Updated in
2563 : on
2020 :
1 :
15 : LM HOSTS ;
lm hosts file, a static way of confirmation and authentication; Also see: Script;
A file to lookup in TCP / IP network; Within a LAN, LM HOSTS is not needed, NetBEUI is good enough to use because NetBEUI || TCP / IP broadcasts within a local subnet; However, when $_shared _parameter is needed i.e. sharing print$, path$, ... , NetBIOS over TCP / IP must be processed; lm hosts can be assigned in an initial stage inside as [Service General Setting];
Running a lm hosts file is similar to using a
WINS server; In common,
separate LANs, switches separate Internets therefore lm host file to be looked up
among different LANs, Intranets, Internets, ... , to define, to name
computer _names;
Lm host .bat vs. WINS server: Lm host is static, on the other hand, WINS is dynamic; Lm host .bat is a text file, but WINS is not; Since lm host has been in static, whenever IP addresses change, text contents of lm host .bat file must be changed also; In static networking environment, replication of one and only one master lm host file to all machines is recommended; 5W1H of dynamic DNS?
Please do not confuse among computer machine and %BIN%, user's SID + GUID and %USER%, profile's Do (s) Don't (s) and %PROFILE%; To manage computer systems, set theoretical union i.e. system time stamp, intersection, subtraction, ..., must be explicitly understood, otherwise networks handshake implicitly is unwanted in security;
Sample lm hosts .bat file's contents are:
IP _AddressServer _Name
#DOM: Domain _Name
... i.e. 123.456.789.101 PDC1010 #PRE #DOM: this DOMAIN
... i.e. 987.654.321.10 BDC10 #PRE #DOM: this DOMAIN
... i.e. Notice that www. and .net are excluded in text content because DNS forwarder forwards www. and .net; PDC1010 has been mapped in first octet as 123 a.k.a. Class A because octet _number between 001~126, and BDC10 is neither Class A, nor B 128~191, nor C 192~223, nor D 224~239, nor E 240~247, ... ;
IP _AddressServer _Name
#DOM: Domain _Name
Notice the tabs among texts; Server _Name can be
Application _servers, BD C _numbers, MS _Exchange_servers, PDC _number, server _names,
... ; #PRE is preprocessor static value; Also see: #PRE in
Duo-binary OSI;
Notice that
CF ID, page _id, ...*id (s)* vary among #APP, #PRE, #SESSION OSI layers depending
on how i exp* has been called; Also use:
Also see: #INCLUDE
#INCLUDE\\Server _Name\..\lm hosts
#INCLUDE\\Server _Name\..\lm hosts
Also see: If characters are not printable AND preceded by \0x in hexadecimal value
... i.e. 123.456.789.101 "PDC1010 \0xHexadecimal_value"
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