Radical : Radical : Radical : ( Radical175) six strokes in Kanji;

dimensional, e.g.

fluid; liquid; Radical310;

directional, e.g.

I wrote: before doing (gene therapy system programming, nanobot programming (DNA _Origami, Nanobot iPS Cells)), I need to QA (Quality Assurance) very basic "blood" related knowledge based, so quiz would be: HOW to indicate among (Platelets count), ( red blood cells count), ( WBC COUNT (White Blood Cell)) ?

well trained kids!! replied:

(Platelets count) indicates ("plumbing usage clogging" , "pathological usage clotting") ... ;
( red blood cells count) indicates " O2 Transportation" ... ;
WBC COUNT (White Blood Cell)) indicates "immune, immune d ones, immunity" (sophisticated wording would be: "immunological") ... ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; well trained kids!! are very very smart ones already, very very good; Also see: C D G W T; Physics Law 113, any moving location of point;

logical, e.g.

in Hiragana: blood; consanguinity;

in Kanji: blood;

numerological, e.g.


structural, e.g.

blood; Blood Pressure Control; Blood Test; occult blood; Also see: b G T S U;

Blood Test; Also see: C D G W T;

Gene Therapy System (to do good gene patterns) ... ;

Nanobot . Programming . Mapper . HTML ;

p h c h i Phlebotomy;

Radical ; Radical ; Radical ; Radicals;