; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : September : 26th (Thursday) : n Character;

; ; ; ; Updated on 26 : 9 : 2024 : n : N : n Character;     Also see: n Usage;


nadir, as opposed to zenith;

n a i l e r, also see: tool;

call; item; name; nickname; number; pseudonym; title; Radical299;

elementary; naked ; principle; uncovered;

name; named; naming; names; e.g.

family name, also see: nippon Usage;


Name ; name ;        
; First ;       Name ;
First Name ;            
          Last name ;  
        myoji Last Name ;  
              name ;
        Nation Name ("your defined name here") ... ;
City Name ("your defined name here") ... ;

full name ; (identity);

HTTP-EQUIV system variables e.g. (Name, Value);

I wrote: how do you define ( t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous, t o k u m e i Anonymous) e.g. unknown name, unknown ones, ... ?
well trained kids!! replied: via insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids sir;

name      name      name      name     Name ;

name ; (reputation) ; e.g. 1st name;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;

W a, the oldest recorded name; Radical850;

nano- ;

Nara, a prefecture, the most ancient capital in Japan, approx. 80km east of Osaka;

also see: T o d a i j i Temple;

narrative; narrator; e.g.

Account     Narrative     Scribe;

narrator ; ;

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (s t e n o s i s a.k.a. narrow)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

narrows; Radical85;

nation; national; nationality; nations; e.g.

also see: country;

beautiful nation e.g. USA, also see: Numerological8;

National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; National Foundation Day; Also see: Time;

nation      nation a.k.a. people;

national projects e.g. changing civilizations, by using slow-down-time period; Also see: -time;

national security : USA (United States of America) National Security (e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS) ... ;

native      native     native ;

natural; naturally; nature; e.g.

( gender, nature, sex);

gender; nature; sex; Radical755;

just; natural; reasonable; Radical263;

natural; Radical129;

natural scenery (landscape);


nature ;     nature ;

naught ; ;

n a v  i.e. navigation          
        navigation ; ;  
      navigation ; ;    
nav i.e. navigation ;      

close; near; short (Distance); Radical887;

nebula; Also see: Constellations;

negative Curvature; Negative Curvature Surface ( NCS) ... ;

necessary; pivot; required; vital point; Radical365;

Gene Therapy System : (Abdomen (belly), Armpit, Chest, Groin, Neck) doko WHERE 100+ Lymph Nodes ... ;

neck       neck ;

neck; Radical220;

Parathyroid gland (neck); Thyroid gland (neck); Also see: g G T S U;

need (dialog: i r u )      need ;

needle; e.g.

Blade; blade of grass; counter for flat things; counter for leaves; counter for pieces of paper; fragment; Leaf; lobe; pine needle; Plane; spear;

needle ; ;

needlework ;

needlework; Radical243;

negative; e.g.

Air _ Negative : think that DEE (Dark Energy Engineering) in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space (a.k.a. ACT3 level space), maroon (brownish red) color is limitation and its mouth to be capturing greenish (yellowish variation), so called Air _ Negative, esp. designed for interior living environment of imaginary hyper space crafts ... ; Remark: all human beings livable moons are owned by Shakya King;

 (  (  ( Gram negative, Gram negative), ( Gram positive, Gram positive )  ) doko WHERE rods look alike Bacilla AND spherical Cocci are ) ; in common, ZCS (Alcohol %, Water pH Number), charged by diff potential, similar to ions; Also see: g Character; Location Awareness Response; n Character; p Character;

injustice; mistake; negative; Radical207;

(negative color, neutral color, positive color);

negative      negative      negative ;

negative number;

negative (-) sign;

non-negative (number) ;

(( one, the only entity), ( halves (plural Usage), a.k.a. one half (singular Usage)), ( minus one, a.k.a. negative one), ( two, two), ( actually express, a.k.a. denoting is intended to be, a.k.a. indicated), ( one part of three equal parts, one third), ( a quarter, a.k.a. one-fourth, a.k.a. 1 out of four equal parts of the entity)), also see: Mathematics; Numbers in Computing;

regarding Keywords (negative, positive) : using ({11,11,11} with {E3,E3,E3}) for negative; using ({E3,12,21} with {E3,E3,E3}) for positive;

negotiation; Radical811;

neighbor; neighboring; n e i g h b o u r h o o d; e.g.

neighborhood      neighborhood (surrounding district);

neighborhood; n e i g h b o u r h o o d ; vicinity; Radical887;

neighboring house ; USA usage;
neighbouring house ; UK usage;

((alike, all, and), (neither, with)); Radical628;

N e m b u t s u, a school in Mahayana Buddhism;             N a m u A m i d a B u t s u, praise the A m i d a Buddha, also see: A m i t a b a;

neo* ;

n e p h r; n e p h r o l o g i c; e.g.

jinko chino Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (n e p h r a.k.a. kidney)), also see: C ph T Root Words, ... ;

n e p h r o l o g i c, n e u r o l o g i c, non-specific, also see: MD;

nerve; Nerve; nerving; nervous; shinkei Nerve; e.g.

nerve; nerve; nerve; Nerve; Remark: ((deity; god; spirit; Radical370) + ( sutra, Buddha's scriptures)) = shinkei Nerve; Also see: n Character; n G T S U; s Usage;

Gene Therapy System, using Artificial Intelligence to cure (nervous disorder, neurosis) ... ; nerve pain a.k.a. neuralgia; nerve tissue;

(nerve endings, small blood vessels, spores), also see: g G T S U;

nerve i.e. in the body, fibers are transmitting impulses (sensation) to (brain, muscle, spinal cord) organs, also see: n G T S U;

neurology (axon, nerve fiber, nerve f i b r e); neuroscience;

nest; nested; nesting; e.g.

108 x 108 Nesting Default, also see: DEE; Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Schematic Dimensional;

Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization;

since 1970s, Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization has been designed, developed, engineered, model, and tested, but NOT exist officially, therefore, if you like to develop your own space systems in (2*6) dimensional and (2*7) dimensional, you must copy this ((2*5) dimensional systems) DOMAIN 's contents, And Then, be your own happy, healthy, and wealthy ... ;

net; e.g.

curtain; net; tent; veil; Radical345;

net      net      net ;

net; netting; Radical320;

network; Network; networked; networking; e.g.

Also see: WAN; LAN;

embedded; Radical693 (network topology, NFC (IoT)) ... ;

( 10G Network, 10G Network, 10G Network, 10G Network) ... ; Also see: g Computer; g Usage; IoT; n Character; Network Topology;

Network  ; Also see: couple; coupling;

network      network      network  ;

Network     Network     Network;

using Artificial Intelligence to handle (airway traffic, commuting traffic, fluid flow traffic, gas traffic, manufacturing logistic flow traffic, network traffic, NFC (IoT) traffic, power line traffic, public parking traffic, public walking traffic, production logistic flow traffic, RFC protocol traffic, roadway traffic, train track way traffic, waterway traffic, ... ) ... ;

(using network provided time, using network provided time zone), also see: automatic;

(negative color, neutral color, positive color);

nevertheless; e.g.

but; however; nevertheless; yet; Radical161;

IFF conjunction: but; however; nevertheless; Radical321;

nevertheless ; ;

new; e.g.

always on; committed to the future; for a new day;

conjunction; new moon (astronomical, astronomy); Radical699;

( New Energy, New Energy, New Energy) ... ; Also see: Physics Law 888;

new     new     new ;

New Server ... ;

New Year's Day     g a n j i t s u New Year's Day ;

New Year's Eve ;

news e.g.

            news ,  
          news ,    
        news ,      
      e.g.     SONY ;  
      e.g.     NHK ;  
      e.g. CNN ;  
      e.g. C C TV ;  

counter for copies of magazine; counter for copies of newspaper; Radical998;

next; e.g.

e.g. next few seconds, using camera (zoom-in, zoom-out) for each layer, jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Application (A I A)) is making (self decision, self do-and-don't, self logic, self reason) ... ; Also see: self driving automotives;

e.g. next renewal will be on ... ;

I F F prefix: next; Radical435;

I F F Symbol ( Next), also see: Schematic Symbols;

next day;

next morning;

next      next      next      next ;

next; order; sequence; Radical980;

next week;

NFC; e.g.

Nama for Humanoid, IFF NFC, (mark, And then, trace), ... ;
humanoids are reliable, so we'll have lesser crime, we'll be able to trace criminals, ... ;
like OEM never manufacture TV with vision, nowadays' devices are with NFC ... ;

NFC4; NFC3; NFC2; NFC1; NFC, Near Field Communication;

NFC     NFC     NFC;

We've started NFC, (approx. since 2010s); quantity; Radical831;

bio marker, cell marker, NGS marker, tumor marker, UDNGS marker; Also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing (e.g. Green Default);

UDNGS, Ultra Deep Next Generation Sequencing a.k.a. ultra deep NGS;
ultra deep NGS; using iroColourWaveForm (color codes) ... ;
NGS, using iroColourWaveForm (color codes) ... , also see: n G T S U; P vector direction;

Also see: Gene Therapy System, and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

NHK      NHK      NHK News ;

nice; nicely; e.g.

agreeable; nice; pleasant;

nicely; properly; well; Radical735;

( NiMH, NiMH, NiMH, NiMH), Nickel Metal Hydride ... ; Also see: Battery; n Computer; Physics Law 179; structural Battery;

nickname ; ;

night; nights; e.g.

night     night     night;     night  ; ;

night sky      night sky ;

using ( for Day, for Night) IFF this DOMAIN (Gene Therapy System), also see: Physics Law 145;

y o r u Night     y o r u Night     y o r u Night;

night ;

nihilism, extreme form of skepticism; also see: u c c h e d a d i t t h i;

nil ;

a i n ' t; nil; none; not; nothing; nothingness;
naught; nil; nothing; n o u g h t; zero; Radical244;

nine; 9; e.g.

k i y u u , also see: Number;

99999 (a.k.a. ninety nice thousand nine hundred and ninety nine) ; 9999 (a.k.a. nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine) ; 999 (a.k.a. nine hundred and ninety nine) ; 99 (a.k.a. ninety nine) ; Also see: recurring decimal, PHYSICS law seventy three, ... ; Remark: 4.9 Method;

ninth = 9th     ;

nine ;     k y u u Nine ;     nine ;     nine 9 ;     k u Nine ; k y u u, a.k.a. k i y u u

nineteen = 19 = XIX;

ninety = 90 = X C;

( I, I, I, I) truly need Ninja to defeat ("bad peoples" e.g. destructive peoples) ... Ninja ;

ninja triangle throwing star (to penetrate biological cells, gene codes (oncological, pathological, virological), hada Skin, tissues) in 3,4 dimensional factored Number, also see: Schematic Lipid; world's 1st numerological mapping, using ( Lo Shu, Sudoku) Algorithm, ... ;

Ninja WHO, doko WHERE behind enemy's line e.g. action being in different nation code, e.g. unknown arm force; in 21st century, instead of Ninja spy, invisibility deployment, using animaloid, e.g. invisible bird, e.g. invisible fly, invisibility ... ; remark: refer to Civilization Type is beyond drones ... ;

Ninja, regarding invisibility engineering, also see: PHYSICS, law sixty;

N i o guardians;

nipple; e.g.

inverted nipple correction, also see: a G T S U;

nipple; Also see: b G T S U;

NIPPON a.k.a. Japan e.g.





2566; 2022; Model; Also see: avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan; Manmade Global Weather;

2564; 04/29/2020; NHK news: Japan (a.k.a. NIPPON) started free-of-charge A v i g a n medicine to 38 nations against Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19 pandemic;

11/1/2018 /2562; NHK news ; NIPPON (a.k.a. Japan) : ( M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i, M i c h i b i k i) GPS Satellites, globally ( 4) Satellites are peaceful & tranquil (function, functional, functioning) ... ;

Anti-Earthquake; Impossible Earthquake, also see: Physics Law 79, Impossible Earthquake Structural, ... ;

((Ni (place name); Radical94), (book; origin; Radical662));

nippon d e n s h i jisho a.k.a. Japanese electronic dictionary;

Nippon ;     Nippon a.k.a. Japan;

nippon paper ;

Nippon postal symbol e.g. mail, post office, postal service, ... ;

Nippon Pronunciation, a Myanmar can learn within 6 months and be fluently, because vowels are almost the same; linguistically, Union of Myanmar (all ethnic tribes) use the same pronunciation for thousands of years ... ; n i h o n = n i + ho + n (pronounce either n i h o n or nippon);

nippon Usage;, reduce earthquake in Japan;, reduce tsunami in Japan; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2, idea ♯ 215, Philosophy;

 "Reiwa" means "beautiful harmony."

this DOMAIN 's Satellite DNS System (lightening method) i.e. to shoot down any illegal missile; HOW ? also see: Weather;

( Wrapped, Wrapped) are very very important symbols of this DOMAIN (NIPPON), because these symbols can protect NOT ONLY individual BUT ALSO whole defined region ... ;

n i r m a n a k a y a n i r m a n a k a y a ;

NIS e.g. NIS , National Information System; since August, 2024, this DOMAIN is using XM .HTML, i.e. Long Term Evolution (LTE) based XM beyond (radio + Router) .  .  . ; Remark: National Information Security;

our earth (NIS), IFF severe bad weather condition EXIST, And Then, amber alert (emergency, partition hotlink) via ..\\device\ACCESS\Roaming\ (e.g. Asteroid is falling into this defined location, e.g. Earthquake is going to happen very soon, e.g. Tsunami is coming) ... ;

Nishida, a Japanese philosophy, 1870 ~ 1945;            also see: Zen;     emptiness can be s u n y a t a because emptiness expresses itself through self determination; similar to Theravada's anatta dhamma, emptiness is not a being, but somehow related to 600BC Yin and Yang so that forms of existence     ]; Time;     nothingness is neither self nor God; a verse: mountains are mountains, and rivers are rivers [ according to Buddha dhamma, yogi should only focus on present; no prediction in dhamma ]; Space: logically, nothing and something can be considered as coexistence, Yin and Yang alike     , therefore the verse continues, mountains are not mountains, and     ;     wisdom can be in pure clarity, and notice that realization of emptiness [ similar to Theravada's a n a t h a dhamma ] can become eternal truth; realizing selflessness does less a t t a, lesser selfness is a way to attain lesser kilesa, lesser and lesser mental defilements makes better and better loving kindness metta,      Action;     Remark: people who suicide [bad action], because being blamed by oneself, because misunderstood non-self emptiness, because higher and higher mental defilements makes the people lesser/worse and lesser/worse loving kindness metta     ; basically, anatta/emptiness/nothingness/    might be based on Time, [mountains are mountains and rivers are rivers] Space, so do good Action     ;

nitrogen; e.g.

(7; Nitrogen; N; 14.0), also see: Chemical Elements;

nitrogen nitrogen ;

nitrogen (NMR), also see: Physics Law 146;

nix; cancel;

: (Nautical Mile (NM, a.k.a. nm i)); (nm, a.k.a. Nanometer); (n M, a.k.a. nano Molar);  (Nm (Newton metre));

N M D Based Therapeutic Germ Free, also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

to realize & understand this symbol, 1st to realize & understand Natural N M D (No Moon Day) Water Elevator; 2nd to realize & understand WHEN fetching by yellow light as sheet into the defined water (we get germ free like beings on the Mars planet); 3rd to realize & understand this method is similar to charging rechargeable battery cells by fetching green light as sheet into the defined battery; after realizing & understanding 1st, 2nd, 3rd, And Then, of course, Gene Therapy System (N M D Based Therapeutic Germ Free) ... ;

no e.g.

No, as opposed to Yes;

no     no     no;

no      not      i i e No      e.g. Numerological0;

two (2) is very very unique in many ways e.g. (Able, Disable), (abnormal, normal), (acceptable %, unacceptable %), (approved, NOT approved), (assemble, disassemble), (Bad, Good), (begin, end), (Bias, Neutral), (cheap, expensive), (clinically proven, clinically NOT proven), (close, open), (constant, variable), (Constructive, Destructive), (Core, Shell), (countable, uncountable), (day, night), (DEE, lights), (defined, undefined), (Dead, Live), (Directional, Heuristic), (do, don't), (down, up), (echo readable, echo unreadable), (expected, unexpected), (Explicitly, Implicitly), (FALSE, TRUE), (Female, Male), (first, last), (focused, un-focus), (foe, friend), (Hard, Soft), (hardware, software), (healthy, unhealthy), (High, Low), (Hyper, Hypo), (Illegal, Legal), (increasing, reducing), (inner, outer), (invisible, visible), (inward, outward), (interior, exterior), (joining to be together, splitting to be apart), (known, unknown), (Left, Right), (light-weight, heavy-weight), (local, remote), (lock, unlock), (Long, Short), (Manmade Global Weather, natural global weather), (marked, unmarked), (matched, mismatched), (Minus, Plus), (mono, stereo), (Negative, Positive), (no, yes), (non-standard, standard), (nothing, something), (Old, Young), (one way, many ways), (Opaque, Transparency), (project-able, un-project-able), (receive, send), (safe, unsafe), (seen, unseen), (setting, unsetting), (SQRT2, SQRT3), (wire, Wireless), (with metta, without metta), (within limit, without limit), (Wrapped, Unwrapped), (zoom-in, zoom-out), ... , also see: jinko chino Artificial Intelligence;

noble person ;

noble works ;

 power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil 。


2 nodes; 3 nodes; 4 nodes; node; nodes; e.g.

640x480 Nodes, providing colorful Dot-Pixel-Spot; Also see: Display; Display . Robotic LCD; z G T S U;

(earth station, ground station, nuclear plant, radio station, terminal) as node;
(earth station, ground station, nuclear plant, radio station, terminal) as node;

MN, Middle Node; Also see: IoT; resource;

node definition : connected (central, branch, line, path, point, way) WHICH ... ;

node     node      node      node;

resource (actuator, entity, host, mash-up, node, sensor, ... ), things represented as resources;

structural nodes, also see: Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, e.g. string's directional can be defined only by hole-board, since 1980s;


 power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil 。

function; gift; talent; Noh (traditional Japanese art theatre); Radical388;

noise; noise cancellation; noises; e.g.

noise cancellation, i.e. one of the highest technologies, regarding audio ... ;

noise; in common, "sound" usage refers to positive sense e.g. love sound;

noise; sound; Radical215;

n o i z u k y a n s e r i n g u Noise C a n c e l a t i o n; n o i z u k y a n s e r u Noise Cancellation; Also see: Physics Law 139, noise cancellation a.k.a. soundproof, ... ;

non ;

non greed

non hatred

non-negative (number) ;

IFF prefix (e.g. bad * ; non* ; poor * ; un* ), Radical244;

a i n ' t; nil; none; not; nothing; nothingness;

nonlinear logic, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3; idea ♯ 265; Logic;

Africa; corner; fawn; flatter; nook; recess; upon; Radical1003;

noon      noon      noon    ;

also see: Time;

n o r e n      n o r e n ;

n o r i                    also see: Sushi;

norm      norm ;

normal; normality; e.g.

normal, as opposed to abnormal; normal (alarm, label, memo, report) ... ; normal is neither hyper nor hypo;

normal      normal ;

to be normal from abnormal, also see: Recovery;

north; northeast; northern; northwest; e.g.

conjunction (astronomical, astronomy); north; Radical699;

northeast; Radical171;

north ;     north ;


nose; e.g.

nose     nose     nose; Also see: n G T S U; Physics Law 230;

nose; snout; Radical250;

not; e.g.

a i n ' t; nil; none; not; nothing; nothingness; Radical244;

for the first time ; not until; Also see: Numerological7;

not be ; ;

not yet; un* ; Radical828;

notation; e.g.

   ( g Computer, l Computer, m Computer, r Computer, u Computer)   regarding SQRT2 design Model (Engineering Notation) ... ; yellowish variation, and its reversed yellowish variation, for each human beings livable moon, ... ; our earth's the highest technology ... ;

notation ;  ;     notation ;

note; noted; notes; noting; e.g.

counter for document, letter, and note; Radical711;

note     note ; ;


account book; album; notebook ; also see: Numerological2;

account book; album; notebook; Radical345;

nothing; e.g.

a i n ' t; nil; none; not; nothing; nothingness; Radical244;

nothing ;

nothing but, just only simply; Radical361;

notice; noticed; noticing; e.g.

notice ; ;


notice      notice;     notice; ;

notification; notifications; e.g.

charging i.e. electrically charge, electrification; charging / notification;

notification      notification;  ;     notification ;

noun : ... ; * i s t ; * l o g y ; * m e s e ;
* t i o n ; also see , adjective ; verb ;  
  * n e s s ;   * s i o n ;        

novelist      novelist ;

11      November ;

now; e.g.

already; by this time; now; Radical817;

genzai Modern Times;     genzai Nowadays ;     genzai Present;

haya Now (already, by this time);

now, also see: Radical795;

now     ima Now     now now now ;

nozzle; nozzles; e.g.

end point of nozzle; pencil's point; pen's point; tip; Radical498;

nozzle ; ;

NTFS      NTFS ;

NTT      NTT ;

n u i.e. Ν, ν;

Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant; Also see: Nuclear1; Nuclear2;
Electricity Generating Nuclear Power Plant-;

nuclear1      nuclear2      ; nucleus ;

nuclei e.g.

(core, a.k.a. nuclei; edge, a.k.a. membrane), also see: Gene Therapy System and its Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol; Physics Law 234;

very very unique 2 patterns (center oriented (nucleolus), circumference oriented (membrane)) only, also see: P vector direction; Gene Therapy System;

(mark, target, cure) e.g.
marking tumor marker by applying (DNA, RNA, C micro RNA, NGS, Ultra Deep NGS);
targeting bad gene patterns (tumor markers) by using defined base pair (♯, ♯, ♯);
curing (repairing) either nucleolus way, or membrane way;
so called (mark, target, cure) by MD ... ;

null     null     null (NULL) ;

(N U L, a.k.a. null) also see: Numerological0;


flax; hemp; numb; Radical237;

( number, number) ... ; number; numbered; numbering; numbers; e.g.

Also see: Number;     Number;     NUMBER      suuji Number ;     kazu Number ;     number ; ;

amount; amount of money; number; volume; Radical225;

edition; make; model; number; issue; Radical299;

"Estimated Gravity Density Number," also see: Anti-Earthquake; -ratio;

( fate, figure, law, number, strength);

figures; numbers; s u u Counting;

ID Number; Also see: Number;

number ; ;

number forms, also see: AI FONT;

Number > 0, i.e. greater than zero, a.k.a. positive; Radical567;

number (in a series) ;

number in a series; Radical534;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (badge, ballot, ID Number, label, name, tag, ticket), e.g. ((badge is visible kind of ID), (ballot is more likely to be using for confidential political (vote, voting)), (label is using for pricing in common, on the other hand, using explicitly to define common objects (label) in programming), (tag is using for (package, packet) in common), (ticket is more likely to be using with its related fees)), ... ;

numerator; numerators; e.g.

(b u n s h i Numerator, b u n b o Denominator), e.g. Number above the line in a common fraction / Number below the line in a common fraction, another example would be: bunsu Fraction of (2/3) can be using for 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, ... ; Also see: Optics;

numerator ; ;

numeric      numeric ;

numerical      numerical      numerical      s u c h i Numerical ;

C N C, Computer's Numerical Control;
C N C, Computer's Numerical Control;

numerological ;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, idea ♯ 173, ... ;

in Hiragana : fruit; nut; Radical791;

nut      NUT ;

B x, a.k.a. medical biopsy; Dx, a.k.a. medical diagnosis; F x, a.k.a. fracture (e.g. bone); G x, one of the medical radiological standard M R I symbols; H x, a.k.a. medical history of the patient (Pt); Ix, a.k.a. medical investigation; M x, a.k.a. medical pathological metastasis; N x, a.k.a. medical pathological (no evidence of lymph node metastases); Ox, a.k.a. medical toxicological oxidizing agent; Pt, a.k.a. medical patient; Pt P x, a.k.a. medical patient physical examination; Rx, a.k.a. medical prescription; S x, a.k.a. medical sign and symptom; Tx, a.k.a. medical treatment; V x, a.k.a. medical pathological vertex presentation; W x, a.k.a. medical Dx wound; Also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

N y i n g m a, a.k.a. the oldest Tibetan Buddhist school; also see: S a m y e monastery;
