July 4th, Independence Day in USA; Also see: Photo Album; Reforming Myanmar; Time; With Metta _Released Photos;

with metta (loving kindness), released personal photos are:

1970_MonMonMyintSan; Hinthada, Myanmar; top: family photo;
bottom: 2 sisters;
1970_AungMyintKyaw; Taungyi, Myanmar; top: Shan Army did not bother Rakhine teachers family; Teza Hall founded;
bottom: 33+ years government services to Myanmar Socialist Party, C W: Min Kyi; Myint Myint; Htwe Yin;
Early1980s, Yangon, Myanmar; top, left-to-right: Kyaw Myo Thant; Aung Myint Kyaw; almost everyday badminton resulted 3 playmate women were selection players; but, you and me did not win;
7/8/1984, middle, left-to-right: ThandarNyunt; AungMyintKyaw; Theingi; SanSanMyint; YeChan; MuMuKhine; HtayWin; AungNaingWin; KyawLin; KyawKhineSwe; HlaHtay; SoeAung; Physics Students Association (G38), Main Library, Yangon Uni.;

circuit level static LASER can be understood in a professor's private lab, so I was NOT in the class; HOW circuit level, also see: Schematic Symbols; but, NOT able to do commercial LASER reader/writer;

bottom: MoeSwe; MyoMinSwe; ShweThet; TunTun; KhinMaungNyunt; friends & tea times a lot; scrabble played with engineering students, sometimes I won, sometimes I lost;
1984-85-86, Myanmar; top, left-to-right: KyawMyoThant; KyawLin; MyoNaing; AungMyintKyaw; Art Exhibition at Yangon Uni. campus, and realized childhood friends' artistic talents; also see: Art; Radical298;
middle, left-to-right: MyoMinSwe(TaTe); PeAung; HlaWin; AungMyintKyaw; self travel photo, in Mon State, Myanmar;

front, left-to-right: MyintMyintKyi; KhinThantZin; YeYeWin; Thidar;

middle, left-to-right: AyeAyeMar; KhinKhinThet; KhinMarOo; ChoChoWin; KoKoGyi;

rear, left-to-right: ZawMyat; PeAung; HlaMin(SunNi); Sunny; SoeThein;

1987 Yangon Uni. convocation hall;

women were economics & commerce students from Kachin State, Mandalay, Shan State, Rakhine State, ... , and friends liked to be accountants;

Account Book; Accounting Book; also see: Radical345;

1986-87; top; Ngapali beach, Rakhine State, Myanmar, in 1986, left-to-right: ChoChoWin; TheinSoe; PeAung; SanSanPhyu; AungMyintKyaw; MyintMyintKyi; HlaWin; KoNgaTa; MaungMyint; HlaMin(SunNi); KhinKhinThet; 30+ years later, as of 2017, one of the results of democratic government management, global HILTON as Hilton Ngapali Resort & Spa (4.5 stars resort hotel); Recommended route: 50 minutes flight from Yangon to Thandwe;
middle, left-to-right: MoeMoeLwin; MyaMyaLwin; MoeMoeThan; NgweWin; HlaWin; friends, so closed but no one got into marriage-level-closed;
bottom, left-to-right: HlaKyaing; HlaTwin; PyaeHein; KhinSawMay; TheinSoe; PeAung; AungMyintKyaw; HlaWin; PhoneWai; ThawThaw; AyeLwin; HlaMin(SunNi); I was a clerk, working for Government's Exam Board, and with friends:  pharmaceutical technicians, electrical marine engineer, automotive technician, science device factory technician, and so on; lucky me, free alcohol and free codeine did not make me "drug addict" ;
1987-88; top left;

front, left-to-right: AungMyintKyaw; PhoneWai; TuTu; NiNiWin; MiNga;

rear, left-to-right: Sunny; TunKyawOo; TheinSoe; PeAung;

Shan State, Myanmar;

years of student life in Yangon made some kinds of attachment, visiting to friends' family;

top right, left-to-right: NiNiWin; AungMyintKyaw; MiNga; Shan State, Myanmar;

photo taken with friends' sisters;

bottom; excuse me! I forgot names; I quit the clerk job, then, became adjunct high school teacher in Dawei, Tanintharyi Region; but, lost the teaching job because of schools closed down in 1988 Revolution in Myanmar (Socialist Party was demolished by all people); "Bama" military general Than Shwe was requested internally by Royal Families of Asia to be the leader, he was not willing to be a leader;
1987-1989; top; cattle cart & me (AungMyintKyaw); Shan State, Myanmar;
bottom: computing with 1989 model Apple Mac Plus; Cornell University's campus, New York, USA;

my 1st computer to learn;

1989-90; top, left-to-right: Kumi; Yoshi; Keiko; Heromi; with classmates, canteen at Cornell Uni., USA;
bottom: AungMyintKyaw, at Olin Library background; Burmese Romanization, US Library of Congress cataloger code as AMK; visa problem, no H1, so that started "all kinds of odd jobs" ... ;
2000s; top; 2007 Kevin; next generations, in USA;
middle: 2003 Molly & Casey;
bottom: 2007 Aya;
2012; visiting to 42 Shan Kone Street (Myo Myat store), Sanchaung T/S, Yangon, Union of Myanmar;

Also see: Contact Us;

My father has 7 siblings, and my mother has 7 siblings, so I've many relatives (like 1 ARMY), and after decades of R&D (e.g. almost everyday computing work), I've decided to start this DOMAIN (Satellite_DNS_Domain System) Manmade Global Weather (service) , since April, 2017/2561, to do good weather conditions globally HOW PHYSICS has been ... ;

2005 ~ present, also see: Photo Album;

rekishi History; Radical995;

Remark: even though I've kept photos in my safe box, some pictures are missing;

- regarding my personal photos, with metta (loving kindness) e.g. if I become billionaire, I'll make sure my friends to be millionaires;

- regarding my personal photos, with metta (loving kindness) e.g. if I become universal commander, I'll make sure my friends have higher ranks;

- regarding my personal photos, with metta (loving kindness) e.g. if I can design & model Working...Artificial Intelligence (AAI, AI, AIA) System, I'll do good history (Manmade Global Weather (e.g. no air pollution in China, e.g. no earthquake in Japan, e.g. no drought in California USA));

I've decided that some recent photos should not be in the Internet;