; ; ; ; ; Updated in 2025 : January : 23rd (Thursday) : 6tComputer ;

; ; ; ; ; Updated on 23 : 1 : 2025 : t : T ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



on 09/28/2024, in our earth, I created ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota), ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota), in Katakana language, by using ((SONY B RA VIA 85" TV, 90 degree diff to SONY B RA VIA 60" TV) i.e. 2 Walls), e.g.

Time: since 09/28/2024 in numerological means 9,

Space: e.g. MOBILE Executable Application (Max. 7 persons can connect with smart PHONE (to commute, to drive, to operate)), or the defined WHOM,

(( action, action) ACTION) :  :  : Gene Therapy System, up-and-running kuru kuru WHILE (commuting, driving, operating) with ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota), ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota) i.e. one of the kadosei Mobility (s); because, lights' (breadth, width) with directional gravity spots are worth more than trillions of US Dollar;

Remark: ( Rakhine Standard + Japanese Standards), WHICH means using iroColourWaveForm based (5+ Colors) only; Hmm!! Umm!! 5+ Colors standard, learnt from NHK news, so originally Japanese idea, regarding Sushi making ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: ware ware We need to know HOW sir?

I wrote: very basic would be, starting from moon waves (windows), And Then, apply 1/2 hammer antenna ...

e.g. Physics _Hammer _Method,

e.g. 2023 Model . Hammer . Bud . Military . Grade . Wireless . Antenna,

(let the lights go through into structural box alike environment); e.g. with this lights' (breadth, width) specific windows' sizes, And Then, (wrap, wrapped, wrapping) values to prompt directional gravity spots, i.e. beyond (holes, strings) but still obey hole board; Reminder: don't forget that if you need WORMHOLE ways, use this DOMAIN 's IT \ Executable Application \ Fantastic \ Analog Clock ... ;

well trained kids!! replied: Toyota will CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT against you, for using the name "Toyota" sir;

I wrote: don't worry, because they're scare of me for not having 10 meter Tsunami, and they might be doing the same R&D on HOW Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, and I'm NOT doing anything Biz (a.k.a. Business) related to (Automotive, kadosei Mobility), so they 'Toyota' cannot law sue against me; I'm developing web contents based (e.g. "this DOMAIN") systems, so don't worry, don't worry; any public name can be used without permission, e.g. you can use the name "Japan," you can use the name "USA," ... ; so I'm going to write again e.g.

this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System + Toyota .  .  . ; kuru kuru WHILE (commuting, driving, operating) with ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota), ( Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota) .  .  . ;

another example e.g. I set 3.3 trillions US Dollar payable to Rakhine military, for defusing Space War against regional droughts in China since 2024; they ("B a m a" military + China military) should be scare of me for antiviral COVID-19 1st. (approx. 5,000,000+ dead persons by unwanted airborne COVID-19 virus during 2019-2020-2021), ... ;

another example e.g. after defeating Russia military, And Then, USA will be taking ("I set 4.4 trillions US Dollar") from Ukraine, because I don't like destructive annexing for what kind of reasons, e.g. young dead body (approx. 600,000+ Russia military persons dead in 2024) collections? Remark: they Russia military should be scare of me;

well trained kids!! replied: ( doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why, doshite Why) do you use SONY TV (s) as ZCS (s) on 90 degree diff walls sir?

I wrote: you need 2 walls (90 degree diff ones), if you're R&D on USB based lights e.g. .  .  .  believe IT or NOT; after realizing & understanding (lights' (breadth, width) + directional gravity spots), And Then, Bamboo Stem Factors, for BLI auto adjustment bio medicines on human beings livable moons (Also see: mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D) .  .  . ; Remark: 1/2 Hammer Antenna design model is recommended for ACT2 level advanced windows architects, designers, engineers, ... ;

if you've the Shakya King's permit, you can (visit, travel) to human beings livable moons in our universes, via ELEPHANT HUT SPACE STATIONS from (Bhutan, Lao, Rakhine) ... ; every "no moon day" imaginary space flights exist without any nation's permit (our earth), since 1990s, believe IT or NOT;

I still don't know WHO designed & modeled GRAVITY TOWERS ON HUMAN BEINGS LIVABLE MOONS;

I still don't know WHO designed & modeled 8787+ commuters imaginary hyperspace crafts for visiting & travelling among HUMAN BEINGS LIVABLE MOONS;

I wrote: if any other auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) definition and its 500ms systems engineering is needed, I like to charge 10,000,000 US Dollar per auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) i.e. "ten millions US Dollar per OEM," e.g.

BMW auto's Gene Therapy System,

B Y D auto's Gene Therapy System,

Chrysler auto's Gene Therapy System,

Ford auto's Gene Therapy System,

GM auto's Gene Therapy System,

Honda auto's Gene Therapy System,

Hyundai auto's Gene Therapy System,

Mercedes auto's Gene Therapy System,

Nissan auto's Gene Therapy System,

V W auto's Gene Therapy System,

... i.e. the cheapest WHAT I can do for auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) definition and its 500ms systems engineering ... or you can do IT yourself very easily ... ; since I've been using Toyota auto, so no charge to Toyota for Toyota auto's Gene Therapy System ... ; Hmm!! Umm!! if 100,000,000 US Dollar from 10+ Auto OEM (s) mean 50% goes to (tax, taxation), so 50,000,000 US Dollar for 10+ employees (approx. 20+ years employment + 401K benefit contribution + pensions) mean I don't make any money and I don't need to make money for compiling very easy auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) ... ; so, the cheapest WHAT I can do for auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) would be 10,000,000 US Dollar per auto OEM (Gene Therapy System) for the cheapest cost "ten millions US Dollar per OEM";

Also see: 6tComputer; t G T S U; this DOMAIN; regarding this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System + Toyota; Also see: this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System, nitotte For Toyota;

this   DOMAIN . Gene Therapy . System . Toyota        
  base d   iroLED                

Remark: a "Tarzan" realized & understood lights' (breadth, width) belong to "LED" via (NCS, PCS, ZCS) ... , And Then, for each Plasma Cluster interior environment, And Then, kuru kuru WHILE those light sheets are in structural sculpture, directional gravity spots (begin, start), And Then, this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System should (begin, start) for each Auto OEM ... ; this DOMAIN 's 10 (dimensional, numerological) systems are all rights reserved by Ace Jaw, and one of the Intellectual Properties of USA ; Gene Therapy System is worth trillions of US Dollar;

I wrote: approx. 2 days of Computers programming to complete this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System for Toyota, and should I charge (Biz Proposal Letter) them 10,000,000 US Dollar for IT?

well trained kids!! replied: Hmm!! Umm!! web site should be free sir; so, free-of-charge to Toyota (Gene Therapy System) ... Umm!! Hmm!! ware ware We'll compile 500ms GIF Anime, i.e. That's IT sir; You're on for 50 cents DVD sir, Hmm!! Umm!! We're making $4.50 for each DVD sir;

I wrote: OK. OK. by the way, I've not (earned, made) any penny since year 2000s to the present (2020s) concerning web contents, and I truly like to have proven Anti-Earthquake Algorithm, BLI auto adjustment medicines (Bamboo Stem Factors), (Invisibilities, Invisibility), Nanobot Programming, structural Battery, unbeatable & unbreakable M1A1H17Titanium22 tanks, variable DEE patterns, Yellowish Variation (YV) structural, ... ;

(16, 24, 256) are with keywords e.g. bit; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 204; Wafer;

tablet; Tablet; TABLET; e.g.

audience, laptop, presentation, tablet, tabletop; Also see: Mode;

ZCS, ZCS, ZCS (Light Pad, Light Sheet, O C I (i.e. beyond film and dot matrix), Remote Nama Reading (insectoid), TABLET, Telephoto, Touch Screen, ... ), also see: structural Amino Acids;


tape ;        
audio cassette player a.k.a. tape player ; backup ;  
B O T marker , beginning - of - tape
marker ; cartridge tape drive module ; device ; digital
video tape recorder ; drive ; end - of -
tape marker , E O T marker ; frame ;
hub ; library ; magnetic tape storage ; mark ;
paper ; punch ed ; reproducer ; row ; spool
; streamer ; streaming tape drive ; transport ;  

T A U; e.g.

T A U , e.g.      
Τ , τ ;            

alpha; beta; gamma; delta; epsilon; zeta; e t a; theta; iota; kappa; l a m d a; m u; n u; xi; omicron; pi; r h o; sigma; t a u; upsilon; phi; chi; p s i; omega; iota with d i a l y t i k a; upsilon with d i a l y t i k a; alpha with t o n o s; epsilon with t o n o s; e t a with t o n o s; iota with t o n o s; upsilon with d i a l y t i k a and t o n o s;

(multi time lines) artificial intelligence patterns (e.g. , , , ♯) (code pages) using translator ... ;

BC; C D P; D C P; DP; EH; O T G; P C I e; S D P; T B T; T P L; USB; USB-IF BC;

distance base d , either wire ( e.g. cable )
or wireless ; both ( wire and
wireless )   i.e.            
T E L E            
        t e l e    
            t e l e ;  

e.g. television a.k.a. TV;

t e l e *, also see: Prefix And Suffix;

telemetry center e.g. monitor heart rate remotely either on screen surface or projected surface; medical; Also see: Cloud;

teleportation, method;

composition; literacy radical; sentence; text; writings; Radical89, also see: Radicals;

Text Box Validation; Radical124;

plain t e x t ;        
plain text ; OR    
          HTML ;    

Thailand, , , , 66;

IFF GPS ( location) is Bangkok regional area in Thailand, Manmade Global Weather (directional gravity, gravity spots) keep water level of rivers 1 meter lower than normal water level i.e. to avoid regional flood;


flood prevention, protection, and reducing flood (avoid regional flood in Thailand), also see: 7fComputer;

( . Atmosphere, . Troposphere, . Stratosphere, . Mesosphere, . Thermosphere, . Exosphere);

days , time ,      
time machine
  time ;
on line delay e d time system ; rise ;
delivery time stamp indication ; intelligence ; acceleration ; translation

Tokelau, , , , 690;

using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence : Idea Processor : Manmade Global Weather : International Domains : at the defined (area, Geographical domain, nation name, region), no tornado, NOT to be tornado;

1st to understand Z C S _ hole; 2nd to understand reversed engineering of HOW Z C S _ hole happened by structural, And Then, in this DOMAIN 's reducing tornado case, inland (far away from ocean) area behaves like surface and gravity spot behaves like yellow; since our earth is one of the human beings livable moons in our universes, since our earth is yellow core TYPE (refer to EMI), Dark Energy gathers naturally; i.e. HOW tornados happen naturally;

HOW to reduce tornado, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 192; Manmade Global Weather (service) ... ;

HOW to reduce tornado sir ? well trained kids ! it is not easy to remove yellow core in the sky (dark cloud built-up) within a short period of time, because dark energy seems very slow in time; Manmade Global Weather (directional gravity pressure) toward the upper umbrella surface i.e. to reduce tornado; the best way to reduce tornado is preventing NOT to have dark cloud build up;

MANMADE GLOBAL WEATHER; e.g. Directional Gravity Pressure, plasma cluster, World Line, ... ;

Tornado is a bad climate condition, therefore, at the tornado's location, try to be good weather condition; To be good climate condition, pinpoint the tornado's location on screen as a surface in the Internet, and then do good action on the defined surface; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement, idea ♯ 158;

this DOMAIN (Satellite DNS System), doko WHERE dark cloud built-up and forming umbrella character, Manmade Global Weather (directional gravity pressure) toward the upper umbrella surface i.e. to reduce tornado;

unwanted tornado;     Also see: Weather;

WHEN Dark Energy are gathering, a.k.a. 2,3 dimensional imaginary hyper space in our Solar System (6, 13, 8), refer to human beings livable moons dwell because of its peaceful and tranquil orbital and DEE, doko WHERE inland (far away from ocean) area's sky (air, wind), effected by Plasma Cluster diff, therefore, whenever dark cloud built-up, it is the time to monitor the defined area whether tornado risks exist or not; IFF tornado risks EXIST, And Then, reduce tornado ... ;


transitory; e.g.

temporary     temporary     temporary;
temporary; transient; transitory;

Trapezoid Left; Trapezoid Right; also see: Schematic Dimensional;

traveled routes, also see: timeline;

Artificial Intelligence ( Gene Therapy System (to do good gene patterns)), do remove (tumors, wart) ... ;

WHY (tumor, wart) happened ? answer and therapy would be WHEN light as stick (like comet) hits a surface, eccentric circles happen on the surface, accordance with human beings livable moons' momentum, since we human beings' bio cells have been somehow related to heat Dimensional; accordance with Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization, WHEN strings EXIST in parallel, there must be hole, however our tissues and (muscle; sinew; tendon; Radical382) are NOT hole, therefore (tumor, wart) happened; naturally light as lime color toward the defined location will remove (tumor, wart) for sure; Remark: because of gray and silver; topical wart (outer side of skin's wart) can be removed by Nitrogen cool Cryotherapy; e.g. to remove plaques, use naturally aqua color for cardiovascular; e.g. to enhance protein, use naturally yellow color for GI;

this DOMAIN 's artificial intelligence Idea Processor is very very smart ... ;

tumor; tumors; e.g.

DEE _ Therapeutic Removing Tumors, also see: Basic Understanding For Idea Processing; Gene Therapy System;

from cancerous tumor to non-cancerous tumor; Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;

IFF surgery: don't remove the tumor in small pieces, because you don't want higher risk of recurrence; Also see: 6tComputer; 7tComputer; t G T S U;

tumor, IFF tumor gene codes exist (e.g. tumor necrosis factor), G D C ( Gene Therapy System) ... ;

tumor marker (biomarker), found in blood, tissue, and urine; presence of cancer diseases can be detected because of tumor marker; Also see: MD; Specialties ON; Remark: in common, if FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin),  Dx tumor markers exist or not;

humanoid Jiwaka, using (( ... , 8K TV, 4K TV, ... ), biomarker) to cure, to do therapeutic, also see: Gene Therapy System; MD;

      Satellite ;      

You're on your own.

T V TV            
      TV ;        
    television opaque projector ;        

( 8K, 8K, 8K), ( 4K, 4K, 4K),  ... , also see: TV e.g. 8K TV, 4K TV, ... ;

      thisDOMAIN j o b u Deep - Root ed : OEM AND its URL in add it ion to name
      Internet Protocol ( IP ) Address : ??? . ??? . ? . ??            
      (MAC) : ?? : ?? : ?? : ?? : ?? : ??    
      unique ID (u u id ) : ???? ???? - ???? - ???? - ???? - 55 ?? 000 ?????
        Network ( SQRT3 with SQRT2 ) Device IoT                    

view on TV;

(9, 24, 32, 37, 108) i.e. beads count;

GPS (H N D), also see: International Domains; Nation Name (Japan);
GPS (N R T), also see: International Domains; Nation Name (Japan);
GPS (T Y O), also see: International Domains; Nation Name (Japan);

