Radical :
Radical :
Radical : (
Radical400) six strokes
in Kanji;
dimensional, e.g.
DEE _ v s _ Gravity 0;
Light Speed Measurement;
yellowish variations;
Light Speed Measurement;
reversed yellowish
Structural Equilibrium Of Light, also see:
Schematic Dimensional;
directional, e.g.
DEE (Dark
Energy Engineering);
hikari Light
hikari Light
hikari Light;
Numbers in Dhamma
(four Truth a.k.a. 4 Noble Truths)
... ;
logical, e.g.
beam (directional flow of
Particles, shaft of
light e.g. ray);
gleam (reflected light shines brightly); glow (light without flame);
illumination (light or lighting);
ray (any set of straight line
WHICH is passing through 1 point);
eyesight (ability to see); vision (state of being able to see);
happiness; hope;
influence; power;
Kanji: light; ray;
in Katakana:
lamp; light;
in Katakana:
lamp; light;
in Katakana:
light; right;
numerological, e.g.
structural, e.g.
approx. 3 (10^8) m/s, 186000 mi/s, 300000 km/s, speed of light in vacuum, universal physical constant C (Speed of Light) i.e. a part of Big Bang theory of Western Civilization;
Therapy System
(to do good gene patterns)
... e.g.
capillaries for Nanobots (Artery red ones, Vein blue ones) ... , also see:
Reforming Myanmar (54.
structural sculpture)
... ;
Gravity Pressure Share Radical;
Have you ever thought
of "light" in
different ways of understanding e.g.
Radical398, WHY highlighted ?;
Have you ever thought
of the fastest
light would be
lightning (also see: Weather) ?
light speed inside of linear collider 's pipes
(all dark inside of pipes as our earth's
momentum) would be faster than lightning;
Have you ever thought
of comets'
light speed (captured by digital camera for measurement) and our earth's
lightning speed (captured by digital camera for measurement) are very different
? Remark:
you well trained kids!
should write your own new
PHYSICS laws, e.g. in addition to light's velocity
constant C, lights' speeds vary depending upon universal location awareness,
human beings livable moons' peaceful and tranquil orbital, and so on
... (notice that idea, imaginary, thought, way of thinking, wisdom,
... may vary between
Eastern Civilization's Nested Theory (also see:
Nested Theory of Eastern Civilization) and
Western Civilization's Big Bang Theory, and readers will decide ...
Have you ever thought of life forms on human beings livable moons' naturally instincts EXIST, because of lights instinct nationally like bio cell ? Also see: Schematic Light;
Have you ever thought of planets (with EMI, without EMI) are somehow related to yellow as core or not ?
Have you ever thought of fetching green light into hydraulic (fluid) can enhance force, power, torque of the heavy industries' automotives ? blue surfaces are somehow instinct naturally with green edges regarding our earth, And Then, using directional method (green) can be;
Have you ever thought of lights can cure many abnormalities, diseases and disorders ? e.g. WHY aqua color (a.k.a. cyan color) is used in this DOMAIN 's Gene Therapy System;
Have you ever thought of structural C Sequence Number (heat) ? BF2 would be 2,3 dimensional universe's truth (ACT2), but C Sequence Number (BF2) is no longer TRUE in 3,4 dimensional imaginary hyper space (ACT3);
Have you ever thought of aqua based DNA can be cut by (maroon or purple) based enzymes ? Also see: 2561 2018 CME (Q&A) no. 200;
Have you ever thought
of ecliptic
line of the daily sun (a.k.a. 1 way DEE) in our earth and it belongs to slow-down
time period ? growth rate (a.k.a. C Sequence Number (BF1)), and human beings
livable moons' BLI (Body Length Index) diff are some how related to ecliptic
line of the daily sun, i.e. regarding 1 way
(Dark Energy Engineering);
Have you ever thought of "yellowish variations" WHICH can define human beings livable moons' distance ? 5mm yellowish variation as distance, 10mm yellowish variation as distance, ... ; And Then, reversed yellowish variation ... ;
Have you ever thought of heat and light are at the same location only in our earth ?
Have you ever thought of USB (1 light stick), USB2 (2 light sticks), USB3 (3 light sticks), and (45, 60, 72) wormhole parameters for each USB, and 90 degree to its zero Curvature surface WHICH leads to 6 surfaced computing nowadays ? DEE box in Z-index;
mano doya waiji (form); essential lights; Also see: Idea Processor;
well trained kids! replied, Um! we've to do more physical practical sir;
of course, WHAT you (well trained kids) ' v e to do is better than me WHICH leads to
aesthetics (a part of
philosophy: idea, imaginary, thought, way of thinking, wisdom)
Then, start with 3 kinds of ...
negative Curvature,
positive Curvature,
zero Curvature), also see:
SQRT2 WORMHOLE, also see:
ZCS, also see: Walls;
Radical ;
Radical ;