; ; ; ;

IOCTL, Input/Output system e.g. USB controlled by Connected devices: IOCTL, IOCTL, i.e. USB based ;

Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index; USB; Remark: if camera based, zoom from Top's 2 nodes to Bottom's 2 nodes; consecutively next to each other (e.g. Black Color, Gray Color, Silver Color) means USB design model; Purple Color % for ACT2 level and ACT3 level human beings livable moons in our universes; this "Multi-Level Cell (MLC) chip for USB" is not measuring Yellowish Variation (YV), but good for USB (A, B, C) ... ; Red Color is for traditional flat panel TV design model's background;

USB controlled by, Connected device :  :  : Using Artificial Intelligence to solve ((("Issue with USB Drive"), ("Issue with USB DISK"))), fix Error in IOCTL call. ;

Use USB for File Transfer ... ;
Use USB for MIDI ... ;
Use USB for No data transfer;
Use USB for USB tethering ... ;

Also see: 06/24/2024 Error Log;

USB ON-THE-GO ( O T G), i.e. without PC Services, 2+ USB device (s) : talk to each other, SPL each other, peer-to-peer each other, one host <> USB peripheral each other, ..., so called O T G; a good example would be: USB-C Type AND USB-2; think THAT kuru kuru WHILE Fusion of Lights, directional gravity spots, Gravity Dimension Computer, LASER Fusion boxes doko WHERE 1 Way DEE may prompt ("lighting one directional" a.k.a. 1 way DEE), And Then, THAT "Time" is called ( O T G); 2 networking keywords are ("content" , "feature"), And Then, Keyword ( O T G) is more related to "feature"  ... ; very difficult to do know, realize, and understand, but a "Tarzan" is Tarzan, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... (Global Security, Regional Security, National Security) ... ; Also see: Fusion; o Computer; Services; USB;

( this DOMAIN 's USB Type-C Network Topology, this DOMAIN 's RJ45 Ethernet Network Topology), also see: IoT; Router; Services; USB;

well trained kids!! replied: WHAT is the diff between "Type-C" and "RJ45" sir?
I wrote: kuru kuru WHILE (wrap, wrapped, wrapping) 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, multiple SPL, Sound Pressure Level 's (pressure points, spots) are used for "Type-C," on the other hand, only 1 SPL (pressure point) is used for "RJ45" pairs, regarding (Time . Space . Action) ... ; Remark: trillions of US Dollar worth because banking systems, government systems, healthcare systems, military systems, ... ; 33x15 dimensional ones because basic understanding (1900s design model CRT to Flat Panel, 2000s design model ZCS, 2010s directional gravity spots with structural Battery, 2020s design model (ZCS + PCS + NCS) remote nama reading via insectoid reports to animaloid reports to humanoids, ... ) ... ; Also see: Network Topology;

;   universal serial bus , USB ;    
_ IFF Audio , USB PHASE ( 0 ° ;
180 ° ) ;            
      USB hub ;      
USB flash drive ; USB memory stick ;  
thumb drive ;              
base ( calculator ) CALCULATOR ;    
  base ( dictionary ) DICTIONARY ;  
    base ( translator ) TRANSLATOR ;
USB bus power ;          



( SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA, SNA), Systems Network Architecture ... ; USB vs. Serial OR Parallel, WHICH serials such as PS/2 mouse, Microsoft mouse a.k.a. MS mouse, serial cable for PC to PC file transferring a.k.a. FX, ... serial* are old design; parallels such as DB* connector, RS232 printer connector, plotter connector, ... parallel* are also old design; USB cable; USB keyboard, USB mouse, ... USB* are new design; Old design Serial OR Parallel devices cannot directly connect to SSD devices from motherboard's system bus; for example:

_ IFF engineering CF, MS, SD, ... storage devices, WHEN USB's 4 lines along with each A and V, and also faster connectivity because USB can be directly connected to motherboard's system bus; 3-in-1 ;

_ IFF Windows, concerning registry [Start >> Run...>> r e g edit , e.g. Publisher .r e g], system's executable text such as USB Human Interface Device is assigned to Driver D e s c, and also H ID Class { ... } is assigned into Class;

Artificial Intelligence ( USB) address e.g. hub, port, ... ;

IFF ( USB ) ;
from Green Gravity to Red Gravity
IFF 90° variation ;            
        IFF 180° , i.e.   variable
    e.g. from Green   ... ;
  IFF 180° ,       i.e.   variable
e.g.     from Red   ... ;

_ IFF engineering, testing, ..., battery should be out, mark / note down all H ID Class { ... } before plug-in any USB device, after plugging-in USB device, [ 3 entities can be connected together ] WHEN check whether system prompts "the device is ready to use ... ", and then open the registry and check its H ID Class { ... }; delete the H ID Class { ... }, and then test 285 システム system again ... ; prove that text box's text can be executable because type : exe OR ... ; IFF at command prompt, type 149.149, 5 Audio testing, a.k.a. Light depth vs. 5 Audio;

_ IFF infrastructure (device) also see, USB Router; USB SWITCH; USB ... ;


  power ( red
) USB power ed light ... ;

Notice that WHEN light, red line is connected serially with 5LED, and then resistance to ground, so called, USB powered light ... ;

Also see: Mobile System Number; Schematic Light; Light Rate;

counter balancing, offsetting each other, + - = 0; FS+; FS-;

model ( U S B ) ;  
B C , Battery Charging ;        
C D P , Charging Down stream Port ;  
D C P , Dedicate d Charging Port ;  
D P , Display Port ;        
E H , Embed d ed Host ;    
O T G , 65 - 285 - Go ;
O T G , On - The - go ;
P C I e , PCI - Express ;  
S D P , Standard Down stream Port ;  
T B T , Thunder Bolt Technology ;    
T P L , Target ed Peripheral List ;  
USB - IF B C ;        

artificial intelligence ( radio) IFF W i F i, one of the ways to Internet ... ;

tablet ... ;

1.4142135623730950488016887242094, i.e. Square root of 2, Also see: 2;

1.7320508075688772935274463415059, i.e. Square root of 3, Also see: 3; Sqrt3 (i.e. システム 3);

Default; Numerological0;

2.0000000000000000000000000000000, i.e. Square root of 4, Remark: Not 4 yet till 2011/2555; Because so many zero (s) is similar to default; Because so many zero (s) is against multi; Because so many zero (s) are not good design approach for parameters; notice that system architects limit USB's light stick (USB), 2 light sticks (USB2), and 3 light sticks (USB3);

chip-on-board, e.g. USB Flash Drive;

since 2018/2561, this DOMAIN has started its Gene Therapy System ... ;

    u , U for Universal    
  s , S for Serial    
  b , B for Bus    
USB _ compatible _DC _V_ and _mA    
USB _ connectivity          
  2009 Sony _ RJ45 _ Network    
Description ; Driver version ; IPv6 DNS server s ;
Link - local or remote IPv6 address ;    
Link speed ( Receive / Transmit ) ;    
    Manufacturer :   Physical address ( M
A C ) ;            
V H S To Digital Converter        
Audio ; Video ;        

USB, IFF form of specific voltage: 


















































USB, ... ; [2012 April 2; EE Times; Issue 1619];

Pager; e.g.

since 1980s, Pager, Pager, Pager, Pager, Pager, Pager, Pager, Pager, also see: High Speed Communication; International Domains; Internet Connection; IoT; p Character; p Computer; USB;

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