Radical : Radical : Radical : ( Radical344) ten strokes in Kanji;

dimensional, e.g.

( , , , ) i.e. Shakya King 's Level6 Military Grade LASER*, also see: Physics Law 678; ;

directional, e.g.

(assure, QA, verify) United Nations (194 nations)' 72nd annual general assembly meeting agenda: no nuclear weapon in our earth, since 2017/2561;

capture all illegal ( UHD, UHD, UHD, UHD) Unmanned Hypersonic Drone

logical, e.g.

humanoid Global Military General; SymboticAsimoRadical344;

in Hiragana: military commander, military general;
in Hiragana: leader;

in Kanji: admiral; commander;

I F F conjunction: again; and; from now on; just about; or; soon;
military general;

Reminder, i.e. (avoid, avoiding) civilians' locations e.g. hospitals, religious buildings, and meaning of (battle, embattle, military war, missile strikes) mean a.k.a. refer to military locations only;

numerological, e.g.



structural, e.g.

benefit; chemical; enamel; gun powder; Radical377;

ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     Calendar . Earth . Space . War ;

captive, retainer, servant, slave, varlet; Radical179;

capture all illegal drones; drone, also see: Automotive;

Commander in Chief, a.k.a. President;

counter for gun; Radical260;

in Hiragana: military commander, military general;

(nowadays (2020s in Gregorian Calendar), current, at the present), ware ware We've Ukraine-Russian War, USA-China Trade War, and this DOMAIN 's contents are ready to space war also ... ;

Pinpointing, for this DOMAIN 's military application; e.g.

. Pinpointing Missile's Location; Dimension: 108x108; GIF (Military Application);

. Pinpointing Submarine's Location; Dimension: 108x108; GIF (Military Application);

verify Shakya King's (Approval Code, flag, permit, signed bit, verification code, verify) ... ; Also see: GPS; Laser; Optics; Physics Law 678; Radical344; Satellite;

Radical ; Radical ; Radical ; Radicals;