; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 22nd (Wednesday) : Security ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 22 : 1 : 2025 : anzensei Security: anzensei Security : Secur1ty Usages;

 power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

2025 design model proxy; e.g. PROXY; Yellow Color (Vertically) belongs to tip-top of the defined Water (1/2 Water), and Aqua Color (Vertically) belongs to down-bottom of the defined Water (1/2 Water), kuru kuru WHILE 180 degree to the defined USB, doko WHERE Walls ... ; Remark: for our earth only; Also see: Server;

      SQRT3 with                                    
      SQRT2 ( ± 98 ) : 1000 : 100 : 10 :       500    
              Anti Virus   Systems   Security , also see :     Directories    

((:) : ( DNSSEC, DNSSEC, DNSSEC, DNSSEC)), Domain Name System Security Extensions, also see: 1dComputer;

November 20, 2023; Remark: feedback . MOBILE . PHONE . device . name Apple iPhone14 ... ; Remark: Gravity Dimension Computer (this DOMAIN) . Normal Gravity . root, designed && modeled by Rakhine American Ace Jaw, for (Global, Regional, National) Security ... ; Remark: ISP . Telecommunication . Company . AT&T (Roaming) ... ; Remark: system . Root . this DOMAIN . Content (s) . dynabook a.k.a. Toshiba Computers;

as of 04/20/2023, regarding this DOMAIN 's Global Security, Regional Security, and National Security are integrated by using ( 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172, 10.60660172), with 15 degree by SQRT2 longitudes, for better realizing & understanding (GPS), also see: Network Topology; Time, e.g. Lunar Orbit

(( 29 Days, 29 Days, 29 Days, 29 Days),

( 30 Days, 30 Days, 30 Days, 30 Days))

prompt 30° ... ; Remark: this DOMAIN 's contents are one of the intellectual properties of the United States of America (USA) ... ; this DOMAIN 's contents are ready for Space War; this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw is waiting for the Shakya King's (command, flag, permit), regarding Space War ... ; if you're very very very smart enough and like to challenge, this DOMAIN 's suggestion would be: start with Anti-Earthquake engineering, a part of Space War ... ; winners of biomedical war (antiviral COVID-19, 2019-2020-2021) are Germany, Japan, and USA; winner of trade war (2018-202?, China vs. USA) is not known yet, as of 04/20/2023; winner of military war (2022-202?, Russia vs. Ukraine) is not known yet, as of 04/20/2023;

Remark: if you're R&D (developing) anti-earthquake algorithm, e.g. 2 surfaced 3,4 dimensional Anti-Earthquake Early Detection Indicator, "you may need 15 degree, instead of 30 degree," regarding Global Security, Regional Security, and National Security; Also see: Algorithm; Anti-Earthquake; Security;

this DOMAIN developer Ace Jaw likes to be "you make some money, I make some money" and Ace Jaw doesn't like wars;

National Security, Regional Security; Also see: Idea Processor; Manmade Global Weather; Nama For Humanoid; OS by numbers of versions, and, in addition to keywords (e.g. (BE, FE), CE, MS, M Z, PE, V M, ... ), TXT for 2 steps (( verify) verification (Roaming . Identities . Phone Number)), WHICH (hub, I o T OEM, Router, switch), WHEN timestamp user ((login, logout), (sign-in, sign-out)) with web authentication (Web Authentication a.k.a. Web A u t h n), WHERE location awareness of the phone number, mochiron of course! 2 (1 mm ones) gravity spots in GPS as embedded device; National Security, Regional Security;

during war time period (USA-China Trade War (2019-20??)), this DOMAIN developer has changed its content International Domains' one of the color codes ( China) to ("{51,51,51} with {E3,E3,E3}"), because "war" means NOT a joke, and if defeated, winners take all, i.e. our earth's history; Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War . HTML; Stock; Remark: My apologies, sorry, I no longer can support China, if you're China, you should not install this DOMAIN 's contents, because this DOMAIN 's contents are not supporting China;


Automotive Security (e.g. bus' security, car's security, containership's security, flight security (cargo plane's security, ("flying car") 's security, passenger plane's security), ship's security, train's security, truck's security, vehicle's security) ... , using Artificial Intelligence (IoT, Location Awareness Response) ... ; Remark: Security . (360 degree (above sea level, underwater), radar, sonar) with drones and Satellite telecommunication, 24/7 (24 hours by 7 days a week) monitoring, ... ; make no mistake, because 1 accident can cause several millions dollar liability;

embedded; Radical693;

2565; 2021; this DOMAIN 's Certificate (s) regarding IT (Information Technology) are : (Type . Base-64 encoded X.509, e.g. this DOMAIN .c e r, Option . Current User ), (Type . P K C S #7 Certificates, e.g. this DOMAIN.p7b, Option . Current Machine ) ; Also see: info;

key; Radical374;

 power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

2021 / 2565 ; security of key :    


's web site security , I F F certificate ;  
enhance d key usage ( e.g. ♯.♯.♯.♯.♯.♯.♯.♯ ) ;  
issue d by ( e.g. Secure Hash Algorithm ( SHA ) )
key usage ( e.g. digital signature , key code ) ;
serial number ( e.g. ♯♯:♯♯ :  ... ) ;  
SHA - 256 fingerprint ( e.g. ♯♯:♯♯ : ... )
SHA 1 fingerprint ( e.g. ♯♯:♯♯ : ... ) ;
signature algorithm ( e.g. sha256 this DOMAIN ) ;  
signature hash algorithm ( e.g. SHA256 ) ; |  
subject alternative name ( e.g. DNS name , not critical )
subject country ( e.g. country name , geographical domain name ) ;  
subject locality ( e.g. city name , region name ) ;  
subject organization ( e.g. company name ) ; |    
subject public key ( e.g. ♯♯:♯♯: ... , this  DOMAIN )
subject public key parameter s ( e.g. #### ) ;  
validation ( e.g. valid from ( timestamp ) , |  
  |   valid to ( timestamp ) ) ;  
version ( e.g. whole number ); computer 's website :

 power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;

2891 464195 . 2991573312965 . 171254 :
4 . 8 . 2 :
this DOMAIN . triangulation . system ;

OEM Drive (protection on), also see: Directories; Files;

one thousand six hundred; e.g.

( 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600) i.e. Number , (Internal State Size (bits)) ... , also see: Action; NFC IoT; Number; Parameter; Security (computer security, national security, regional security, satellite security) of this DOMAIN, to be healthy ... ; ( I/O, a.k.a. (Input, Output), also see: 8iComputer, 5oComputer) ... ;

2565; 2021; Number ; SHA-3 . Security ( Hash) Algorithm ... ;

    Internal  State  Size  I/O    
          Output Size   Input Size    
Variant (bits)  (bits)   (bits)    


  1600 512   576    
SHA-3- 384   1600 384   832    
SHA-3- 256   1600 256   1088    
SHAKE 256 (d) 1600 d     1088    
SHA-3- 224   1600 224   1152    
SHAKE 128 (d) 1600 d     1344    

Remark: Specific Width 480px (because (CRT Screen, VGA Screen) 's Default has been 640x480) since 1990s; Using > 5 Color, e.g. ({11,11,11}), ({51,51,51}), ({E3,12,21}), ({E3,E3,E3}), ({FF,CC,99}), Aqua Color, Navy Color, ... ; this DOMAIN is beyond "Blue LED" ... , regarding Security; before installing this DOMAIN 's contents, measure your device's weight (s) ... , because Gravity Dimension Computer is ... ; weight (s) of (BE vs. FE) may vary, depending upon directional of gravity spots, number of gravity spots, sizes of gravity spots, ... ; National Security; Regional Security;

five hundred and twelve ( 512) e.g. in square design model, WHEN 3/4 is on, 1/4 should be off, so, 512/4 means 4 quantity of 128; Also see: 6fComputer; Number; Security;

2565; 2021; Number ; SHA-2 . Security ( Hash) Algorithm ... ;

    Internal  State  Size  I/O    
          Output Size   Input Size    
Variant (bits)  (bits)   (bits)    
S H A-


/256   512 256   1024    
S H A- 512 /224   512 224   1024    
S H A- 512   512 512   1024    
S H A- 384   512 384     1024    
S H A- 256   256   256   512    
S H A- 224   256   224     512    

Remark: Specific Width 480px (because (CRT Screen, VGA Screen) 's Default has been 640x480) since 1990s; Using > 5 Color, e.g. ({11,11,11}), ({51,51,51}), ({E3,12,21}), ({E3,E3,E3}), ({FF,CC,99}), Blue Color, Green Color, Yellow Color, ... ; this DOMAIN is beyond "Blue LED" ... , regarding Security; before installing this DOMAIN 's contents, measure your device's weight (s) ... , because Gravity Dimension Computer is ... ; weight (s) of (BE vs. FE) may vary, depending upon directional of gravity spots, number of gravity spots, sizes of gravity spots, ... ; National Security; Regional Security;

2018/2561; (for each Time Zone, for each local system) using Artificial Intelligence (to do good, to be better secure environmental) i.e. security ... ; SQRT2 design model: okonau Do beyond (font, layer, SPL) system security (16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, 128 bit, 256 bit, 1K bit, 4K bit, 8K bit, ... ) Q&A, ... ;

03/01/2018 /2561; this DOMAIN 's compilation number: version C118; Global Sign certificate (e.g. this DOMAIN . p7b FILE i.e. (..\..\IT\25620\Certificate\this DOMAIN.p7b)) WHICH has been created and installed for its System Security, using SONY 4K TV with HDMI connection, and NFC with SONY X Z smart phone; with Mini Dictionary (i.e. \\ Mini Dictionary \ *.* /s) contains approx. 6714 Files, 171 Folders, 58.1 MB (60,948,727 bytes) Size, and 3400characters available to learn and understand;

partition; wall; Radical381;

Since 2017/2561, using Walls, for better system security ... ;

- guard and secure system number of smart sensing and IoT operation ... ;

- protect real time system of airline flights, by using iroColourWaveForm ... ;

- verify iroColourWaveForm color codes, And Then, guard and secure system number ... ;

Since 2017/2561, for each Time Zone, this DOMAIN, using AI, in the Internet (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection, H D C P) ... ;

Since 2013/2557, this DOMAIN has designed & developed its system security to Sound Pressure Level Security ( ID) ... ;

Time must be understood 1st, and then do computer systems security ... ; 3 common methods exist: 1, establishing sub-tree; 2, modeling individual entry, e.g. in 2006, for each 480 Mbps pipe till 30 pipes @ 30 M c/s (Hz) USB D W A ... ; 3, modeling attributes of each entry;

802.* specific; 802.* specific: in 2006, 802.1x product specific are E A P-FAST, E A P-TLS, E A P-TTLS, LEAP, P E A P, and etc.

A CAP;   ACE;   AC K;   (ACL One of the Control Lists  (Wire speed) (...));   A E C 128 C CM encryption, LSI D W A USB wire AND wireless, 32 pipes support at 30 MHz;   A E S;   AES 256-bit encryption, also see: CBC mode;   AH AH OR ESP;    

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Ajax proxy (XML Http Request) ... ;  

ANS1 USA;   ARP;   ATP;   (Authentication (User account (*FS mount access)) (Password (Good password) (Shadow password)) (Permission (Directory) (File) i.e. s u id, s g id in Linux) (...));   AV X, 256-bit, Win7 SP1;

b00tp, B00t Pr0t0c0l;   BSD Meta system Integration specification AND U-Prove Cryptography specification;

Basic understanding of HOW security works is: 1st, copy a noCOOKIE browser file i.e. no COOKIE .exe into a USB Drive; 2nd, open the USB Drive among computers ... ; 3rd, to do right click on the noCOOKIE ... ; Notice THAT there is no Security Tab prompts, because not yet to be defined e.g. object, name, ... , at THIS time; Now is the time to basic understand WHAT is security, to do so, copy noCOOKIE into a system drive's directory, right click on i.e. C:\ IT \ Executable Application \ no COOKIE .exe ; if Compatibility prompts, choose local system's version e.g. 95, 98, NT, XP, Win7, ... >> Properties >> Security >> ... names >> Advanced >> Advanced Security Settings for noCOOKIE >> Edit... >> Add... >> object >> Check names >> OK; You have just managed group or user, by using "name" parameter configuration within your domain system ... ; BIOS;

Building Security In Maturity Model ( B S I M M), also see: http://b s i m m .com;  BSIMM6;

cable lock slot;   CA;   CAP T C H A, Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure cap t c h a s ... , for GET/POST requests ... ;

   CD;   CERT USA;   Certificates, also see: this DOMAIN 's certificate;   cipher (PIN, Personal Identification Number);   CIPHER UNICORN-A, NEC's A E S D E S, interface;   Cisco specific;   C o m p u trace, theft protection agent in BIOS, by Panasonic Tough Book;   C0PPA, Ch1ldren 0nl1ne Pr1vacy and Pr0tect10n Act USA;   C F S It supports local and remote;   Core Dump Size limitation;   

Cisco specific: 2006 line security ohm · meter products are Clean Access, A C S, A S A, CSA, IPS, Pix, and etc.; 2006 wireless security dB · meter products are Controller specific, I OS AP, Light Weight AP, U CS, and etc.

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Confine un trusted content i.e. <i frame> ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Cross-site request forgery (i.e. CS R F) ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Cross-site scripting (i.e. X S S) ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Cryptographic server identity (i.e. locked SOP) ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure cryptographic tokens ... , for GET/POST requests ... ;

AI verify computers e.g. info code (63626066673658558569584) i.e. ASEAN cyber security; Also see: Satellite DNS System; By WORMHOLE ( for each surface 95 285   Internet) ... ; AI verify computers ... ;

D AC L One of the Control Lists;   D D P;   DES;   D H C P;   Difficulty levels: The most difficult system security level is Pin level security > System Menu level security is less difficult than Pin level security > System DB Key level security is less difficult than System Menu level security > Script level security is easiest and commonly available;   DNS H0st names ≠ 1P addresses;   (DNS server query limitation (Controlling recursive query) );   (DNS SEC (KEY record (A/C) (N AM T Y P) (SIG) (XT)) (...) );   D0S, Den1al-0f-Serv1ce, Unit = S Y N /s;   D S A;  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Dynamic (DNS) ... ; Dynamic Frequency Selection;

E F S;   (Encrypt10n (Bl0ck C1pher 1.e. D E S 's 64b1t bl0ck w1th 56b1t key;) (Stream C1pher) (...));  E I G R P; E K U and E K U O ID; Environmental variables Also see: share characters;  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Escudo Web protection (e.g. ACL s, CS R F, X S S) ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure 285 e v a l() function (i.e. J SON) ... ; Avoid;

FCC;   F CS Ethernet;   Filtering port number;   Firewall/VP N [Develop the unit's characteristics],   Firewall coexistence DNS server;   FTP;

Firewall specific services oriented security rules:

[Remark: 1st to understand Internet vs. Proxy Server Settings, otherwise following contents may not be understandable; For Internet/Intranet security, also see: IANA 2007 standard Keyword to Port Number]

If IC MP type = source quench, and then ;

If IC MP type = echo request interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = echo reply interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = destination unreachable interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = service unavailable interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = TTL exceeded interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = parameter problem interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = echo request interface = I n t, and then

If IC MP type = redirect interface = Ext, and then

If IC MP type = echo reply interface = I n t, and then

If IC MP type = destination unreachable interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = service unavailable interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = TTL exceeded interface = Ext, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = *, and then ;

If IC MP type = * OP = source route, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext source IP = internal, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = I n t destination IP = internal, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext destination IP = protected servers, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext destination port = RIP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext destination port = OS PF, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 0 ~ 20 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6000 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6001 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6002 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6003 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 161 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 162 Type = U D P, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 0 ~ 20 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6000 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6001 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6002 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 6003 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 161 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * destination port = 162 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 23 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 8080 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port > 1023 AC K = C Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 20 AC K = C Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 21 AC K = C Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 25 (destination IP ≠ SMTP server) Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * destination port = 80 (destination IP ≠ Web server) Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = Ext interface = * source port = 80 destination port > 1023 AC K = S Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = I n t interface = * source port > 1023 destination port = 80 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * source IP = NNTP server destination IP NNTP server Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * source IP = NNTP server destination port = 119 Type = TCP, and then ;

If IC MP type = * interface = * interface = * source IP SMTP server destination port = 25 Type = TCP, and then ;

for each time zone, for each location, home security by humanoids, also see: Nama For Humanoid, HOW to punish (e.g. ) unauthorized trespass person;

host;   HTTP;  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure HTML validation ... ;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure 285 Http Only cookie attribute (i.e. grant access 26 cookies from 15 HTTP request) ... ;

HOW to determine (foe or not), also see: enemy; foe; opponent; Radical745;

1ANA P0rt 0~1023;   IDS;   1ETF;

_ IFF virus, EXE Anti Virus; system () security system ... ;

1??1G, also see: Bus Connector and Port; Schematic Symbols;

   IKE;   1MAP;   1SP;   1P;   (1P Address Ass1gnment (Manual) (Aut0 b00tp) (Dynam1c b00tp D H C P));   i p chains Controlling access;   1PC1S;   1PSec;   1RC;   I R F;   I R M;   is 1 new cloud - based security control layer 669 browsers;   ISMS, INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,   1S0;   1V;  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure J SON P script tag injection ... ;

(K DC (T G T)) MIT's Kerberos authentication;   Kernel configuration;   Keyword to Port Number;  

L2TP;   lm hosts security initialization;   local;   L S A;   L S P;   LU1D;  

MAC;   mask;   M1B;   M1ME;   (M0dulat10n (AM) (FM) (PC M) (...) Als0 see: S/N 1n UN1T);  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure M o z i l l a Content Security Policy (i.e. CS P) ... ;

(named running (CH ROOT jail) (without ROOT privilege)) DNS server;   NAT;   N B P;   N C P;   NetB10S;   NetWare system usages;   N F S;   (N1ST (S H A N0t ava1lable 1n publ1c) (SHA-1) (S H A-*) (...) );   NNTP;   N OS;   N S A;   numerological dimension a.k.a. a k a .INF;

Note for security novice: Automata theory is recommended to read because relation between handshakes and communication between computer machines sometimes are abstract to common people; Once abstract can be overviewed, twist-and-turn in cryptanalysis and cryptography becomes a little easier ... ;

optional finger printer reader;   0SPF;   O U;  

password security;   Peculiar mind reminder: O01I, IOl0 i o L zero, *$, '', ... ;   P2P;   P0P;   P P D D;   (P P T P (PPP) (...) );   Public Key Token, matrix of base16 hexadecimal and 16 characters where: If Time AND Possible value matches And Then Assembly Cache = TRUE;


Also see: Action; Protocol and Port; Security;

( Half Duplex Memory Architecture, one direction only) . POP is very useful to pop messages (MSG) from Server to its User, and POP can be very useful to do (e.g. DIAL CALL, Emergency Alert, New Notification, NFC IoT ID, NFC RFID, Weather Alert, System MSG, ... ) ... ; Remark: Global (1000) limits Remote (100) limits (Local (10) Dial Call Number) to do pop messages (MSG); other wording would be: SQRT2 (±98) floating points' Latch 3 limits Latch 2 limits Latch 1;

Quantum cryptography (Stable key generation (Q B E R));   (Q o S (Application Q o S OS I application level priority) (Port Q o S Specific port enable OR disable; ingress OR egress) (Voice Q o S) (...));

RAD1US;   Recommended website: www .c cc .go .jp;

*$ is wildcard * AND share character $ i.e. $HOME, $PATH, ADMIN$, C$, D$, F$, S$, I PC $, PRINT$, SYS V O L $, ... , also see: variable;   [SEC];

S A C L One of the Control Lists;   SAM;   Samba Server;

using artificial intelligence 26 secure Scanning tools and services (e.g. SQL or DO M X SS) ... ;

   S CC M L;   s Flow traffic Monitor by Foundry Network;   S1D;   SK1P;   S LIMIT-C wireless e-mail filter;   SMB C2MYAZZ, LAN MAN authent1cat10n;   SMTP ASC11 text 0nly;   SNMP SNMP agent and 1ts management: Als0 see: M1B;   Split namespace Public OR private;   Spread spectrum;   SPX;   S S H;   SSL SSL3 1s TLS pr0t0c0l;   s s l ciphers;   S Y N;   sys log utility sys log .conf file in Linux;   Systems security links: Also see: File Systems;   System time stamp;   swatch Perl script;

verify connection's integrity:
- security certificate, using a strong signature;
- security certificate (name of the page you are trying to view);
- security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority;
- security certificate has a valid name matching;
- security certificate has expired;
- security certificate is not yet valid;

Security of Stock; e.g. anzensei Security (in trading Stock (s)) secure listed companies' symbols, doko WHERE banks are making money by (buying, selling) of stocks ... ;

TCP;   TCP Wrapper Samba Linux; in et d; x in et d;   TCP/IP;   TCP/IP protocol stack embedded IC chips;   T D S, encryption System certificates;   TLS;   TPM security ship v♯
;   TTL;  

this DOMAIN 's Security (Global Security, Regional Security, National Security), also see: Inductance;

U D P;   u mask configuration;   updates is Edit | Preferences... | Startup.     333+ of Preferences... exist, i.e. temp is one of the Preferences...'s options;   UPS;   URL;  

using artificial intelligence 26 secure un-trusted data (e.g. post input, query strings, URLs) ... ;

USA (United States of America) National Security (e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS of automotives) ... ;

USA's National Security, protected by Rakhine American Ace Jaw, e.g. IFF (hack, hacked, hacker, hacking) is defined by cyber , remotely burning the defined (hack, hacked, hacker, hacking) computer's motherboard physically (using military grade multi long length WORMHOLE way laser) ... ; power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil; using insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids to mark ... ; USA (United States of America) National Security (e.g. NOT to happen 2+ hours of overwriting & resetting GPS of automotives) ... ;

verify IPv6;   VP N;  

W E P (64 bit) (128 bit);   wh01s rs.1ntern1c.net;   W1reless T0p0l0gy;   W MP Info .xml;

''Y0u kn0w"  ''when''y0u kn0w what y0u d0 n0t kn0w ... ;   A1s0 see: Instruction Segment; Netw0rk Des1gn Pr1nc1ples;   Pr0t0c0l and P0rt; Scripts;

Zone transfer restriction DNS server; 


舰㠂आ蘪虈෷܁ꀂʂ〩ʂȥā1ରआ蘪虈෷܁ꀁʂ」 ʂ〉 Ƃꁶȃ ȁဂꛑё栻꼍Ꝍ軐퓱ꅹरԆหȃԝㄘ〖ؔ唃ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひᜠ」〹ㄲ㄰㐷〱娲༘ㄲ㤰㄰㜱㜱ㄴ㈰ずㄘ〖ؔ唃̄ഓ摁業楮瑳慲潴ひ龁ര आ蘪虈෷āԁ̀趁要脂沥ꀟ☟贊囇囬乿넵髇쯶㨃麙蛸蔜솙踠㰳㾡⊦潎쯮O밍ギ怆啸푍黟䔂揀䋉織녙ꦂ䨘氶��띍謄ᅍ埭ꅭ擺혛��臨缸᠏��偏熂ഥ䂮♯紏ࡷ袝ᔢⓄ姠攜֣̂ꌁずじؕ唃┝คర ਆ ث Ё舁਷Ѓ㐰ᵕБꀫة⬊Ć Ą㞂Ȕꀃఛ䄙浤湩獩牴瑡牯啀䅓奍乁䅍R र̆ᵕ Г。 ̎ᴂ 脃ꊉ煌듼ﺎ⟲捦胎ᶧ쀘䵯䪠ꮱ㵸㑠钨㖃須춹ꄆꥉ諓㽑䀰˅ꜭ貕賄㔲㿄旐츧䠔ɟ큻์癸뽣娜릫惧뼤宬桦㷒ʐ㮉섮祑ȝ㬢椖娘ᖅϩ왱㉷Ȣ⹴1 
