; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : December : 3rd (Tuesday) : 9sComputer ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 3 : 12 : 2024 : s : S ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



sa z u re ( frame work) also see: Cloud name ( AZURE) ... ;

sake meter value, also see: Sushi;

San Mario, , , , 378;

SAP ; service access point ; SAP R - 3


        school ;      

Remark: intentionally using (Aqua Color, Navy Blue Color) for our earth only (ACT1);
Remark: intentionally using (Aqua Color, Navy Blue Color) for our earth only (ACT1);
Remark: don't change its color codes, because I've my own reasons ... ;

if you're working on (ACT3 Level, ACT2 Level) R&D imaginary hyperspace, And Then, you should know more than (Aqua Color, Navy Blue Color), And Then, don't forget THAT in our universes, every color has its own meaning ... ;


hatsugen Remark: SDV, Software Defined Vehicle, for (Honda + NISSAN) 's worldwide SDV R&D, since August, 2024; this DOMAIN developer's gift to (Honda + NISSAN) 's software architecture, software design, software engineering, software programming, software QA, software related Executable Application (App, application, Apps), software testing, worldwide (our earth) ... ; approx. 2 or 3 days to program SDV, and it is worth more than 2 or 3 trillions US Dollar;

search; SEARCH; e.g.

regarding "search" ... I've a gift (2024 Merry Christmas!!) to you e.g. ( SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH, SEARCH), i.e. every (object, item, part, things) should be right ... ; TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, a "Tarzan" doesn't know (BE (i.e. Back End Server) . Line1) must be matched to (FE (i.e. Front End Desktop) . Line1), And Then, (BE . Line2) must be matched to (FE . Line2), And Then, (BE <> FE) Synchronization (s) prompt, And Then, at the Line3, you may enjoy functional "search" ... ; i.e. HOW a "Tarzan" realized && understood Computers .  .  . ; Also see: Location Awareness Response; sCharacterExtension1; 9sComputer; Remark: SEARCH ENGINE is worth more than trillions of US Dollar; Remark: after 33+ years of almost everyday R&D, I still don't know how to design model SEARCH ENGINE, so Tarzans are "Tarzan" ... ;

search by voice capabilities: e.g. Amazon Alex a; Apple Sir I; Google Now; Microsoft C or tan a;

search the web;

HOW to define gravity spots' locations ? for each structural designed frame, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 227, Angle, sec Θ is equal to hypotenuse 2-point_distance / adjacent side 2-point_distance;

world time, using World Time Mode (City Code Table) S E L (time zone) ... ;

I F F east, T Y O;

I F F west, H K G;

self denial ;

sense; sensing; sensor; sensors; e.g.

(equilibrium based sensors, equilibrium based sensors), also see: Physics Law 141, equilibrium, ... ;

idea ♯ 258; Heat Sensor; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3;

sensor e.g. (50 mm, basic, force, Integrated Environment Unit, linear (A Bi, Digital Interface, Linear Incremental Position), Mass Flow (excellent accuracy, filter, HVAC, Long-Term Stability, medical devices), medical device, Non-Contact, pressure (Digital ME MS, P S I), R F ID, robotic, speed, temperature, transponder, wearable, Weather (Ambient Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, environment, Humidity, Key Design Constraints, Mobile Applications), Z C S _Camera _Sensor, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

), also see: electronic;

sense ;      
sensor ;      
Optical Sensor Mouse ;            

Also see: P vector direction;

idea ♯ 211; Yellowish Variation Sensor; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;

sensor network;

Earth Based Medical Sensor, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

plasma cluster Sensor, also see: Physics Law 178;

(W I O (a.k.a. Wattage Input Output); Tool; Switch; S V M (a.k.a. Support Vector Machine); Sensor; Self IE (a.k.a. Self Internet Explorer); Power bank; Classifier; Cable; Board; Battery (a.k.a. Batteries); Actuator) specification, model, design, ... ; Also see: Automotive;

service; serviced; servicing; services; e.g.

service, Radical130, also see: Radicals;

        service s ;    
Cloud service s e.g.          
          I a a S ,      
          P a a S ,      
          S a a S ,      
          T a a S ;      
back ground task s infrastructure ; defender ; group policy
client ; installer ; local session manager ; R P
C end point map per ; store ; system
event s broker ; task scheduler ; time broker
; W S ;            

AS N, Application Service Node; Also see: I o T; resource;

Gene Therapy System chiryoyaku Therapeutic service, also see: Oh My Lord;

service, a.k.a. a part of kusala, also see: k Pali;


since 2018/2561, HOW to correct genetic information (A, C, G, T) sir ? well trained kids ! 1st to understand "normal" e.g. regarding our earth, defining (common, normal, standard) as Gene Therapy System index; 2nd to understand Gravity Dimension Computer ((aqua color) as its (common, normal, standard)); 3rd to understand :

from aqua to blue,
from aqua to green,
from aqua to olive,
from aqua to red,
from aqua to yellow,

regarding this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System ( service) ... ;

set ;        
alpha be tic code d ; - top ( box
, device ) ; numeric character ; virtual character ;
document instance ; pot en t i o meter set
mode ; un structure d ( constraint set ) ;
entity ; factor ; volume ; close d ; convex
; flick s ; member ; theory ; reference quantity
; reference quantity ; license ; exclusion ; empty link
; fill area ; character ; quantity ; delimiter ;
catalog ;                

e.g. net setup ... ;

archived; bin; cleanup; defender; download; error; file; internet; log; offline; per; program; recycle; report; setup; system; temporary; thumbnail; update; user; webpage; windows;

oracle (S G A, System Global Area) e.g. Database Buffer Cache (C T W R, D B W, F B D A), Fixed S G A, Java Pool (Free Memory, Used Memory), Large Pool (Backup / Recovery Operations, Oracle X A Interface Pool, Private SQL Area (Persistent Area) for Shared servers, P X m s g pool, Request Queue, Response Queues), Shared I/O Pool (Secure files), Shared Pool, Streams Pool, ... ; Flash back Buffer; Redo Log Buffer;

(S H) sale history;

air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217, also see: Radicals;

Shifted J I S: Keyword; name;

eyesight; sight; vision; Radical138;

equal; equivalent; like; similar; Radical211;

similar to number 1 in English; Radical2, also see: Radicals;

language code (1503) Sinhalese language; Also see: Keyword to Port Number;

position; standpoint; situation; Radical146;

slot led * also see: command;

using Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence to do neither Hyper nor Hypo i.e. Gene Therapy System index : in HTML programming (this DOMAIN, WHOM .txt) : (( Hyper (hyper calcium (h y p e r c a l c e m i a), hyper magnesium (h y p e r m a g n e s e m i a), hyper phosphate (h y p e r p h o s p h a t e m i a), hyper potassium (h y p e r k a l e m i a), hyper sodium (h y p e r n a t r e m i a))) vs. ( Hypo (hypo calcium (h y p o c a l c e m i a), hypo magnesium (h y p o m a g n e s e m i a), hypo phosphate (h y p o p h o s p h a t e m i a), hypo potassium (h y p o k a l e m i a), hypo sodium (h y p o n a t r e m i a)))) ; Also see: 8cComputer; 3mComputer; 9pComputer; 7pComputer; 9sComputer;

Somalia, , , , 252;

sort ;        
bubble ; collating ; file ; ( in ascend i
n g order ) ; key ; - merge file
descript i o n entry ; quick ; sort i
n g ; to sort , to collate ;  

source; sources; sourcing; e.g.

origin; source; Radical118;

( source, source, source) ... ;

source ;        
ambient light ;              
A S F , Aspect Source Flag ; clock ;
- code ; code control system ; compilation unit ;
- computer ; computer entry ; data ; descriptor ;
directional light ; drive ; element type ( of 1
link ) ; image ; information ; item ; language
; level compatible ; light source direction ; light source
state ; module ; open source code ;    
        open source company ;    
        open source software ;    
        open source vendor ; original ;
primary ; program ; route ; routing ; second ;
secondary source ; single source supplier ; sound ;  
spot light ; stationary information ;        
      stationary message ; synchronization ;  
thesaurus ; traffic ; work station light ;    
for any thing Radio Frequency ;

( IR Box, UV Box) hikari Light source ... ; Also see: FISH;

South Africa, , , , 27;

I F F location is Kruger National Park, create rain i.e. to reduce drought; to do so, avoid natural snaky alike "jet stream" 's hotspots in northern hemisphere; instead of using northern hemisphere Jet Stream's hotspots, deploying this DOMAIN (Satellite DNS System) Rainbow Method (blue, yellow) to create clouds at the nearest ocean, And Then, plaster cluster (directional gravity, gravity spots) toward the clouds above the Kruger National Park;

this DOMAIN 's Manmade Global Weather ( service) : create rain above the Kruger National Park, i.e. to reduce regional (approx. 100 miles radius) drought in South Africa;

South Africa, , , , 27;

buck; hop; jerk; leap up; prance; splash; spring; sputter; Radical715;

SQL Server Compact ♯.♯ SP ♯ (x64) LANGUAGE, Microsoft component;

square ;      
( square ) bracket s ; Chi square test ;
function ; magic square ( matrix ) ... ; pizza
box type ( flat square computer chassis ) ; square
root function ; corresponding square s :      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 ... 
; most absent natural number s are :    
3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 ... 

is equal to square root , also see: Schematic Symbols (Y =X);

DEE _ Aqua _ Horizontal _ Stability;
DEE _ Aqua _ Vertical _ Stability;
Also see: Schematic Dimensional;

Auto, High, Medium, Low, Standard; (i.e. quality levels) also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1; idea ♯ 201;

(( standard, standard, standard), ( measure, measure, measure)) ... ;

clean; evident; explicit; obvious; plain;
elucidation; explicit statement; specification;

static (area ("cent r o id s" , inertia moment), force system (equivalent, resultant), frame & truss, friction, rigid body's equilibrium) ... ;

( Steroid, Steroid, Steroid), also see: Gene Therapy System; MD; s G T S U;

(immunoassay, occult blood, stool) D x results (negative, positive), also see: Gene Therapy System ... ;

structural Battery; Also see: structural Battery;

Structural Equilibrium Of Light, also see: Schematic Dimensional;

elevated structural ... , also see: Gravity Dimension Computer; Automotive;

  structural structure ;  
dimensional , directional , logical ,        
        numerological , structural , also see
: formula ;   Address ;    

1 or more ZCS structural can define other sides, also see: PHYSICS, law ninety nine, ... ;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, idea ♯ 173, ... ;

physical structure a.k.a. structural;

Water Clock; structural Amino Acids; DNA _Origami;

WHAT is diff between directional and structural ? directional is designed HOW characters are related to each other e.g. Radical94, and then Radical135, and then Radical280, ... , on the other hand, structural is designed HOW strongly together e.g. Radical211 and Radical251 are ... ;

structural K factor, in addition to A T C G, also see:

Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 218; Heat;

P vector direction;

Gene Therapy System (defined organ, do gene therapy on WHOM, specific part) I F F on co logic emergencies (e.g. he mat o logic disorder, metabolic disorder, structural disorder, treatment (T x) adverse effect) EXIST, D x (cancer) emerges, also see: Specialties ON; cure the structural disorder;

art; decoration; figures; literacy radical; literature; plan; sentence; style; Radical89;

air; appearance; manner; method; Shi J i n g folk song; style; tendency; way; wind (one of the 5 elements); Radical217;

style, also see: Special Radical 253;

subnet mask; Subnet Mask; Subnet masking; e.g.

Subnet mask     Subnet mask     Subnet mask, e.g. (sub net mask 56791/t c p Subnet mask, sub net mask 56791/u d p Subnet mask), also see: Keyword To Port Number;

sun, one and only the sun, momentum of our earth; Our earth's 1 way DEE; 1 way DEE and BF2 begins; gravity spot, please do not create gravity spot bigger than the sun;

Surface; e.g.

( Surface, Surface, Surface) ... ;

(W I O (a.k.a. Wattage Input Output); Tool; Switch; S V M (a.k.a. Support Vector Machine); Sensor; Self IE (a.k.a. Self Internet Explorer); Power bank; Classifier; Cable; Board; Battery (a.k.a. Batteries); Actuator) specification, model, design, ... ; Also see: Automotive;

be content; coax; pamper; sugary; sweet taste; Radical128;

sym phys is pubis; (clitoris, urethra, urinary bladder), also see: r G T S U;

synapse, between nerve fibers (i.e. inside brain); Also see: Gene Therapy System;

Syria, , , , 963;

monitor (SYS (# mmHg) e.g. 120 mmHg, D I A (# mmHg) e.g. 80 mmHg, PULSE per minute e.g. 70 pulse/min) Also see: measurement;

AI automatic fix e.g. The service is unavailable; i.e. Error Code (503); AI (Artificial Intelligence) automatic fix error (e.g. invalid source) ... ; Also see: Anti Virus;
