; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : 7 : 4 : l : L ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



V P N (IP Sec, L2TP, P P T P) ... ; pass; through;

label in programming language s    
              label ;

Label; label ; label set; Also see: tag;


(approach, line of action, policy, position, principle);
beam (e.g. X-ray);
(line, track);
contour, form, outline;
(railroad track, route, lane);
wire (e.g. telephone line);

Nama For Humanoid (language learning system) ... ;

language code ;          

e.g. translator ( level) can interpret Languages as code;

language learning system (directional), also see: Pivot; Radical365;


launch e.g.

The webpage @ https://domain name/IoT?
launch = preload & additional data URL = http:// local host : ♯♯♯♯♯ /apps/domain name/dial_ data# start ? launch = remote;

laying out a.k.a. getting ready;

learning capability, e.g. lymphocyte cells ... ;

IFF AI system, WHILE using noCOOKIE Internet Browser (learning capability) ... e.g. 7/24, avoiding bad words, adapting good words, better performance, higher security system protection, ... ; WHEN Cloud Computing i.e. platform independent;

learning program, -screen tutorial;

Lens maker; Lens model;

GPS; Satellite; this DOMAIN;

Lesotho, , , , 266;

GPS; Satellite; this DOMAIN;

Liechtenstein, , , , 41;

lighting; e.g.

No Excessive Lighting; Also see: Manmade Global Weather; Weather;

IFF programming e.g. ( dynamic, goal, integer, linear, multi level, multi objective, nonlinear, toward uncertain) ... ;

click, double click, mouse over, page load, ... ; also see: event;

three lines of any number;

x variable (
line number (e.g. line1) 's suuji Number in linear are added to be whole (i.e. induction) as numerological (line1);
line number (e.g. line2) 's suuji Number in linear are added to be whole (i.e. induction) as numerological (line2);
line number (e.g. line3) 's suuji Number in linear are added to be whole (i.e. induction) as numerological (line3));

y variable (
total sum of all numbers (in line1, in line2, and in line3 (i.e. three lines)) are added to be whole (i.e. induction) as numerological (total sum));

IFF x variable (numerological whole number) is equal to y variable (numerological whole number), and then, correct, QA results okay, TRUE, ... ;

Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1, idea ♯ 187; 3 lines of any number;

IFF x variable (numerological whole number) is NOT equal to y variable (numerological whole number), and then, FALSE, incorrect, wrong, ... ;

linkage ; ;

Lipid; e.g.

( Class, Class, Class, Class) e.g. Class of organic compounds e.g. fatty acids or organic derivatives (insoluble in water) soluble in organic solvents, e.g. oils, steroids, waxes, ... called "Lipid";

Keyword e.g. (Schematic Lipid; penetrate; go into; can pass through); Also see: Schematic Lipid;

blood proteins bind to globulins (α, β‚ γ), glycoprotein, lipoprotein, and serum albumin; Also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 3, idea ♯ 264, Protein Bound;

      load ;        

brightness, hibernate, lock, mute, output, power plan, sleep, touch pad, wireless, zoom; Also see: FN;

logical operators;

dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural, also see: formula; address;


GPS (L O N), also see: International Domains; Nation Name (United Kingdom);

world time, using World Time Mode (City Code Table) L O N (time zone) ... ;

IFF east, P A R;

IFF west, G M T;

Auto, High, Medium, Low, Standard; (i.e. quality levels) also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1; idea ♯ 201;

Low Power Mode, also see: Normal Power Mode; D P M;

