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7 :
16 : CphT Root Words
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||| ..\\CphT\ ||| Abbreviation ||| Brand vs. Generic ||| Calculation ||| Measurement ||| Prefix & Suffix ||| Root Word ||| Rx Study |||
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . angi a.k.a. vessel;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . aort a.k.a. aorta;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . card a.k.a. heart;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . oxy a.k.a. oxygen;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . pector a.k.a. chest;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . phleb a.k.a. vein;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . stenosis a.k.a. narrow;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . thromb a.k.a. clot;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . vas (cu) a.k.a. blood vessel;
Organ sys . Cardiovascular sys . ven a.k.a. vein;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . acous a.k.a. hearing;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . acusis a.k.a. hearing condition;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . audi a.k.a. hearing;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . cerumin a.k.a. waxy;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . myring a.k.a. eardrum;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . ot a.k.a. ear;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . salping a.k.a. eustachian tube;
Organ sys . Ear Hearing sys . tympan a.k.a. eardrum;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . adrena a.k.a. adrenal; a pair of ductless glands above the kidney;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . glyc a.k.a. sugar;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . lipid a.k.a. fat;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . nephr a.k.a. kidney;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . pancreat a.k.a. pancreas;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . somat a.k.a. body;
Organ sys . Endocrine sys . thym a.k.a. thymus; lymphoid organ (neck), T cells producing for immunological;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . blephar a.k.a. eyelid;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . corne a.k.a. cornea;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . dacry a.k.a. tear OR tear duct;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . ir a.k.a. iris;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . irid a.k.a. iris;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . lacrim a.k.a. tear OR tear duct;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . ocul a.k.a. eye;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . ophthalm a.k.a. eye;
Organ sys . Eye seeing sys . retin a.k.a. retina;
Organ sys . GI sys . chol a.k.a. bile;
Organ sys . GI sys . col a.k.a. colon;
Organ sys . GI sys . duoden a.k.a. duodenum; next to stomach, 1st part of small intestine, to jejunum;
Organ sys . GI sys . enter a.k.a. intestine;
Organ sys . GI sys . esophag a.k.a. esophagus (throat to stomach, muscular tube with mucous membrane);
Organ sys . GI sys . gastr a.k.a. stomach;
Organ sys . GI sys . hepat a.k.a. liver;
Organ sys . GI sys . lapar a.k.a. abdomen;
Organ sys . GI sys . pancreat a.k.a. pancreas;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . adip a.k.a. fat;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . cutane a.k.a. skin;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . derma a.k.a. skin;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . hist a.k.a. tissue;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . kerat a.k.a. hard;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . mast a.k.a. breast;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . necr a.k.a. death of cell;
Organ sys . Integumentary sys . onych a.k.a. nail;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . aden a.k.a. gland;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . cyt a.k.a. cell;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . hemat a.k.a. blood;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . hemo a.k.a. blood;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . lymph;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . splen a.k.a. spleen;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . thromb a.k.a. clot;
Organ sys . Lymphatic sys . thym a.k.a. thymus;
Organ sys . Muscular sys . chondr a.k.a. cartilage;
Organ sys . Muscular sys . my a.k.a. muscle;
Organ sys . Muscular sys . fibr a.k.a. fiber;
Organ sys . Muscular sys . tendin a.k.a. tendon;
GTSCA _for Antiviral Nervous System;
GTSCA _for Nervous sys, also see:
Gene Therapy
System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . cerebr a.k.a. cerebrum;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . encephal a.k.a. brain;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . esthesi a.k.a. sensation;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . mening a.k.a. meninges;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . myel a.k.a. spinal cord;
Organ sys . Nervous sys . neur a.k.a. nerve;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . arthr a.k.a. joint;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . carp a.k.a. wrist;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . crani a.k.a. skull;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . dactyl a.k.a. finger;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . dactyl a.k.a. toe;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . femor a.k.a. thigh bone;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . fibul a.k.a. small AND outer lower leg bone;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . humer a.k.a. upper arm bone;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . oste a.k.a. bone;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . patell a.k.a. knee cap;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . ped a.k.a. foot;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . pelv a.k.a. pelvis;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . phalang a.k.a. bone of finger or toe;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . pod a.k.a. foot;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . rachi a.k.a. vertebrae;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . spondyl a.k.a. vertebrae;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . stern a.k.a. sternum;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . stern a.k.a. breast bone;
Organ sys . Skeletal sys . tibi a.k.a. large AND inner lower leg bone;
GTSCA _for Reproductive sys, also see:
Gene Therapy
System, and its
Therapy System Basic Symbol;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . gynec a.k.a. woman;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . hyster a.k.a. uterus;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . lact a.k.a. milk;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . mamm a.k.a. breast;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . mast a.k.a. breast;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . metr a.k.a. uterus;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . ovari a.k.a. ovary;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . salping a.k.a. fallopian tube;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . toc a.k.a. birth;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . albumin a.k.a. protein;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . cyst a.k.a. bladder;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . nephr a.k.a. kidney;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . ren a.k.a. kidney;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . ureter;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . urethr a.k.a. urethra;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . uria a.k.a. urine;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . Urinary Tract . vesic a.k.a. bladder;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Female . uter a.k.a. uterine;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . andr a.k.a. male;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . balan a.k.a. glans penis;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . orchid a.k.a. testis OR testicle;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . prostat a.k.a. prostate gland;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . sperm;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . test a.k.a. testis OR testicle;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . vas a.k.a. duct;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . vas a.k.a. vessel;
Organ sys . Reproductive sys . Male . vesicul a.k.a. seminal vesicle OR small sac;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . aer a.k.a. air;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . aero a.k.a. gas;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . bronch a.k.a. bronchus;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . capn a.k.a. carbon dioxide CO2;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . laryng a.k.a. larynx;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . nas a.k.a. nose;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . ox a.k.a. oxygen;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . pector a.k.a. chest;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . pneum a.k.a. lung OR air;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . pulmon a.k.a. lung;
Organ sys . Respiratory sys . sinus;
Cardiovascular system, including lungs, veins, arteries, heart, capillaries, ... ; Cardiovascular system distributes blood; Red blood cell a.k.a. erythrocyte transports oxy from lungs; Red blood cell a.k.a. erythrocyte also transports CO2 to lungs; White blood cell a.k.a. leukocyte produces antibodies to fight against bacterial ... ; 2
Ear hearing system, including 3 portions [external, middle, inner], semicircular canal, nerve, cochlea, eustachian tube, tympanic membrane, ... ; In addition to sense of hearing, ear hearing system maintains body equilibrium;
Concerning external ear portion, eardrum a.k.a. tympanic membrane perceives sound waves;
Concerning middle ear portion, malleus, incus, stapes a.k.a. 3 bony structures WHICH transmit waves from tympanic membrane to cochlea [ its shape is snail alike], and WHICH also equalize air pressure [eustachian tube] between outer and inner;
Concerning inner ear portion, semicircular canals [approx. 3 canals next to "snail head"], vestibule, and nerves [ nerves are connected to outer side of "snail alike cochlea's head" ] cochlea WHICH transmit to brain; 3 to filter 2 pressures
Endocrine system, including pituitary gland [at forehead area], thyroid [at neck area], thymus [at chest area], pancreas [at stomach area], adrenal glands [at GI area], ... ; Glands secrete hormone; 5
Eye seeing system, including lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac, canalicula, sclera, cornea, lens, choroid, retina, optic nerve, ... ; Eye seeing system provides sight; Eye lid protects eye; Eye lid assists eye lubrication; Membrane between eye and eye lid is called conjunctiva; Lacrimal gland is above eye which is one the glands to lubricate eye; Similar to Ear hearing system, it has 3 layers; Dissimilar to Ear hearing system is 3 layers are NOT next to each other; 3 layers are static eccentric alike within;
Outer layer is sclera a.k.a. white part [ ball alike ] and cornea [ nipple alike ]; Color of eye is iris; Opening of eye is pupil;
Inside of outer layer a.k.a. middle layer is choroid; Dark [also see: DEE] fluid exists, to filter light; Choroid's blood vessels nourish eye;
Inside of middle layer, opposite distance [ a.k.a. other side of ] to cornea, WHICH senses light<100%, but WHICH NOT senses dark<100%, so called retina; Retina's nerves transmit light vs. dark info to brain; 3 but only available within time constraint
Gastrointestinal system, including liver and gallbladder, pancreas and stomach, small intestine and large intestine, ... ; GI tract system digests food; GI tracts absorb nutrients; 2, 2, 2
Integumentary system, including epidermis [no blood; no nerve], dermis [live cell; capillary; nerve; lymphatic; ...], subcutaneous a.k.a. tissue layer [ subcutaneous is under dermis; dermis is under epidermis; ], muscle, ... ; Cover of body, including skin, hair, nail, ... ; 4
Lymphatic system, including
lymph node, thymus, lymph vessels, spleen, ... ; Via blood vessels, lymphatic
system collects plasma water AND
filters impurities; Spleen removes old blood cells within circulation; Spleen
stores white blood cells, a.k.a. immune system; 2*6
distance may vary in ACT2 and ACT3;
C Number's
Muscular system, including shape and movement, by 600+ muscles inside body; Agonist muscle produces outward a.k.a. flexor movement; Antagonist muscle brings back to its original position; Diff potential; Fuzzy {1,0}
Nervous system, including
cerebrum, spinal cord, cerebellum, ... ; Nervous system is communication system;
Nerve cell a.k.a. neuron; CNC a.k.a. Central Nervous System is
brain AND
spinal cord; Within cell's membrane, neurotransmitter emits signal through
protein's gap to receptor; 2, 3
Skeletal system, 206 bones
a.k.a. axial; Skeletal
system protects organs AND
provides structure; Distance equilibrium in BLI, also
see: spaceBMI; In ACT1, similar to
geometrical limacon WHICH is symmetrical to r =
(cos θ )) + b
distance may vary in ACT2 and ACT3;
Reproductive system,
a.k.a. rejoining vs.
splitting behavior in ka
theory; Female reproductive system, including 2 fallopian tubes, ovary, uterus,
vagina, ... ; Female reproductive system produces hormones including estrogen,
progesterone, ... ; Female reproductive system controls menstruation; Male
reproductive system, including prostate, urethra, penis, scrotum, 2 testes, ...
; Male reproductive system produces sperm, secretes hormone testosterone;
co-existence 2
Respiratory system, including sinus, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, lung, bronchial tube, alveoli, diaphragm, ... ; Respiratory system inhales oxygen, and exhales CO2; Respiratory system helps to cool body; Respiratory system produces dB noise; Pharynx switches food into esophagus, and air into trachea; Vocal cords are within larynx; Alveoli tissue exchanges gases(O2, CO2, ...) between blood and air; BF2
Antiviral COVID-19)
... ;
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