Updated in
2564 : on
2021 :
2 :
26 : Languages &
Usages in 2007 ;
transliteration form, also
code (snippets)
also see: keyword;
Including languages;
WARNING: after 2+ decades of carefully reading,
this DOMAIN developer notices
the risk of bubbling/populating languages in EN, therefore
this DOMAIN recommends being/stay in low
level such as
Assembly, Basic, C, and HTML only
the other hand, if time, budget, and risk should be taken, and then go
for any special specific languages with diff (V M) virtual machines in runtime
environments with diff libraries, hardware embedded interfaces,
plug and play components, PnP drivers, ... ;
AJAX ARAX RJS Context sensitive has been a source of OS because each character's numerical values are diff, so that characters must be mapped, and then WHEN system is loaded 2*time, those reserved characters and mapped characters are available to users to browse, to search, and so on, therefore systems become context non-sensitive [for example: letter A, and letter a become the same because of context switch; without context switch, users must type exact spelling, and then type=exe is no longer necessary], IFF Windows system is not necessary to load, and then developers can bypass context switch, otherwise context sensitive is essential because @ defined V, characters should be context sensitive; IFF hardware architecture advance with embedded chip WHICH does such context switch behavior, and then @ defined V, by context non-sensitive systems can be built by advance languages ... ; Also see: V2, and notice that this DOMAIN 's reduce design is in 1V because 1volt can only be either 2 v V or V2, and also 1volt can only be a solution to SYN to the most advance hyper dimensional ACT3 stage such as artificial light, DEE, gray scale simulation, nama for humanoids, ... [not in Western languages, therefore developers must learn oriental languages], therefore whether in Alpha, or Mips, or PPC, or x86, concerning contexts, 1volt design is recommended ... ;
Architectural challenges such as brittle cohesion complexity, high cost, tight
coupling complexity, un-testable, without testing, ... ; C++0x; C++98 standard
library; C++ templates; class OR
hierarchy specific memory management;
Containers and Iterators overview; Class hierarchy design; Classes; Const.;
Dependency management; Derived classes; Exceptions; Memory management;
Overloading; overloading operator delete; overloading operator new; pthread
library and C++ wrapper classes i.e. concurrency; Re-factoring control;
Resolving parsing ambiguities is a functional part of a template; Secure
Coding in C and C++, a book published by Addison-Wesley, with specific Intel
Architecture IA-32 32bit AND
Microsoft Visual C++ AND
Linux g++; Strong enumerations; STL; STL explicit specialization; STL functional
classes; STL functional object adapters; STL iterator adapters; STL partial
specialization; STL typename keyword; TR2, a 2nd set of standard
library extensions AND
C++0x; Unified Initializer syntax; Variable length initializer lists; Virtual
C++ TR1 , Technical Report 1; 14 new functionalities have been added, in addition to STL; Fixed size arrays a data structure, Hash tables numerical calculation of specific values, Regular expression human beings' control logic, shared_ptr sharing pointers, timetable rollout; tuples; Non TR1 boost libraries are filesystem, format, lambda, lexical_cast conversion, numeric_cast conversion, smart pointers, static_assert, variant, ... ;
[BIZ] BUSINESS; Organizing business logic in Enterprise JAVA app: is Business Logic Encapsulation; OSS, Open Source Software development; Software patents;
JAVA [JAVA]; Java compiler 1.5 or later version; Java security; Java crypto tools; Java APIs; Java Effective Java; java.security classes provide authentication, certificate, digital signature implementation, key management, key tools, permissions, policy management such as associated API and policytool, user-defined secure extensions such as ClassLoader and SecurityManager, trusted applets such as jarsigner; javax.crypto provides data encryption; JPA, Java Persistence API is Java EE 5's ORM technology; JPA inheritance mapping; JPA relationship mapping; Massively distributed calculations are Credit Card Checksum Validation, Google MapReduce, Priority Queue, and XOR Swap; Multiplexed server by NIO non-blocking socket channels; Multiplexed scalable server by NIO selectors; Multithreading provides concurrent; OO relational mapping such as EJP3/JPA, Hibernate, JDO 2.0; Reuse concurrency utility Java SE 5.0 library, and concurrent applications;
JAVA 1.4 Native some .NET assembly is written in JAVA JDK 1.4; Mark Logic, an enterprise class Content Server WHICH can run/store native XML therefore can do RDBMS with full-text-search;
JAVA 5 Generics , a language extension; WHEN objects were necessary to pulled from ArrayList, those objects are needed to be cast; In JAVA 5 generics, those casting of objects are no longer necessary to do;
JAVA 5 XML JAVA, Java 5 supports XML therefore Schema validation, XPath queries, ... , become available; Java XML Data Binding; JAXB; Pull parsing; StAX API;
JAVA 6 Array reallocation; Detail network interface access; Disk partition size access; Floating point low-level functions; GIF writer; Improved class file format; New Console class; New Scripting interface; Pluggable annotation processing; Pluggable locale data; Real Compiler API; Reflective access to parameterized names; Streaming XML by StaX;
JAVA AJAX Ajax can create Web 2.0 applications; JSF provides easy-to-create applications without writing JavaScript code; In 2007, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML applications can be built/developed/edited by Dreamweaver, Visual Studio, ... ;
Browsers use JavaScript and XML, vice and versa, Ajax asynchronously communicates to/from the browsers,
therefore WHEN frameworks concern, standard HTML/DHTML of the browsers and the browsers self applications' interfaces can become,
In addition to the interfaces with communications, so called internet/intranet applications,
by adding a storage system, local applications can be global applications systems;
JAVA AOP AOP, Aspect Oriented Programming; Application architecture solves error handling, feature variations, security, testing, policy enforcement, ... ; JBoss 4.0, AspectJ 5.0, Spring 2.0, ... are effective JAVA AOP;
JAVA POJO In EJB framework, Java objects do not have functions to implement special interfaces; Therefore, to develop EJB 3.0 framework, POJO programming provides overview-able infrastructure changes; Pattern analysis is necessary to overview among patterns for example EJB facade pattern, Exposed Domain Model pattern aka Open #SESSION in View pattern, POJO facade pattern, ..., and then do business logic encapsulation;
JAVA TestNG Testing framework; Testing of functional, integration, regression, unit, ... ;
Memory model Compiler <> CPU <> Chipset <> Cache
[MD], MODELING & DESIGN; A C++/C#/Java class
WHICH uses external API, assume that after running a unit test for the class,
extensibility/security/testability of the API to be concerned, therefore MD
knowledge based becomes necessary ... ; After each interface
with each communication-process, for example Ajax client interface
OR Smart-client/Rich-client interface OR Thin-client interface
with Distributed objects communication-process OR
REST communication-process OR Web services communication-process; Agile
SOLID principles design OO class structures, and the principles are Dependency
Inversion Principle, Open Closed Principle, The Liskov Substitution Principle,
... ; AMDD; Beyond UML 2.0; BPM; Classes are .NET Remoting, Ajax, ASMX,
ClickOnce, EJB, JavaWebStart, JAX-WS, JMS, MSMQ, Servlets by JSP, Spring, Swing,
Transactional processing forms, WebForms, Windows Communication Foundation,
Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, WinForms... ;
Component based; DSM, Domain specific modeling language;
Frameworks are in C++, C#, Java, ... ; Language creation by engineering DSM:;
MDA, model driven architecture;
mapping such as association mapping, composition mapping, ... ; OO AM, Object
Agile Modeling; Pattern development; Re-factoring patterns;
Re-factoring is re-designing existing codes for improving, especially WHEN
existing codes' classes, hierarchies, methods, modules, namespaces, ... ,
have design problems; POJO OO relational mapping frameworks are EJB3, Hibernate,
JDO, ... ; RUP; RUP OR
XP; SOA; System requirement of Eclipse IDE OR
IntelliJ IDE; TDD, Test Driven Development; UML, Unified
Modeling Language; XP, Extreme
Programming software processes;
PPM [PPM], People, Process & Methods; CI Continuous Integration strategic examples are Ant, CruiseControl, ... other utilities; EPF, Eclipse Process Framework; Iterative and incremental model SCRUM; Processes are AUP, BUP, EUP, OUP OpenUP Open Unified Process, RUP, UP, ... ; RUP agile processes; RUP vs. IBM's RMC; XP agile processes;
RA [RA], REQUIREMENT & ANALYSIS; Agile modeling; Agile requirement; Analysis of business rules, usability, use cases, user versus usage centered, robustness, ... ; AUP; Effective prototyping tools, i.e. Excel, PowerPoint, ... ; GUI; Requirements usages are Centralized Requirements, Common Use Cases, Document Structure, Overlapped Framework Compliance, Prior Knowledge, Variants in Requirements , ... ; Reuse requirements; Stakeholder requirement; "Use Cases" requirement vs. "Useless Cases" development;
Ruby ActiveRecord objects, data binding with data-aware controls; AOP; Blocks; Drb built-in class; Rails :; Rinda built-in class; SOA, set{} based LDAP integration; SOA, set{} based SOAP; Ruby Rails : emits XML such as stream parsing, pull parsing, tree parsing, XPath, and etc. Therefore, XML may need Ruby, but Ruby does not need XML;
SEC [SEC], SECURITY; 80/20 Vilfredo Pareto rules; .NET ClickOnce class' authenticode certificates; Buffer overflow in C's function calls and C++'s classes; Diff architectures' N complexities of #SESSIONal patterns; FindBugs automatic code analysis can find bugs among Apache Tomcat, Eclipse, JBoss, Sun Microsystems' JDK implementation, ... ; Hackers' common attacks are AJAX attacks, Cloaking memory, Cross-Site Scripting, Hijacking session i.e. @#SESSION, Hyperspace threads, Injecting codes at kernel to user, Manipulate parameterized parameters, Shadowing brunches, SQL Injection Technique among Web applications, ... ; MVC, Model View Controller architecture based web applications; Security vulnerabilities patterns; Source code analysis; WS SOA SAML; WS SOA WS-Federation; WS SOA WS-Trust;
TQ [TQ], TESTING & QUALITY; Code coverage tool and quality of software; Component diff analysis among systems; Designing interfaces on diff platforms; Eclipse 3.2 to test limitation and iteration of code; Quality of code itself is Internal Software Quality; Quality of behavior of code is External Software Quality; Rapid software testing; TDD practices in .NET C# unit testing; Test engineers' requirements; Unit testing is one of the testing-technologies to find/stop bugs;
WEB 2.0 Unstructured; WEB 2.0 Ajax are Jaxson, prototype toolkits, ... ; WEB 2.0 server side toolkits are Atlas, JSF, ... ; WEB 2.0 WS are Amazon, Google, ... ; WEB 2.0 WS creation are Axis, ... ; WEB PUBLISHING 2.0 concepts are collective intelligence, key-enable XML aware text search, personalization, XQuery among relational databases, ... ;
Defining classes by Class.create AND
; Java
RIA; JSON parameterized passing; Managing forms by Form.serialize; Managing
XMLHTTPRequest by Ajax.Request; Polling by PeriodicalExecuter; Prototyping AJAX
JAVASCRIPT++; Responding inputs by Event.observe; Ruby's Array.each extension;
Updating DOM by Insertion; Updating pages automatically by Ajax.Updater;
Wireless internet;
WEB 2.0 APPLICATION DESIGN i.e. AJAX; Flickr; Gmail; Google Maps; RIA; WEB 2.0 applications replace Client/Server technology, and WEB 2.0 applications replace Windows applications technology;
WEB 2.0 ASP.NET Sandboxing limits each tier's access; Via web access control decisions, also see: control lists; Via web authentication; Via web authorization; Via web component allocation of Enterprise Services; Via web component allocation of WCF; Via web component deployment & distribution;
WEB 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0
ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit; By SQL Server Express, able to do master
detailing, editing, sorting, paging, ... ; Creating XML storage system by data
provider class i.e. ASP.NET's
Provider model, override method to create Profile
Provider, store/retrieve data to/from XML files, and then managing Membership
and Profile data; Error handling; Caching; Master pages; Memberships; Modeling
with membership AND
role; Navigation controls; Profiles; Roles; Security controlled authentication
and authorization; Skins; State management; Table-less CSS 2.0 design,
prior to vector; Themes;
WEB 2.0 Greasemonkey A Firefox extension; AJAX technology; Auto link mirrors, WHICH voids Slashdot effect; Greasemonkey replaces CSS; Platypus graphics imaging pages editing; XMLHttpRequest tracing;
WEB 2.0 HTTP Data; URL requests; Web services' underlie protocol;
WEB 2.0 PHP >50% of AJAX enable; Eclipse's PHP IDE; Zend drivers; ZFramework;
WEB 2.0 WEB Blooper Content; Form; Graphics; Link presentation; Navigation; Search; Task support; Text writing;
WEB 2.0 Web Catching Caches @ client side; Conditional get; Proxies; Non-data image only caching server; Traffic in telecommunication;
WEB 2.0 WEB FORMS Able to separate among content, data, and presentational; Form technology; Powerful, because it separates content, data, and presentational; Reduce design; WinWF;
Windows .NET
[.NET]; .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.0; .NET 2.0 ClickOnce; aspnet_regiis utility; .NET
Framework 3.0's CardSpace
i.e. ("CardSpace") client
technology in Identity Metasystem; Automatic publishing process by MSBuild;
Basic components of CAB are event broker service, smart parts, user interface
negotiation, work items, workspaces, ... ; CAB, Composite UI Application
Block; ClickOnce is a part of .NET Framework v.2.0; Communication stacks are
ASMX, Enterprise Services, Remoting, WCF, ... ; IIS7 AND
WAS; LINQ; LINQ can be made by C# 3.0; LINQ will be available in C# and VB Visual
Basic, therefore data table alike collections and array alike in-memory
are available to be queried through a new technology called DLINQ and XLINQ;
Patterns and Practices team uses Windows Forms; Platform stacks are ASP.NET,
Atlas, ClickOnce, Windows Forms, ... ; Set{} and CAB applications with built-in
components; Smart Client Software Factory overview; Special techniques are
dependency injection, loose-coupling, object creation, ... ; Trace and log with
System.Diagnostics class; Transport layer varieties; WCF; WCF operational calls
are @service:
callback channels and ports, duplex call OR
even data stream, one-way fire, one-way forget, request reply, ... ; WCF relies
on WSDL such as WHAT complex types, WHEN describing service messaging, ...
; WF; WPF;
Windows .NET library Microsoft PowerShell; WCF; Windows Communications Foundation; Windows Forms; Windows Presentation Foundation;
Windows Forms Windows Forms applications, use as Windows API calls, use iff .NET's built-in functionalities do not provide i.e. Windows Messenger with flashing capabilities; PropertyGrid control; System.Drawing class's mapped graphics images, transitional graphics images, ... ; Windows Forms' Virtual Earth mapping;
Windows Vista [VISTA]; Aero interface; Direct X 10; IPv4 and IPv6 TCP/IP stack; RSS; Sidebar; UAC integration; Windows .NET framework v.3.0 and beyond; Windows Presentation Foundation; XAML;
WS SOA [WS/SOA]; B2B business processes; BPM; Data Hub; Data services; EAI; EII; ESB; ETL, Extract Transform Load; Microsoft BPEL, supported by BizTalk 2006 and WF Windows Workflow Foundation; MIME also see: MIME encoding + REST verbs + URLs is a WS real-time solution because it solves i.e. 100,000 clients request 1 HTTP request at 1 moment; Server side tool i.e. mashups; Service Registry; Service Repository; SOA, Service Oriented Architecture; SOAP; SOAP toolkit; UDDI; Specific businesses by BPEL WHICH has been supported by BEA, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Sun; WS related platforms are .NET, Apache Axis, Apache Axis2, J2EE, WS related technologies are JSON, POX, REST, ... ; WCF; WS-Atomic Transactions; WS-CDL; WS-BPEL; WSDL; XML; XML Schema; XMLHttpRequest object, and instantiating the XMLHttpRequest object on FireFox or IE;
WS/SOA .NET .NET Framework 2.0; .NET Framework Web Services; 1st to understand ASP.NET WS; ASMX; ASMX by Visual Studio 2005; Customizing object serialization; Managing handle exceptions; Proxies deployment at client's sides; WCF; Working with SOAP headers; WSE 3.0; WSDL generating;
WS/SOA AJAX/JAVASCRIPT C#; Java; Libraries are Dojo, Prototype, Yahoo Design Pattern Libraries, ... ; Multiple incoming requests in queue; WS's XMLHttpRequest object in asynchronous mode;
WS/SOA Apache Apache Axis2 is better than Axis1; Apache Axis2 web services; Apache Kandula2 is WS-TX; Apache Neethi is WS-policy; Apache Rampart/Rahas is WS-Sec, WS-SecConv, WS-Trust; Apache Sandesha2 is WS-RX; Apache Tomcat is Apache platform's java-compatible servlet container; SOA; REST and SOAP is a WS stack; To start Apache Axis2 WS, a notebook with servlet container needed; Web services, including HTTP, SOAP, REST, XML, WSDL; WSDL skeleton generating; WSDL stub;
XAML Extensible application markup language, Microsoft's MSDN platform WEB presentation layer technology such as Silverlight, along with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0; RIA by WPF; Silverlight can compare to C#, IronPython, Managed JScript, and V.Basic. CLR <T> XAML ( (BCL(Generics Collections)); (Controls(Editing)(Layout)); (Data(LINQ)(XLINQ)); (DLR(Python)); (DRM(Media)); (Inputs(Ink)(Keyboard)(Mouse)); (Media(MP3)(VC1)(WMA)); (Network(((REST)(RSS))((JSON)(POX))); (UI Core(Text Images)(Vector Animation)); (WPF( Extensible Controls)); ... ) <T> (Browser Host (Application Services)(DOM)(Installer)(Integrated Network Stack)); Silverlight in .NET v.3 available projects are WPF *.exe application, WPF control library, Silverlight v.1 script application, Silverlight v.1 ASP.NET script application, and Silverlight v.1.1 client application.
XHTML; [XHTML], also see: XHTML;
XML [XML]; Atom; Atom, OPML, and RSS are publishing protocols involving audio-narrowcasts-systems, bug-tracking-systems, e-mail-systems, source-code-control-systems, stock-tickers-systems, ... ; Diff style sheets' documents can be formatted, therefore, documents can be validated against DTDs; DOM; Insurance industry's standard industry specific is ACORD XML, in the language such as HL7 = health care, SWIFT = finance, ... ; JAXP; Native XML databases; Not only web browsers view XML directly, but also XML itself can define printed-documentation-formats, but also can save programs' files, but also can data-interchange among applications, but also can be deployed such as: in mathematical notation, meta data information, object serialization, vector graphics, ... ; SAX; Schemas; Semantic Web; W3C standard XML schema language, RELAX NG schema language, other schema languages are available to be plugged in <> Java 5; W3C's SVG which native-mobile-supports FireFox, Opera, Safari, ... ; XForms; XQuery; XQuery connects to RDBMSs; XQuery connects to Java; XQuery and XPath language; XQuery servlet provides REST interface to do XQuery WHICH can access flat file formats, can access relational file formats, can access XML, can prompt resulting HTML, ... ; XSLT;
XML Based Web Semantics: OWL, Web Ontology Language & Altova SematicWorks 2007 visual RDF, Intellidimension RDF Gateway 2.3.4 and its SPARQL RDF Query Language with SPARQL protocol, Eclipse based TopQuadrant TopBraid Composer v.2 and SWRL Sematic Web Rule Language and GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages;
XML Testing Tools' testing functionalities on canonical XML, DTDs, JUnit test cases, parsers, schemas, XPath, ... ; XML DOM API's JUnit test cases can do comparison between actual-output and expected-output;
In 2007, software development related IT info are available by acm; acm queue, tomorrow's computing today; Agile Alliance; artima.com; asp.netPRO; BETTER SOFTWARE; capterra; CM Crossroads; CoDe, www.code-magazine.com; DB2 magazine; DevTown Station, The Software Developers' Training Portal; Dr.Dobb's; IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY; LINUX JOURNAL, The Premier Linux Magazine; msdn magazine; OMG, OBJECT MANAGEMENT GROUP; Sys Admin, the journal for UNIX and Linux systems administrators; WebServices.Org; www.sdexpo.com;
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