Radicals (
Radical333) fifteen strokes
in Kanji;
dimensional, e.g.
directional, e.g.
through meditation, finding true,
truth, ... ;
logical, e.g.
in Hiragana:
in Hiragana:
contemplation; meditation;
Kanji: Mahayana
Zen, silent meditation;
Kanji: Zen Buddhism, silent meditation;
think that moon
AND sun (moon and sun are together to be clever, smart, wise, ... ) are
naturally, so THAT can be seen (Also see:
glance; look; stare;
Radical138); And Then, under the one and only sun (e.g. our earth's 1 way DEE),
number six (e.g.
WORMHOLE parameter 60 is representing
omni directional, also see:
level knowledge enhancement 2,
idea ♯ 224, (60, 72)
omni directional), And Then, capping only to right side (i.e.
sun), because, many human beings livable moons in our universes should not be
capped, therefore, left side's underneath (slope style) is written
intentionally; notice that after meditation, (Also see: ear; hearing;
Radical163), noise alike edges are gone, And Then,
dibba sota (divine ear) can be
... also see: dPali;
numerological, e.g.
structural, e.g.
& Buddhism: ..\..\..\..\Buddha\index;
2 kinds of commonly known meditations
are samatha (concentration) meditation (Also see:
sPali), and
(insight) meditation (Also see: vPali),
Then, practicing (meditating) in many ways e.g. chanting as meditation;
mindfulness meditation; praying beads
(e.g. Buddhist prayers' 108 beads, e.g.
Islamic prayers' 33, 99 beads, Roman Catholic prayers' 54 + 5 beads, e.g.
Tibetan Buddhist prayers' 18, 27, 54, 108 beads, e.g. USA Episcopal prayers' 33
beads) as meditation; Satipatthāna
meditation; Yoga meditation;
IFF Theravada Buddhism, Pali language a.k.a. holly language, also see: Mini Dictionary (Remark: since tipitaka, a.k.a. Pali canon is approx. 11 times larger INFO than Christian Bible, this Mini Dictionary contains very few selected words in Pali; like Bible Study, Dharma Study e.g. Pali contents can be learnt in transcript words ... ) ; dhyana, profound meditation; many westerners (including Americans) practiced Mahayana Buddhism, because, Mahayana Buddhism is more liberal than Theravada Buddhism, e.g. Buddha statue can be anywhere at home, e.g. Dharma Songs can be sung, more resourceful (better foundations) in English language, and so on ... ;
kilesa (e.g. delusion, lust, hatred, mental defilement, passion, ... ) can be eradicated, or reduced by meditation; Remark: Majjhima way a.k.a. Middle Path should be ... ;
meditation, finding true, truth, ...
true words;
Zen, a
Mahayana Buddhism;