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Approx. 158+ C ph T prefix & suffix available to study ... ;


, a* prefix, without;

, *ac suffix, pertain;

, *al suffix, pertain;

, *algia suffix, pain;

, ambi* prefix, both;

, an* prefix, without;

, ante* prefix, before;

, anti* prefix, against;

, *ar suffix, pertain;

, *ary suffix, pertain;

, *asthenia suffix, without strength;

, bi* prefix, both;

, bi* prefix, two;

, brady* prefix, slow;

, *cele suffix, hernia;

, *cele suffix, pouch;

, chlor* prefix, green;

, circum* prefix, around;

, cirrh* prefix, yellow;

, con* prefix, with;

, contra* prefix, against;

, cyan* prefix, blue;

, *cyesis suffix, pregnancy;

, *cynia suffix, pain;

, dia* prefix, across;

, dia* prefix, through;

, dis* prefix, apart;

, dis* prefix, separate;

, dys* prefix, difficult;

, dys* prefix, painful;

, *eal suffix, pertain;

, ec* prefix, away;

, ec* prefix, out;

, *ectasis suffix, dilation;

, *ectasis suffix, expansion;

, ecto* prefix, outside;

, *ectomy suffix, removal;

, *emia suffix, blood condition;

, endo* prefix, within;

, epi* prefix, upon;

, erythr* prefix, red;

, eu* prefix, good;

, eu* prefix, normal;

, exo* prefix, outside;

, *genic suffix, origin;

, *genic suffix, production;

, *gram suffix, record;

, *graph suffix, diagram;

, *graphy suffix, drawing process;

, hemi* prefix, half;

, heter* prefix, different;

, hyper* prefix, above;

, hyper* prefix, excessive;

, hypo* prefix, below;

, hypo* prefix, deficient;

, *ia suffix, condition;

, *iasis suffix, condition;

, *iasis suffix, formation;

, *iatry suffix, treatment;

, *ic suffix, pertain;

, *icle suffix, small;

, im* prefix, not;

, immun* prefix, protect;

, immun* prefix, safe;

, in* prefix, not;

, infra* prefix, below;

, infra* prefix, under;

, inter* prefix, between;

, intra* prefix, within;

, *ism suffix, condition;

, iso* prefix, equal;

, *itis suffix, inflammation;

, *ium suffix, tissue;

, leuk* prefix, white;

, *lith suffix, stone;

, *logy suffix, study;

, macro* prefix, large;

, *malacia suffix, soften;

, medi* prefix, middle;

, *megaly suffix, irregular enlargement;

, melan* prefix, black;

, meso* prefix, middle;

, meta* prefix, beyond;

, *meter suffix, instrument for measurement;

, *metry suffix, measuring process;

, micro* prefix, small;

, mid* prefix, middle;

, mono* prefix, one;

, multi* prefix, many;

, *mycosis suffix, fungal infection;

, neo* prefix, new;

, *oi suffix, resemble;

, *ole suffix, small;

, *oma suffix, tumor;

, *opia suffix, vision;

, *opsia suffix, vision;

, *osis suffix, abnormal condition;

, *osmia suffix, smell;

, *ous suffix, pertain;

, pan* prefix, all;

, para* prefix, abnormal;    

, para* prefix, alongside;

, *paresis suffix, ... partial paralysis;

, *pathy suffix, ... disease;

, *penia suffix, decrease;

, peri* prefix, around;

, *phagia suffix, swallow;

, *phasia suffix, speech;

, *philia suffix, ... attraction;

, *phobia suffix, fear;

, *plasia suffix, formation;

, *plasty suffix, ... surgical reconstruction;

, *plegia suffix, paralysis;

, *plegia suffix, stroke;

, polio* prefix, gray;

, poly* prefix, many;

, post* prefix, after;

, pre* prefix, before;

, pro* prefix, before;

, pseudo* prefix, false;

, purpur* prefix, purple;

, quadri* prefix, four;

, re* prefix, again;

re*, prefix, back;

, retro* prefix, after;

, *rrhage suffix, forth burst;

, *rrhea suffix, discharge;

, rube* prefix, red;

, *sclerosis suffix, constriction;

, *sclerosis suffix, narrow;

, *scope suffix, examination instrument;

, *scopy suffix, examination;

, semi* prefix, half;

Radical129, also see: Radicals;

, *spasm suffix, involuntary contraction;

, *stasis suffix, stand;

, *stasis suffix, stop;

, sub* prefix, below;

, sub* prefix, under;

, super* prefix, above;

, super* prefix, excessive;

, supra* prefix, above;

, supra* prefix, excessive;

, sym* prefix, with;

, syn* prefix, with;

, tachy* prefix, fast;

, *tic suffix, pertain;

, *tocia suffix, childbirth;

, *tocia suffix, labor;

, *tomy suffix, incision;

, *toxic suffix, poison;

, trans* prefix, across;

, trans* prefix, through;

, tri* prefix, three;

, *tropic suffix, stimulate;

, *ula suffix, small;

, *ule suffix, small;

, ultra* prefix, beyond;

, ultra* prefix, excessive;

, uni* prefix, one;

, xanth* prefix, yellow;

, xer* prefix, dry;

, *y suffix, condition;


CphT calculation no. 29:

Prefix hypo means
(a) above (b) excessive (c) deficient (d) up

Answer: deficient;


CphT calculation no. 46:

hepatomegaly means
(a) fungal infection (b) irregular liver enlargement (c) surgical reconstruction (d) abnormal condition

Answer: irregular liver enlargement;


CphT calculation no. 47:

Cardialgia means
(a) heart pain (b) examination instrument (c) card condition (d) involuntary contraction

Answer: heart pain;

CphT calculation no. 74:

*rrhea suffix means
(a) after (b) before (c) condition (d) discharge

Answer: discharge;


CphT calculation no. 75:

*opia OR *opsia suffix means
(a) without (b) with (c) vision (d) pertain

Answer: vision;



