) has its own very very meaningful forms ... WHICH leads to NOT ONLY Gene Therapy System, BUT ALSO Manmade Global System, Umm!! Umm!! should I write another new PHYSICS law?
well trained kids!! replied: Oh! No, thank you; by the way, if "solar eclipse total" then Gray Color will cover the Yellow Color area, And Then, Gray Color will change to Black Color sir; Umm!! Umm!! ( o h structural, n o structural) in DNA _Origami sir;
I wrote: don't forget THAT Navy Blue Color (parallel moon waves from Jupiter, e.g. A A B P H, A A B P V, also see: Schematic Dimensional) are very very difficult to define e.g. I don't know WHO is creating imaginary hyperspace sensor for "parallel moon waves from Jupiter" ... ; OK. OK. I'm not going write a new physics law, regarding Distance between (Arm, Leg) ... ; Also see: 108 configuration; Reforming Myanmar; Time; a "Tarzan" Rakhine American's way of thinking ... e.g. Even Time Horizontal DEE, so our (Arms, Legs) are side-by-side the same in distance ... ;
Asia; Radical383;
avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan (our earth only) ... ;
Idea Processor, based on Buddha's Abhidharma ... and be beyond (AAI, AI, AIA), e.g. Remote Nama Reading (insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids) ... ;
Invisibility Engineering (variable DEE Patterns), for ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyperspace R&D ... e.g. 103x28 dimensional Invisibility, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts (human beings livable moons) ... ;
I wrote: WHAT kind of color codes, regarding 103x28 dimensional Invisibility, and WHICH color code belongs doko WHERE the names of planet are, and I wonder the time period of kuru kuru WHILE ?
well trained kids!! replied:
Umm!! Umm!! 60 years (kuru kuru WHILE) i.e. time period;
Umm!! Umm!! Aqua Color is for our earth;
Umm!! Umm!! Silver Color and Yellow Color are for our moon (except that because human beings cannot live there) and we still don't know ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) ... ;
Umm!! Umm!! Navy Blue Color is for Jupiter, and we still cannot solve BLI (Body Length Index) automatic adjustment (by using your Gene Therapy System), and we need your helps sir "HOW to do BLI auto adjustment in factoring Number" ... ; Remark: "unwanted Nitrogen" might be from our moon (our earth) sir;
I wrote: I shouldn't be a "big mouth" person in public, because the Shakya King will punish me for life sentence, because "our earth is not simple like what I think" ... ; sorry, my apologies, I'll not do factoring numbers for you in public because "our earth is not simple like what I think" and I don't want punishments (("Black Book": assault, falsify, insult, vandalize), ("Red Book" : law sue, law suit, unemployment)) by the Shakya King's (commands, orders) ... ; I don't want prize "Lakh (a hundred thousand) of Lakh (a hundred thousand) currency Kyat" (approx. 3.3M US Dollar, in 2022) for R&D factoring numbers in ACT2 imaginary hyperspace, but I want trillions of US Dollar Umm!! Umm!! ; in Asia, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are smarter than Rakhine (an ethnic tribe of Myanmar), so they should do factoring numbers in ACT2 and ACT3 level imaginary hyper space R&D ... ; "our earth is not simple like what I think" e.g. global challenge (2019-2020-2021) COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, exactly 75th years after WWII;
well trained kids!! replied: seemed like other side of our moon should be with Yellow Color code sir and, ware ware We wonder HOW many DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (orbiter lines) regarding Invisibility engineering (Yellow Color) code sir; We should (dispatch, send) An Orbiter _The Universe to our moon also, because we like to calculate DEE, Dark Energy Engineering (orbiter lines) . Yellow Color codes . our moon sir ;
I wrote: be beyond "carbon nano world" (i.e. our earth only) ... e.g. I didn't draw iPS picture with Red Color on the right side, Why?
well trained kids!! replied: We like to be Nanobot Programmer sir, and we don't know why, and promise (Promissory Note) i.e. ware ware We'll not attach human beings' Protein to viral pathogen sir; We'll choose for Jupiter, for our moon (our earth only) Umm!! Umm!! also see: Physics Law 169 sir;
I wrote: good, very good, very very good already, and keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e. not to attach human beings' Protein to viral pathogen ... ;
iPS, for Nanobot Programmer R&D ... , also see: Nanobot iPS Cells, e.g. ( , , , ) for 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell ... ;
Mini Dictionary, for ethnic tribes (Union of Myanmar), a must to learn (English, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana, Pali) ... ;
National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; Also see: Time;
PHYSICS laws, for human beings livable moons' ACT2 and ACT3 level hyperspace R&D ... e.g. very easy to do factoring numbers if you truly realize & understand "avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan," ... i.e. be beyond 2000s designed & modeled C Sequence Number ... ;
Protein; well trained kids!! replied: We like to be Nanobot Programmer sir, and we don't know why, and promise (Promissory Note) i.e. ware ware We'll not attach human beings' Protein to viral pathogen sir;
I wrote: NOT ONLY (Water; Radical106) behaves like substances (Also see: Enzymes), BUT ALSO Protein Powder behaves like it (substance) also, and keep your promise, i.e. NOT to attach human beings' Protein to viral pathogen, because we're not in a war, and I believe in Zen Buddhism e.g. mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ;
remote nama reading (insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoid), i.e. 21st century & beyond, no one can escape yet ... ; very basic (Method, Procedure, Technique) should be Near Field Communication Internet of Things (NFC IoT) ... ; PHONE;
Your PHONE can be eavesdropped e.g. (serial . unlock .
device : channel, data);
Your PHONE can be emergency alerted e.g. (SYSTEM MSG, directional pop-up);
Your PHONE can be located e.g. (Location
Awareness Response);
Your PHONE can be remote nama read e.g. (I'm
humanoid Argha, how may I help you?), (I'm
humanoid Global Military General, how may I help you?), (I'm
humanoid Jiwaka, how may I help you?), (I'm
Symbotic Asimo, how may I help you?)
Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot;
I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz, i.e. regarding Japanese (a.k.a. NIPPON) 's invention (biological, directional, logical) iPS (also see: Nanobot iPS Cells), doko WHERE Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's directional Action should be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, Yellow Color (Single-Bio-Cell) 's directional Action should be toward 3's side (a.k.a. right side of the Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot) ... ;
I wrote: so desu (correct), and I wonder WHAT kind of characteristic its behavior Action would be?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! (CCW (Counter Clock Wise), and CW (Clock Wise)) behaves like flip-flop, similar to earth-worm's movement sir;
I wrote: so desu (right), and I guess that "earth-worm's movement" because of 4's side, and regarding programmable, WHICH area of the (Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot) should you focus on? Remark: 500 nm;
well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We're Nanobot Programmers sir, focus on Yellow Color (kuru kuru WHILE flip-flopping Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color) only;
I wrote: regarding (Plus a.k.a. Positive, Minus a.k.a. Negative), if I'm using (2+ phosphate (bi-phosphate), 3+ phosphate (tri-phosphate)) then ion should be Negative or Positive?
well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! Negative should be charging sir;
I wrote: inside of Schematic Lipid (e.g. Lipid), And Then, WHERE should be flip-flopping Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color)?
well trained kids!! replied: 4's side sir;
I wrote: OK. OK. good enough for "programmable" regarding Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot ... ;
well trained kids!! replied: arigatoh g o z a i m a s u, thank you;
I wrote: be good
Nanobot Programmers!! and keep your promise (Promissory Note) i.e.
don't attach viral pathogen to human beings' Protein,
because we're not in a war, and I believe in Zen Buddhism, mountains are
mountain, rivers are river, ... ;
you become older, and if you like to earn "tons of money," And Then, instead of
attaching viral pathogen to human beings'
Protein, you can attach
oncological pathogens to human beings'
Protein, And Then, your own
programmable nanobots will make you "tons of money" And Then, your
own formula, your own medicine, ... ; knowing, realizing, and understanding of
(messenger RNA, mRNA), also see:
DNA _Origami;
Enzymes; Reforming Myanmar;
Water Clock;
I wrote: should I write another additional physics law, for flip-flopping e.g. we need (wake-up, sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ... , accordance with (Time . Space . Action) Oriental Thought,, and WHAT is this 's flip-flopping (Silver Color and Navy Blue Color) time period for a Single-Bio-Cell?
well trained kids!! replied: the shortest time period of flip-flopping sir;
I wrote: if I wonder WHAT is the longest time period of flip-flopping, and we need to guess?
well trained kids!! replied: 500 years sir, because in Buddhism's documentations, deity life expectancy starts with 500 years in 31 realms of beings;
I wrote: if I wonder 1000 years, how do you describe IT?
well trained kids!! replied: 1000 years = (600 years + 400 years) sir, and 600 years is originally from China's documentation, and 400 years is originally from Gregorian Calendar (Western Civilization) in our earth sir;
I wrote: you should write a new physics law, WHEN you become older, regarding flip-flopping time period for (wake-up, sleep), (open, close), (blooming, rest-in-peace), ... WHICH should lead to BLI (Body Length Index) auto adjustment for many human beings livable moons in our universes ... ;
I've a gift for you i.e. Origin of Carbon Nanowalls; Remark:
you need to realize & understand 1990s design model Flat Panel (WHERE diagonal lines are),
you need to realize & understand 2000s design model (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering),
you need to realize & understand 2010s design model Walls;
you need to realize & understand 2020s design model (3,4 dimensional) avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan;
you need to realize & understand Single-Bio-Cell Programmable Nanobot 's Yellow Color strings WHILE flip-flopping Silver Color (a "Tarzan" 's guess: may be from our moon) and Navy Color (a "Tarzan" 's guess: may be from Jupiter), along with ( 60 years . 103x28 dimensional Invisibility) ... ; so called "Origin of Carbon Nanowalls," for our earth only; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; DNA _Origami; Reforming Myanmar; Walls;
structural Battery (for directional gravity spots) ... ;
( u a v, UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) WHICH can be using NOT ONLY for Manmade Global Weather, BUT ALSO for Military, Space, ... ;
60 years ( 4-side's Left DEE, 4-side's Right DEE), using Artificial Intelligence ( 103x28 dimensional Invisibility e.g. our earth's carbon nano Walls) to figure-out 3-side's handles ... ;
Also see: Anti-Earthquake programming, for avoiding earthquake in the defined region (e.g. avoiding earthquake in Japan and Taiwan) ... ;
Also see: DEE, Dark Energy Engineering, for variable DEE patterns ... ;
Also see: DNA _Origami, for nanobot programming, beyond our earth based biophysics ... ;
Also see: Invisibility, for invisibility engineering in 3,4 dimensional i.e. beyond solar system ... ;
Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, for this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyperspace crafts i.e. beyond our solar system e.g. visiting to human beings livable moons ... ;
Also see: Reforming Myanmar, for ethnic tribes' self R&D groups ... ; Remark: based on 3,4 dimensional bio Physics Cell;